CAR: 3W Operational Presence in HAUTE KOTTO ( As of May 2017 ) Organisations responding with By organisation type By cluster 23 emergency programs Food Security 9 National NGO 8 Protection 7 Health 5 UN 7 Shelter & NFI 5 Education 3 International NGO 6 Nutrition 3 WASH 3 Red Cross Movement 1 CCCM 2 Logistics 2 Government 1 Coordination 1 LCS 1 CCCM Education Food Security 2 partner 3 partners 9 partners Shelter & NFI Emergency Telecom. Logistics 5 partners 0 partner 2 partner Health LCS WASH 5 partners 1 partner 3 partners Nutrition Protection 3 partners 7 partners Is your data missing from this document? Return it to
[email protected] and your data will be on the next version. Thanks for helping out! Updated: 11 June 2017. Source: Clusters and Partners Suggestions:
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[email protected] . More information: Designations and geography used on these maps does not imply endorsement by the United Nations CAR: 3W Operational Presence in HAUTE KOTTO ( As of May 2017 ) Nord Soudan Nigéria 23 Partners Presence Tchad 8 NationalTchad NGO Sud Soudan Centrafrique 7 UN Cameroon 6 International NGO 1 Government Birao Republique Démocratique du Congo Congo 1 Red Cross Movement Nord Soudan Gabon Vakaga Tchad Ouanda-Djallé Sud Soudan IACE Ndélé Bamingui-Bangoran WHO ESPERANCE, IMC, INVISIBLE CHILDREN INVISIBLE CHILDREN IACE FAO, MAHDED WHO Ouadda INVISIBLE CHILDREN INVISIBLE CHILDREN Bamingui Haute-Kotto Yalinga Djéma Bakala OCHA Haut-Mbomou ECAC, IACE, IDEAL Bria ESPERANCE, NDA, WFP, MAHDED, OXFAM, FAO, ACMSEP,