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[email protected] WinSCANOPY™ Canopy structure and Solar radiation Plant canopy health/stress (NDVI) *HTLYHJHSPIYH[LKÄZOL`LSLUZZLSMSL]LSPUNTV\U[LSLJ[YVUPJJVTWHZZ WinCELL™ >VVKJLSSZ[Y\J[\YLWHYHTL[LYZV]LYHUU\HSYPUNZ Analysis of one or more rings per image Data computed on yearly basis in a format compatible with WinDENDRO™ WinDENDRO™ ;YLLYPUNZMYVTKPZRZJVYLZ?YH`ÄSTZHUKKPNP[HS?YH`Z`Z[LTZ Cross-dating graphic, correlation functions, detrending,... Wood density and earlywood/latewood boundary WinFOLIA™ Leaf morphology 3LHMZOHWL-YHJ[HSZHZWLJ[YH[PVHUKMVYTJVLMÄJPLU[ Healthy, diseased and pest damage areas WinSEEDLE™ Seed and needle morphology Counts and classification of seeds and needles Healthy, diseased and pest damage areas WinRHIZO™ Washed root morphology, topology, link, and architecture Automatic analysis of Arabidopsis seedlings Healthy, diseased and pest damage areas WinRHIZO™ Tron Morphology, architecture and topology of roots growing in soil Roots must be traced manually with a mouse or by touching the screen of a tablet computer Need More Than One Software Program? ;HRL(K]HU[HNLVM6\Y5L^:\P[LZ American Society for Horticultural Science 1018 Duke Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314, USA Phone 703.836.4606 Fax 703.836.2024 July 2014 Dear ASHS 2014 Conference Participants, Welcome to the 111th ASHS Annual Conference in Orlando, Florida! On behalf of the Board of Directors, ASHS staff, Technical Committee, and volunteers, we welcome you to sunny Florida. We hope these next few days will be filled with information you can use, relaxation and reflection that will inspire your work, as well as good times with colleagues and new friends.