Evaluation of Potential Propulsion Systems for a Commercial Micro Moon Lander Konstantinos Papavramidis Master of Science Thesis KTH School of Industrial Engineering and Management Energy Technology TRITA-ITM-EX 2019-231 Division of Heat and Power Technology SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM Master of Science Thesis TRITA-ITM-EX 2019:231 Evaluation of Potential Propulsion Systems for a Commercial Micro Moon Lander Konstantinos Papavramidis Approved Examiner Supervisor Date Björn Laumert Nenad Glodic Commissioner Contact person -2- Authors Konstantinos Papavramidis <
[email protected]> Aeronautical and Vehicle Engineering KTH Royal Institute of Technology Place for Project Stockholm, Sweden Examiner Björn Laumert Professor in Energy Technology Division of Heat and Power Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology Supervisor Nenad Glodic THRUST Programme Director Division of Heat and Power Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology Abstract In the advent of Space 4.0 era with the commercialization and increased accessi- bility of space, a requirement analysis, trade-off options, development status and critical areas of a propulsion system for a Commercial Micro Moon Lander is car- ried out. An investigation of a suitable system for the current mission is examined in the frame of the ASTRI project of OHB System AG and Blue Horizon. Main trajectory strategies are being investigated and simulations are performed to ex- tract the ∆V requirements. Top-level requirements are extracted which give the first input for the propulsion design. An evaluation of the propulsion require- ments is implemented which outlines the factors that are more important and drive the propulsion design. The evaluation implements a dual comparison of the requirements where weighting factors are extracted, resulting the main drivers of the propulsion system design.