General-affine invariants of plane curves and space curves Shimpei Kobayashi 1 Takeshi Sasaki 2 ∗ and
[email protected] [email protected] 1Department of Mathematics, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, 060-0810, Japan 2Department of Mathematics, Kobe University, Kobe, 657-8501, Japan September 16, 2019 Abstract We present a fundamental theory of curves in the affine plane and the affine space, equipped with the general-affine groups GA(2) = GL(2, R)⋉R2 and GA(3) = GL(3, R) ⋉ R3, respectively. We define general-affine length parameter and curva- tures and show how such invariants determine the curve up to general-affine motions. We then study the extremal problem of the general-affine length functional and de- rive a variational formula. We give several examples of curves and also discuss some relations with equiaffine treatment and projective treatment of curves. 1 Introduction Let An be the affine n-space with coordinates x = (x1,...,xn). It is called a unimod- ular affine space if it is equipped with a parallel volume element, namely a determinant arXiv:1902.10926v2 [math.DG] 13 Sep 2019 function. The unimodular affine group SA(n) = SL(n, R) ⋉ Rn acts as x =(xi) gx + a = gixj + ai , g =(gi) SL(n, R), a =(ai) Rn, −→ j j ∈ ∈ j X which preserves the volume element. Study of geometric properties of submanifolds in An invariant under this group is called equiaffine differential geometry, while the study of properties invariant under the general affine group GA(n) = GL(n, R) ⋉ Rn is called 2010 Mathematics subject classification.