Archive of SID Moving Frame Equations in Three Dimensional General Inner Product Space Ali Parsian Department of Mathematics, Tafresh University, Tafresh, Iran.
[email protected] Abstract In this paper, we are going to generalize the Frenet-Serret formulas for the moving frames in three dimensional space 푅3, in the case that the space admits the general form of inner product. Keywords: Covariant derivative, Moving frame, Vector field. Archive of SID Preliminaries Vectors are used widely in physics and engineering to describe forces, velocities, angular momentum, and many other concepts. To obtain a definition that is both practical and precise, we shall describe an “arrow” in 푅3 by giving its starting point 푝 and the change, or vector 푣, necessary to reach its end point 푝 + 푣. Strictly speaking, 푣 is just a point of 푅3. A tangent 3 3 vector 푣푝 to 푅 consists of two points of 푅 : its vector part 푣 and its point of application 푝. A vector field 푉 on 푅3 is a map that assigns to each point 푝 of 푅3 a tangent vector 푉(푝) to 푅3 at 푝. There is a natural algebra of vector fields. At each point 푝, the values 푉(푝) and 푊(푝) are 3 in the same vector space, the tangent space 푇푝푅 , consequently, the formula for the addition is thus the same as for addition of maps, (푉 + 푊)(푝) = 푉(푝) + 푊(푝) or all 푝 ∈ 푅3. If 푓 is a real-valued map on 푅3 and 푉 is a vector field on 푅3, then 푓푉 is defined to be the vector field on 푅3 such that (푓푉)(푝) = 푓(푝)푉(푝) for all 푝 ∈ 푅3.