Arxiv:2103.03256V3 [Cond-Mat.Str-El] 5 Jul 2021 Tunneling Spectra[9, 10, 12, 13] with a Distinct Asym- Metry in Terms of Particle Addition and Removal
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Doped Mott Insulators Break Z2 Symmetry of a Fermi Liquid: Stability of Strongly Coupled Fixed Points 1, 2, 1, Edwin W. Huang, ∗ Gabriele La Nave, ∗ and Philip W. Phillips ∗ 1Department of Physics and Institute for Condensed Matter Theory, University of Illinois, 1110 W. Green Street, Urbana, IL 61801 2Department of Mathematics, University of Illinois, Urbana, Il. 61820 While the Mott transition from a Fermi liquid is correctly believed to obtain without the breaking of any continuous symmetry, we show that in fact a discrete Z2 symmetry of the Fermi surface is bro- ken. The extra Z2 symmetry of the Fermi liquid appears to be little known although it was pointed out by Anderson and Haldane[1] and we use it here to classify all possible Fermi liquids topologi- cally by invoking K-homology. It is this Z2 symmetry breaking that signals the onset of particle-hole asymmetry, a widely observed[2{10] phenomenon in strongly correlated systems. In addition from this principle, we are able to classify which interactions suffice to generate the Z2-symmetry-broken phase. As this is a symmetry breaking in momentum space, the local-in-momentum space inter- action of the Hatsugai-Kohmoto (HK)[11] model suffices as well as the Hubbard interaction as it contains the HK interaction. We then use the Bott topological invariant to establish the stability of a Luttinger surface. Our proof demonstrates that the strongly coupled fixed point only corresponds to those Luttinger surfaces with co-dimension p + 1 with p odd. We conclude that the Hubbard and HK models both lie in the same high temperature universality class and are controlled by this fixed point. Symmetry is a fundamental organizing principle correlations[2, 3, 5], no universal operative princi- of nature. A case in point is the simplest example ple has been enunciated except for the general phe- of symmetry, namely permutations. This symmetry nomenon of Mottness[4]. In his parting words in helps organize identical fundamental particles into 2016, P. W. Anderson[14] chided condensed matter two groups: fermions, odd under interchange and theorists for not facing up to this problem: \I remain bosons, even under permutation. Since the permu- baffled by the almost universal refusal of theorists to tation group has a finite number of elements, ±1, confront this evident fact of hole-particle asymmetry it is an example of a discrete symmetry. What we head-on." It is this task we take on in this paper. show here is that a group as simple as the permuta- What all cuprates have in common is that the parent tion group, namely Z2, controls the transition from material cannot be understood without considering a non-interacting collection of electrons constituting the interactions. The minimal model thought to be a Fermi surface to a state that strongly violates the relevant in this context is due to Hubbard in which traditional theory of metals, namely the Mott para- electrons move on a square lattice but pay an energy magnetic state which insulates although the band is cost whenever opposite-spin electrons reside on the half full. The Fermi surface retains Z2 symmetry same site. Since this model is unsolvable in any di- but the Mott state does not. mension other than d = 1, it is difficult to pin-point a A manifestation of this symmetry breaking is clear organizing principle, other than that the inter- the resultant asymmetry upon particle-hole addition actions are important, as the root cause of the asym- or removal. In a non-interacting electron system, metry. An added complication is that the Mott in- adding or subtracting an electron is a symmetrical sulating state that arises from the local interactions process. However, cuprate superconductors as var- is thought to be featureless above any temperature ied as underdoped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ (Bi-2212) and associated with ordering, just as is the Fermi liquid, Ca2 xNaxCuO2Cl2 (Na-CCOC) all exhibit scanning the non-interacting limit. Consequently, appealing − to some sort of symmetry breaking appears to be a arXiv:2103.03256v3 [cond-mat.str-el] 5 Jul 2021 tunneling spectra[9, 10, 12, 13] with a distinct asym- metry in terms of particle addition and removal. The non-starter. cuprates are not alone here as there are numerous We propose here that such an organizing principle electronic systems[6{8] which exhibit particle-hole can be unearthed by focusing on the full symmetry asymmetry at low energies upon the addition or re- group of a Fermi liquid and analyzing which sym- moval of an electron. Although it is now common- metries in the Fermi liquid survive the transition to place to attribute particle-hole asymmetry to strong the paramagnetic Mott insulator which is well es- tablished to exist based on numerics[15]. While it is common to use the Hubbard model to study this transition, our key point here is that the essence of ∗ All authors contributed equally. the Mott transition is captured by a simpler model 2 which breaks the fundamental local-in-momentum insulating state with a hard gap should U > W , space Z2 symmetry of the Fermi liquid state. This where W is the bandwidth. Only numerics[15] on Z2 symmetry serves as an organizing principle for the Hubbard model support a gap indicative of Mott Mott physics. We find that both local on-site Hub- physics. Hence, it is worth comparing both models. bard and local-in-momentum (as in the exactly solv- As shown in Fig. (1), the spectral functions for both able Hatsugai-Kohmoto model[11, 16, 17]) (HK) in- models are roughly identical. Nonetheless, that the teractions fall into the same universality class as they HK model is capable of capturing Mott physics is both break Z2 symmetry. We then use K-theory to not widely appreciated. Unearthing why these two show that the surface of zeros that characterizes the quite different models yield the same physics is the Mott phase is stable to perturbations, thereby estab- primary goal of this paper. lishing the existence of a fixed point. Our work here The first thing that must be established with the is analogous to that of Hoˇrava's[18] on the stability HK HK model is why does the interaction Hint destroy of a Fermi surface. Fermi liquid behaviour. Two distinct arguments will be adopted here. First, we appeal to the renormal- ization principle[19, 20] for fermions and show that I. RELEVANCE OF THE HK HHK is a relevant perturbation. The correct starting INTERACTION int point for renormalization of fermions is to demand that the kinetic term in the action, Part of the motivation for this work is that there seem to be two disparate ways of generat- Z ing a Mott transition with no apparent relation- 3 S0 = dtd p σy (p)(i@t − (p − F )) σ(p) (3) ship between them. These constitute the Hatsugai- Kohmoto[11](HK) and Hubbard models. While has zero scaling dimension under the distortion p = both models contain the standard kinetic term, the k+s` where k is along the Fermi surface, ` is perpen- HK model contains a non-standard local in momen- dicular to it and s the scaling parameter which will tum space interaction be set to 0 to preserve the Fermi surface. Expanding the dispersion relationship of an electron around the HK X Fermi surface, Hint = U nk nk ; (1) " # k @ and the Hubbard model, the standard real-space (p) = + ` + O(`2); (4) F @p Hubb X Hint = U ni ni (2) " # i we find that demanding [S0] = 0 requires that 1=2 interaction. Even with the kinetic energy, the for- σ(p) ! s− σ(p). The irrelevance of a generic mer model is solvable exactly[11, 16], yielding an interaction term Z 4 Y d 1 d Sint = dt d − kid`iV (k1; ··· ; k4) σy (p1) σ(p3) σy 0 (p2) σ0 (p4)δ (p1 + p2 − p3 − p4): i=1 (5) 4 L follows because [Sint] = 1 (arising from s from the s and hence generate no self-energy corrections. 1 4=2 four factors of d`, s− from dτ and s− from the Within this scheme, the only exception arises when four fermion fields) and hence vanishes in the s ! 0 electrons scatter with momenta on opposite sides of limit. This conclusion holds even if loop corrections the Fermi surface. In this case, the δ-function fac- with L loops are included as they scale as sL, thereby torizes and the interaction is marginal and leads to vanishing for a generic interaction. Note an interac- an instability should V < 0. Note the form of the tion of the form Unkσnk0σ has a tree-level scaling kinetic energy term is irrelevant to this argument. dimension of −1 and hence contributes the same or- All that is necessary is the expansion in Eq. (4). der as does the chemical potential. That is, it leads to the mass renormalization of Fermi liquid theory. Loop corrections of this term once again contribute Contrastly, the local-in-monentum space interac- 3 FIG. 1. a.) Spectral function of HK and Hubbard models from exact diagonalization with parameters shown. At half-filling there is little difference between the models showing that the HK interaction accurately models the U-scale physics of Hubbard. b.) Density of states of the HK model at filling hni = 0:8, showing a strong particle-hole asymmetry at the Fermi energy. tion Their key point is that because Fermi liquids pos- Z sess separately conserved currents for up and down d 1 S~int = U dtd`d − k y(k) (k) y(k) (k);(6) spins, the full symmetry group for each point on " " # # the Fermi surface is O(4), the real group of rota- tions in 4-space.