PLANT SCIENCE BULLETIN SPRING 2021 VOLUME 67 NUMBER 1 A PUBLICATION OF THE BOTANICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA Registration Now Open! IN THIS ISSUE... Botany with Spirit Cornell Rural Teaching a Distance Botany Laboratory.....p. 16 When a Titan Arum Blooms School Leaets and Gardening....p. 4 During Quarantine.... p. 29 From the Editor PLANT SCIENCE BULLETIN Editorial Committee Greetings, Volume 67 Welcome to 2021! As I write this in early March, my institution has just released the rst ocial sign-up for faculty Covid vaccinations. It is exactly one week shy of a year since campus closed in March 2020. Although campus essentially reopened in David Tank July, doing my job is not the same as it was a (2021) year ago. Department of Biological Sciences University of Idaho As I peruse this issue of Plant Science Moscow, ID 83844 Bulletin, it strikes me that the articles share
[email protected] a theme. ey discuss how botanists of the past and present have used the technology of the time to share botanical knowledge and inspire others. Although botanists have been participating in and perfecting online teaching and learning for decades, it is fair to say that the pandemic has forced many events James McDaniel that might have otherwise been in-person to (2022) Botany Department virtual platforms. As a community, botanists University of Wisconsin have been able to respond in innovative ways. Madison Just as in the past, botanists have been able to Madison, WI 53706
[email protected] harness the resources available to reach broad audiences. I hope you enjoy these articles and nd them useful.