Presented May 2020 By Charles Savoie

www.silverstealers.net www.nosilvernationalization.org https://www.facebook.com/charles.savoie.96387 https://www.silvermarketnewsonline.com/archives.htm

“I can smell gold a thousand miles away!” ---“Professionals for a Massacre” 1967

Ever seen a 10,000-ounce silver ingot? Read this MMM series! (See #2 in this series; if you already read an intro, it’s the same for all 8; scroll directly to the first profile for #7, Chauncey Stillman).

Peter Hug spewed out misdirection in a Kitco interview on March 17, 2020. Hug worked for Nick Deak who had shady connections. A far better view is at https://www.sprottmoney.com/Blog/bullion-bank- and-central-bank-collusion.html On March 19, 2020, Bob Moriarty of 321 Gold posted a brief, and childishly simplistic laughingstock denial that manipulation has just occurred to crash silver. It would win over anyone in special education class. This inadequately brief and intellectually incapacitated “golly gee whiz” article failed to address SHORT CONCENTRATION and POSITION LIMITS which Butler has long been champion of complaining about. Why address any point that shoots your la-la land idea down, Bob? Powerful foreigners who were torched by concentrated COMEX silver shorts and complicit regulators were painfully aware of the illegal short corner in silver OVER FORTY (40) YEARS AGO BOB! Nor did Bob address the obvious “rat’s rump on a banana split” interest conflicts of the scandalous staffing shuttle between the CFTC and the bullion ! But! Bob now confirms himself as eminently acceptable in a “mental health” sense---“mentally healthy” people do not believe that big bankers are out to screw anyone! Even Treasury Secretary Douglas Dillon admitted plans to hold silver low “for many years to come” in The Economist, London, July 13, 1963, page 166. Silver (and gold) MUST be suppressed to prevent undue embarrassment to Federal Reserve “money” lest too many start thinking metals should be remonetized as currency! Also the COMEX unstated rule is that big banks can sell short what can’t be delivered, and they NEVER have to cover on an upswing! “Allocations” (rationing) of silver eagles has taken place for years, and would not have if a free market price for mined silver had prevailed! Has Bob Moriarty been paid off, or is he just genetically missing the specific brain cells to grasp these matters? Does Mister “BM” know anything about the “Crime of 73?” Was it caused by a conspiracy, in the opinion of the millions of people whose wealth was destroyed by a tiny handful of gold magnates and their monometallic “gold only” subordinates in the Congress?

Who is a bigger wheel, Eric Sprott or Bob Moriarty? Eric Sprott, very likely. Whose views does Eric Sprott routinely headline? Craig Hemke. Does Hemke conclude precious metals are manipulated? Yes he DOES!

https://www.facebook.com/goldfidelity/posts/charles-savoie- asserts-that-all-pm-is-controled-by-the-pilgrim-society-its- certa/343607975726553/

On Friday the 13th, March 2020, and extending into March 16 Monday, we witnessed the Money Power lashing out against the monetary metals with a monstrous berserk ferocity that would make bloodthirsty pillaging Mongol horsemen seem like meek “castrati” choirboys.

“The most powerful international society on earth, the “Pilgrims,” is so wrapped in silence that few Americans know even of its existence since 1903.” ---E.C. Knuth, “The Empire of The City: World Superstate” (Milwaukee, 1946), page 9.

“This is the most powerful and secretive group in the world bar none” ---my great European colleague Joel Van Der Reijden

The following is from the Christian Science Monitor, December 2, 1964, reprinted in the House version of the Congressional Record on January 5, 1965, page 110--- Robert V. Roosa was a very key player with his boss at Treasury, Douglas Dillon, in eliminating silver coinage as of 1965--- both members of The Pilgrims Society---this information has NO VALUE WHATSOEVER to the “alt news” and “sound money sources” I am about to mention---

“Much of the job of neutralizing dollars abroad to prevent a run on the U.S. gold stock was carried out by Mr. Roosa in cooperation with the Federal Reserve (note---chaired by Pilgrims Society member William M. Martin Jr.) HE NEGOTIATED FOR THE UNITED STATES IN SETTING UP THE LONDON GOLD POOL WHICH DAMPENED DOWN GOLD PRICE SPECULATION.”

Members of The Pilgrims Society London drove Chunilal Saraiya to suicide by bullet in November 1913 after they broke his Indian Specie Bank and plundered his 803 tons of silver. The Hunt brothers were not the first victim of this secret society which dragged the planet to fiat currencies. Two generations earlier, The Crime of 1873 transpired and it remains the most severe blow ever inflicted on silver holders, even more so than what the British did to silver to cause the Great Depression. The ruination of the Hunt brothers was a squirt gun compared to those howitzer events.

Bill Murphy, Chris Powell, Dave Janda, Greg Hunter, Bob Moriarty, Gary Christenson, Dave Hodges, Chris Martenson, Eric King, Mike Maloney, Stefan Gleason, Doug Casey, Ed Steer, Peter Spina, Sarah Westall, Zero Hedge---et al---“Pilgrims Society? “NOTHING TO SEE HERE! Let’s discuss important things like soft drink taxes!”

“THIS SINISTER ORGANIZATION, THE PILGRIMS OF THE UNITED STATES” ---page 96, “War Plotters of Wall Street” (1915) by Charles Collman.

“I have seen the wicked in great power” Psalm 37:35

In a 1913 book titled “The New Freedom,” Woodrow Wilson reflected with an ominous and foreboding note---

“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”

There can be no other organization Wilson could possibly have been cryptically alluding to other than The Pilgrims Society in ; and we will lay bare 100 plus of these Worthy Gentlemen from The Pilgrims 1969 leaked roster. I want the unbiased readers to evaluate the details in this MMMM series and then ask---why the stonewall refusal of people like Mike Maloney and Chris Powell to allow any mention of this organization? Silver Doctors and Greg Hunter?

The final installment in this series of four to six parts (number to be determined) contains a postscript. If you feel you don’t have time for the series, take time for the postscript at the series conclusion; it’s an attempt to rectify an injustice done to dozens of well-known names in the silver sphere. The introductory pages of each installment are repeated each time for benefit of those who read only one presentation; so, immediately skip the intro on successive presentations if you read this opener. However! Skimming over the presentations will not allow justice to be done to this historical overview I am providing to metals longs---at no charge. Giving a good overview of the metals suppressing community can’t be done with real brevity---I have no “Jesus wept” text which can enlighten in two words.

Some details are definitely more relevant than others; the other details are for objective of demonstrating the web of influence of these people; and these other details are therefore ramifications, not “tangents” as Chris Powell misstated http://www.gata.org/node/7424 on May 16, 2009---

“Another longtime writer about the silver market, Charles Savoie, had sought some years earlier to call attention to Johnson's market-rigging pledge. Though it includes much more politics than GATA's charter allows and flies off on dozens of conspiratorial tangents unnecessary to GATA's objectives, Savoie's work deserves acknowledgement, for its own sake and for establishing two bigger points. The first is simply biblical: "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done; and there is nothing new under the sun." Or as Harry Truman said more plainly, "The only thing new is the history you don't know."

“That is, the proofs of the gold and silver price suppression scheme are so numerous and constitute such a vast public record that even some conscientious students of the scheme can be surprised now and then. GATA would speak for this class too, giving full credit to those who, like Savoie and Lips and so many others, helped to pass the secret knowledge along. But if this knowledge is to prevail and save the world from the ever-more outrageous depredations of the financial class, it can be secret no longer and no one can be allowed to get proprietary about it. It simply has to be shared -- no, proclaimed -- with credit if possible, but without credit is fine too.”

Without credit is fine too? The community leaders won’t even link this research. Let the rank and file decide if they want to read these presentations. Instead, the alt news and hard money leaders blacklist this research as relentlessly as regular media. Special thanks to Silver Market News Online which very exceptionally in a large field of websites, has allowed coverage.

The below book from 1937 on elite dynasties failed to mention The Pilgrims Society; though he could have discovered it by reading listings in “Who’s Who” volumes of his time; The Pilgrims Society represents old wealth tracing back to colonial times; the “robber barons” of the 1800s and many others; interrelated genealogies are pervasively extensive--- the organization has frightening sponsors---the English Royal family, who are intent on “retaking the colonies” and merging America into the British Commonwealth by non-military means of course---

Ridiculous terms such as “The Deep State” and “The Cabal” and “The Banking Cabal” are excuses for 1) being woefully uninformed; people using these terms lack access to more specific, focused information; 2) they are too lazy to develop more explicit information; and 3) some do have better information, but refuse to mention it, due to being part of organized cover-up or being too timid to venture into deeper waters. Raving about “The Deep State” gives people an excuse to remain nonspecific though they also prattle away about “globalists” and “Zionists” and the kid’s fable that “the Rothschilds are the planet’s only money powers.” Deep State prattlers can’t even mention such basics as CFR, Trilaterals or Bilderberg. Clive Maund on January 5 stated Israel controls America. Actually England controls both America and Israel, having created both. Bob Moriarty sees lots of Israeli influence. There certainly is. From reading Bob, he sees little or no British influence. It is not Israel but England which has sent Rhodes Scholars back to America to be Presidents, Senators, Congressmen, Governors, university presidents, ambassadors and other posts, indoctrinated into the British Empire schemes stated by Cecil Rhodes, who also envisioned The Pilgrims Society---the Mysterious Metals Manipulators. Only a very few Rhodes Scholars ever rise up into Rhodes top organization, The Pilgrims, which was set up to be “a secret society gradually absorbing the wealth of the world” (Review of Reviews, May 1902, page 557). England, not Israel, has dragged America into two World Wars. England, not Israel, caused the Great Depression by dumping Indian silver onto world markets, collapsing the value of the Far East’s money, causing failure of American export industries and concomitant idling of millions of workers. England, not Israel, launched the League of Nations as an attempt at world government; and England, not Israel, used America to launch the United Nations as an attempt at world government---ISRAEL WAS NOT INVOLVED, period! England, not Israel, has a “Commonwealth,” land area which encompasses 11,566,870 square miles (not including sections of Antarctica claimed by Britain, Australia and America) and not including the United States itself, which is still very much a British colony---covertly. Anglicans and Episcopalians are the dominant religious faction in world finance, to the contrary of “Rothschild only” cultists. The dumbed down “Rothschild only” faction has manufactured this as a lazy and lame excuse to be relieved from researching other power groups. A review of a leaked Pilgrims roster from a half century past gives a typical overview of metals management at the very topmost levels. We’ll take an overview of 100 of these members and a sampling of ten members from the London branch. These are the same people who were behind the Coinage Act of 1965 and the London Gold Pool which terminated in spring 1968; their ancestors were behind the first and second United States Banks--- forerunners of the Federal Reserve, of which they were also creators. For this reason we’ll examine characters from The Pilgrims NYC 1969 roster, the closest to 1965 I have. These men were primarily New Yorkers; or resided in and New Jersey and had offices in ; the finance center controlled the Senators and Congressmen who all voted for the Coinage Act of 1965, as another blow against the use of silver as money! They were not at all Jewish, but rather, Episcopalian dominant! We indeed will see a Rothschild here in part 2 but this idea that no one else is involved and no other families matter comes from low level cheap ignorant barnyard mentalities! One of The Pilgrims NYC 1969 events was listed on page 169 of the short run book, “The Pilgrims of the United States” (Profile Books, London, 2003) ---

Philip is a world-famous eugenicist and population reduction advocate known for his he “wants to come back as a deadly virus” (to sharply reduce the number of commoners and serfs) makes you wonder about this Corona virus epidemic. Nearing age 100, Philip, descended from Danish, German and Greek nobility, still controls over 700 organizations by means of committees who manage them and report to him; though most of this may have fallen to Prince Charles by now, as Philip turns 99 in June 2020. As a top member of the Royals, he’s a sponsor of The Pilgrims Society London and New York. This is a ROYALIST not a ROTHSCHILD organization! Like so many others, I started out believing the Royals are mere figureheads. After all the things I’ve seen, I was forced to 100% reverse my notions. A recent photo of Prince Philip, looking very much the vampire---

A similar problem is people insisting that Goldman Sachs runs the world or nearly so https://wallstreetonparade.com/2020/01/goldman-sachs- the-vampire-squids-alum-control-two-fed-banks-the-u-s-treasury-the- european-central-bank-and-the-bank-of-england/ Such articles border on worthless. Goldman Sachs is an important Pilgrims Society instrumentality, and that is all. The Pilgrims Society stands at the top, not JP Morgan Chase, Federal Reserve, Bank of England, Barclays, Goldman Sachs or the CIA---all instrumentalities only, and not the SOURCE! The You Tube interview shows and most PM sites have completely ignored this research on The Pilgrims Society. There is no way in hell I could have fabricated what I’ve presented! Read carefully line by line including scans to the end and ask yourself could I have fabricated this? How could I insinuate information into books with which I had nothing to do with the printing of and things that happened before I was even crawling?

“Their works are in the dark, and they say who seeth us? And who knoweth us?” --- Job 21:7

Appearing at 321 Gold recently was this brief item which appeared to be a struggle to allow the lower level Council on Foreign Relations to even be mentioned; it would break people’s jaws, crush their fingers and freeze their feet to have The Pilgrims Society spotlighted! https://aheadoftheherd.com/Newsletter/2020/Paper-money-rejection- is-golds-Minsky-Moment.htm

Who ordered the nationalization of gold in 1933? Who ordered the nationalization of silver in 1934? Why, the USA President did, and the fact that the President is in the vest pocket of these British Empire allied CONSPIRATORS means NOTHING to GATA, Dave Janda, “Watchdog” Greg Hunter, SGT Report, Silver Doctors, Silver Seek et al! Deep State? HERE it is and nowhere else! These site operators refuse to help shine the light of exposure onto this organization! They have large audiences and could get the word out; I stand nothing to gain financially with coverage; and they all steadfastly refuse! ---

These site operators have much larger platforms than mine and could get this information, for which I never charge access, out to the public. Their refusal is textbook absolute.

Just one digression before focusing on the apex of power. Paul Craig Roberts had an opinion piece on Israeli influence in America linked at 321 Gold because all Bob Moriarty can see is Israeli influence. British influence going on anywhere? You have just got to be joking! https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2020/01/22/who-rules-america-2/ This shallow write up by Roberts focused on Israeli influence and again ignored the far transcending British influence. Israel is a creation of the Protestant Anglican British Empire! PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS, distraction artist par excellence, held the William E,. Simon Chair at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in D.C. Simon was the Pilgrims Society member profiled in “Treasury Official Lies About Gold” released in July 2010 http://nosilvernationalization.org/107.pdf IMO Roberts is a Pilgrims Society “plant” flunky and certainly not a member. My intention was to list 100 members of The Pilgrims NYC for 1969 and a sampling of 10 members from the London branch for 1969. On rechecking the tally, I had 106 from NYC and ten from London. It was necessary to divide this into four parts so as to not absorb too much of readers time per installment. The numerous corporate logos are to remind that advertising patronage controls editorial policy of media as much as direct ownership. NEXT MEMBERS!

Brownsville Texas was founded in 1849 by an earlier Stillman; he literally stole land then valued at $214,000 from some Mexicans. They held a monopoly on riverboat trade on the Rio Grande River; had big cotton brokerage interests; and owned silver mines in the Mexican states of Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas. Stillmans married Carnegies and Rockefellers, among others. Brownsville today is a city of 184,000. Eventually the Stillmans controlled Texas & Pacific Railway; Saint Louis, Brownsville & Mexico Railway; the Mexican National Railroad; National City Bank of New York; and other sizeable interests and diversified holdings; yes---they were Episcopalians! Porfirio Diaz, seven-time President of Mexico, was virtually in the Stillman’s vest pocket!

Chauncey Devereux Stillman---

At this link we notice---

Chauncey Stillman married a descendant of John Jay, America’s first Supreme Court Chief Justice (John Jay) and the Civil War Governor of New York (Edward Morgan). “We’re mostly family in The Pilgrims Society!” Note that Chauncey Stillman’s grandfather’s middle name was “Jewett,” and this name appears at least in two other names in various lists of The Pilgrims Society. Chauncey was a member of the Delphic Club (founded in 1846) at Harvard University. Everyone raves about Yale’s Skull & Bones Society and ignores the other major collegiate super-fraternities, making Skull & Bones a red herring and a distraction!

The name “Jewett” seen in the scan occurs elsewhere in several other Pilgrims rosters. Reprint of a 1934 book by John K. Winkler---page 189 following from an original copy---

The Stillmans were a driving force behind what became todays colossus known as . The 1970-1971 “Who’s Who in America” page 2197 shows (these two Stillmans were first cousins) ---

Earlier we saw another member named Baldwin Maull associated with Marine Midland Bank. All the big New York banks campaigned against silver with political support for the Coinage Act of 1965. Sun Chemical Corporation was an industrial silver user. Grace National Bank, connected to the W.R. Grace & Company interests (already mentioned) was merged into Marine Midland Bank which in turn later merged into HSBC Bank, a major Pilgrims Society finance organization which was once listed on the roster of the Silver Users Association, very likely due to its historic role in sucking countless thousands of tons of silver out of China via the old British opium “trade.”

Victory Carriers was an ocean freighting company organized after 1945 using surplus military cargo vessels---there does appear to be some linkage to the wealthy Greek, Aristotle Onassis as per the “Who’s Who” listing and---read below---

A worthwhile investigation could be---is there any linkage between the India House Club (well interlocked with The Pilgrims Society) and the old British opium “trade,” in which most of the opium was grown on plantations in British colonial India---

At http://indiahouse.nyc/dsp_about-history.cfm we read---

“India House has a long and distinguished heritage tied into the formation of as well as the history of business and commerce of New York. The landmark India House was constructed after the fire of 1835 in the style of a Renaissance palazzo, residential palaces of Italian banking families. It was the home of the Hanover Bank who first purchased the property. The edifice has remained almost unchanged since that date. Extensive restoration work was completed in 2005. The name India House was selected to symbolize the Indies, which were believed to epitomize the rare and exotic. The name also pays homage to the Dutch West India Company, the first colonizers of Manhattan.”

“After the Hanover Bank moved out, the property became the possession of Robert L. Maitland. His company Maitland and Company were tobacco importers. The property was subsequently used by the New York Cotton Exchange (1870 to 1885), and later by W.R. Grace & Company. India House as an organization came into being in 1914, when a group of business men decided to create a meeting place for the interests of foreign trade. Presidents of the Lackawanna Steel Company, Dollar Steamship Company, W.R. Grace Shipping, Chase National Bank, and United States Rubber all became Governors of India House and remained active during its first two decades.”

(We find this name Maitland in Pilgrims rosters).

“The National Foreign Trade Council made India House its headquarters. Leaders in commerce worldwide graced the halls at India House. From its inception, the club's charter stated that its goal was to "create in this country a relation between bankers and promoters of foreign enterprises that would make it possible to handle foreign undertakings. In 1925 William A. Delano, the well-known architect added what is now known as the Marine Room, with special lighting and architectural details that relate to marine life and seafaring. Extensive alterations were made and the rooms were fitted out in the spirit of the early American overseas trade.”

(The Delano family is well recognized for historic opium trade dealings! This could be why the allusion to ocean shipping in an earlier NFTC logo!)

“Dorothy Whitney collected and gave a collection of thirty-five ship models, and subsequently a large collection of paintings, prints, maritime relics and other decorations which had been loaned to the Club when it was formed and had given it much of its unique atmosphere. These and other gifts from members and friends have given the Club a very fine collection of paintings, models and other art objects connected with sailing vessels, seafaring life and trade with East India. Mr. Straight donated a collection of Chinese art objects and maritime paintings. India House is home to one of the finest marine art collections in the world.”

Sailing ships, China and India---all highly suggestive of trade, including the opium for silver “trade.”

“India House has remained a private club and a location to build relationships between businesses in the United States and foreign trade. The maritime historian Frank O. Braynard, in his 1973 foreword to the second edition of The Marine Collection at India House, states that "England could not have survived World War Two without the armada of American-built, American-manned, American-operated merchant vessels managed by many of the outstanding members of India House.”

The leading members of India House were also members of the more elite Pilgrims Society.

“Many statesmen have been members of India House, including Franklin D. Roosevelt, Henry Morgenthau, Jr., James Byrnes, W. Averell Harriman, George C. Marshall, Henry Cabot Lodge and Cyrus Vance. Other members include previous mayors of New York, including John P. O'Brien and the famous architect William Adams Delano, whose firm, Delano & Aldrich, redesigned the interior of India House.”

Roosevelt and his Treasury Secretary Morgenthau stole gold and silver from Americans, spring 1933 into February 1937---113,031,000 ounces of silver. I was the one who originally placed that number on the web--- see 312 page report “Metals Confiscation Facts and Prospects” Summer 2009 http://nosilvernationalization.org/96.pdf Morgenthau’s daddy was a member of The Pilgrims; two of FDR’s sons and a daughter in law became members, and The Pilgrims erected a monument to FDR in London. Harriman, Marshall, Lodge and Vance were all members.


“Who’s Who in America” 1970-1971 page 2205 shows---

Chase Manhattan Bank and its forerunner institutions were silver suppressors from day one---silver suppression is not merely a “JP Morgan” thing---many dynasties have been active against silver as money, and against silver commodity prices. If this changes, it will be only because they can’t control the world silver market any longer---

Note the mystic pyramid and three sided emblem---Trilateral Commission may have had its logo inspiration here, from an older source in The Pilgrims Society influence web---

Episcopalian. Pilgrims Society member and who like most members listed in “Who’s Who,” left that item out of the profile. Chase Manhattan Bank director---silver antagonists. Globalist---business operations in multiple foreign jurisdictions. Stone also held interests in Virginia Electric Power Company. Sam Bass Warner Jr. in his 1988 book “Province of Reason” by Harvard University Press, wrote on page 58 of Whitney Stone’s father---

I reviewed all the older lists of The Pilgrims I have (there are significant time gaps) and didn’t find Charles Stone. Not all members of significant wealthy families are members, only a few selected by the Royals for membership; however, all family members, with few exceptions, are in this influence circle at least by proxy.

Stone & Webster operated streetcar systems in dozens of U.S. cities including Dallas, Houston and Seattle. Stone & Webster was deeply involved with hydroelectric power as of the 1890s and in more recent times, with most American nuclear power plants. According to Wiki--- “Stone & Webster's first major project was the construction of a hydroelectric plant for the New England paper company in 1890. Stone & Webster not only had valuable insight into developing and managing utilities but they also had keen intuition for businesses to invest in. Through the panic of 1893, Stone & Webster were able to acquire the Nashville Electric Light and Power Co. for a few thousand dollars and later sold it for $500,000. Throughout the next ten years, Stone & Webster acquired interest in large number of utilities while offering managerial, engineering and financial consulting to a number of independent utility firms. Even though Stone & Webster were not a holding company, their financial and managerial presence meant that they had considerable influence in policy decisions. They would often be paid in utility stock.”

Many interests later surfacing in The Pilgrims Society as of 1903 made killings in 1893 and earlier panics including 1857 and 1837 and above all, the Panic of 1873 when these largely Episcopalian conspirators stole gargantuan wealth from everyone whose wealth was in silver money.

“Stone & Webster became involved in Washington State engineering projects—Washington's natural resources, and hydroelectric power, and resulting development opportunities brought companies like Stone & Webster to the state beginning with Puget Sound area street railways. By 1900 they controlled and merged eight rail lines in Seattle; soon after, they also took over the street railway systems of Tacoma and Everett. By 1908, Stone & Webster listed thirty-one railway and lighting companies under its management including five located in Washington State: the Puget Sound Electric Railway, Puget Sound International Railway and Power Co., Puget Sound Power Co., The Seattle Electric Co., and Whatcom County Railway and Light. Stone & Webster leadership was sensitive to the concerns of large utility holding companies and were careful to emphasize the complete independence of these utilities, but Edwin Webster believed that outside capital was crucial to develop the resources of Washington, and chided those who thought otherwise. In 1905, Stone & Webster bought out the power and lighting properties that were once owned by the Bellingham Bay Improvement Co., including the York Street Steam plant and the partially built Nooksack Falls Hydroelectric Power Plant. Stone & Webster took over construction operations and on September 21, 1906, Bellingham received power from the plant via a 47-mile-long (76 km) transmission line. Despite the independence allowed its subsidiaries, J.D. Ross, superintendent of Seattle City Light issued a report critical of Stone & Webster's presence in Seattle. listing 49 companies under Stone & Webster's management at the time.”

Stone & Webster since merged into Westinghouse Electric, an even larger Pilgrims Society corporation.

The Knickerbocker Club in Manhattan is predictably very opulent as you’d suppose from its stationery--- besides Whitney Stone, many members of The Pilgrims have been Knickerbocker Club members---Paul Mellon, David Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan Sr., John Jacob Astor IV---

Jockey Club, founded in 1894, has had much Pilgrims interlock---it’s at 40 East 52nd Street NYC (same address as Black Rock, silver antagonist) ---

Next member---“Who’s Who in America” 1970-1971 page 2207---

The name Storrs is also encountered in Pilgrims London lists. His family founded the University of Connecticut in 1881; endowment as of 2019, $462 million.

Sullivan & Cromwell is a top Pilgrims Society law firm and a top rep for megabanks with this history of attacks on silver as money and attacks against commodity prices of silver. There’s no direct mention in this 1988 book of The Pilgrims Society---

The Piping Rock Club built in 1911, has had Harrimans, Astors, Du Ponts, Vanderbilts, Harkness and many other Pilgrims Society members in its ranks---

48 Wall Street building was erected in 1928 on land owned since 1797 by the Bank of New York---

Next member---“Who’s Who in America” 1970-1971 page 2208---note Avery Rockefeller Jr., Pilgrims Society, was part of Dominick & Dominick- --

His mother Ethel Dominick donated sterling silver objects to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC---

Hobe Sound, Jupiter Island Florida is a cluster point for these Pilgrims Society members---

The Rockefellers as in Avery Rockefeller Jr. (Pilgrims Society) were involved with Dominick & Dominick and notice this member was in Scroll & Key Society of Yale, a strong contender to Skull & Bones. St. Luke’s Hospital = Episcopal Church. Recall that we visited Alfred P. Hayes, also at that time a National Distillers & Chemical director.

In 1936 Dominick & Dominick acquired Iselin & Company from another Pilgrims Society finance family, the Iselins, and old Swiss family and big in Manhattan real estate---Dominick & Dominick took part in initial financings of General Motors, Johnson & Johnson, Phillips Petroleum and other majors and many mid-tier corporations---

At the Dominick site we notice---

Dominick & Dominick weathered the 1929 Crash because they were sufficiently connected to know in advance it was coming! The Pilgrims NYC 1937 roster shows George F. Dominick Jr. and Lamont Dominick. They’re also related to the very old-line Dutch colonial Bayard family, which has lots of Pilgrims Society representation and descend from French Huguenots, adversaries of Papal Roman Catholicism. Bayard Dominick II appears in The Pilgrims NYC 1957. More examples exist.

John Mortimer Schiff, second generation member of The Pilgrims and treasurer of the group at that time, was a Provident board member with Stout---

Provident Loan was founded in 1894---including by J.P. Morgan Senior, the Vanderbilts and Jacob Schiff---members of The Pilgrims---

NYCC of C---

The Scroll & Key Society “tomb” at Yale University. Scroll & Key is among the top three Yale super-fraternities, the others being Skull & Bones Society and Wolf’s Head Society; Berzelius Society lags these in influence---Paul Mellon (Pilgrims 1969) was a Scroll & Key member, and as to members of Bones, only one Rockefeller could have competed with Paul in wealth. So much for Skull & Bones being the “be all and end all;” its only a tributary into The Pilgrims Society---

The very costly River Club in NYC was founded in 1931; Pilgrims members have been prominent in its management---

The Royal and Ancient Golf Club in Scotland, founded in 1754, is regarded as “the worldwide home of golf.” Many members of The Pilgrims Society, both branches, have held membership here---

According to “Money Trust Investigation” volume 3, United States Congress, House Committee on Banking & Currency, page 926 (1913), Andrew Varick Stout’s father was a director of American Bank Note Company (printing “prosperity coupons” for foreign central banks!)


The following blurb is about the father of the member in The Pilgrims 1969 NYC roster--- https://www.newyorkfed.org/aboutthefed/BStrongbio.html

So you could say the Benjamin Strong in the 1969 list should have been named Benjamin Strong III. Referring to the above remarks, sure, Strong knew about bankers before him looting and ransacking the public. He set out to exceed them. “Intense interest in international affairs” meant Anglo-American world Empire, World War One, British Empire globalism. “More effective cooperation among the world’s central banks,” this culminated in the accomplishments of Alfred Hayes, Pilgrims Society, as president of the NYFED 1956-1975 (previously seen in MMMM).

Page 2812 of the 1960-1961 “Who’s Who in America” shows second generation member---LeBoutillier is another name encountered several times in Pilgrims lists---notice also another Huguenot---his daddy was president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York---denomination Presbyterian, the second most represented Protestant group in the NYC Pilgrims “lodge” ---

Home Life Insurance Company building NYC---

International Acceptance Bank was run by Paul Warburg (Pilgrims Society) and when it merged into Bank of Manhattan, Warburg headed that entity. It eventually merged into Chase National Bank to form Chase Manhattan Bank.

Notice Strong, Pilgrims Society member, was a member of the anti-silver Bankers Club and the Council on Foreign Relations, the primary subsidiary group of The Pilgrims. All CFR influence is Pilgrims Society influence, period. The Century Association building, of which many members of The Pilgrims have also been members of---

UTS was founded by Presbyterians; it’s affiliated with the Episcopal dominated Columbia University; its orientation is that of very subtle Crown loyalty; it is globalist---


“Who’s Who in Commerce and Industry” 1965 page 1300---shows typical high finance linkages---Morgan Guaranty Trust and Bankers Trust--- Episcopalian---the Towsons are a long established dynasty in Maryland, as are the Scudders of Long Island New York---

If you’re noticing, many members of The Pilgrims have residences in Connecticut so; be wary of anything that emanates from Connecticut, most especially if it’s a group refusing to mention or to allow mention of The Pilgrims Society---Gold Anti-Trust “No Action on The Pilgrims Society” Committee and Connecticut Chris and Bill Murphy ex of Pilgrims Society investment banks!

American International Corporation founded in 1915 by Federal Reserve Act schemer, Pilgrims Society member Frank Vanderlip, had initial capital of $50 million. Pitney Bowes is in shipping/mailing---

The Cloud Club occupied three upper stories of the Chrysler Building. The club opened in 1930 and ended operations in 1979. Yes; Walter P. Chrysler was a member of The Pilgrims Society NYC.

Walter Nelson Thayer (Pilgrims NYC 1969) --- “Who’s Who in America” 1970-1971 page 2263 shows---Episcopalian again; director Bankers Trust Company; all the New York banks campaigned against monetary silver; he was with Lend-Lease Administration in World War Two, during which time the British were allowed to use 88MOZ of Treasury silver for wartime price management (see Silver Stealers, open as Word document use search tool); Donovan Leisure an important Pilgrims Society law firm; media influencer; junior associate of Pilgrims Society member John Hay Whitney, a V.P. of The Pilgrims and Ambassador to the United Kingdom (1957-1961) and descended from William Bradford who arrived in 1635 on the Mayflower. Both of Whitney’s grandfathers were members of Presidential cabinets and he was a member of Scroll & Key Society of Yale. Forget about Skull & Bones Society being “the only elite group at Yale University” as that is gibberish claptrap.

Donovan, Leisure law firm (1929 dissolved in 1998) was founded by William Donovan who was director of the OSS, Office of Strategic Services, 1942-1945---the forerunner of the Central Intelligence Agency. The earliest Pilgrims roster I can place Donovan is 1954; he may have been in as early as 1950. George Stanley Leisure was of course a member.

This entity founded in 1946 by Pilgrims Society member John Hay Whitney (Ambassador to England 1957-1961) is still in operation and mananages in excess of $1 billion; how much has been realized in exercised capital gains since 1946 is unknown; they are in aluminum, pharma, medical devices, restaurants and many other sectors---

Whitney was a vice president of The Pilgrims NYC---he married a former daughter in law of gold and silver stealing Franklin Roosevelt---

Supported the Coinage Act of 1965---

The Whitney interests, managed by his junior partner Walter Thayer, owned dozens of newspapers and TV stations. The Los Angeles Times, March 7, 1989, said Thayer was a member of Nixon’s Commission on Government Reorganization. Members of The Pilgrims are clustered around the President regardless of party label. In 1982 Pilgrims Society member William S. Paley of Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) became a partner in Whitcom Investment Company. CBS did hatchet jobs against the Dallas Hunt brothers in their silver investments. Shaping public opinion has always been an objective of The Society---

The Whitney interests were hardly about media holdings only---

Thayer was on several other boards---

Columbia University originated as King’s College in 1754; as with altering their name from Church of England to Episcopal Church, King’s College also altered its name so as to take less criticism from revolutionary American colonials---Columbia uses a CROWN symbol NOT a Rothschild symbol---

Another Megabanker front---

Founded in 1890 at Rye, New York, this one also has lots of Pilgrims interlock---this network of elite clubs is extremely significant, expanding Pilgrims Society reach; in 2014 Apawamis Club had $15 million in revenues---

The Washington Post, March 5, 1989 reported---

“Walter N. Thayer, 78, a New York lawyer and investment official who was president of the New York Herald Tribune for five years before that newspaper ceased publication in 1966, died of pneumonia March 4 in New York. During the strikes that preceded the demise of the New York Herald Tribune, Mr. Thayer frequently appeared on television and radio as a spokesman for the New York publishers. Since 1973, he had been president and a director of the International Herald-Tribune. The IHT, printed in Paris, is owned and operated by The Washington Post, The New York Times and Whitney Communications. Upon learning of his death, Washington Post Co. Board Chairman Katharine Graham said, "Walter Thayer was a distinguished partner of Jock Whitney in founding and later leading Whitney Communications. He was committed to the Herald-Tribune and later the International Herald-Tribune for the greater part of his life. We enjoyed a beneficial and harmonious partnership with him and will miss him greatly." At the time of his death, Mr. Thayer also was a senior partner of the Whitcom Investment Co. and chairman of its principal operating entity, Whitney Communications Co. Whitcom now owns 40 community newspapers as well as cable television stations and major-market television and radio stations. He was long active in civic, cultural and Republican groups in New York. Mr. Thayer had been a legal adviser for Citizens for Eisenhower, a presidential campaign fund-raising organization, and was active in the Republican Citizens Committee, an organization that backed such liberal Republicans as New York Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller and Mayor John V. Lindsay. He also had served on President Nixon's advisory council on executive organization. He had been a trustee of the Museum of Modern Art and Columbia University, as well as a director of the Dun & Bradstreet company, Kraft Inc. and the Bankers Trust Co. of New York. Mr. Thayer, who lived in New York City, was a native of Dannemora, N.Y. He began his journalism career at the age of 16 as a $12-a-week cub reporter for the Ellenville (N.Y.) Press. He was a 1931 graduate of Colgate University and received a law degree from Yale University in 1935. He was admitted to the New York bar in 1935, and two years later became an assistant U.S. attorney for the southern district of New York. During World War II, he was a lawyer in Washington with the Lend-Lease Administration and was general counsel of the Foreign Economic Administration.”

Now, how about a “MONSANTO PILGRIM?” ---And demonstrably associated with silver rigging in wartime---Charles Allen Thomas---

The atomic bomb (Manhattan Project) used fantastic amounts of silver- --metal largely sourced via the Silver Purchase Act of June 1934 which gave FDR excuse to nationalize 113,031.000 silver ounces from intimidated Americans at 50.01 cents the ounce---

Charles A. Thomas became chairman of MONSANTO in 1960. Monsanto has had other representation in The Society (In 1969 Edward Asbury O’ Neal, Pilgrims Society, was also on Monsanto board). From “The International Year Book and Statesmen’s Who’s Who” (Burke’s Peerage, London), 1969, page 834---

At the link from the NAE we notice---

“Transylvania College professors invited the prodigy to use their laboratories. He was then thirteen years old. He achieved fame in the scientific world when he was a young researcher for General Motors: he was credited with a significant role in the development of tetraethyl lead additive for gasoline. Later, Dr. Thomas helped develop a process that extracted bromine from seawater, thereby cutting the price of that product in half on world markets. He also made important contributions to the development of synthetic resins, synthetic styrene and rubber, and rocket propellants. When the scientist joined Monsanto in 1936, the St. Louis chemical company was doing $34 million in annual sales. When Dr. Thomas retired as Chairman in 1970, sales at Monsanto had reached $1.9 billion.” For more see following---


Washington University endowment is $7.95 billion as of 2019---

Dean Acheson, Pilgrims Society member, was Secretary of State (1949- 1953) and remembered as “The Father of NATO” (North Atlantic Treaty Organization. He inherited wealthy Canadian distillery interests---

McElroy was Secretary of Defense in the Eisenhower administration and he was in The Pilgrims NYC 1969---he chaired Procter & Gamble 1959 to 1971---he was a director of silver user General Electric---

The chemical industry is heavily dependent on silver. Dow DuPont, merged Pilgrims Society corporations, uses silver as essential raw material in more than 300 catalytic processes! Note Thomas linkage to the globalist United Nations, British Empire front!

Another Pilgrims member also a Cosmos Club DC member.

ACS was founded in 1876 at New York University; today has 157,000 members and a recent budget per annum of $528 million. The ACS is the “alternate” Silver Users Association; note that it appears to act as an employment agency in some sense, for the chemical industry, so much of which is dependent on silver as catalyst! Glenn T. Seaborg, (Pilgrims Society and the discoverer of plutonium), was president for the 1976 term of the ACS.

The Pilgrims inner circle placed Thomas on important boards in insurance, banking, communications, research and the globalist Rand Corporation think tank. Transylvania College at Lexington Kentucky traces its founding to 1780---

Henry Clay (1777-1852) was a law professor at Transylvania College and he was also a bitter enemy of Andrew Jackson, especially as regards Clay’s support for the second United States Bank and Jackson’s antagonism against it. Clay was a Whig Party member, favoring a central bank due to the thievery it would enable. Clay was related to Missouri Senator Thomas Hart Benton who ironically was Jackson’s greatest Senate ally---and once wounded Jackson in a duel! Benton was nicknamed “Old Bullion” for his contempt against paper money. As of 2019 Transylvania’s endowment was $191.2 million.

The Washington University Record of April 8, 1982 remarked had a two- page article on Charles Allen Thomas---like the info from “Who’s Who” and the “International Year Book and Statesmen’s Who’s Who” and the info from the National Academy of Engineering---nothing about his membership in The Pilgrims organization---

The Danforths are heirs to the Ralston-Purina agribusiness empire and are involved with large regional banks. John Danforth appeared in The Pilgrims NYC 2014 roster. Danforth was a Senator from Missouri (1976- 1995) and was preceded by Stuart Symington (Pilgrims Society) who voted for the 1965 Coinage Act. Senator Danforth was Ambassador to the United Nations, 2004-2005. Former Senator Danforth is also an ordained EPISCOPAL PRIEST!

Closing info on Charles Allen Thomas, Pilgrims Society---

Heavy hitters, these members of The Pilgrims; and yet the Society itself has a public profile so low that very few Americans have ever heard of this small group of Crown allied elitists determined to dominate their destiny!


“Who’s Who in America” 1974-1975 page 3091---leaves out he graduated from the fiat money London School of in 1948---

Speaking to the U.S. House of Representatives on May 21, 1973, Tomlinson remarked---

In 1976 Tomlinson switched to First Boston Corporation where he was chairman of the executive committee. Right! No mention of silver in his remarks but Morgan Stanley and the entire Pilgrims Society high finance network has exerted against silver as money till they showed silver the exit door from the money system in 1965.

Tomlinson was later on the board of Churchill Falls Hydroelectric Power

Tomlinson was a member of the anti-silver Economic Club of New York. Cold Spring Club traces to 1919 and Otto Kahn, a Jewish minority member of The Pilgrims NYC---

Note the crown symbol Founded in 1857---

Founded in Montreal in 1899, this one also uses a near pervasive crown symbol---

Tomlinson was a director of Beekman Downtown Hospital NYC of the Beekman family of Pilgrims Society members tracing back to 1600s New Amsterdam.


This was the son of Federal Reserve Act conspirator Frank Arthur Vanderlip, Pilgrims Society member. Frank Jr.’s son Henrik Vanderlip surfaced in The Pilgrims 2014 roster (below). See “Globalist Grandson of Federal Reserve Schemer” released in December 2018, 180 pages http://nosilvernationalization.org/218-1218.pdf

His grandfather was chairman of the Federal War Savings Committee in World War One! The December 22, 1917 Commercial & Financial Chronicle, page 2411, featured these particularly diabolical remarks by Pilgrims Society member Frank A. Vanderlip; diabolical, inasmuch as he stood for the diametrical opposite of these insincere remarks---


“GOLD IS JUST A PRETTY METAL” ---Frazar Bullard Wilde quoted in March 17, 1966 Congressional Record (Senate) page 6142---

Also from Congressional Record same date/page---

Frazar Bullard Wilde, Pilgrims Society, chaired the anti-silver National Commission on Money and Credit. He and other Pilgrims Society members on the National Commission on Money and Credit (Joseph Irwin Miller and Allan Sproul of the New York Federal Reserve Bank) sure did cast a long shadow, silver coins were deleted due to them. He was president of Connecticut General Life Insurance---Pilgrims Society members have a history of capturing control of huge pools of investment capital represented by insurance giants; the list is long. Wilde was a consultant in the early 1960’s to the Federal Reserve Board, where he probably helped them plan sabotage against silver coinage and certificates---that would be in step with his known views on silver while running the Commission on Money and Credit. That commission was the first major investigative body into the United States currency system since the infamous Aldrich Commission, which recommended the central bank we got saddled with in 1913. In 1965 Pilgrims Society member Lyndon Johnson, anti-silver activist, appointed Wilde to the Advisory Committee on International Monetary Arrangements (what the hell was that about? Gold swaps and silver leasing? Maintaining dollar hegemony?) He was at Bilderberg 1957 and the page that mentions it was posted by researchers who have no info on his Pilgrims Society membership.

Funding for this Commission, the first major monetary commission since the National Monetary Commission of 1908 came from the Ford Foundation, whose president at that time was Henry T. Heald (Pilgrims Society and director Lever Brothers; U.S. Steel; Equitable Life; A.T. & T.; Teachers Insurance & Annuity Association.)

The Commission on Money and Credit. A Progress Report.

This Commission recommended ending silver coinage prior to the Coinage Act of 1965---PILGRIMS SOCIETY MEMBERS TOOK OUR LAWFUL CONSTITUTIONAL SILVER COINS AWAY---

https://www.jec.senate.gov/reports/87th%20Congress/Review%20of%20Report%20of%20the% 20Commission%20on%20Money%20and%20Credit%20(186).pdf ---

Wilde, Miller and Rockefeller were the spooks from The Pilgrims Society arguing for ever softer money---

Next is Wilde testifying before Congress---

Monetary control, and hostility towards gold and silver as money, and disapproval of rising commodity prices of the precious metals. Released in 1961---scan is from page 234---

Page 237---

You can imagine how much worse their thoughts about silver were. NEXT MEMBER!

We show two names and count only one? Wilson is a freebie. He was another Morgan Stanley & Company partner; director of Marsh & McLennan, Ciba Corporation (pharma) and trustee of the Lilly Endowment of pharma interest Eli Lilly & Company, on whose board his fellow Pilgrims member William M. Martin appeared as of 1970. Wilson married into the semi-obscure Scudder finance family.

“Who’s Who in America” 1970-1971 page 2479 shows---

Notice especially---director J.P. Morgan & Company and trustee of National Planning Association (eugenics and fascism). Sullivan & Cromwell may be the top law firm of The Pilgrims United States. The blurb below shows Funston (a member we discussed) and Wingate and “Secretary Fowler” (Treasury Secretary Henry H. Fowler who boasted about the clad coins and later became a Pilgrims member) ---

From a wartime ad for International Nickel Company of Canada (INCO) -

INCO was a major beneficiary of the 1965 Coinage Act due to increased demand for nickel to plate the copper coins our former silver coins were degraded to. It may seem strange that Wingate was a director of TWO major banks, but he was---

Alan Charles Root, Pilgrims Society, was an American Standard exec at that time---

The NPA founded at D.C. in 1934 is just more regimentation planned by the elites for Crown ruled serfs and commoners.

Wingate was a director of this Paris based Society of the Chemical Industry, similar to some extent to the Silver Users Association but more subtle---Charles Allen Thomas whom we reviewed, was a prominent member---


George D. Woods was with the Mellon family’s big First Boston Corporation, investment bankers, then he became president of the World Bank. The Mellons I consider an inner circle Pilgrims dynasty.

Eugene Robert Black, Pilgrims Society, outgoing president of the World Bank, with incoming World Bank president, George D. Woods---

“Who’s Who in America” 1970-1971, page 2499 shows---

Note his board seat on the New York Times, a major media outlet. The NYT had numerous anti-monetary silver editorials well back into the 1800s---

“First Boston became one of the largest investment banking firms in the United States, and Woods played a major role in it. Woods tenure at the World Bank accompanied its transformation into a more global institution.” From the World Bank site--- “Woods became an acknowledged master of corporate finance. Woods considered the growth of population one of the major obstacles to economic development. He also recognized the need for close cooperation with the United Nations, and felt that the Bank should work closely with the specialized agencies such as the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizations (UNESCO). A cooperative agreement with the FAO in 1964 helped initiate a large number of IDA projects in the agriculture sector. The Bank also served as executing agency for a large number of UNDP-financed studies. India represented both the challenges and the successes of the development field. Woods had been fascinated by India since his time at First Boston, when he made several trips to India at the request of the World Bank for financing various projects, and his interest in the country remained high during his tenure at the Bank. One of the many measures related to India during Woods' tenure was the Supplemental Agreement to provide additional funding for the Indus Basin works in India and Pakistan. He placed up to $50 million of India's debt service payments on deposit in the Reserve Bank of India. He placed up to $50 million of India's debt service payments on deposit in the Reserve Bank of India. The Indian government was furious.” Since its launching at Bretton Woods Conference in 1944, he World Bank was part of managing the international gold price cap at $35, page 117 of “George Woods and the World Bank” 1995 by Robert W. Oliver. The book has no mention of The Pilgrims USA. The Nashua, New Hampshire Telegraph, December 6, 1967, page 32 reported---

Woods was a Notre Dame University trustee. I haven’t found definite info that he was Catholic, but the prospect appears very likely and would be another case of a Catholic being secretive about membership in the apex Royalist organization. He was one of a few members linked to the Kaiser family fortune, and they never had a family member in The Pilgrims; whereas the reverse is true of the Rockefellers and the many reps they’ve had in The Society. Notice that while Woods linkage to the Rockefellers is obvious, his connection to the Mellons was much less so. “Paul Mellon, Portrait of an Oil Baron” (1974) revealed that the Mellon Bank held 99.9% of the preferred stock of First Boston Corporation.

The Rolling Rock Club in Pittsburgh has had interlock with The Pilgrims along with the other clubs Woods was in. Trustee JFK Library---my view is that The Pilgrims create such institutions and manage them to add insult to injury as they had the most to gain from JFK’s being erased.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F_Street_House ---

“The Club counted many well-known and influential men as regular guests, including Presidents, Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy, George H.W. Bush and members of their respective Administrations. This popularity could well have been because the Clubhouse was only a few blocks away from the White House.”

“The Clubhouse also served as a popular meeting place of the East Coast elite (in particular those who held powerful positions in the C.I.A. and the Department of State); and who hold informal meetings at the club. It was once labelled as "...the most difficult door to open in Washington D.C.". Indeed, the club was so exclusive that not even its members knew exactly who else belonged entirely. It was the place where men of power and influence dined, drank and socialized as they charted America's course according to Collier’s Magazine.”

“It was managed by a consisting of ten members. They were the "Old Guard," from prominent Washington, D.C. families who carefully guarded all operational aspects of the club. The club hosted members of the most prominent families in the United States, as well as senior officials from around Washington D.C. and beyond including the president of the World Bank Group, the Governor of the Bank of England and the Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs.” 1925 F Street inexplicably closed in 1996 presumably with the majority of its members relocating to the still more important Cosmos Club, with which 1925 F Street already had a large interlock. Next Member--- Samuel Harry Woolley appeared in “Who’s Who in America” 1970-1971 page 2499---member anti-silver Economic Club of New York---

Governor---anti-silver Bankers Club of America.

Alexander Hamilton, creepy central bank advocate who didn’t get shot early enough, founded Bank of New York in 1784. Hamilton was Episcopalian.

Bank of New York, founded in 1799, merged with Mellon National Bank to form Bank of New York Mellon and today represents some $31 TRILLION in assets! “Well it’s another ROTHSCHILD bank” no it is NOT! Bankers Club of America, a dead giveaway about opposition to silver as money. Also membership in the Economic Club! BNY Mellon now has 9,000 employees in 20 countries. Elliott Averett, Pilgrims Society, succeeded Woolley. The Pilgrims 1940 NYC showed Clarence M. Woolley, who was a director of General Electric, General Motors, Johns- Manville Corporation, American Radiator Company---he was with the War Trade Board in 1917---

Knight Woolley, Skull & Bones, was a NYC banker apparently never admitted upwards into the easily superior Pilgrims Society. Recall we just reviewed Henry S. Wingate, Pilgrims Society, long time head of INCO- --

“Who’s Who in America” 1976-1977 page 3446 shows Harry on more boards---

Founded in 1867, energy technologies---

The Teachers Insurance & Annuity Association and College Retirement Equities Fund is a Pilgrims Society entity for controlling the finances and the economic views of so many of America’s teachers and faculty. Wiki- -- “TIAA serves over 5 million active and retired employees participating at more than 15,000 institutions and has $1 trillion in combined assets under management with holdings in more than 50 countries (as of 31 December 2017).” TIAA ($583 billion recent assets) was launched in 1918 by Pilgrims Society member Andrew Carnegie through his awful Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching for globalist British Empire one-worldism---

This university in Pennsylvania has $867 million endowment---with Pilgrims Society fiat financiers on so many university boards, no wonder their economics departments prefer to not even mention silver---

Endowment---$605 million---

This club in Springfield, New Jersey, has a $150,000 joining price and annual dues of $18,500---it has significant interlock with The Pilgrims---


Henry Merritt Wriston, Commander of the Order of the British Empire (C.B.E.) was father of W.B. Wriston. The senior Wriston had 34 honorary degrees from American and foreign universities and held numerous positions---governor of New York Stock Exchange; trustee World Peace Foundation; director of Diplomatic Affairs Foundation; executive director The American Assembly; trustee Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; president of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) 1953-1964. For purposes of this list we’ll only count Walter Wriston.

Walter Wriston predicted during William Simon’s tenure as Treasury Secretary that gold prices would fall back to $35 per ounce, from $103.50, where Simon bombed it down to from the $200 level http://www.kitco.com/ind/Downs/aug042004.html In 1942 Walter Wriston spent nearly the entire year drafting top secret cables for the State Department.

Wriston authored (1997) "The Twilight of Sovereignty," adding to at least hundreds of confirmations that The Pilgrims Society seeks a world government.

He chaired Reagan’s Economic Policy Advisory Board, 1982-1989 and was a director of General Electric and General Mills. Advocate of a bogus gold standard, Steve Forbes, son of a Pilgrims Society member and a member himself with his kid brother, said he regretted Wriston was never Treasury Secretary or chairman of the Federal Reserve System -- -

http://www.forbes.com/2005/01/21/cz_sf_0121wriston.html Steve Forbes an advocate of free markets? Not really!

https://www.nndb.com/people/764/000167263/ ---

NNDB = Notable Names Data Base. NNDB not up to speed on The Pilgrims.

Wriston was also a director of JC Penney Company; Mercantile Bank of Canada; FNCB Waltons; Chubb Insurance; member Advisory Commission on Reform of International Monetary System; on administrative board, New York Hospital Cornell Medical Center; member National Commission on Productivity (“Who’s Who in America” 1974-1975 page 3377). Also member visiting committee of Harvard Business School; residence 870 United Nations Plaza NYC. General Electric is a silver user. ICOS was a biotech company acquired by Eli Lilly & Company, another Pilgrims Society interest and a particularly obnoxious member of Big Pharma, interesting as Wriston was a director of another Pharma titan, Pfizer---

Russell Pennoyer (Pilgrims NYC 2014), related to the J.P. Morgan family line, is a current trustee of this sham organization.

Research and Development (RAND) Corporation was created in 1948 by McDonnell Douglas Aircraft; it’s since a stand-alone entity; has 1,700 staff; and is a premier globalist think tank---

The Foundation for Economic Education says of Wriston, very dutifully not mentioning any faint scintilla about his Pilgrims Society activities---

“From his pinnacle of world finance as CEO of Citicorp, Walter Wriston was acutely aware of all of these global factors.”

City Bank, founded in 1812 in New York, is the forerunner of today’s Citigroup. City Bank was launched in response to our “failure” to renew the charter of the first United States Bank. This “failure to renew” was the actual cause of the War of 1812. By 1816 the Episcopalian conspirators in collaboration with their British associates, got the Second United States Bank chartered for 20 years.

This 1996 book made no mention of The Pilgrims Society; most likely this was unknown to the author; however if it was known, the author would have been dutifully silent so he could get it published---


Page 2523 of “Who’s Who in America” 1970-1971 shows Young was Episcopalian! “The International Year Book and Statesmen’s Who’s Who” (Burke’s Peerage, London) page 926 shows---

J.M. Young was a case of an outsider not related to long established dynastic families who became a trusted member. Morgan Stanley has a rep as a silver shyster and also has raised billions for industrial users for many years. Note his interest in Australia and France. The Pilgrims Society seeks to tie the world together under its aegis. Note also his connection to the war effort in the 1940s and the marriage of his daughter to a Hamilton. That is not a scarce name however in this organization the prospects sharply rise that it could be another Alexander Hamilton descendant.

The France-America Society was connected to the World War One plans of the Anglo-American financiers and I suspect it exerted to get France to stop requesting dollar conversion into gold---

The France-America Society early on was just another Pilgrims Society front as only a few names below weren’t in Pilgrims rosters for 1914 and 1920---these were seething war profiteers benefitting from World War One---just like Pilgrims Society member Andrew Carnegie backed the New York “Peace” Society (warmongers) so he could sell steel in wartime---Carnegie is said to have been worth $372 billion in 2014 dollars---you will NEVER hear from any biographer, History Channel or other sellout source about Carnegie’s Pilgrims Society activities on behalf of his idol, The King of England---

The Travellers Club in Paris has more members from The Pilgrims London than from The Pilgrims New York; as expected, it is incredibly opulent---

This concludes the sampling of finance members from The Pilgrims NYC 1969. The final installment in this Mysterious Monetary Metals Manipulators series follows. It will review ten members of The Pilgrims Society London for 1969 and contain an important Post Script which will attempt to set a certain matter to rights and correct a severe exaggeration which was very irresponsibly made.

www.silverstealers.net www.nosilvernationalization.org https://www.facebook.com/charles.savoie.96387 https://www.silvermarketnewsonline.com/archives.htm