·Botany. '•. News.Letter ·
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. · .. .. ·· .··. Au~tralian .· ' "': . ·•· ·. Systematic .. ' . ·Botany. '•. ~- . ' .. ·Society· . .. .. · . News.letter · . .. ' .• .·· . No.· 90 . MARCH 1997 · Price:· $S.OO ·. , . Registered by Australia Post Print Post Publication .Number. PP '545545 - 0005 . ISSN'1034·1;!1B AUSTRAiJAN. SYSTEMATIC. BOTANY. SOCIETY. iNCORPORATED. .., . Office Bearers President. · Vice"president Drl: .J~ Entw'isle · . Dr C: .J, Puttock · · · National Herbarium of Victoria, Ausiral ian National Herbarium, Birdwood Avenue, GPO pox 16Q(), South Yarra, Vic.3141 . Canberra, ACT260l tel.: (03) 9.2522313 . · . ·tel.: (06·) 2465491 fa.x: (03)92522350 . fax: (06) z'465249 . · email:entwisle@bolany._uni'melb.edu.au' email: [email protected] . Secretary . :rreas\trer ~rs R. M. Harker JVI•· .J, Clarkson Botanic.Garden of A(lelaide .• Queensland J:Ierbiuium: and S'tattd-lerbarium, ·. PO Box 1054, · Nill·th Terrace, Man~eba, Qld 4880 Adelaide, SA 5000 tel.; (070) 92_8445 tel.: (08) 82282304 . fax: (070) 923593 fax: (08) 82231809 · .. email: [email protected] . ~ eniail:[email protected] ·. '.· . councillor . ~ouricill~r . · Dr T. Macfarlane Dr P:Weston Western Australian Herbarium, National Herbarium.of New S(Juth Wales. Dept-Conservation· & Land Management,· Mrs Macquaries Road,'· Manjimup, wA 625~. -Sydney, NSW 2006 email:terrytil@manji,calm.wa.gov.au email :'[email protected]. .t;\ffiliate So.ciety PapuaN~w Guinea Botan.ical SocietY . Australian'Boianical Lia.ison Officer • · • l'ttblic Offic~r· and Membership Officer Ur I>. IJ. Foreman MrA.Lyne . Herbarium, . Australian National Herbarium, . Royal Bqtanic Gardens, Kew; Ceptre for Plant Biodiversity Research CSIRO, Richmond, Surrey TW9 3AB, · GPO Box 1600, . Englan·d · Canberra, ACT 260J tel.: 44~ 181 "33252:70 tel.: (06) 2465508 fax; 44- i8l<B25.27S · fax: (OG) 2465249 .• email: [email protected] einaiL: al@anbg:gov.au ·http://www:an~g.gpv.au · AS.lS Web·site: http:!/ ~ ' ~ . Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 90 (March 1997) PRESIDENT'S REPORl' here to now? include the Palynological and W The establishment of an Australian Palaeobotanical Association of society for systematists has (quite rightfully) Australasia. Maybe it would draw forced us to explore various futures for ASBS. members from cryptogam societies and As I write, ASBS continues to do what it has others as well. done well for last 24 years. The new society, 3. The Australian Institute of Biology acts let's call it ASS, is in its formative stage with as an umbrella organization for a number many systematic botanists among its of societies. The AlB has the potential to enthusiastic supporters. handle professional accreditation (cf foresters and engineers) and membership I intend to raise this issue yet again at the to all relevant societies could be annual general meeting in Adelaide. At various streamlined through a single membership times in the newsletter and in general meetings, form and finance arrangement (this the concept of changing the focus of ASBS to a suggestion is from Bob Hill - apologies biological systematics society or to a general to Bob if I have minor details incorrect). botanical society has been aired. In 1988, Mike AlB would have to initiate such a Crisp hoped that his proposals at that time proposal. would not 'lapse merely through apathy' (ASBS 4. We wait to see how ASS develops and Newsletter 55: 3-5). Response to the reconsider our options on a regular basis. establishment of ASS at the Melbourne meeting has been limited but not apathetic. I have I do not suggest we vote in Adelaide to decide received (verbally and via e-mail) strong absolutely on this issue (it would require missives in support of our current mission and changes to the constitution anyway). What I equally strong petitions to broaden our would like to resolve in Adelaide is whether taxonomic focus. there is a minority or majority wanting change, and how strongly these views are held. From There are a number of alternatives (and plenty there, the council can take appropriate action. more I'm sure): There will be no knee-jerk reaction and no 1. ASBS retains its current scope. ASBS and caving into the loud and/or lucid. The current ASS evolve as different societies with council are bound to support the aims of the overlapping membership lists. society unless the membership decide 2. ASBS broadens its scope to include all otherwise. the aims of the new society, let's call it ASS. ASBS then invites ASS members to In Janum:y, I contacted all Chapter Convenors join it. ASS decides to either stand alone with a request for debate on this issue. If you or to effectively merge with the new have comments, questions, concerns or ASBS (i.e. it is their choice). Bob Hill has condemnation could you please contact your suggested that such a society could also Chapter Convenor or a member of Council. I'd Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 90 (March 1997) like to receive all feedback by the end of give you the chance to knock back a sherry or August. You might also consider burdening a two. colleague with the duty of representing your views in Adelaide. FASTS We have a new representative on FASTS for our I'm sure there will be members thinking that cluster of three societies. Snow Barlow while Rome bums (i.e. vegetation is cleared, (Australian Society for Plant Physiologists) will research funding is reduced, plants go stand for three years, to be followed by a unnamed), Australia's systematic botany society representative fromASBS. On behalf of the is fiddling (in all senses of the word). While this society, I'd like to thank Barry Fox (Ecological is undoubtedly true, the issue needs resolution Society of Australia) for his efforts on our behalf and the newsletter and society meetings are over the past few years. If you have any issues appropriate venues. for Snow to present on our behalf, please forward them to me in the first instance. I Chapters recently sent FASTS some ideas from theASBS Andrew Lyne has sent all Chapter Convenors a Council for the Review of Science and Technology Arrangements by the Chief list of current and not so current members. If Scientist, Professor John Stocker. you are reading this newsletter under false pretences you may receive a call from your National Biodiversity Council local convenor in the near future. My chats As I outlined at the last general meeting, the with convenors revealed as many interpretations NBC is undergoing something of a rebirth. The of a local chapter as there are chapters. A new 18 member council, where enthusiasm will couple of new convenors have emerged be as important as reputation, will be elected (thanks Marco Duretto and Peter Jobson) early this year and all assembly representatives and some chapters are planning to (re-)activate. are due for renewal or change. Our representatives on the assembly are now Bob Seminars/talks are the popular social cohesive, Hill (University of Tasmania) and Darren Crayn ranging from monthly to 'a couple a year'. (University of New South Wales). Bob also Topics range from learned to light-hearted, represents a number of other societies and I will many convenors feeling that research seminars continue to represent the Australasian Society duplicated the efforts of nearby universities or for Phycology and Aquatic Botany. herbaria. Alternatives include reports on field trips or conferences, and discussion groups. In And Melbourne, a Chapter field trip is planned for If you thought the cover of the last issue reflects spring. Email is seen as a boon for publicizing the research interests of the current President - ad hoc meetings. lots of very small green things - you were wrong. I study larger red things. The esteemed It may not be practical or useful to hold editors are in the process of reworking the cover. Chapter meetings in some regions, but please I'm assured that the cover of this issue will be give thought to whether some sort of regular less spacious. gathering might boost membership, build those oh-so-important professional bridges, or just Tim Entwisle Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 90 (March 1997) ASBS INC BUSINESS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The 19th Annual General Meeting of the Australian Systematic Botany Society Incorporated will be held on Wednesday 1st October at the University of Adelaide, in conjunction with the joint national conference (Software and Systematics: Advancing Knowledge and Conservation of Australia's Biodiversity) of ASBS and the newly formed Society of Australian Systematic Biologists (28th September- 3rd October). Any members wishing to place an item on the agenda should notify the Secretary (Mrs Robyn Barker) in writing by Wednesday 17th September 1997. COUNCIL ELECTIONS In accordance with the Society's Constitution, nominations are hereby called for all positions on the Council for the 1997-1998 term of office: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and two councillors. None of the retiring office bearers has served three consecutive years in the same office and so all are eligible for re-election. Each nomination must be proposed by two members, and the nominee's acceptance of the nomination must accompany the nomination form. Nominations must be made on the form included in this Newsletter or a facsimile of it. All nominations must be in the hands of the returning officer (Robyn Barker) by Friday 16th May, 1997. Robyn Barker Secretary, ASBS Inc. *** 1997 ASBS SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE NOW DUE*** Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 90 (March 1997) NOMINATION FORM Note: A separate nomination paper or facsimile of the same is required for each candidate. We, the undersigned me1pbers of the Society, wish to nominate: for: President, Vice-president, Secretary, Councillor. (Please delete the offices that do not apply to you nomination.) First Nominator Second Nominator Name ........................................