Fenix Resources Iron Ridge Biological Survey 2019

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Fenix Resources Iron Ridge Biological Survey 2019 MARCH 2020 FENIX RESOURCES IRON RIDGE BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 2019 This page has been left blank intentionally. Fenix Resources Ltd Iron Ridge Biological Survey Document Status Approved for Issue Rev. Author(s) Reviewer Date Name Distributed To Date Rob Sellers Tim McCabe J Shepherdson 0 Shaun Grein 28/11/2019 S Grein 28/11/2019 Andrew Craigie R Brierley Rob Sellers 1 Shaun Grein 20/02/2020 S Grein J Shepherdson 20/02/2020 Alice O’Connor 20/03/2020 S Grein J Shepherdson 20/03/2020 2 Andrew Craigie Shaun Grein R Brierley ecologia Environment (2020). Reproduction of this report in whole or in part by electronic, mechanical or chemical means, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, in any language, is strictly prohibited without the express approval of ecologia or Fenix Resources. ecologia Environment 463 Scarborough Beach Rd OSBORNE PARK WA 6017 Phone: 08 6168 7200 Email: [email protected] March 2020 i Fenix Resources Ltd Iron Ridge Biological Survey This page has been left blank intentionally. March 2020 ii Fenix Resources Ltd Iron Ridge Biological Survey EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ecologia Environment (ecologia) was engaged by Fenix Resources Ltd. (Fenix) to conduct a detailed flora and vegetation survey and a Level 1 fauna and fauna habitat assessment, including a targeted survey for the Priority 3 listed Idiosoma clypeatum (northern shield-backed trapdoor spider), and a stygofauna survey to support environmental approvals for the proposed Iron Ridge Project over tenement M20/118 (the ‘study area’) located approximately 55 km northwest of Cue in the Murchison region. The current survey was conducted between the 2nd and 6th September 2019 and expands on a reconnaissance flora and fauna habitat survey conducted by ecologia in July 2019. Flora and Vegetation A total of 171 vascular plant taxa (species, infraspecific taxa, and phrase names) representing 37 families and 93 genera were recorded from 24 sampling sites and additional opportunistic records within the study area. No EPBC Act (1999) or BC Act (2016) listed Threatened species were recorded, however, eight state listed Priority species were recorded, including Acacia dilloniorum (Priority 1), Stenanthemum patens (Priority 1), Hemigenia virescens (Priority 3), Micromyrtus placoides (Priority 3), Prostanthera petrophila (Priority 3), Acacia speckii (Priority 4), Dodonaea amplisemina (Priority 4), and Grevillea inconspicua (Priority 4). Of these species, A. dilloniorum, S. patens, M. placoides, P. petrophila, A. speckii, and D. amplisemina have been recorded from the proposed infrastructure development envelope. Three introduced plant species were recorded from the study area: Cuscuta planifolia, Lysimachia arvensis, and Rostraria pumila. No Weeds of National Significance (WONS) or Declared Pests were recorded. Hierarchical cluster analysis was conducted using floristic data collected from 24 sampling sites surveyed within the study area. Based on this analysis, ten vegetation types were described and delineated. None of the vegetation types were assessed as corresponding to any National or State listed TEC, nor were any considered to be regionally significant based on available data. However, most vegetation types are associated with the Priority 1 PEC ‘Weld Range vegetation complexes (banded ironstone formation)’, the spatial extent of which is defined by the DBCA and includes a 500 m administrative buffer. Within the study area, 263.80 ha of vegetation occurs within the DBCA defined PEC boundary, of which 78.4 ha is within the proposed project infrastructure envelope, representing 0.3% of the total extent of the PEC. Five vegetation types may also be considered locally significant on the basis of supporting populations of Priority 1 listed species, having high overall species diversity, or being locally restricted. Vegetation condition across most of the study area was assessed as Very Good to Excellent, with no or minimal weed invasion in most areas and only minor grazing impacts. Vertebrate Fauna A Level 1 vertebrate fauna and fauna habitat assessment of the study area, including targeted searches for conservation significant fauna, was undertaken concurrently with detailed flora and vegetation survey. Fauna habitat assessments were undertaken at 12 sites to obtain representative examples of fauna habitats present. Four broad fauna habitats were identified, described and mapped within the study area. Habitats were generally assessed to be in Very Good to Excellent condition. The landforms, land systems and habitat types identified during the survey are considered locally common and the survey did not identify any restricted conservation significant vertebrate fauna habitat, or habitats that were restricted to the survey area itself. Acacia sp. Weld Range (A. Markey & S. Dillon 2994) and Acacia speckii dominated shrubland on mid and lower slopes provides suitable habitat for the Priority 3 (BC Act) northern shield-backed trapdoor spider (Idiosoma clypeatum) while mulga (Acacia aneura) woodland over ironstone ridge crests and slopes provides suitable habitat for the Priority 4 (BC Act) long-tailed dunnart (Sminthopsis March 2020 iii Fenix Resources Ltd Iron Ridge Biological Survey longicauda). The thick leaf litter associated with the minor drainage line supporting dense shrubs habitat provides shelter for the Priority 1 (BC Act) west coast mulga slider (Lerista eupoda). Fifteen vertebrate fauna species were recorded during the survey including 13 bird, one mammal and one reptile species. These represent the potential vertebrate fauna of the survey area; however, species other than those recorded are likely to occur. Five northern shield-backed trapdoor spider (Idiosoma clypeatum (Priority 3 BC Act)) burrows were recorded within the Acacia sp. Weld Range (A. Markey & S. Dillon 2994) and Acacia speckii shrubland on mid and lower slopes habitat type under acacias that exhibit narrow phyllodes. The Iron Ridge study area only contains a small area of suitable habitat (4.29% of the total study area) for this species. Survey effort within suitable habitat for this species was considered adequate. Previous survey within the Weld Range have recorded the long-tailed dunnart (Sminthopsis longicauda (Priority 4 (BC Act)) which has been given a likelihood of occurrence rating of ‘Likely (1)’ within the mulga woodland over ironstone ridge crests and slopes habitat type. The peregrine falcon has also been recorded on multiple occasion within the Weld Range and has been given a likelihood of occurrence rating of ‘Likely (1)’. This species may overfly all habitat types without utilising any part of the study area in particular. Seventeen species of conservation significance were deemed unlikely to occur due to the lack of suitable habitat including four species of mammal, 12 birds and one reptile. March 2020 iv Fenix Resources Ltd Iron Ridge Biological Survey TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................. III 1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 1 1.1 PROJECT BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................1 1.2 SURVEY OBJECTIVES ..................................................................................................................1 1.3 LEGISLATIVE AND REGULATORY FRAMEWORK ........................................................................1 2 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................. 4 2.1 DESKTOP STUDY ........................................................................................................................4 2.2 FLORA AND VEGETATION ..........................................................................................................5 2.3 VERTEBRATE FAUNA .................................................................................................................8 2.4 ANIMAL ETHICS ...................................................................................................................... 10 2.5 STUDY TEAM AND LICENCES .................................................................................................. 11 2.6 LIMITATIONS AND CONSTRAINTS .......................................................................................... 12 3 DESKTOP STUDY ............................................................................................................ 14 3.1 CLIMATE ................................................................................................................................. 14 3.2 IBRA 7 BIOGEOGRAPHIC SUBREGIONS .................................................................................. 14 3.3 LAND SYSTEMS, GEOLOGY, AND SOILS .................................................................................. 15 3.4 CONSERVATION RESERVES AND NATIONALLY IMPORTANT WETLANDS .............................. 16 3.5 FLORA AND VEGETATION ....................................................................................................... 21 3.6 SIGNIFICANT ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITIES ............................................................................ 29 3.7 OTHER SIGNIFICANT ECOSYSTEMS ........................................................................................ 30 3.8 TERRESTRIAL FAUNA .............................................................................................................
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