ISSN 1059-1249 The Magic Lantern Gazette A Journal of Research Volume 29, Number 2/3 Summer/Fall 2017 The Magic Lantern Society of the United States and Canada The Editor’s Page 2 This double issue of the Gazette has two articles on As always, I am looking for more contributions to the magic lantern related topics. The first is my own arti- Gazette from researchers in North America and any- cle on the oxyhydrogen microscope, a sister to the where else in the world. Last year we had a series of magic lantern. I trace the origins of this instrument contributions from young European scholars, but back to the marriage of the solar microscope, an 18th that pipeline has temporarily dried up, and recent century instrument, and the oxy-hydrogen blowpipe, submissions have been scarce. Please consider sub- originally used for chemical analysis and secondarily mitting some of your research to the Gazette. for illumination. The oxyhydrogen microscope (variously spelled with or without a hyphen, or as the hydro-oxygen or gas microscope) was never really an Kentwood D. Wells, Editor instrument used for scientific research, but rather an 451 Middle Turnpike attraction for public amusement. Parts of this story Storrs, CT 06268 have been told by other scholars, but never in a com-
[email protected] prehensive way, and the material on exhibitions of the 860-429-7458 oxyhydrogen microscope in the United States is en- tirely new. Particularly before the Civil War, audienc- es wondered at the appearance of fleas the size of ele- phants, fly eyes, and insect wings, or the feeding of live Water Tigers, the larvae of a type of aquatic bee- tle.