1961 Nuober I
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\t f.-l) .1 Jt : ..-.- ',1- \,- '\ ',(i,u\!W:&* Tti,tWlit'tr \l , r - ], ii , "ni\,tl"!.Il -' i PACIFIC PET ROL EUM GEOLOGIST NEWS LETTER OF THE PACIFIC SECTION AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PETROLEUM GEOLOGISTS ASSOCIATION ACTIVITIES Volune 15 January 1961 Nuober I to your December, 1960 j'ssue. of P'P'G" PACIFIC SCTION INCORPORATION Please refer p"g" ,, and note the fouoving propose'l changes: Your Executive collmittee reconrends uords I'This proposal Article I. After the approval by the membership of our to organlzationn insert rrwhose area incorporate the Paclfic Section, A.A.P.G. because, of interest conprises the by ilcorporating, ve realuce exposure oF offlcers Pacific coastal regionrl anal nembers to personal 11ability involved jn lncurriltg of flnancial obligatlons. Artlc1e IlI' Section I. Delete rran'l resl'ling in Catifornla, oregon' or Bill Eatrund, the Sacranento Petrolerm l'iashlngton. rr Association menber on the Executive Conxnittee' flnancial rlantl'l has rendered us a great assistance and Article IV, Section 2. Delete the uord saving by securing the voluntary services of after the uor'ts ttsan Joaquin I!h. vernon Barett, of the law firm wellborn, ' Geological Societyrr, substitute aral Rodi, in the clrafting and processlng Barrett jncor'poratlon. a comna for the Perlod after of the papers connectetl Yith lb. the uords I'Coast Geological Barrett advises the follonlng: IThe outstanallng the folloclng, of Socletyrtr and add advantage of incorporatlng an organlzation naild one member selecte'l bY thls tlDe 1s to realuce the exposure of its partlcularly the sacranento Petroleun menbers to personal liab1l1ty, Associat ion. rr those menbers uho tal(e action in behau of the to the incurring of association nhlch leads fn connection wlth Articte I and Artlcle financlal- obllgatlons. A corporation is an the facts are that ue do person nho can oyn property rII, Sectlon 1' above, artiflcaUy created menbershlp resl'ljng outside of the and obligations in m'rch the nav6 a large and have duties tnree paciiic coast stites, an't in connection vith salre nanner as a natural person. I'lhen offleers 2, you rrill remenber rle deal in behalf of a corporation, they can without Article IV, Section lhat wetcomea aifltiation by the Sacranento Petroleun mrch dlfficulty lrEke it clear that the obligatlons last they are incurring are those of the cor?oratj-on Associatj.on late Year. and not their om. An unlncorporateal association yes on the ballot belon' sign arrangenent 1n Please vote is generauy an unsatisfactory your and return to: teris of iti rights and aluties artl its ormership nane, rights and duties of property and correE)onding Robert O. Patterson, Secretary of its menbers.n Paclfic-Olt wetl l,ogging, Inc. papers on incor?oration' it 7I4 west olyttrPlc Boulevard Prior to filing I.os Angeles 15' California is necessary that our membership approve this certaln mlnor proposed nove. In aald.ition, gy conitltutional changes are in order so that the BaUot nust be in nanos g{ secretary prtnted matter fits currently recognized facts. .lanuary 31, t96t to be counted!! Bauot (tut in box belor) t. Incorporation of Paclfic section of YeS No A.A.P.G. E tl 2. Anend Articles of Constitutlon as proposed above. (Note, that 1f You favor incor?oration these changes shoultl likerlse be approveal bY a ryesn vote.) Sisnature - Active }bmber Page 2 Iarge sections of the surface. These processes, though spasmodic, are persistent through hlstory. 'Irvlng In consldering the grovth of a nountain systen T. Schvade President such nEy generalizeal And.rev J. llacMillan Vice -Pres ldent as the Cordiuera, they be Robert O. Patterson Secretary lnto a geosynclinal phase, an orogenic phase, Richard. L. Hester Treaswer alrd a post-orogenlc phase. Bredford. K. Johnson Editor Thoms A, Beldvin Past-kesident The geosynclinal phase uas a time of sedl- Spencer Fine e^qc+ RAh-^c6h+.+i..6 L. S, Chmbers San Joequin Representative nentatlon and rather mild crustal actlvity. In the Cordllleran region 1t persisteal through Paleozolc tirne and throudr the half of PAC IFIC PEfROLEI'],{ GEOI.OGIST first ltssozoic tirne. Puolisned nonrhlJ bJ ihe Pacific Section, Amerlcan Association of Petrolew Geologists, Adfu'ess com- The orogenic phase began earllest 1n the muications to the Pacific Petroleu Geologist, 799 vestern part of the CordiUera, broadly in nid- Subvay Terniml Building, I,os Angeles 13, Calif. l"tresozoic time--in plapes jn the Jurassic, elseuhere jn Edltor Bradford K. Johneon some$hat later. Rocks forned thls part of Assistant Edltors: the geoslmcllne uere deformed, netamor?hosed., Personal Ttere and invadeal by large bodies of magma. The Lucy Birdsall defonned rocl(s rere raised into a land surface, Cartoonist Mort K].ine from which uas sheal westl.aral the Ildold Sullvold detritus into broad, a^ac+ a^#Ac-^ndah+ Homrd l-eve1 Pacific ocean basin, and eastyanl as a Al a^--ach^niah+ F^L^r+ rah.r^- sheet into the the contirent, across ^aLa interlor of Los Angeles Correspond.ent the reEjnder of the geosyncline. Northvest Conespondent l4alcoln B. Greene Sacrmento Correspondent Lovell Garrison Drrlng Cretaceous tire, [email protected] pro- San Francisco Correspondent D. H. Pfeiffer gressed eastrard fron the dlsturbed belt, San Joaquin Correspondent Romld G. Heck initial foldlng antl faulting the rocks of the Great Basir area, npre llghtly affecting those on the site of the Colorado P1ateau, and rcre heavily affecting those in the Roclg Mountajns beyond. In the southenr part of the Roclry lrbuntains, Next Deadljne: January 27, L96L zones of uealmess haal already been created by mountain-Eaklng during Paleozoic tine. By the close of the orogenic phase, in Iate Cretaceous anat Paleocene times, defonnation had reached sAcR4l4tr{ro GEoroGrcAL socrETY the edge of the present Great Plains, but it progressed no farther thland. 0n DeceEber 15, 1960 phlllp B. King (usGs) spoke on [Structural the Evo1utlon of Western The folding anat faulting of the orogenic North Anerican before lletrbers of the Sacranento phase produce nbdem topography. Geologj.cal did not the Soclety. tlhile the surface cas raisetl anal lonereal by it, processes erosion and sealimentation Abstract levellng of Yere actlve and prevented developoent of strong r€Uefi lpreover, regional altltuales re@ined low. Westem North Anerica is the reglon of the Coratilleran system of npuntain ranges, uhich lbdern surface features evolveal by a m.lltituale extend lnland fron the Paclfic Coast 4O0 to I,00O of crustal processes dtlrlng the post-orogenic Liles to the Great Plains of the continental phase, jx TertiarXr anal Quaternary tines. Inter- lnterlor. The lanalscape been of the reglon has montane basins subsided (as 1n lryoming anal Shapeal processes by surface of erosion, sedl- coloraalo), large areas yere broken up by block mentation, and volcanlsm, but ultinate cause of (as the jr faulting 1n the creat Basin), antl other large features is deeper in the crust, processes areas uere overspread by lava (as in the columbia that have alefonDed the rocks, brought about Plateau), and mountains uere fonrcat by the emplacenent of [agnas, and ralsed loyereat or building of chaixs of voLcanoes (as in the Cascaale Page 5 Range). Besides, extensive regions uere upllfted offshore geolog/ anat offshorr-' alevelopments. l{ealnesalay reLative to their surrounaljngs, uith little mornjxg will continue the convention thene of internal ateformation. The largest uplifteat circum-Pacific petroleun exploration, uith a witler region centereal in the Rocl(y Mountains and group of circun-Pacific papers, includjrg authori- extended into the Great P1alns anal Coloraalo tative atiscussions on Alaska, BaJa caljJornia, the Plateau; it was raised nainly before later GuIf of california a.rea, and the uestem coast of Tertiary time, but rrith aliminishing uplifts into South Anerica. That afternoon the eastern hemisphere the Pleistocene. SmalLer, more conplex uplifts nj.tl be treated by a serles of papers aleallng uith took place soneyhat later in the sierra Nevada Japan, the Phllippi,nes, Inalonesia, Papua, and Nehr and cascade Ranep; in the sierra Nevatla, upuft Guinea, and the latest developnents in Australia. uas acco[panled by markeal faulting a]ong the Ihe Thurstlay mlrnlng program wiLl be on the general eastern side. oceanic area of the Pacifj-c, incluating Pacific oceanogaphy, submarine features, selsmlclty of the The post-orogenic (Tertiary anat Quaternary) Pacific belt, aleep sealinents in the Paclfic ocean, lpvenents raised the Cordiueran region to its and an up-to-tlate account of the Mohole proiect. present €Bneral1y high altituate. Streams Thurstlay afternoon vill conclude the prosan ltith quickened by the uplift anal by increasetl rainfall papers on wortd-rrlide developnents outslale the clrcum- dtrrlng the Pleistocene, etched out the ncuntains Paciflc theme. These will be on such areas as and canyons; nountain barriers prevented free Africa, the Mj.lalle East, ard Europe. The Corulittee circulation of nolsture-la.alen uinds from the is currently crystallizlng these ideas into invitatlons Pacjjic and heightened the clinFtic contrasts. to geologists antl reLated sclentists who are best Since nll-Tertiary time, regional relief, local prepared to make presentations of value. The ialeas relief, anal cll@tj-c contrasts have been of the rea.ders of PPG are inviteal. geater in the Cortlillera than at any earlier period. IN MN,IORIAM Throughout geol.ogic time, the Cordllleran system has been boralereal on the vest by the deep Rebecca hlooduartl, alaughter of Warren Woodvard, Pacific Ocean basin, flooreal by cmstaL naterial Shell 0i1 CoEpany geolo€tist, uas aboard the different from that of the conti.nent. It is Unj.ted Airlines plare that recently crasheal over unlikely that any atlditional lanals ever existed Ner York. l4iss Wooduard uas returning to New York offshore that have since foundered to oceanic for the chrlstrEs holidays. depths. l-bre lLkeIy, contj,nental area has been aalateal at the expense of ocean basjn by various accretionary processes.