CATHOLIC FAMILY FRATERNAL JOURNAL #286 • PUB NO (USPS 585060) • Temple, TX 76501 • July/August • 2017 Delegates Attend XXXV Regular General Convention; Two New State Directors Elected

A total of 142 delegates attended the XXXV Regular General Con- vention of the Catholic Family Fra- ternal of Texas - K.J.Z.T. in Aus- tin on July 15 and 16, 2017 at the Omni Southpark Hotel. There were 59 societies represented. The Convention began with regis- tration early Saturday morning and with committee meetings. Commit- tees that met were the Credentials Committee, Mileage Committee, Balloting Committee and Hospital- ity Committee. Mass followed with State Chap- lain Father Gary Janak presiding. Pictured at left is Betty Vacek. Pictured at right is Donna Janda. The Mass featured Alice Wright Marriage as the Fifth Gospel playing the piano and Betty Vacek leading the Choir. After Mass, registration continued and was followed by lunch, dur- ing which a presentation was given by delegates Margaret Ryan and Bea Jarzombek, sisters of Sister Rebecca Janacek...... page 3 A slideshow was shown and they spoke of Sister Rebecca’s work in Rotu, East Africa. Everyone found the presentation Convention, cont. interesting and informative...... page 6 A silent auction was held all day Saturday through Sunday morning benefitting the K.J.Z.T. Memorial Scholarship Fund. The total raised for the fund was over $1,500. Then, the Convention was opened by State Director Sofie Perkins. The blessing of the gavel was done by State Chaplain Camp Pictures Father Gary Janak. VP/Insurance Services Pam Strickland gave the roll call. President/CEO Loretta Stahl welcomed all ...... page 10 the delegates and guests. A special guest speaker for the weekend included Joseph Annotti, President and CEO of the American Fraternal Alli- Junior Awards Day ance. Mr. Annotti spoke of his work in fraternal advocacy, branding, governance and the future of fraternals in the age ...... page 12 of technology. On Saturday night, the delegates were treated to a cocktail hour and banquet. Everyone enjoyed the music of Mr. and Flag Day Mrs. Henry Machicek during cocktails. The Czech singers had delegates out of their seats, singing and dancing! Next ...... page 17 followed the banquet, where Sales and Marketing Manager Jim Wiest recognized his top 3 Sales Agents in the “Race to the Convention” contest. In 1st place was Joan Johnson of Ennis, in 2nd place was Rita Egbue from Dallas and in 3rd Fraternal 100 place was Mike Foteh from Houston. The Sales Department also held a membership contest for the Societies. In 1st place ...... page 21 was Society No. 89 Sinton, in 2nd place was Society No. 32 Houston and in 3rd place was Society No. 126 Palacios. continued on page 6... Page 2 Catholic Family Fraternal Journal July/August 2017 July/August 2017 CATHOLIC FAMILY In lieu of a President’s letter this issue, FRATERNAL JOURNAL (USPS 585-060) we would like to share with you this Apostolic Message. PUBLISHED BI-MONTHLY BY CATHOLIC FAMILY FRATERNAL OF TEXAS We also received letters from Bishops across the state of Texas 4604 EAST BEN WHITE BLVD. AUSTIN, TEXAS 78741 who sent their prayers to the Fraternal. (512) 444-9586 • E-mail us at [email protected] PUBLICATION STAFF Editor Editorial Assistant Loretta Stahl Liz Hernandez 4604 East Ben White Blvd. [email protected] Austin, Texas 78741 PRINTER TEMPLE DAILY TELEGRAM Entered as Periodicals Postage Paid at Austin, Texas and at additional mailing office. Entered under the Act of August 14, 1912. STATE OFFICERS President/CEO Loretta Stahl VP/Insurance Services Pam Strickland VP/Financial Controller Carrie Janecek STATE DIRECTORS Emma Jean Ribar 6704 FM 2269 Grace Vinklarek Buckholts, TX 76518 16052 N State Hwy 95 (254) 697-6349 Flatonia, TX 78941 (830) 839-4400 Sofie Perkins 3104 Traylor Blvd. Joyce Kurtz Rockport, TX 78382 769 Private Road 3077 (361) 729-7310 Hallettsville, TX 77964 (361) 293-7688 Arlene Cloyd 7181 Kiesewetter Rd. Sally Long Bellville, TX 77418 1105 S. Mulberry St. (979) 865-9006 Ennis, TX 75119 (972) 875-9503 Deborah Kaspar P.O. Box 1677 Brazoria, TX 77422 (979) 482-0239

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Catholic Family Fraternal Journal Attn: Editor P.O. Box 18896 Austin, Texas 78760-8896 K.J.Z.T. Office Hours Monday thru Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. July/August 2017 Catholic Family Fraternal Journal Page 3

(USPS 585-060) Marriage as the Fifth Gospel

Pope Francis, in referring to marriage as an act of faith between a man and By Very Rev. Gary W. Janak, State Chaplain woman who are both fragile and limited, but courageous enough to follow Christ The is often referred to as the “Fifth Gospel,” since it illuminates and seek to love each other as he loves them, has said, “Men and women, coura- the story of our salvation like nothing else on earth can do. We know the four geous enough to carry this treasure in the ‘earthen vessels’ of our humanity, are gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, but Father Bargil Pixner, a Benedic- an essential resource for the church and for the whole world...All Christians are tine monk in ’s Dormition Abbey and well-noted author and archeolo- called to love each other like Christ loves them, and to be at the service of each gist, is quoted in his book With Through Galilee: According to the Fifth other, but the love between husband and wife is given greater, even ‘unthink- Gospel (Corazin Publishing, 1992) as saying, “Five gospels record the life of able,’ dignity when St. Paul says the love between a husband and wife reflects Jesus. Four you will find in books and one you will find in the land they call the love between Christ and his church.” Yes, husbands and wives, through holy. Read the fifth gospel and the world of the four will open to you.” I have their marital love, boldly evangelize and witness to Christ through the very gift been blessed to have made three journeys to and each time I learn some- of their marriage. This Sacrament of Service can indeed be referred to as a thing new about this sacred land and about my faith journey. Therefore, just as “Fifth Gospel.” the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John unfold the life, death and resur- rection of our Savior, so does a pilgrimage to the very land and home of Jesus. As members of the K.J.Z.T., we are encouraged to promote the sanctity of mar- It is indeed the “Fifth Gospel.” riage and encourage our children and grandchildren to exchange their marital vows in the Church. Too often today couples select a venue not only for their Yet, the longer I am a priest, and the more I minister to married couples, the reception, but also for their wedding ceremony, and many more couples choose more I also learn about Christ through husbands and wives. Therefore, I often to forgo marriage altogether and cohabitate. In the , according to refer to marriage as the “Fifth Gospel.” Just as I can experience the presence The Official Catholic Directory, there were 352,458 weddings in the Catholic of Jesus, as I recall walking upon the very land he traveled, I find Christ fully Church in 1965. In 2017, there were 145,916. I, and my brother priests, speak alive in the Sacrament of Marriage shared by couples who love the Lord and often about the declining number of weddings in our parishes. one another. Such love is exhibited in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. These married couples preach the Gospel of Christ to me, not only by It grieves me that so many couples are denying themselves the grace of the their words, but in their commitment to one another. Sacrament of Marriage. The Catechism of the Catholic Church, in paragraph 1661, reminds us of the outpouring of God’s grace upon those who enter into a I witness this through long-lived marriages, such as a recent blessing I offered sacramental union: “The sacrament of Matrimony signifies the union of Christ to a couple married for 75 years, as well as broken marriages that have been and the Church. It gives spouses the grace to love each other with the love with healed. I once watched a wife beam with pride, as her husband distributed Holy which Christ has loved his Church; the grace of the sacrament thus perfects the Communion for the first time as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Commu- human love of the spouses, strengthens their indissoluble unity, and sanctifies nion. A few years previously, they were on the brink of divorce. They began them on the way to eternal life,” Why would anyone want to deprive themselves to pray together, and in the investment they made into their marriage of time, of such grace? Encourage your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren commitment and forgiveness, healing was received. Today, they are a “Fifth to begin their married lives with the grace of the Sacrament of Marriage. Let us Gospel” to me in their marital relationship. Saint Paul writes, in his letter to all pray for the strength to witness to our faith and to encourage others, by this the Philippians (1:9-11): “And this is my prayer: that your love may increase witness, to come to know Jesus Christ. As it is often said, we might be the only ever more and more in knowledge and every kind of perception, to discern what gospel they will ever read. is of value, so that you may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ for the glory and In Christ, praise of God.” Father Gary Janak State Chaplain Page 4 Catholic Family Fraternal Journal July/August 2017 July/August 2017 August 15th - Feast of the Assumption

Dearest Mother, when you died God raised your holy body and soul into heaven. Intercede for us that we may preserve in doing His will in our lives, as you have done while you were here on earth. Heal our tired body, wearied mind and restless spirit that we may always rest in your motherly care. Mary, holy advocate, hear our prayers (mention your intention) and cover us with your healing love. In honor of your glorious Assumption, I pray one Our Father, three Hail Marys and one Glory be. Amen.

This society was placed under the protection and patronage of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The statue of Our Lady in her Glorious Assumption, the Patroness of K.J.Z.T. since 1894, in the entrance hall of the State Office, reminds us of the spiritual ideals of our organization. - A Brief History of the K.J.Z.T.

The Virgin Mary’s acceptance into the glory of Heaven is seen by Catholics as the symbol of the promise made by Jesus to all endur- ing Christians that they too will be received into paradise. - Wikipedia

The Feast of the Assumption celebrates both the happy departure of Mary from this life by her natural death, and her assumption bodily into heaven.

The Universal Catholic Family Fraternal of Texas – K.J.Z.T. Prayer Day will be once a month on the first Sunday of each month. Please offer a prayer for all Catholic Family Fraternal of Texas – K.J.Z.T. members and each other’s intentions. July/August 2017 Catholic Family Fraternal Journal Page 5 We would like to share with you the message from State Chaplain Father Gary Janak that was given at the Convention.

Address to the Delegates of the XXXV Convention of The Catholic Family Fraternal of Texas, the K.J.Z.T. July 15, 2017 Embracing Our Founding Principles: It is a pleasure to be here with all of you. As your newly appointed State Chaplain, I take this opportunity to publicly thank Monsignor Joe Hybner for his 24 years of service to our fraternal. He has always been committed to the work and spirit of the K.J.Z.T. and we are grateful to him for his service. I am honored to serve as your State Chaplain. When Loretta called and asked if I would consider accepting the appointment, I told her I was humbled by the invitation, but that I needed a few days to pray about it. At this point in my priesthood, I have several “irons in the fire”, so to speak, and I wanted to make sure I would have the time to be fully committed to the responsibilities. As you might know my mother, Rose Marie, has been a life-long member of the K.J.Z.T. and is a delegate at this convention. Whenever I call to inform her of what I am doing or what I have been asked to do, she will often say, “Gary, don’t you think you are doing enough?” or she will say, “Can you handle that addi- tional stress?” But when I called her to discuss the invitation I had received to become the State Chaplain for the K.J.Z.T., there were no comments about stress or doing too much. Instead, she immediately said, “Oh, you have to say yes!” The K.J.Z.T. is in our family DNA and, though unworthy to hold this position, I am indeed grateful for the opportunity to serve as your State Chaplain. As indicated in my article in the March/April issue of The Journal, this Fraternal has always been an important part of my life, in that my grandmothers were members and my mother, sisters and many aunts and cousins have all been active in their local societies over the years. In fact, I cannot remember a time in which I did not know about the K.J.Z.T. Those letters are etched into my heart. I recall, as a young boy, attending district meetings and various society functions with my mom and other family members. Since my ordination to the priesthood in 1988, for the Diocese of Victoria, there has also been an active K.J.Z.T. society in every parish I have served. In fact, I had the honor of serving for nine years in Yoakum as pastor and chaplain for K.J.Z.T. Society #1, where it all began! And so I thank you for your warm welcome but, more importantly, I thank you for your active membership in the Catholic Family Fraternal of Texas. Now, more than ever, I believe fraternals such as ours have an important contribution to make to the Catholic Church and to our country. As our written history indicates, and as posted on our website, it was the spirit of Christian love, and the desire to be of service to God’s people, that brought about the founding of the first mutual aid society of Yoakum, TX in 1894 that would become the Katolicka Jednota Zen Texaskych, affectionately referred to at the time as the K.J.Z.T. In April of 1894, Mrs. Anna Jakubik and Mrs. Marie Yurek met after attending Mass. They visited with Father Francis to inform him of their interest in forming a mutual aid society for the Czech Catholic Women in the parish. He offered them encouragement and when they asked him for assistance, he immediately wrote to the Union of Catholic Women of America in Chicago, Illinois to request a copy of their by-laws, which was received in May, 1894. The ladies began studying those by-laws and seeking applicants for enrollment in the first mutual aid society in St. Joseph Parish in Yoakum, Texas. On the feast day of St. Ludmila, September 16, 1894, a group of the interested ladies met to organize the first society. This society was placed under the protec- tion and patronage of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Now, 123 years later, gathered together for our convention, we ask the Lord to continue to guide us and to assist us in continuing the vision these women had so many years ago. This vision of the K.J.Z.T., which has now moved into the 21st century, has always been and must always remain about Christian love and service. I recognize our vision can become blurred at times and even out of focus, if we are not careful. We can also become discouraged and disillusioned by the events of the world, and frazzled by the ever-seeming busyness of life, but if we continue to build our lives, marriages, families and our fraternal upon the two original guiding principles of the K.J.Z.T., that is Christian love and service, Christ will continue to bless us. Therefore, gathered together for our convention, let us take a brief look at these two important principles which the founders of the K.J.Z.T. embraced: Christian love and service.

Christian love: Christian love begins with centering ourselves upon Christ. It is built by daily prayer, worship to God, gratitude for God’s blessings and doing our best to “have the mind of Christ,” as Saint Paul encourages us to do. From what I have discovered in my own faith journey and in my ministry as a priest, exhibiting uncon- ditional Christian love begins with being a person of gratitude. Of course, in our “me” centered world, gratitude is not often found. I am reminded of a man who was had a difficult relationship with his mother-in-law. She griped about everything, including him. She once sent him two sweaters for his birthday, a yellow and a red one. On her next visit, he wore the red one. When he opened the door to welcome her he smiled, wearing the bright red sweater, and said, “Thanks again for the birthday gift. See I’m wearing it today.” She answered, “What’s the matter, don’t you like the yellow one?” Or like the bumper sticker I once saw that read, “Since you can’t please everyone, just focus on me.” Gratitude and thanksgiving is the beginning of prayer and is at the heart of faith. Jesus tells the Samaritan who returned to offer him thanks: “And one of them, realizing he had been healed, returned, glorifying God in a loud voice; and he fell at the feet of Jesus and thanked him. He was a Samaritan.” Jesus said to him, “Ten were cleansed, were they not? Where are the other nine? Has none but this foreigner returned to give thanks to God?” Then he said to him, “Stand up and go; your faith has saved you.”(Luke 17:11-19). continued on page 16... Page 6 Catholic Family Fraternal Journal July/August 2017 July/August 2017 ...Delegates Attend XXXV Regular General Convention continued from page 1 Next, President/CEO Loretta Stahl honored retiring State Directors Sofie Perkins and Grace Vinklarek. Rose bouquets were presented to both Directors. Then, VP/Financial Controller Carrie Janecek introduced the Speaker for the evening, State Chaplain Father Gary Janak. He spoke of Christian love and service. He stated “if we continue to build our lives, marriages, families and our fraternal upon the two original guiding principles of the K.J.Z.T., that is Christian love and service, Christ will continue to bless us.” Of Christian love he spoke of his experience in his own faith and in his ministry as a priest that, “exhibiting unconditional Christian love begins with being a person of gratitude.” Of service he said, “Our spiritual life is measured not by what we receive, but by what we give. After all, we may be the only gospel people will ever read.” He encouraged everyone “to continue to embrace the founding principles of the fraternal.” On Sunday, morning Mass was held. A group photo was then taken. Breakfast was served after which the business session opened for the day. The election of State Directors was held. Elected to fill the position of retiring Mrs. Sofie Perkins as Director of Districts VI, IX and XIV was Betty Vacek of Taft. Mrs. Vacek’s passion in life has been to make a positive impact in children’s lives. She pursued that passion in loving and raising her four children together with her husband, Stan. That drive was evident in the thirty-four years of teaching music education, and primary education. That passion was also demonstrated in the many years that she taught CCD classes, served on a Catholic school board and PTO, and managed a 4H club. Children have always been her love. Betty recently retired from the education field after thirty-four years. Her most recent position was a sixteen year term as an elementary music teacher with the Gregory-Portland I.S.D. Betty’s professionalism was exemplified with the awards Teacher of the Year for East Cliff Elementary in Portland, Texas and Elementary Teacher of the Year for Aransas County ISD. Her B.S. in Education degree was earned at Southwest Texas State University with additional certificates in elemen- tary music and kindergarten. She became an official Aggie when she was awarded a Masters of Ed. in Curriculum & Instruction from Texas A&M University. Betty’s passion to help children has also transcended to Catholic Family Fraternal of Texas. A member since youth, she has been an active member of Holy Family Society, No. 118, in Taft, where she served as Junior Director for eighteen years. Mrs. Betty has been a familiar face at Camp Guardian Angel where she leads music for Masses, conducts spiritual devotions, and assists with Czech dancing during Czech Night. She organized the Junior Division Day that was held in Rockport in 2010 where families got to enjoy a relaxing day at the beach. She presently serves as secretary for the Taft Society. Betty views a position as a CFFT State Director as another avenue to make a positive impact on youth and their families. She believes that her experiences with students and their families will help guide our society toward growth. She eagerly anticipates learning about the insurance business and looks forward to meeting and working with other members of our CFFT family. Also elected at the Convention was Donna Janda of La Grange, who will fill the position of retiring Mrs. Grace Vinklarek as Director of Districts IV and V. Mrs. Janda is a third generation K.J.Z.T. member. She became a member of Society No. 20 Cistern when she was an infant. She is currently an active member of Society No. 23 Hostyn as well as Junior Director. Mrs. Janda and her family are a 100% K.J.Z.T. family, as her husband, Wayne, and sons, Joshua, Jacob, and Zachary, are all K.J.Z.T. members. Mrs. Janda is an active member in her parish, Queen of the Holy Rosary Church in Hostyn, where she serves as a lector. She is currently a Junior High teacher at Schulenburg I.S.D. and volunteers with the Fayette County 4-H. She is a former employee of the State Office and served as the Secretary to the State President. In addition to those duties, Donna was Assistant Editor of the Catholic Family Fraternal Journal. Mrs. Janda studied at Southwest Texas State University in San Marcos graduating with a B.A. in Print Journalism and earned her Teacher Certification through the Blinn TEACH Program in Brenham. The Fraternal congratulates both of them and everyone looks forward to working with them both. State Directors Arlene Cloyd, Emma Jean Ribar, Deborah Kas- par, Joyce Kurtz and Sally Long were elected to their current positions for the next four years. After the morning session, lunch was held. At this time, Inspirational Speaker Matt Jones took the stage. Mr. Jones offered many pieces of advice to the delegates, including F+T+W=L, meaning What You Feel + Your Thoughts + Your Words = The Life You Live. He gave each delegate a copy of his book, “Life’s A Mara- thon”. After this, the final business session took place. The Convention ended with a closing prayer from State Chaplain Father Gary Janak and of course, door prizes! Thank you to everyone who attended and everyone who contributed to the success of the XXXV Regular General Convention! July/August 2017 Catholic Family Fraternal Journal Page 7

Turn the page for more pictures! Page 8 Catholic Family Fraternal Journal July/August 2017 July/August 2017 July/August 2017 Catholic Family Fraternal Journal Page 9

Photo by Goldbeck Co. If you or your Society would like to purchase a group Convention photo please send in $30 to the State Office at P.O. Box 18896, Austin, TX 78760. This price includes a large and small laminated panoramic group photo. When sending in your order please provide us with your mailing address. Page 10 Catholic Family Fraternal Journal July/August 2017 July/August 2017 Camp Guardian Angel 2017 July/August 2017 Catholic Family Fraternal Journal Page 11 Page 12 Catholic Family Fraternal Journal July/August 2017 July/August 2017 Junior Awards Day 2017 Junior members, families, and guests gathered to celebrate the achievements of the Juniors of Catholic Family Fraternal of Texas – K.J.Z.T., on Saturday, July 29, 2017 at the SS. Cyril & Methodius Catholic Church in Shiner, Texas. The celebration began with a Holy Mass officated by State Chaplain Father Gary Janak. Afterwards, the presentation of awards began with honoring the Royal Court and all the Junior members who were involved in the Point & Merit Program. Mrs. Anne Wick, State Junior Co-Ordinator, welcomed everyone. President/CEO Loretta Stahl introduced the State Directors and State Officers present. As the program continued, Junior members recited the Junior Pledge led by the 2016 State Queen Rachel Givens of Society No. 21 Marak. Now it was time to honor the new members of the Royal Court crowned to represent the Fraternal. Assisting in presenting the awards to the new State Royalty were: State Directors, Arlene Cloyd and Emma Jean Ribar, their Local Junior Director, along with their parents. (Cameron, State King, was unable to attend due to a very important team meet- ing and job orientation which he could not miss. Cameron earned his position as State King through participation in many activities on the Point and Merit System. Christopher Pavlicek, a cousin and representative from his society, accepted the crown and position on his behalf.)

State King is Cameron Pavlicek of Society No. 85 Damon. State Queen is Kasi Schneider of Society No. 85 Damon. State Junior King is Bryce Givens of Society No. 21 Marak. State Junior Queen is Caylie Sebesta of Society No. 85 Damon. The 1st Runner-Up to the King was awarded to Cole Brothers of Society No. 4 Praha. The 2nd Runner-Up to the King was awarded to both Clayton and Christo- pher Pavlicek of Society No. 85 Damon. The 1st Runner-Up to the Queen was awarded to Erin Tomek of Society No. 21 Marak. The 2nd Runner-Up to the Queen was awarded to Rachel Givens of Society No. 21 Marak. Congratulations to all the 1st and 2nd Runners-Up to the King and Queen! The 1st Runner-Up to the Junior Queen was awarded to both Caroline and Claire Jetton of Society No. 85 Damon. The 2nd Runner-Up to the Junior Queen was awarded to Kenley Harris of Society No. 21 Marak. Congratulations to the 1st and 2nd Runners-Up to the Junior Queen! The Junior Directors of the Local Societies were also introduced and recog- nized. A very special thank you to them for their interest in the fraternal, dedi- cated time and hard work with the Juniors during the past year. Also, a thank you was expressed to the State Officers, State Directors, hosting Society No. 5 Shiner and to everyone who participated in this special event. Society No. 5 Shiner Juniors hosted a brisket meal, games and a photo booth! Everyone had a great time! Thank you to all those who were able to attend and celebrate the achievements of our K.J.Z.T. Juniors! 2017 K.J.Z.T. Royalty Court July/August 2017 Catholic Family Fraternal Journal Page 13

4 Praha 5 Shiner 12 Sweet Home Pictured (L to R) are Matthew Sylvester, Insurance & Annuity Spe- Pictured in front is Cierra Shaver. Pictured (L to R in middle) are Pictured (L to R) are Assistant Junior Director Diane Jurena, Ken- cialist and mom Catherine Sylvester and Lily Sylvester. Gracie Pilat, Conner Shaver, Krystin Hodges, Trinity Garza, Halle zie Kurtz, Alexandra Jurena, Darren Jurena, Madelyn Kurtz, Kayla Pilat, Hope Kapavik, Seryna Garza and Junior Director Denise Kurtz and State Director/Junior Director Joyce Kurtz. Leist. Pictured (L to R in back) are Assistant Junior Director Brian Leist, Noah Leist, Eudosio Garza IV, Kade Leist, Katarina Leist and Charlie Pilat.

14 Moulton 21 Marak 22 Wallis Pictured (L to R in front) are Jack Leonard, Levi Leonard, and Pictured (L to R) are Junior Director Debbie Vansa, 2016 State Pictured in front is Stephaniah Phillips. Pictured (L to R in back) Sally Machacek. Pictured (L to R in back) are Junior Director Alice Queen Rachel Givens, 2017 State Junior King Bryce Givens and are Assistant Junior Director Eileen Colson and Rebecca Colson. Leonard, Anna Adamek, Grace Irvin, Julia Machacek and Legal Assistant Junior Director Lindsey Vaculin. Adviser Jennifer Machacek.

23 Hostyn 42 Sealy 49 Needville Pictured (L to R) are Bethany Kallus, Katy Harman, Assistant Ju- Pictured (L to R) are Junior Director and mom Lari Samford and Pictured (L to R) are dad, Thomas Kaminski and Owen Kaminski. nior Director Lillian Kallus and State Director Grace Vinklarek. Ellen Samford. Page 14 Catholic Family Fraternal Journal July/August 2017 July/August 2017 Junior Division Day, cont.

85 Damon 101 Victoria 104 Abbott Pictured (L to R) are Claire Jetton, Assistant Junior Director Pictured (L to R) are State Director Sofie Perkins, Griffin Janecek, Pictured Junior Director Molly Gerik, Will Gerik, Katie Hanaway, Patsy Maroul, Clayton Pavlicek, Emma Satsky, Peyton Prihoda, Evan Janecek, Cullen Janecek and VP/Financial Controller and Lauren Gerik, Allison Murphy, Madison Murphy, Ally Hanaway, Trevor Fojtik, 2017 State Queen Kasi Schneider, 2017 State Ju- Junior Director Carrie Janecek. Kyle Gerik and Assistant Junior Director Christine Rejcek. nior Queen Caylie Sebesta, Christopher Pavlicek, Junior Director Linda Pavlicek, and Caroline Jetton. Thank you Society No. 5 Shiner for hosting!

115 Freeport Pictured (L to R) are Karch Kaspar, State Director/Junior Director and mom Deborah Kaspar and Kaley Kaspar. We hope you had fun! July/August 2017 Catholic Family Fraternal Journal Page 15 Junior Division Raffle Winners Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to everyone who helped out the Juniors by purchasing a ticket!

1. $500.00 Visa Gift Card donated by State Directors and State Officers Joe Mayer, Cameron 2. $100.00 Visa Gift Card donated by State Directors and State Officers Shelly Schneider, Damon 3. $100.00 HEB Gift Card donated by Society No. 18 Granger RVOS #111, Wallis By Anne Wick, 4. $100.00 Wal-Mart Gift Card donated by Society No. 118 Taft State Co-Ordinator of Jr. Activities Brenden Ruffin, Ennis The summer activities that were planned for the Juniors passed by very quick- 5. $100.00 Wal-Mart Gift Card donated by Society No. 21 Marak Juniors ly. From District Meetings, Camp Guardian Angel, the Convention and to the Brian Vitovsky, Ennis Junior Division Day and Awards Ceremony, it seemed like we were going from 6. Painted Picture donated by Society No. 85 Damon one event to another. They all were very successful. Gary J. Matejka, Needville The District Meetings were very well attended. The Juniors presented very en- 7. Seasonal Wreath donated by Society No. 42 Sealy joyable programs and participated in the Memorial Service and other activities Katharine Reed, Brazoria that were planned. 8. $50.00 Wal-Mart Gift Card donated by Society No. 5 Shiner Camp Guardian Angel was another success. Besides the normal activities the Ellen Wolf, Granger camp had to offer, the campers had the opportunity to make Homemade Noodles 9. $50.00 Wal-Mart Gift Card donated by Society No. 126 Palacios which were demonstrated by Evelyn Buchhorn and build their own birdhouse Jen and Erich Schnitz, Ennis with assistance of Mark Shimek from Shimek’s Custom Woodworks. During 10. $50.00 Wal-Mart Gift Card donated by Society No. 22 Wallis the 3-day stay at camp the campers also attended daily Holy Mass celebrated Sally Long, Ennis by Rev. Gary Janak, our new State Chaplain. Thank so much Father Gary for 11. $50.00 Visa Gift Card donated by Society No. 69 Smithville coming to offer these Holy Masses for us. The finale of camp was the traditional Barbara E. Brauner, La Grange Czech Night. This event is usually one of the highlights of camp. The campers 12. Wall Cross donated by State Director Sofie Perkins danced to the live music of The Ennis Czech Boys. The dance began with a Helen Noble, Damon Grand March, led by Denise Leist, Junior Director and her son, Noah, Junior 13. $50.00 Visa Gift Card donated by Society No. 115 Freeport member, of the Shiner Society No. 5. They did an outstanding job. To add to Marilyn Kothmann, La Grange the Czech culture, Chicken Noodle Soup was made by Wendy Syrinek, Junior 14. $50.00 Wal-Mart Gift Card donated by Society No. 11 West Director, Dubina No. 7, using the noodles the campers had made at camp. It was Eric Kostecka, West served during Czech night along with Rosettes made and donated by Albert and 15. $50.00 Wal-Mart Gift Card donated by Society No. 14 Moulton Rita Kozel, in memory of Paul and Ludmila Pokluda, in which Ludmila was a Tonya Plsek, West third generation member of the Praha Society No. 4. 16. $50.00 Wal-Mart Gift Card donated by Society No. 101 Victoria Junior Division Day and Awards ceremony was held on Saturday, July 29th, Seryna Garza, Shiner in Shiner, Texas hosted by Society No. 5 Shiner. Many, many thanks to Denise 17. $50.00 Wal-Mart Gift Card donated by Society No. 49 Needville Leist, Junior Director for all her assistance and the members for helping her with Anita Murphy, Abbott hosting the event. It was a very special and memorable event for all the Juniors 18. $50.00 Wal-Mart Gift Card donated by who attended. As always, the Juniors had the opportunity to enjoy a delicious State Co-Ordinator of Junior Activities Anne Wick BBQ Brisket meal and experience fellowship and play games with one another. Angie Castanon, Palacios Congratulations to the State Queen and King and to all the award recipients. 19. Home Canned Goods Basket donated by Society No. 85 Damon Once again thank you to everyone for their help in anyway and made these Deborah Kaspar, Brazoria activities so successful. 20. $50.00 Wal-Mart Gift Card donated by Society No. 16 Ennis Joyce Kurtz, Sweet Home 21. $25.00 Visa Gift Card donated by Society No. 4 Praha 24. $25.00 Wal-Mart Gift Card donated by Society No. 147 Richwood Mary Ann Spaton, Katy Kim Satsky, Damon 22. $25.00 HEB Gift Card donated by Society No. 23 Hostyn 25. $25.00 HEB Gift Card donated by Society No. 124 Texas City Leonard Pesek, Shiner Carolyn Futsche, Caldwell 23. $25.00 Wal-Mart Gift Card donated by Society No. 104 Abbott 26. “Sharing Our Best” Cookbook donated by the State Office Vicki Shook, Damon Russell Machacek, Moulton Page 16 Catholic Family Fraternal Journal July/August 2017 July/August 2017 Address to the Delegates continued from page 5... Without a sense of gratitude in our lives; without making gratitude to God the first component of our prayer life, our faith remains stagnant and our attitude toward life becomes prone to negativity. Without a sense of gratitude in our lives, we are more susceptible to weakness, to temptation, to jealousy and we will spend more time comparing ourselves to others and, as a consequence, less time acknowledging the blessings God shares with us. If I spend my time being jeal- ous of what you have, I will fail to take into account all that God gives me. Gratitude is not automatic. We have to choose to be grateful. An effort is required. It means we must be willing to let go of the negativity, embrace the forgive- ness of God and be willing to share it with others and to discover every day something for which we are grateful. I try each day to name at least five things for which I am grateful. When I stop to do so, it changes my perspective, I become more humble and I find myself complaining less and thanking God more. For everything, even the negative, even the challenges of life, we are to be grateful. As Dr. Robert Wicks has written, “It’s not the amount of darkness in which we stand. It’s how we stand in the darkness.” Yes, gratitude changes everything. I recall the example offered to me by Tony Melendez. I once met him, before he became famous, at a summer school class on youth ministry we attended at Incarnate Word College in San Antonio in the early 1980’s. I immediately noticed him, when he walked into the classroom. He did not have any arms. When the professor began her lecture, Tony placed his pen and notebook on the floor and began writing his notes with the pen between his toes. I was fascinated by him. I would later discover that Tony was born without arms, due to his mother being prescribed thalidomide, a drug commonly used at that time to help calm morn- ing sickness during pregnancy. He was brought to the Los Angeles area from Nicaragua to be fitted with artificial arms. He wore them until he was ten years of age, when he disposed of them. “I didn’t feel comfortable,” he explains, “I could use my feet so much more.” His proficiency with his feet extended to more areas than just day-to-day care. He remembers that “at first, I started playing push-button organ. Then in high school I began playing around with the guitar and harmonica.” He also began writing his own songs. Whether it was “playing around” with music or merely adjusting to a normal high school routine, Tony never let his handicap get in his way. “I was pretty secure in what I could do,” he writes. (see Tony performed for St. Pope John Paul II, when the pope visited Los Angeles in 1987. The pope was visibly moved after Tony’s performance and leaped from his chair and gave Tony an embrace. Tony could have filled himself with anger and envy, but instead he thanked God for his two feet and developed his God- given gifts by using those feet. He lives his life thanking God for his feet and not complaining about being born without arms. That is gratitude and gratitude changes everything. To receive all in life, including our sufferings, in gratitude, is the way to holiness. It enables us to exhibit Christian love. Gratitude is the ultimate virtue. It defines sanctity. Saints, holy persons...they are people who are grateful, people who see and receive everything as gift. As Kent Crockett writes in “I Once Was Blind But Now I Squint,” (Chattanooga, TN: AMG Publishers, 2004, 160-161) :

When we see the same blessings every day, we eventually stop noticing them. When we stop noticing, we quit appreciating. When we quit appreciating, we stop thanking. When we stop thanking, we start complaining.

Service: The other defining and founding principle of the K.J.Z.T. is service. Our spiritual life is measured not by what we receive, but by what we give. After all, we may be the only gospel people will ever read. Those courageous and Spirit-filled women who began our fraternal knew this and they devoted their lives, and founded the K.J.Z.T., on service. Christian service is not just volunteering or doing for others. It is about noticing others and recognizing all of us are children of God. Do we stop to notice the people around us, including those unknown to us? I recall the day when someone drove up at the parish and asked if I knew where he could find the Catholic Cemetery Office. I was in my Saturday work clothes- -old cut-offs, a t-shirt, and running shoes--picking up trash and preparing to weed the flower beds on the parish and school grounds. I gave him directions to the chancery office. He thanked me and proceeded to return to his car when he paused and asked, “Are you the gardener here?” I smiled and said, “You might say so. I’m the pastor.” He appeared to be embarrassed and extended his hand for a handshake. He left and I wondered if he would have shaken my hand if I had been the gardener. Service to Christ means recognizing all people as God’s children and treating them with honor and respect. Saint Teresa of Calcutta stated it best: “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” Yes, we belong to God and we belong to one another. Is this not what a fraternal orga- nization is all about? As we cry out for God’s mercy, we are reminded that we are to be merciful to one another; to embrace and live the corporal and spiritual works of mercy every day: Corporal Works of Mercy: Feed the hungry, Give drink to the thirsty, Clothe the naked, Shelter the homeless, Visit the sick, Visit the imprisoned, Bury the dead

Spiritual Works of Mercy: Counsel the doubtful, Instruct the ignorant, Admonish the sinner, Comfort the sorrowful, Forgive injuries, Bear wrongs patiently, Pray for the living and the dead continued on page 39... July/August 2017 Catholic Family Fraternal Journal Page 17 Observing Flag Day

31 La Grange 1 Yoakum, 12 Sweet Home and 24 Ammannsville Mayor Janet Moerbe 37 Hochheim Commissioner Tom Muras Mayor Annie Rodriguez

Pictured are Society members with guests Chaplain Fr. Matthew Pictured are Society members with Commissioner Tom Muras. Kinney, State Director Grace Vinklarek and La Grange Mayor Ja- Pictured are Society members with Mayor Annie Rodriguez. net Moerbe. 23 Hostyn 2 Hallettsville, 3 St. Mary’s, 44 Moravia County Judge Ed Janecka 21 Marak Mayor Connie Anderle and 53 Wied Judge Tramer Woytek

Pictured are Society officers with County Judge Ed Janecka.

Pictured are Junior members of the Society with Junior Director 53 Wied Debbie Vansa and Mayor Connie Anderle. Pictured (L to R) are Society members from 3 St. Mary’s, 53 Wied, 44 Moravia, 2 Hallettsville with Judge Tramer Woytek and State Mayor Fred Hilscher Director Joyce Kurtz. 5 Shiner Mayor Fred Hilscher 14 Moulton Mayor Mark Zimmerman

Pictured are Society members with Mayor of Shiner, Fred Hilscher.

Pictured are Society members with Mayor Fred Hilscher. Pictured are Society members with guests Father Gabriel Masion and Mayor of Moulton, Mark Zimmerman. Page 18 Catholic Family Fraternal Journal July/August 2017 July/August 2017 28 Frenstat 7 Dubina 101 Victoria Burleson County Judge Mike Sutherland, Pct 1 Fayette County Judge Ed Janecka City Council member Tom Halepaska Commissioner Joe Baldwin, Pct 3 Commissioner David Hildebrand, Pct 4 Commissioner Carol Hill and Pct 2 Commissioner Keith Schroeder

Pictured (L to R) are Gladys Muras, Treasurer, Elizabeth Kloesel President, Willie Mae Kristynik, Secretary and Fayette County Judge, Ed Janecka. Pictured (L to R standing) are Irene Brosch, Wendy Hrncir, Lillian Berger and Rosie Olsovsky. Pictured seated is City Council mem- Pictured are the Burleson County Judge with Precinct Commis- ber Tom Halepaska. sioners and holding the Proclamation is Society Secretary Mar- 85 Damon garet Polansky. Participated in Flag Day 48 Cameron 11 West Mayor Connie Anderle Mayor Tommy Muska

Pictured (L to R in front) are Claire Jetton and Eugene Pavlicek. Pictured (L to R in middle) are Eileen Medwedeff, Kathleen Lin- demann, Randy Weber, Emma Satsky, Caylie Sebesta, Caroline Pictured (L to R) are Vice-President Mary Ann Seaton, member Beverly Angell, Mayor Anderle, Secretary Ann Krenek and Presi- Pictured (L to R sitting) are Theresa Plsek, Mary Kallus, Mayor Jetton, Clayton Pavlicek, Cameron Pavlicek and Junior Director dent Bettie Pagach. Tommy Muska, Joyce Nors, Dolores Sykora and Henrietta Linda Pavlicek. Pictured (L to R in back) are Chrissy Sebesta, Charanza. Pictured (L to R standing) are Claire Muska, Claire Shelly Schneider, Susan Pavlicek, Tyler Prihoda, Peyton Pri- Hutyra, Nathan Chupik, Chris Doskocil, Betty Kostecka, Delois hoda, Kasi Schneider, Carol Buchta, Pat Maroul and Christopher 69 Smithville Earl, Bobby Kostecka, Margaret Webre, Ann Chapple, Cameron Pavlicek. Mayor ProTemp Joanne Morgan Wolf, Marietta Chapple, Geraldine Laubert, Nicolas Hovde, Mary Ann Cocek, Coleman Wolf, Sylvia Marek, Eric Kostecka, Evelyn 30 East Bernard Stuckley and Edith Cernosek. Mayor Marvin Holub 118 Taft Mayor David Krebs

Pictured (seated L to R) are Shirley Ryza (Secretary), Mayor Pro- Temp Joanne Morgan and Katherine Karisch (President). Pictured (standing L to R) are Grace Vinklarek (State Director), Betty Blaha, Tracey Zetka (Treasurer), and Sharon Lightfoot (Vice President). Pictured (L to R standing) are Secretary Angeline Grigar, Presi- dent Sophie Korenek, Vice-President Gladys Dusek and Treasurer Emilia Svoboda. Pictured sitting is Mayor Marvin Holub. Pictured are Mayor Krebs, Junior Director Vanessa Roach and children, and Secretary Betty Vacek. July/August 2017 Catholic Family Fraternal Journal Page 19 4 Praha, 20 Cistern and 83 Flatonia 29 Frydek 47 Industry Fayette County Precinct 3 Commissioner Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4, Bernice Burger Industry Mayor Mabel Meyers Harvey Berckenhoff

Pictured (L to R) are Vice-President Mildred Ondruch, CEF Chair- Pictured (L to R standing) are Patricia Masek, Georgia Cerny, man Alice Faldyn, Guest Speaker Bernice Burger, Secretary Edith Ellene Vrazel, Nancy Jasek, Betty Danner, State Director Grace Mlcak, Treasurer Filothea Eschenburg and President Beatrice Vinklarek, Edna Mae Psencik, Jeanette Zouzalik and Doris Gar- Chalupa. bade. Pictured sitting in front is Fayette County Precinct 3 Com- missioner Harvey Berckenhoff. 20 Cistern Flag Raising Ceremony 125 Houston Mayor of Pearland Tom Reid Pictured (L to R seated) are Mayor Meyers and Libby Geistmann. Pictured (L to R standing) are Julie Kenjura and Neely Vasicek. 10 Fayetteville Fayetteville Mayor Stephen Cushing

Pictured (L to R seated) are President Carol Zann, Mayor Tom Reid and Helen Kainer. Pictured (L to R standing) are Secretary Marie Stryk, Vice-President Joan Hutchinson, Treasurer Evelyn Maresh, Donna Wilcox, Sammy Parker, Bernice Matusek and JoAnn Stasny. 124 Texas City Pictured (L to R seated) are Secretary Mary Jane Toddy, Mayor Stephen Cushing and President Rose Rohde. Pictured standing Mayor Matthew Doyle is Vice-President Valerian Cufr. 19 Taylor Mayor Brandt Rydell

Pictured in front is Mayor Matthew Doyle. Pictured (L to R in back) are Emily Maloch, President Hattie Houdek, Kathy Nelson and Em- ily Sefcik.

Pictured (L to R) are Johnny Polasek, Darlene Polasek, Mayor Brandt Rydell, Pat Shirk, Bea Janecka and Sybil Heselmeyer. Page 20 Catholic Family Fraternal Journal July/August 2017 July/August 2017 77 Rosenberg Mayor of Rosenberg Billy Benton

Pictured (L to R) are Ethel Arrington, Mayor Benton, President Martha Macha, Treasurer Gloria Mican and Vice-President Liz Prykl. 41 Ellinger Mayor Stephen Cushing

Pictured (L to R) are Gladys Polasek, Mayor Stephen Cushing and President Mildred Walla.

(Rates for certificates Minimum Rate Credited (Rates for certificates to IRA & Annuity Accounts Interest Rates effective issued after 03/1/2013) issued before 10/01/2009) For certificates 3-Year Single Premium Flexible Annuity & Sept. 1, 2015 Deferred Annuity IRA Rates issued before 10/01/2009 3.50% Universal Life Flexible Premium $10,000 - $49,999 = 1.50% $50 - $750 = 3.50% No Lapse Guarantee Deferred Annuity $50,000 or more = 1.75% $751 - $4,000 = 3.50% For certificates issued $25,000 - $99,999 = 3.50% $2,000 - $9,999 = 2.50% $4,001 or more = 3.75% 10/01/2009 thru 12/31/2012 $100,000+ = 4.00% $10,000 - $49,999 = 3.20% 5-Year Single Premium Single Premium 2.00% $50,000 or more = 3.45% Deferred Annuity Annuity & IRA Rates Universal Life $10,000 - $49,999 = 1.75% (No Bands) Minimum Guaranteed Interest Rates as of 01/01/2013 Insurance Certificates Single Premium $50,000 or more = 2.00% 3.75% 4.00% Current Deferred Annuity 1.50% $10,000 - $49,999 = 3.30% (Rates are guaranteed Security Plus for 3 or 5 year surrender $50,000 or more = 3.55% (No Bands) Pursuant to charge period) 4.00% Contract Terms Please note interest rates may be changed without notice and will take effect on anniversary date. for certificates July/August 2017 Catholic Family Fraternal Journal Page 21 Fraternal 100 Project Giving Back! The Catholic Family Fraternal of Texas – K.J.Z.T. adopted a statewide Fraternal 100 Project, recognizing each of the 40 6 Bryan Platinum Status Societies, 9 Diamond Status Societies, 1 Ruby Status Society and 1 Rhinestone Society. The Fraternal St. Joseph Religious Program 100 Project provided $100 from the State Office to each 2017 Status Society to be given to the charity of their choice. The purpose behind the Fraternal Project is to promote fellowship. Each year societies of Catholic Family Fraternal of Texas – K.J.Z.T. focus on participating in parish and community work projects and fundraisers throughout the State. During 2017, our members donated over 173,000 volunteer hours, participated in over 1,000 events and donated over $250,000.00 to Texas communities. Societies awarded with a status work hard all year long because their members believe in helping those in need and working together to make their hometowns and churches stronger and safer places to enjoy life. 11 West 24 Ammannsville 124 Texas City Pictured is Helen Metzer, Church Secretary. Religious Program at St. Mary’s School Combined Community Action Agency Fatima School Cafeteria 14 Moulton Youth Ministry of St. Joseph Catholic Church

Pictured (L to R in front) are Mary Kallus, Father Pictured (L to R) are President Gloria Miksch, Vice- Pictured are Society members, teachers and Prin- Paul Hudson, Joyce Nors and Amy Hutyra –Reli- President Clara Christ, Site Manager of CCA Mary cipal Gail Rodgers. gious Coordinator at St. Mary’s School. Pictured Ann Firasek and member Helen Ohnheiser. Pictured (L to R) are Marian Kram, Angeline (L to R in back) are Dolores Sykora and Theresa Jalufka, Father Gabriel Maison, Mary Ann Rother Plsek. 4 Praha 2 Hallettsville K.J.Z.T. Memorial Scholarship Fund and Jennifer Machacek. Friench Simpson Memorial Library 43 Ganado 12 Sweet Home Church Maintenance Fund LAMB Food Pantry

Pictured (L to R) are Nancy Jasek, State Director Pictured (L to R) are Anita Migl, Mary Ann Pavliska, Joyce Kurtz, Patricia Masek and President Georgia Brenda Fisseler (Librarian) and Jennifer Golsch. Cerny. Not pictured is Ellene Vrazel. Pictured (L to R in front) are Helen Andel, Kath- erine Wesselski, Rev. Kirby Hlavaty, President 5 Shiner 27 Caldwell Pictured (L to R) are Treasurer Irene Szwarc, Food Cecilia French and Mary Ann Peters. Pictured Pantry volunteer Christie Wheelock, President (L to R in back) are Jenny Vesely, Alice Wright, Norma’s House Knights of Columbus Raffle Gladys Hermes and Pat Eline. Frances Vesely and Kathy Stancik.

“To know even one life has This is to have succeeded.” breathed easier because you have lived... ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson Pictured (L to R) are Dorothy Blackman, Judy Pictured (L to R) are Treasurer Janet Hennigan, Parks, Administrator of Norma’s House, Rita Kurtz, Larry See of the Knights of Columbus and Presi- Dorothy Marcak and Mary Ann Marek. dent Mary Harris. Page 22 Catholic Family Fraternal Journal July/August 2017 July/August 2017 72 El Campo 3 St. Mary’s 77 Rosenberg 65 Holman St. Philip’s School Peter’s Place Catholic Charities Food Pantry Weimar Parkview Manor Nursing Center

Pictured (L to R) are Secretary Rose Marie Janak, Pictured (L to R) are State Director Joyce Kurtz, Accepting the check from President Martha Macha Rev. Michael Rother and President Janet Holub. Doris Janak, Margaret Smolik, Deberah Konvicka, was (at left) Shayne Butler and Vicki Knesek of Marcia Hrncir and Dorothy Schneider. Catholic Charities along with Liz Prikyl and Bernice 16 Ennis Freudensprung (at right). St. John Girls Sodality, “Hearts-A-Fire” 19 Taylor Pictured (L to R) are Activity Director Tammy Vin- St. Mary’s Church Food Pantry 40 Poth cent, President Janie Neiser and Activity Director Vacation School Faye Leihardt. 44 Moravia Peter’s Place

Pictured are President Elsie Marak, Secretary Lo- rane Marusak, Fr. John Dick and some sponsors and members of “Hearts-A-Fire”. Pictured (L to R) are Sybil Heselmeyer, Darlene 31 La Grange Polasek, Father Lonnie Urban and Pat Shirk. Pictured (L to R) are Diane Pape and Tracy Moody. Turtle Wing Foundation 23 Hostyn 125 Houston Vacation Bible School St. Vincent de Paul Pictured (L to R) are Delores Janak, Dorothy Ol- sovsky, Marcia Hrncir and Dorothy Henke. 10 Fayetteville St. John’s Religious Education Program

Pictured (L to R) are President Elizabeth Kallus, Treasurer Barbara Eilert, Chaplain Rev. Fr. Mat- thew Kinney, Turtle Wing Foundation Managing Pictured (L to R in front) are Peggie and Barbara Pictured (L to R in front) are President Carol Zann Director Susie Shank, and Secretary Marilyn Koth- Wick. Pictured (L to R in back) are Monica Muras, and Vice-President Joan Hutchison, a member of mann. President Lillian Kallus, Vice-President Ann Janda, St. Vincent de Paul. Pictured (L to R in back) are Treasurer Helen Janda, Father Dan Chalich, Sec- Secretary Marie Stryk, Donna Wilcox, Treasurer 37 Hochheim retary Verlene Kuntschik. Evelyn Maresh, Bernice Matusek, Helen Kainer, Jo Pictured are members of the Society and represen- Ann Stasny and Sharon Parker. tatives of the program. Jamison Youth Center 53 Wied Peter’s Place 30 East Bernard Rocky Mountain High Youth Group

Pictured (L to R) are Nancy McNease, Don Wig- ginton, Rose Mary Havlik, Roberta Wenzel, Janet Zabransky, Bill Lopez, Pauline Kloesel, Ruby Wig- Pictured (L to R) are Katherine Kahanek, Presi- ginton, Bennie Gerdes, Charlene Stehle and Joyce dent; Marcia Hrncir, Director of Peter’s Place, and Pictured (L to R) are Elizabeth Anders and Secre- Word. Beatrice Butschek, member. tary Angeline Grigar. July/August 2017 Catholic Family Fraternal Journal Page 23 Graduate Sunday was celebrated At the turn of the 19th century, a 21 Marak May 28th. Rachel Givens was 7 Dubina Cholera epidemic spread through unior awarded a $750 scholarship and Megan Lopez was the community of Dubina. Sadly, dozens of children J awarded a $500 scholarship. They also received under the age of 3 died including a few up to age 13. gifts from the K.J.Z.T. Juniors and Adult Societies. Some families lost several children. Almost all of News them were buried in the northeastern part of the Du- Saint Cyril and Methodius Catho- bina cemetery. The parents and siblings have long 85 Damon lic Church held a Senior break- since passed away and the descendents no longer fast honoring William Fojtik and Alina Montalvo. visit the “baby section”. Juniors serving the seniors were Cameron Pavlicek, In memory of the mothers who lost children, the Ariet Pavlicek, and Andrew Barton. Dubina K.J.Z.T. Juniors of Society #7 spent an after- noon cleaning and placing flowers on every child’s grave. The Juniors read Maria Sudibyo’s poem which was inspired by verses from Isaiah 49:14-17.

Pictured (L to R) are Junior Director Debbie Vansa, Rachel Giv- I will never forget you, ens, Megan Lopez and Lindsey Vaculin. My people I have carved you On June 2nd, St. Theresa on the palm of My hand 14 Moulton Moulton Society #14 spent I will never forget you the morning selling raffle tickets in front of Parker I will not leave you orphan Lumber Company in Shiner, Texas. Pictured are the Seniors and Juniors, all members of 85 Damon. I will never forget My own On Sunday, May the 28th, Juniors Does a mother forget her baby, 21 Marak hosted a Memorial Service with a or a woman the child blessing of the flags to be distributed by Juniors and within her womb? family members. Father George Thirumangalam Yet even if these forget, CMI performed a Memorial Day Service that paid yes even if these forget, tribute to our fallen men and women of the commu- I will never forget My own. nity in observance of Memorial Day. The flags were donated by the Adult Society #21 of Marak.

Pictured (L to R) are Levi Leonard, Julia Machacek, Jack Leonard, Sally Machacek and Ted Machacek. Juniors made their way to Camp 21 Marak Guardian Angel on June 22nd.

Pictured (L to R in back) are Lindsey Vaculin, Debbie Vansa, Gracen Dach, Adison Dach, Chase Hubnik, Father George Thi- rumangalam CMI and Cade Hubnik. Pictured (L to R in front) are Kate Kopriva, Bailey Vansa, Claire Kopriva, Kenley Harris, Cutter Hubnik and Bryce Givens.

Pictured (L to R in front) are Junior Director Debbie Vansa and As- sistant Junior Director Lindsey Vaculin. Pictured (L to R in middle) are Cade Hubnik, Lauren Mayer, Claire Kopriva and Kenley Har- ris. Pictured (L to R in back) are Chase Hubnik, Charlie Mayer, Adison Dach and Katy Krenek. Page 24 Catholic Family Fraternal Journal July/August 2017 July/August 2017 Junior members recently paid a Sally Long, State Director presented Claire Muska and Rachel Zacharias 104 Abbott spring time visit to a local nurs- 11 West scholarships to seven West K.J.Z.T. 11 West were each awarded a $500.00 schol- ing home. As a People Helping People Community Junior members on Sunday, June 11, 2017. Those arship by local K.J.Z.T. Society #11 of West. Work Project, Juniors visited with residents and who received scholarships were: Claire Hutyra, Eric Claire is the daughter of Tommy and Lisa Muska gave them hand lotion decorated with chicks and Kostecka, Cameron and Coleman Wolf, Nicolas and Rachel is the daughter of Kyle and Sherri Zach- bunnies. Hovde, Nathan Chupik and Caige Plsek. arias. Claire Hutyra is the daughter of Mark and Amy Claire is a graduate of West High School and plans Hutyra of West. She will be a sophomore at McLen- to attend the University of Arkansas to pursue a ca- nan Community College in Waco and majoring in reer in Pediatric Nursing. Finance. Rachel is also a graduate of West High School and Eric Kostecka is the son of Bobby and Betty plans to attend McLennan Community College and Kostecka of West. He will be a senior and will be purse a degree in Business. attending Tarleton majoring in Business Computer Information Systems. Cameron and Coleman Wolf are the sons of Floyd and Mary Wolf of West. Cameron attends Blinn Junior members pictured on the front row are Will Gerik, Quintin College at Bryan. He will be a junior majoring in Kaska and Bryson Murphy. On the second row are Kyle Gerik, Business. Coleman attends TSTC and his major is Madison Murphy, Katie Hanaway, Jocelyn Kolar, Allison Murphy Avionics (electrical part of aviation). and Preston Pustejovsky. On the back row are Lauren Gerik, Nicolas Hovde is the son of Dennis and Angie Katelyn Pustejovsky and Payton Pustejovsky. Hovde of Waco. He will be a sophomore at Univer- The juniors recently held a sity of Dallas, majoring in Business. He also was 104 Abbott fundraiser to raise money for selected to play on the baseball team. Pictured (L to R) are Joyce Nors, Rachel Zacharias, Dolores Camp Guardian Angel. They sold raffle tickets and Nathan Chupik is the son of Kevin and Phillis Sykora, Father Paul Hudson, Theresa Plsek, Claire Muska and baked goods after the weekend masses on May 20th Chupik of West. He is in the Nursing Program at Mary Kallus. and 21st. The sale was a great success! McLennan Community College of Waco. The Ennis Juniors set up an altar for Caige Plsek is the son of Jennifer Plsek of West and 16 Ennis their parish Corpus Christi proces- Rob Plsek of Whitney. He will be a senior at South- sion at the home of member, Katelyn Smith. The western Oklahoma State University in Weatherford, following Juniors set up and decorated the altar: Oklahoma. He is majoring in Pre-pharmacy. Hannah Kriska, Carter Kriska, Easton Ruffin, Kate- lyn Smith, Hunter Ruffin, and Easton Ruffin. (Not pictured-Hudson Ruffin) The Juniors would like to thank Katelyn’s parents, adult members Kenny and Deanna Smith for their assistance with the altar.

Pictured are Juniors who worked the Sunday morning sale: Pay- ton Pustejovsky, Chris Pustejovksy, Preston Pustejovsky, Jocelyn Kolar, Madison Murphy, Allison Murphy, Quintin Kaska and Kate- lyn Pustejovsky. Pictured (L to R) are Claire Hutyra, Eric Kostecka, Cameron Wolf, State Director Sally Long, Coleman Wolf, Nicolas Hovde and Na- than Chupik. Not pictured is Caige Plsek. July/August 2017 Catholic Family Fraternal Journal Page 25 Junior Activities Page 26 Catholic Family Fraternal Journal July/August 2017 July/August 2017

Holy Trinity Catholic Church 96th Annual of Corn Hill


Mass at 10:30 a.m. followed by a meal and festivities at our Parish Activity Center Sunday, September 3, 2017

KC Park – 102 S. Ave. G – Corn Hill Fried Chicken & BBQ Dinner Afternoon of family fun! Shiner, TX w/dressing and all the fixin’s!

(11 a.m. – 1 p.m.) MUZIKA - MUSIK ~Live Polka Music~ Adults $10 / Children $5 Masses: FREE MUSIC & DANCING ~Kolache Sale~ Saturday – 5:00 p.m. Polka Mass Inside A/C Hall Drive-thru adult plates available Sunday – 7:30 & 9:30 a.m. (11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.) ~Bingo~

Through Mary, “we learn to ~Cake Walk~ --- DINNER --- BBQ by the Pound (sold at pit from 8 a.m. – noon) ~Silent Auction~ 10:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

open our hearts to obey God; in her Dine in A/C Dining Room  Accordion Music ~Children’s Games~ Plate includes THREEPope MEATS Francis’ Hamburgers at 2:30 p.m. Country Sausage Shiner Picnic Stew 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. self-denial, we see the importance of  Kettle Fried ChickenPrayer  Trimmings IntentionsShiner Hobo Band * * * * * * * 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Drive thru “Plates to Go” from Texas Legacy Czech Band tendingLive to the needs of others; 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.  RAFFLE Septemberor 2017until all sold out at MUSIC OUTSIDE BEER STAND Auction KASPAR PAVILION 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. GRAND PRIZE: $1,000 Visa Card Parishes. That our parishes, animated by a missionaryJungemeisters spirit, may be GREEN-DICKSON PARK inStarts herat 1:30 PM tears, – inside the PAC we Bldg find the strength to 2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. (plus 18 more prizes valued at $5,500!) ALL PLATES $10.00 Classic Top Hits by Vic and Beav Auctioneers: places where faith is communicated and charity is seen. Buddy Johnson (Lic #TXS-6520) Tickets only $2 each or 6 for $10  MUSIC OUTSIDE BINGO STAND PAVILION consoleHarvey Johnson (Lic those #AUCTNR-00012401) experiencing pain” - OctoberCOUNTRY 2017 STORE 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Need not be present to win – drawing held after Live Auction Canned Goods Los Kolaches Workers Kolachesand the  PigsUnemployed.-in-Blanket That all workers may receive respect All located on the church Popegrounds at FrancisVisit our website at Served from 8 a.m. until … 8626 FM 1105, Jarrell and protection of their rights, and that the unemployed may receive DANCE Directions: from I-35: Exit 271: go East on CR 311 for For questions, e-mail or call us at BIG COUNTRY 2½ miles, right onto FM 1105 [email protected] the opportunity to contribute to the common9:00 p.m. good. to 1:00 a.m. From Bartlett: from TX 95 – go West on FM 487, turn left THE EMOTIONS onto FM 1105 - go 6 miles or 512-863-3020. AUCTION Begins at 12 Noon Admission FREE for ages 21 and over

Cattle Auction: 2:30 p.m. DRAWING FOR PRIZES AT 10 p.m.

Hamburgers Cake & Plant Wheels Bingo – 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Ring Toss Ball Throw Wheel of Fortune Grocery Wheel – 5:00 p.m.  Moon Walk  Games for Children ARTS & CRAFTS Fun for the Whole Family!!! Booth Spaces: $50 For more information call: (361) 594-3836 Call (361) 648-7434 Website: July/August 2017 Catholic Family Fraternal Journal Page 27 On Fathers Day, June 18th the Ju- Juniors gave free lemonade to pa- Juniors delivered 2 pallets of water 21 Marak niors led the rosary for Mass. 16 Ennis rishioners after 5 weekend masses 16 Ennis (120 cases) to the Austin Street Cen- and accepted donations to buy bottled water for the ter homeless shelter/services in Dallas. The Juniors poor, homeless, and first responders in the commu- prayed for the clients then unloaded the cases with nity. the help of shelter volunteers.

Pictured (L to R in the front row) are Chase Hubnik, Cade Hubnik, Adison Dach and Gracen Dach. Pictured (L to R in the next row) are Lindsey Vaculin and Junior Director Debbie Vansa.

On Fathers Day, June 18th the Ju- 21 Marak niors passed out key chains and prayer cards to all the fathers that were blessed by Father George Thirumangalam, CMI. Pictured is the group praying. Pictured (L to R) are Connor Rejcek, Brenden Ruffin, Hunter Ruf- fin, Jake Ruffin, Krystyn Gamble and Kelsie Gamble. Juniors delivered a pallet (60 cases) 16 Ennis of bottled water to Helping Hands of Ennis. The water was purchased with donations col- lected from their Lemonade Stand.

Pictured (L to R in front) are Cutter Hubnik, Claire Kopriva and Kate Kopriva. Pictured (L to R in back) are Junior Director Debbie Vansa, Cade Hubnik, Chase Hubnik, Gracen Dach, Adison Dach, Kenley Harris and Lindsey Vaculin. Pictured (L to R) are Nash Ferguson, Coye Ferguson, Kale Vrana, Kolton Vrana, Ella Vrana and Casen Cline. Members presented a matching funds 16 Ennis check to the pastor of St. John Nepo- Junior Rachel Givens was hon- mucene parish, Father John Dick. The funds were 21 Marak ored as out-going State Queen for raised for the parish by manning a Toy Booth for the the 2016-2017 year and was also awarded the 2nd Pictured with some of the cases delivered are in front Casen parish May Fest. Runner-up for State Queen for the 2017-2018 year Cline, in middle are Cooper Cline, Adelynn Liska, MacKenzie To- at the Junior Awards Day held on Saturday, July 29, bola, Tinsley Tobola, Easton Ruffin, Jake Ruffin and in back are Noah Cabrera, Justin Hutyra and Adriana Cabrera. 2017 in Shiner, Texas. Junior Bryce Givens was honored with being crowned as the new State Junior King for the 2017- 2018 year. These youth work very hard in their community and parish all year long to receive these honors. The proud parents of Rachel and Bryce are Kevin and Anna Givens of Round Rock, Texas. Grandparents are the late Eugene Marak and wife Pictured are Melisa Tobola, Tracen Tobola, Joan Johnson, Tinsley Cecilia Marak of Marak, Texas. Also the late Rich- Tobola, MacKenzie Tobola, and Father John. ard Givens of Missouri and Grandmother Lillie Giv- ens of Taylor, Texas. Junior Director Debbie Vansa and Assistant Direc- tor Lindsey Vaculin are so proud of their youth. Page 28 Catholic Family Fraternal Journal July/August 2017 July/August 2017 The Juniors had a bowling party, Noah Leist was awarded the 16 Ennis followed by a pizza picnic, then 5 Shiner $1,000.00 K.J.Z.T. Junior Scholar- 2 Hallettsville and 3 St. Mary’s wrapped surprise packages for the Society 16 An- ship for 2017. Noah has been an active Junior mem- Sarah Bludau, member of Hallettsville Soc #2, and nual Celebration. We had 34 juniors that bowled and ber for the past 18 years. He will be attending Blinn Joshua Bludau, member of Soc #3 St Mary’s, both 2 guests of members. Several more juniors joined us College in Bryan this fall pursuing a career in Bio- received K.J.Z.T. Memorial Scholarships on May for the pizza lunch and wrapping project. medical Sciences. Congratulations Noah! 5, 2017 at the Annual Hallettsville High School Awards banquet. Sarah will be attending Texas A&M in College Sta- tion this fall majoring in Animal Science. Joshua will be attending Blinn College in Bryan this fall pursuing a career in Mechanical Engineer- ing.

Pictured are MacKenzie and Tinsley Tobola.

Presenting Noah his Scholarship is State Director Joyce Kurtz.

Ryan Bell received a K.J.Z.T. Memorial Scholar- ship. Ryan will be attending Texas A&M in Corpus Christi this fall majoring in Computer Science. Pictured (L to R) are Sarah Bludau, State Director Joyce Kurtz and Joshua Bludau. State Director Sally Long presented 16 Ennis scholarships to eight of the scholar- ship winners and six that were accepted by family members. Those present included Kyla Chandler, Samantha Hibbs, Matty Hutyra, Hailey Kriska, Pay- ton Matous, Mackenzie Rankin, McKinley Seevers, and Rachel Stagner. Accepting for family were Dor- othy Prachyl for her grandson Adam Cole, Stephanie Pictured is everyone wrapping packages. Matous for cousin Hannah Harrison, Linda Prachyl for granddaughter Baily Prachyl, Dorothy Bobalik Pictured receiving a K.J.Z.T. Presenting the scholarship is State Director Joyce Kurtz. for granddaughter Alexie Rendon, Geraldine Kubin 126 Palacios Scholarship from State Direc- State Director Sofie Perkins presents for granddaughter Gillian Ryan, and Alisha Ruffin tor Sofie Perkins is Debbie Barnett, President of So- 118 Taft a K.J.Z.T. Scholarship to Bridget Po- for cousins Ashlyn and Aubrey Vitovsky. Benja- ciety No. 126 Palacios for her niece, Molly Brown. lasek at Society No. 118 Taft Meeting. min Brooks also received a scholarship that will be Molly was not able to be present at their meeting. mailed as he was not able to attend. July/August 2017 Catholic Family Fraternal Journal Page 29

Recent Screening Marriage is a Recommendations Financial for Your Good Partnership Health By Jim Wiest FIC, CFFM, By Dr. Ralph Wagner, Medical Adviser Sales and Marketing Manager

The recent Catholic Family Fraternal Convention in Austin afforded me a Before you marry is the time to begin talking about the financial partnership wonderful opportunity to present some medical information regarding Women’s you’ll be forming once you’re married. You must talk openly and honestly Health. Again, I want to thank the officers, directors, delegates, and others in the with each other about your financial hopes and dreams, about your spending audience of the Fraternal for their kind attention. My talk included some recent habits and about your attitudes toward debt. Some of these discussions may be recommendations of the medical community to continue encouraging and pro- uncomfortable and you may not agree on every issue. These are some of the is- moting good health. It is my pleasure to share these again. sues you should discuss with one another and the information you should share A relatively new recommendation for lung cancer screening is now being cov- before you marry: ered by many insurance plans and Medicare. For years doctors had no good guidance on how, or even if, to screen people who might be at risk for lung • What assets will you bring to the marriage? If you both own a home, where cancer. Some ordered Xrays of the chest, but there was never any good study to will you live and what will be done with the second home? show if this might be effective or beneficial. • What debts will you bring to the marriage? How will those debts be paid? Doctors now have clear guidance that screening for lung cancer in those who • Do you consider yourself a saver, a spender or something in between? smoke or recently quit smoking might lead to early detection, and hopefully, • What is your credit rating? better treatment options or cure. Beginning at age 55 and extending into the 70s, • What is your income? low-dose computed tomography (CT) of the chest is recommended to screen • Do you save on a regular basis? How? Do you invest on a regular basis? How? for lung cancer in those who have been long-time smokers. This is an annual How will you make saving and investment decisions once you’re married? screening recommendation for up to 15 years after a person has quit smoking, • What are your financial goals, both short and longer-term? extending into the 70s. There are specific qualifications that need to be met for • What are your feelings in regard to financial responsibilities to other family Medicare or insurance plans to cover, and these can be discussed with your members, such as aging parents or children from a previous relationship? doctor and confirmed with your insurance plan. It is reassuring to the medi- • How will you manage your money once you’re married? In joint accounts? cal community that we finally have some studied recommendations to promote In separate accounts? If joint accounts, who will be responsible for managing screening for lung cancer. the checkbook and paying household expenses? If separate accounts, how will Another screening that is also getting attention in the media is a one-time blood household expenses be allocated and paid? test for Hepatitis C. It is estimated that one in thirty “baby boomers” born be- • If only one of you works outside the home, who will control the money in your tween 1945 and 1965 may have the infection and since there is now good treat- relationship? ment for it, there is renewed interest in getting persons screened for such. For • If you plan to have children, what are your financial expectations in regard to decades, this has been considered a chronic disease without a cure. It has been raising children? associated with blood transfusions before there was good testing for this viral • Do either of you need to keep a portion of your financial life separate? If so, disease. Newer anti-viral medications are now available that can lead to a great- can you both agree to that? er than 95 per cent cure rate in those with specific subtypes of the infection. This is an important medical breakthrough that has already and will benefit millions To help couples facing this dilemma, I have a Life Guide available called Mar- of persons who have contracted this infection. riage and Money. It is free and available in online or print version. To get yours, Medical study and research continues to look for new testing and treatment for please call me at 512-897-8338 or email [email protected]. a wide variety of illnesses to improve and promote good health. It is exciting to me to learn about these breakthroughs and be able to implement them for good patient care. I can’t help but wonder what new discoveries we will be blessed to learn about in the coming years and decades! CFFT.KJZT cathfamTX Page 30 Catholic Family Fraternal Journal July/August 2017 July/August 2017 President Jane Hellinger presented The mid-morning of Tuesday, April 93 Austin long-time member Martha Mi- 6 Bryan 25, 2017, was calm and overcast but N kulencak Watkins with the K.J.Z.T. 75-year mem- lightened as the day wore on. Several people were bership pin. Martha was a very active member of awaiting the arrival from CHI St. Joseph Health of Society Society No. 93. Her last position was as Treasurer. thirty pre-term babies who died from birthing com- Martha’s two daughters, Kathy Watkins and Diana plications, such as miscarriage, to be buried at the w Watkins, are also members of Society No. 93. first scheduled quarterly fetal Catholic communal Congratulations Martha!! burial service at Mt. Calvary Catholic Cemetery- s Smetana. Present from K.J.Z.T. No. 6 Bryan were: Liz Zemanek, Secretary and Diane Merka Benbow On April 28th, the and Gina Pavlas, members. Liz and Diane are also 130 Georgetown Georgetown Soceity Board Members of Mt. Calvary Catholic Cemetery, #130 hosted a birthday party for the Park Place As- Bryan. sisted Living home in Georgetown. Upon entering the cemetery and at first gaze upon Previously the K.J.T. Society #141 of Georgetown the small burial plot that had so carefully been had students from St Helen’s Catholic school make dug and covered by a table under funeral tent with some placemats for the party. They were present- twelve chairs by Metzer Cemetery Services, you felt ed to the residents at the birthday party. They also the solemnity of the moment. provided a cake decorated to wish them a Happy As the CHI St. Joseph Health ambulance transport- Birthday. The home provided some punch which the ing the fetal bodies from the hospital arrived at the members served along with the cake. Ammannsville St. Ag- cemetery, all present were silent as the three CHI St. Afterwards everyone sang Happy Birthday along 24 Ammannsville nes Society President Joseph Health EMTs lifted and escorted the small with the couple who comes to sing and play a guitar. Gloria Miksch congratulated and presented member wooden box casket containing the babies to the buri- Those attending were: Lillian Naizer, Bernice Er- Carolyn Janda with her 50-year membership pin. al table. The casket box (donated by Mt. Calvary mis, Pat Ermis, Pat Gregorie, Mary K Marusak, Catholic Cemetery), made of natural wood carved George Marusak, Betty Elliott, Millie Powell, Gary with child block colored letters of A B C, was par- Gentz and Daphne Gentz. tially covered with a white laced linen cloth, accom- panied by two containers of brightly colored spring flowers. One of the mothers of the pre-term babies was present: Kaylee Salyers, who also brought a small vase of fresh flowers. She was accompanied by her two-year old daughter, Nicole, and her grand- father, George Avery. She said she had named the baby she lost Baby Avery and was very touched by the outpouring of affection she received this day. Msgr. John Malinowski, Catholic Chaplain at CHI The Society sponsored the St. Joseph Health, greeted everyone and opened the 3 St. Mary’s Country Store at the St. Mary’s service with prayers, with all reciting the Lord’s Picnic. Prayer together. Dale Suel, one of CHI St. Joseph’s Spiritual Care Chaplains recited from 1 John 3:1- 3, “See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God, and so we are.” Msgr. John McCaffrey, President of the Mt. Cal- vary Catholic Cemetery Board, Pastor of St. Joseph Catholic Church in Bryan, and Chaplain of K.J.Z.T. No. 6, offered prayers and revealed to all present a photo of the proposed monument for the communal fetal burial grounds to be produced by Watson Signs & Monuments within the next three months, pos- Pictured (L to R) are Susan Bujnoch, Jennifer Janik, Florence sibly in time for the second quarterly burial service Sciba, Sharon, Mackanzie and Braden Henrichs, Barbara Matula, scheduled in July, 2017. Following, Sister Penny Deberah Konvicka, Doris Janak and Dorothy Schneider. Dunn, OSF, CHI St. Joseph Health, gave her touch- July/August 2017 Catholic Family Fraternal Journal Page 31 ing account of how important it was for a Catholic Family of Elizabeth (Liz) Zemanek; CHI St. Joseph hospital to reverently inter fetuses in a worthy vessel Health; Watson Signs & Monuments; and Metzer in a cemetery with reverential Catholic funeral rites. Cemetery Services, Inc. Small flat annual granite Rev. Michael L. Gillen, Interdenominational Chap- markers for each year of burial will be provided lain at CHI St. Joseph Health, gave a reading from by Watson Communal Burial Services will be held Matthew 19:14, “Let the children come to me, and each quarter of the year at the Cemetery. do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom CHI St. Joseph Health per the Agreement will be of Heaven.” Sister Rita Jane Radecki, OSF, Spiritual responsible for all State requirements and records; Care Chaplain CHI St. Joseph Health, also offered will keep the individual fetuses properly stored for her thoughts and prayers. Msgr. Malinowski blessed time of burial and transport them in a worthy casket the casket and grave with holy water and brought the to the burial site; may notify family members of the Pictured is the wood casket box containing 30 pre-term baby fe- service to an end with dismissal. burial service time; and donate $500.00 to Mt. Cal- tuses for communal burial on April 25, 2017 at Mt. Calvary Catho- Steven Metzer then removed the covering from the vary Catholic Cemetery quarterly for markers and lic Cemetery-Smetana. grave and gently placed the casket box in the burial perpetual care beginning January 1, 2017. space. Msgr. McCaffrey presented Kaylee with a We are thankful for all those who participated in flower to place upon the casket, and she and her prayers, meetings, research, footwork, donations, family and all those present were able to have final and collaboration of any kind among CHI St. Jo- closure. The grave was then closed in the presence seph Health, Mt. Calvary Catholic Cemetery, and of all. the Diocese of Austin to bring this most needed and Others attending the service were: Mt. Calvary worthy service to fruition. Catholic Cemetery Records Keeper and Board Elizabeth Ministry International in Wisconsin has Member: Rhonda Pearce; EMTs: Joshua Varner, this to say about how burial shows reverence for a Carlos Garcia, and Patrick Braly; and Darrell Pav- miscarried baby’s body: “Miscarriage is often de- las, Smetana resident. scribed as a pregnancy loss that occurs before twen- Pictured (L to R) are Msgr. John C. Malinowski, Catholic Chaplain This first scheduled quarterly fetal communal buri- ty weeks of gestation. Many people assume that the at CHI St. Joseph Health; Sister Penny Dunn, OSF, Spiritual Care al service took place as a result of hearts and minds death of a baby through miscarriage is rare. Howev- CHI St. Joseph Health; Diane Merka Benbow, Member K.J.Z.T. No. 6 Bryan and Board Member Mt. Calvary Catholic Cemetery; collaborating at a November 22, 2017, meeting of er, the number of babies who die from miscarriage Sister Rita Jane Radecki, OSF, Spiritual Care CHI St. Joseph CHI St. Joseph Health and Mt. Calvary Catholic every year is remarkably high: one out of four or Health; Elizabeth (Liz) Zemanek, Secretary and FIC K.J.Z.T. No. Cemetery Board in Bryan. Representing CHI at the close to one million infant deaths through miscar- 6 Bryan and Board Member Mt. Calvary Catholic Cemetery; meeting at the hospital was Msgr. John C. Malinows- riage each year. Those statistics tell us many parish and Msgr. John A. McCaffrey, Pastor St. Joseph Catholic Church ki (Catholic Chaplain); Sister Penny Dunn, OSF members sitting in the pews each Sunday are griev- Bryan, President of the Board Mt. Calvary Catholic Cemetery, and (VP of Mission Integration & Ethics); Kim DuBose ing a loss that calls out for the healing and comfort Chaplain K.J.Z.T. No. 6, Bryan. (Lab Director); Chaplain Mary Carden (Spiritual of the faith community. The Society served refreshments af- Care & Ethics Legal Committee); and Karen Boone “We will only be credible in our fight against abor- 53 Wied (Director of Labor & Delivery). Representing the tion when we acknowledge all unborn children have ter the Confirmation ceremony at St. Cemetery Board was Msgr. John McCaffrey (Presi- dignity and worth. It is time for practice to match our Mary’s Church in Hallettsville. dent of the Board and Pastor of St. Joseph Catholic respect life convictions. Pastoral care with families Church in Bryan; Rhonda Pearce (Records Keeper); suffering miscarriage or other fetal death is greatly and Elizabeth “Liz” Zemanek (Maintenance). needed. The rituals, memorials, burial service and An Agreement was reached between CHI St. Jo- other support offered will provide families the op- seph Health and Mt. Calvary Catholic Cemetery portunity to remember their child. Yet, few faith dated January 4, 2017. Mt. Calvary is providing at communities honor the death of an unborn child no charge specific ground burial spaces in Mt. Cal- with a proper Christian burial. We need to help fam- vary Catholic Cemetery-Smetana for the burials. A ilies mourn their baby’s death with proper services granite monument is to be created by Watson Signs by placing the baby’s body in a ‘worthy vessel’ and and Monuments depicting Mary with the Child Je- buried in a cemetery. A farewell ritual and dignified sus and Psalm. Donors providing the cost of the burial to recognize the life and death of a baby is Pictured (L to R) are Dede Dobb, Peyton Pasak and Jeanne Som- $4,500.00 monument will be listed on the back of not only appropriate but necessary at any gestational merlatte. the monument as follows: Family of Matthew E. age.” Hudson; St. Joseph Catholic Church, Bryan, Tex- as; Catholic Family Fraternal of Texas (KJZT No. 6, Bryan); Family of Rhonda and Stephen Pearce; Page 32 Catholic Family Fraternal Journal July/August 2017 July/August 2017 The Society presented The strudlebake fundraiser was discussed. There meal by the President Helen Metzer. The 22 officers, 12 Sweet Home a check for $1,639.50 were 335 strudles made. All were sold. There was members and guests enjoyed a pot luck meal and to Peter’s Place as their 2017 Community Service much help. spirits provided by Society members. The Society project. Peter’s Place offers free day care for special The annual social was discussed. There 49 mem- provided the barbecue chicken. All officers were needs clients for 2 days per week in Hallettsville. bers and guests that attended. It was enjoyed by all. in attendance: Helen Metzer, President; Loretta 2017 Charities were approved. Calendar dates were Lanicek, VP; Elizabeth Zemanek, Secretary; and set. The next meeting will be April 2nd. The meeting Mary Hovorak, Treasurer. adjourned with the Memorare. Helen Metzer, President, introduced the speaker The 2nd Quarterly Meeting for the evening, Christina Shimek of Bryan, lecturer 49 Needville was held on Sunday, April 2, in science at Texas A&M University. Christina gave 2017 at 1:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall with 6 members a slide presentation and brought to the group’s at- attending. tention the different medicinal herbs that can easily Minutes were read and approved as read. Treasurer be grown (references: American Botanical Council, Jeanette gave a report. She announced that the bank Austin, Texas; and www.americanherbalistsguild. will charge a $10.00 fee for having a balance under com) and how pharmaceuticals may not be the an- Pictured (L to R) are Treasurer Irene Szwarc, President Gladys $5,000.00. A motion was made to change to a bank swer to many of our medical problems. They were Hermes, Director of Peter’s Place - Marcia Hrncir, Pat Eline and that will not charge a monthly fee. Anita Filip sec- made aware of the onslaught of harmful chemicals Secretary Mary Ann Matusek. onded it and all approved. in our everyday products, like aluminum, parabens, The Society presented Jeanette read Thank You notes from members and Round Up, fluoride, GMO grown foods, and oth- 12 Sweet Home a check for $1,639.50 St. Vincent de Paul. ers; and that common wild weeds like dandelion and to Meals on Wheels of Lavaca County - they serve In new business, birthday and appreciation gifts thistle are edible as well as nutritious. She said that Hallettsville, Yoakum, Shiner and Moulton. Be- were approved for Father Marty. if you eat nutritious natural whole foods, your im- tween 180-260 meals are delivered by volunteers to Basket for Katie Vacek fundraiser June 4th. Shirley mune system will become strong and ward off many elderly homebound residents. announced the August 6th District Meeting. August viruses and diseases. There was time for a ques- 15th – 6:00 a.m. Mass. Flag Day June 7th. Meeting tion and answer period afterwards. Christina was closed with prayer. thanked for her in-depth presentation. The Society held its 2nd Liz Zemanek, Secretary, then brought up discus- 10 Fayetteville Quarterly Meeting on May sion about this year’s annual community fundraiser 17, 2017. President Rose Rohde opened the meeting garage sale, the 19th Annual. Many volunteers, as with prayers for the living and deceased members, usual, will be needed to help raise funds for KEDC followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. and Catholic Radio, 40 Days for Life, St. Joseph Church the Texas flags. and School, and other charities. The minutes were read by Secretary Mary Jane The meeting, which was longer than usual, ended Toddy. Treasurer Lois Kaspar gave her report. Cheer with prayers for a successful garage sale and for our Pictured (L to R) are Secretary Mary Ann Matusek, Treasurer Chairperson Valerian Cufr read the names of the de- country. Irene Szwarc, President Gladys Hermes, Program Manager ceased and members who were enrolled in the Cleri- The Society got together with Becky Janak and Pat Eline. cal Endowment Fund. Thank you notes were read 101 Victoria the local KJT Society for Join from members and the families. The first meeting of the Soci- Hands Day at the Twin Pines Nursing Home. Mary Jane gave a report on the successful bake 49 Needville ety was held January 8, 2017 sale fundraiser which were held in May. On August at the Parish Hall at 1:30 p.m. The meeting opened 5, 2017 the Society Nativity of the Blessed Virgin with prayer. Mary will host the District Meeting in Wallis. A Minutes were read and approved. Committee re- prize was won by Mary Jane Toddy. ported that 5 funeral dinners had been served by The meeting was adjourned with the Memorare. members since the last meeting. Members lost were Next meeting will be August 15th. After the meeting Viola Russie and Alice Kalkomey. closed, members enjoyed a social and played Bingo. A new member is Christi Cruz. Jeanette McDaniel read thank you notes from members that received St. Elizabeth Society No. 6 in Bryan CEF cards as Christmas gifts. 6 Bryan held its third meeting of the year on Delegates for 2017 are Olga Anders, Vivian Jedlic- Monday, June 19, 2017, at 6:30 p.m. in the St. Jo- Pictured in front is Ella Bucek. Pictured (L to R standing) are Don- ka and Alternates are Shirley Kaminski and Jeanette seph Parish Center. ald Dusek, Barbara Yanta, Wendy Hrncir, Lawrence Yanta, Lillian Berger, Rose Pustka, Evan Maronge, Irene Brosch and Carolyn McDaniel. The meeting was opened with prayer before the Nevlud. July/August 2017 Catholic Family Fraternal Journal Page 33 Officers/Delegates of District IX The Society co-hosted the Colo- The Society hosted First District IX met at Montana Mike’s in Victo- 29 Frydek nial Belle Nursing Home April 37 Hochheim Sunday Breakfast at St. Ann ria, Texas, with State Director Sofie Perkins on June Birthday Party on April 9th. Louise Polasek is a Church on Sunday, July 2, 2017. 10th to review the Motions and Recommendations resident. She turned 95 on May 7th. She has been a that will be presented at the State Convention in Society member for many years and is a past Society July. Director Perkins answered any questions that officer. they had. It appeared to be a productive meeting and was appeared to be enjoyed by all.

Pictured is Father Jacob Koether and members Tommy Wenzel, Don Wigginton, Ruby Wigginton, Pauline Kloesel, Joyce Mueller, Charlene Stehle, Joyce Word, Nancy McNease, Roberta Wenzel, Bennie Gerdes, Janet Zabransky, and Rose Mary Havlik Pictured (L to R standing) serving kolaches are Secretary Edith Mlcak, Dorothy Sliva, Treasurer Filothea Eschenburg, Vice-Presi- The Society donated $400 dent Mildred Ondruch, Gerri Hamil and Maxine Rudloff. 10 Fayetteville to the La Grange AMEN The Society’s Com- The Society held their Annual Food Bank. The donation will be used to assist the 46 Corpus Christi munity Project was 29 Frydek Cake Walk Booth during St. Fayette County community. completed on June 29, 2017. They conducted a bin- Mary’s Grotto Celebration on April 30th. Matching go for the residents at The Villa Nursing Center in funds from the State Office will be presented to St. Corpus Christi, Texas, on June 29, 2017, in the after- Mary’s Church. noon. The residents liked it very much and wanted the members to come back again. There were about 20 residents that participated in it. Various prizes were won by the residents.

Pictured (L to R) are President Rose Rohde, Treasurer Lois Kas- par and two representatives of AMEN Food Bank.

Pictured (L to R) are Bea Jez, Chairperson Patricia Bagwell and It was an honor for Sally Long, State Cindy Noack. 16 Ennis Director of District X to present 75 Vice-President Vivian Jedlic- yr pins to the following four sisters recently. 49 Needville ka presented a check to Mar- Pictured (L to R in front) are Deborah Zdansky, Thelma Munoz, sha Goates, Brad Price and Lamar Valley of the Sofie Perkins, Eleanor Zdansky, Catherine Mokry and David Perkins. Pictured (L to R in back) are Louis Hoelcher and Julius Pleak Fire Department. Zdansky. Not pictured is Lorene Nemec who also helped conduct the bingo. Guardian Angels Society No. 114 Houston 114 held a Spring “No Bake” Bake Sale in April. Proceeds go towards their Peo- ple Helping People Community projects; The Mis- sion of Yahweh, Turning Point Center and Our Lady of Guadalupe School Library. A donation was also Pictured are Delores Lukas, Helen Miller (in from California), Fa- made to the St. Jerome SVDP Food Pantry for the ther Antonio Liberman Ormaza, Marian Zhanel and Bernice Kad- Society’s Feeding Families Across Texas project. lubar. Page 34 Catholic Family Fraternal Journal July/August 2017 July/August 2017 The Society spon- The Society sponsored a cake and The Society hosted Join 24 Ammannsville sored the Surprise 53 Wied plant booth at the St. Mary’s Picnic 49 Needville Hands Day on May 6th at the Package Booth as their PHP Parish Fundraiser proj- in Hallettsville on June 11, 2017. The proceeds in- Needville Senior Living and Rehab. ect at their Annual church picnic that is always held cluding matching funds from the State Office went on Father’s Day. to needs of St. Mary’s church and St. Ludmila con- vent restoration in Shiner.

Pictured in front are kids enjoying the booth. Pictured in front is member Dorothy Rainosek. Pictured (L to R in back) are Olga Anders, Shirley Kaminski, Bernie Novak and Vivian Jedlicka. Pictured (L to R) are Helen Janak, Mary Ann Stock, Gussie Kel- nar, Lisa Stock, Edna Wehman, Monica Peters, Katherine Kah- anek, Mary Jo Veit and Helen Motal. The Society presented Joey Targac 53 Wied with for his ministry at the Lavaca County Jail.

Pictured (L to R) are Michael Palermo, Vivian Jedlicka and M’Lynn Palermo. The Junior members presented stuffed animals at the Pictured (L to R) are President Gloria Miksch, Virgie Holub, Vice- bingo for prizes. President Clara Christ and Helen Ohnheiser. St. Ann Church, Hochheim, Monies raised by the Society at St. 37 Hochheim celebrated St. Ann Feast Day 53 Wied Mary’s Picnic cake and plant walk on Sunday evening, July 23rd. After Mass, KJZT were divided between St. Ludmila’s Convent Proj- Pictured (L to R) are Deacon Joy Targac of St. Mary’s Parish in Hallettsville, Jeanne Sommerlatte and Kelly Schimcek. #37 hosted a chili dog supper for all in attendance. ect and St. Mary’s Parish. Vice-President Vivian Jedlic- 49 Needville ka presented Gary Kaluza, Chairman of the ARC Dance, a check from the So- ciety.

Pictured are members Bennie Gerdes, Joyce Word, Charlene Stehle, Pauline Kloesel, Roberta Wenzel, Nancy McNease, Ruby Wigginton, Don Wigginton, Janet Zabransky, Carol Kengle, and John Kengle. Assisting but not pictured were Dennis Havlik, Tom- Pictured (L to R) are Jenna Stock, Mary Jo Veit, Father Bryan my Wenzel, Joyce Mueller, and Rose Mary Havlik. Heyer, Lisa Stock, Anita Grabarkvietz, Mary Ann Stock, Monica Peters and Helen Motal. July/August 2017 Catholic Family Fraternal Journal Page 35 2 T. flour powder and tomatoes, reserving ½ 3 T. brown sugar cup tomato juice. 3 T. vinegar Blend flour with reserved tomato juice and add to bean mixture. Blend Put shredded cabbage into large well. Simmer until thickened (about bowl, add salt and pepper. Mix in 30 minutes), stirring frequently to pre- apples. vent sticking. This is excellent served Heat oil in a large skillet on medium plain or on rice with tossed green heat, add cabbage mixture into skillet salad, French garlic toast. Large por- and stir. Pour boiling water over it and tion freezes well. cook until tender. Now sprinkle flour over cabbage then add sugar and vin- Banana Cake egar. Stir gently and cook three or four Submitted by Janet Holub, minutes longer. Serve hot with sau- Society No. 72 El Campo Kitchen Corner sage or pork. Laurie’s Bubbling 4 medium tomatoes, chopped 1 box yellow cake mix Strawberry Punch 1 red onion, diced Beans and Sausage - ½ c. buttermilk Submitted by Mary Ann Marek, 1 bunch fresh cilantro, stems discard Mexican Style ⅔ c. oil Retired State Director, -ed, chopped Submitted by Agnes Cinek, 4 eggs Society No. 5 Shiner 4 jalapeño or serrano chilies, minced Society No. 16 Ennis 3 ripe bananas, mashed 1 (15 oz.) can black beans, drained 1 tsp. soda 10 (3 oz.) pkg. strawberry flavored and rinsed 1 ½ qt. dry red beans 1 tsp. vanilla gelatin 1 (15 oz.) can yellow corn, drained 4 ½ qt. boiling water 10 c. of boiling water and rinsed 1 qt. chopped onion Mix above ingredients and beat 3 20 c. of cold water juice of 2 fresh limes 1 ½ c. chopped green peppers minutes. Add 1 cup coconut and ½ 10 (6 oz.) cans of frozen pink lemon salt and pepper to taste 1 T. minced garlic cup chopped pecans. Mix well. Pour -ade concentrate, thawed and 4 lb. pork sausage into greased and floured 9 x 13 inch undiluted Combine all ingredients. Cover and 1 qt. bean liquid pan. Bake at 350° for 35-40 minutes. 10 c. of pineapple juice, chilled refrigerate approximately 2 hours or 2 T. salt 10 bottles ginger ale, chilled (33.8 oz.) more. Serve as a dip with chips or as 2 T. chili powder (or to taste) Cool and top with: an accompaniment to grilled chicken, 2 qt. canned tomatoes 1 box powdered sugar Dissolve gelatin in boiling water, stir fish, Mexican entrees, or as a side-dish ½ c. sifted all-purpose flour 1 (3 oz.) pkg. cream cheese in cold water, lemonade concentrate salad. ½ stick soft oleo and pineapple juice: chill well. Add beans to boiling water. Boil for a little milk Pour into punch bowl, add ginger ale, Cabbage - Sweet and Sour 2 minutes. Remove from heat. Or, if ½ to 1 tsp. vanilla garnish with a frozen punch ring (fruit Submitted by Emily Dohnalik, more convenient, soak overnight – of color in ring). Makes 100 cups. Society No. 21 Marak after 2 minute boil. Cook beans in Mix thoroughly and ice cake. soaking liquid about 1 hour (slightly Sprinkle with chopped pecans. Avocado Salsa Fiesta 1 small head of cabbage, shredded fine underdone). Drain: save liquid and if Submitted by Cathy (Hellinger) McCue, salt and pepper to taste necessary, add water to make 1 quart. Society No. 93 Austin 2 granny smith apples, cored and Combine onion, green pepper, garlic sliced and sausage. Cook until sausage is 4 ripe avocados, peeled, seeded and 2 T. cooking oil light brown, breaking it up as it cooks. chopped 1 c. boiling water Add beans, bean liquid, salt, chili ery slow-cooker is a super ending to a to October. When selecting a tomato, Off the Cob Hints & Tips day at the park. it should be heavy for its size, free of An easy way to cut corn kernels from Everything But the Oven any bruises or blemishes and have a the cob is to place the skinny end of A rice steamer makes perfect rice, ev- Pick at their Peak strong aroma. Color is not necessarily the cob into the center of a Bundt pan. ery time, with no excess heat to fog Although tomatoes are available year an indicator of quality, but avoid those As you cut, the kernels will fall direct- your kitchen. Spicy chili in the crock- round, their true season is from July with a significant amount of green. ly into the pan. Page 36 Catholic Family Fraternal Journal July/August 2017 July/August 2017 Prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of “In Memoriam” our members who have gone to their eternal rest. SOCIETY NAME DATE OF DEATH AGE The State Directors and State Officers of 6 BRYAN JODI MIKULIN 5/31/2017 81 the Catholic Family Fraternal of Texas - 11 WEST LOUIS A MYNARCIK 6/17/2017 91 K.J.Z.T. offer their deepest sympathy to 12 SWEET HOME VIRGINIA MARKERT 4/9/2017 58 the bereaved families of our departed 16 ENNIS EMILIE A TROJACEK 7/5/2013 90 members. 18 GRANGER HORTENSE SVEHLAK 6/25/2017 87 19 TAYLOR EMMA SPIEGELHAUER 2/28/2017 92 19 TAYLOR VLASTA MEKOLIK 4/19/2017 93 21 MARAK RITA J MIKULEC 2/18/2017 92 THE MAGNIFICAT 22 WALLIS JOSEPHINE F JANKOWSKI 5/10/2017 80 23 HOSTYN MARIE G VON MINDEN 5/15/2017 66 CANTICLE OF 24 AMMANNSVILLE JOSIE KRISTEK 8/23/2016 88 MARY 24 AMMANNSVILLE JANIE MAE KALLUS 6/2/2017 87 25 PLUM LILLIAN F FEIN 7/4/2017 86 My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, 30 EAST BERNARD MARY ISABEL MATUSEK 3/3/2017 90 my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, 32 HOUSTON ALMA WALIGURA 1/15/2017 95 for he has looked with favor on his lowly servant. 33 HILLJE JOSEPHINE DORNAK 5/18/2017 92 43 GANADO BETTY B MARX 1/18/2008 88 From this day all generations will call me 46 CORPUS CHRISTI MARY BETH SCHONHOEFT 5/24/2017 74 blessed: the Almighty has done great things 48 CAMERON SCOTT A RIOLA 4/28/2017 29 for me, and holy is his Name. 49 NEEDVILLE RHONDA L BIENEK 6/11/2017 62 70 KARNES CITY SYLVIA H BLUDAU 6/19/2017 96 He has mercy on those who fear Him in every generation. 77 ROSENBERG VERONICA M HORELICA 1/14/2017 60 77 ROSENBERG LILLIAN PEARSON 6/13/2017 90 He has shown the strength of His arm, 77 ROSENBERG ISABEL SULAK 6/18/2017 92 He has scattered the proud in their conceit. 83 FLATONIA HELEN M BRUNNER 5/28/2017 93 86 SEYMOUR DOROTHY SCHUMACHER 4/5/2017 83 He has cast down the mighty from their 88 VERNON MARY JO MATYSEK 4/29/2017 92 thrones, and has lifted up the lowly. 89 SINTON RUTH F VALENTA 5/24/2017 86 He has filled the hungry with good things, 108 DALLAS MILDRED ADAMCIK 4/26/2017 91 and the rich He has sent away empty. 108 DALLAS NANCY VALENTA 6/1/2017 64 114 HOUSTON PAULINE TREFNY 7/26/2016 83 He has come to the help of His servant Israel 114 HOUSTON MARIE SMAISTRLA 6/4/2017 93 for He has remembered his promise of mercy, 115 FREEPORT PATRICIA A VITEK 6/18/2017 85 the promise He made to our fathers, 116 SAN ANTONIO VIOLA KRESTA 5/13/2017 95 to Abraham and his children for ever. Amen. 117 WACO SOPHIE YOUNG 10/9/2016 95 900 STATE OFFICE JACQUELYN K REIS 5/7/2017 86 EACH DECEASED MEMBER, SOCIAL MEMBER OR ASSOCIATE WITH INSURANCE named in our "In Memoriam" column is remembered by the Catholic Family Fraternal of Texas with an Annual Enrollment in the K.J.Z.T. Clerical Endowment Fund. July/August 2017 Catholic Family Fraternal Journal Page 37 Mildred Trojacek Louise W. Polasek July 31, 1931 - May 30, 2017 May 7, 1922 - July 29, 2017 Mildred Pauline Betik Trojacek was called Louise was born to Frank and Alojsie Lezak to her heavenly home on Tuesday, May on May 7, 1922 in Frydek, Texas. She was 30, 2017. Mildred was born on July 31, the youngest of six children; brothers Pete 1931, in Alma, Texas to Joseph and Fran- and August and sisters Stephanie, Mary, ces Marusak Betik. She was the fourth of and Annie. Married to Sylvester Polasek ten children. The family later moved to the in 1939, they celebrated over 61 years to- Creechville area. gether before his passing in 2001. During Mildred was brought up in a religious their marriage, they lived in Houston, New home as a devout Catholic where she Mexico and Arizona before returning to learned the value of dedication to family their beloved Texas after retirement. and her hard work ethic. Her first language was Czech, and she was very proud of her Proud of her Czech heritage and devoted to Czech heritage. She graduated from St. John Catholic School. her Catholic faith, she was recognized by the Texans of Czech Ancestry (TOCA) On May 2, 1953, she married Adolf Trojacek, and they continued to live and for promoting the purposes of TOCA. She was an active member of the Catholic raise their family in the Creechville area. Her country home was a welcoming Family Fraternal of Texas - KJZT in Frydek and the Catholic Daughters of the place where family and friends came to sit, laugh and relax. She was affection- Americas in Wallis. She was active with the American Legion Auxiliary Post ately known as Mamaw to her grandchildren and great grandchildren, and many 200 Wallis. Her contributions were also recognized with awards such as Woman others who knew and loved her. Mildred was fondly known as “Tillie” by her of the Year for the Galveston-Houston Archdiocese Council of Catholic Women beloved siblings. in 2010 and the 2017 Member of Distinction, Catholic Daughters of the Ameri- Mildred enjoyed farm life, especially her garden. She was a home grown pro- cas, Queen of Angels #1538. Louise and Syl were also active members of the duce vendor at the Dallas, Corsicana, and Ennis Farmer’s Markets for many Wallis Dance Club. years where she was always eager to share her knowledge of gardening. She was a dedicated and respected employee at Ennis Automotive. An energetic person, she was a leader and organizer who took pride in getting Her grandchildren and great grandchildren were her greatest joy. She was al- things done. She worked hard and was committed to everything she did, and ways encouraging and supportive of their academics and their extra-curricular was always available to help in any way she could. She did it with enthusiasm, school activities. She took every opportunity to travel and visit family on the always…and with a surprise bit of mischief just when it was needed. West Coast, and her trip across the pond to London was one of her most memo- rable. She loved being an active part of her community in Sealy and Frydek and was Her interests included being an avid NFL fan and armchair umpire and sideline known throughout the community for her love of gardening and for her wonder- coach. She enjoyed picking, cracking and shelling pecans, and working chal- ful kolaches and egg noodles. lenging jigsaw and word puzzles while watching Wheel of Fortune. She called this her “therapy”. Above all, she was dedicated to her family and the countless friends she col- She was a member of St. John Nepomucene Catholic Church, the K.J.Z.T., lected over a lifetime of caring and service to others. Catholic Daughters of the Americas, the Telico Volunteer Fire Department, and St. John’s Golden Crusaders. Louise is survived by her daughter, Sylvia Hayden, grandsons John (wife Laura) Mildred was preceded in death by her husband Adolf Trojacek, granddaugh- and Steven (Wife Monica), great grandson Kyle and numerous cousins, nieces, ter Colette Trojacek, her parents, sisters Lillie Crowley and Helen Barrett, and and nephews. brother Bernard Betik. She is survived by her 6 children, Danny and wife Laura, Janis and husband Alex Wensowitch, Judy and husband Tommy Rickman, Mark Memorial donations can be made to the K.J.Z.T. Memorial Scholarship Fund, and wife Debbie, Kathy and husband Lance Rutherford, and Greg Trojacek. She St. Jude’s Hospital or the charity of your choice. also had 27 grandchildren and 22 great grandchildren. Mildred is also survived by her 3 brothers Joe, Wesley and Bob Betik and 3 sisters Mary Trojacek, Ella Heard, and Evelyn Slovak, and numerous nieces, nephews and cousins. In lieu of flowers, donations or contributions can be made to St. Joseph’s Cem- Gone But Not etery, Family First Hospice, or the Telico Volunteer Fire Department. Our Mother and friend will be greatly missed. Rest in Peace. Forgotten Page 38 Catholic Family Fraternal Journal July/August 2017 July/August 2017 CATHOLIC FAMILY NEWEW MEMBERS

Bryleigh Noelle Torres is a new member of Society Caroline Avi Rose Finnegan is a new member of So- Harper C. Britten is a new member of Society No. 6 No. 5 Shiner. She is the daughter of Daniel and Ni- ciety No. 43 Ganado. She is the daughter of Keith Bryan. She is the daughter of Matthew and Courtney cole Torres. She has a brother, Landyn and a sister, Williams and Heather Finnegan. Her grandmother, Britten. Kaylee, who are also members of Society No. 5. Rosalie Williams, as well as other family members, are also members of Society No. 43.

Gabrielle C. Herring is a new member of Society No. 11 West. She is the daughter of Matt and Re- Joshua D. Krieger is a new member of Society No. Timothy W. Krieger is a new member of Society No. becca Herring. Gabrielle has a sister, Kendall, and 16 Ennis. He is the son of Brian and Charity Krieger 16 Ennis. He is the son of Brian and Charity Krieger is the granddaughter of Michael and Janet (Jennie) of Denton, TX. His grandparents are Bill and Marcy of Denton, TX. His grandparents are Bill and Marcy Kunkel of Waco, TX and Winston and Gaye Dixon Krieger of Ennis, TX; Franklin Dillow of Wylie, TX Krieger of Ennis, TX; Franklin Dillow of Wylie, TX of Granbury, TX and is the great-granddaughter of and Melissa Dillow of Marietta, GA. Joshua has a and Melissa Dillow of Marietta, GA. Joshua has a Chris Doskocil of West, TX and William Kunkel sister, Brianna, and a brother, Timothy. sister, Brianna, and a brother, Joshua. and the late Ann Kunkel of Robinson, TX. July/August 2017 Catholic Family Fraternal Journal Page 39

Address to the Delegates continued from page 16...

Conclusion: I understand, all too well, the challenges placed upon our families today. I empathize with you in your concern for your children and grandchildren no longer attending Mass or choosing to either cohabitate or not entering into marriage through the Catholic Church. We must keep praying; we must remain faithful and we must never doubt the love God has for us and his Church. All we can do is be faithful to Christ. Perhaps they will discover Christ by what we say and do. And so I commend all of you for your faithful service to your spouses, children, grandchildren, parents, parishes, to our fraternal and to your communities. I know it has not been easy for many of you and, at times, it has been outright challenging. You have had much to overcome, including disappointment in relationships, illnesses, financial challenges and heartache of all kinds. Yet, you remain faithful; you are that light that shines in a world so filled at times with darkness. As Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross once wrote: “People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.” Yes, when it is dark, the window of God’s love will shine only when we take hold of the words of His Son: “You are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14). Therefore, take time to be reju- venated each day in God’s love. Never doubt the love God has for each one of you. When you are that light for others, you are serving God and you are doing His will. Let us continue to embrace the founding principles of our fraternal and to keep the Catholic Family Fraternal of Texas strong and vibrant, inviting others to join us in our effort to be a people of love and service, in the name of Christ. Once again, thank you for this opportunity to serve as your state chaplain. And thank you maminka, for Landry R. Bohanon is a new member of Society No. encouraging me to say yes to the KJZT Board of Directors invitation! 16 Ennis. She is the daughter of Alan and Stacey Bohanon of Ennis. Her grandparents are Eddie and Doris Luck and Dennis and Carolyn Bohanon, all of Ennis.

Samantha M. Ostermann is a new member of So- Caleb J. Gerik is a new member of Society No. 11 Zachary M. Gerik is a new member of Society No. ciety No. 16 Ennis. She is the daughter of Thomas West. He is the son of Michael and Melissa Gerik. 11 West. He is the son of Michael and Melissa Ger- and Kristine Ostermann of Flower Mound, TX. Her He has a brother, Zachary. Caleb’s grandparents are ik. He has a brother, Caleb. Caleb’s grandparents are grandparents are Bill and Marcy Krieger of Ennis; Bill and Beatrice Nors, Donald and Barbara Gerik, Bill and Beatrice Nors, Donald and Barbara Gerik, Adeline Ostermann of Waxahachie, TX. Samantha Sr. of West, Texas and the late James and Shirley Sr. of West, Texas and the late James and Shirley has a sister, Emma, who is also a member of the Herrin. Herrin. Ennis Society. 844-KJZT-TEX