Journal of the Senate

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Journal of the Senate Journal of the Senate Number 1—Regular Session Tuesday, March 5, 2019 Beginning the Fifty-first Regular Session of the Legislature of Florida convened under the Florida Constitution as revised in 1968, and subsequently amended, and the 121st Regular Session since State- hood in 1845, at the Capitol, in the City of Tallahassee, Florida, on Tuesday, the 5th of March, A.D., 2019, being the day fixed by the Constitution of the State of Florida for convening the Legislature. CONTENTS we turn and ask with all sincerity to help us, as we strive to lead our great State of Florida. Address by Governor . 3 You have endowed us with tremendous abilities to lead and govern, Address by President . 2 but we turn to you as we stand at a new legislative session. Our dis- Call to Order . .1 cerning eyes look diligently to the work before us, but we also know your Committee Substitutes, First Reading . 149 eyes see clearly what must be done in this vast State of Florida. Committees of the Senate . 174 Communication . 175 These collective elected public servants and members of this legis- Executive Business, Appointments . 172 lature stand before you and one another in the hopes that together, Executive Business, Appointments Withdrawn . 168 great things are possible. Their love for this great state shines through Executive Business, Suspensions . 160 their dedication. We ask that you search their hearts and minds. Allow House Messages, Final Action . 175 them to see the dignity of their office and inspire them to greatness. We Introduction and Reference of Bills . 35 are mindful of so many of them who leave family at this time to serve Joint Session . .3 the needs of this state. Watch over their loved ones and care for them in Motions . 2 their absence. Reference Changes, Rule 4.7(2) . 157 Give them eyes to see and ears to hear. Give them discerning minds Reports of Committees . .157 and hearts while also the energy enough to do all that is asked of them. Rules of the Senate . 6 We also ask that you give each of them a voice: voices loud enough to Senate Pages . 175 be heard, voices with empathy enough for justice, and voices humble Special Guests . .1, 3 enough as they are convicted. Special Performance . 1 Special Presentation . 1 With all our asking, we also thank you. Thank you for the faithfulness Supreme Court Certification . 173 of the many who dedicate their lives for a better tomorrow; faithful citizens that love beyond the boundaries of their respective counties. CALL TO ORDER As we begin this new legislative session with high hopes of doing great things for this great state of ours, may we also conclude it with The Senate was called to order by President Galvano at 9:30 a.m. A knowing we were faithful and respectful of one another. We pray to you, quorum present—39: who are Lord and God, forever and ever. Amen. Mr. President Diaz Perry Albritton Farmer Pizzo COLOR GUARD Baxley Flores Powell At the direction of the President, the Sergeant at Arms opened the Bean Gainer Rader doors of the chamber and a Color Guard of the Florida National Guard Benacquisto Gibson Rodriguez marched into the chamber bearing flags of the United States of America Berman Gruters Rouson and the State of Florida. Book Harrell Simmons Bracy Hooper Simpson Bradley Hutson Stargel PLEDGE Brandes Lee Stewart Sergeant at Arms Tim Hay was joined by several children present in Braynon Mayfield Taddeo the chamber in the center aisle and led the Senate in the Pledge of Broxson Montford Thurston Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. Cruz Passidomo Wright SPECIAL PERFORMANCE Excused: Senator Torres The President introduced Garrett Evers, who sang The Star Spangled PRAYER Banner. Garrett is a student at the Florida State University College of Music. The following prayer was offered by the Very Reverend John B. Cayer, Co-Cathedral of St. Thomas More, Tallahassee: SPECIAL GUESTS God of all good things, we come to you today with all respect and The President introduced the following guests: Governor Ron De- humility. You are the beginning and end of all things. It is to you that Santis, Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Nuñez, Commissioner of Agri- 1 2 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE March 5, 2019 culture Nikki Fried, Attorney General Ashley Moody, and Chief Fi- in all the days that will ever be. But what will happen in all the other nancial Officer Jimmy Patronis. days that ever come can depend on what you do today.” The President recognized the following Supreme Court Justices: So, as we move forward and work hard and focus day by day with Chief Justice Charles T. Canady, Justice Ricky Polston, Justice Jorge these 60 days, let us do so recognizing each other’s value—the value Labarga, Justice Alan Lawson, Justice Barbara Lagoa, Justice Robert J. that each of us has in this chamber, one to another, and let us also Luck, and Justice Carlos G. Muñiz. recognize the value that we have as the Florida Senate. We are made up The President announced the Senate was honored by the presence of of diverse and talented Senators representing large and unique con- former Senate Presidents Mike Haridopolos and his wife, Stephanie, stituencies. Look around you. These are the people that you are serving Jeff Atwater, Ken Pruitt, John McKay and his wife, Michelle, Jim Scott, with. Each of them has a tremendous story, and each of them brings and Tom Lee, currently serving in the Senate, and his wife, Secretary of true value to this process. State Laurel Lee. Let’s also understand that we are the Florida Senate, and while we’re The President introduced former Senators Joseph Abruzzo; Jim part of the bigger state government, we have a very specific role in how Horne; Arthenia Joyner; Alan Hays, Lake County Supervisor of Elec- the people of Florida are governed. Take pride in that. I take pride in tions; Frank Artiles; Carey Baker, Lake County Property Appraiser; Steve Geller, Broward County Commissioner; John Thrasher, Florida that. We will work together as a Senate with the measure, deliberation, State University President; Curt Kiser; Dave Aronberg, State Attorney and decorum that is necessary to achieve the best policy. As we were for Palm Beach County; Ellyn Bogdanoff; and Ron Silver, who were reminded by our President Pro Tempore, let’s be President George present in the chamber. Washington’s saucer—to cool and to vet and to understand. I reaffirm my pledge to you that I’ve made many times that I will not judge the The President introduced his wife, the First Lady of the Florida success of this session by my personal agenda. I ask all of you, let’s all Senate, Julie Galvano; their children, Michael, William, and Jacqueline; and his mother-in-law, Mary Jean Forrester, and father-in-law, Re- focus on a Florida agenda and not a personal agenda. I will do my best to verend Sterling Forrester. support you in every way, but I ask that we collaborate, that we truly vet and debate the issues and policies and ideas that come before us. The President welcomed all the other Senate spouses who were pre- And when an idea is not right, or a bill is not ready, let us have the sent in the chamber. courage to step back, regroup, and rethink. Most importantly, let us also have the discipline to know when to let go and walk away. DOCTOR OF THE DAY History is not going to judge the success of this session by the number The President recognized Dr. Charles J. Chase of Winter Park as the of bills we pass. To the contrary, it will judge the success of this session doctor of the day. Dr. Chase specializes in anesthesiology. by the quality of our actions. At the end of the day, we have only one requirement by our constitution and that’s to pass the budget—a meaningful, responsible budget for the people of Florida. So, as we work On motion by Senator Benacquisto, by unanimous consent— together, let us do so boldly, proudly, and as the Florida Senate. It’s an SCR 1018—A concurrent resolution providing that the House of honor, again, to serve as your president, but that’s what I want you to Representatives and the Senate convene in Joint Session for the pur- realize I am doing—I am serving you as your president. So let’s make pose of receiving a message from the Governor. every day count this session. Thank you. WHEREAS, Governor Ron DeSantis has expressed a desire to ad- dress the Legislature in Joint Session, NOW, THEREFORE, COMMITTEE APPOINTED Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of Florida, the House of Rep- On motion by President Pro Tempore Simmons that a committee be resentatives Concurring: appointed to notify the House of Representatives that the Senate was convened and ready to proceed to the business of the 2019 Session, the That the House of Representatives and the Senate convene in Joint President appointed Senator Albritton, Chair; and Senators Gruters, Session in the Chamber of the House of Representatives at 11:00 a.m. this day, March 5, 2019, for the purpose of receiving a message from the Cruz, Harrell, and Pizzo. The committee was excused. Governor. COMMITTEE DISCHARGED —was taken up and read the first time by title. On motion by Senator Benacquisto, SCR 1018 was read the second time in full, adopted, and, The committee appointed to notify the House of Representatives re- by two-thirds vote, immediately certified to the House.
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