1 ISSUE #123A 2015Brotherhood– 11 PALMBEACH.ABATEFLORIDA.COM Against Totalitarian Enactments NOV 2015 American Bikers Aiming Toward Education ABATE OF FLORIDA, INC. PALM BEACH CHAPTER ISSUE 123 2015-11 PALMBEACH.ABATEFLORIDA.COM NOV. 2015 ABATE of Florida Inc NEXT CHAPTER MEETING 11:30 AM Third Sunday Nov. 15 LET THOSE WHO RIDE DECIDE! DEDICATED TO FREEDOM OF CHOICE, FREEDOM OF THE ROAD 2 ISSUE #123 2015– 11 The CHROME CHRONICLES NOV 2015 2015-2016 Board of Directors & Trustees EDITORIAL PRESIDENT Ken “Snooze” Gerecke 561-389-6546 GUIDELINES VICE PRESIDENT “Big Bad Fred” Joseph 561-723-3712 You are encouraged to SECRETARY - Lynn Stine 561-901-0979 submit letters about TREASURER - Debbie “Foxybabe” Hamby 561-847-5331 ABATE related to events, SERGEANT-AT-ARMS Cary “Runner” Schwartz 561-271-0744 articles, photographs, MEMBERSHIP TRUSTEE Debbie “Foxybabe” Hamby 561-847-5331 commentaries, etc. Please SAFETY DIRECTOR Julius “Tippy” Baumann 561-385-6305 do not submit slanderous LEGISLATIVE Dan “Slo Motion” Henderson 561-702-9929 nor accusing letters, STATE DELEGATE Ken “Snooze” Gerecke 561-389-6546 profanity nor nudity. STATE DELEGATE Debbie “Foxybabe” Hamby 561-847-5331 Abate of Florida, Inc., will NEWSLETTER/WEBMASTER Dan Henderson “Slo Mo” 561-702-9929 not accept any PR/COMM TRUSTEE Ed “Nighthawk” Lattari 561-309-5412 PRODUCTS TRUSTEE Lisa “Tink” Jerrahian 561-889-3102 advertising that discriminates against any type of motorcyclist Our NEW Email is
[email protected] . Put in the subject: ABATE and the officer to whom should Newsletters see it and what about to so that message is directed right can be picked Mailing Address up at: Chapter Meetings ABATE - Palm Beach Chapter Our Table at P.O.