Submission to the DCCAE’s Consultation “Ireland’s Draft National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) 2021-2030” Submission prepared by the Irish District Energy Association February 2019
[email protected] Submission to ‘Draft NECP’ Consultation from DCCAE: February 2019 Contents Contents ........................................................................................................................................................ 2 1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 3 2 IrDEA welcomes the support for District Heating in the responses to the Initial NECP Consultation .. 3 3 The Potential for District Heating is much higher than proposed in the NECP .................................... 4 4 District Heating is a key enabler of Renewable Heat ............................................................................ 5 4.1 Excess Heat Should be Considered along with Renewable Heat as it also offsets carbon emitting fuels such as oil and gas ............................................................................................................................ 8 5 The Flexibility of District Heating Should be valued under Energy Security ......................................... 9 6 Increasing Renewable Heat will require stronger signals and/or support ......................................... 12 7 Bioenergy should be prioritised where it adds most value ...............................................................