WP 4 | CASE STUDY Report: Shareable’s Sharing Cities Theme [ssh.2013.3.2-1][Social Innovation- Empowering People, changing societies] Project Full Title: “Transformative Social Innovation Theory project” Grant Agreement n. 613169 This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 613169 Transit – Grant agreement n. 613169 – WP 4 | CASE STUDY Report: Shareable’s Sharing Cities 1 Suggested citation: De Majo, C., Elle, M., Hagelskjær Lauridsen,E., and Zuijderwijk, L. (2016) WP4 | CASE STUDY Report: Shareable’s Sharing Cities. TRANSIT: EU SSH.2013.3.2-1 Grant agreement no: 613169. Acknowledgements: We especially thank Nils Roemen, Tom Llewellyn, Neal Gorenflo, David de Ugarte and Maria Rodriguez and all the other people we talked to during our visits for their time, ideas and other contributions to this report. Date: 3rd of October in 2016 Authors: Claudio de Majo, Morten Elle, Erik Hagelskjær Lauridsen, Linda Zuijderwijk Lead partner: IHS Participating partners: AAU Contact person: Linda Zuijderwijk IHS E-mail:
[email protected] Phone: +31104082945 Disclaimer: “The content of this publication does not reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Responsibility for the information and views expressed therein lies entirely with the author(s).” Transit – Grant agreement n. 613169 – WP 4 | CASE STUDY Report: Shareable’s Sharing Cities 2 Table of contents 1 Introduction to Shareable’s Sharing Cities ......................................