Number 1 Volume 35 W inter, 2007 DuckingDucking thethe DeltaDelta FeederFeeder TimeTime My Favorite Martin Baton Rouge, LA LA Rouge, Rouge, Baton Baton Permit #1393 #1393 Permit Permit AID AID P P TION TION ORGANIZA ORGANIZA NON-PROFIT NON-PROFIT CONTENTS DEPARTMENTS Number 1 Volume 35 Winter, 2007 Official Publication of the Louisiana Wildlife Federation 3 From The President and Executive Director VOL. 35 Winter 2007 NO.1 14 Conservation Line Editorial Creed: To create and 30 Tibby Sez encourage an awareness among the people of Louisiana of the need for wise use and proper management of those resources of the earth upon which the lives and welfare of all people depend: the soil, the air, the water, the forests, the minerals, the plant FEATURES life, and the wildlife. Magazine Staff Randy P. Lanctot: Editor 4 Ducking the Delta with J. W. & Gus 8 Feeder Time! Louisiana WILDLIFE Federation magazine (ISSN 0738-8098) is the official publication 11 My Favorite Martin of the Louisiana Wildlife Federation, Inc. The Federation office is located at 337 South 12 Orphaned Bear Cub Rescued Acadian Thruway, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70806. All editorial and subscription 13 Bare Cypress & Bald Eagles in the Atchafalaya Basin correspondence should be mailed to P.O. Box 65239 Audubon Station, Baton Rouge, LA 22 The Quiet Pollution 70896-5239 (Phone/Fax 225-344- 6707;mailto:
[email protected]. 24 "After the Hunt" Looking for Recipes 28 Grebe Killing at Kincaid Lake Postmaster: Send change of address to: 29 New Book Profiles Gulf Finfish Louisiana Wildlife Federation, P.O. Box 65239 Audubon Station, Baton Rouge, LA 70896-5239.