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ANNUAL REPORT 2017 a LETTER from LPB a LETTER from PRESIDENT & CEO FRIENDS of LPB BETH COURTNEY 2017 BOARD CHAIR BILL BLACKWOOD Bill Blackwood 2017 ANNUAL REPORT 2017 A LETTER FROM LPB A LETTER FROM PRESIDENT & CEO FRIENDS OF LPB BETH COURTNEY 2017 BOARD CHAIR BILL BLACKWOOD Bill Blackwood 2017 has been another eventful year for Louisiana Public Friends of Louisiana Public Broadcasting is a nonprofit Broadcasting. We remain dedicated to education and cultural corporation operating solely to support the Louisiana Edu- enrichment using the powerful tools of communication delivered cational Television Authority (dba LPB). The organization is through our statewide technical infrastructure. Whether on-air, governed by a volunteer board of directors consisting of 30 in print or through social media and streaming services, LPB is individuals from across the state, supported by an amaz- here for you. In fact, we are considered by many as the state’s ing staff of three who work diligently to provide needed largest classroom. Every week 376,000 people age two and revenue for LPB. up are watching at least one of our three channels. The LPB PBS During the 2017 fiscal year, Friends of LPB transferred Kids channel airs children’s programming 24 hours a day, seven $1,223,511 to LPB. The revenue is generated from fund days a week. In Louisiana, we have also enhanced that lineup raising activities held throughout the year. The majority of with 14 hours a week of French immersion programs, part of our these funds are donations from our viewers, whose gener- ongoing commitment to support the Council for the Development ous support helps to make educational, inspirational, and of French in Louisiana (CODOFIL). We also have a robust online entertaining television available to citizens of all ages in and digital service for some 30,000 teachers across the state. our state. In addition to our board of directors, over 150 We bring the best well-researched and effective learning content people volunteered their time to help with programs and to children and educators every day. The line-up of educational membership drives. We thank you for sharing your time programs includes Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, Daniel and treasure to help make LPB the gem that it is! Tiger’s Neighborhood, Wild Kratts, Super WHY!, Dino- The 27th Annual Louisiana Legends Gala was a very spe- saur Train, and Curious George. Your children and grand- cial event honoring the best and brightest of Louisiana’s children watch us and now they use our apps! We take pride in sons and daughters. Over 400 people came to celebrate serving as the connector between parents and the classroom and the lives of our latest honorees: Julian E. Bailes, Jr. M.D., each year, we look for ways to increase our ability to make Loui- James Moncus, Juan Pierre, Dee Dee Reilly, and Toni and siana children ready to learn so they may achieve their highest Emmet Stephenson. Since the Gala’s inception in 1990, potential when they begin kindergarten. Friends of LPB has recognized 134 outstanding Louisianans We are equally committed to telling Louisiana’s stories, and this for their achievements. We thank our sponsors, guests, auc- year our work garnered three Emmys. Attakapas: The Cajun tion patrons and volunteers for helping to spread the good Story was awarded an Emmy for singer-songwriter Zachary news of our state and raising $240,000 in the process. Richard’s musical telling of the history and journey of the Ca- Friends of LPB continues to look for opportunities to part- jun people. The second program was Deeply Rooted: John ner with other organizations to effectively and efficiently Coykendall’s Journey to Save Our Seeds & Stories. provide our award winning programs. Last year, we en- It tells the tale of renowned seed saver, Master Gardener, and joyed a great collaboration with Quota International of classically trained artist John Coykendall, who is preserving heir- Baton Rouge. The Quota Club hosted the event, “Eyes loom seeds and recording stories from families and farmers in on the Ties,” that provided $43,000 to support children’s Washington Parish. Lastly, we were recognized for our town hall educational initiatives while raising public awareness for community meeting as part of LPB’s monthly series Louisiana LPB. We thank the Quota Club for their wonderful contribu- Public Square. In this episode entitled Black & the Blue, tion! Another fun collaboration occurred with the Cortana attendees discussed the relationship between the police and a Kiwanis Club. The group helped to sponsor our event, “A deeply concerned community. These three awards reflect the ex- Very Monkey Christmas Breakfast.” The event featured Cu- cellent work of the wonderful independent filmmakers with whom rious George and lots of Christmas cheer for the kids. The we collaborate and of our dedicated staff. following week, Curious George was featured as the Chil- In order to produce these programs and others, we are deeply dren’s Grand Marshall in the Cortana Kiwanis 65th Annual grateful to our viewers for their ongoing support. These contri- Christmas Parade. butions combined with grant and underwriting support that we Together, we have supported and enjoyed great programs actively seek, allow us to continue to initiate important projects on LPB over the past 42 years. We are very optimistic about such as Veterans Coming Home, in which we help to tell the the future and look forward to meeting the expectations of stories of Louisiana veterans as they return to civilian life. These our viewers. On behalf of our directors and employees, profiles are a part of the more than 70 recollections of Vietnam thank you for your investment in and continued support of Era veterans added to our digital media archives this year alone. LPB. From the news and public affairs that we deliver to you each week, to history, culture, and wonders of the natural world that we bring year-round, LPB is worth preserving and a state asset that delivers educational value to Louisianans of all ages. Thank you for being with us in 2017, and with your help, we look for- ward to more shared experiences in 2018. 2 • LPB ANNUAL REPORT | 2017 A LETTER FROM A LETTER FROM FOUNDATION FOR LOUISIANA Educational EXCELLENCE IN TELEVISION AUTHORITY LOUISIANA PUBLIC BOARD CHAIR BROADCASTING Gwendolyn Carter BOARD CHAIR CHARLES SPENCER The Foundation for Excellence in Louisiana Public Broad- Louisiana Public Broadcasting continues its tradition of ex- casting (“FELPB” or “Foundation”) continues to provide strong cellence in education outreach by forging partnerships with financial support to Louisiana Public Broadcasting (“LPB”). schools, individuals, and businesses that understand the im- The result is such extraordinary programming as this year’s portance of covering every corner of Louisiana with the best state-wide television premiere of Attakapas: The Cajun possible programming for children and adults. We utilize all Story, featuring the music of legendary Louisiana singer- social platforms available to reach all age groups and all songwriter, Zachary Richard and his story of the history of media devices. As the outgoing chair of the Louisiana Educa- the Cajun people. tional Television Authority, I am pleased to be able to say that The Foundation Board oversees our endowment invest- Louisiana Public Broadcasting is the finest resource for quality ments, which are structured in a fashion that is consistent with educational, news, drama, nature, arts, and Louisiana the guidelines stated in FELPB‘s Investment Policy Statement. programming for all citizens of our state. This globally-diversified, balanced portfolio delivered attrac- tive results during fiscal year 2017. Exploiting strong results in global equity markets, the portfolio appreciated by over 12%. Over the past 5 years, while navigating a variety of market conditions, the portfolio appreciated in excess of 7% annually. Today, FELPB‘s portfolio remains diversified across a number of asset classes and investment styles. The portfolio continues LOUISIANA EDUCATIONAL FRIENDS OF LPB BOARD to perform well in the face of higher levels of market volatility. TELEVISION AUTHORITY BOARD Individuals dedicated to sustaining LPB’s great success com- Bill Blackwood, Chairman pose the Foundation’s Board. The Board is guided in its deci- Gwendolyn Carter, Chairperson Rae Vasquez, Vice-Chairman sion-making by our investment advisor, The J.K. Meek Group Kathy Kliebert, Vice-Chairperson Ann Wilkinson, Treasurer at Graystone Consulting. Scott Richard, Secretary Dr. Peggy Murphy, Secretary We look forward to a prosperous 2018, as well as your Jada Lewis, Treasurer Dan Hare, Immediate Past continued support and viewership. Chris Goudeau, Immediate Past Chairman Chairperson Bill Blackwood, Friends Chairman Cheri Ausberry Patricia (Tricia) A. Cran, M.D. Wayne O. Berry John Denison David J. Bondy Sloan Deumite Doreen O. Brasseaux Bob Emmert Valencia Burton Donna Ewing Fr. James C. Carter Sally Fenet Julie Cherry Jennifer Zundel Forest Eartha Cross Dr. Marshall Sommers-Gunn Syndi Dunn Joey Haddad FOUNDATION FOR EXCELLENCE IN LOUISIANA PUBLIC BROADCASTING BOARD Nikki Godfrey Bo Harris Gwen Guillotte Seth Irby Charles Spencer, Chair Nancy Harrelson Martha Juban Mary T. Joseph, Secretary Dan Hare Anne Kennedy Dudley W. Coates, Treasurer Glenn V. Kinsey Robert Levy Dr. William Arceneaux, Director Samuel “Lee” Meredith Laura Lindsay Barbara DeCuir Deano Thornton Sondra Mott Long Sally Clausen Lee B. “Tee” Wheeler Bettsie Baker Miller Rose J. Hudson Willie Landry Mount H. Alston Johnson III Jodi Penn Rives Frank McArthur Jamie Schlottman Darrel Papillion Carol Shadoin Dr. William Weldon Dr. Sue Weaver 3 • LPB ANNUAL REPORT | 2017 OUTREACH The Vietnam War screening event, Baton Rouge, LA The Vietnam War screening event and story recordings, Alexandria, LA n 2017, Louisiana Public Broadcasting in- This year marked the 22nd anniversary of the Iformed, educated, and connected with Louisian- Louisiana Young Heroes Awards. Nine excep- ans through a wide variety of social and cultural tional and inspirational students from around the events, fun family gatherings, and enriching edu- state were honored by LPB and the Rotary Club of cational activities.
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