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Alumni News2005v11.Indd POSTCARDS AND LETTERS HONOURS DEATHS (August 2003 – July 2005) OBITUARIES Alumni News Supplement to Trinity Update August 2005 Trinity College 2004 AUSTRALIA DAY HONOURS Dr Yvonne AITKEN, AM (1930) REGINALD LESLIE STOCK, OBE, COLIN PERCIVAL JUTTNER JOHN GORDON RUSHBROOKE THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE Dr Nancy AUN (1976) 1909-2004 1910-2003 1936-2003 Hugh Wilson BALLANTYNE (1951) AC Reg Stock entered Trinity in 1929, studying for a Following in his father’s footsteps, Colin Juttner entered John Rushbrooke entered Trinity from Geelong Grammar in What a kaleidoscope of activities is reflected in this collection of news items, gathered since August 2003 from Peter BALMFORD (1946) Leonard Gordon DARLING (TC 1940), AO, CMG, combined Arts/Law degree. He was elected Secretary Trinity from St Peter’s College, Adelaide, in 1929 and 1954 with a General Exhibition. He completed his BSc in Alumni and Friends of Trinity College, the University of Melbourne. We hope this new trial format will help to Dr (William) Ronald BEETHAM, AM (1949) Melbourne, Victoria. For service to the arts through of the Fleur de Lys Club in 1932 and Senior Student enrolled in the Faculty of Medicine. He took a prominent 1956, graduating with prizes in Mathematics and Physics. rekindle memories and prompt some renewed contacts, and apologise if any details have become dated. vision, advice and philanthropy for long-term benefit Dr Garry Edward Wilbur BENNETT (1938) in 1933. As such he chaired the meeting of the Club part in student life, representing the College in cricket His Master’s degree saw him begin his work as a high to the nation. (Frederick) Theo(dore) BISCHOFF (1945) which, in response to the Warden’s closure of ‘the and football. As well, as his contemporary Ken Leslie energy physicist, probing the atom at the University of 40TH ANNIVERSARY FOR PROFESSOR ROBIN SHARWOOD Robert Andrew Gordon CHIRNSIDE (1946) Buttery’, resolved ‘to adopt a policy directed to procuring writes: Melbourne’s cyclotron. The 40th anniversary of the appointment of Professor Robin Sharwood as fourth Warden of Trinity College was Sir Rupert William John CLARKE, AM (Fellow) AM the removal of the Warden.’ Although the motion celebrated with a small private luncheon at the College on 1 June 2005. Robert Anthony (Tony) COLE (1952) Michael William GORTON (TC 1976), Melbourne, was withdrawn, Stock and the other members of the ‘He was the central figure in all sorts of escapades such In 1959, following his marriage to Rosemary Bowen, Revd Phillip Revett COOKE (1940) Victoria. For service to the community through a range of Committee were not re -admitted to College in 1934. as climbing to the chapel spire to decorate it … with he proceeded to King’s College, Cambridge, on a Shell Warden from 1965 to 1973, Professor Sharwood has said that probably the most significant achievement of his The Revd Arthur COUTANCHE (1934) organisations including the United Nations Association a pair of pyjamas.’ His legacy to the students was the Scholarship. Following work at the Cavendish Laboratory Wardenship was the decision to admit women students into co-residence with men, reflecting his strongly-held view Dr Peter Hannay DAVIS (1934) and Greening Australia, and through the promotion of Following graduation, Reg practised as a solicitor until Juttoddie Cup ‘for steeplechasing over fences, cows which gained him his PhD in particle Physics, and after that ‘an institution which did not admit the company of women could not claim to be truly civilised.’ Edwin John DAWES (1937) equal opportunity and Aboriginal reconciliation. 1940 when he joined Executive Secretariat, which and gas mains’ which he, with Hal Oddie, presented for stints at Oxford and the European Centre for Nuclear Dr John Charles Philip EDIS (1954) provided business services for many members of the competition by the freshers. In its various manifestations, Research at Geneva (CERN), he returned to Cambridge to A Fellow of the College, Professor Sharwood continues to contribute actively to the College, including as a most Archdeacon John Norman FALKINGHAM (1936) Timothy Charles MURRAY (TC 1954), Toorak, Victoria. ‘Collins House’ group of, mainly, mining companies. In the running of the Juttoddie Cup has since been a a University Lectureship in Physics and a Fellowship at generous benefactor. Some of the numerous artworks, manuscripts and collections that he has given to Trinity are John David FELTHAM (1950) For service to the development of boys’ education, 1936, Associated Pulp and Paper Mills was formed to constant in College life. Downing College. displayed in the appropriately named Sharwood Room. Douglas Arthur FRECKLETON (1939) particularly as headmaster of Canberra Grammar School. develop the manufacture of fine printing paper from Bert GILBERT (1936) eucalypts. In association with (Sir) Henry Somerset, Stock Colin served as a medical officer with the 8th Division A pioneer of interaction between the academic and Celebrating with Professor Sharwood (seated) were from left: Clare Pullar, Don Markwell, Jim Grant, Campbell Sir Rupert James HAMER, AC, KCMG, ED (1935), helped steer the fledgling industry to full production. Field Ambulance in Malaya and was a prisoner of war in business worlds, he helped establish Image Research Bairstow, and Bob Chambers. Fellow and former Premier of Victoria In 1960, on the dissolution of Executive Secretariat, Changi and on the Burma Railway (F Force). James Boyle Ltd, and in 1969, Laser Scan Ltd, the first company on the 2004 QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY Dr Geoffrey William HARLEY, AM (1949) Stock became, successively, APPM company secretary, wrote of him: Cambridge Science Park. From 1977–1982 Rushbrooke was Dr (John) Peter HARPER (1939) commercial manager, joint general manager and again at CERN. The following year he was promoted to a HONOURS Dr David Nicholson HAWKINS (1946) executive director 1971–74. ‘Captain Juttner ... was in my opinion one of the most Readership in Physics and in 1993 the University conferred POSTCARDS Gordon Adler (1949) is working full time at a private David Feiglin (1962) is currently Professor of Radiology Charles Parkinson in front of the clock tower of Trinity Bruce Seymour HILL (1953) confident and capable doctors on the railway. He … on him the degree of Doctor of Science. medical practice in Radiation Oncology at Wahroonga, and Medicine, State University of New York University College, Oxford. AM Bishop Oliver Spencer HEYWARD, Beyond APPM, Reg was president of the Australian invariably exhibited an attitude of complete indifference AND LETTERS Sydney, and Gosford, NSW Central Coast. He celebrated Hospital, Syracuse, New York. Professor John David HOROWITZ (TC 1974), member of College Council 1979-83. Industries Development Association, chairman of towards the Japanese and it is a pity a few more of … Soon after, he accepted an appointment as inaugural his 50th wedding anniversary and the 50 year reunion of Charles Parkinson (1997, non-resident) was Kensington Park, SA. For service to medicine and medical Dr Ernest James HODDER (1942) NEWS FROM TRINITY ALUMNI the Commonwealth Textile, Clothing and Footwear our officers did not try to emulate him.’ Professor of Physics at the new Bond University: 1953 Melbourne University medical school graduates in Monsignor Peter John Elliot (1962) has kept busy President of the Melbourne University Sports research in the field of cardiology, particularly in the area Bartley John HODGETTS (1944) Review Committee, and the first lay member of the unfortunately, the science faculty did not survive Bond’s AND FRIENDS November 2003. as Parish Priest of St Mary’s East Malvern; as General Association, won several Half Blues for Squash, of ischaemic heart disease. (Professor Horowitz is the Robert Alexander Dunlop HOOD, MBE (1940) Commonwealth Administrative Appeals Tribunal. He was After the war, Colin established a general practice downfall. Back at Cambridge, his achievements in research Editor of Melbourne–Sydney religious education texts; and prizes for history and law. In 2003 he won a UK father of Deborah Horowitz, 1997). Dr David Alan JOLLEY (1942) a member of the Japan Business Cooperation Committee at Woodside in the Adelaide hills and purchased and development brought an invitation in 2000 to work and Gilbert McLean (1937) retired at the end of 1983 Neil Everist (1951) was awarded the degree of Doctor and as lecturer in the theology of marriage at Catholic Commonwealth Scholarship to undertake a doctorate at John Wilson KELLY (1947) and the Pacific Basin Economic Council. ‘Chetwynde’ in 1948. From this base he pursued his live in California. But just as his first new imaging machine after nearly 20 years as a director of James Nisbet & of Letters (Honoris Causa) by Deakin University in Theological College and the John Paul II Institute for the University of Oxford, researching his thesis on the Dr William Ronald KINGSTON (1940) many interests – horse breeding, racing, showing and was about to be sold, the cancer which was to end his life Co Ltd (Educational Publishers) – the last nine years as April 2004 for distinguished service to the arts and the Marriage and Family, where he is a permanent Fellow. origins of bills of rights in the British Commonwealth, Dr Allen(by) Abraham Michel LAPIN (1946) Reg was actively involved in the Australian Institute hunting, wine, cars, painting and art collecting, poetry was diagnosed. He died in May 2003. Sadly, he was never Chairman. His elder grand-daughter, Ailsa McLean, is an community. Peter is still ‘on call’ for Vatican duties. He also recently while being Junior Dean at Trinity College, Oxford, 2005 AUSTRALIA DAY HONOURS Dr Geoffrey Standish LESTER (1966) of International Affairs and secretary of the Round and literature, photography, cosmology, and snooker. He able to establish himself as a physicist in his own country. Captain of Men’s Squash (and a Full Blue), and undergraduate at Peterhouse, Cambridge. published Ceremonies of the Liturgical Year through Lachlan Stuart MACKELLAR (1967) Table in Melbourne.
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