Southern Section C L a S S I C a L a S S O C I a T I O N O F T H E M I D D L E W
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Southern Section Classical Association of the Middle West and South Nashville, Tennessee November 27-29, 1958 REVISED PROGRAM Officers President GRAYDON W. REGENOS, Tulane University Vice-President ISABEL JOHNSTON, Murrah H. S., Jackson, Miss. Secretary-Treasurer. ARTHUR F. STOCKER, Univ. of Virginia Elected Member of the Executive Committee THE REV. PAUL L. CALLENS, S. J., St. Charles College Local Committee on Arrangements H. Lloyd Stow, Vanderbilt University, chairman; Virginia Chaney, Belmont Col lege; Ann Dembsky, West End High School; Mrs. Paul McKnight, Belmont Col lege; Francis Newton, Vanderbilt University; Margaret H. Ottarson, The Harpeth Hall School; Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Peery, Peabody Demonstration School; Frederica Rawls, Hillsboro High School; Mary Walker, Isaac Litton High School Headquarters Alumni Hall Vanderbilt University Thursday 4. The Two-Year High School Latin Course (15 minutes) 27 November 1958 Ann Dembsky, West End High School, Nash ville, Tennessee 9:00 a.m. Registration, Memorial Room, Alumni Hall, Vanderbilt University. (To help defray 3:00 p.m. Bus tour of Nashville, led by Dr. A. L. the expenses of the meeting, a registration fee Crabb. Reservations for this tour should be of $i.oo will be charged.) made at the time of registration. 8:30 p.m. Third Session, Memorial Room, Alumni 9:45 a.m. First Session, Memorial Room, Alumni Hall, Vanderbilt University. Hall, Vanderbilt University. Alfred P. Hamilton, Millsaps College, presid H. Lloyd Stow, Vanderbilt University, presid ing. ing. Illustrated Lecture, "The Origin and Develop 1. The Bellum Civile of Petronius (20 minutes) ment of Humanistic Script." Robert E. Wolverton, University of Georgia B. L. Ullman, University of North Carolina 2. Some Notes on Epicurean Physics (10 mi nutes) Friday Russel M. Geer, Tulane University 28 November 1958 3. Mints and Treasuries in the City of Rome (20 minutes) 7:30 a.m. Breakfast Meeting of State Vice-Presi Laura V. Sumner, Mary Washington College dents, place to be announced. of the University of Virginia Graydon W. Regenos, Tulane University, pre 15-MiNUTE INTERMISSION siding. 4. Caesar and the Republic (20 minutes) 9:00 a.m. Fourth Session, Memorial Room, Alumni O. C. Peery, Peabody Demonstration School Hall, Vanderbilt University. 5. Horace: "Varium et Mutabile Semper Femi- Russel M. Geer, Tulane University, presiding. na" (10 minutes) 1. Satire (20 minutes) Laura Robinson, Southwestern at Memphis Alfred P. Hamilton, Millsaps College 6. The Use of Athletic Metaphors in the Bibli 2. Comenius' Theory of the Teaching of For cal Homilies of St. John Chrysostom (20 eign Languages (20 minutes) minutes) Ivar Lou Duncan, Belmont College John A. Sawhill, Madison College 3. The Need of Modern Textbooks for An 1:45 p.m. Second Session, Memorial Room, Alumni cient Greek (15 minutes) Hall, Vanderbilt University. Rosco Brong, Lexington (Ky.) Baptist Col James W. Alexander, University of Georgia, lege presiding. 4. A New Examination of Latin Manuscripts 1. Prize Winning Classics (20 minutes) in Dublin (20 minutes) J. D. Sadler, Furman University Marvin L. Colker, University of Virginia 2. Eta Sigma Phi in 1958 (15 minutes) 5. Homer and Ares (20 minutes) H. R. Butts, Birmingham-Southern College George J. Ryan, College of William and Mary 3. Latin as an Outlet for Creative Activities (20 minutes) 15-MiNUTE INTERMISSION Margaret H. Ottarson, The Harpeth Hall 6. The Fourth Severan Julia (20 minutes) School, Nashville, Tennessee Herbert W. Benario, Sweet Briar College 7. The Doctor's Dictionary (15 minutes) 7:15 p.m. Sixth Session, Rand Hall, Vanderbilt Leslie F. Smith, University of Oklahoma University. Subscription Banquet (price, $2.50 per plate), 8. Motivating Techniques in the Teaching of Arthur F. Stocker, University of Virginia, pre Latin (20 minutes) siding. Formal dress optional. Jack Read, Smith County High School, Carthage, Tennessee "Language Requirements in Georgia High Schools," 9. What is the Ideal Beginning Book in Latin? Gordon Brown, Georgia State Department of (20 minutes) Education Jonah W. D. Skiles, University of Kentucky Presidential Address, "The Mirror of Fools." 10. The Influence of Classical Mythology on Graydon W. Regenos, Tulane University Contemporary Music (20 minutes) Charlotte Ludlum, Berea College Saturday 2:15 p.m. Fifth Session, The Parthenon, Centen 29 November 1958 nial Park, Nashville, Tennessee. Arthur H. Moser, University of Tennessee, 9:00 a.m. Seventh Session, Memorial Room, Alum presiding. ni Hall, Vanderbilt University. Graydon W. Regenos, Tulane University, pre 1. Aristotle's Poetics as an Answer to Plato siding. (20 minutes) Margaret Reesor, University of North Caro 1. Milton's Fifth Elegy (15 minutes) lina Virginia M. Chaney, Belmont College 2. Herodotos' Account of King Kleomenes (20 2. "lam Tempus Res Agi" (20 minutes) minutes) Isabel Johnston, Murrah High School, Jack Fordyce W. Mitchel, Randolph-Macon son, Mississippi Woman's College 3. Science and the Classics in Education (10 3. The Early Alcmaeonids (20 minutes) minutes) James W. Alexander, University of Georgia The Rev. William S. Bevington, Immaculate Conception Church, Memphis, Tennessee 4. Classical References in Cartoons, II, illus trated (20 minutes) 4. Some Trends in the Course of Study for Graves H. Thompson, Hampden-Sydney High School (10 minutes) College Ethel B. Poston, Girls' Preparatory School, Chattanooga, Tennessee 5. The Chorus of the Agamemnon (20 min utes) 5. Vergil in College Latin (15 minutes) Charles H. Reeves, University of Oklahoma Mary F. Tenney, H. Sophie Newcomb Col lege 6. Sophocles on His Art (20 minutes) James S. Constantine, University of Virginia 10:30 a.m. Business Meeting, Memorial Room, 4:45 p.m. Reception and tea for members and Alumni Hall, Vanderbilt University. guests, Memorial Room, Alumni Hall, Van Graydon W. Regenos, Tulane University, pre derbilt University. siding. / Information Nashville, Tennessee, is served by the Louisville and Nashville Railroad; by the Grey hound and Trailways bus lines; and by Eastern Air Lines, American Airlines, and Braniff In ternational Airways. Hotel space in Nashville is expected to be at a premium over the week-end of the meeting, because of the presence in town of other competing attractions. Rooms have been reserved for our members, however, at the Andrew Jackson Hotel (314 Sixth Avenue, North; a downtown hotel, largest in the city; $6.00-8.50 single, $8.00-$ 10.50 double, $10.50$ 13.00 double with twin beds; write c/o Mr. Gutridge, assistant manager), and, nearer the campus of Vanderbilt Uni versity, at the Allen Hotel (2004 West End Avenue; $7.50 and up for one or two in a room; free parking) and at the Medical Arts Building (located on a corner of the campus; new twin- bedded rooms with private bath and telephone and maid service; not a public hotel, but very desirable; $5.00 single, $8.00 double; write to Mr. Gordon Connor, Seventh Floor, Medical Arts Building, 21st and Garland). Reservations should be made immediately. In writing, make men tion of the Southern Classical Association, under which shortened name the rooms are being held for our members. Other good downtown hotels are the James Robertson (118 Seventh Avenue, North), the Sam Davis (132 Seventh Avenue, North), and the Noel Hotel (202 Fourth Avenue, North). The Andrew Jackson and other downtown hotels are all within a few blocks of the railroad station. The Allen Hotel, the Medical Arts Building, and the campus of Vanderbilt University are a short mile the other way. There is frequent city bus service, but members stay ing downtown may find that the best way to get out to the meetings is to share a cab. .