MEDIA RELEASE: Immediate REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF WATERLOO CONSOLIDATED COUNCIL AGENDA Wednesday, June 12, 2002 Closed Session 6:30 p.m. Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m. REGIONAL COUNCIL CHAMBER 150 Frederick Street, Kitchener, ON * DENOTES CHANGES TO, OR ITEMS NOT PART OF ORIGINAL AGENDA 1. MOMENT OF SILENCE 2. ROLL CALL 3. MOTION TO GO INTO CLOSED SESSION (if necessary) 4. MOTION TO RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION (if necessary) 5. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST UNDER THE MUNICIPAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST ACT 6. PRESENTATIONS a) Mr. Randy Ellis, CEO and Mr. Mike O'Neal, Project Manager, Canada's Technology Triangle re: Connect Ontario Funding Application. 7. PETITIONS 8. DELEGATIONS a) Mr. Edward de Gale, Executive Director, Share the Warmth re: Deeper understanding of the Share the Warmth Program and its impact on low-income families in Waterloo Region. b) Mr. Bob McMullen, Chair, and Mr. Don Pavey, Cambridge Trails Advisory Committee re: 401 Townline Road Bridge Project. * c) Cambridge Area Transit Service Review. Refer Item 3 of PW-020604/S i) Sandy Kempel, Resident of Rosslinn Road, Cambridge ii) Peter Lard, Resident of Rosslinn Road, Cambridge iii) Mary Beth Racine, Resident of Rosslinn Road, Cambridge 9. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS a) Council - May 22, 2002 b) Special Council Meeting - May 29, 2002 c) Planning & Works - June 4, 2002 d) Community Services - June 4, 2002 10. COMMUNICATIONS a) Association of Municipalities of Ontario re: i) Walkerton Inquiry Report Does Not Call For Radical Reform. Received for information. (P1 & P2) ii) Province Releases New Policy On "Spouse in the House". Received for information.
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