FALL 2019 Message from the PRESIDENT Greetings Clan MacRae members, In this fall issue, we feature the highlights of Bill and Lynn McRae’s memorable trip to Scotland. It was the international gathering of MacRae’s from all over the world. They gathered at the Elean Donan Castle where they met other MacRae families. You will enjoy reading about their adventures. Once again, we want to thank Barb and John Duff who attended many highland games and represented the MacRae’s and the McFarlane’s at the clan tent. We also want to thank Doreen Powell and Darrell MacRae and his family for representing the MacRae Clan at the Calgary Highland Games. I want to thank Gail McRae for serving many years as our Membership Secretary. Her dedication and commitment to her role has been very much appreciated. Our new Secretary of Membership is Sharon Clayton. Many of you have met Sharon as she has been very much, and continues to be, involved in researching the MacRae genealogy. Thank you, Sharon, for stepping into this important role. Our next Clan MacRae gathering will be held in Toronto, May 1,2,3 (2020). I hope you will mark your calendars and plan to be in attendance! Clan MacRae Society of Canada of Society Clan MacRae Kintail If you have an article that you would like to see in our next Kintail, please send it to macraesocietycan-
[email protected]. I wish you all a wonderful fall season. SLÀINTE Fall 2019 Owen C. MacRae Issue 43 President INSIDE THIS ISSUE PG. 3 PG.