04 2019 Winter Vol. 20 SPECIALS SPOTLIGHT TRENDS Giving Away Wealth? The Asylum, Statistic Update Trade Effects of the Migration, and Yuan Devaluation Integration Fund of Martin T. Braml and the EU Marina Steininger Chang Woon Nam The ifo Export Climate – A Leading Indicator to Forecast German Export Growth Christian Grimme and Robert Lehmann FOCUS Economic Sanctions Peter A. G. van Bergeijk, Gerald Schneider and Patrick M. Weber, Anders Åslund, Iikka Korhonen, John J. Forrer and Kathleen Harrington, Christian von Soest CESifo Forum ISSN 1615-245X (print version) ISSN 2190-717X (electronic version) A quarterly journal on European economic issues Publisher and distributor: ifo Institute, Poschingerstr. 5, 81679 Munich, Germany Telephone +49 89 9224-0, telefax +49 89 9224-98 53 69, email
[email protected] Annual subscription rate: €50.00 Single subscription rate: €15.00 Shipping not included Editor: Chang Woon Nam (
[email protected]) Indexed in EconLit Reproduction permitted only if source is stated and copy is sent to the ifo Institute. www.cesifo.org VOLUME 20, NUMBER 4, Winter 2019 FOCUS Economic Sanctions Can the Sanction Debate Be Resolved? 3 Peter A. G. van Bergeijk Biased, But Surprisingly Effective: Economic Coercion after the Cold War 9 Gerald Schneider and Patrick M. Weber Western Economic Sanctions on Russia over Ukraine, 2014-2019 14 Anders Åslund Economic Sanctions on Russia and Their Effects 19 Iikka Korhonen The Trump Administration’s Use of Trade Tariffs as Economic Sanctions 23 John J. Forrer and Kathleen Harrington Individual Sanctions: Toward a New Research Agenda 28 Christian von Soest SPECIALS Giving Away Wealth? Trade Effects of the Yuan Devaluation 32 Martin T.