Newsletter April 2012 President’s Report The first quarter of 2012 has gone very quickly, and been launched for nurses to tell of their experiences. already there has been one Market Day, and one In particular we are interested in stories about the major tour of the Hospital Museum. The Museum experience of living in Nurses’ Quarters, and the ex- tends to increase in popularity each Market Day. periences of student nurses who were the pioneers The first major tour to the Museum occurred in March of the University based system. We are calling for when Members of the University of the Third Age nurses to take time to write to us of their experi- arranged for their routine monthly outing to be a guid- ences. These stories after editing will be collated into ed tour through the Museum. U3A Members met at a book to be launched at next year’s IND Celebra- Arnolds, and while enjoying morning tea, Yvonne gave tions. Some examples of such stories will be available a much appreciated overview of the Museum’s origins. for reading at the IND Function. Morning tea was followed by guided tours through the Information concerning the program for International Museum and its archive area. Nurses’ Day is on a small flyer included with this As part of the Committee’s endeavours to make each newsletter. Please send anecdotal stories to ACHHA, repeat visit by the public to the Museum of continued PO Box 4035, Rockhampton Qld 4700 or email to interest and in keeping with the strategic plan, pro-
[email protected].