The Minimum Degree Group Steiner Tree problem on Bounded Treewidth Graphs and Applications Rajiv Gandhi1, Guy Kortsarz1, Bundit Laekhanukit2[0000−0002−4476−8914], and Haress Pareh3 1 Rutgers University-Camden, Camden NJ 08102, USA rajiv,
[email protected] 2 Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai 200433, China
[email protected] 3 Rutgers University-New Brunswick, New Brunswick NJ 08901, USA
[email protected] Abstract. This paper studies two network design problems whose goals are to find a tree that minimizes the maximum degree. First is the Mini- mum Degree Group Steiner Tree problem (MD-GST), where we are given an n-vertex undirected graph G(V; E), and a collection of p subsets of vertices called groups fgigi2[p], and the goal is find a tree that contains at least one vertex from every group gi while minimizing the maximum degree. Second is the Minimum Degree k-Steiner Tree problem (MDkT), where we are given an n-vertex undirected graph G(V; E), a set of p ter- minals and a number k < p, and the goal is to find a tree that spans at least k terminals while minimizing the maximum degree. We study these two problems when an input graph has bounded treewidth. We present an O(log4 n= log log n) approximation algorithm for MD- GST on bounded treewidth graphs and showed that the latter prob- lem, MDkT, can be reduced to MD-GST via a blackbox reduction that loses only an extra O(log n) factor in the approximation ratio. This gives an O(log5 n= log log n)-approximation algorithm for MDkT on bounded treewidth graphs.