P9EASE COMMENT P9EASE REP9Y URGENT FOR REVIEW MEMO DATE 6/17/15 TO: FROM: Manhattan Urban Area Planning Board Monty R. Wedel, AICP Planning & Development 110 Courthouse Plaza Manhattan, Kansas 66502
[email protected] Phone: (785 )5377633. Fa8: 37855 53776331 SUBJECT: Extension of Native Stone Scenic Byway MESSAGE: On June 11, 2015, members of the Native Stone Scenic Byway Committee approached the Riley County Board of Commissioners about extending the byway through Riley County from the Wabaunsee County line along K-1. west to ,-177 and then along ,-177 south to the Geary County line. The Board of County Commissioners as1ed that 2 review the matter for any potential impacts on development and also that the Manhattan Urban Area 3lanning Board review the re4uest to determine if it would be compatible with the newly adopted Manhattan Urban Area Comprehensive 3lan. To assist in your assessment of this re4uest, 2 have attached the following documents: 1. The original re4uest presented to the Board of County Commissioners. 2. A list of 5re4uently As1ed 6uestions and regulations applicable to the byway program. 3. A recent example of a Corridor Management 3lan developed for another byway. 2t is my understanding in spea1ing with a ,ansas 8epartment of Transportation representative that, should Riley County approve, a new committee would be formed 9which would include Riley County representatives: and this committee would develop a new Corridor Management 3lan for the Native Stone Scenic Byway that would be similar to the attached example plan. You should note that the one restriction that does accompany a Byway designation is that new outdoor advertising signs 9billboards: would not be permitted.