Inside Money, Business Cycle, and Bank Capital Requirements Jaevin Park∗y April 13, 2018 Abstract A search theoretical model is constructed to study bank capital requirements in a respect of inside money. In the model bank liabilities, backed by bank assets, are useful for exchange, while bank capital is not. When the supply of bank liabilities is not sufficiently large for the trading demand, banks do not issue bank capital in competitive equilibrium. This equilibrium allocation can be suboptimal when the bank assets are exposed to the aggregate risk. Specifically, a pecuniary externality is generated because banks do not internalize the impact of issuing inside money on the asset prices in general equilibrium. Imposing a pro-cyclical capital requirement can improve the welfare by raising the price of bank assets in both states. Key Words: constrained inefficiency, pecuniary externality, limited commitment JEL Codes: E42, E58 ∗Department of Economics, The University of Mississippi. E-mail:
[email protected] yI am greatly indebted to Stephen Williamson for his continuous support and guidance. I am thankful to John Conlon for his dedicated advice on this paper. This paper has also benefited from the comments of Gaetano Antinolfi, Costas Azariadis and participants at Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Korean Development Institute, The University of Mississippi, Washington University in St. Louis, and 2015 Mid-West Macro Conference at Purdue University. All errors are mine. 1 1 Introduction Why do we need to impose capital requirements to banks? If needed, should it be pro- cyclical or counter-cyclical? A conventional rationale for bank capital requirements is based on deposit insurance: Banks tend to take too much risk under this safety net, so bank capital requirements are needed to correct the moral hazard problem created by deposit insurance.