
Social Education 73(2), pp 68–70 ©2009 National Council for the Social Studies Special Section Keynesian, Monetarist and Supply-Side Policies: An Old Debate Gets New Life

M. Scott Niederjohn and William C. Wood

Debates over how to promote a healthy are pervasive once more, after . Unfortunately, the economy decades when it seemed such debates had been put to rest. The meltdown has not quickly responded. Unlike the of 2008 ended a string of years in which reigned supreme. —liquidity is not the Monetary policy is the of and the banking system to influence problem this time. The ’s economic variables. Its adherents, the “monetarists,” had faced little challenge as they unprecedented actions have assured that de-emphasized the role of , defined as the control of and spending have plenty of money; they just to influence economic variables. aren’t lending it out. has remained anemic. Activist use of fiscal policy was Depression-era ’s playbook. Even as Keynesians and monetarists inspired by the work of British econo- The monetarist theory is also simple. have debated how to increase aggregate mist . Keynesian Its intellectual father, eminent economist demand, supply-side and fiscal policy—out of fashion with econo- , argued that properly their political allies have been insisting mists and policymakers for decades— regulating the supply of money and the that demand is typically not the problem. has enjoyed a stunning revival under banking system would allow the economy They believe that conventional policies President Obama’s new to cure itself when set in. His increasing spending will only give small team. The size of the package primary case in point was the Great upward bumps to the economy. Their started at $825 billion, even before con- Depression, when a shrinking money sup- cure, therefore, is cuts designed to gressional add-ons. The final package, ply and failures made an economic increase , , after debate and compromise, included a downturn into a national disaster. and risk-taking. The resulting increase in mix of spending on energy, infrastructure, Friedman argued that the Federal , they believe, will lead health care, tax cuts, and direct Reserve could have stopped the to . to the unemployed and disadvantaged. Great Depression by providing banks To supply-siders, not all tax cuts are The Keynesian theory is simple. with more liquidity and stopping the equally good. They place their emphasis Keynes taught that economic downturns from falling. In fact, Ben on the “marginal tax rate,” the percent- are caused by inadequate total demand Bernanke, the Federal Reserve chair- age taxed away from an extra dollar of (“aggregate demand”). His prescription man today, apologized to Friedman in a income earned. A marginal tax rate of 40 to solve this economic affliction was for famous declaration, saying: “You’re right. percent, for example, would mean that 40 to provide the demand that We did it. We’re very sorry. But thanks cents of each additional dollar of income the private sector wouldn’t, even if that to you, we won’t do it again.” 1 Indeed, would be taxed away, leaving an after- required . Recent discus- Bernanke’s Fed has been supplying tax reward of 60 cents for the person sions, covered extensively in the media, liquidity to the banking system in record who earned the dollar. High marginal have focused on the infrastructure spend- amounts. The monetarist prescription tax rates kill economic initiative, they ing component of Obama’s plan—such sees this liquidity as promoting lending, believe, and tax cuts that leave marginal policy is right out of the renowned Great lower rates and greater aggregate tax rates high are useless. As an example,

S o c i a l Ed u c a t i o n 68 A foreclosed home is shown in Stockton, California, on May 13, 2008. In some areas of California, so many foreclosed homes are available to buy on the cheap that agents are discouraging prospective sellers from even putting their houses on the market. In Stockton, about 85 miles east of San Francisco, roughly three of every four homes for sale are in or on the path to foreclo- sure.

REUTERS/ Robert Galbraith/Files

a fixed $500 tax to everyone would that period of economic malaise didn’t effect on aggregate demand is less direct. not affect the after-tax reward of earning drive such an apparent conversion back The Obama administration argues that an additional dollar of income. It would to Keynesian deficit spending. the need for immediate impact tilts the leave marginal tax rates unaffected and This recession is likely—when it’s evidence towards more reliance on gov- therefore would have no direct effect on all said and done—to rank as particu- ernment spending. promoting aggregate supply. larly severe by any historical measure. It is no easy task for a government to Supply-siders have pointed to eco- However, it’s not only the depth of choose among the available policy cures. nomic results following the Reagan and this downturn that has returned us to Several comparisons are important. Bush tax cuts as evidence of success. 1930s-style fiscal policy. The failure of Effectiveness of government spend- Monetarists cited the accomplishments monetary policy to swiftly cure the coun- ing. Christina Romer, incoming chair of the Federal Reserve under former try’s economic woes, as it has in recent of the Council of Economic Advisors, chairman in the early downturns, provides some of the impetus estimates the associated with 2000s as evidence that monetary policy to revisit these theories of the past. to be 1.57 ($1 of could keep an economy from faltering, Perhaps the inability of monetary government spending generates $1.57 of even under the stresses of 9/11 and its policy to solve the present crisis pro- demand for and services) in craft- aftermath. Now Greenspan is faulted vides ample justification for massive ing the stimulus plan. She estimates a 0.99 for allowing money to grow too much, fiscal stimulus. The pilot of an airplane multiplier for tax cuts. Such estimates inadvertently promoting the easy-money plummeting toward the ground cannot seem reasonable and conform to pres- rise of housing , followed by the be blamed for pulling levers and push- ent academic research. By themselves, collapse that brought on the current dif- ing buttons in hopes one of these actions they would tilt a decision in favor of a ficulties. helps. While critics would like the fiscal Keynesian government-spending stimu- This setting has brought about a stimulus directed toward tax cuts, the lus. remarkable Keynesian revival. President Obama economists argue—and rightly Choosing the “right” projects. Among Obama’s economic team forecasts the so—that the “multiplier effect” of govern- the most basic concepts in economics rate, without stimulus, ment spending exceeds that of a tax cut. is the importance of choosing alterna- will rise to 8.8 percent in the United When the government spends money, the tives where the benefits exceed the costs. States later this year. This is markedly money is spent. When the government Projects undertaken by the private sector lower than the 10.5 percent reached gives money back to the people in the cannot escape this straightforward rule; during the 1981-1982 recession; yet form of a tax cut, some is saved and the generally leading to efficient allocations of

M a r c h 2009 69 for the Humanities to fund a project FDR’s report cards and also read .that will However, set up teachergovernment workshops projects doFala’s it. Critics biography ask: Should (FDR’s the dog). answer be areon usingnot subject presidential to such libraries a test—leaving in the forWhat our government is great to about spend too the much new littleclassroom. reason The to project,think titled “Using andUniversity take on oftoo Texas-based much itself? NEH At proj its- willPrimary be successful Artifacts at choosing to Understand the best core,ect is our that economic they already problems have today a website stem projectsPresidential to undertake. Decision In Making,” fact, given will the fromtitled tight “Presidential credit conditions. Timeline” Banks (See and the hurriedset up a nature website in which where these teachers decisions and “Teachingfinancial institutions with Documents” are holding column toxic in willK-12 have students to be made, can view it’s likely a timeline many of debt;Social financial Education institutions, April 2007). don’t1 trustThe thedigitally choices scanned will be wasteful historical pork barreldocu- eachwebsite other has and links have to eachbecome of the risk 12 averse, pres- projectsments. Thesechosen includefor their political,the document rather causingidential banks libraries. to hoard I’ll listreserves these and below not thanPresident economic, Harry benefits. S. Truman If bridge-to- signed makewith aloans—bringing sentence or two the economyabout each. to its I nowhere-styleto authorize theinfrastructure use of the projects atomic knees.have listed Monetarists the primary see addresses, up credit but arebomb funded, and wesound can expectclips recording the multiplier the marketseach site as has the a “Forsolution Teachers” and supply-sid or “For- estimatedphone call by that the President Obama administra Lyndon B.- ersStudents” are pushing section. for lower marginal tax tionJohnson to be received too high. informing Monetarist him and of rates. Keynesian fiscal policy is based on supply-sidethe attacks alternatives on U.S. naval involve vessels getting in the prediction that increased aggregate thethe privateGulf of sectorTonkin. to Paul increase Resta, its at own the demand through government spending spending,UT School thereby of Education, decentralizing will be the will cause incomes to rise and indirectly 4@33 decisionproject director; making. Although it’s a joint mistakes project unfreeze the credit markets. B=A16==:A arewith certainly the university, possible, the private-sector presidential A common weakness of any tax cut or projectslibraries, necessarily and NEH. pass a built-in cost- spending increase, whether advocated benefitThe test.following day, we went to the by Keynesians, monetarists, or supply- k\XZ_`e^kfc\iXeZ\ Estimating the effect. siders, is that it will increase government gi\j\ekj Johnson Presidential Library. I had Thevisited Obama Jimmy economic Carter’s team presidential estimates borrowing.The Presidential That debt Timeline ultimately of mustthe thatlibrary its preferred before, stimulus coincidentally package will at beTwentieth paid back. Century If government borrow- 8E\n create or save more than 3.7 million . ing is excessive, at some point we will another SSEC annual meeting. I www.presidentialtimeline.org/index.php ;fZld\ekXip=`cd Suchhave a also result visited requires the that Gerald the spending Ford encounterThis website a mix has of high photographs , higher of all programs in the stimulus package pri- interest rates, higher taxes and dollar XYflkk_\;\cXefJki`b\ Presidential Library in Grand Rapids, the presidents from Hoover through marilyMichigan. target I hadand alwaysutilize unemployedthought that .Clinton—so it’s not really all the presi- Xe[>iXg\9fpZfkk workers.there should More be likely—particularly a way to discuss these in dentsThere of the are twentieth weaknesses century, in every but onlypro- areasin one like of health my columns. and energy—jobs And now will I posedthose who cure have to the presidential economy’s libraries. current C\[Yp:„jXi:_}m\q simplyknew itmove would from be one possible productive because activ- troubles.It also has Monetary an “interactive policy timeline,”has been Xe[;fcfi\j?l\ikX ityof tothe another soon-to-be in response special to websitethe new pursuedshowing and the seemsmajor tosocial, be at itspolitical, limits; government spending. Creating proj- supply-side tax cuts are uncertain in  where teachers throughout the nation and economic events that occurred in ects that specifically target the skills their impact; Keynesian fiscal stimu- 5@/23A%/<2C> (and world) can access digital cop- each president’s tenure. Additionally, andies ofabilities original of thesources. unemployed Last night, is a lusthere seems is an likely “Educators” to have section some positive helping nearlyas I reviewed impossible the task; sites, suggesting I listened that to impactteachers in bring the the resources run, but ofhas the impor pres- K\XZ_\iËj^l`[\jlggfikj the creation from the plan may tant drawbacks. The debate among jkXe[Xi[j]fijfZ`Xc Eleanor Roosevelt give a wonderful idential libraries to their classrooms. bespeech significantly on the eveninglower than of Decemberadvertised. Keynesian,Go to “About monetarist, the Project” and supply-sidefor a list of jkl[`\jXe[cXe^lX^\Xikj Monetarist7, 1941, when and supply-side Pearl Harbor economists was viewpointsweb links to is allnot presidential over. libraries. pointattacked. out that I didn’t if more know valuable it, but private Mrs. I imagine that this section will expand sectorRoosevelt economic gave activity a radio is crowded chat every out Notedramatically once the newly-funded =`RS`g]c`4@33Q]^gOb by this massive incursion of government 1. Greg Ip, “Long Study of Great Depression Has Sunday night. projectShaped gets Bernanke’s up to speed. Views,” The Wall Street eeebSOQVW\Ub]ZS`O\QS]`UZOQOcaO spending,I also didn’tthe job creationknow that from there the plan are Journal (December 7, 2005). may12 presidential be negligible. libraries. This point I reviewed is espe- Herbert Hoover Presidential ciallyall of themimportant and found to supply-side that some econo were- Library and Museum mists with their emphasis on increas- M. Scott Niederjohn is an assistant profes- much more “teacher-student friendly” hoover.archives.gov/ ing long-term productivity that leads to sor of economics and director of the Lakeland than others. All of them had sections ViewersCollege Center can for see Economic replicas Education of Hoover’s in She- more permanent gains in employment. for educators, students, or research- birthplaceboygan, Wisconsin. and He the can be Quaker reached at niedermeet - ers,Addressing but many the include cause of thelesson crisis. plans, This [email protected]. house he attended William as C. a Woodboy. Theis a financialexamples crisis of National arose in an History environment Day “Teachers”professor of economics page has and several director games of the James such of excessive growth of the money supply. Madison University Center for Economic Edu- projects, and artifacts that seem to ascation “Hoover in Harrisonburg, Wore Many Virginia. Hats” He can and be />@=831B=4B63 In that setting, homeowners took on too humanize the president, and often “Hoover’sreached at [email protected]. Cross Country Adventure,” A=CB63@<>=D3@BG:/E13

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