QIZTAMAM QULÈYEVA, XALÈDß RÖSTßMOVA ENGLISH 7 Ömumtÿhsil mÿktÿblÿrinin 7-ci sinfi ö÷ön “Èngilis dili” (ÿsas xa ir c i dil ik mi) fÿnni özrÿ dÿrslik Azÿrbaycan Respublikasû Tÿhsil Nazirliyinin 07.08.2014-cö il tarixli 869 nþmrÿli ÿmri ilÿ tÿsdiq olunmuødur. “KÞVSßR” NßØRÈYYATI BAKI – 2016 Çap üçün deyil QIZTAMAM QULÈYEVA, XALÈDß RÖSTßMOVA Ömumtÿhsil mÿktÿblÿrinin 7-ci sinfi ö÷ön “Èngilis dili” (ÿsas xa ir c i dil ik mi) fÿnni özrÿ dÿrslik. Bakû, «KÞVSßR» nÿøriyyatû 2016, 160 sÿh. Dil redaktoru: SßADßT ZEYNALOVA Dÿrsliklÿ baülû rÿy, irad vÿ tÿkliflÿrinizi
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[email protected] elekton önvanlara gþndÿrilmÿsi xahiø olunur. ßmÿkdaølûüûnûz ö÷ön ÿvvÿlcÿdÿn tÿøÿkkör edirik! Möÿlliflik höquqlarû qorunur. Xösusi icazÿ olmadan bu nÿøri vÿ yaxud onun hÿr hansû hissÿsini yenidÿn ÷ap etdirmÿk, surÿtini ÷ûxarmaq, elektron informasiya vasitÿlÿri ilÿ yaymaq qanuna ziddir. ISBN 978-9952-8142-7-9 ©- Azərbaycan Respublikası Təhsil Nazirliyi – 2016 Çap üçün deyil HEYDƏR ƏLİYEV АZƏRBAYCAN XALQININ ÜMUMMİLLİ LİDERİ HEYDAR ALIYEV THE NATIONAL LEADER OF THE AZERBAIJAN I NATION Çap üçün3 deyil Çap üçün deyil SCHOOL UNITUNIT 11 Lesson 1. We are at School, Again! Getting ready for the task: ● What is the date today? ● How do you celebrate this holiday? ● What holiday is it today? Key words: a fi rst-grade student – a beginner at school to be surrounded with – to be encircled /a fi rst former an academic year – a school year to name after – to give a name to smb/smth 1 CW. Listen to the passages and answer the questions looking through the pictures. ● What is happening and where is ● What holiday are they celebrating? the President? ● What do the schoolchildren have ● Why are the children happy? in their hands? I think today is an unforgettable day for students.