Light ~ a true story ~ A journal


Robert W. Nelmes (Bob)

Creative Milk Productions


Star Light, Star Bright. Stepping stone to light so bright. I wish I may, I wish I might. Colonize that light tonight.


Eleven years since 9/11, the day the world changed. I remember sitting down to write 'The day the world changed.', the emotions, the feelings. I remember the fall of 2003 when I took off the net, the events that occurred over that christmas, the spring of 2004, how I got to Troll Ski Resort, the chaos after, then finally getting to Smithers and skiing, rekindling my 1st love. Then building, exploring the country side over the summer, learning how to build a cabin, discovering new interests, a love for my backyard.

All the events that have occurred to me have been connected to 9/11. It has become a very important day. I still believe in what I wrote, it still applies today. Not only due to irrational religious fundamentalism, but also organized crime and its connection to terrorism, drugs and cyber crime. So much good is occurring in science today, in the world, genetics, energy research pieces are coming together, but we as a world are not really talking and understanding one another the way we should be.

The cities have become fenced communities, our beliefs have become fenced commiunities, the internet has become a fenced community, when I first began using the internet, there were no fences, it was open to everyone, that is no longer the case. It is a piece that must be fixed so we can all understand one another.

It is Simple! Prologue

The fall of 2003, it was a time of chaos when all seemed lost. I had taken down in November and was monitoring various message boards, new age, Christian, Islamic, intelligence, etc. I knew from my statistics on that people from the Pentagon,the PMO's office and very possibly CSIS had been monitoring my site. I was concerned about another Al Qaeda strike, feelings of impending doom. I was probably still being watched.

I began monitoring various message boards... new age, Christian, Islamic, intelligence, etc.

One board in particular struck my interest, CNCV2... I had concluded that there was 'real' communication going on there between members of the intelligence community and Al Qaeda.

On boxing day 2003 I was cooking a turkey dinner for the single guys still around at the dropzone. Everyone else had gone to Eloy for christmas. I couldn't afford it.

I walked over to manifest for something and while walking back I saw a cloud formation in the Strait of Juan de Fuca that looked liked a nuclear explosion, a mushroom cloud. I couldn't take my eyes off it. It looked so real. After a while I went back to dinner.

I continued to monitor message boards in my spare time. CNCV2 in particular.

Patterns of conversation began to appear. Questions regarding a poster calling himself EOM. Phoney postings were obvious, but the odd one rang true.

Messages in a sort of riddle form were used that appeared to have some significance.

Others on the site were discussing possibilities and making suggestions so I thought I would put my mind to it also and make some suggestions. So I did, with usernames of 'Shamash' and 'I know'.

Discovery of the website Twexus where people could place messages to do with pictures and finding hidden messages associated with particular pictures set red flags up in my mind, was it communication for someone?

I typed in 'Robert' one day and found a number of messages that could be relating to me. One being a white car, and other personal references. Were they talking about me? I typed in another name of someone else at the dropzone, someone who had been in the Canadain forces. When I typed in Fred there were messages also, pertinent to him. One message said, 'Biker friend'. I knew they were talking about Fred Ruckhiem, he was a 'facilitator'.

The site was constructed so that everyone would end up on it, but there was information relating to myself that could not have been on there unless I was personally being monitored, beyond coincidence.

One posting on CNCV2 was a number. I checked on google and found a reference to a part for an air conditioning system that could be used by terrorists.

It caught my attention so I posted my conclusion on CNCV2... that is when things really began to go crazy. Another posting had to do with EOM's references to 'Cave of Darkness'. I did a lot of research and posted some conclusions that had to do with the Tale of Gilgamesh, the 7th tablet. As a metaphor I posted that the United States was Gilgamesh and was Enkido and addressed it to EOM... shit hit the fan.

EOM never answered posters directly, but he did answer me. I knew at that point that I had stumbled onto something serious, but also knew that no one would believe me.

Other posters were asking who I was so I posted some information without giving details and some cryptic information regarding being in a family tree. After that some posters talked about driving to San Francisco, where there is a book about the family tree.

My father came on the site one day, I could tell. I didn't respond as his son though. Why couldn't he stay out of it? After that they came back with a query saying, 'Father and Son'. I got worried.

One night during this period I heard or thought someone say, 'go to your fathers house'. I was scared.

I went and asked him if I could stay over night and used his computer to type up some conlcusions on things I had found and experienced and was going to use some as responses to EOM. I typed them up that night. In the morning when I checked there was only one line left, references to a Vancouver police sargent that could be related through my mothers line. I was obviously being watched and monitored, but why? Why wouldn't they talk to me?

If I was wrong why wouldn't they just tell me?

If I was right why wouldn't they try to find out how?

No answers gave me a feeling of fear unlike anything I can explain. A feeling of being totally alone with knowledge that was very important for those in charge to know. I went to the RCMP but they just treated me like some nut, telling me they knew nothing about what I was talking about when the officers eyes and body language told me he was lying to me. He asked me if I had a crystal ball, I said no, logic.

They just told me to stop what I was doing, but I wasn't doing anything. Couldn't they understand that I was in danger?

The fact that files were taken off a computer at the Victoria residence when I went there in fear confirmed their monitoring of me.

The feeling of being forsaken is very had to explain. So I felt it was necessary to take matters into my own hands in order to get the truth known. I had feelings that my life was in danger, that there were people looking for me, and not with good intentions. I knew they knew where I was, I knew they wanted to kill me.

I went back to the dropzone where I lived at the time and turned on all the lights, built a large fire. I wanted to ensure I saw anyone trying to approach the dropzone. I was scared.

There was a concious effort by posters on CNCV to lure individuals to specific websites, using info as carrots. That is how I found It's happening. Things really began to get strange and curious when I began monitoring that site.

I had found photos and references on the internet, Twexus in particular, relating to terrorist acitivity, a terrorist drawing in sand relating to air conditioning piping, timer on a bomb underwater, a crystal ball under the heading Ottawa with an aluminum suitcase.

I kept the information in my back pocket so if I was killed someone would at least find it afterwords. I was in deathly fear of my life that night. I became bait.

I went about my daily life trying to keep a semblince of normality while believing a nuclear bomb was going to go off in the Strait of Juan de Fuca.

After following things I found on the net, I tried flying an F16 on MS Flight sim in the direction I had found on some jepson charts, Numbers I had found on the net coinceded with compass headings. I ended up near Orca Island where there were antennas. They could be used to remotely explode a device. Since I found the picture of a bomb underwater with a time, I began looking for possible locations in that vicinity. One location that seemed highly likely was the Canadian frigate HMS McKenzie sunk as an artificial reef near Gooch island.

The resulting explosion would take out Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. Microsoft, Whidby Island, Submarine base and other facilites included.

I knew authorities in some very high places were monitoring me, I was not aware of hackers. I made an assumption that the proper authorities would check out the information and stop whatever was happening, I trusted them to do so, since my going to authorities would be considered the act of a nut. I was sane enough to know that, it would not have accomplished anything. I wasn't chicken little.

I made sure I included references to conclusions I had made regarding the Cochin, Rangeland, IPL and Teresen gas pipelines and choke points in some information I typed on my computer, since I knew they were accessing it. I later found on thought bet it helped.

At one point they posted a number of pictures of celebraties and asked, 'Who are you?' I think they were trying to find out who I was at the dropzone. One of the pictures was of Steve Irwin, an Australian television star. I knew some people who know me think of me when they see him on television. So that is who I choose. He does look similar and have a similar personality.

A few weeks later I was having a shower and the dropzone phone rang. I answered it, I heard myself saying, 'It's my country' or 'This is my country'. I don't remember exactly. It was a conversation between my father and I in his livingroom. Not on a telephone. I hung up.

I continued to shower, it rang again. The same thing. I hung up.

I finally finished my shower and the phone rang again. I listened to the whole thing then said, ' Give my 10 minutes, I'm in the shower.'

The phone calls bothered me. I checked where they were from when the bill showed up. The calls came from a number associated with the Manitoba Chiefs. At the time I thought a native group. It never occurred to me that it was a hockey team and the calls were being routed through them to hide their origion. I knew Winnipeg was the location where the Canadian Communication Agency had it's array.

One morning I heard a helicopter, the ceiling was low. It flew by the dropzone very low, I didn't see any markings, though I wasn't looking for any. It landed at the next farm. After a little while it took off again, very unusual.

One night walking back to my trailer I noticed, in my peripheral vision someone in white moving in the field to my right. I was scared. Was someone really there?

I went to sleep.

Kept up daily routine, tried not to do any more research. The pull was there though, curiosity. After about a week, I began researching again, still trying to get ready for 7 day a week operation of the dropzone.

I remember a call from Adventure Connections in , the girl on the other end sounded so happy, almost tear in her eyes. I was pleased with this step for expansion.

Trying to maintain normalcy during this period of intense anxiety, fear, like having a huge weight, was difficult, but I was managing pretty well considering all of that was occurring.

I remember after a particular incident feeling a lot of emotion and having the image of a control room with a lot of people jumping up and cheering, it was a good feeling. I didn't know where it came from. I assumed the people monitoring me were happy about something.

It was very cold one day. I had decided for a number of reasons to walk to Rosedale and call a friend to stay with them for a couple of days. I was scared. I walked towards the farm thinking someone would be there who could help me. Nothing, a farmer with a black touque. A lot of black touques around during that period.

I put on a turtleneck, my cowichin jacket, mucklucks, wool touque, mits and started walking. Go to Rosedale and went to the pub, I called my friend and they said they would come and pick me up. I saw a couple of husky guys in goutees, they were watching, I didn't like their looks. They looked like clones, members of some club. They were out of place. My friend eventually showed up, somewhere to go for a couple of days rest. They had already offered a number of times, I knew I was not sounding too chipper and was quite agitated. I needed to talk, try to explain what I was feeling. I probably didn't make much sense.

One night I went to visit one one of the guys who had a trailer at the dropzone too, his name was Bernie. I borrowed small buds off him occasionally. I eventually replaced it with about 1-2 ounces of some I had grown behind the trailer. He eventually figured it out. He took it more serioiusly than I did. He got the better of the deal.

When I came in the trailer Fred was there as was another guy sitting at a table. His name was John. I had never scene him before. Fred asked 'Was it dangerous on the mountain?' How did he know I had been on the mountain? I don't think I said anything. He got up to shake hands. I don't know why. Not in character. We all talked for a bit. Bernie took a photo I talked about a new turbo prop plane would be cool, fantasy, dz talk. Fred mentioned the russians were coming, the fellow across the table told him to shutup I told John across the table that Fred had a right to talk, Fred said to me that I should pay my taxes. I didn't know what he meant. Two meanings, government wanting me to pay taxes I didn't owe, or criminals ie: Hell Angels making assumptions about something, wanting me to pay them money for giving away homegrown. Didn't sell anything. I don't recall the exact words. I was quite irritated with the fellow across the table from me. He was the one who said to me. 'you had better start running.'

I didn't.

I knew from what had occurred that I was still being watched and monitored, so why did the authorities not help when that individual told me to start running?

I knew authorities were some of my old readers from, some were fans. It didn't make sense.

Those phone calls were my voice, talking about 'This is my country.' A conversation about my love for Canada, having an opinion, the right to speak.

They called 3 times and played the same thing over again, it could only have been government authorities with access to stored data on conversations.

It is a strange feeling to hear what I thought was a private conversation being played to me over the phone. It was a direct act of psychological intimidation.

It made no sense. I wasn't an enemy. I have left much out, suffice it to say, this was a very intense period.

I eventually left the dropzone and began driving north with nowhere to go, I had lost my trailer, my home. I stopped at the WildCat Bar and Grill, a girl with strawberry blond hair and freckles at a gas station who looked like a girl I recalled as a childhood sweetheart, rememberance of a particular moment on the Courting Trail at Purden... skiing.

The four months ending April, when I got to Troll Resort and the period until I got to Smithers is a book unto itself.

After the traumatic events of 2004 I wanted to write a book about what happened from my point of view.

I was going to call it, Road to Perception. After a few years it became, Road to Perception: Light a True Story.

'Thoughts to Ponder' on my website evolved from a type of editorial on my old website, where I would write about thoughts around news for the week or the month. I would give them names, like May Meanderings.

It evolved into a journal of my returning to skiing which sparked my creativity and led to my knowing what my own little piece of Heaven on Earth was. Saving my cabin, clearing the property and building the garden terrace was one of them. My website is the result. A spot where I can share my art, my music, my video, applying what I have learned to what I have to say in my creativity. I arrived in Smithers in the fall of 2008 to look for a place to live, to go skiing, to start again. I had tried to return to skiing in 2004 and 2005, spent two years in Quesnel and Troll Resort. It felt so good to be back on my skis again but after a couple of years other things got in the way.

When I finally got out of the situation I was in and got to Smithers in November 2008 I quit smoking cigars and began climbing up to go skiing early in the season. I was out of shape, stopping every 50ft and puffing. By the time the season began I was in pretty good shape. I skied all winter. It was so much fun after not being on my skis except for about 15 times in 25 years.

I began building my new website during the winter began the journal shortly before going live.

While there I fell in love with the outdoors, a camera. I tried to find something inexpensive so I could settle down. One cabin turned up but someone bought it before I could get the money together.

After being there for a year a cabin at Purden Mountain Ski resort turned up. It was a fixer upper but the price was right and it was at a mountain that I have always loved. It was like going home. I used to go there on my days off from teaching skiing to have fun.

So to finally have a cabin on a mountain I love, doing something I love, was a piece of my Heaven on Earth.

The journal is written as if I was having a conversation, just talking, the ... meaning a pregnant pause. I have done very little editing.

My journal documents this period. Journal of Robert W. Nelmes (Bob)

May 7 Thursday, 2009. Smithers, BC.

Good Morning... I was sure bagged last night. Went up to the mountain... forgot to put on sunscreen in the morning... put some on in the afternoon but still have a red nose this morning... a little too much sun... rudolph the red nose reindeer.

The clips I put on the toggles worked well... the velcro still needs replacing. The wind was from a different direction... I started from a different location once I climbed up... when the winds are from that direction I think starting on the steep section of the ridge is the better choice... it worked well the other day. Did not leave the ground and land again. Will try again next time.

The poles are still an issue... I am reluctant to leave them behind due to snow conditions. 3 way collapsible are still the way to go. The winds died down at certain points on the flat... too bad it wasn't a chariot day.

Got some air skiing down through the terrain park... snow was soft... hard underneath... got some good turns... a little air off one of the mounds... felt good.

Saw a black bear on the drive back to a couple of pics. The last couple of weeks... I have seen a fox... 2 deer... 3 moose... a black bear... numerous birds out flying... a lady bug... rabbit tracks.

Got the pics of me with the canopy from the fellow with a group I saw the other day... they turned out really well.. it was cool to see some from another s perspective. They are good resolution... I can see stance... hands... canopy. I like having a photo of myself with the equipment that reflects me.

With the red nose I think I will stick around the house today... got some things to do anyway. I think I will pick up another couple of clips... since I am not opening at terminal velocity and do not need to cut away I can try some clips as an experiment. Some of the ideas for the harness are coming together in my mind. They are simple solutions and workable. My travel backpack from Mountain Equipment Co-op has a back support in it as do other packs... incorporating that into the harness would be a good idea. Combination pack and harness.

Looking forward to getting the card so I can do some stuff on the school site, get re-acquainted with some people and get mine up and running again. Now that I have some pics and info for the xsport page... I can add some as I experiment during the summer.

I still need to get a chat or board together so I can talk to others who may be interested in what I am up to. I saw a good example on the net today of a site where video is shared. I still would like to do the pov aspect... because that can lead to dinner and chat with like minds... and those who want to understand.

I will have a new harness put together for next winter... possibly sooner. I do know someone who makes harnesses. The goal is still to use a multi-purpose canopy and harness for sailing... on land and water... going uphill... sailing at ground level down hill and flying off a peak... cornice or other types of terrain that may appear. Kites do not have the same capability of flight as a canopy does. One possibility is to look for someone who does repair work for horse harnesses. They may possibly have the equipment to fabricate something. It is an option.

May 8 Friday

Good Afternoon.... went up to the mountain this morning... the sun was shining.. although it was windy and cool once I got to the bottom of the ridge. Huddled behind a rock for a while as my hands were cold.

There was fog on the ridge and it was a little windy to climb up and try to get some air. Instead I tried tacking back and forth the width of the plain... I used the toggles more than I have to date.... they worked well.

Not having the poles sticking up helped enormously... I was able to move back and forth and twist my body around to control the canopy quite well. I got some good speed up a few times... it was a rush.

The links on the risers worked fine although I am still concerned with the pressure points of metal against metal when I finally do get air... that is a lot of pressure on a small point. I may switch or find a quick way so that I do not have that concern in my mind when under canopy.

It looks like I will need to climb higher to get the canopy airborne... due to the glide slope and the extra weight of my boots and skis.

I did climb up to try to get some air... but even with no brakes and straight glide the skis still just skimmed the top of the snow... going weightless... but not airborne. Lost air in the gully... but once I got back up to the plain and caught the wind I was cooking all the way to the top of the prairie t-bar. It went very well.... flying the canopy normally with toggles gave me far more control... tried flying down the run beside the t-bar... the first turn started to go very well smooth with both skis and canopy... then my hat blew off. Stopped... picked it up and tried again.... a lot of learning today... I am pleased. It was fun.

When everything is cooking along... going well... skis carving... canopy carving... I feel great... I am focused on something I love to do... very similar feeling as when I am skiing.

I also saw another lady bug on the climb... lucky...

Although someone going for a ride got in the way a few times... in particular during the drive to town... I saw a moose today... around the same place as I saw the black bear... winter fur coming off... the bug in my mind ie: shadow reacted inappropriatly. I wish it would stay in the back seat and be quiet.

May 10 Sunday

Good Afternoon.... things went very well today with the carving turns... started up early... the snow was hard... I stopped at the bottom of the ridge and took a series of photos... 360degrees... got to the top and rested. There was a halo around the sun... a rainbow of color... not just a corona. This had color in it... a rainbow... it helped a lot this morning.

I stopped for a breath on the climb up and there was a lady bug laying on the snow... I saw no movement... no legs... nothing... I assumed the ladybug had died... I picked it up on my finger and with the warmth it's legs started moving... it felt good... I apologised for waking it up and set it back down on the snow. I was just thinking it has been 5 years since I was working in Barkerville at Masons and Daly... I like Miss Kilsby's skirt of ties.

After the rest and a snack at the top I tried on the steep section to the west... I thought the slope would be more suitable for the canopy. There was almost no wind so it was a little difficult getting the canopy to catch some air...

Once I began pointing the skis straight down things began to get better... I tried going airborne and got about 1 to 2 feet off the snow... like skimming on landing... but different.

I skied through some rocks since my skis were not on the snow completely and handling of the canopy was a little different. I did not loose control until I was headed toward a large batch of rocks and had to turn hard left with the skis off the snow. I didn't land hard... just sort of skidded in.

I learned a lot from that aspect... the centre of gravity changes once my skis leave the ground and I am simply flying the canopy. I think it will be necessary to treat it just as I ski the bumps... even when off the ground I maintain angle of attack with the snow... keeping the skis parrallel to the ground... that should help a lot so I can concentrate on the canopy control and the toggle/brake force necessary to maintain the distance from the ground.

When I got down to lesser degree of slope the turns were so nice... I made quite a few controled turns... both large radius and medium... it felt so good. When I finished the series... I yelled... all right! It is not the same feeling as adrenaline... it is the same feeling I get when I ski...

I thought about Greg today... a pilot I knew... he died flying... he loved it so much. I used to tell him that one day I'd love to be a passenger on his plane so I could send a note up to the cockpit and say.... 'Door!' I shed some tears. That was a very stressful summer.

I climbed up for another run... difficult start without a little wind... it's difficult when there isn't someone to help. Got some good turns in again... felt good. I was hoping for some wind along the plain so I could drive the chariot across the the chair lift but there wasn't any. Very calm. May 11 Monday

Good Morning... bought a newspaper this morning... haven't done that in a while... find out what is going on out there... will check some other sources later.

Went to the library... found a natural pic of Alannis... later I saw a woman come in and walk by that looked like her... it was nice. She had a mona lisa smile. The motivation to get my site back up on the net and running is stronger.

May 12, Tuesday

Good Morning... got some more pics printed and glued onto some foam... they came out looking pretty good. Woke up this morning feeling really good... then some others woke up... they don't feel as good.

May 17, Sunday

Good Morning... I have been working on my new website quite a bit... checked out some stuff on the net yesterday... once I have it ready... it won't take long to go live.

I have been putting the old editorials into a php database... something I wanted to do back in 2002-3... I knew then I would need to. It isn't that simple to just import the data... so I am having to cut and paste each one... takes some time... and I read the odd one.

The new site will be a combination of MadMoose ideas... and some new ones... While doing the database I realized that nothing has really changed in the last 9-10 years since I first began thinking about this direction. Even the issues and problems that exist in Canada and the world today are the same. I wonder if anyone in parliment is actually getting anything done... is anyone actually earning the salaries they are getting... how much progress have we made in the last 10 years...

That is a decade of talk... and little action. The new site is an evolution of evolution of Nelfam... evolution of Hantiques... evolution of RWN Designs... evolution of Robert W Nelmes... it is me.

May 18, Monday

Good Morning... I got some work done this morning... went and finally bought a bike... a combo... one that will do just fine.

Started painting the couch... got shot by a dodo bird on my way to the bank... so I pointed my finger back at him and pretended to actually shoot at him... no hate in that... just letting him know.

Got a lot done on the site the last few days... I am going to go ahead and put it up. I can use the php as a learning project as I start writing again. At least those people who know me will finally find out what I have been up to... and what I am doing.

Having some lunch... hamburger patty... rice with peas... and salad. May 21, Thursday

Good Morning... It is quarter to 2 in the morning... went to bed early I was tired after spending the day getting the site up on the net.

Went out for a few beer and wings... I felt good until some other people showed up and began yakking about nothing. I checked out the site... found some errors... so I can spend the day today fixing some of them.

It is so much easier to manage files with the ftp program rather than the panel they use.

Need to get a binder together so I can keep all my info in one place. Need to do some minor adjustments to the images... I think I will experiment a bit with modifying the tell a friend function I may use to send a hug to.

May 22 Friday

Good Morning... it is 5:50 in the morning... it feels good to have the site up... the last month has been a lot of work putting it together.

Uploaded some files this morning... did some oiling on the birds eye maple desk I have... it is starting to look real good. While out back a couple of kids walked by on their way to school... I said good morning... the girl turned and said good morning back... it felt nice.

Found some drops of oil on the front of the drawer... I will have to redo the drawer since the oil soaked into the wood more than I wanted in three spots... no problem. It sure is looking good with the oil on it.

May 23 Saturday

Good Morning... Good Evening... bought some wine today to celebrate, knocked me out for a few hours.. I'm glad I don't do that very often.

While updating the site and getting some other things done I saw some people who reminded me of people I know or have known. In the library I saw a girl... a woman with a child that reminded me of Jan and Dylan... I heard her say good night... so I said sweet dreams... something I always did when she left my place.

Walking back from the library I also saw an older couple in a pick up truck... the fellow reminded me of Ywe Looper... his features, the woman driving waved. They were smiling. I still remember when Barb came over really sad, she brought over some date or fruit loaf and talked. I listened... she loved her husband so much... and he was so sick. She asked some questions... I tried to comfort. She was afraid of what life would be like without her husband with her. She asked me if I thought it would be ok for her to commit suicide after he died. How do you answer that question?

While having a drink of wine I recalled the elderly lady in the house next door on Victoria... in Chilliwack. She almost never came outside... she was so afraid, I used to cut her lawn. Tears came to my eyes when I remembered the comments and actions of the people who came to her garage after she had died. I am having some baked chicken for dinner... home made bread crumbs with spices. Tomorrow I am going to find some wood to make a smaller seed... something I can use to make a casting.

May 24 Sunday

Good Morning... Good Evening... I checked out the lake in Telkwa today... the park is nice... the ride will be a good one... also found a nice quite spot near a creek that I will be able to ride to also... found it looking for some dry wood for the seed. Saw a duck and a yellow bird at the lake...

While relaxing on the couch I saw a light on a pole... from a distance it looked like a dolphin... I decided to do an image of the birds at the lake and included a dolphin.

I also remembered that a dolphin at the Vancouver Aquarium had died... I still find it odd that we can shut down a zoo... but leave an aquarium where we make intelligent beings perform for us... jump through hoops for us.

May 25 Monday

Good Morning... updated the site... then I went for a ride... got some blood flowing, felt good.

Washed the dishes... cleaned the bathroom... Checked the updates... the ads look fine. Added a page for some spring images... I am finding that I think about skiing a lot... I love it so much.

After being away from it for 20 years... having only gone skiing about 20 times in 20 years... that includes the time I spent at Troll in 2004-5... then spending a winter skiing again. Felt nice. I am thinking about things to do outside this summer... the bike helps... while sitting in the library a young girl came in with a sweatshirt on with a libra logo... and love written on the sleeve. That is a nice message to be wearing.

May 26 Tuesday

Good Morning.... the snow is melting quite a bit now... more ground appearing... I may try to get up once more in the next couple of days... there are some glaciers around here so I should be able to give it a try a few times before winter.

I am thinking of how I can use the same canopy and methods for water. I know it is possible with a kite... but it should be possible using my canopy also... just a matter of what I use to carve on water...

I did some more work on another seed I am carving... one I can cast... I think I can get two castings out of the one carving... Once I have the first one casted I can carve more... I can see another smaller one within the seed I am carving.

I have found a model for a base that will work perfectly... a vertebra from a large deer or moose I found while looking for a different piece of wood...

I found an article on cold fusion today... there is no doubt about the future now... the image of the neutrons can be seen here.

May 27 Wednesday

Good Morning.... Rode my bike up to twin falls... took some pictures... sanded the seed... it was nice with the running water of the creek.

A couple of young guys walked by and one of them blamed me for them being there.

Needed some fine sand paper so I rode back to town. A good ride... some uphill. Three spots to go to... thought about painters corner and the paintings of mountains I was drawn to so much... I took some homemade cookie dough with me... as I was having a snack I realized the rolled up dough looked like dog poop... I began to laugh... thinking about doing a practical joke with a cookie.

May 28 Thursday

Good Morning.... Did not sleep well last night... the two upstairs were walking around most of the time.

The seed came out very well... even has a crack in the same area as Perceptions, also a knot at the top in a similar location. It is soaking up a lot of oil.

I used some casting material as filler on the bone to smooth it out. The seed balances quit well on the vertabra. Some more oiling today. I am glad I never married an opposite... I would never have been able to experience and do all the things I did... and am doing. I still believe... likeminds... are a better way to go.

May 29 Friday

Good Morning.... Slept well... had some dreams... people I know... brought to mind an idea I had 4 and half years ago... could be applicable now.

I was putting my Mountain Hardware Jacket on a counter... the one with the star crest on it... a beautiful girl asked me to wait... then we could go for a walk.

Was reading a headline yesterday about CPP Bosses getting raises... I just shook my head... beaucracy, almost 6 years since I took MadMoose down. That was Nov. 2003.

Thoughts to Ponder: Not much has changed.

May 29 Friday

6:51 pm... I was just thinking... why is it that the senses are not really covered in health care... why are glasses... teeth... hearing aids... not really covered... for health we must eat... for health we must smile... for health we must see... for health we must hear...

Senses + Knowledge...

Why is it that the decision makers are not considering this... could there be a reason? I have wondered about this for a long time.

May 30 Saturday

Good Morning... Afternoon... I regrouted and finished painting the laptable I had made for my father... it looks real good. I put some piano hinges on the legs so I can fold them and carry it on a backpack. It has been a quiet day... relaxing given what has been going on. Not too pleased about some events that have occurred though.

May 31 Sunday

Good Morning... Afternoon... went for a drive west of Smithers... past Hudson's Bay Mountain. I saw a yellow bird fly in front of me just as I turned on Katy Perry's song 'I kissed a girl'... the same type of bird I saw near the lake at Telkwa... I saw a black bear... A grizzly bear... standing on its hind legs on the right side of the road... when it saw me it went down and ran across the road. I haven't seen a grizzly bear in quite a while... not since the summer of 2004.

I kept driving towards a range I saw in the distance... it was beautiful... I loved terrain. I saw a few peaks surrounding it... it was a very beautiful and quiet spot.

Saw some moose tracks... sent for a hike... a couple actually... one near a creek. I like the path up and down... next time I am taking my active shoes... so I can run down. I also saw a black wolf run across the road from left to right... it was cool... very large, and healthy, I think that was probably the first wolf I have ever seen in the wild.

On the hike near the creek I saw a porcupine... it got scared and you could see the quills standing up... I wasn't quick enough to get a picture. A nice day.

To bad I didn't have a pov camera and a quick on accessible with my thumb or voice. Voice activation would be good.... thought, better. After one of my stops... where I walked towards a lake but encountered snow... I drove back to a scenic spot... I turned on the cd and began dancing... it felt so good... I even did my foot shuffle I used to do when I do the twist. I love to dance.

June 1 Monday

Good Morning... a beautiful sunny day... got the washing done... updated the site. Not feeling very well today...

I saw some wildlife yesterday... some beautiful mountain ranges...

Today the only beauty I have seen, was a nieghbour girl getting some sun... she hardly ever gets outside... sun is healthy.

Otherwise, there was a lot of verbal shooting going on... it hurt. A look I got from a girl when I was leaving the library might as well have been a gunshot. It was like getting stabbed in the heart. Up until I went to do the laundry I was feeling pretty good.

June 2 Tuesday

Good Morning... went up to the ski hill and climbed up this morning.... snow was soft, but the lift line was fine. Got to the plain and the wind was coming from the right direction... I did not have my canopy... skated over to the ridge and side stepped up quite a ways... snow was soft is some place.

After a rest... I skied down... the snow was nice... corn snow... I love to ski. Hopefully tomorrow the wind will be coming from the same direction... I plan on going up earlier with the canopy.

I saw a porcupine on the side of the road driving up... a whole bunch of marmots on the mountain... and two black bears on the drive down. Looked like a mother and cub. After lunch I walked up the run to town until it got too muddy... clearing has been going on.

June 3 Wednesday

Good Morning... Went up to the mountain today... no wind... oh well... the snow was very soft... probably the last day unless I find a glazier. Time to focus on the lake... try using the canopy as a sail... look around for something...

I still would like to try whitewater kayaking... although the sail is something I would like to try... using the canopy would be different... what type of boat is another matter... also a wakeboard... I looked at a pic of a catamaran on the net that would be easy to build. Maybe there is something around... Kitimat and the coast isn't far away. I just recalled my jr. high school football coachs last name.... Strachan... works or worked for... pr.. Telus... someone I played football with also works at Telus. His name is Ron Musa. I saw a fox on the drive up the mountain and a porcupine on the drive down. June 4 Thursday

Good Afternoon... oiled up the sculptures today... they look good. The desk got another coat too... the birds eye maple is starting to shine... the patina is good... the sculpture also is beginning to have some depth to the patina... like I wanted back in 2004... I wanted to be able to see inside... the oil is beginning to give it that affect.

June 5 Friday

Good Morning... went for a ride this morning... saw a girl on the way back who looked and reminded me of someone I knew... I looked her up in my yearbook... her name was Carol Hotele.. she was a year behind my in high school... a girlfriend for a short time of someone I knew.

June 6 Saturday

Good Morning... the anniversary of D-day today... I was walking down the ski hill trail to town the other day and saw a bunch of aluminum beems... looked like an old water stand... one of the sides looked like an X... I thought of the beaches of Normandy.

Watched a d-day memorial video on the net... emotion.

Found something on exalead... the heading on my listing... I did not write that.

It read as 'Good Morning... a beautiful sunny day... got the washing done...... not really covered... for health we must eat... for health we must smile... for health we must see ...'

How did that happen? It could relate to my senses plus knowledge... who wrote it?

June 7 Sunday

Good Morning... Asking questions... leads to understanding.

June 8 Monday

Good Morning... a bank machine ate my debit card yesterday... will have to go to the bank this morning to get it back. Got the card back...

If Plato, Socrates, Confucious and other philosophers were alive today... what would they think given the knowledge we have... what would Plato's cave of darkness evolve into... would there be others watching the shadows watching the people in the cave looking at their shadows on the wall... not understanding how their shadows appeared there? Quantum Foam.

Self awareness... knowing your own shadow is yours. Knowing when you look in the mirror who you really are?

Epiphany's... we learn so much.

June 9 Tuesday Good Morning... I was thinking of walking up to look for my CSIA Level 3 pin today... but I think I will wait until the ground is drier. A very quiet day, Not much fun. Need to focus on a wakeboard or boat for a sail... there are quite a few lakes around Smithers... some very large near by.

June 10 Wednesday

Good Morning... it is hump day. I am not feeling very happy today.

June 11, Thursday

Good Morning... Good Afternoon. Went out to Telkwa lake today... took my laptop and the laptable... a towel and a snack... updated the website and made a few changes. The journal is now 'Thoughts to Ponder'... a title I used in various forms on

June 12, Friday

Good Morning... went to the lake yesterday... saw some beautiful women... a lot of people... school kids on an outing... the water was fine.

I am finding the laptable I made for my father, the one I got back when he died, very handy with the laptop... I regrouted it and painted it yellow... the idea I had back when I had Hantiques is a good one...

I have tried the laptop outside on various surfaces... the laptable is far more comfortable. Nice and bright... bright colors for skiing next winter. Got my phone topped up a bit today... Telus would not accept my Mastercard... surprise... surprise.

The girls at the bank were friendly and very helpful...

June 13, Saturday

Good Morning... climbed up to look for my CSIA Level 3 pin... found it... feels good... it means a lot to me. Found someones cell phone... a bank card I will turn in... some chapstick... oral jell and a bunch of change. Found a piece of wood that made a great tripod for the small seed I carved. Bought some milk on the way back. Went to Home Hardware to get some sandpaper... there is a girl there with one of the nicest smiles in town.. her name is Dawn.

Sunday, June 14

Good Morning... Evening. Rode out to the lake, didn't go in... saw some beautiful women... some bikini's. I did not have a very good day.

I watched a couple of women shopping me, after a while they stripped down to their bathing suits. One only had underwear, she was really cute. After a while a guy with a football showed up with some people nearby. I began to feel awful, they were forcing thought to leave. It was very uncomfortable. I noticed the girls felt the same way. They got up to leave. I resisted for a while, but it felt so awful I finally got up and left too. The girls and I were the only ones who left. We walked away.

Skiing this winter... there was a lot of inspiration for creativity... exploring that side of myself. Sitting at the beach doesn't cut it. I am still thinking of building a small sail boat... at least I would be on the water... doing something... I can still use my canopy as a sail.

Monday, June 15

I am not happy this morning.

Good Evening... I had a power dive this afternoon... I woke up feeling very good... calm... my mind felt clear... felt myself... Bob. I know myself. A quiet day.

Tuesday, June 16

I woke up a few times during the night, at times it feels like someone is with me... she and I feel... hard to describe feeling. A virtual cuddle is a very good way to describe it.

Wednesday, June 17

Saw a mona lisa smile yesterday... on one of the cashiers at the grocery store, just a quick glance from my peripheral vision... it put a smile on my face so I said to her " There is a nice smile." She smiled back. Her name is Julie.

I did not wake last night in a virtual cuddle... it was more like someone stepped out into the middle of the sidewalk... and assaulted me. Assault and battery. Not the same.

Woke up feeling pretty good...8:38 in the morning was just thinking about a dream I had quite a few years ago... I saw myself sitting in a chair, a collapsable one like a directors chair with a girl behind me giving me a neck massage, I was tired. She looked like an actress named Alyssa Milano... from a sitcom I used to watch on a regular basis, not a fan, never really thought about her much.

Sometimes when I have dreams where I see myself... they come true. Since I have been single my whole life so far, I quess that has always been a dream for me. Not to have an actress massage my neck, but to be with a girl who cares.

Thursday, June 18

Sunny day, a few clouds. I got angry at some people today... though I was by myself at the time.

Thought of getting some quotes on something I was thinking of doing next winter. Picked up a book at the library on sql programming... some reference... something I have wanted to learn for quite some time... wanted to learn it to put the editorials from madmoose into a database since the way I was doing it was so manually intensive. I created one already with the files... but it has been deleted from my computer... maybe an error. I will have to redo it. I have a php I manual I downloaded off the net. Another hobby... I can learn by using my archive to create a database and a program for editing, retrieving, adding, deleting... etc. I will be able to use it for the art also.

10:49 pm... saw a picture today of some hungry people in India... with genetics this problem can be solved.

Read that the collider for fusion experimentation was being dismantled, that coincides with the other fusion news I have found... we have solved it... we will not need that type of fusion. The grapefruit will become a reality.

Friday, June 19

I did not have a very good day. Someone was accessing my computer.

Saturday, June 20

I woke up this morning with a lot of noise... not right. I am thinking of going to the police about cyber crime.

Sunday, June 21

Yesterday a girl at the fudge shop tried to steal 5 dollars from me. Last night I was having a nice virtual cuddle... then someone interfered.

I went for a drive up the valley past Hudson's Bay Mountain... south side. Went to the road I drove on a few weeks ago... the one where I chopped the tree in half to get past.

I am sitting in a clearcut with my laptop on a stump looking at the same view I saw the last time.

I love it... the skiing on that mountain will be fantastic. I brought the small sappling that I got yesterday downtown... I am going to plant it in this clearcut... it will have a beautiful view every morning. If I had a satellite connection I would be able to update live and with pov show everyone the view.

Stopped for some flowers on the way back... put them in some water... they are thirsty.

Monday, June 22

Good Morning... saw a girl I know in a dream last night, she was happy to see me... said she has been looking for me. She said 'Hi, Bob.' And I said, 'Hello... Barb Hutton.' We were both smiling. It was real nice after what I have gone through the last few days.

Tuesday, June 23

Good Morning... hung around the house yesterday after updating the site just thinking about things... downloaded some windows updates... the sound was turned off my computer... icon read 'no input device' while on the net. When I turned it on at home... the sound icon was back on.

When I try to go to I still get 'This content is not authorized for viewing.' That is illegal. Still no answer from the email I sent Bing regarding my listing... I am being cheated.

Went for a drive to check on something... found a couple of heart shaped rocks... saw two horses giving each other a loving touch, also a cow and a calf... the calf doing the same to its mother. Had a great idea for a catamaran on the way back. Wednesday, June 24

Good Morning... slept well, I feel good this morning. I was reading about Neda... the girl shot in Iran... I remembered the picture of the protester in the Vancouver Sun... my editorial in MadMoose... and also a picture of a girl in front of the purple onion in Vancouver... she died from a terrorist shooting her in the head... pivotal moments in history... events in Iran are the result of knowledge... education... not foriegn governments interfering... the people are tired... they want to use their minds.

Thursday, June 25

Good Morning... don't feel as good as yesterday morning. Thought about the sailboat some more and came up with a good design for the hull this morning.

I felt some loving touches from quite a few people yesterday morning... it felt nice... it really did. Virtual hugs feel... hard to describe... like love.

Once upon a time there was an internet without fences...

Saturday, June 27

Good Morning... my laptop has had a problem since I downloaded some updates... not nice. Not a virus.

Sunday, June 28

Good Morning... I am still having some problems with my computer... not a virus, maybe a cancer. I am considering going to the RCMP on Monday.

4 more months and I can be skiing again... some more stair climbing. I got to like doing that... something I have been thinking about since Calgary... before I went to Australia... the third time.

I saw a girl today... she was very pleasent. She said see ya later... I liked that. I sensed a very pleasent and nice person. She was wearing a necklace... very simple.

Monday, June 29

Good Morning... had a dream last night... some EH-101 helicopters landed very close to me... while some soldiers were rappelling, a group approached and one of them took off their helmet and said a few words.. while giving me a book... a paper back.

I will have to keep my eyes open for one... Also had a dream last night about skiing... it was a good run too... felt soo good. Skiing... I love it so.

I wear a sun hat that is very similar to an army fatigue hat... Canada and the USA. I used to get them at the army surplus store... I see the kids wearing green Mao Tse Tung hats... those are actually chinese army hats. I think I prefer mine.

To all those in uniform cleaning up the house... special forces... our pearly whites... conducting the operations to cut out the cancers... kudos. I was reading in the Vancouver Sun about exercise groups... such as Boot camps... being charged to use parks. Excuse me but do they not already pay to use the parks with personal... business and hidden taxes: ie gst? Is this not going a bit too far? Is this not another case of double taxation?

I just went for a ride... saw a train parked with '911 was an inside job. Wake Up' painted on it... that is not true. Junk food.

Tuesday, June 30

Good Morning... went for a hike up to the ski hill to check out the hydro line... saw two humming birds on the climb up and a female deer with two fawns near the lower lodge by the chair lift. I followed a ways and got a shot with my cell phone... maybe I can blow it up a bit.

The hydro line looks like it would be a lot of fun to ski... there is a small gully about where I saw a flat spot on the satellite photo... should be ok... a small climb if needed. There is a trail off to the left that leads to the run to town. After the last couple of weeks it felt good to get some fresh air and exericise.

Wednesday, July 1

Good Morning... Happy Canada Day. It has been five years since I had the dream and started my sculpture Perceptions. I was so excited as I got a piece of wood and carved the note... the seed. The idea fit so well with my Pocket Guide... which is what I was needing help in explaining.

This morning I am working on a different seed, my website and and also oiling another seed carving. It started out looking like a cobra... it had a crack in it so I cut off the head and turned it into a musical note.

I used to have some ear rings I got after my mother passed away. They were stolen along with a few other of my personal hierlooms. I had hoped to give them to a girl.

I had a stone I was going to make a necklace with also hoping to give to the same girl... I lost it. I found a couple of small ones last week in the shape of hearts... I finally got some wire and leather and made a couple of necklaces.

Thursday, July 2

Good Evening... went skiing today... climbed up to where I saw the skinners going to during the winter.

I found I nice spot and then climbed up from there 3 times and skied down to my pack. Thought about sand skiing while climbing. Skied down towards the lake... went a bit far and had to climb back up a bit... sideslipped down to where I could see the slope... skied down to the lake, not as steep as it looks from below. Skied along some patches on the plain and then found a spot to rest for a while... it felt really nice.

Skiing, sun, fresh air, clouds and imagination... I saw quite a few things. I love it so.

Friday, July 3

Good Morning... woke up late... I don't like sleeping in. Saw a black bear cub along the road driving down yesterday... eating flowers.

Plan on a few days r and r... have a fire... some marshmallows. I know of a quiet place with a view of some mountains I would like to ski.

Sunday, July 5

Went out to the quiet spot I found where I can see the mountain I fell in love with at first sight. Began climbing to a small lake... too many mosquitoes. Went to a spot I found last time... found a good location with a view just in the tree line.

Set up camp... while setting up camp I found some white rocks. After I took a photo I heated some water for coffee and took a closer look at the rocks. They can me carved... I will need to get a chisel. I found one with a profile that looked like the mountain range I like.... I also found a smaller one that had a natural shape for carving a seed which is something I have been thinking about. I was looking for some soapstone.... This will work. It brought back some memories about white clay...

Monday, July 6

Hiked down to the river...

Cedar trees.... white mountains... like white teeth... I found hard white clay that I can carve with... surrounded by wood... I find some rock to carve with. A reason to go camping... a beautiful view, a river near by... a lake near by...

Also found another type of rock... soft also... different color... looks like cement...

I began carving a piece of the white rock... it began to look like one of the rabbits in the image I did for two rabbits kissing.... I saw the side view first... a person standing... then flipped it and saw the rabbit. A while later I thought it could also be a kitty.

I need a good set of chisels... and a hammer.

I had one of my necklaces I made around my neck while I was on r and r. I lost it... odd since it was around my neck with parachute cord. Tied well. It would not have fallen off. I do not recall taking it off... although I might have. I don't recall.

Tuesday, July 7

Good Morning... nice to have a bath. Placed the rock with the mtn profile on the shelf near my window... now I can see the view whenever I look at the rock. Tried carving and sanding pieces of the rock today... worked very well... also tried to make some clay from the dust... used it to make a casting of the bottom of one seed... will see how it works.

The clay carves well. Bought some files... they work well... will buy some diamond headed bits for the dremel also... water for smoothing and finishing works well. Also bought a chisel for splitting the larger rocks... and possibly see how it works for carving.

Wednesday, July 8

Good Morning... hump day.

Made a nice carving of a seed today, it fits well with the figurine I carved of the cloud rabbit...

Went for a ride this evening on my bicycle... saw a double rainbow. Last one I saw was on the top of Hudson's Bay Mtn. I saw a double one around the sun.

On the ride back I saw a bunch of rail cars with the words... furx... for me that means the Hudson's Bay company... Hudson's Bay Mtn... Winston Churchill... genetics... growing food... ending the harvesting of animals.

Thursday, July 9

Good Morning... climbed up to past the waterfall... missed the spot I was looking for... things look different in the summer. I know if I ski past the trail back to the hill I can ski down... there is a lot of open area and the creeks will work well... I crossed about four of them as I made my way back to the trail to town.

I am glad I had my machette with me... I ran into some prickly plants.

Saturday, July 11

Enigma wrapped in a riddle.

Monday, July 13

Good Morning... I have been experimenting with different methods of carving the stone... finding the white speckled clay rock is a particular type and can be quite hard in spots. The outer areas are hardening... The diamond cutters work well... as does a tile cutter... the chisel works very well.

Using the tile cutter I recalled how sculptors chiseled rock with lines... One of the rocks I found of the right type will work well for carving the 2nd sculpture I wanted to do in 2004. Rather than using a large log... I can use the rock.

Felt real nice yesterday thinking about skiing last winter. Memories... I love it so. One of the carvings I am working on at the moment is of a snow angel and a heart... The 'Dremel' tool works very well with the right bit... but the noise can get tiresome.

Tuesday, July 14

I began sculpting with the chisel today... making lines and then chipping out the remainder. The method works very well... I began by givng a rough shape to the rock for the secound sculpture. While doing this I used some spit and recalled water with tile... began using water with the clay and the rock softened... it became easier. I use an old sheet as a smock.

This morning I went for a ride and the train going by had 53 on most of the cars... I am 53. I do not look my age... photos are no substitude for a mirror or anothers smile.

Wednesday, July 15 woke up late... need to keep the window open.

Thursday, July 16

Slept in again... need to start using the alarm clock again. Went to the creek near the falls yesterday... found a spot to support the white clay rock while I sculpt. I used a few small rocks to finish off a seat behind the rock... it is perfect. I remember finding the large rock at Weaver lake... it had a small ndentation in it like someone had made it. Also a spot to put the feet. This a another spot like that... a place to go and sculptor.

Saturday, July 18

A beautiful day today... fresh air... the larger tarp worked well... I sure love the view of the mountain I fell in love with. A helicopter landed at the clear cut nearby. The fresh air last night was nice... woke up with the dawn.

Sunday, July 19

Yesterday I started splitting a cedar tree... I was able to make some planks and some discoveries... possible uses... bosts... troughs... pipe... kindling... insulation... mattress fill... it became clear why cedar trees played such a large role in our oral history both in north america and elsewhere... ie... middle east... the tale of gilgamesh and cedar tress sparked my interest... got me thinking. It is also quite easy to split for firewood. Cedar trees and bull rushes... a lot of fibre... a lot of nutrition.

The different possibilities for building a cabin were clear... I thought about the library in Vancouver... shaped like the collisium... I always wondered why we did not build one in the shape of a long house. Given events of the last 10 years with my writing... MadMoose... and the spring of 2004... my views on collisiums... heritage... history...etc. teaching the children...the events in smithers... the sculpting... the mountain I fell in love with... rekindling my love for skiing... exploring my creative side... and my desire to meet a girl and start a family was and is the right direction.

Monday, July 20

Drove back early today, felt good to have a shower... cleaned up the apartment... finally hooked up the antenna connection to my computer... I can now get cbc in a grainy picture. Haven't watched tv since I moved here in Nov of last year. For a number of years... until 2004 all I could get in my trailer was cbc... company... used the net for other news and information. Yesterday afternoon I began doing some sculpting on alarge rock where I camp... I began with just smoothing the surface and then a shape began appearing... a dolphin shape, so I began chiseling a relief. Something I can do when I am out there. Repaired the axe and adz today... will need to get a couple of replacements just in case. Also some wedges. Will need to get a chain saw.

Learning why the cedar tree was so important in our history is very interesting. I used to think a lot about having a energy efficient house... with the cedar tree... there are almost ready made two by fours... planks... beams... siding... shingles... insulation. Combined with solar and wind energy one could build a very comfortable home.

Tuesday, July 21

Hooked up the tele on my computer yesterday... I can get one channel... haven't watched tv in quite some time. Saw the Red Green show... funny, one of the comedians on just for laughs was real funny, 160 GB ipod... too funny, also the news at 11:00... hot and fires in Kelowna.

Wednesday, July 22

Used some water with one of the diamond bits yesterday... worked very well for cutting the rock. I think I will start using the knowledge I acquired while working in the oil industry. Recalling drilling mud.. ie water and diamond bits. Also brought back a memory of horizontal drilling... would not need off shore rigs. I remember how some people believed that when extracting oil from the ground a large cavern was left over, the ground would sink... not true. Now that I know it would be quite simple to build a cabin out of cedar... all I would need is some land. Given the time it took to make two planks... I could build one fairly quickly.

Thursday, July 23

The larger rock carving I am doing is looking good... rubbing the wet white clay I have found it to work well as an exfoliant. My hands come out very soft... I would bet that sculptors who worked with stone did not have calluses. Gave some thought to a cabin yesterday... ways to build using cedar. Working with the adz and axe splitting the cedar out where I camp gave me a good workout... I can feel it in my upper body, chest and upper arms... feels good.

Stair climbing in winter and summer... and building a house from scratch along with the art will keep me in very good physical condition. Worked on the carving today... it is starting to look as I envisioned the large wooden one.

Saturday, July 25

Spent the day yesterday designing a cabin using cedar. Climbed up to a cabin in Silver Creek Basin... real nice one... close to town... only about an 8 klick walk. Thought of a bunch of ideas while walking up... used gimp to draw and visualize how things would fit together. I can see how the natives could have built their longhouses without nails. It will be quite simple to build. Caulking and sealant..?

Sunday, July 26

Have access to a chain saw... someone I know is giving me one. I will be able to experiment with some of the fitting joints I will need... ie. posts/planks, beams/planks, floor. I will go out to the camp this week and try them. Worked on the larger rock sculpture... it is taking shape.

Monday, July 27

Felt someones presense last night... a lot of love... she comforted me.

Tuesday, July 28

Rather than get the saw someone was going to loan me... I decided to go out and buy a new chain saw... I don't have to wait on others. Saw some safety boots that looked very much like some boots I used to buy for paving. They are well made... good sole... high arch... wide... they will be good for any activity I need them for... climbing... working... hiking... snow... rain... I bought them. I have found an all round running shoe... all round boot... all round sandles. Bought some hearing protection and some clear safety glasses I can use for sculpting the white clay. I am looking forward to going out and experimenting with the ideas for the cabin.

Friday, July 31

Went out to the campsite wednesday and got the chain saw going... two cuts and then I shut it off to move some wood. Didn't start all day... no spark at all. I was a little upset to say the least. Lost a whole day. Drove to town... got it checked out... saw a deer cross the road on the way in... went back out and didn't have any more problems. I cut some planks... and the posts... tried some notches and finally settled with the one I designed on the computer. I tried a few things with the planks... the solution was close to the one I came up with. Notch on one side... angle on the other. They fit together well.

It took some trial and error to figure some things out... but I was able to put up a small wall with an angled roof. The gable? will not be as difficult as I thought. The cuts from the posts I can save to use as a support on the outside... easier access if repairs are necessary later. The finished wall looked good... I was pleased. I was able to confirm that the cedar cabin design is sound and will work well. The design can also be used with other species of trees... the cuts can be made so that the planks are the right thickness and the center beam can be used for flooring. There were quite a few black flies out there... no problem while I was working... but a pain later. The grapefruit juice works very well with mosquitoes... but not with black flies... they bite. So I came in today. Deet? I got a couple of photos... I will post on a new cabin page.

Sunday, August 2

Washed the car yesterday and had four beer... the beer knocked me out... I don't drink very much, it was hot.

Tuesday, Aug. 4

Put up the new cabin page, now to get some photos off my phone. Put some images on Uploaded the photos from my phone... the phone responded with a complete transfer... when I checked Telus... they were not in my photo album. They transfered somewhere... I know how data moves... they did not vanish. I checked records for my calls... they were not recorded... they should have been. The old guard really is screwing me. The sculpture perceptions rises to where it splits into three other spheres. Prior to that there is a mark where a knot was... some percieve it as an 'eye', the equivalent of that 'eye' is the one that works for me. It is the one screwing me. The large globe... the one sitting on the rock... represents me. That is the truth.

Saturday, Aug. 8

Was out seeing if there was a way to get to the mountain I fell in love with... not from where I was camping except overland. I found a nice spot near a river... camped there for a couple of nights... saw a fish... I found a tree killed by the pine beatle and cut it down with the chain saw... I thought about trying to build a canoe.. then a support for my harness. Would still like to use plaster cast. I was walking along the rocks and found a large one with a natural indentation in it. I thought about the secound sculpture... the one I have been carving out of white clay. I went up and cut a chunk out of the beatle kill and began using the chain saw. I brought it back to town... the previous day I found a couple of rocks, one of them had three sphereical indentations in it just as in the logo on my Pocket Guide and my website...

I also found a rock in the same shape as the rabbit figure I carved out of clay and saw in the clouds... the seed I took with me balanced on it just fine. I was not looking for any rocks... they just happened to be the ones I picked up that is the truth... they caught my eye. When I brought it back... I set it up along side the one in clay... placed the rock with the three spheres beside the clay profile of the mountain I fell in love with. I checked out a trail someone showed me... it led to another small glacier... Although I did not get skiing... it was a productive trip... I ran out of oil for the chain saw so came back early.

Thought about climbing up to go skiing via the trail... checked it out. Quite wet. I am going to see if there is a way to access that mountain from the other side. I stopped by the other campsite on the way back... and got some more photos of the cedar wall. I am falling in love with this area more and more all the time. Bought some kraft peanut butter and saw their new phrase... 'spread the feeling', with a happy face. I like it. Checked to see if they had tracked down my photos and put them in my online album with Telus... they had not, I was quite disappointed.

Sunday, Aug. 9

Cleaned up the house a bit, took some photos of what I found and carved the last few days.

Monday, Aug. 10

Checked google yesterday... may have found another way to get to the mountain I fell in love with.

Wednesday, Aug. 12

Each time I go out camping in the bush... out to the site where I found the clay and thought of the cedar cabin... where I fell in love at first sight with a mountain... I fall in love with my own backyard... I am falling in love with this area.

When I was a young man paving highways... paying for university... I worked in Stewart for two summers... I used to joke to other people at the time that I was working 500 miles up the asshole of the world. Funny... no eyes... I skied... but I wasn't seeing the mountains. At that time I had a dream one night of flying in the mountains... I used to think that was connected to skydiving... but now it has more to do with today and what I am doing now.

I look at the same area now... more experience... a rekindling of my 1st love... skiing... more knowledge... I fall in love. Fits... Worked on the 2nd sculpture today... found a spot away from houses...

Friday, Aug. 14

Packed up this morning for the trip. Not sure what I will find... but I am going to try. I have begun editing the galleries so that the pics have some explanation... I will post them when I am done.

Sunday, Aug. 16

Got back from climbing up to the clear cut there was a caterpillar larva on the drivers seat of my car. Didn't make it up to the glacier... it was jungle after the clearcut. The climb through the jungle to get there wore me out. Camped by the creek... I could see the glacier... the slope was steep up to it on the north creek... the south creek was more jungle. Placed more stuff on the top of the pack for the trip back... went the same route with some detours to avoid some brambles... went quicker going down. Woke up in the night to go to the bathroom... the stars were bright... clear sky... Stopped for a drink at oliver creek... on the way back... saw a tree and an entrance to a swirling circle with birch bark in the middle. I am assuming a native tradition... thought I might look it up on the net. The climb and hike back was a lot of work... exercies... I feel good... the muscles ache... but that is a good sign. I had a knot occur in both lower calves... they hurt a lot. After the respite this summer from skiing... it was probably a good sign combined with the jungle to head back. I am a realist.

Monday, Aug. 17

Woke up sore... feels good. Checked the satellite photo again... crossing the river at the bridge would save a lot. Making a bridge would be easiest. Some trees and comealongs and some chain saws. The photos show the trail on the other side is still there. Looked at a beeline from both of my other campsites on the other side... cutting a trail and then a cedar cabin at the other end would make for a nice place to go skiing on 'Love at First Sight'.

Going to check again with a local who is a back country skier here. I will bring my photos with me. I put some of the grapefruit juice I bought in a spray bottle and took it with me. It worked very well as a bug repellent... smelled nice too. Even the smell was very much like bug spray... ?active ingredient? The small bottle of Off cost 9 dollars... the 1 litre bottle of grapejuice cost me 3.69 and I drank most of it.

Tuesday, Aug. 18

It is my sisters birthday today... happy birthday to my sister. Worked on both wood and clay sculptures today... not feeling very happy. Someone broke my heart yesterday afternoon. It hurts.

Thursday, Aug. 20

Updated the science and seed galleries this morning. Friday, Aug. 21

I was reading the other day of some discoveries relating to MS... I have known people with that disease. Cures for a lot of things will be occurring very quickly... genetics... the genome project... the internet... revolutionary energy source as in fusion... inevitable. As needs are met, what is talked about around the hearth will change... hate will gradually disappear... with needs met ...

Saturday, Aug. 22

I really am looking forward to some snow and some wind this winter... I really am.

Sunday, Aug. 23

Going out to the campsite to work on some ideas for roof.. floor... and maybe try my hand at cutting a window... check out the lake... see if I can cross the river. I may go out to the west side again before winter and see how far the trail goes.

Wednesday, Aug. 26

Went out to the campsite... put up two more walls... experimented with some ideas for roofing and floor... made a bench with the floor principal. Cut a window in the first wall with the chain saw and lined it with some wood I cut with the chain saw. Things worked well... the roof leaked that night... put a tarp on for the next night... the roof won't be finished until I do some more planks. Made some sawdust for the sleeping on... worked well. It is about 1/4 to 1/5 scale of the cabin I want to build... I have learned a lot. I woke up in the morning seeing 'Love at First Sight'... felt good. I may put some directions on the sight if someone else would like to go out and look at the stars... All I ask is to take care of it. The stars were out last night... I saw a meteor and a satellite and of course the milky way... thought about the plain of the ecliptic... the hubble deep field photo... galaxy after galaxy after galaxy... an epiphany photo... so beautiful. Climbed towards the lake... got to a dry bed... I wish I had the sat photo with me... There were a lot of animal tracks... bear... deer... moose... cat of some kind.

Thursday, Aug. 27

I was bagged last night... there was a parade in town but I was too tired.

Friday, Aug. 28

Listened to some music on mtv last night for the first time in a long time. I liked the music... made a lemon maranque pie today... also baked an angel food cake and some coconut chocolate balls. Posted an image of dragon flies mating on the spring page. Monday, Aug. 31

I woke up this morning feeling a very loving mind touching me... a like mind. It was nice.

I began working on the brace for the harness yesterday... used the two wood pieces I cut from the 2nd sculpture as a frame for casting... put some wire mesh on with 5 min epoxy... used plaster to shape... will file and sand this morning.

Tuesday, Sept. 1

I was looking at the images I have on my own living room wall this morning... I hung them for color... what made me feel good. I noticed a pattern this morning... the shape of the images was like an arrow... pointing to the national geographic image I have on the other wall... 'My Wonderful World'... along with the image of getting off the lift... Diversity... Rainbow of color... and the solar system... earth, moon, sun, venus, mercury. I have one of my quantum foam images at the tip of the arrow. It makes sense... it begins with my poem and images of skiing... the buttefly image... fusion... genetics... communication... likeminds... wow... it is simple... button.

Wednesday, Sept. 2

I am not pleased this morning. Worked on my brace today... and also another clay sculpture... I began carving with the dremel... sanding... smoothing with a stone... it began to look like a mountain lake with a waterfall... I filled it with water... some ran over the side like a waterfall...

Friday, Sept. 4

Worked on the brace for my harness yesterday and this morning... fibreglass... wire mesh... metal cross bracing imbedded in fibreglass for the lower back... where the harness pulls the most... the brace should distribute the pressure along the whole spine rather than just the waist. Will help to hold an edge. Went for a ride yesterday... stress relief, saw a homemade jalopy like an old racing car from the 20's pulling a small trailer... it put a smile on my face... kudos to the couple on that holiday. They are putting smiles on peoples faces. Saturay, Sept. 5

Went for a hike up Hudson's Bay Mtn today... left early, about 6 hours of hiking... feels good. Was thinking I would need soom rubber for the brace I am making... found a round rubber gasket and some rubber matting that will work very well as an outside cover against the back... there is also enough to use on the inside to increase strength... flexibility... and minimize the possibility of the fibreglass cracking or breaking. Checked out the road going up towards simpsons creek. I am looking forward to skiing there. Also found another rock with a natural cavity in it... good for displaying one of the seeds.

Sunday, Sept. 6

The route I took yesterday will be a good one for getting into shape for the winter... worked on the brace some more... placed the rubber top and bottom with strips and then a sheet of fibre glass over top... Some sanding and then the notches for the harness.

Monday, Sept. 7

With needs met... state of mind... smile to smile... a loving thought... a loving touch... time... Hiked back up to the bowl...picked some berries for a pie maybe two... a lemon with berries and a berry pie/tarts... curry for dinner. While coming down today I happened to look into the woods and notice the green moss... I stopped and smelled the fresh air... it reminded me of a dream I had one night a long time ago... I was running in the woods on green ground... feeling good... healthy... at that moment I felt that dream had a lot to do with today... what I am doing now... skiing... a healthy lifestyle... falling in love with my own backyard... I was just thinking about Friday... it is Sept. 11, the day the world changed. It has become a very important day for me.

Tuesday, Sept. 8

Worked on the brace again today... fibreglassed the notches on... they work well. Gave the back another coat of resin and sanded... will do the same with the front and then glue the matting on. Tried the notches with the harness... it fit well. May take it down to the park on a windy day to give it a try. I was just doing some research on something... and recalled my texas instruments calculator I bought for about $120.00 dollars in 1975, it had 16 functions... 64 bit ram I think... I also bought a 12 mhz computer...30 or 50 mb hard drive... dos operating system... in the mid 1980's... top of the line then. Like skiing... I have always loved computers... I have been drawn to them since I became aware of them.

Wednesday, Sept. 9

Worked on the brace again today... decided the upper notches could come off for now... coated with resin... sanded and painted the back yellow. Used contact cement for the rubber matting... but I just found that it did not dry. I will try again in the morning.

Friday, Sept. 11

Today is Sept. 11, 2009, eight years since 9/11... the day the world changed. I remember sitting down to write 'The day the world changed.'... the emotions, the feelings. I remember the fall of 2003 when I took off the net... the events that occurred over that christmas... the spring of 2004... how I got to Troll... the chaos after... then finally getting to Smithers and skiing... rekindling my 1st love last winter. Then building this new site... exploring the country side over the summer... learning how to build a cabin... discovering new interests... a love for my backyard.

All the events that have occurred to me have been connected to 9/11. It has become a very important day. I still believe in what I wrote... it still applies today... eight years later. Not only due to irrational religious fundamentalism... but also organized crime and its connection to terrorism... drugs... and cyber crime. So much good is occurring in science today... in the world today... genetics... energy research... pieces are coming together... but we as a world are not really talking and understanding one another the way we should be. The internet has become a fenced community... when I first began using the internet.. there were no fences... it was open to everyone... that is no longer the case. It is a piece that must be fixed so we can all understand one another.

It is Simple!

That is just the way it is!

Finished the brace for my harness this morning... time for my website name on the car and on some of my equipment. When I was hiking yesterday... it would have been nice to have the pov camera... that and an organ for my birthday... some property to build a cabin also.

Set up my sculpture 'Perceptions' in the park today... near the cenotaph in remembrance of 911. It felt good. One of the seeds fell and broke... the same one... it is a good thing I have carved a number of others. I will glue the origional again. Read some good news about anti-gravity... genetics... dna library... genome project leads to the end of animal harvesting and the end of poverty, starvation and want... with needs met... time.

I was just loading one of the planes on the flight simulator I old flying boat with the BOAC logo... I remember flying BOAC when we went to East Pakistan, now Bangladesh. It was something in those days... we got wings and a passport to log miles. 1963.

Saturday, Sept. 12

Climbed up to simpsons gulch today... saw a black berry bush with one berry on it about half up... picked it... unusual but no surprise given what is happening... climate change... seeds blowing in the wind... wind or bird poop. Was thinking of blackberry bushes the other day when climbing up. The only bush I saw. Saw a couple of spiders flying in the wind... spider silk... long threads being blown... spiders use them to fly. Was also remembering how I broke some ribs at Troll resort in the summer off 2004... grabbed a branch coming down from a crowsnest I was helping to build... I fell and landed on a fence... very painful. That experience helped me today while climbing up the gulch to the plain... it was steep... I used branches like rope and a ladder... dangerous.. but safe. I also found a fun barret while climbing down that I will clean up, fix and give to the kindergarten next door. Found a tamborine at the end of last winter... did the same. While climbing across the plain I looked for 'Love at first sight.' Couldn't see it so I walked towards the t-bar... got a good view there... I saw a girl sitting on one of the hills... she was looking that way too. Maybe there is two of us who love that view.

Sunday, Sept. 13

I was just thinking about a fellow I met a long time ago in northern BC when I was paving... he was a trucker... we were at the bar one night and he talked about himself being a machine gunner in korea... he talked about how they just kept coming and coming... it also reminds of the fellow I met in a bar in Kobe, Japan... he was a japanese vetern... a machine gunner on one of the islands the us marines assaulted... he talked about how they just kept coming and coming... the thoughts came to me while thinking about General McArthur, someone peeing during the korean war.

Monday, Sept. 14

Berry picking today... I am going to fill a bucket. I am not pleased this morning. Feel better... climbed up to Footloose on Hudson's Bay Mtn... filled up a bucket with huckleberries and blue berries... just cleaned them. Going to make a pie...

Tuesday, Sept. 15 Good Morning...

Picked up a paint pen to put a sign on the car. A girl in my building just got a yellow tracker... I like it... she has good taste... reminds me of the white tracker I owned... the one I drove away from Chilliwack in... in 2004. It saved my life. I had to go back when my father had cancer... but I left again after... I am falling in love with this part of BC... I have almost been in Smithers a year... I am looking forward to skiing again... mountain sailing again. I was just thinking about a flight I took from Chicago to Southbend back around 1990... it was an epiphany day... I was looking out the window... so many people... so many houses... all with a life! Would I have noticed if I had not lived in Bangladesh?

Wednesday, Sept. 16

Painted a sign for the website on my cars rear window this morning... worked on a report most of the day. I printed the site name on a piece of paper to make a stencil.. then used a marker to outline... used a yellow paint pen to fill it in. I used to use them a lot when I worked with inventory in the oil industry. Brought back a memory of the Cochin pipeline and something that occurred in the spring of 2004... also a conversation I had with an american here on business at Begbie's in Quesnel in 2005.

Thursday, Sept. 17

Was reading last night how they discovered a gene therapy for color blindness... genetics... senses... also about the use of computers and the internet in Africa... knowledge... education... so many good things happening. Climbed up simpsons gulch today... came down ptarmigan... found a ring I can use for my seasons pass. I am sitting on a log on the run to town taking a break. I thought about wind turbines today... also mtn sailing while looking at the ridge and the plain. It is a good route... legs are going to be in good shape. Saw a deer coming down Ptarmigan...

Saturday, Sept. 19

Climbed up simpsons gulch... sitting at skyline lodge at the moment they put a picnic table on the balconey... good idea. It was snowing as a I got to the top of the bowl... felt so good... I yelled out, 'It is snowing!'. Walking down Footloose... I was remembering the spring of 2004... I gave a lift to some kids who worked at Hemlock Valley... they gave me two tickets to go skiing... I didn't have a girlfriend to go skiing with... I kept them for a long time. It was an epiphany moment... I hadn't skied much in 15 years... I wanted to go skiing. Here I am. Prior to getting here last year... I skied maybe 20 times in 20 years... you do not forget. I love it so. Sunday, Sept. 20

Working on a report today, almost finished... regluing the rubber to the brace for the harness.

Monday, Sept. 21

Climbed up to simpson's gulch today...sitting in a small cave. Feels good... fresh air... rain... fall... winter coming. Walked down through the glade this afternoon... a lot of berries. Found a cell phone. The climb and walk back felt good. Saw a very large porcupine at the top of the chairlift. Saw eight mountain goats/sheep while climbing the gulch today... quite a few young ones.

Tuesday, Sept. 22

Just looking at the google map again... the route I am taking up the gulch and back down is a good six hours... I leave in the morning around 9 or 10 and get back around 4... depends on the the run I walk down. I checked out a path that has been cut down from the road on google... another way down. The people who have skied here a long time spent a lot of time cutting trails into the mountain. A lot of love... a lot of passion for skiing.

When I climbed up yesterday I walked by the bull wheel on the chairlift... they are doing some maintenance... I found a pair of pliers on the ground... I put them on the bull wheel. Saved someone some confusion trying to find them... no one saying, 'god dammit where are the pliers.' A small act can have a difference.

Wednesday, Sept. 23

Climbed up simpson's gulch... top of the bowl climbing into the wind... reminds me of a night walking into the wind... running with the wind... at an airport. Blow... Blow... a lot of fear that night. Not today. Feels good... the wind in my face. Took a look at 'Love at first sight'... same feeling. Saw 2 black bears coming down Footloose... used some rocks to warn the first one... wind... it wouldn't have been able to smell me. Ran into another one... it stood on hind legs.... white on its chest. A few minutes later... a saw a Bull Moose... cool... beautiful... majestic... I recalled the logo on my old site how I came up with the name... the reasons why. I am taking a break at the moment snacking on some blue ahd huckleberries. Got back down.... bought a subway... bmt, tasted good.... haven't had one in a long time.

Thursday, Sept. 24

Working on pedegogy for mtn sailing.

Friday, Sept. 25

Finished a report to the RCMP Integrated Technicnological Crime Unit today... I suspect falsification of statistical data and illegal access to my conputer. Exercise tomorrow.

Saturday, Sept. 26

Climbed simpson's gulch... fresh snow... felt really good... Checked out the terrain again today... won't be long for the rocks to be covered on the plain... I will be able to climb up earlier this year. Sunday, Sept. 27

It will be nice when we finally have fusion energy... everything will be quiet... the fridge's won't make so much noise... cars will be silent... no background noise... no overhead lines... no buried cables... no hydro lines... no dams...

Monday, Sept. 28

Climbed up to simpsons gulch again today... snow on the ground most of the way... a good fall in the bowl and on the plain... it won't take long for the rocks to be covered. My legs are feeling good... I don't puff as much... I sure don't miss smoking. Another month and it will be a year since I quit cigars... longer since I quit cigarettes. Just over 10 days until my birthday... still feeling young.

Wednesday, Sept. 30

Climbed simpson's gulch... saw bear tracks on the way up... there were what I thought were two bears on Footloose coming down... they turned out to be a female moose and her calf... I wished I had a video camera... or a pov... and thought about the xl2 I wanted at one point... fits... a video camera with a pov... I thought a lot about documentaries or films I could do... skiing... teaching carving and awareness... mtn sailing... cabin... climbing love at first sight... saw some good terrain for air shots... powder landings... wildlife...! Wildlife comes in many forms... animal... humans having fun outdoors.

Thursday, Oct. 1

I counted how many times I have done my circut... the route I take up and down... 10 times.. I'm in good shape... it will be easier to start skiing this winter... more snow on the plain so I will be able to begin earlier. I was relaxing last night when some people did wrong... I don't like having my state of mind disturbed like that... not necessary. 8 more sleeps... I will be having my 54th birthday... 6th counting from 48. I started from one again on my 49th... easier to blow out one candle. After a traumatic event I had... it was nice to be doing what I love to do... Ski.

Boy... to rediscover my 1st love... and then climb a mountain 10 times in a row... feels good. I am young. I was thinking about one of the images I did... the one about 'On all terrain, the feet dance.' The inspiration for that came from skiing last winter... but also from a ski film when I was a teenager... (I was going to write young man... but I am still a young man) There was a scene of a skier skiing along lifting one ski and pretending to play a violin with his ski poles. I need a camera.

I love National Geographic

Friday, Oct. 2

Climbed simpson's gulch... I got to the bowl... clouds covered the valley... the mountains on the north side were covered in snow... the sun came out for a few minutes... it was beautiful. The prairie and ridge are covered in snow... the ground is freezing... the snow is staying on the ground. The bull wheel is still off the chair so I guess the part hasn't showed up yet... the pliers I picked up last week were still there.

Walked down Ptarmigan... saw the female moose and the calf today... they stood still as I walked by... ears up... as I passed by they began walking across the run. I turned to look... the mothers ears went back... she put herself between me and the calf... I kept walking down. Saw a bear in the distance... it heard me as I stopped... took off into the woods.

Sunday, Oct. 4

Climbed up simpson's gulch, saw some mountian goats at the top of the creek. Also saw some tracks in the small patch of snow. Went over to slide down the snow in my boots... saw the tracks... they were a little smaller and narrower than mine... I thought... hmmmmm maybe a girl... hmmmm someone who wants to ski as much as I do. I felt really good with that thought... I was smiling. I mixed grapefruit juice with some snow and had a sundai. Walking down Ptarmigan I found a Nancy Green Flag... one Alcan sponsored. I found some poles on the run to town and set it up at the top of the steep pitch... before chicken creek. Just remembered finding a happy face decal after the flag... snowman with a green hat on. Decal of a happy face I found...

When I climb I am not really looking for anything... mainly exercise... but the things I find... the ideas I have... the things I see... tell me I am in the right place.. skiing... going in the right direction.

Saturday, Oct. 3

Checked out some bolts for an idea I have... a very attractive girl smiled at me as we were going into the store... curly blond hair... a nice smile.

Monday, Oct. 5

My wallet has gone missing... cannot find it in my apartment... I have retraced my steps... I checked at the grocery store... not there... I may have left it in my car... if I did... then it was stolen... An inconvienance... takes time to replace id. Hopefully the person who may have stole it gets caught by the police doing something illegal... so I can get it back. I will report it to the police.

Tuesday, Oct. 6

Reported my wallet missing to the police. There was a wind so I went to the park to try out the brace for the harness... ground winds were not high enough. I think I will climb up simpson's gulch tomorrow and try it out on the prairie. Working on an image of simpson's gulch I began a few days ago. I was reading today about how they plan on placing dna chromosomes into silicone slots... a way to seperate and differentiate. It is good news... it means a way to identify each of us... to identify and personalize individual needs for medical purposes... health... senses. No more incorrect diagnoses... each will recieve the help they need. With needs met... time. No more defects.

Wednesday, Oct. 7

Climbed up simpson's gulch today. Walked down Daihle Double, good feet, hand, eye coordination exercise... saw a bullmoose and a mare... they took off into the woods. I began to think about me... the 1st returning to my 1st love skiing and meeting a girl.

Everything points to this winter. While walking down from the prairie each time I have noticed a lot of empty mickies... empty baggies... to many skiing under the influence. Last winter I noticed some people in their 30's smoking grass near the chairlift... not a good example for the kids. Way back in the last century, the 1970's I went to the side of the hill with some other skiers at Purden mtn in Prince George... we smoked a dobie... I was not able to ski... I walked down... I have not skied under dope since... I will not ski under the influence of alcohol either. That single incident was enough...

I prefer the feeling I get skiing with my skill and knowledge to adrenaline or artificial drugs. Events during 2003 and the spring of 2004 also were enough... that period was an aberation. I will not ski under the influence.

Staying safe skiing... means having total awareness... situational awareness... not skiing or boarding in the twilight zone. Tomorrow I will be staying awake until midnight... I was born just after midnight on the 9th of October, 1955. I am going to go out, retake photos... pick up some wood for some furniture, have a fire and look at 'Love at first sight.' Maybe have a 'virtual cuddle' with a girl. My point of view... I looked at it again today... the sky was clear... still a lot of snow.

I was just thinking about the time I drove through Montreal... got lost... missed an exit... got turned around... stopped for gas on the other side of the St. Lawerence... the gas station attendent came out looked at the license plate of the car beside me ... ontario... then looked at mine... bc... he served me first. What does that say? Thursday, Oct. 8

I am out at the campsite... cut out the rough shape for the coffee table legs... took some pics of the practise cabin... shelter for the view point... 'Love at first sight.'. They will replace the ones I lost trying to transfer using a cell phone.

It is nice to have a campfire... I would be alone in town... with the dope smokers in the suites around me... so it is nice to have some privacy. I believe in moderation... they do it in exess.

Friday, Oct. 9

My birthday this morning... it is snowing at the moment... a dusting on the ground... peaceful, I woke up with a nice feeling... thought about a cabin... I smiled. I have next summer planned. The rough shape for the coffee table legs looks good. Couldn't find my rock with the indentations that I took with me... thought I left it in town. Got back... wasn't there, drove back out to the campsite, the rock showed up where a box I was carrying opened and some things fell out. Phewwwww. I was able to take some photos to replace the ones lost trying to upload to Telus... they were lost in transit. I suspect stolen.

Some girls from the Volley Ball team showed up asking for bottles... I was able to give them my years worth of cans and wine bottles... they were very nice. I am making an angel food cake tonight... with whipped cream and strawberries.

Saturday, Oct. 10

Finished an image of Simpson's Gulch, Hudson's Bay Mtn.... placed it in the skiing gallery. Posted some more photos in the seed gallery. Bought a rotary sander... tried it on one of the sculptures... works well. Made a deeper groove around the endge of the snowshow form... will be able to hold a support.

Sunday, Oct. 11

Bought myself a video camera for my birthday... I have wanted one for a long time. Spending the day learning how to use it. Climbed up to Simpson's Gulch this afternoon... took some video of the gulch, the ridge, the prairie and some pans. Got a shot of a bird. Took a long shot of 'Love at first sight.' A beautiful day. The creek up the gulch was frozen... will have to be cautious. Sure felt good at the top. I will upload the video when the camera is warmed up.

Monday, Oct. 12

Edited the shots... Simpsons Gulch ... I sure like having the camera.

Tuesday, Oct. 13

Put a personal greeting as an introduction on my home page.. the loving touch image leads to it. Got a haircut today... not quite the way I like it... bought a 2nd hand white turtle neck... feels good to have one again... made an apointment with the dentist... it will feel good to have my teeth done.

Bought some better disks for the grinder, took some shots of the twin falls and distance shots of the glacier. The falls are icing up. The board I used to build a couch works well as a backdrop for photos... I tried it with Perceptions. I am going to try it with the video next... I will post it. I am just about ready to start discussing issues in this section as I did in

Wednesday, Oct. 14

Posting some new photos of perceptions and posted the back cover of 'What If...' in the writing gallery.

Thursday, Oct. 15

The moments of happiness I have are phenomenal... they really are. Climbed up simpsons gulch today... missed the mountain goats by minutes. I got the camera out and they just slipped over the ridge. Took some shots of the ice forming over the rocks.

I will need to get some ice crampons and an ice pick... some sections today would have been easier just going up the ice... like a stairway. I think that was 15 times so far. 100 kliks up... 100 down. Stopped and bought a seasons pass... they don't have a camera set up yet.

Friday, Oct. 16

Cleaning up the house and working on a few things this weekend.

Saturday, Oct. 17

Worked on the sculpture... the coffee table legs... drove out to the campsite and got some video of the practise cabin and love at first sight.

Sunday, Oct. 18 Added some video I shot yesterday. The campsite and Love at First Sight. I added some shots of the brace and harness to the xsport page and a video of the brace and harness. Was shaving and thinking about my eyes... I thought that when I had the accident last winter and cut my head... I should have asked the docter to tighten the scalp... a free face lift... heeheehee... a bit of humour put a smile on my face. That was some cut... drove myself to the hospital. Was back skiing in a week.

Monday, Oct. 19

I was looking at a national geographic map last night... the power of global knowledge... I prefer to think of the freedom of global knowledge... away from the cave vs cave of 'power'. I also was thinking... We live on such a beautiful planet... we really do!

Blue green... hazel... I have hazel eyes... sometimes green sometimes blue depending on what I have on and who is looking. I was looking at the map because of what I read on the net regarding Iran and Pakistan...

I was looking at the view of Russia... Iran... Afghanistan... Pakistan... India... Saudia Arabia... Africa and what is occurring in the world today. Why the node in northern Pakistan is so important to educate... to bring into the 21st century. I was thinking about what the various slices of the pie were possibly planning... what Iran was planning. Why Afghanistan is so important.

I also read more about the one laptop per child project... it is beginning to expand... education and access to knowledge... the global library is so important.

About four years ago I read an article on the internet about a skier in Afghanistan... trying to rehindle the sport there. He had a dream of putting a team into the 2010 Olympics... I will see if he was able this year.

I thought at the time it would be fun to help him... his dream would be worth the time. There are so many boots and skis sitting in garages in this country... a container full of repaired equipment and some personal tlc would help.

After the cabin... things should be quiet enough over there to pursue that goal, a few letters and some time... with needs met... time to help bring some fun back to the people... the joy of life... being alive. It would go a long ways to giving life back to the people in that area of the world.

A project I would enjoy working on.

Made a new lens for my carerra googles... worked very well.

Tuesday, Oct. 20

Climbed up to Simpsons Gulch this morning... carried my boots and skis in a pack... tried an experiment, came up with some solutions.

Wednesday, Oct. 21

Trying out one of the solutions this morning. The day before yesterday I was doing some things and found a thistle on my shirt... I recalled one of the conjectures in my book 'What if... Velcro's inventor hadn't enjoyed hiking in mountain pastures?' I was working on an idea... experimented on it yesterday... got some solutions climbing up a mountain... I look at that thistle I found... the time I did... what I was doing... the conjecture in a book I wrote exploring and discovering my creative side and consider it as a sign to go forward with that idea and others I am working on... simplified an idea this afternoon... got some stainless steel rod and fabricated the pieces... works well on the grass... will have to try on the snow. I am pleased.

Thursday, Oct. 22

Finished fabricating the stainless steel pieces of one prototype... got some hard thick plastic slabs and began fabricating another idea... used the angle grinder for shaping... worked well. It is snowing today... there could be enough snow soon to test them.

Friday, Oct. 23

Finished the prototypes... it snowed... there is new snow on the mountains... I will be able to test them tomorrow. When I was fibreglassing the backbrace... I let the excess resin harden into blocks... I carved a small seed from one of the blocks this afternoon... for a necklace... have wanted to do that for quite a while. Took a photo of the necklaces I made and also one of the prototypes.

Saturday, Oct. 24

Beautiful day for testing... I heard someone in my building say yesterday... "Maybe this isn't Hell?...", of course it isn't... Drove up to the ski hill... tested the mountaineering attachments... they worked well. A few tweeks... may not need the rear pieces... I am going to try something a little different with that part. The toe pieces work well... I will make the adjustments and try putting them on with the boot in the binding. The snowshoes worked well... also need some tweeks with the straps... may need some waxing or fine sanding... I forgot to make a bend in a couple of the pieces so one came off... I was able to find out how well they were working because I sunk in the snow... it was a drift. A success. When I was climbing up I ran into an older fellow and a young boy... I showed the attachments to the older fellow... he said, This is your country. That made me feel good... since I live in gods country... maybe I am god! Heeheehee. Video I took this morning after testing on Hudson's Bay Mtn.

Just reading something... how can someone, ( Barak Obama) just elected recieve a peace prize... he hasn't done anything yet?

There was a bit of wind today... coming from the south west... I will take the brace up on the next test of the bindings and snow shoes...

Sunday, Oct. 25

Went out for a beer last night... did not have a good time. I don't do it very often... but the prototypes worked... success. I am not a big pub fan anymore... my lifestyle is different. I don't smoke, (almost a year now, 5 for cigs, 1 for cigars...) don't drink very much... or do drugs (only smoked pot during three periods in my life), don't even do that much any more... if I did I would grow it myself... I am enjoying being healthy.

Tweeked the snow shoes and binding attachments... they are tighter now... made a couple of hangers for the brakes... put some matting where my boots go on the snow shoe... used some linseed oil on the bottom... see how that works. Thought of a way to attach my poles to my skis so they are out of the way when I need my hands. Have a couple of cut away systems to try out. Re-taped my pole strapes... both left and right... the top strap must be under the thumb... the straps snug and hand comfortable on the grip with gloves on.

Monday, Oct. 26

Went up to the mountain to test the attachments... much better... got up no problem... the 40lb pack wieght was off... too low... need a belly pack... soft for the camera. Need buckles/snapes for the snowshoes... the brace worked very well... there was a lot of pressure... back feels fine... no strain. I can cut about 3 inches off the top and 1 off the bottom. I liked my new ski pants... the color is bright... makes me feel good... they are warm. The lexan lens I made for my goggles worked well... I will need to improve/clean up the vents on the goggles. Testing is pretty much done... the next time I go up it will be just to ski... I got some real nice turns in today... I sure am enjoying having a camera in my hands...

Tuesday, Oct. 27

Did an image of a thought from the night before last... I posted it in the thoughts gallery... it is called butterfly on a pole. I have a dentist appointment on Thursday... I am looking forward to getting my teeth done and smiling again without feeling self-concious... made some straps for the snowshoes today...they work well. I may make a belt... I made one the same way when I was living in Quesnel. I need to make a belly pack for my camera... safer... keeps it over the center of gravity and I can tuck and roll to protect it in the event of a fall.

Wednesday, Oct. 28

Climbed up from the prairie t-bar... to just before crossing above crater lake... skied down... got some good turns in... felt really good... there was an audience... some students from the college who were hiking up to crater lake... some were getting quite tuckered... I sure like wearing the bright colors... I can notice them from my peripheral vision and know I have them on... it feels good... color and tone... from the eyes to the brain/mind... very positive affect for myself.

Made a repair on my attachments on the way up with cloth duc tape... the side with the hole that got screwed up... the tape worked well... Saw a fox on the way up... got the still camera out and got some photos... it looked hungry. I didn't have anything with me. It was licking the road bed... so it knows there is salt there.

I have a nieghbour in the apartment on the street side who is killing himself with drugs... so young and already dead... no future doing what he is doing.

His mind affects everyone around him. I have another nieghbour who gets a sick kick out of hacking into other peoples computers... he will most likely end up in prison... and another nieghbour who thinks he is supposed to me...??????

Thursday, Oct. 29

Fresh snow on the ground... I smiled... made me feel good... I will be able to go skiing after the dentist... may wait until tomorrow... it is still snowing... let it build up. The initial estimate for my teeth was $3000.00... before cosmetic work, the money from the estate is sure helping.

If the person who stole my id cards is reading this... give them back... If the person who stole my sun glasses and sun hat last summer is reading this... give them back... If the person who walked away with my outdoor research mitts last winter is reading this... give them back... If the person who stole my jewellrey in Chilliwack is reading this... give them back... If the person who stole my wallet in Chilliwack is reading this... give it back... If the person who stole my carving tools in Chilliwack is reading this... give them back. If the person who stole my suit and ski pants out of my car in Chilliwack is reading this... give them back... If the person who stole my bike in Quesnel is reading this... give it back... If the person who kept letting the air out of my bike tire is reading this... grow up... If you are in national security or a police officer and reading this... knowing who I am... please look in the mirror...

Friday, Oct. 30

The internet had a birthday yesterday...WWW... to restrict access is to deny knowledge, the internet is the equivalent of the Alexandria Library... we cannot allow it to be destroyed as the library was... we cannot deny access to the internet library to anyone... to do so is wrong. Senses plus knowledge... a given. Senses plus knowledge plus communication... understanding.

I saw a picture of a young girl riding a skate board in an enclosed park in Afghanistan... put a smile on my face... changes... natural desire to have fun... healthy activities... with other changes more outdoor activities can be introduced.

That goes a long ways to putting the archaic beliefs, practices of segments such as the Taliban to bed forever.

There was fresh snow this morning... was still snowing on the mountain. I had planned on climbing up a ways but got a call from the dentist... there was a cancellation so I filled in... the freezing sort of knocked me out for a couple of hours... a power dive is always good. Skiing this weekend.

Saturday, Oct. 31

I love skiing so much... climbed up the ridge today it was blowing... the attachments worked well. Got some pics... the conditions were very difficult... whenever I got to a good patch though... the turns felt so nice... I got some nice turns in today... when I do I'm in my element... a feeling better than any drug. Saw a couple of young snow boarders climing up the lift line like I did when I first began climbing last winter... out of shape... I had to stop a lot... this year I did simpson's gulch to get into shape... it was good to see a couple of young people out this early... they will be in good shape by the time the hill opens... snow boarders get tired thighs... stair climbing would help them a lot. The other day, Wed... when I climbed up... I saw a crow... it hoovered above me... flew around me... skimming the ground in front of me.... circling... skimming... just me and the crow having fun. I thought of mtn carving.

Sunday, Nov. 1 After all the use I got out of the laptable this summer the grout got pretty dirty... I regrouted it today. It snowed this afternoon... more snow in the mountains... thought a lot about skiing... filming and next summer... love at first sight. Took some better photos of the necklaces I made... they are in the seed gallery.

Monday, Nov. 2

The high way is no way. My id showed up... posted an image of snow in the skiing gallery...

Wednesday, Nov. 4

Got some prints done of some of my images... they turned out pretty good. Need to look at framing options. Then maybe a show... Time to revamp the website... with all the images the gallery needs work... ongoing process. Uploaded some pics and an image of my day skiing yesterday.

I just remembered... it has now been over a year since I quit smoking cigars... no smoke or nicotine for over a year. Clean lungs feel good.

Tuesday, Nov. 3

Was thinking last night about 9/11... read about a cruise ship made with steel from the world trade center... also read about the largest cruise ship in the world being built... one of my conjectures was 'What if... On its maiden voyage: The worlds largest cruise ship explodes with massive loss of life?' How would the terrorists react to a cruise ship... what they see as a symbol... made from WTC steel... what would they try to do? It concerns me. I would keep my eye on the largest cruise ship.

Went up to the mountain to test out some lenses on the xl2... the snow was fresh... dry... so I decided to climb instead... got to about where I was in July... a lot of rock patches... the snow was good... I got some good turns in... came down the west side of crater lake... skied down just below the cornice... the snow was nice, got some good powder... stair climbed up to the prairie and then skied back to the hill... some nice soft dry powder on the runs... protected by the trees... the turns were smooth... the snow was soft. Time to give the skis a base grinde and a tuneup... skiing... I love it so.

Thursday, Nov. 5

'Bretheren Dwelling Together In Unity'... Quoted from the Peace Arch at White Rock, ... the border between the United States and Canada... the longest undefended border in the world had meaning... no borders... no fences. No cave vs cave.

Tuned my skis today... with the base grinde did not have to fill anything... the edges came out fine. Bought some parafin... waxed them. Checked and reset the bindings... settings are correct again.

Friday, Nov. 6

I've been around the world... time to explore my home... my own backyard... got some frames for some of the prints... a couple of large ones for the poem. I put up a couple of the prints above my couch... they look good. ... vacuumed the apartment... too much dust for handling the prints. Will frame some more this weekend. Made some soup for dinner tonight... really good, a can of stewed tomatoes... a red pepper... some peas... salt.. garlic and curry powder.. crushed cayanne pepper, also made some bread... just flour and water, a pinch of salt... baked in the oven... oiled each side, very good. I've come to like making bread that way... it is quick... and tastes good.

Saturday, Nov. 7

Framed some more pictures... put some on the wall where I had the plates... I love color. Climbed up to the top of the prairie t-bar 4 times today... the snow was soft and dry... I got some good turns in. I could feel the difference in carving with the edges tuned and the base grinde. I had fun. Framed the poem and a couple more images... they look real nice. Better than I imagined when I first envisioned it on the wall...

Sunday, Nov. 8

Noticed I missed one of my images in printing... I added 11 more to be printed.. It felt good walking into my living room this morning and seeing the poem on the wall... feeling of accomplishment. Baked some date squares and made some choc coconut balls... I found they worked well for a snack and energy skiing last winter.

I listened to a song by Katy Perry today called... 'simple'. I liked it. I listened to some songs by Shania... I liked them... I like her voice... Abba... makes me feel good... I remembered a particular moment... I am not afraid to say I enjoyed the disco period... even listened to Tom Petty's 'Freefalling'... I like that song for skydiving... but it doesn't suit skiing... wrong beat. I tried to listen to some other songs but the connection would slow down... surprise... surprise... one of the girls voice does calm me... sooth me... it really does... I wanted to listen to some of her older music.

Monday, Nov. 9

A fresh dusting this morning... frost... I was thinking last night about a comedian I like... I don't watch much tv... I used to watch David Letterman at night... I think I would probably be watching Ellen Dejenaris if I was going to watch a talk show on tv... she's funny, always puts a smile on my face.

Why do we have fences... are they to keep criminals out... dogs and cats out or are they to keep pets in? For privacy we have curtains... livestock I can understand... if for pets... then is it a cage? I remember my fathers house... no fences... helped plant come cedar bushes... not too high. When he remarried they built a chain link fence... why? No pets... Why?

Tuesday, Nov. 10

Got a few things done then went up and did three runs on the prairie t-bar. There was fresh snow... a dusting... got some good turns in. There was a couple of snow boarders stair climbing up also... I got one of them to take a pic of me. Took one of myself... Driving down I saw a porcupine.

I removed the profile link from each page and just put one on the home page... I have the introduction and other pictures... The pictures I posted today are quite good... the one I took of myself with my sunglasses off is a good likeness. I just got my new seasons pass photo and new drivers license photo also... the new DL photo is very good... the photographic technology for face recognition produces a much better likeness than a webcam... or other 2d photo. I noticed that a lot of the thickness was gone... my nose looks like the one in the mirror... not as big looking as in some photos...

Wednesday, Nov. 11

Drove to the big smoke this morning... need to apply for my passport... maybe pick up a bed... I am tired of a single mattress. Going to look for an organ too... I saw one in Smithers... but I will check here.

Thursday, Nov. 12

Got my passport photo done... like the new Drivers License... it came out very well. I also found a digital keyboard... a yamaha... my first pair of fibreglass skies were a pair of yamahas... they were yellow. My parents bought those... if I wanted to keep skiing I had to buy my own from then on... my 2nd pair was a pair of Rossi 102's...

Friday, Nov. 13

Drove back to Smithers... after 25 years, I finally framed my University Degree and put it on the wall... something I have wanted to do for a long... long... time.

Saturday, Nov. 14

Drove up to the hill, climbed up towards the ridge... very windy... whiteout... was able to take off my skins without taking off my skis... I had considered that option a while back but this was the first time I tried it. Skied down with the attachments on. It felt good to get some fresh air and some exercise... a year of not smoking anything... there are small hairs that grow in the throat... they are affected by pollution and smoke... I have found I am more sensitive to it now... the fresh air... the wind... the exercise helps in cleaning them... they grow back when you quit smoking.

Bought an adapter for my headphones... used my earmuffs over top... they worked well. I came up with a few notes with a rhythm I liked... used them to go through the different modes. It was fun. I hung the pictures I framed yesterday. They look good.

Sunday, Nov. 15

Relaxed today... played with tones on the organ... fixed my happy face glass... made a larger fibreglass bottom for it... won't tip over so easy. I bought six of them for my father a long time ago... he didn't like them very much... they tipped sometimes... I got a few back after he died. The other things I bought him over the years have gone missing... one of the kids got them I guess... tripod... vise... welcome board... the watch I bought him in Hong Kong got stolen... along with some other hierlooms of mine.

Looked at my old high school annual... some tears came to my eyes. Crying is good for you... we all need to cry some times.

Monday, Nov. 16 Climbed up to the ridge just before the peak... skied down to crater lake... the conditions were good... some really good snow... powder. Good some good turns in. Pics on the photos page. On the climb up I saw a crow flying... circling around me... doing barrel roles... having fun. I remembered doing my style set for my c ticket in skydiving... I nailed the barrel role on the first try. I didn't even practise. In my poem, Mountain Range Lion one of the images is of a bird carving... but it is also doing a barrel role... 'On runs of dust... The angel flies.' I see that as a sign... a message... I am going in the right direction. It meant a lot to me... I am not alone. I did an image... I call it... a message.

Last winter I set a goal for myself to climb up to the 2nd ridge and ski down... no problem. I accomplished a goal today... I succeeded... I saw a couple of people skinning as I was skiing down... they didn't keep going.. odd... the snow is good. There was a couple of snow boarders at the bottom practising for the park... one was using a small camera to get shots... they need someone with technical skills to help them.

Tuesday, Nov. 17

We can be proud of our pearly whites... started working on a music page and waxed my skis... a slice of grapefruit... a slice of orange... a slice of lemon... or lemon squash... 3/4 tonic water... 1/4 water... it's good.

Wednesday, Nov. 18

This morning I tried some different tones with the same rythms... I also tried connecting a couple of the rythms I came up with... one of them fit pretty good... I am still trying to find a way to smoothly connect another, I tried a few combinations... Bought some wood today... made a frame for my bed... built in end tables... now I need a double mattress, I am tired of the single mattress I have.

Thursday, Nov. 19

Went to bed early... woke up early... practicing... I like the process of trying to connect the notes... trying to connect the rythms I come up with. Drawing on a cave wall... banging sticks around the fire...

Friday, Nov. 20

Climbed up 6 times I think.... wasn't counting. Went over a small cornice... hit a small rock on the 2nd turn after landing... no problemo. The skiing was good... lots of powder... deep in some places... on my last run I stopped about where the maintenance building is... just before that... two birds flew up in front of me... they were both white... with black tails... they were beautiful... male and female... they looked like pigeons... same family I quess. I felt good.

Saturday, Nov. 21

Climbed up above crater lake... skied down... wind blown... but still got some good turns in. Skied back... they had done some grooming... with the dusting I put the skis on edge and carved some large radius turns... it felt good... climbed up the prairie t-bar once... some powder along the lift line... carved some nice turns...

Sunday, Nov. 22 I am finding the rythm and feeling of playing the organ... the keyboard... is very much like the rythm of skiing... turning... carving... looking ahead... finding the right snow... keys... tones... when the right rythm is found for the terrain... the melody.. the feeling is like floating... being one with your mind and body.

I remember sitting down and watching a helicopter logging one day 5 years ago... I was impressed with the pilot... the rythm and skill... he/she was one with their machine... I feel that way when I am skiing. Returning to my 1st love... skiing... I am finally able to realize and understand why I love it so much.

Found some nice powder... got some really good turns in.... two runs on the prairie t-bar then I went down to the chair and climbed about 3/4 of the way up Ptarmigan... the snow on the right by the trees was deep... soft... the base grinde and tune helped... the skis are carving very well. I ran into some likeminds on Ptarmigan... they were skiing down... I was watching a girl ski... a few of the turns she did were carved very well... she stopped and was trying to show someone else... perhaps a natural inclination towards teaching? Also while climbing Ptarmigan... I saw a raven (crow) gliding by... I then saw in soome whispy clouds the outline of a pterodactyl.... two dinosaurs... they are not extinct.

Monday, Nov. 23

Posted some pics from yesterday and an image I did of the skiers I met on Ptarmigan... I call it Friendly Touch.

Came up with another melody today... connected with the ones I have been practising... also noticed how a small change in tone... a single key can create a whole new melody... I put the keyboard in orchestra mode... one of the melodys I came up with and connected with a new one sounded really good... I really got into it. It is a good intro... I got the same feeling I get when I am skiing... when everything is right in the world. "In my corner of it anyway.".. (I've said that before... in one of my jottings on my old site...

Wednesday, Nov. 25

Went up to the mountain... a lot of snow... still snowing up there. The snow was damp... deep... good for packing... will make a good base. Climbed up three times... the steep pitches were good for turns... in some spots it was like pushing snow... the new snow on the groomed felt good... the skis carved very well... less effort with the base grinde... a flat base... slight bevel on the edge... noticable difference, less effort. I was just org. some writing and realized it has been 6 years this month since I took down... no money... no time.

I saw what looked like a rainbow while I was climbing today... it looked like a white one... the spectrum was very faint... I took a photo... the arch can just be seen in contrast with the blue.

Tuesday, Nov. 24

Relaxed today... after three days of climbing it felt good to just rest. I came up with two rythms that fit with the melody... as I am practicing with my left and right hands... tones emerge that I like... so I try to fit them in. My left hand needs more exercise than my right... I try to come up with ways to move and place the two left pinkies more than the others... developing muscle memory. I printed off a copy of Friendly Touch... a have it above the keyboard. Music...

Thursday, Nov. 26

When all seems lost... A smile... A warm heart... A nice thought... A hug... can heal all. When people complain about the weather... wanting sunshine... I sometimes respond with... "The sun is always shining... when the sun stops shining... that is when we have a problem."

Why is it that BC Hydro charges an estimated usage rate that exceeds annual usage... I pay my actual usage... I noted it on the bills and forwarded them... they insist upon the estimated which exceeds my use... if I do not pay... they threaten disconnection... I pay actual usage... Something is wrong.

Friday, Nov. 27

Opening Day.

I was playing with the various voices (instruments) on my keyboard last night... I found one called 'Stereo Gamelan Gongs'... I really liked the tone of this voice... I liked practising with this tone... the melodies were soothing. One of my favourite songs is called... 'Bang a Gong'...

A good day skiing... on the drive up... I saw a raven do a barrel role just above my car... same as the climb last week... felt good... a good sign... did a lot of cruising... after all the climbing... it felt good to carve. Ran into Carly first thing... she smiled... it was good to see her... she looks healthy.

I was just playing the keyboard when I set the voice to fiddle... I remember taking my mother to 'Lord of the Dance' in Vancouver... I really liked... the girls dancing... the fiddle playing... I like that music...

Saturday, Nov. 28

Got some good runs in today... forgot the camera at home. With needs met... time... creativity in all things. I saw some swallows flying in front of my car this morning as I drove to the hill... On runs of dust... the swallows fly.

Sunday, Nov. 29

Skinned over to Simpsons Gulch... Skied down... small avalanche... it was cool... it was good to see it with snow... the places I climbed up this fall are the best routes to ski down... given snow conditions... it was fun... there was one spot where the powder was heaven... it was nice. The attachments I made to convert my alpine bindings are working fine...

Monday, Nov. 30

Washing and shopping.

Tuesday, Dec. 1

Climbed up Ptarmigan... took the xl2 with me... got some good footage skiing... first time skiing with this camera. Will have to remember to bring the bungi cords for the poles. I saw a raven flying above me as I drove up to the mountain again this morning... it seemed to be keeping pace with me...

Wednesday, Dec. 2

Got a lot of video today... tried holding the camera a bit differently... too jerky... held it the same as yesterday... less manual tilting... tried to keep it vertical with my body. Tried holding quiet and slight bank with some short radius. A couple of mona lisa smiles... a good intro from a fellow I met in the parking lot... I have seen him before... he had a few hours... I still want a pov for some shots.. ie gulch... crater lake... trees... with good weather.. lots of people... I will be able to get a lot of natural and candid shots. Also those wanting to participate... participaction... I like that word... air.. tricks... skiers... boarders... having fun...

Thursday, Dec. 3

Thought about skiing Simpsons Gulch today... some more pure heaven... given weather... I think I will work on the footage some more... I got three nice mona lisa smiles... I took some stills off the footage... they turned out really well. Got a lot of pov footage... a good shot of a couple of tele-markers coming down the liftline... some shots of some employees... smiles... a shot of the fellow I met in the parking lot on Footloose... Saved the footage to my computer... played on the keyboard for a while... came up with another rythm.... tried playing some notes without looking at the keyboard... watched the video rendering while trying some things. Relaxed... thought about a girl on a bike path... and a ski hill.

Friday, Dec. 4

So many people believe life has no purpose... just an ovum and a sperm meeting and creating a life... we now have the intelligence and knowledge to give it meaning... to give it purpose...

Thought of a working title for the movie... 'Why we love it so!' or maybe 'Why I love it so!'

Didn't go to the gulch or crater lake... a bit windy... tried mtn carving... flying the canopy and carving my skis at the same time... maintaining snow contact... in two runs I got about 10 good turns in... better than the 3 1/2 last spring. Maybe by the end of the season I'll be able to do the whole run... Got some footage this afternoon... tried holding the camera a little different... got some lift and snowboarder shots. Should be a lot of people this weekend.

Saturday, Dec. 5

I was just reading some of my conjectures in 'What if... Your Head isn't Empty?' There is one about growing steak in the kitchen... I am looking forward to that one... when we can do that... hunger will end... there will be no reason for harvesting animals... all the land we use to graze cattle... grow hay... will no longer be needed for that purpose... the reason for fences will be gone... when there is no hunger... there is no need to raid your nieghbour... no more cave vs cave.

After growing up deaf in one ear... believing I was tone deaf... I find playing the notes and hearing the tones on the keyboard amazing... I am hearing tones in a new light... seeing mountains in a new light... seeing my backyard in a new light... so amazing...

I got some good shots with the movie camera today... a still that fits with my style of digital art... the sphere... the color... the skier... the light... pic. Also some good skier and boarder shots... a lot of color on the hill today with the young people... I like that. I saw some real good carving by some boarders... tele-markers... skiers... some people just learning how... laughing.. smiling.

Sunday, Dec. 6

I got some good shots with the movie camera yesterday... a still that fits with my style of digital art... the sphere... the color... the skier... the light... . Also some good skier and boarder shots... a lot of color on the hill yesterday with the young people... I like that. I saw some real good carving by some boarders... tele-markers... skiers... some people just learning how... laughing.. smiling.

Stayed on the t-bar most of day today... it was sunny... didn't film.... just skied. On the drive up the mountain I saw another raven drop its left wing twice right above my car... flying... a sign for me... no doubt.

Monday, Dec. 7

Road trip planned for next weekend... going skiing... taking the camera... Haircut today... Anniversary of D-Day...

No haircut... shops closed today... tomorrow.

I remember a dream I had one night a while ago... I was walking by an outdoor cafe... a female police officer walked over to a baby crying in a playpen and said... "You Loose..." then walked back to the table.

Tuesday, Dec. 8

Yesterday I did a tape of the melody I have been playing... learning... it sounded better than with the headphones on... I played it for the first without headphones... in gamalon gong... it sounded really nice... I am not Mozart... I am not Elton John... but I sure like it.

PM... Prince George... on a road trip...

Wednesday, Dec. 9

Checked out a few things... I have time before the weekend... Troll is closed... temp supposed to be about -17 on the weekend.... change of plans. I just used an interact machine at the TD... $1.50 service fee... these fees were put into place to pay for infrastructure... electronic banking... all the infrastructure is in place... why are the fees still in place?

Thursday, Dec. 10

Drove back this morning. Saw a couple of people I haven't seen since the early 80's... it was really nice to see them...

Friday, Dec. 11

Came up with another sequence last night... a rythm... another one today...

After my mother and brother died I had a couple of dreams... in one of them my mother was sleeping in a bed... like a hospital bed... she had died of lung cancer... I had a similar one about my older brother who died of a heart attack at a father son hockey game... I was sitting by his bed... we were talking... I asked him if he had met 'God'... he said, 'He is behind you...'... I stood up and turned around... I did not see 'God'... I saw a swirling mass of energy sitting across from me... we shook hands... like saying 'Hello.' I have thought since... that a place for tlc would be necessary for so many people... a place for r and r... to recuperate after such trauma in life.

Saturday, Dec. 12

Have a cold... in grade 10 I had a bad cold... I loved skiing so much I still went to 100 steps in PG for night skiing... it was cold... it developed into bronchial pneumonia... I missed a lot of school. I won't be going skiing today... I rested today... played the keyboard...

Thought about a decision I am making... one solution not only helps me, but also helps someone else... more than one person... the person has worked hard for very little for a long time. There is a need over above the work he has put in...

Sunday, Dec. 13

I am starting to get enough rythms and melodies to be able to connect them and just play... it is fun... every time I add another one the combinations increase... I have found a 7 key spread between my thumb and little finger is comfortable for myself. I want to go skiing today... it is sunny... but with the cold and the temp... give myself some tlc.

Once upon a time in a country called Canada... there was a province named British Columbia... the best place on earth... my home.

Monday, Dec. 14

Spent the day playing the keyboard... tried doing some recording... need some cables. Did some writing this evening... trying to get a very traumatic period on paper... in words... some aspects are difficult.

Tuesday, Dec. 15

I was looking at the Yamaha logo on my keyboard... the logo I remember on the tips of my first fibreglass skis... I noticed a similarity with something... I did an image of the three tuning forks... along with a keyboard... I included some shining lights on the keys... the notes they represent can be heard when you klick image.... Wednesday, Dec. 16

Went up for some fresh air and exercise... with the cold I have I did only 4 runs... it felt good to clean the airwaves... windpipe... the cilia feel better... fresh air. Haven't forgotten how. I also updated the seed page with some before and after shots of the smaller sculpture.

Thursday, Dec. 17

I was working on something today when I had a thought...I read an article about a constant flowing charge in a ring... what if there is a connection between that and intersecting rings/spheres... could the overlapping charges be significant?

I did an image while pondering the possibility... earlier

I did another music image... the same melody, three more notes... repeated with different tones.... so I added the keyboard and music to this image.

Friday, Dec. 18

I added some more notes to the melody and added them to the image I created yesteday... I call it Music 55. Also got a haircut... it felt real nice having my hair shampooed... scalp massaged.

Saturday, Dec. 19

Went skiing today... got some shots of boarders and skiers in the park... young racers on turkey shoot... a couple of long time Smithers skiers... Some kids going over some bumpy terrain... some children leaning to ski with their parents... one child on their first day... doing very well.... Sunday, Dec. 20

Working on some footage... got some good shots... some good stills... working on the melody and another image I call Serendipity. I will post it when I have finished the melody.

While I was recording the melodies for serendipity I accidentally hit a key that brought up a percussion rythm... something I wanted to know how to do... I had not got to that point yet... the button on the board I discovered today is called... sync start. Serendipitious Syncronicity.

I am playing on the keyboard... what a wonderous thing... our fingertips... the sense of touch. With skiing toes play an important role... the metatarsils... my arch... the sole of my foot.... the sense of touch.

After taking some video yesterday... I thought a pair of twin tips would be good for filming backwards... I was just thinking that a pair of skies with the same characteristics as my Atomic Metrons with twin tips would be nice... I would be able to film another person and carve backwards with less chance of catching an edge... I would be able to snowplow and carve with confidence...

Monday, Dec. 21

I was just reading about some of the apps with the new smart phones... voice activation... ear pieces... in larger centers, where a lot of people are plugged in... sometimes it looks like people are walking around talking to themselves... it's funny.

Watched some home movies last night... made a clip of one of my first days skiing... Tabor Mtn... Prince George... BC.

Serendipity and also one called Serendipitious Syncronicity... I also did an image of some Snowflakes... the result of serendipity.

Tuesday, Dec. 22

Didn't climb to the gulch or the ridge today... too cold. Daily Double is in good shape.... the runs were groomed so I got some good carving in. I was just flying a flight simulator... choose a copter like the one from mash... I recalled a trucker in Stewart, B.C. when I was paving there... he was sitting at the bar... drinking... talking about how he was a machine gunner in Korea... they just kept coming and coming.... I also met a Japanese machine gunner in either Yokohama or Kobe japan... in a bar... he had his campaign hat on... he talked about the marines... they just kept coming and coming... both men... drinking because of bad memories... war is a waste of time. I look forward to a day of no more cave vs cave.

Wednesday, Dec. 23

Working on the website today... clean up... was thinking about something... the thought of a dairy maid came up... kind of funny. I have been playing with the sync button... I am having with it...

Thursday, Dec. 24

Christmas Eve... I am buying a cabin on a ski hill... with a home base... I will be able to explore my backyard... explore 'Love at First Sight'... explore my homes best kept secrets. Merry Christmas.

Friday, Dec. 25

Merry Christmas. I found a rock here... it means a lot to me... it is connected to my whole life.

Cooking a turkey dinner for myself tonight. Looked at some photos of family... found some photos... scanned and posted on my profile...

Saturday, Dec. 26

Pics... Climbed up to crater lake... got some good turns in on the upper side... sun was shining... almost spring conditions... stair climbed back up a ways so I could traverse over to check out the gulch... skied down... the light was a little flat.... only about 2 turns of real powder... but still good skiing. Variable snow density made some turns a little difficult. There had been another avalanche where I had skied before. Climbed back to the chair... made a run down footloose...

Sunday, Dec. 27

Including today... it will be 27 days skiing so far this year.

When my father died... a girl he grew with... someone who married a relative of my fathers... put together a small book for me... I was reading it last night... I like one of the poems. It is called Life's Pathway by Iris Hesselden. I identify with it.

A wayfarer through all the world, A traveller through time. An everyday adventurer, With distant hills to climb. A seeker and a wanderer, A searcher for the truth. A dreamer of a thousand dreams, Re-capturing lost youth. So little time, so short a span, So much to do and learn. Exploring all the paths of life, As seasons swiftly turn. A wayfarer through all the world, In everything we do. In search of love and hope and joy, Still seeking something new.

Got some good scenic pov shots today... one with birds in it... goes back to an idea I had about 10 years ago... got some good shots on the ski hill this afternoon... good carving... skier and boarder... also some really good natural shots of a couple of beginner snow boarders on the last run.

I was just reading some of my old thoughts from one I still agree with..."One thing Sept. 11th and the War on Terrorism has taught one time east/west enemies... is that we all have the same goal! A peaceful world in which all can live freely without fear."

Monday, Dec. 28

I have bought a cabin at Purden Mtn Ski Resort... I will still be able to explore 'Love at First Sight' during the summers.

Skiing the glacier, exploring the mountain... is a goal... a dream.

Wednesday, Dec. 30

Good Morning... Moving day.

Thursday, Dec. 31, 2009, Vanderhoof, BC

Stayed over night in Vanderhoof, I went up the lift with a very nice girl from Vanderhoof last winter. I hear so many people say the words 'can't' .... or 'don't' a lot... I think we should be using the words 'can' and 'do' more often... a 'cando' attitude.

Thursday, Dec. 31, 2009, Purden Mtn. BC

I am in PG... on my way to the hill.

12:45 Unloaded and in the cabin... warm... it feels so nice.

(People have no idea, after what I went through, what it felt like... I was home!) Friday, Jan. 1

First night in the cabin... warm. The hill was fun... new runs... new chair... good snow.

Saturday, Jan. 2

Powder today... shoveled the route to the toilet... got some good runs in.

Sunday, Jan. 3

Got some good footage today... sunny all day... stars are out tonight.

Tuesday, Jan. 5

Went to town yesterday... picked up a generator... forgot some oil... some paper work... quiet day today... loading footage onto computer. Nice to have the keyboard... charging batteries... need to pick up a couple of batteries and an inverter..

Was checking out a box underneath the cabin... found a can of 10w30 oil from the 70's... if I had looked in the box when I was checking the foundation I wouldn't have had to drive to the gas station today. The can of oil is about 35 years old...

Wednesday, Jan. 6

Got some chores done... cleaned the snow trap... built a cover for the generator... cleaned the wood stove... made a sled.

Thursday, Jan. 7

Did an image of Purden Mountain and Purden Lake.

Friday, Jan. 8

Printed a map of the mountain today... skied some runs I haven't skied yet... good ones. Ran into an old friend and his wife... met his daughter... she skis very well. They showed me a run from the hill to the cabins... I can ski home.

Saturday, Jan. 9

Didn't ski today... chores around the cabin...

Sunday, Jan. 10

Some good runs this morning... a chinook so it is warm... soft snow... with some cool air and more snow the base and skiing will be good. Came up with a design last night for the foundation... a possible layout for the new outhouse and workshop... will be able to get a better idea come spring. Set up the keyboard in front of the picture window... can see the yellow chair... it's nice. Going to pick up a converter and a couple of batteries.... get ready for solar panels.

Monday, Jan. 11

Shoveled some snow off the roof...went to town, got some paper work done... picked up a battery and an inverter from a commercial battery dealer, they pointed me towards an RV outlet for solar panels... checked that out... hooked up the battery and inverter when I got back... it works very well.

Tuesday, Jan. 12

Chores around the cabin... feels good. Found a wood box for the battery... put the cable throught the floor, cleaned up the entrance... some yard work.

Wednesday, Jan. 13

Climbed to the top of the yellow chair today... felt good to climb... fresh air, exercise. Skied down the pipe and the face. Two hours from door to hotdog looking out my window.

Was doing some thinking when I noticed something with one of my unfinished pieces of hard clay sculptures... with a little carving it could balance... plugged the dremel tool into the generator and started carving, it came out very well... some more sanding. It can be seen as a number of different things.

I did a new image... I call it Compatible Hearts.

Friday, Jan. 15

Did a new image yesterday... pzzzzzz,

also made a new handle for my adze.

Snowing today... wet... lots of it... will pack well after the thaw this week... the base was hard when I climbed the other day... skiing will be good tomorrow. They were short an instructor today... they asked if I would teach so I piched in... taught a lesson... I had fun.

Will be scouting teaching terrain this weekend... have the batteries charged for video camera... Saturday, Jan. 16

A lot of powder today... got some good runs in. A friend of mine was telling me about the teaching terrain on Baker chair... I looked at it from a teachers perspective today... tried it out using the terrain... it really is good terrain for helping students to initiate and complete turns. The terrain at the bottom of Baker is ideal for beginners... skiers and boarders... was also thinking about how we used to teach anticipation and absorbing bumps... putting in a series of bumps... like waves... would help to teach center of gravity... balance... absorption... anticipation... skiers and boarders. A means for the student to maintain a visual of where their waist is would help...

Sunday, Jan. 17

Got some good video today. Got a good shot of Mel skiing... finally ran into Rob Whitwam... I recognised his eyes through the goggles.... I ran into Lynn Porter at the end of the day when I was updating my website... it was so nice to see her... I knew her as soon as I saw her eyes... we hugged... it was nice. I also got an email from a girl who I remember very fondly...

Monday, Jan. 18

Did an image of Baker chair Uploaded some pics of the small hard clay sculpture I am doing that I call 'Perspectives'... the pics are on the seed page.

I was thinking it's time to re-structure the sculpture and seed sections of the site...

Tuesday, Jan. 19

Went to town, bought a solar panel.

Wednesday, Jan. 20

Hooked up the panel... I had the battery charged in town... they said it needed about another half hour... when I hooked it up to the solar panel... the charged light came on in about 30-45 minutes. I set up the panel in a location that would get the most direct and indirect light. The one I bought is portable... so when I need a larger one I will be able to use this one while out 'roughing it'.

Saturday, Jan. 23

I came up with a rythm using one of the cords from my keyboard manual this morning... fits with the melody... helps to connect some pieces.

Sunday, Jan. 24

Video taped a race today... was able to get footage of all the kids. Adjusted the white balance and the gain... the images were sharper against the snow in flat light. The images of trees and the moon were also very sharp... bright... the focus worked better today with the adjustments I made. Tried skiing with the camera upside down... was cool. There are still a lot of shots where a pov camera would work well.

Monday, Jan. 25 It's snowing.

Tuesday, Jan. 26

Climbed the yellow chair... the snow was nice.. fresh.

Wednesday, Jan. 27

Climbed the yellow chair in the morning, skied down the face... nice snow... got some things done then climbed baker chair... damn it felt good... skied the expressway... I had fun...

A couple of weeks ago I was thinking the smaller version of Perceptions still didn't have a name... I called it the seed or the note as in music... I think I will name it Seed As I was climbing today I looked down and saw a small helicopter seed beside one of my footprints from yesterday... I took a Nature at work planting seeds... fits...

Friday, Jan. 29

Picked up some things in town... dinner and a movie at home. I watched Get Smart... it was one of the funniest movies I have seen in a long time. I will watch it more than once.

Saturday, Jan. 30

Working on the website this afternoon.

Sunday, Jan. 31

Have to go to the post office Monday morning... they screwed up my name on the new address, it will be fixed.

Tuesday, Feb.2

Got the address fixed yesterday... some paperwork mailed. Picked up some things I will need to work on the foundation of the cabin. Ever since I visited a friends family home in England... they called it'Chiddinglye'... I thought it would be nice to name my cabin.... I have thought of a number of names... a neighbor here suggested 'Bob's Place'... I liked it so I carved a sign with it and placed it at the entrance.

Thursday, Feb. 4

Busy the last couple of days putting in some cribbing under one corner of the cabin... given run off in the spring and the precarious positioning of the pillar I decided to ensure the building will be saved in the event of slippage this spring. It also gave me some practise with the solution I came up with for a new foundation. I may strengthen the crib in the middle... so it will be stronger... 3...3...3... beams. The design can also be used as a form for cement later.

I had fun doing it... muscles feel good... I'm pleased... less worry about break-up.. ie... spring run off. While digging I found a piece to a jigsaw puzzle... it was a mast with a sail for a small boat. This morning I found a card near my inner entrance door... it must have fallen out of some old paper... it is an order form for the magazine, 'Canadian Home Workshop'... the business reply postage has '999' in it as does the bar code for the address. I am keeping it since I see a connection to my book 'What if... Your Head isn't Empty... 999 ideas for thought and discussion. I think I will order the magazine.

Friday, Feb. 5

Cleaned up the kitchen stove... lifted the kitchen floor.. washed the linoleum underneath with bleach. Shimmed the cribbing better... settling.

Saturday, Feb. 6

Woke up to tin can noises... a nieghbours dog had got into the garbage... I will have to build a box... I don't want it inside. Not the dogs fault. A cruising day... I had fun.

Sunday, Feb. 7

Built a box for the garbage... now I don't have to get mad at the dogs. Used the same notched joints I used practising with the cabin design last summer. Got some runs in after lunch then played the piano for a while. With the foundation supported until spring... I can start doing some renovations on the inside.

Monday, Feb. 8

While repairing the front door I decided to sand it... it was yellow underneath... it will be yellow again. Cleaned up one of the rooms upstairs... began renovating another room... removed paneling... going to flip them... floor options...

Tuesday, Feb. 9

Went out to test the remote... got some video of me skiing... the first time I have seen myself skiing since Tabor Mtn... a long time ago. Cool.

Wednesday, Feb. 10

Climbed up the yellow chair... skied down the face. Started renovations downstairs yesterday.... removed some paneling and removed the cedar planks around the stairs... I needed to move the sculpture so I put it under the staircase... safe and I can see all around it... in the corner I couldn't see the back patina... I sat down and looked at it... I saw the staircase I want to build... I saw a railing... I saw places to display the smaller sculptures. With all that has happened... stair climbing... skiing... creativity... it fit... everything fits... I am in the right place.

This morning I was sitting on the toilet... the outhouse... I noticed a tree about 15 ft away... I saw the railing... it had a natural bend in it... it is also one that needs to come down. Perfect.

Thursday, Feb. 11

The other day I was sitting in the outhouse and saw a squirrel jump from a tree to a plank I placed along the footings... I thought with the other tree gone it was taking another route... then I saw it come back with some insulation in its mouth. It appeared about a minute later and dashed back across the branch... it came back with another piece of insulation. I noticed a couple of branches close together so I thought maybe that would be a nice place to put a peanut butter jar... let the squirrel clean it... heeheehee. The squirrel came back and stopped at the spot I was looking at... it was cleaning its mouth... the insulation... it stayed for about a minute and then went back to collecting insulation... it will be one warm squirrel. When I was checking out where the nest would be I saw a huge one... he's building himself a mansion.

I won't be touching that tree. I got some of the unleavened bread I bake and placed some peanut butter on it... when I was working on one of the upstairs bedrooms I opened the window and saw the squirrel lapping it up... likes peanut butter.

Taught a lesson this morning... tried the trick I thought of last week... worked pretty well... the student was smiling.

Got some good runs in.

Friday, Feb. 12

Skied the bumps... ran into some other ski instructors from Tabor... one of them is trying for his level 3.

Watching the opening cerimonies for the 2010 Winter Olympics... alot of color. I was hoping to see Afghanistan... I didn't see a team... too bad. I would still like to help them somehow... maybe they can have a team for the next one.

Saturday, Feb. 13

Renovation supplies and shopping... also ran into my nieces at the Bay... Cool... they are looking good. The kids are sure growing up. I was expecting a response to a letter I wrote 2 weeks ago... I did not receive one... it looks like I have a battle to fight. Skiing tomorrow.

Got a flat tire yesterday... not going to worry about it... I could use two new tires.

Sunday, Feb. 14

Did not ski today... worked on the cabin all day...

I have always liked white turtlenecks... I was just looking at a photo of my peewee football team... I have a white turtleneck on under my pads... even then... the only one on the team with a turtleneck.

It is snowing.

Tuesday, Feb. 16

Fresh snow... snowed all day... worked on the cabin... painted walls today... white.

Wednesday, Feb. 17 Painted the kitchen walls... cleaned the cabinets... painted the white ones. Looks good.

Thursday, Feb. 18

Worked on the kitchen some more... repaired some of the cabinet... flipped the panels on the other wall... ready for nailing and mudding. Starting to look good... the oiled trim will look really good against the white walls... contrast. With the walls painted I need to get some more frames.... I can hang more of my art. I think I'll put up the curved tree where I want the railing and let it dry that way... I can peel bark and trim in place. It'll look like a studio suite. Found some orange paint... the outer doors were yellow... they will be again... the inner door I will paint orange. Color.

Friday, Feb. 19

Have had a cold the last few days... a bummer. Congested heads are no fun.

Worked on the other wall... mudding... some more paint... I am getting excited to see the walls painted... came up with an easy method to display my art on the wall using sheets of clear plastic. Painted the inner entrance door orange... looks good... some running will need to sand and paint... I'll take them down in the spring and lay them flat to paint.

A while back... I was thinking about British Columbia... a skier and boarder paradise... while living in Smithers... and seeing all the mountains I was thinking about a slogan for the area... in the process I came up with one for BC... a slogan for marketing internationally... Ski the B.... Ski the Big B... Board the Bee... Ski and Board the Bee.

Our mountains and snow are like honey... like pollen for bees making honey... a feeling... I did an image yesterday, I call it the Big B

Sunday, Feb. 21

Good snow this morning... layed some flooring near my counter top... did some twirls and the twist... a small dance floor. Monday, Feb. 22

Drove to town... picked up some more paint... by this time tomorrow the main floor will look a lot different. Was talking to my great niece a few days ago... I was telling her about in the future there will be swimming pools in space... wieghtless... one big bubble of water... it would be clear... the color of the well reflected through it... swimming in and out of water and air... it would be cool I did an image of it this evening...

Zero Gravity Swimming Pool. I also posted it on the science page. ( One of my favourites )

Wednesday, Feb. 24

Got the walls painted yesterday... sure looks good... didn't climb... the cold I got is still bothering me. Maybe today. Clean up, dusting and some trim today... came up with a few more notes for the melody this morning.

Way back in the days of dinosaurs... not sure how old I was... I used to wonder if history really looked like the black and white old movies and photographs. What would it have been like in color... what did it look like? I have a couple of wooden black tables in the cabin... I painted the top of one of them orange... it looks good. I was thinking this evening... in candle light... less chance of bumping them... easier to see... painted the indoor frame orange too.

Throughtout most of history... we have lived in candle light... I think the homes and clothing were vibrant for a reason... I think it was both seen and perceived as a more colorful world than today. I have seen the youth buying into color... I love seeing all the color on the kids skiing and snow boarding today. It is nice to see the beginning of the end of the solid brown and black phases in fashion. I wonder if that phase started with Henry Ford?

Given that color affects the mood... vibrant prime colors have a very positive affect on those wearing them... and those who see them... they are safer too... thats a bonus... as a bonus... they're saver. It will be nice to have color inside the house... with the new generations wearing more color... I think there will be a lot more smiles. A smile elicits a smile.

Thursday, Feb. 25

Taught a lesson... hung pictures on the wall... orange door trim, looks good. Took some pictures of the renovations... I have before and after that I will post. The roof and floor trim I can do at my liesure.

Friday, Feb. 26

Got a few runs in... posted some pics of my renovations...

Sunday, Feb. 28

Alot of good runs today... one really good run down the face and the bumps... the bumps are getting big enough to jump from one bump to another sometimes... it's fun. Skied yesterday morning too... did some chores in the afternoon.

I overheard a lady while going up the lift yesterday... someone was talking to her... she pointed at me and said I am doing it his way... it is easier. I felt good... she must have overheard me giving someone advise... it was a compliment. It feels good knowing a method I have come up with is working.

Monday, Mar. 1

Worked on some trim... clean up around the outside of the house... firewood... chicken soup.

Tuesday, Mar. 2

Firewood... cribbed up a propane tank... safe now until spring... have to redo the bed when the perma frost is gone.

Thursday, Mar. 4

Chores... built a ladder... trimmed some branches around the chimney... checked out the property line with a compass... was thinking about the staircase... I need a new base for it... found two trees today... actually yesterday... since I need some more cribbing... they have some curves in them that will be perfect... they will curve around with the curved railing... it's going to be cool. Got a few runs in... worked on the upstairs bedroom... some more chores. A sunny day.

Saturday, Mar. 6

A good day skiing... got a good bump run in on the face... I can feel the sun on my face... feels good.

Sunday, Mar. 7

A nice relaxing day today.

Monday, Mar. 8 Went skiing this morning... about 3-4 cm of new snow... fine... cold snow... on th hard base it was very smooth in some places... still needed sharp edges though. I thought about the stanza in my poem... On runs of dust... the angel flies.

Tuesday, Mar. 9

While playing the keyboard in my cabin I came up with this rythm... I feel good playing it... my whole body wants to dance.

Thursday, Mar. 11

Good carving snow... hard packed. Worked on the center cribbing this afternoon.... the center post is about 2" lower than it should be... need to support it.

Friday, Mar. 12

In Prince shopping... doing laundry. Watching a movie tonight... I have loved everywhere I have ever been.

Sunday, Mar. 14

Skied yesterday... worked on firewood today.

Monday, Mar. 15

Trimmed some branches... resting today... cleaning up underneath the cabin... more cribbing to do.

Tuesday, Mar. 16

Started the closet in the upstairs master bedroom.

Thursday, Mar. 18

Climbed up the yellow chair yesterday... had a nice run. Working on the upstairs master bedroom today.

Friday, Mar. 19

Climbed up Baker chair... had a nice run. Worked on the master bedroom...

Saturday, Mar. 20

Took some pics of the t-bar and yellow chair. I have photos of the hill taken on Mar. 20, 1974 so I took some today... 36 years later... I will be framing them.

Monday, Mar. 22

A world of creativity, recreation and fun... the future. Tuesday, Mar. 23

Was just looking for my ruler... I needed a straight edge to cut some paneling... it is the same ruler I bought when I was writing and making copies for 'What if...... Your Head isn't empty?' I have used it for a lot of different things. It is a Rotex Stainless Steel ruler... 18 inches long... 14 years. Like the energizer rabbit. Kudos.

Hiked up the yellow chair... there was 6 inches of new snow at the top... skied down the face... soft snow.

Wednesday, Mar. 24

Worked on the bedroom most of the day.

Thursday, Mar. 25

Worked on the bedroom and clean up around the yard. Had a bath last night... felt good. No running water so heating the water on the wood stove takes a while... I find I have a bath about once a week. Sponge otherwise. Sure feels good when I do... I am using candles in the evening... I use my batteries for charging and the keyboard. I use the generator for movies or the computer... I am still going to try the wind turbine. If I can maintain a charge in my batteries I will be self sufficient. Took some more plywood away from the foundation... I can see better. I know it is going to take a while... a lot of sweat and tlc... I have begun filming what I am doing... I plan on trimming the trees about head hieght and cleaning up the deadfall... raking undergrowth and cutting the devils heads... grabbing one by accident is a bummer. I want it to look like a park.

Friday, Mar. 26

Painted the upstairs bedroom today... sure looks good... one more poly filla and another coat of paint. Axe broke day before yesterday... hammer broke today... I need new handles... and a rake for the yard. Looking forward to moving my bed into the master bedroom.

Will do the roof later... I think I will leave the window with red trim. Bought some yellow paint for the front door the other day.

Hiked up the yellow chair... the snow was soft on top...about 3 inches... hard underneath... I skied down the face... it was nice... not wet like cement.... the bumps were fun.... took some

Sunday, Mar. 28

Worked on the bedroom yesterday... framed the door. Checked out a script for a guestbook... the one I wanted to use wouldn't work on my isp... they told me to use one on their behalf... what about one on my behalf? One look at the config script and I knew something wasn't right.

Made some powdered milk and shook it up in the bottle... the blue lid and the white foam reminded me of someone... milk... I did an image.

Tuesday, Mar. 30

Dragged some logs for cribbing up to the cabin... used cable and a come along... filmed it. Worked on the upstairs bedroom yesterday... moved my bed in... slept well... it was nice having the sunlight shining in the morning. I was standing out front this afternoon looking at the cabin and property... sort of seeing what I have been planning in my mind... I said to myself, 'Look what I have!".

Wednesday, Mar. 31

Worked on the upstairs bedroom... some cleanup around the yard.

Thursday, April 1

Skinned the bark off the curved log I am using for the staircase railing. Looks good.. For years I had a favorite spoon, it had the right symmetry, shape, feel... I lost it... I had not been able to find the same spoon until I moved into this cabin... I found one almost exactly the same... cool... a simple spoon.

Friday, April 2

Took a few runs... painted the inside door yellow... also the entrance. The yellow against the white with red trim and white hinges on the inside door looks cool. I am hanging a copy of Moon Base Alpha on the inside... I was thinking of cedar ceiling and floor trim... or strips of 1x3... I think I am going to go with the strips and paint them dark blue... royal blue or purple. Maybe one door too.

Sunday, April 4

Skied this morning... snow coming this week... I'll get some good powder. Just checked the weather... maybe not... I'll still get some good skiing in.

Tuesday, April 6

Picked up my mail... no magazine... I ordered the Canadian Home Workshop over a month ago... they told me I would get the March Issue... it never showed... the April wasn't there either... I also got some mail from the Canadian Government pertaining to my website. I am not very happy. Worked on some new steps for the base of the staircase yesterday... you can see the steps and the railing in these photos...

Wednesday, April 7

Worked on a door frame for one of the other bedrooms... also stacked the steps at the bottom of the staircase to see what it will look like... when finished the ends will meet the railing... it's pretty cool.

Thursday, April 8

Snowed last night... Skinned up the yellow chair... pushed snow breaking trail... there was 35cm of new snow at the top... skied the face... nice... climbed up the trail I broke... skied down the pipe and lower pipe... the steep section on the left side of the pipe going down was deep and pure heaven. The trees on the lower pipe... again were pure heaven... a real nice run. ... the last shows both.

Friday, April 9

Climbed up the yellow chair this afternoon... skied down the face and then the right side of jr. national... the fall line was nice... the snow was pure heaven.

Saturday, April 10

I painted the inside of the back door yellow and hung the picture of Light on Spring (two rabbits kissing), on the inside. I went out this morning and noticed rabbit tracks in the snow on the steps... a rabbit had climbed the steps to my door. Cool... a sign.

Climbed up the yellow chair... did the same run as yesterday. Climbing I saw rabbit tracks crossing the bowl... the same place as the cat tracks I saw yesterday.

I also got a pic the other day of a flying ant in the middle of a wishbone.

Sunday, April 11

Climbed the yellow chair twice today... skied the pipe and lower pipe... then the face and jr. national. The powder was still soft and deep in places. Made a slushie with some snow and passionate peach juice when I got back... I haven't had one in a long time... it tasted real good. Relaxed all afternoon.

Monday, April 12

Needed firewood... found a dead fall that was off the ground... it was dry inside... carried about 6 3 ft sections back to the cabin... split them... worked on the door frame for the other bedroom. Moved the keyboard outside and played for about an hour at lunch.. it was sunny and warm.

Tuesday, April 13

Didn't sleep well... woke up feeling pretty good though... a sunny day...

Climbed up the yellow chair... skied down the pipe... lower pipe... it was beautiful. Was going to climb up baker chair to check out a tree I found a while back... took a look and decided to climb up... went back and got my skis.

Wednesday, April 14

Climbed Hikory Wing... found some powder... climbed back up... skied Stowell... nice powder... had lunch... climbed back up... skied the wall... a bit wetter... nice powder... On the climb up Hikory wing I came across some tracks... it looks like a bobcat caught a rabbit... I also came across some tracks on stowell... a bobcat catching a bird (dinosaur)... cool. On the climb up to ski the wall I crossed paths with a caterpiller... the first one I have seen this year.

Thursday, April 15

Worked on the upstairs bedrooms... took the old railing down from the entrance way. A beautifl sunny day... I wore shorts and bare feet this afternoon. Felt good.

Friday, April 16

Worked on soom cedar trim in the upstairs bedroom... caught some squirrels running through the cabin... no problem... they smell the peanut butter. The tomato and bean seeds I planted a couple of weeks ago are sprouting... they will be ready to transplant when I have the garden finished.

Saturday, April 17

Scanning and printing some information I need to write my music down... learning notation. Tried writing down some of my melody... cleaned up the kitchen... nice to relax. Did another image the other day of something I saw in the clouds... I will post it soon.

When I was taking some video of the backyard the other day... I had shorts on and bare feet... I saw a shape like my spheres... it had what looked like a fetus inside... I did an image I call it CloudChild. Sunday, April 18

Wrote some more of my melody down... another cabin owner, one of the origional owners out here, Lorraine, Mrs. Knight liked it... she loaned me some books that helped ... she is the mother of a couple of guys I knew as a young man... Bob and Doug... they were good skiers... worked on the garden terrace and moved an old footing to use as a retaining wall. Tried digging around the foundation... but there is still ice in the ground... another week or two...

Monday, April 19

Went to town today... picked up a few things... got a haircut... sure feels good.

Tuesday, April 20

A beautiful day... cleaned up some old firewood that has been sitting in the front yard for a long time... split them to let them dry in the sun. Started repairing the outhouse... it will be a while before I build a new one. I want to close it up... a new door... paint and throw in some chemicals. Flies are now appearing... I don't really want to go to the toilet with a lot of flies around me. Sealing it will also limit the flies around the cabin.

I picked up some old newpapers yesterday for the fire... I was reading the Weekend Review of the Vancouver Sun dated April 10, 2010. Kudos to Stephen Hume for his artical on the Access to Information Act... I agree with what he is saying... it is about time. He quoted Gordon Campbell, 'Government Information belongs to the people, not to the government.' We should not have to pay for it... it belongs to us... it is ours. We are entitled to the truth.

I was reading in The Vancouver Sun this afternoon on the net... thousands of dead heads celebrating 420 on the steps of the art gallery... the art gallery celebrates creativity... 420 destroys creativity... they are not compatible. I believe in moderation in all things... those advocating 420 believe in excess... all they are doing is shooting themselves in the head... destroying brain cells... destroying perception... destroying their future.

Wednesday, April 21

Stacked some wood... covered the rest with a tarp. Might rain today. Going to work on the outhouse... with the weather... fewer flies. Then finish the upstairs. The front inside door was sticking this morning... so the ground is thawing, another week and I'll be able to put in the cribbing... jack up the center and level the building.

Cribbed and leveled the outhouse... raised it 6-8 inches... put in some chemicals. Used a shovel to move some around... I gagged... worse than changing a diaper. I'm glad I didn't do it in hot weather. Still need to do the door... clean the inside and repaint. It will do until I build a new one. Shimmed the cribbing under the cabin... the ground is thawing... but there is still ice. I hooked up a pipe to some gutter to fill a water tank I have... I thought it would be a way to clean it out.. I finished in time... it was drizzling all day... then it began to rain. It is now snowing... so I started a fire and put a coat of plastic sealer over the landing upstairs that I oiled. If it dries well I will put a few more coats on. The sealer is similar to poly... it is about 15 years old... so I am trying it on a small area.

Decided to have a few beer and relax. The falling snow is beautiful. I played the keyboard for a little while... there is one melody I play that I love. It makes my body move.

Listening to Shania Twain on the computer... I remember in the spring of 2004 I ended up in the psychiatric ward of MSA hospital in Abbotsford, BC. I recall seeing Shania in concert on the TV... due to my hearing handicap and the noise of those around me I wasn't able to hear her music. I went back to my room... crawled into bed and cried... it is not fun being hearing impaired. I cried because I was deaf... I wan't able to hear. Her music still moves me. She is one of the best singers Canada had ever produced.

Thursday, April 22

Cribbed the center beam at the back of the cabin... took some video... there is a bluejay... tapping the window window... it's hungry... I have some bread I made... just fed it. I found the center beam has fallen another two inches... I was going to paint the outhouse today... but raising the center beam is now a priority. I shimmed the center cribbing the other day... saved it from falling more... it looks like it has seperated from the floor beams... I have to find a strong flat piece of thick wood... or steel... or cut some thick lengths to support a steel pad and the jack so I can lift the center beam back into position... I will need to do that tomorrow with cribbing at the front. I will take video. There is always a solution!

While looking for something to use I decided to go for a walk under the lifts... I found a lot of things in smithers... today I found some lip moisturizer... a womans watch... and a decal of a pink rabbit... I found a decal with a four leaf clover in smithers... with the rabbit coming to the door after putting up Light on Spring... kind of neat. I also checked out some areas where the snow plow piled snow... I found a stuffed animal... smiling... pink... long eye lashes... wearing a yellow bikini top... sans underwear.

Friday, April 23

Got the center beam leveled... blocked the front... blocked under the center post... jacked it up. Feels really good to have it done... success. One crack in the upstairs bedroom that needs to be filled... the door frame on one of the smaller bedrooms needs to be adjusted... anticipated that... the stair case is down about 1 1/2 to 2 inches. Everything went well... still want to crib the center... but I will let the blocking settle for a couple of days. The pressure on all the other cribbing and blocking is good. Took video at various points in the process. Got I nice shot of a Willow blossom...

A shot of the cribbing and blocking of the center beam I leveled today.

Saturday, April 24

Woke up to snow on the ground... snowed most of the day... it was nice... I am sure glad I got the center beam leveled... If I had waited I think it would have come down... the cabin would have collapsed inwards... I saved my life.

When I was hauling the logs from the back of the property to level the center beam... I was remembering a documentary about US Navy Seal training... hauling logs... endurance... stamina... focus.

Rested most of the day... painted the counter cabinet trim navy blue enamel... looks good... have to decide how to do the doors... yellow or red or orange... or all blue.

I was looking at the center post... noticed the pictures are now crooked... I will have to level them... .. feels good to know the floor is level now.

Played the keyboard... trying to learn how to use both hands... just listening to the tones... I enjoy pretending that the higher notes of the right hand is a girl talking to me... and my left is me talking to her. It's fun... it really is. Creativity... recreation... health... knowledge.

Sunday, April 25

Measured the boundries of the property. The creek runs through it... a large deadfall was at the back of the property... I saw it a few months ago. It might be good for a cross beam or cribbing... the top for firewood. I measured it... cut it... practised hauling out the top end with cable and the hitch of the car from the back of the property... worked well... I should be able to haul the large trunk out the same way... put some small logs down for rollers. Split some of it... nice and dry... very straight and tight grain. Hopefully I can use it as a beam. The back of the property is wider than I thought... there is also an access to another cabin at the back of the property... with that and the creek I might reconsider where I was going to build a workshop. There is a relatively level area just above the creek... it might be suitable.

Monday, April 26

Finished painting the center counter navy blue and yellow... looks good... moved the tool box and generator to the other side of the cabin and blocked them level... better access to the far beam. Cut out a section of floor in the entrance way to acess the front corner... will need to cut out a section on the inside also... with the corner and entrance blocked I can work my way to the back corner... it is quite soft in that area... a cross beam that has fallen off is still usable... I will be able to place it under the wall and block all the way to the soft corner. Took some video of what I have been doing the last couple of days...

Tuesday, April 27

Worked in the front cleaning up... trimming brush... cleaned up around the garden terrace... found a beam thrown away in front... moved it to use as a terrace wall... too soft for the cabin. Lifted a sheet of plywood inside the front door... I have access to the corner virtually sitting on the ground... a mess... there is always a solution though... beams have fallen over... with no access it probably has not been really touched since the cabin was built. Can do though! Will block tight and work my way to the back corner. The center I blocked the other day has settled... time to finish the blocking on the center beam. Will need to haul in the tree I found at the back of the property.

Made some home made power bars this morning... sweetened condensed milk... package of cinnimon porridge... half package of coconut... about a cup of raisin bran cereal... damn good.

Made some salsa today... cut some potatoes into chips and deep fried over the stove... first batch turned out pretty good.

Wednesday, April 28 it's raining out, the smell of fresh rain smells so good... the scent of the trees and plants permeates the air. I was going to get the tree from the back of the property... with the rain I am going to monitor the cribbing today instead. Oiled 'Perceptions' and the seeds this morning... it sure looks nice oiled.

Thursday, April 29

Dragged the log out from the back of the property... filmed it. It will work well for cribbing... finished cribbing the center post... letting it settle and then crib the back wall.

Friday, April 30

Cleaned up brush and started burning today... started a fire pit... started the retaining wall for the garden terrace... decided to do a carving with one of the stumps... it is coming out nice... stump sculpture... an idea.

Saturday, May 1

It's snowing... I have been thinking about the wow factor the last few days... I have a joke about how woman got her name... a caveman at the mouth of a cave... a woman walking by... I have it on my writing page. How about if we use 'wowfriend' instead. People say that's my guy... or that's my girl... I think I will say thats my wowfriend... or thats my wow!

I was a little lonely the other day so I did an image of my feelings... I took the milk image and added myself... I call it 'Alone in a Crowd'. Sunday, May 2

Cleaned up the cabin this morning. A couple of ladies, Lorraine and Lynn stopped by for tea... they like the art and what I am doing with the cabin and property... we talked about a woman, Melanie, who is opening a gallery in downtown Prince George... it will be across from the farmers market. A good idea.

Began updating my profile on Facebook.

Monday, May 3

Made a small video to say hello on face book and began a new page for my website... I will be calling it 'wowfriends'. I will be working on it over the summer. Planted some raspberry bushes near the garden terrace that a nieghbour gave me... Jam for 2012.

There was an old box... the other day I noticed the printing and the image... the box is probably about 15 - 20 years old... is the advertising subliminal or overt? A bit of both...

I was just reading how it can be too sunny at the new Duchess Park High School... intelligent windows would be nice... I wonder if the large windows make some of the students nervous... affecting attention... sometimes too bright... everything visable from the outside... they make sunglasses that adjust... why not windows?

Tuesday, May 4

I am making a foot railing and shelf for the kitchen counter. From the living room it sort of looks like a bar. When I stain it and modify the supports it'll look nice... I still plan on carving some stools... painted my upstairs bedroom today... now the trim and clean up so I can start the floor.

I posted a couple of images I did a while ago... one I call Magic Carpet Ride... the other Loving Hug. Ephiphany moments... Hubble deep field... Earth from outer space...

I have either a baby racoon or a fox with short legs haning around the cabin... under the entranceway... unusual... no parent.

Wednesday, May 5

The internet is down at the hill... I am not getting a signal... no one was in the building when it shut off... the router is inside the Lodge. No one else is here... I quess someone has flipped a switch with a satellite connection.

Painted my dresser blue and yellow... it looks good... put on a scarf... goggles... hat and gloves... removed the moldy roof and wall in the entranceway... found a false roof... I think once I have the foundation fixed I will remove it, fix the roof and then put in a cold closet. Found a large tripod shaped willow... I will be using it as a balance post for the new entrance railing. I need to find five more.

I need to do laundry and pick up a few things... so I will update the site then...

Thursday, May 6

Have gone to town to do laundry and pick up a few things... and update the site.

Stopped my my sisters in Salmon Valley to do laundry... check out their new fifth wheel.

Saturday, May 8

Dug a trench to drain some water around one of the footings.. I am going to find some gravel this morning... hauled a tree in yesterday from the back of the property. Took some footage. Found some gravel and another willow tree trunk with four off shoots... also a fishing net... filled the trench with the gravel... covered... took down the raised walkway... dug some stairs in the bank... it will be safer... began training some branches to grow horizontal... I am going to try making some living railings... the tripod willows will be good as supports and for training the willow branches.

Monday, May 10

Worked on the gribbing yesterday... drained water from the back... it will flow to the garden... determined I needed to wait for frost to thaw... digging a trench under the far wall for drainage I found ice... I will need to wait so water will flow... a couple more weeks. Worked on the front walkway... dug steps. Looks cool... A squirral came looking for the peanut butter jar... it wasn't there... I put some on the railing...

Tuesday, May 11

Worked on the walkway yesterday... built a frame for gravel and two steps with rock... it looks real nice... Worked on the walkway again today... filled the frame with dirt and some landscaping.

Just found out someone else is using wowfriends... so I will have to come up with another name for the new page on my site.

Wednesday, May 12

Hump day... painted the inside of the outhouse... looks good... still some work to do... started to make a new door...

I needed a pensil... couldn't find one so I looked in a crayon jar I have... there was a liquid marker... I noticed later it advertized... 'Bob the Builder, Can we fix it? Yes we can!' I like that, it is a can do attitude.

Thursday, May 13

Put on the new door... finished painting the biffy... looks good...

Dinner and a movie... had homemade pizza the other night.

Friday, May 14

Evening... built a sled for the water tank... towed it and tried hauling with it half full... to much wieght... I was able to tow it back with about 350 litres of water and attached a hose... need a longer one to reach the cabin. worked on the walkway... cleaned up the front.

Saturday, May 15

Going to snag a tree from the back of the property today... also work on the front and find some black dirt for the garden.

Kudos to Initiatives Prince George... I stumbled upon their ad in the Prince George Citizen while crumpling paper for the fire... I sat down and read it... I like it... the logo is a good one... illustrates the future and the present... illustrates why PG is the hub. It is the reason why I tried coming back north 6 years ago... why I kept trying so hard to relocate here... to come home. Rekindling my love for skiing... my 1st love... why I bought the at Purden... my knowledge... my experience... I wanted to bring them home. Kudos to KPMG for rating us Number 1 in the Competative Alternatives Study... they got it right.

I was reading something in the news the other day about cell phones... as I have said before... the infrastructure for communication,( as is the banking system ), is in place... pretty much payed for... with free voip on the internet... cell phones could go the way of the dodo bird... there is no need to be charging for communication over the internet... it is a necessity for global understanding... which is a requirement for no more cave vs cave... free communication... when we can all communicate with one another without the stress of a bill... ( ie: the worry of how much it will cost... no more arguements over bill size...) no more telecon competition... no more disinformation about technology. When we have free communication over the internet... we will be a step closer to understanding why the hearth is so important. Genetics... Energy... Communication... no more Cave vs Cave... no more evil... no more hate. Two things invented by the human race... will vanish

I was just reading on Global Voices Online that Russian Cyrillic domains went online May 13... we need one language for the internet... we do not want the internet to become Babylon... we need understanding... is translation software available that does not confuse? When I first began in 2000 I included links to tanslation services from Alta Vista... necessary... we must ... design for understanding.

As a note... when I began building my new website I tried to acquire my old domain name... it was taken by someone else... They have a page up that does nothing but show a crazy moose... is that a shot at me? I think it is. Internet trolls need to grow up.

Clean up today... tried dragging the tree out from the back of the property... but it is hung up on a couple of cedars... I think I will cut it in lengths from the bottom for the garden terrace... the rest if it falls for firewood.

Sunday, May 16

I have been reading about the oil leak in the gulf... they now say it is a leak in a pipe... so it must be between the wellhead and the shore or the surface... that explains the attempt to turn off the Blow Out Preventer... why a leak in the pipe though? The depth... the pressure... the material... it doesn't really fit. A lot of hidden (covert) acts of war going on at the moment... not the scalpel of a surgeon though... but the axe of a butcher?

I was just reading about a study that seems to confirm that all life on earth evolved from a single cell organism about 3.5 billion years ago... common sense.

Good Afternoon... turned over the dirt in the garden... cut out roots... threw out rocks... will need to haul some black dirt from where I want to put a cistern and turn it in... stopped for lunch... made a poor mans chili... beans, ham, halipeno pepper, onion, green pepper, cayenne pepper... made some unleavened bread... water and flour.. it was good.

Went back and hauled the log I was cutting yesterday... cut it in two pieces for the terrace retaining wall...

Monday, May 17 Dug some black dirt where I am going to try to put a cistern... spread it on the garden... letting it dry... moved an old footing... positioned the logs I placed for the retaining wall. Looks good. Moved a footing... had a power dive...went for a climb up Baker chair.

Took my machete... did some clearing around an access to the cabin trail... will clear some more willows as the summer goes along. I am going for a hike anyway with a machete so why not? Good exercise. I carry the machete for security... physical and phsycological... I don't want to be defenceless if I run into a bear or a cougar.

I was checking something out on Google Earth... found that the father of someone I went to school with has a park named after him... cool... I liked him. I know how his children and grandchildren will feel... my great-grandfather on my grandmothers side has a lake named after him near Harrison Lake... it is called Weaver lake... names after my great-grandfather Thomas Weaver. It's cool.

By observing what was dropped I found that a lot of people lit up around tower 3... ie cigs or ganga... opend a bottle... ie beer... micky... and then dropped them around tower 10...

I think I have come up with a theme song for my video... ie: What I love it so? skiing...a rythm I really like and a beat that really gets my body moving... and also a song I can ski to when I am sure it is safe to wear headphones. I really enjoy coming up with my own stuff. I will post it with an image when I have it done.

Tuesday, May 18

Cleaned up and raked around the yard... some burning... stacked lumber... planted some wildflowers... cut some seed potatoes.

Did an image for the melody I came up with the last couple of weeks... I like it. I call it and the melody senses. The way it came out... a lot of serindipitious views.. my body moves and it feels good.

I cut my little finger... with a bandaid on I could not stick it in my nose... what a bummer. I tried the right... but I just couldn't get that spot. Heeheehee

Wednesday, May 19

Noticed that taliban stormed Bagram airbase... going to be a hot summer.

We all want peace. Reading the net I came across the blog of a young lady in Azerbaijan... she speaks from the heart Arzu.

I just read that we spent $250 million to give the museum of nature a makeover... how many actually get to see the museaum... why aren't we spending the money trying to get people outside... seeing our home for real.

An anarchist group firebombed a bank branch in Ottawa... I just shake my head. When are they going to get out of kindergarten.

It is a sunny day... I might go fishing... I may go for a climb... I might clean up the house... I might work on the walkway to the outhouse... I might turn over the ground in the garden... I might take some footage of what I have been doing... I will be doing something outside.

Hiked down to the lake and back...

I was just reading about "An ambitious proposal to build a large Islamic centre and mosque blocks from Ground Zero has made some New York citizens angry." It is the equivalent of giving western civilization the finger... the proposal itself makes war... creates hate. Not a good thing. Insensitive. Stop it.

I was just listening to Avril Lavignes new Alice in Wonderland video... the song is a good one... I like it.

Thursday, May 20

Cut off a lot of devils heads today... they are a weed... I wanted to get them before the leaves grew... they are quite large... harder to cut them down then. When one pokes its head up... it will come off. They have sharp needles all over them... grabbing one is a bummer.... now I won't.

Evolution of conciousness... what if after we die our conciousness lives on... if so.. then would the conciousnesses of other intelligent/sentient life elsewhere also live on... what if those consiousnesses that lived millions of years ago...light years away and on earth still evolved... could still learn... what if those beings of light are what we consider or perceive as angels... what if they really are trying to help us, both in the material and spirit, understand... that there really is no such thing as hate.. that a state of mind where cave vs cave doesn't exist is possible... that the conciousness... the spirit can still learn... can still evolve... can still help. What if they are trying to teach our 'dead' to understand...? What if thought net and soul net are real... but communication between them is being abused.

Friday, May 21

It is snowing... what a bummer... playing the keyboard... may finish the book shelf... not working outside today. A real blizzard today.

I was just reading on bbc news about the 'creation of synthetic cells'... we are a step closer to growing meat... food... the elimination of hunger... weather will no longer be a factor... so much farm and ranch land will be free. No more harvesting of animals... the seasonal function in the production and distribution of food will no longer be a factor in our economy. With unlimited energy... ie fusion... no cost to growing food...

Saturday, May 22

Odd jobs today... fixed my headphones... got some old lumber for a bridge to the outhouse.

Had a real nice half hour on the keyboard... at some points it felt like a good run skiing... a nice feeling.

Sunday, May 23

I think I will work on the walkway to the outhouse today... still snow on the ground... it is supposed to be warm all week... I'll be able to get started on the east wall... the footings are sinking and sliding... time to get it supported. Can do.

Worked on the walkway... still some work to do... the bridge will look good when the wood dries and I can stain it... also started a new pad for the propane tank. The new location is on rock... not as soft as the old one... with rock and gravel it will be safer. Also not an eye sore in front of the cabin anymore.

Heating some water... going to have a nice hot bath... I am dirty... it is going to feel good.

I was just reading about the survivors of the plane that crashed in India... it split in two... reminded me of a nightmare I had a long time ago... I was in an aisle seat of an airplane landing... the seat was over the wing... it began breaking up... fire everywhere... it broke apart... I walked away from the airplane and the fire... then woke up.

I just listened to a song by Safura Alizadeh from Azerbaijan... she is their entry in Erovision... she is good... I like the song... I hope she wins... it would help that area so much... music.

Monday, May 24

Went and got some rock... worked on the walkway... looks good. Got some more gravel for the entrance walkway... repaired the wheelbarrow... moved some gravel to where I am going to put the propane tank. Checked out some logs I found to see if they would be suitable as support beams for the cabin... perfecto mondo.

Found a unique shape in a tree that will make a great sculpture... I may be able to work it into the staircase.

I was just reading on the net that the word ' of making unexpected and happy discoveries, is derived from "Swarnadip", the sanskrit term for Sri Lanka.' I have visited Sri Lanka... I'm pleased the war is over... it is a beautiful country... the people are friendly... nice. I remember picking up some hitchhikers one day... they were school teachers... I liked meeting them... when I got back home I sent them a copy of 'Beautiful British Columbia Magazine.' When the tidal wave hit... the school they taught at was in the area... it bothered me. I came across a blog yesterday of a fellow in Sri Lanka... it is called Serendipity'... I liked it... his views reminded me of mine... comments I have voiced in the past on my previous website... (my site no longer in existance) I have archived submissions on this site.

I experience a lot of serendipity... today I was reminding myself that I needed some rebar for the entrance walkway... I was cleaning up near the outhouse walkway when I found some rebar under some rotten wood... it will come in handy.

Saw two humming birds while surfing and updating this evening.

Tuesday, May 25

Tried putting some of my music to some ski footage... I like it... I am looking forward to getting the east wall supported so I can finish the entrance... that is where I want to put the electrical panel...For editing I need more electrical power than the solar panel or the generator I have can provide. Began trenching the east wall to the garden... a lot of water... diverting the water away from the cabin will solve a couple of issues... it will provide water for the garden... and will help to keep the cistern full.

I dug some more black dirt from where the cistern is going... as I approached it the water looked clear... I went back and got a glass... dipped it...the water was clear... I drank it... no ill affects so far... with the black earth... it is probably full of minerals... if what I drank does not make me sick I have a good cistern... a lot of water collects there. I will be able to pump to the cabin easily and possibly be able to keep it insulated during the winter. I should be able to draw water as I am digging it... small removable perforated pipe/culvert.

Wednesday, May 26

Went for a hike yesterday afternoon... wanted to check out a trail someone showed me... found another one that led to a creek... needs some logs cut and moved. Went further to the creek... a very old animal track... cut off a lot of devils heads... found a real nice spot on the creek.. shallow... a small water fall... also some grizzly hair... it was beside some old mans hair... a fine hanging moss... I had to double check... not quite the same... grizzly... movement in periferal vision... a touch of adrenaline... but no tracks... old hair... no bear. found an old trail up the bank to the road...

Started digging under the east wall... went and cut some more logs for cribbing... also measured another for cross beams... I might be able to get two out of one of them. Turned the garden... made some rows... was thinking of a snack... I had a bunch of carrots I hadn't touched in a while... when I grabbed one it had shoots growing from the top and small roots growing out of the carrot... I cut the carrots and seperated the shoots... I planted the small cuttings to see if they will grow. I kept the rest of the carrots... still good.

Thursday, May 27

Working on a video for senses... working on the garden... playimg music today.

Friday, May 28

Played my music this morning... felt good...

Found an old volcanic rock with a large hole it it a while ago... this morning I tried incorporating it with one of my other pieces... the boat works well.. skiing... ski hill...

While planting the tomato and beans I started a few weeks ago... I found some black clay... very fine... from the cistern I was digging... I softened it... worked it and shaped a seed... I am going to let it dry... then carve and sand it... see what it looks like.

Saturday, May 29

Worked on the front yard today... cleaned up... stacked wood... looks better.

Sunday, May 30

Burned some brush... landscaped and dug some steps in the front... made a bench with one of the garden terrade logs... used the adz... and grinder.... I was going to make it flat... but as I started I began sanding the knots and the grain... I went with it... it looks good... oiled it with linseed oil... filed an old dentist tool... used it as a sharp edge for carving the black clay... it is beginning to look like a musical note.

Tuesday, June 1

'The big smoke today'... native expression for town...

You know... one good thing about being single... I can drink out of the milk jug... and know... no one is going to yell at me. It is kind of odd how we worry so much about germs... if you kiss someone... isn't that the same thing.. if your in the same household... would it matter? I love milk... always have... I still cannot understand the attraction of soya... worrying about gas... I have strong bones because I drink milk...

milk does the body good.

Monday, May 31

Climbed the yellow chair... found a rechargable diod flashlight... need a charger... also found a new utility knife... some lip balm... a whistle... and a yellow ski pole... an old one... strap cut off... 'Killy'... when I was yound Jean Claude Killy was a the best in the world... I needed a rechargable flashlight... and a new utility knife... more confirmation that this is where I am supposed to be.

Also found a wallet... it was lost sometime between 2001 and 2005. I am going to try and return it. Also found some change on the way up... and a Canadian and an American dime at the top of the yellow chair...

Wednesday, June 2

Climbed up the yellow chair... found my machette... walked down... the side of the lower face... beginners fall... found a lot of change.

Thursday, June 3 It rained a lot last night... the trench worked... water in the garden this morning.

Friday, June 4

Worked on the far trench... dug out the loam where I want to put the cribbing... will get some river rock tomorrow... the water will take the path of least resistance...

Built two screen doors yesterday... still a bit to do... sanding, paint... the gutter on the rear is in they way... so I can move the gutter or move the door... I might move the door.

Saturday, June 5

The kids... baby squirrels are exploring their new world... got some river rock... filled the trench... filling with dirt from the bank. Saw a rabbit this morning... checked the garden... radishes sprouting...

Sunday, June 6

I was hauling some logs for cribbing in the back of my Ford Focus... a station wagon... I remembered an anecdote my father told me... when he was a young man he wanted a convertible... he had an old ford... he cut the top off... I was thinking I could cut the top off the focus... make a pickup... funny... not going to do it... it put a smile on my face. I also recalled how I helped my mom make a sectional out of a couch... I cut it in half with a circular saw. Ideas... both are instances where I learned from my parents... those moments are still with me. It is an attitude.

Monday, June 7

Went for a hike this morning... check out blueberry and huckleberry bushes... also check the other side of the mountain... climbed up Stowell.. found the mate to the other kelly ski pole I found... both with the strap cut off... also a package of easter eggs left over from the easter egg hunt... found a trail down the other side... do that when i am more prepared... saw grizzley tracks... with cub tracks... old. Hiked down yellowhead... a good circut. The first heavy tain today... I can see the paths the run off is taking... the trench I built in the front is working very well... no build up in the front footings... the trench I built along the far wall is working also... I will need to dig another trench to divert water away from the far wall... the footings should then stay dry.... the trench along the footings will ensure they stay dry.... it will catch any overflow. The seam in the entrance way is leaking... no problemo... the building is dry. Will need to build some gutters soon... a lot of water comes off the roof.

Wednesday, June 9

Worked on gutters today... sprained my thumb yesterday... took the the keyboard outside yesterday afterbnoon and played for about half an hour... it was nice... although my sour thumb had my laughing once in a while. Went down to the new restaurant at the lake this afternoon... the homemade pie was good... with ice cream and a beer. It's beautiful.

Thursday, June 10 The same day I put the image of two dragon flies mating on my desktop... I saw two daddy long legs mating in my cabin. Hung the gutters today... tried a couple of ways... experimenting with one... I want to be able to remove them in winter. The beets are sprouting now. Got a couple of creosoted beams for the nightmare corner... should have some gravel tomorrow for the new propane pad and the cribbing pads.

Tuesday, June 15

Worked on terraces for benches around the firepit... had a fire... came secounds away from dying... it was close... climbed up baker chair... around to the picnic site then down Hickory wing... found a radio on the top of the wall... saw a grizzley track in the bush between december sun and the coutring trail... very old. Fixing up the kitchen cupboards and floor where I had the fire. I won't make that mistake again. Hauled some creosote timbers to the nightmare corner for cribbing. My site is still down... I am considering hosting it on telus... the easiest way... I am also putting a package together for the media recarding my site,,, statistics... hosting... registrar... I checked my account with Cira and it came up with no account... I have documented proof that I have an account... Where did it go?

Made a hammock out of an old rusty toboggan cage... works just fine... I hung it up above the garden and fire pit... a shady spot for the afternoons and evenings. Also landscaped the letdown from the road... it was gravel pushed over from the nieghbour across the road who made a larger parking area...

Began sanding the steps for the stair case... when I oil them they are going to look real nice... beautiful... the living railing I am training is growing... one of the tripods I planted is sprouting and growing... the garden is sprouting... the wildflowers are sprouting... the sunflowers I planted are sprouting.

Thursday, June 17

Worked on the cribbing for the east wall... used cable and a come along to position one of the creosote blocks... shimmed then put in a temp block at the front... shimmed... the door isn't sticking this morning. Going to work on the front corner this morning... the old beam is cracking and separating. Pulled the old one away from the front footing... I thought it was supporting it... it wan't... I was sweating a bit when I did it. I should be able to block and set it today...

Wh53e chec25ng 0y e0a53 th5s 06rn5ng... they screwed 4* 0y 2eyb6ard at 5-55a0 exact3y... 14st as was try5ng t6 ed5t the e0a53 was send5ng t6

Used system restore to fix my computer... need to prepare a media package... placed the east beam... it is crooked... I have enough room for the log... so I decided to go ahead and do it now... trimmed the branches... it will be hauled up in the next few days... when I first decided to buy it I began thinking of ideas for the foundation... my origional idea is the one I am going with... just starting early.

Monday, June 21

Began digging the cistern... a lot of soft clay... digging isn't too hard... the clay is deep. I am going to dig a 12 foot diameter cistern... as deep as I can... it should collect a lot of water... began sifting the black clay I dried... I have a powder now. Had a power dive in my hammock this afternoon... slept about 2 hours. It felt good... the tree provides enough shade... it will make a good spot for a table too. Kieth Buchanan hauled up my logs this afternoon... I can get started tomorrow... 3 cross beams plus, the bottom of the trunk of the one I cut down the other day will be perfect for the 2nd sculpture... I also found a curved section that will work as a base for the staircase... also enough for back steps.

The day before yesterday I spet the morning falling one of the above trees... it was leaning wrong way... I was able to fall it in the direction I wanted... Mission Impossible completed. It sure felt good... after all the work.. swearing... laughing... success.

Wednesday, June 23

Hauled one of the logs to the back... will need to pivot it so the thicker end is under the nightmare corner. Pitching in at the restaurant today... two days a week... looking forward to it...

Sunday, June 27

Positioned and skinned the log for the nightmare wall... hauled the logs for the staircase base and the 2nd sculpture to the front of the cabin... burned some brush... found an old sign that said, 'Sugar Shack'... painted it yellow with blue letters... hung it above the front door.

Friday, July 2

Worked at the restaurant wed and thurs... prepped the log I am using for the cross beam... I used the adz to level the top and notches where it will sit on the cross beams... the chain saw for smoothing.

It has been 9 years since I wrote 'The Day the World Changed.' Osama bin Laden... you fucked up 9 years of my life... you really did! There are consequences.

Sunday, July 4

Used the comealong to position the beam under the nightmare wall... shimmed and tightened it againest the floor boards. Finished yesterday... raining today... the pressure and rain will help to settle the blocking. Still need to block the front and the back corners. I kept sitting on the entrance steps just looking at it... success. A lot of sweat, blood and tears... thanks Winston.

My thumb is still sore from when I ran in to the cabin to save a bluejay and fell through the floor boards... I will be able to seal up the floor and finish the entrance now... a cold room, shelving and wood box... and roof repair. Also an electrical box... I will be able to put in power.

When the front and back of the crossbeam is blocked I will be able to put in the wood shed...

Checked the cistern this morning, a lot of water. It is suppose to be hot and sunny all week... swimming... cistern digging... roof repair.

I can also start cutting wood for the back stair case.

When I was in England I visited an estate in East Sussex... a lot of houses have names... I thought that was neat... I thought it would be cool to name my property if I ever got one... yesterday while sitting looking at the log cross beam I thought... hey, I can name it 'Can Do'... a can do attitude. It was a time of chaos... when all seemed lost... when all seems lost... look at everything in wonder!

Tuesday, July 6

Speak no Evil... See no Evil... Hear no Evil... a lot of truth in that.

Worked on the front blocking yeaterday... I think I will move it another foot... I will need to deepen the front trench to ensure water is diverted away from the foundation. With the beam in... there is no rush.

Tuesday, Aug 3

Got my site back on the net... still need to list with search engines again... still working on it... a few bugs, menus... new photo display software... I have posted a lot of photos on the cabin page... foundation... interior... staircase... I have to test how they are displayed. I have started a new large sculpture... I call it perceptions 2... another way of showing balance.

Wednesday, Aug 4

Not making pies at the restaurant today... no supplies... working on the website... debugging... difference in naming conventions between the different servers. Upper and lower case... taking time.

Thursday, Aug 5

Making pies at the restaurant today.

Friday, Aug 6

Made pies today.... knocking off early.

Saturday, Aug 7

Uploaded Dance, Senses, Light and Saturday mp3's...

I enjoy it... it is fun... inexpensive... might put a smile on someones face. Getting wrecked isn't fun.

Sunday, Aug 8

Someone asked me how much it costs for my website... it isn't really their business. He was wondering why if I wasn't making any money. Why does someone spend thousands on an atv... or a ski boat... or 100's of dollars on a weekend getting wrecked?

I was just looking at the photo of the day on the website... it is a photo of a swimming pool and diving boards in Afghanistan... the pool is empty... why? Just as the article I read of a skier there who dreamed of a ski team for the 2010 winter olympics... the ski hill is closed too... why? Creativity... Recreation... Knowledge.

Monday, Aug 9

Now that I have saved the mightmare wall of my cabin... others who laughed when I bought the cabin seem to be jealous.. why?

Tuesday, Aug 10

Worked on the picture window by the nightmare wall... the bottom 2/4 and 2/6 were rotten... replaced the 2/4's... no 2x6... found some deadwood on the property... used the chain saw to make one... now to replace one of the slotted wood cross beams for the window frame...

Wednesday, Aug 11

Making pies today. Began reframing the picture window... should be able to finish it tomorrow or friday.

The email for my new site still does not seem to be working... I cannot log in to get it yet. Will check again tomorrow.

Thursday, Aug 12

I am not making pies at the restaurant... things I need to get done. Worked on the window... I was sanding the outside 2x6 I made when I had a moment of deja vu... like I had been sanding that board before... I remembered I had a dream of doing it a long long time ago. The window came out very well... sealed... I need more caulking and insulation for the inside.

Friday, Aug 13

It is 3:33 am in the morning... it really is. I was just laying in bed looking straight up out of my window... I saw a formation of stars that looked like the sign of libra... I don't know if it is the constellation... there are two stars in the center. I saw two shooting stars... asteriods... two satellites... signs... I know I am in the right place... right time. I was also thinking... I need my goddess, my goddess needs me.

It is Friday the 13th... I am not supersticious.

When I first saw the asteroids... I thought leonids... then when I was looking at the news I read Persieds... I looked it up... referred to Persius.. a hero from greek mythology, he killed Medusa to save Andromeda.

Saturday, Aug 14

Worked on the windows this morning.

I was thinking about the star formation I can see from ny bedroom window... the sign of libra... balance... the 7th house... I was born on Oct 9, 1955, a Libra... the rock with 3 indentations in it I found within the center of a river bend with the same shape... not planned... the notch I was practising with was the same shape... not planned... the garden terrace I have has the same shape... not planned. I finally have my own bedroom and I can see the same shape in the stars from my bedroom. I am in the right place.

Went for a swim this afternoon... felt good... I think I will go berry picking tomorrow and then a swim in the afternoon.

Payed my annual rental yesterday, the fact that I was paying property taxes and tenure bugged me, so I checked it out this morning. Found the following:

Crown Land in Canada.

Within Canada, Crown Land is a designated area belonging to the Queen in Right of Canada,[5] the equivalent of an entailed estate that passes with the monarchy and cannot be alienated from it; thus, per constitutional convention, these lands cannot be unilaterally sold by the monarch, instead passing on to the next king or queen unless the sovereign is advised otherwise by the ministers of . Though the Canadian monarch owns all Crown Land in the country, paralleling the "division" of the Crown amongst the federal and provincial governments, Crown Land is similarly divied so that some lands within the province are administered by the provincial Crown, whereas others are under the federal Crown. About 89% of Canada's land area (8,886,356 km²) is Crown Land, which may either be federal (41%) or provincial (48%); the remaining 11% is privately-owned.[6] Most federal Crown land is in the Canadian territories (, and ), and is administered on behalf of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada; only 4% of land in the provinces is federally-controlled, largely in the form of National Parks, Indian reserves, or Canadian Forces bases. In contrast, provinces hold much of their territory as provincial Crown Land, which may be held as Provincial Parks or wilderness.

Crown Land provides the country and the provinces with the majority of their profits from natural resources, largely but not exclusively provincial, rented for logging and mineral exploration rights; revenues flow to the relevant government and may constitute a major income stream, such as in Alberta. Crown land may also be rented by individuals wishing to build homes or cottages.

Land Ownership in Canada.

Land ownership in Canada is held by governments, Native groups, corporations, and individuals. Canada is the second largest country in the world; at 9,093,507 km² or 3,511,085 mi² of land (and more if fresh water is included) it occupies more than 6% of the Earth's surface. Since Canada uses primarily British-derived Common Law, the holders of the land actually have (permission to hold land from the Crown) rather than absolute ownership.[1]

Land Tenure.

The nature of access to land use. Common forms of land tenure are owner-occupied farms which range from large farms using hired labour to peasant plots and tenancies which vary very widely but basically involve payment, in one form or another, to the landlord from the tenant. This payment can be in the form of labour, in the form of a portion of the crop (share-cropping), or in the form of cash. A plantation is owned by an institution and uses paid labour. Collectives may own land together and work together to an agreed strategy, sharing any profits which may accrue. There may even be land which is owned by nobody but is used by an individual or group. This last is typical of shifting cultivation.

Rural Property Tax

Rural Property Tax applies to land outside cities, towns, districts and village boundaries in British Columbia. Rural property makes up 99.6% of British Columbia's land area. You pay Rural Property Tax if you own land or occupy Crown Land outside a municipal boundary. Both the land and any improvements on it, including residences, manufactured homes, and commercial or industrial buildings are taxed.

Taxes are also billed and collected on behalf of local service areas, regional districts, improvement districts and other local government agencies with taxing authority.


A life estate, an interest in land the duration of which is restricted to the life or lives of a particular person or persons holding it, or an estate in fee, an interest in property that is unconditional and represents the broadest ownership interest recognized by law. In order to be categorized as a freehold, an estate must possess the characteristics of (1) im- mobility — in the sense that the property must be either land, or some interest derived from or affixed to land — and (2) indeterminate duration.

Determinable freeholds are life estates created by language that provides that the estate is to terminate automatically upon the occurrence of a specified event.

Sunday, Aug 15

Worked on the windows... climbed the yellow chair... came down the courting trail picking berries. Good with milk. Went for a swim.

One of my images in the poem Mountain Range Lion

is of a musical note skiing... a seed with a sail. On all terrain, The feet dance.

The ultimate ATV (All terrain vehicle) is the human body and mind... our feet... our hands... our eyes... our ears... our senses... the human brain is so incredible. Sole of foot.

Monday, Aug 16 Cleaned up the cabin... washed the floor... put up the last window... still need weather stripping... started the seats for the firepit. Need to get the other logs off the ground... skirt and insulate the floor... build the wood shed, then firewood.

A lot of smoke this morning... a lot of forest fires.

Tuesday, Aug 17, 2010, Purden Mtn. BC . Good Morning... I took the Sugar-Shack sign down that I had above the front door... I wanted to put up a new sign... 'When all seems lost... look at everything in wonder. I did an image for my desktop, I printed one off... framed it and put it on the door, it looks good. When I get one printed, I will seal it and attach it to the door. Wednesday, Aug 18

Finished the wood shed.

Thursday, Aug 19

I stumbled upon a site called, blog awards... I thought about when had it online. Kind of cool.

Read about a bombing in Aksu, China... the location, close to Kashmir... Northern Pakistan, Iran... indicative of the clash between Buddism, Christianity and Islam.

Climbed up the yellowhead to find a view point on the west peak... I thought I might build a campsite like I did in Smithers with a view of 'Love at first sight'... I found a spot with a lot of moss... a nice view... a rock to sit on... a small clearing of moss that will be nice to sleep on... I will not be building a campsite or a fire... with all the moss it is nice and green... nice and soft. I also found a tree with the numbers 033 on it... top of the cut, 33 was my number when I played football with the Lakewood Lakers in Prince George, taught skiing in high school... worked at 100 steps... had fun at Purden.

In the spring of 2004 it was a time of chaos when all seemed lost, I went to a lake that was named after my great grandfather, Thomas Weaver... I found a rock that looked like someone had used it before to sit on... I sat on it and then I yelled out... Hello, I heard an echo, today I found another rock... with signs that tell me... I am home! When all seems lost... look at everything in wonder.

Friday, Aug 20

Worked on the staircase this morning... I will hang plastic around it when I sand. It looks good. Still have to put up the railing.

Found a wrench for the packer on the yellowhead yesterday... left it on the track for Kieth to find.

I was just looking at some pictures of people with tattoos... I am glad I don't have a tattoo... I wasn't impaired... I have scars from life. Saturday, Aug 21

Went to town, picked up a portable drill/screwdriver, insulation... checked on the generator.

Sunday, Aug 22

Began insulating the entrance... raining... found a leak... decided to remove some shingles and repair the leak. May remove them all... either make some new shingles or use some rolls of roofing tar until I put on some new shingles. I found some cedar on the back side of the mountain that has been sitting a long time.. may be able to make some.

I think I will disperse the garden next summer... utilize the sun better... I think I will put some gravel down on some of the garden terrace... like a deck.

Tuesday, Aug 24

I was just reading about a massive traffic jam in China... 9 days... funny... signs of things to come in china.

Was putting up insulation in the entrance... has been raining and some leaks showed up... took off the shingles... and layed some roofing material... It'll be dry. I plan on finding some cedar and making new shingles.

Summer is over, looking forward to the few months before skiing... getting into shape... working on the inside of the cabin... stocking firewood now that I have a shed.

Wednesday, Aug 25

Finished the roof... I will wait for a hot day to trime the edges... cleaned up the shingles. Lots of kindling for the winter. I saw three dandilion seeds floating by me the other day... the filaments entwined. I did an image of it this morning... dandilions.

I was just reading about an old norse legend that is connected to others... such as greek ie:, medusa... middle eastern oral histories... bull from heaven... buddist stories, passing of knowledge... celtic... even north american native beliefs... the common root for so many beliefs on our planet trying to explain the same thing.

Thursday, Aug 26

Music... I gew up deaf in one ear... I love music... but I didn't listen to it very much... I love to dance... I didn't play an instrument... I always believed I was tone deaf. I have difficulty singing, a speech impediment where I learned to pause so I can pronounce things properly. Since buying the organ I have found that I am not tone deaf... the tone of the notes... the beat of the rythm moves my body... I feel it in every cell... all my muscles want to move... the tone sooths... I have found many tones do not do that... I find them irritating. I like some of the new music the new generation is coming up with. They are choosing the right tones... a lot of color in the videos... no dark... one of the girls... I call her kitty. She had a necklace of kitty in a photo... she likes cats.

When I am coming up with my melody's... my body and brain tell me what feels right. It's a lot of fun. When things go well... it is like a good ski run. I will react with a whewwwwww at the end... a wow. So much fun.

Friday, Aug 27

Went to PG, 'The Big Smoke', generator still not ready... picked up an mp3 player... new sunglasses, some hiking boots and a new cd by kitty. I am going to pick up some midi cables... I want to record my music and use the mp3 player for skiing... I haven't skied to music since I used a dictaphone and headphones 30 years ago... before the walkman. I will only ski with the headphones when I feel it is safe.

Sitting at Moxie's having a beer and chicken wings... read about the terror arrest in Ottawa... Parliament and Transit as targets... I found some information about that in a photo of a crystal ball... parliament buildings... a transit bus... aluminum suitcase in the spring of 2004... also some information regarding an underwater bomb... and also chemical in a ventilation system. I also made some conclusions regarding sabotage of pipelines based on experience with Cochin and Rangeland pipelines. Could there have been planning for this 7 years ago? No doubt! I went to the police with the information... they would not talk to me. I feared for my life.

5 beer and a slow connection... updated the site... I am glad I am building my own heaven on earth... I don't like what people say to one another... they are not real in public.

Saturday, Aug 28

Picked up my generator yesterday... charging batteries. Yesterday was not a good day... I did not sleep well... nothing on television. I won't be staying in a motel in town again. Nice to be home.

Worked on the staircase most of the day... sanding. Updated the site yesterday with pics of the woodshed and the windows... it is not working... it should be. I am working on it. It will be fixed.

I am going to start climbing again to get into shape for the winter... I am going to check out the surrounding mountains to find some snow... I want to climb early like I did when I lived in Smithers. I am going to ski with the kids here next winter... there are some really good skiers... with some instruction...edge control , balance and vision... awareness... looking ahead... they will have a lot more fun... a lot safer. I am working on a pedegogy page... "how to"... there are some techniques with the new equipment that make it very easy. Some of the old timers have told me they have had difficulty with the shaped skis... not difficult if you utilize the technology in the way it was desiged.

Sunday, Aug 29

It is 3:33 am in the morning... working on the site... got the cabin pics to work... I had to rename index.html for both... they weren't working. They work with the other links... same directory. An enigma???

Stumbled upon an interesting site... Global Oneness Project

Monday, Aug 30

Sanded the kitchen floor... sanding the staircase... weather stripping around the windows... pic of the garden and fire pit from my bedroom window.

Have you ever noticed that in traditional dress all over the world there is a lot of color... where did the color go in our clothing??? I was just looking at a photo of Guanajuato City in Mexico... a lot of color... that would indicate that cities like Teotihuacan and Tenochtitlan would have been very colorful.

Saw a couple of beautiful women yesterday... crossed paths... wow x 2 .. did an image. It is in the Spring gallery.

Tuesday, Aug 31

Ordered some cd's from the Global Oneness Project.

Wednesday, Sept. 1

Sanding the staircase and floor today... sanded some yesterday. Everyone has gone back to town... nice and quiet.

I was just looking at a photo on cnn... Blair and Bush... I was critical of Bush before 9/11... after 9/11 both men impressed very much... at a very critical point in our history they both made difficult decisions... the right men at the right time.

Friday, Sept. 3

Worked on the staircase... Pic of my bedroom... pic of the firepit...

The internet seems to be full of internet trolls... a reflection of themselves.

Thursday, Sept. 2

I am going to try and put up the railing today.. 8:59 this evening... was able to notch and place the railing... but still need a couple more hands to hold it in place while I drill the hole and bolt it. Tried experimenting with the metal beams for the wind turbine... tried to get it higher... didn't work... found a longer pole that will slide into the id of the pole I have... and will fit the wind turbine fitting. It should get it high enough to catch more wind. The wind has been blowing quite hard the last couple of days. I'll do that tomorrow and then wire to the entrance so I can get the batteries out of the living room. Also want to move the solar panel to the frame of the wind turbine.

Sunday, Sept. 5

Bolted the railing to the ceiling... less pressure on the bottom... shouldn't warp. Found some steel to use as a bracket for the base. Put the seeds on "Perceptions"... took some pictures...pic 1 2 3. When I did perceptions I said to myself it would always be in my living room... over the last 6 years it got broken a few times since I did not have a safe place for it... it is now safe... the staircase protects it.

Monday, Sept. 6

Wired the cabin for a plugin in each bedroom... the living room and the kitchen... still need the plugins. Found a quote by Robert Oppenheimer I like... "Both the man of science and the man of action live always at the edge of mystery, surrounded by it."

The more I know... the more I don't know... the more I know.

Tuesday, Sept. 7

Berry picking... going to make some tarts... also sanding the floor.

I was just reading about the Florida pastor planning on burning the Quran on Sept. 11, not a good idea. He says, Islam 'Of the Devil'... Imams say, Christians 'Of the Devil'... give me a break. Extremists... Two small spheres of understanding... Two caves of Darkness.

I was just reading about George Soros giving 100 million dollars to Human Right Watch... they have done nothing... a lot of words for givens... I believe his investing has hurt a lot of people on our planet... his views are not leading to peace. I do not hate him... but I do not like him.

100 million invested in free laptops for children and free internet would be better...

There is always hope... downloading ubuntu today, have tried before but things got in the way... I am a fan of open source... ie: open office will try installing Ubuntu on my desktop without Windows. Also checking out something called

Climbed up the yellow chair... down the pipe... no berries... about 2 weeks too late... same time of year... same altitude and latitude as Smithers, approx. So something else may have occurred.

Wednesday, Sept. 8

Was in PG doing laundry... picked up a few things and also some growlies. I listened to senses on my mp3 player... my own music... it's cool. Going to town today was difficult... it didn't go well. I forgot some Plasticine... I wanted to make some molds of the small seed and heart for necklaces.

Thursday, Sept. 9

Didn't sleep well. Forgot some things in town that I need. Bolts for the staircase, sanding disks, chain saw oil. Going to town was difficult... a lot of people shoot me with words. It hurts.

Hooked up the plugins today... moved the solar panel to the wind turbine... still need a control panel inside. The plugins work fine...

I look at the news on the net... sometimes it is like the media today has gone 'national enquirer'... too much crap. Are too many people on medication they don't need... changing how the brain works when it isn't necessary.?.. not a good thing. 9 years ago I had an incident when I considered suicide... I went to get help... all they did was give me Celexica... changing how the chemicals worked in my brain... how my brain communicated... I didn't need it... I needed a hug. I wasn't sick.

I found a quote by George Washington Carver... I like it... "Since new developments are the products of a creative mind, we must therefore stimulate and encourage that type of mind in every way possible. " Dreamers... I looked up some more... I like them...

Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.

Fear of something is at the root of hate for others, and hate within will eventually destroy the later.

How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these.

I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in.

I wanted to know the name of every stone and flower and insect and bird and beast. I wanted to know where it got its color, where it got its life - but there was no one to tell me.

If you love it enough, anything will talk with you.

Learn to do common things uncommonly well; we must always keep in mind that anything that helps fill the dinner pail is valuable.

Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.

No individual has any right to come into the world and go out of it without leaving something behind.

Nothing is more beautiful than the loveliness of the woods before sunrise.

Our creator is the same and never changes despite the names given Him by people here and in all parts of the world. Even if we gave Him no name at all, He would still be there, within us, waiting to give us good on this earth.

Reading about nature is fine, but if a person walks in the woods and listens carefully, he can learn more than what is in books, for they speak with the voice of God.

There is no short cut to achievement. Life requires thorough preparation - veneer isn't worth anything.

When our thoughts, which bring actions, are filled with hate against anyone, Negro or white, we are in a living hell. That is as real as hell will ever be.

When you can do the common things of life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world.

When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world.

Where there is no vision, there is no hope. Friday, Sept. 10

Went to town this afternoon... picked up the things I forgot. Went out for dinner with the staff from Purden Resort... the restaurant was full... I was shot alot... I am not feeling well this evening.

Saturday, Sept. 11

It has been 9 years since I wrote 'The Day the World Changed.'... I found my way home... I returned to my first love... skiing... I am pursuing my creative nature... I am healthy... I don't smoke anymore... there is still a piece missing.

I was just reading an article about Stephen Hawking... I agree with him.

Sunday, Sept. 12

Made a new sled for the water tank... will have to move it under the cabin when it starts to freeze... still need an inline filter. Took off the controller from the solar panel... the batteries are charging more... going to hookup the bank of three batteries today... also sanding the staircase... bolted the bottom step to the floor, still need to put the nuts on from underneath. Have an idea for hanging gutters... I can remove them when snow falls... I am going to try and make them the same way I was trying to make overlapping planks for the practise cabin I made west of Smithers... I know where there is a lot of small diameter deadfall cedar with soft cores I can remove. One of my nieghbours has said I can have some piping I can use... I will be able to collect rain water and fill the tank under the cabin. I have a small electric pump I can use to for the sink. Worth a shot.

Replaced the back steps... they were rotten... also added a crossbeam... it was rotten. It'll be fine until I build the log one next summer... I have some trees on the property I can fall and let dry until spring. A couple of curved ones I can use for steps.

Monday, Sept. 13

Checked my photo on Google Earth... the photo was located over the wrong cabin... I updated the location on Panaramio... when the data is refreshed the photo will show up over my cabin... not the nieghbours... I noticed that there have been 129 views of my cabin photo on Google Earth... 34 on Panaramio So someone is obviously going to my website and looking for my cabin on Purden Mtn. I am going to put directions on my site... the exact coordinates for Google Earth are... 53° 54' 8.28" N 121° 53' 5.90" W I plan on putting a google map on the site since my cabin will be my workshop/ gallery, I will be putting up an 'Open' sign when I am ready and also 'A Gone Skiing' sign when I go skiing.

One thing I have noticed while running around and visiting various resorts... a gallery... artisan signs... there is a market... local and global.

I have begun working on molds for some of my smaller sculptures... seeds... they connect to 'Perceptions'... micro and macro. I plan on having some of my images on display... as on my website, the rest will be displayed on a monitor... the viewer will be able to browse and order for delivery. Tuesday, Sept. 14

Worked on gutters yesterday... found some small hollow diameter cedar... cut in half they will work well. I can hang them and remove them when snow falls.

I was thinking this morning that we... both the living and those in spirit have by now been everything... had everything done to us... you would think by now that between us we would understand that there really is no need any longer for cave vs cave... family vs family... sphere vs sphere... a while back I found a message in a bottle on my property... the first line read... 'Go from silver, bronze and gold walk'. One interpretation of that... given my experience... is we should understand by now, that the reason for doing something... is not for gold, silver or bronze... not to be the best... it is to put a smile on anothers face...

Last week I had some neighbours visit my cabin... their daughter was looking at my sculptures, art and my property with wonder in her eyes... it is difficult to describe the feeling I get when I know someone loves my art... we talked about music... she smiled... she thinks I should stick with making my own... she likes my music to... to put a smile on someones face is such a good feeling. I used to to get that all the time teaching skiing and also seeing a skydive first jump student land safely on the ground after guiding them down on radio... last year I taught a few ski lessons after many years ... I felt that feeling again... I love it so much.

Hollowed out some cedar logs... hung them from the roof... my aquaduct... they will work fine as gutters... look cool too. (Noticed the date is wrong on the camera.. it is the 14th not the 15th... and also 2010... not 2009. I guess I have to reset everytime the batteries die.

Wednesday, Sept. 15

Saw a deer on my property this morning... got some video.

Sanded the floor and the steps... it is going to look really nice. Sawdust everywhere... it will give me an excuse to wash the walls. Will have to dust and clean up before I put a coat of poly on the floor.

Thursday, Sept. 16

Put a coat of poly on the floor, the steps and the base of the staircase. It looks really good... I was going to do the steps in oil... put the floor is fairly dark... like the sculpture... a rusty orange... so I left the steps and base natural... they look great. I like the affect of the worn plywood... I came to like that affect when I was working with antiques. I have enough poly for another coat... the steps are not in place so I am sleeping on the couch tonight.

Friday, Sept. 17

Put another coat on the floor and the steps... the floor looks awesome. Still a little wet... I may have to sleep on the couch again... or find a way to secure the steps enough to get upstairs. Put some more hollowed cedar up for gutters on the other side... need some funnels and tubing to funnel the water under the cabin... I will be able to collect water. Electric pump up to the kitchen. Saturday, Sept. 18

Put the steps and base together this morning... still need brass for the bottom of the steps... it's beautiful. Pic. (The date should be 18.09.2010,

Worked on the lifts today... moving chairs.

Monday, Sept. 20

Worked on Baker chair yesterday... started raining... started cleaning my cabin... cleaned drawers... looks a lot better. Woke up this morning... snowing. Pic. I see the snow... and I want to skiing.

When I was younger I wanted to have grey at my temples... my peers did... I didn't... I thought that with some grey they would take me seriously... now that I have some grey... they still don't. HeeHeeHee.

Nice to have the cabin clean again... holy shit... christ on a crutch... feels good.

Tuesday, Sept. 21

Frost on the ground... most of the snow has melted. Slept in this morning... it was warm under the covers... too bad I was alone... new quilts. Ham and eggs this morning.

Kieth stopped by... going to work on Baker chair this morning... warming up my gloves. Finished Baker chair... helped with the cat tracks.

Wednesday, Sept. 22

I am not helping with the packer tracks today... something has come up... I am at war again.

Went to town... picked up some growlies... a vacuum... some more poly and sanding disks. Not a good day... very bad day. I feel betrayed.

The vacuum works well... in keeping with the fact that I am now at war... I have put the running moose back up on my home page of both and archive.

I emailed the University of Northern British Columbia about leaving a legacy of my property and cabin in the event of my death... as I am not married and do not have children... also the possibility of their using a portion of my property for a facility while I am alive. They replied very positively... I feel good about that, it is very important to ensure my cabin and property continues to be used for creativity... recreation... health and knowledge.

I still plan on having an open house at the beginning of the season... the interior should be finished enough to open my studio... gallery.

Thursday, Sept. 23

I feel a lot better today... cleaned up the yard... finished sealing one of the picture windows... decided on moving the wind turbine. I got some more metal tubing from a nieghbour... it will be higher than the power line... if an accident occurred it could cause damage to the line... so I am going to move it to the back of the cabin. With the extensions I should be able to get it to tree top height.

Picked some beet tops, lettuce, onions and some small carrots from the garden.

I am looking forward to putting a presentation together for the University on my plans... the options... what I am giving. I went to bed early last night and thought a lot about it.

I just read that the US is freeing unused airwaves for 'super wi-fi' technology... that is really good news.

I was just reading about the 2009 sale of the Pacificats to a luxury yacht company, Abu Dhabi Mar, who will be exporting them to the United Arab Emirates. I had an idea once... I thought it would be a good idea to turn one of them into a hospital ship... it could travel up and down the coast stopping at remote communities. It's too bad.

Friday, Sept. 24

Fixed a wall... vacuumed upstairs... re-organized some cupboards... put up some carpet for skirting around the cribbing.... repairing the urinal cover for the outhouse... going to paint a happy face on it. Began putting together the presentation for the university... found a summary I wrote a few years ago... it is perfect for the executive summary. Also for my studio!

Saturday, Sept. 25

The wind turbiune generated more power over night than the solar panel does in a day... it was windy... made a stir fry last night and tried to make some apple turn overs. Will try them again today... without an oven, can be difficult.

I am trying my melody with strings and brass sections on the organ... sounds good...

I was reading about some people complaining about Katy Perry's appearence on Sesame Street... I watched it... I see nothing wrong with it... I love the tempo... the beat... the color... even her outfit... even the message... who's teaching the children? Whenever I hear that song I want to dance...

Figured out a way to use the black clay I am getting from my well to make some molds for the small sculptures... I can make halves of each... I am going to try and fire them with the wood stove...

I just stumbled upon a page on CNN... called 'Connect the World...' What a good idea... I commented on the connection between Canada and the Côte d'Ivoire... They grow cocoa... we love hot chocolate!

Monday, Sept. 27

Climbed Baker chair yesterday... checked out some teaching terrain at the top ran down... cut firewood... cleaned up the entrance... muscles a little sore this morning from running... good exercise for the eyes... the brain... looking ahead... agility.

Painted a happy face on the urinal lid... went to the toilet this morning and smiled... a smile gets a smile...

Does anyone wonder why Bell Canada is spending so much money on Mental Health? Think about it! Tuesday, Sept. 28

I was just reading an interesting article on the search for extraterrestrial intelligence... It asked for comments... I wrote: It is becoming evident through scientific discoveries that the human conciousness transmits outwards. Would not an extraterrestrial intelligent being also transmit. Should we not be looking in the ranges the mind transmits.

My laptop doesn't have a webcam... I bought one today. I need one to do an interview using Skype with CNN tomorrow for Friday's broadcast. It's kind of cool.

Now I can use voip with video... face to face is much better than voice or text. Smile to smile. With the new tablets coming out... the new phones.. voice activation... technology is cool...

Wednesday, Sept. 29

Set up for the interview... nothing... time zone confusion. Oh well... it was kind of exciting even though it didn't happen. Wasn't able to find my mp3 player or my telephone this morning... either.

Finally got the call... they had fire alarms go off at their offices in London... he worked overtime. He said it will be on around 5 or 6 our time Friday on CNN. Cool.

I played music until the call came through... tried recording in the lodge... larger space... sounded good. Began mixing instruments for a melody I have been working on. Sounds cool with the right instruments... have to work on timing.

I was just reading about the discovery of a possible habitable planet in the constellation Libra... Gliese 581 "Also known as HO Librae, this dim star lies around 20.4 light-years from Sol. It is located in the northeast part (15:19:26.8-07:43:20.2, ICRS 2000.0) of Constellation Libra, the Scales -- northeast of Delta Librae, north of Gamma Librae and Graffias (Beta Scorpii), and southwest of Epsilon (Yed Posterior) and Delta (Yed Prior) Ophiuchi, and Mu, Epsilon, and Alpha (Unukalhai) Serpentis. Like other red dwarf stars, however, it is not visible to the naked eye."

I saw an ad for Walt Disney checking my hotmail... it was a castle with Mickey Mouse... I sang, M I C... K E Y... M O U S E... it brought back a memory. When I was two I broke my right arm falling out of a stool I turned upside down to play steamboat captain... shuffling the stool back and forth. I just watched 'Steamboat Willie' a Walt Disney cartoon... Mickey Mouse, I think I probably got the idea from seeing that cartoon at a drive-in in Powell River. It is all about music! I identify with the story line. I am falling in love with playing music. Kind of cool.

Around 7 this evening I saw a rabbit come up to the garden... I watched... it almost hopped away, but then turned around and hopped under the cabin... cool. Maybe it's female.

A lot of miracles today.

Sunday, Oct. 3

One of the few pleasures in life that crosses all boundries... religious, cultural, political... a good dump. My first book... 'What if...... Your Head Isn't Empty?' started as a toilet book. A little levity helps. I thought of a new conjecture: What if... Archeologists and Anthropologists on another planet found evidence of their connection to us?

Saturday, Oct. 2

Saw the clip on the CNN website... cool... the rest of the day did not go well. I am still at war... my stats are still being fabricated... I am still not being told the truth about something.

Got a ride on the chair lift to the top yesterday... took the chain saw to clear some logs on Hickory Wing... chain came off, had to climb down fix it and climb back up. I cleared some logs from an area to the left of the steep section above Hickory Wing, Stowell and the Wall... there is a section where there is a small cliff... so I cleared the landing and opened up an area to ski down. I won't have to worry about my tips going under a log.

Friday, Oct. 1

I found a photo on the Nasa site... called 'Into the Light' it has an astronaut exiting a hatch... the patch on his right shoulder is modeled after a drawing by Leonardo DaVinci... his backpack is number 6... like a helicopter seed. I downloaded the wallpaper... it fits my desktop.

Thursday, Sept. 30

I was thinking this morning about how close Gliese 581 is... only 20.4 light years. That is as close as where I want to put the bunkhose on my property... to my cabin.

Lengthend one of my melodies and converted to mp3... the beat and rythm will be really good for skiing and snowboarding... I call it 'Skiing', I combined it with an image I did of a day climbing and skiing in Smithers I now call 'Milk does the body good!'

Monday, Oct. 4

I worked on the 2nd sculpture yesterday... Perceptions 2. I thought of the shape of the sculpture after I did Perceptions in the summer of 2004. I was thinking of another way to show balance. I wanted to balance the sculpture on a rock and have rocks balancing on the sculpture.

As I was carving yesterday, I noticed the shape of a guitar... the origional idea had three streamers coming out of a sphere... like perceptions does at the top. With the guitar shape I saw three fingers... a cord... three notes... I hand playing a quitar... music... a connection between Perceptions... and my new love for music. The first sphere I carved after the dream on July 1, 2004 was of a musical note... I held it in the air. It fits.

***I just checked my hotmail, I got an email from the subject of the email was, 'Ditch the book Robert. Read real-life stories'... yesterday I mentioned one of my books... There is no question that it is human interference in my email... in my communications... that is against the Canadian Criminal Code. It is not a coincidence. Who ever is doing it has the ability to control and manipulate my communications. It is the act of a spammer... an internet troll... it is not a hacker... it is cruel. That is why I am at war.

Tuesday, Oct. 5

One of the modes on my organ is called 'Pop'... it is number 22, pop music. When I was 7 years old I was living in East Pakistan, my father was working as a consultant in a paper mill. We had a two room school... the teachers name was Miss Frizby. She had us carve faces in some coconuts... I still have my older brothers coconut, I carved one with a goatee. It was of Mitch Miller... I loved music then... I used to march around the house to his record... I love dancing. He was the father of Pop Music... as one article says, 'Cheerful music'.

With my return to my 1st love skiing and rediscovering my love for music... it fits... creativity and recreation...

Wednesday, Oct. 6

In PG doing laundry and getting groceries.

I was thinking early this morning while laying in bed... of my conclusion that 'When all seems lost... look at everything in wonder.' While thinking about giving a virtual loving hug... I thought... not only look at everything in wonder... but feel everything in wonder... touch everything in wonder... hear everything in wonder...

Thursday, Oct. 7

Played music for a couple of hours last night... it was fun. Waxed my skis this morning... checked my bindings... boots and mountaineering attachments last night.

I was just reading about a new system where you can have video conferencing/chat on your HD TV... cool.. dinner and chat... you could have dinner with someone on the other side of the world... can you imagine a whole wall... two dining rooms... laughter... talking... understanding...

I was reading another article about the internet... I agree with it... it fits with dinner and a chat... "Despite all these reservations, it is undeniably true that the web opens up the flow of information in ways that make it harder for people to be deeply ignorant of what the rest of the world is really thinking. That might, just might, make it more of a force for peace than the myriad ways in which it creates tensions."

Getting ready tonight to head out to the McGreagors tomorrow... maybe some early snow. It is in Evanoff Provincial Park... it is named after the father of a girl I grew up with... a girl I skied with. I liked her mother and father very much... I taught skiing with her mother at 100 steps ski hill in Prince George in the early 70's. He was killed in a Grizzley Attack in that area... I will be thinking of him when I am out there. I know thoughts of him and his daughter helped get me home.

Friday, Oct. 8

Heading out to the McGregor's today.

When looking for on some search engines my archive for shows up and the parked page of the people who bought my old domain name.

When I was building this website I tried to renew my old domain name I was not able to... it said it was not available. So I used my name... rwnelmes I have included an archive in my site for the editorials that were on the original The people who bought the domain name have parked a single page on it with a picture of a moose with his tounge hanging out... a mad moose... a crazy moose... a direct shot at me. Not nice.

I listened to a song by Taylor Swift last night... Fifteen... I liked it... rythm... message. A lot of truth in it. Kids at that age need the truth.

Didn't get to the park... went the wrong way... turned around... but found another mountain that got me excited right away... with snow... it will be fun to ski... also found something else I need. Checking google earth for the location of the mountain and distance from the park. The new bridge isn't on google earth... turns got me confused. Thought there would be signs... nope. I know where to go now.

Saturday, Oct. 9

My birthday today... 55.. still young... depending on what I am doing or the girl I am looking at... I feel 18... maybe... 27... sometimes 35...

Made some peach jam and worked on Perceptions 2... I was on a roll... like a good run skiing. Pic1 pic2

I was thinking about creativity in all things... then I thought about the milk image... quantum foam... so I put some color in it. I call it Creative Milk!

Tuesday, Oct. 12

Thought of a way to put the wind turbine on the roof the other day... I found some old foot rests I could use as supports for an old chair from the chair lift. The center bracket could be used to hold the pole... I positioned it yesterday... put on guide wires and tried the pole without the turbine... it is secure without nailing to the roof. Looks cool... I may even be able to put some type of soft removable chair in them for a view of the mountain.

Will put the turbine on when I have the wiring through the pole figured out. Pic

Wednesday, Oct. 13

Put up the wind turbine and wired to the batteries in the entrance... it is stable but may need a couple of guide wires from the center to the sides of the chair. Particularly if I extend it higher. Pic

The weather report is saying 20-25 km/h winds tonight... if the wind turbine remains stable I should be fine.

Thursday, Oct. 14

Felt a rain drop... Calling all Angels... all skiers... all boarders. It's time for a SnowDance!

The wind turbine was still on the roof... checked the wires... the one in the front needs to be tighter. I think I am going to raise it higher... I will need to make a small scaffold so I can stand on the peak and lift the turbine.

9:44am It is snowing. Didn't snow long.

Climbed up the yellow then the pipe... took some video the top... hiked down the courting trail... found some old rope in the bush. Left my jacket on the hill... climbed back up to the picnic site..wasn't there. Will climb back up tomorrow and hike down from the top. Feel good.

Saturday, Oct. 16

Climbed back up yesterday... found my red jacket. Felt good. Saw some logs that need to be removed. May take the chain saw up tomorrow. One day per run... would clean up the hazards. One day and a lot of people... those who love it so... and the mountain would be clean.

Sunday, Oct. 17

Climbed the pipe... took the chainsaw... moved some hazards... also the top of hickory wing... the wall... and stowell... I won't worry about hurting some ribs.

Playing music on the deck of the lodge today... sunny and warm... I was thinking last night that with the crater shape of the mountain... we have a natural amphitheatre... my voice travesl when I swear working or when I yell 'hello'... so I thought I would play music this afternoon. Sounds good.

I took some wet black clay and placed it on the end of each support then put the spheres back on Perceptions... they were still there in the morning... the clay dried so the spheres are form fitted... It's nice to see the sculpture in one piece again. Pic 1 Pic 2.

I was just reading about the Tea Party in the United States... I think it is time in Canada! Drink Tea! It would have a good chance of success starting in the west.

Just listened to a young Canadian discovered on the internet... Justin Bieber... I listened to his song Baby... I like it... good music. I also read about an incident with laser tag... why is he gettin kicked? Is a parent doing something for money? What is that teaching the children?

Monday, Oct. 18

While researching the Canadian Tea Party on the net I came across a domain name that led to a pornographic site showing three gay men showering together on the home page. Why? Who did it? What are they afraid of? It was obviously done to prevent or inhibit access to information. Who is teaching the children?

It was not done to drive traffic to a gay site... that is a front... smoke and mirrors. Some people are obviously very afraid of the focus of the Tea Party... it is more to the center than the others... why are they afraid? Could it be the right direction? Could it be something the majority can believe in? Could it be something that would cross all borders... cultures... beliefs? Neutral?

Learn from Hearing, Seeing, Doing! I look at life like school... I was just reading the synopsis of a new movie out... a comedy... Life as we know it! About two people who can't stand each other caring for a child... isn't that marriage as we know it? Wouldn't compatibility be better for the child? Shouldn't we be learning from the movie... they put in a happy ending of course... but wouldn't truth be better?

I was just listening to Katy Perrys new song Firework... I like the lyrics... the spark can be anything... that is why I feel at home on skis... on a ski hill... learning music... exploring my creative side. Returning to skiing with what I have learned is the best thing that ever happened to me... so far. That is why I call the image Larva in Cocoon... the Resurrection of Bob... a return to skiing and a healthy life style. I love it so much.

Tuesday, Oct. 19

I was doing the dishes and looking at a rock in the front yard... looks like a menhir... another thought occurred to me... when we are in world of no more cave vs cave... we will not need written rules of any kind... not one!

I had an idea back in the summer of 2004 of using my canopy and skis at the same time... carving... turning... I saw mile long swoops flying on the snow... I have been trying to find a place to teach myself how to do it for years.... I began doing it in Smithers... I just saw a video clip on National Geographic of someone actually doing a form of it... right on... it is cool... I am not alone. It is under the heading In pursuit of pure Gravity.... he calls it Speed Flying... I like it. I call it mountian carving.

I just read an appeal by Jimmy Wales... the founder of Wikipedia... if you can do so... I like the quote... "Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet has free access to the sum of all human knowledge." It is a step necessary for a world without cave vs cave... senses plus knowledge.

I found a very interesting article on creativity in I recommend it... I agree with it... creativity is not just art... it is a global phenomenon.

Thursday, Oct. 21

I was just walking back from the outhouse... when someone spends too much time on the phone we say get off the phone... or get off the cell... what will we say when telepathy is common... it is brain to brain... so, will we say... get off the B!... B me... or did you B me... or don't B me anymore... or give me a B.

Was sanding some trim at the lodge when a police car showed up with four constables... I said 'Hey guys... what's up.' They were looking for a toilet... the lodge was locked so I offered my outhouse... nope. When I got back to the cabin... I cleaned the outhouse just in case someone wants to use it. Played music on the deck of the lodge after lunch... sunny and warm... I will be doing that more often... maybe even after skiing on a nice day.

Friday, Oct. 22

This morning I remembered I wanted to make some molds today... in 2002 I was living in a 10 x 12 trailer... very wet winter... a lot of black mold... I had to throw a lot away. I had thoughts of suicide... I didn't! From black mold and thoughts of suicide to making molds with black clay... eight years. I think it was a contributing factor to my depression at that point. For the RCMP who showed up yesterday... thank you for reminding me to clean up my toilet!

I was just reading about The discovery of the galaxy UDFy-38135539, the most remote object ever observed from Earth. The Hubble Deep Field photo was an epiphany photo for me.

When I started skiing I was a member of the Hickory Wing Ski Club... one of the runs that I have picked out for skiing with my canopy is called hickory wing... I was thinking that if someone asked me where I was going when they saw me going up the lift with a parachute... I would say... I'm skiing the wing... then I thought about mountain carving... speed flying... I think I will call it Wing Skiing. It fits.

I just read that the runway for the first spaceport

Saturday, Oct. 23

Now that I am thinking of wing skiing more... I really want it to snow. Little Bobby wants to play! I plan on climbing a lot. I will be climbing in the same spot all the time... the yellow... baker and the wing... over time there will be steps... others should be able to climb easily.

I found a photo of a butterfly egg... it is so beautiful... like a faberge egg.

Sunday, Oct. 24

Climbed the wing this morning... took the chainsaw to mimic wieght of the skis... cleaned up some logs where my tips could get caught. Found a nice spot at the top for a little air... cleaned it up... also found some change where someone fell last winter trying to get some air.

Checked out terrain and hazards for wing flying... it will be like flying in a canyon... or like flying in the canyon of the death star in star wars... the force is strong in me...heeheehee... the glide slope is good... much better than in Smithers. Should be fun... I will be able to do it slow... or fast... I should be able to do it carving on the snow and the air... also skimming above the snow... or going airborne then carving on the snow for the next turn... the terrain gives a lot of options...

The ski hill is in a natural bowl.. I talked to a nieghbour about the natural amphitheatre we have... would be a great place to have summer concerts. When I take my organ to the deck to play on a sunny day... I can say I am playing the bowl! Ski the wing in the morning... play the bowl in the afternoon.

Snow... please... pretty please with a cherry on top.

I check my horoscope when I go online... my favourite is by Holiday Mathis... today she wrote: "LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). The world you call normal is very different from what another person routinely experiences. Someone passing through for a casual visit to your world will feel like they are on another planet." I find her very uplifting...

Monday, Oct. 25

A while ago I was thinking about milk... with genetics we will be growing meat... eliminating the need for harvesting animals... I love milk... so I thought... well... we could genetically grow milk too... then we wouldn't need dairy farms... but then the other day I was thinking of mothers milk... breast milk passes on a lot of anti-bodies... healthier babies... so why don't we grow breast milk instead? Since we're human, it would be healthier.

I love milk... I already drink from a jug... why not a couple of jugs?

Worked on some trim today... used poly on some cedar paneling... it looks beautiful.

Tuesday, Oct. 26

Polyed the center beam this morning. Looks real nice... like new. Finished the cedar inside... Let it snow... Please! The weather report says snow for Halloween... pretty normal.

I am at war again this afternoon... another battle... not good. A need to ski.

Wednesday, Oct. 27

Trim and firewood today... snow on the top of the yellow chair this morning... gone now. It is supposed to snow on Halloween so I am going to have a fire in the firepit and invite anyone who is on the mountain to come over... if your reading this pass the word. I figure about 7:00pm should be dark enough. If you don't know the cabin... 3015 Purden Ski Hill Rd... Bob's Place. If your not a cabin owner and your passing by your welcome.

Thursday, Oct. 28

I was playing some music this morning... moon was bright... I was thinking about skiing and music when I say a circular cloud above Purden... like in my image Mountain Range Lion

Finished replacing the paneling on the stairwell... may sand the master bedroom floor this week. Dust shouldn't get downstairs.

Saturday, Oct. 30

High wind this morning... took down the wind turbine... need to make a metal bracket for the peak. Made a fibreglass casting of the white seed... the black clay works well... need to find a better way to fill the mold. Also played for a while... made a bow out of an old racing pole... it works... need to fiddle with it more.

Snowed this morning... I want it to snow so bad... need to start climbing so I can make my stairway... stair climbing is good exercise for skiing. Listened to Led Zepplins Stairway to Heaven.. I didn't listen to them much... my stairway is better... listened to Phil Collins Dance into the light this morning... I like it... better song.

The High way is no way.

Just saw a pic of Richard Thomas... reminded me of Walton's Mountain... I really liked that show. I dream of Genie.. Bewitched... Walt Disney... Ed Sullivan... Bonanza... Little House on the Praire... Highway to Heaven... The Monkees...

Here's a riddle: I have blue dinosaurs with mohawks... what are they? Saturday, Nov. 13

Pic of where the deers slept yesterday pic

Now that I have named my property 'Cando'... I can call myself... a Candoan, a British Columbian, a Canadian, a North American, a Terran, a Solan, a Milky Wayan and a Universian. Kieth and kids roasting hotdogs in the fireplace at Purden... kids want to go skiing. a few letters and emails? When we have a world of no more cave vs cave this is one profession that will become redundant... we will no longer need them.!

Sunday, Nov. 14

Warm weather... rained... snowed up top.... not going to climb today... putting longer version of a couple of my songs on my mp3 player... Saturday works very well for climbing... the rhythm will be good for skiing.

Took the laptop and the organ to the deck of the lodge this morning... it was warm... thought I would play the bowl... the wind is cold... it is going to snow... the forcast is snow all week.... powder! YeeeeeeHawwwwwwww.

Monday, Nov. 15

Made a couple of seeds using emamel for color...

In a world of no more cave vs cave there will be no countries... just homes. My home is Cando.

There was a question on CNN... "Could you live in a house the size of a parking space for one car"... I have... a 10 x 12 trailer... a Ford Focus... and a lot of park benches. Cando is my heaven on earth... the one I am building. After the trauma of 2004-2008 it is my home.

Wednesday, Nov. 17

Climbed the yellow chair yesterday... skied down the pipe... got some good turns in on the sections that were mowed... pics tomorrow.

Took down the gutters... the water on the well is freezing now... will break it each time I go down for water. Snow and wind all day... should be powder this week. Still a lot of willows... dangerous.

Thursday, Nov. 18

A baby black bear went under the cabin today... I set out some food... it ate it... it also went into the woodshed and got into the garbage... no mom. I opened the kitchen door as a child at Blackpoint and was scared by a blackbear... I think it was more scared of me.

Will post the skiing pics when it isn't so cold on the fingers.

I was listening to one of kitty's songs and thought of my birth date... was I conceived on Valentines? Was it a cold winter? Was thinking of Disney when I remembered his family came from Upper Canada... the same area as my Great Grandfather... the same period. The towns were only miles apart... did they go to the same barn dances? I broke my right arm as a child at Blackpoint pretending to be a steamboat captain... like steamboat willy. I still have a scar on the inside of my right elbow.

Found a spot this morning on the garden terrace for the tuning fork.

Saturday, Nov. 20

Set out more food... the bear ate it... the manager got a trap... we set it up. Hopefully we can save the bear. The bear climbed onto the roof of the entrance and tried climbing up the ladder.

My day skiing on Wednesday...

I was thinking the other day... I named my property Cando... I moved here Jan.1, 2010... I carved it in a rock... I can start my own calendar with the zero point Jan. 1, 2010...

Thursday, Nov. 25

The net has been down... very cold... spending most of the time staying warm... keeping the fire going. I was talking out loud... asking for someone to invent fusion... please... fusion in a grapefruit. Please... it is cold in the cabin. With fusion in a ball the size of a grapefruit we will have free power for everyone... a genetic fridge to grow food... a closet to make clothes... technology, communication... a warm home... light... cool air in heat... all free. This morning I asked again... someone please invent it... I need it and someone in a mud hut in africa needs it.

Snowing now... a lot warmer. A leak in the water jug... the rug froze and ice on the floor this morning... fixed the hole with epoxy... see if it works. Have another jug I can use. Shoveled the snow this morning... tomorrow, tomorrow, I will be sking powder tomorrow... I will put up the 'Gone Skiing Sign'.

Writing music down... thought of a name for the song... the symphony... 'The Courting Trail.' It fits... I don't know how to read music... I am learning how to write some notes... I still need help in arranging it... especially when I begin adding the brass and string sections... the other instrument sections. Began some lyrics for one of my songs.... like a poem. Hmmmmmmm... kissing rabbits... nibbling butterflies.

Almost two months since I went for a grocery run... the car is broken down... need to plan trips into town.

With the 20 below temp no bright lights... a lot of time in bed... warm under the covers... like hibernating. I made a sled for hauling water... it will work well as a notice board... I put up a sign the other day... 'Goddess needed apply within' Heeheehee. Humour. True though. I lost my phone... I added some pay time to it... I am cut off at the moment. Found an LG phone on the mountain under some grass... probably lost last year or the year before. Dried it out. Need to charge it... find out if I can use it.

May hitchhike into town now that it is warmer... need to mail something... pick up mail... pick up some groceries... I have a large backpack.

I was going through my notes and writing... thinking of lyrics and found something I originally wrote for Perceptions in the summer of 2004:


To realize while you are here that you are one with the whole, while remaining seperate. To realize thought is reality. To achieve un-conditional love. To learn as much as you can, share the knowledge, everyone benefits.

Be open to guidance from the Sphere of Understanding we reside within. They are trying to guide us individually and as a whole onto the right path to benefit all of us and all the Spheres of Understanding we share this Universe with.

Understanding brings one emmense control over ones fate... but one must resist the urge to use this knowledge to conrol or manipulate anothers fate for their own benefit. To use the knowledge to control others removes their free will... that is wrong.

To use this knowledge to attempt to 'make' your world at the expense of another or everyone around you is wrong.

It is best to try and find a way to use the knowledge to benefit others... to benefit the 'whole'... the 'one'... and still remain balanced with yourself, with those around you and those who guide us.

It is best that 'worlds'... 'spheres'... merge softly... with tender loving care... not collide with friction.

Loving one another with understanding of our inherent differences is much easier than pretending to love without understanding.

"Senses + Knowledge + Reason + Emotion = Perception."

When the core is in balance and on the right track then things flow smoothly... no accidents... no crime... no sadness... no hate... no evil. So when the core is in harmony with the universes natural rythm... connected to the correct frequency... correct wavelength... then universal harmony and peace occurs. When this occurs there is no hate, no discord. All things both in thought and the material in one harmony. One with your machine. When this occurs there is no need for war... no need for police... no need for weapons... no need. The Universe in a state of warmth. No cave vs cave. No poverty... no hunger... no homelessness. With needs met... time.

Happiness not contentment... Heaven on Earth.

I have added it to the 'Perceptions' page... Friday, Nov. 26

Climbed the pipe today... some good powder... got some good turns in... 2nd fall of the year... hit a small tree under the snow. Still dangerous. Stair climbed up to the face of the pipe, put on skins at the corner of the steep section... they slipped in some deep snow. Skied down.

Got some good pics I will post later.

Was just reading about wi-fi radiation killing trees... they say affects on us are inconclusive... excuse me!!!! but if it is hurting trees... it is hurting us!

Saturday, Nov. 27

A lot warmer... a lot of new snow.

Pics of my day skiing yesterday.

I was in the outhouse the other day... cold... I was thinking that a small flame to flare methane would work like a candle... like flaring gas in an oil field... help to keep it warm. Also thought a warm pad for the the seat would be nice to take out when it is 20 - 40 below.

Monday, Nov. 29

Climbed up the yellow half way twice yesterday... the 2nd run was heaven... felt good.

I like seeing rabbit tracks all over the yard.

When we are in a world of no more cave vs cave... with needs met... energy... genetics... technology... we will all get to discover what we love to do!

Tuesday, Nov. 30

A lot of wind last night... snowing now.

Last summer I made pies twice a week at the restaurant. I met a couple of americans one day filling up their gas tanks... they may have been vets. After a while one commented to me... 'We'll clean it up!' I knew what he was referring too... a connection to 9/11... an editorial I wrote when I had it was called 'Cleaning Up the House.'

If I have had so few hits on my website... if no one knows who I am. How does someone from the United States know who I am? Know about that editorial? Know where I work? Know what I look like? How does that happen?

It happened more than once.

Wednesday, Dec. 1 A lot of wind yesterday... light dusting... didn't climb today... maybe tomorrow. Planning an open house for opening weekend or the one after. Everyone can meet Bob! Check out my art... maybe play some music... pot luck.

Thursday, Dec. 2

In Nov. 2003 I took off the internet... about two months later I was doing some research on the internet about some events that were occurring. I was very concerned... scared... one afternoon or evening I 'heard'... as if someone was talking to me... 'Go to your fathers house.' I went there... the house on Victoria Ave. in Chilliwack. I didn't say much to my father... just asked if I could stay the night. I was writing a letter about events that had occurred... one of which was about a Tempo station in Chilliwack where I stopped for cigs in the middle of the night... (I still smoked then), there were four arabs and one eastern european behind the counter... I assumed Chechyn... they were all speaking arabic... the red flags went up... the right size for a cell. I included a reference to a police officer in Vancouver. Then next morning I went to print it off... there was only one line on it... the last one to do with the police officer. I got scared. I went to the police station to report it... the officer asked for my name... he looked at the file, I could tell he was reading more than he was telling me... I told him what had happened... he said, 'Yes, they can do that." I could tell he wasn't going to help me... I knew from his reply that he knew about it... that it was the government doing it. I was scared... I left the police station believing that someone was going to kill me... the government was not going to help me... they hacked into my computer to steal documents... they obviously got all my writing also. They are still doing it.

Last night I was thinking about how I named my propery Cando... now that I am a Candoan I thought of an image for Cando... an independent sphere above milk (quantum foam)... I like it. Independent Sphere of Cando...

Sunday, Dec. 5

Skied yestereay and this morning... the t-bar and Baker were open... climbed the yellow chair half way... good run... nice powder. Not all the pics uploaded... having trouble with the connection.

Had a hamburger and chicken wings... after 2 months they tasted good... actually 8 months... hitch hiked into town the other day for groceries... had roast beef and potatoes yesterday and the day before. Meat after a few months tasted so good. I got a ride in and back easily... took a taxi to the top of airport hill on the way out. Hiked up the ski hill road with the pack... about 60 pounds... got to the 2nd switch back when someone came along... it was heavy. May take the sled down next time I go to town.

Thursday, Dec. 9

Very warm this week... firewood... cleaned up the cabin... made some steps and paths with snow in the backyard. I was trying to upload pics I took of people on Sunday... I was able to upload html files... but not jpg. At the end of the day Steve called me in to do my seasons pass... it was almost $800.00... I signed it anyway.

Up until that point I thought I was going to be on staff this winter... I had attended an evac prac and my pic was still on the staff insctructors page... I got upset... had an arguement with Kieth... I told him to take my photo off the instructors page. I will not be on staff this winter. I will just ski... I have a seasons pass.

Sunday, Dec. 12

The base looks good even with the melt on the packed runs... hopefully it will snow all week.

The pics from last week uploaded fine. Picked up my season pass... have new look... I sewed my 8- Way Star crest from skydiving on the thigh of my right leg. I am also wearing my soft helmet from skydiving. I made some new lenses for my Carrera goggles... I cut it from a peanut butter jar. Goggles by 'Western Family'.

Got a pic of a white rabbit in the backyard and a new one of the cabin with snow falling.

Thursday, Dec. 16

The camera broke on sunday... no pics until I get a new one... put up a christmas tree... decorated it with some gause and ties from an old ski patrol fanny pack... a first aid kit. Went through family photos... put them on the folding plywood I made for a couch in Smithers... using it as a display... put it beside the christmas tree.

Friday, Dec. 17

In PG picking up some things. Got a haircut... feels good.

Saturday, Dec. 18

Cold today... four runs... slow technical turns. Felt good.

Monday, Dec. 20

Very cold this morning... trouble lighting the fire... need to cut some more firwood this morning... boxed up my red OR jacket for replacement, the front zipper broke... an infinite guarentee... I like their stuff.

Going to play some music in the lodge this afternoon... right some down.

Wednesday, Dec. 22

My sister came to visit yesterday... it was nice... my nephew, his wife and kids are coming out on Boxing day.

Saturday, Dec. 25

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Had christmas dinner last night... stuffing rolled up in thin steak... mock chicken... mashed potatoes... made a christmas greeting video for my family...

My 'Goddess Needed' sign blew away in the high wind... I made another one to hang on the sled this morning... snowing today... wet... Tuesday, Dec. 28

Skied Hickory Wing... Stowell and the Wall this morning... some awsome powder... got some good turns in... best snow so far. Not as many willows as the face.

Saw Hildur and the Fossberg girls... Lillian and Maghnil at a table near the front window... I went over to say hello... They were smiling when they saw me. Troll Resort still doesn't have enough snow. It was so good to see them. Went skiing with Maghnil, her husband and some of the the kids... Emily... it was a lot of fun.

In the spring of 2004 I left Chilliwack after a traumatic event... I didn't know where I was going... I ended up at Troll Ski Resort... I hill I taught at as a young man...(still a young man, heeheehee) Hildur let me stay there... a bed that saved my life... I remember the first night sleeping there... It felt so good... I felt safe... it was comfortable. A place where I have always been happy.

It was there where I carved Perceptions.

Thursday, Dec. 30

Cold in the cabin this morning... Sunny day.

A home should tell a story... it is a reflection of yourself... senses plus knowledge... creativity.

Saturday, Jan. 1, 2011

Happy New Year. Was playing some music this morning... a small bird landed on the top of a tree in the backyard... began tweeting... it heard the music. I won't cut that tree down.

I didn't go to the New Years Eve party last night... woke up sober as I have done for almost 30 years. Feels good. I am going to paint a new sign this afternoon.. I am going to put up a sign for and put Bob's place above the door. Also the lot number... 3015. Posted some pics of the small seed I casted... they are half way down the page.

Wednesday, Jan. 5

Climbed the yellow this morning... skied the face... a lot of powder... still snowing.... maybe two runs tomorrow. Felt good to climb again... exercise... stair climbed.

Thursday, Jan. 6

Climbed half way up the yellow... nice turns... warmed my toes then climbed to the top... skied down the face then the far left past the cliff and the right of the jr. National... It was nice.

A lot of powder. This weekend is going to be good skiing.

Friday, Jan. 7

Woke up at 5... new snow... skied the face... Hickory wing... stowell... the wall... a lot of powder... got some good turns in.

Saturday, Jan. 8

Didn't ski today... cleaned up the cabin... firwood... my ski pants and turtle neck are dry now. I wore my old black ski pants and a white turtle neck yesterday... nice for a change... I think I will wear them more.

Sunday, Jan. 9

Good carving snow... got some cruising in... some big turns.... cold. May bring out the canopy this week...

Tuesday, Jan. 11

Had a nice memory yesterday of when I took my Canadian Ski Instructors Level III at Sunshine in 1978... I lost a ski on the bump run... skied down on one ski... when they presented my Level 3 pin they gave me a spike... to slow me down.... heeheehee.

I was thinking this morning of my feet... when I was younger I thought my feet were too short and too wide... I don't anymore... when I was younger I thought my hands were too small and my fingers too short... I don't anymore... when I was younger I thought I was too short... I don't anymore... I thought of Da Vinci's Virtruvian Man... proportions... mine are fine.

While playing the organ I was thinking about compatibility in relationships... I am single... with a compatibile mate you do not loose freedom... you gain freedom... time saved... with needs met time!

Last summer I was lighting my fire... I was using gasoline as fire starter... I had it in a plastic oil container... I poured some over the kindling... there were some coals at the bottom... I didn't expect it to light... I turned away and the fumes ignited from the coals... fire shot out of the stove and caught the bottle... I dropped it on the floor... fire on the stove... floor and cupboards... between me and the door. I headed to the door... but instantly turned back to put out the fire with the water I had in the kitchen... I grabbed the plastic bottle which was still burning with gas in it and carried it outside... one misstep and I would have burned too death... it was the closest I have ever come to dying. It shook me up... if I had not gone back... put it out and carried the bottle outside... if I had not risked my life I would not have my home today... I would not have my cabin... I would have lost my life. I am very careful with gasoline now... very careful with the fire stove.

Wednesday, Jan. 12

It is snowing... it is so beautiful with the snow on the trees... relaxing today... firewood tomorrow.

I hung the 'Bob's Place' sign above my inside door... when I go out I see a picture from moon base home and a sign that says 'Bob's Place'... fits.

Thursday, Jan. 13

Hauled some firewood from the back of the some footage... snowing... it's going to be nice skiing tomorrow. I have made it through two of the coldest months in winter without electric/propane heat or running water or electric lights... just candles... just a solar panel for the organ and a generator to charge batteries... a wood stove for cooking and heat. I was going to the lodge to fill the water bottles but began using the well for cleaning and washing and snow for drinking... used a chain saw to cut a hole in the ice and haul it with a bucket... maybe a bath tomorrow after skiing.

Friday, Jan. 14

Made some popcorn last night... it was good... haven't had any in a long time. Played music for quite a while... came up with a couple of new melodies... it was a lot of fun.

I was playing with special effects on my organ last night... one of them is of someone throwing up... youth... parties... I don't miss hurling! haahaahaa.

Made some bread this morning... no butter... mixed some powdered milk, water and an egg... added some cocoa and brown sugar and cinnamon porridge... fryed on the stove... good... no butter though. I remembered my father telling me that during the secound world war they didn't have butter, he used lard... so I melted some lard... put in some sugar and lemon concentrate... it's good.

Saturday, Jan. 15

Powder coming out the ying yang...

Sunday, Jan. 16

A lot of powder today... walked out the front door this morning... new snow.

I ran into my grade 10 French teacher at Lakewood... Miss Lamerieu (I don't remember the spelling) she remembered my name... as soon as I saw her eyes I knew it was Miss Lamerieu... I gave her a big hug... she was one of my favourite teachers.

I was thinking last night about my feet... about something a psychic said to me a long time ago... 'sole of foot'... I have a high arch and wide foot... I used to call them flippers when I was young... difficult to find shoes that fit properly... skiers feet... I thought about music... how I love to ski... how I am falling in love with the organ... music... how I feel when I am skiing... when everything goes right on a run... On sole of foot the music plays. When I am playing my music... when everything goes right... when I get the feeling... it is like a good ski run.

Monday, Jan. 17

Shoveling, firewood and cleaning up the cabin today... snowed last night. Kieth was plowing. I saw a lot of color yesterday... I went up the lift with Karly, the daughter of someone I went to high school with... Rob Whitwam... she was wearing yellow pants... smiling... happy... I saw a young man the other day stand in front of me with a red jacket on and yellow pants... cool... I saw Megan yesterday wearing yellow pants and a purple jacket ( I think )... I like those colors... it is flattering to see the kids wearing bright colors... flattering to know some have gotten the idea from my site or from me skiing. It is a big responsibility... I went up the lift with a young girl... Annie... she used to race last year... but is coaching Nancy Green now... I tried to encourage her... she will have fun.

I also let someone who has spread lies about me in Smithers and here last spring know I am not happy with him... not to do it anymore... he was going up the lift with Annie at the time. Felt good to get it off my chest.

Conciousness lives on... given that dolphins are intelligent and sentient, theirs would also. What if...... our spirits can communicate, would we understand one another? What if two were compatible... a mermaid?

Wednesday, Jan. 19

I slept very well last night... woke up dreaming of a girl.

I had been away from skiing and winter so long... I love it so much. The other night it was a clear sky, the moon was out. The moonlight sparkled on the snow, it was so beautiful. I thought about night skiing... no flat light... it would be fun.

Came up with a couple of new melodies, I then thought I have enough for a dvd. Summer project once I have the water turbine hooked up, then I can use the cabin as a studio.

Made some milk and cookies the other night and just played music. Practised finger movements so I can come up with new combinations for the symphony I am writing. I love the creative process.

Skinned (to soft to climb) up to the bottom of the cliff and the top of the steep pitch on the pipe to scout locations for two music videos similar to 'Senses'

Saturday, Jan. 22

Cleaned up the cabin this morning... charging the battery with the generator... also vacummed.

After the blizzard I spent thursday digging out... got the snow off the roof so the stove pipe would be safe. Friday morning was foggy and didn't look too good... the lift started so I headed out... the wind had packed the previous snow... the new snow on top was light. It was just about perfect skiing conditions... I skied all day... only a short break to warm my toes. I got a lot of good turns... the first few runs were fantastic... untouched snow... it was a great day. Some kids were building a jump on the pipe... I checked it out... looked fine.

No big lip... lips concern me after a fall at Taber Mtn when I was about their age. Ended up upside down and fell 35 feet onto my neck... I hurt for quit a while. I have only done one jump in 30 years... at Troll... flat light, but I did try to get air on the terrain at Smithers... I was having a lot of fun for a few days off a bump on the chair and then one day I landed wrong and skimmed a tree... over 48 stitches in my head. I tried the jump the kids made... I liked it... I am going to get more air this winter, I am wearing my soft helmet so I shouldn't need stitches.

Monday, Jan. 24

Firewood and kindling today... Skied sunday... the bowl was groomed so I was able to do some warm up runs... absorbing the large bumps as you enter the face. Large turns from groomed to choppy snow... fun. Skied express the rest of the day... large turns from side to side... fast... it was a lot fun... it is like a roller coaster sometimes. When I am making noise... like a car or just fun noises then you know everything is going well... I am having a great time.

I may even say hi to those on the lift or snow sometimes as I am skiing by... howdy howdy.

The turns I was making are the turns for the image in the poem Mountain Range Lion, 'On runs of dust, the angel flies.'

Tuesday, Jan. 25

Firewood, laundry(a pair of blue jeans and a turtle neck) a 5 gal bucket... soap... bleach... potato masher... hung in the wind to drain water.

Thought about my poem... Mountain Range Lion... I changed two of the images... more color... fit better... changed Mountain Range Lion to Larva in Cocoon which represents the Resurrection of Bob... a return to skiing and a healthy lifestyle... I also changed Spring skiing to one with more color in it...

they fit better.

Wednesday, Jan. 26

Uploading updates.

Sunday, Jan. 30

Hitchhiked to town on Friday... stayed over night... watched tv... had a bath... made pizza last night... cleaned up the cabin.

I stumbled upon a quote by George Washington Carver on that I like... if fits... "Since new developments are the result of a creative mind, we must therefore stimulate and encourage that type of mind in every way possible." While working on my cabin... firewood... wood stove... no hydro... water well... thoughts about my ancestors have helped me. My great-great Grandfather Nelmes settled in Upper Canada in the mid 1800's. My great-grandfather Nelmes settled in the Upper Fraser Valley... Chilliwack... Popcum in the early 1870's. My great-grandfather Thomas Weaver moved up from the Seattle area and settled in the Morris valley, near Harrison Lake... his daughter Adel Weaver married my grandfather Edgar Nelmes. Weaver Lake just west of Harrison is named after him. My mothers father, Frank Evans was from northern Wales. He fought at flanders fields in the first world war. My grandmother on my mothers side, his wife was Mabel Platt, my mothers mother. Her family moved from the United States and settled in central Alberta. They came across the Oregon Trail in a wagon. The family tree on her side can be traced back to 1638 in the United States. The William Ward geneology. The first commander in chief of the American revolutionary army was Artemus Ward... a relative in the tree. A story of one of my ancestors... she had to walk 40 miles through a blazed trail to escape british/native attacks and others have helped me when I have needed it. My grandmother Nanie (Mabel) 2nd husband was Bob Cameron, I was named after him. I think of him as my real grandfather... he had a workshop in the basement in Powell River where he made a small and paddles with balls on them. My grandmother gave my a watch of his,a tie clip and a 1962 silver dollar to remember him, they were stolen from me in Chilliwack after my father died, along with other items I cherished as hierlooms I hoped to give to someone one day. I was going through a difficult time and was living in my car. I don't think very highly of those who stole them.

Thursday, Feb. 3

Firewood this week... cleaned up the cabin... snowing now, the cabin will be warmer.

I was thinking the other day about the wake up song for the space station and shuttle. I thought it would be cool if they had a crew take their instruments with them so they could write a song about seeing home from their view point... a song they could play for all of us.

I cut some curved trees down yesterday for the back steps... they will be dry by the time I need them.

Friday, Feb. 11

Heard one of the kids say, as I came in the lodge, "We just love to watch you ski." That feels good.

A women complimented me on my ability from the yellow chair today... near tower 10. I thanked her and told her it was just experience. She was cute.

Unsolicited compliments put a smile on my face.

The snow on Monday and Tuesday was light and deep, I climbed up twice on Monday and once on Tuesday. I timed it for the sun to be shining down the yellow chair. The snow was sparkling in the sunlight. The snow was light. Took the trail home today and skied right to my door. I rigged up a hanger out of copper tubing to hang my skis from a branch of the tree just outside the front door.

Saturday, Feb. 12

As I was heading towards the fireplace a child said to me, "Your the doctor here." I have thought if I didn't go for my Level 4 Canadian Ski Instructors I would do a PHD in skiing. Doctor Bob.

I have had a lot of kudos in the last few days... feels good.

Wednesday, Feb. 16

I was cleaning up the cabin... preparing to do a video will.. I was planning to commit suicide this week... I didn't. Thoughts of twos girl I know who cared and a moment playing the organ saved my life.

Felt good on Tuesday. As I was walking to the back yard the sun was shining. I got a chair and set it in the snow. I sat down and watched the clouds, enjoyed the sunshine and had the first rest I have had in a long time. I came up with some more lyrics/words for "Gardens of Wonder." Sunshine on my face... silent sunshine, it was quiet... thought of fusion... the sun in a grapefruit. Silent power... no sound. The warmth on my face as the clouds passed over the sun felt nice. I saw what looked like 3 seeds, notes, like and ocean wave in the clouds. I thought of 'Waves of Warmth'... warm sunshine... warm thought waves... warm communication... warm meetings... no hate. Our thoughts radiates outward... people would feel warm.

I watched the clouds, shapes, the ski hill, I love skiing, I have fallen in love with music and creativity. I thought of 'Mountains of Music'... the feeling I get when I ski... when I play music... when it is right... it is like a good ski run or when I finish a piece of art. Music. I was looking at the trees in the backyard, I was thinking about nature, genetics, about energy, communication, food... growing meat/milk/health.

I heard a muse... an ancestor... helping say 'knowledge'... I thought 'Trees of Knowledge'. It fit... it made sense.

Science... History... Truth.

I added them to "In Gardens of Wonder."

In gardens of wonder, there is wonder in the world. Poni Mungthi, Water Please. A winter wonderland. A smiling summerland. Silent sunshine. Waves of Warmth. Mountains of Music. Trees of Knowledge. Heaven on Earth.

Sunday, Feb. 20

Ran into Peter Hobson skiing today... I used to ski with him when I was younger... I graduated from PGSS with him. It was nice to see him.

The cabin was a popsicle yesterday. Found a type of tree on the property that burns very hot when green. I may try tapping the sap this summer. The stove got so hot the top of the chimney melted. Poured water on the fire.

Wednesday, Feb. 23

Beautiful sunny day... climbed up to the bottom of the steep pitch on the pipe... cold toes... skied down the lower pipe... got some nice turns in.

Played the organ yesterday... I discovered I can use my XL2 to record my music. I tried it and it sounded good. Reverberation in the cabin resulted in good sound quality. It will work well for recording... better than the small mic or cables.

I tried video taping inside today. Lighting from the large picture windows works well. I have an opening for my next music video in mind.

Friday, Feb. 25

Firewood. The sun was shining through the trees onto the cabin. Got a good shot of the entrance and the cabin. It will be perfect for the intro on the music video. Cold today... -27 c this evening. Going to be cold tonight. Made sure I have kindling and wood ready for the morning.

Thursday, Feb. 24

Recorded 'Waves of Warmth' for my next music video. One take. I waited for the sun to shine on the sculpture. I moved the organ closer to the center of the livingroom. Better sound. Firewood.

Tuesday, Mar. 1

Recorded myself sking this weekend for the music video... the powder this weekend was fantastic... light... soft... a lot of fun to ski. On one of the shots a girl stopped... looked into the camera, said hello... and waved. I am going to use it.

Began editing the music video yesterday. I remembered another shot I want to use so I am going to finish it today.

Waves of Warmth

Thursday,Mar. 10

Firewood and powder skiing this week... finally found a way to hook up my desktop to wireless... put it in a backpack and get back on the net. Ran into a friend from my paving days in PG... good to see him. Sunday, Mar. 13

Skied Friday and Saturday... firwood.

To discover true heaven and still be alive... is comforting.

Monday, Mar. 14

Firewood today... my sister and husband were out for a visit... they brought a small wood stove and some supplies. Also a 'Granny Pull'... a clothes rack I made when I had Hantiques... an antique restoration business... a couple of plant hangers also that can be raised and lowered. I can use them. I showed them my new music video... Waves of Warmth my sister smiled and laughed.

It was good to hear her laugh and smile... a rough year last year.

Ran into a friend from elementary school yesterday... we skied about four runs. It was nice to see and reminice with him... we tried making a gocart from wire spools and an old briggs and stratton motor... I thought it was a chainsaw motor but I recall fanbelts... so a briggs and stratton. He is also the only person I have ever had a fight with... he won in grade 7... I won in grade twelve.

He came up to me in a pub called the Drake in Vancouver many years ago... I was there with my dad watching the strippers. He came up to me and said... 'Wanna fight' I laughed... we talked. He apologized for how he acted in those days. I have always given him credit for that. The right thing to do. Found out another friend from those days is still in PG... we dressed as 'Man from Uncle' agents for a Haloween party at school... I died my hair black. Days of innocense. When I am in my bed I can look out the window and see a constellation shaped like the sign libra... the same shape as the garden terrace in the back yard... the same shape of the river where I found two rocks... one for the 2nd sculpure and one with three indentations in it... it represents Purden... I was thinking two stars in the center look like a spoon... the ski hill is in a crater... a bowl shape... when I am playing the organ or yell it reverberates... a natural amphitheater... I did an image...

so I call it 'The Bowl.' Thursday, Mar. 17

Happy St. Partricks day. Hung one of the hangers above the stove for drying clothes... another one above the counter for pots... it looks good... homey. Got some laundry done... hung outside to drip and then hung inside to dry... the cabin is warmer now that the temp is higher. It is more comfortable... cleaner. A lot of soot on the the walls... so spring cleaning will mean a lot of scrubbing.

Fell backwards yesterday... not skiing... hurt the back left of the rib cage. Taking it easy today. May be skiing slow this weekend.

Saturday, Mar. 19

Took it easy today... the ribs were fine. Skied smooth. Hardpacked until about noon... snow softened up. Got some good turns in.

Sunday, Mar. 20

Checking the news this morning. Couldn't get on the net so I plugged in my wireless card and then my computer went crazy... When it worked again... my windows was a clean install with my D-Link files missing. It had to have been done by remote control... I was not on the net. I am having difficulty finding my D-Link install disk. Not pleased...!!!!!

Tuesday, Mar. 22

Wireless was down... got it going this morning. Light dusting this morning... skiing is good.

Downloading software I lost... the zipper on my OR Jacket broke so I sent it back for a new one... I should get it this week. The last one was red... this one is blue. I am looking forward to it.

Thursday, Mar. 24

Yesterday... it was warm and sunny all day yesterday... skied all day. Corn snow in the afternoon. I skied with a sweater and my sun hat all day. No burn this morning... lotion on my face last night.

Today looks to be about the same... Fixed my desktop... I had to take out one of the hard drives and reset the boot sequence.

Sunday, Mar. 27

Didn't ski Friday... snow softened up in the afternoon yesterday...

Sad... Just read about two neighbours in the US state of Mississippi drew weapons and fired at each other as an argument over a defecating dog ran out of control.

Tuesday, Mar. 29

Firewood and dishes today... took it easy... set up the video camera... if the sun comes out this week I may climb up for footage of the video I want to do called... 'Milk does the body good.'

Tuesday, Mar. 29

Firwood and dishes today... took it easy... set up the video camera... if the sun comes out this week I may climb up for footage of the video I want to do called... 'Milk does the body good.'

Wednesday, Mar. 30

Hump day... washed my blue jeans... some firewood... dishes... climbed up the yellow chair half way... got some turns in. Snow is soft. Started up the generator... flew the flight simulator for a while... still know how. I like trying Carrier landings with an F-18.

Friday, April. 1

Firewood... came up with a system to write down my melodies for the organ. The days are longer... had a bath last night... felt good to be clean. There is an easter egg hunt for the kids on sunday... I am going to video it... make a dvd.

Monday, April. 4

It was a beautiful weekend... I took some video of the kids and the easter egg hunt. I wanted to make a video of it and make it available to the parents and children... creating memories... I also wanted to give a copy to the ski patrol and the hill. I looked for my firewire this morning so I could upload the footage from the camera... it is missing. Firewire doet just up and walk away. I am pretty sure I didn't take it to the lodge. It's locked today... I'll check later. I am on the deck updating my site. The video will have to wait. I am sorry.

While climbing up last week I saw evidence of a struggle in the snow under the yellow chair... no tracks to that point... I look for bobcat tracks... old ones... I saw large claw tracks... I though bird... crow... but didn't quite fit... a nieghbour up here said it could have been an eagle since there was one here last year. I saw two yesterday circling in the save area.

Tuesday, April. 5

Got my new Ourdoor Research jacket... I like it... I got a blue one this time.

Found my firewire... right in front of me... wrapped around a cooking pot in the kitchen... not where it is supposed to be. I will do the easter egg hunt today.

Wednesday, April. 7

I have virtually stopped having any alchohol... toot... caffiene... I am cleaner now that I have ever been... given I've only had 3 short periods ie: 1 yr each of ganga use. I tried a couple of glasses of wine and a couple toots yesterday in a social situation... I was giving an ear to someone who needs to talk. I don't like the feeling it gives me any more... I like being neutral. Clean is so much better. I think I will moderate coffee... tea and other substancers... Alcohol dissipates... about an ounce an hour. So one beer will be gone quickly... toot or other chemicals take longer to dissipate... I don't like it. I don't like the feeling.

Sunday, April. 10

Experimented with Devils Club last night... a book I have was talking about how the natives used it for medicine... I tried some boiled bark... yuk. Alder cones... small ones make a very nice tea.

Last day of skiing today with the chair lifts... I got 11 runs of powder after closing last year... next week looks warm.. but if it snows I will get some powder skiing in. With all the powder this winter there should be a few things lying on the runs this summer. Looking forward to spring and summer.

The cement upright on the west back corner has moved with melt... the cabin is resting 100% on the cribbing... it is a good thing I put it in... I will have to monitor the melt and any movement... the cement footing will have to be dug out or chipped away to ensure the cribbing isn't affected. The center cribbing will have to be monitored to ensure the back wall does not sink... the center beam is a little soft at the back... it is the next one that will have to replaced with a log.

Monday, April. 11

A quiet day today...

Tuesday, April. 12

Played some music on the deck of the lodge, sun was shining... still cool. Climbed up to the first tower of the t-bar a couple of times... did some figure eights.

Friday, April. 15

I was listening to some music yesterday and looking at the art on my wall... I was looking at the 'key' and decided to change the logo on my site. I changed it to the key...

there is only one pizza. Saturday, April. 16

Climbed the yellow chair... felt good. A good run... caught an edge on the cliff... outside edge... snow snake... chunk of ice... didn't fall.

Monday, April. 18

Climbed the yellow chair... skied the pipe... cleared some brush from the back of the property.

Thursday, April. 21

Earth day tomorrow. I think I am going to take it easy... if sunny climb the yellow in the afternoon. Listen to the birds... watch the clouds.

Saturday, April. 23

Sunny day... I timed my climb up the yellow so the sun would be shining directly overhead. I brought out the keyboard so I could play the bowl on the deck of the lodge.

I played in my backyard yesterday.

There is a tree half way that I stop and rest at, another at the top. I climbed to it and then walked over to the rock I like. I rested. I saw two planes, contrails. One at high altitude the other about half way. They crossed paths. As they were approaching I thought about 'x' marks the spot. Their contrails formed an x about when the sun was directly overhead. I thought about the last time I mentioned 'x marks the spot'. It was at Troll resort in the summer of 2004. It was the name of one of the background images for Microsoft media player, I was listening to music. It was when I began sculpting 'Perceptions' and when I first tried to go back skiing. I thought I had better write it down. I got up and had a good run.

The snow was soft, but still a little icy underneath in spots. It was nice, slow cared turns. When I got back down I was sidestepping up to the deck of the lodge when I saw a small caterpiller. I remembered seeing a larva in cocoon when I got back to my car after tring to climb up the back way to the mtn I call 'Love at first sight' west of Smithers.

It inspired the image 'Larva in Cocoon', I now call 'The Resurrection on Bob' a return to skiing and a healthy lifestyle. It only means something to me, it fits with today, with seeing the planes crossing paths.

I sat down at the keyboard and played 'Waves of Warmth', the sun was directly overhead the yellow chair.

I walked back to my cabin to get a pencil and my binder to write it down. I saw a whole bunch of orange butterflies. Means something to me, my sculpture Perceptions is orange.

I noticed that I was typing without the dots... the pregnant pauses... connecting the dots. It is time to write again!

Though I feel there should be a woman with me, I am single and where I am supposed to be.

Tuesday, April. 26

It is warming up, the snow is melting. Trimmed the branches to about 6 ft on most of the trees on the property. Looks good... I can see all the way to the creek. Going to dig down to it today where I want to put in the water turbine. Decided to wait until it is a little warmer for the turbine... put up the gutters. My aquaduct is working again.

Thursday, April. 28

Visiting my sisters near Prince George for a few days. Getting some business done in PG. One of my nieces and her children is down visiting... it is nice to see them.

Sunday, May 1

Dug down to the small waterfall on the creek... tested the water turbine... should work fine. I am going to make a waterwheel for it. The speed will pick up. Tried tapping a birch... I am getting liquid. I tried boiling some down... didn't get a syrup but the flavour was good. See what happens when it warms up.

Climbed the yellow chair today... got to the top when the sun was above the chair. It felt so good, the snow was soft... I love it so much.

Saturday, May 7 Cleaned up the cuttings around the front of the cabin... set up the water turbine... it works... not generating yet thought... I need to build a wheel for it. Spin faster. Burned brush today... took the blocking off the back corner cement footings. The nightmare wall is now sitting completely on the log beam. Looks good... I will take the cement out as soon as it is dryer and I have some gravel to replace it. The front west corner was loose... holding by only and inch or two. I took one of the old smaller cement footings and placed it close the the corner... it is snug. The corner with the kitchen stove will now be safe... it could have fallen any time. Put three small logs across the creek so I can walk to the parking lot... I cut a path... I have hung the old 'Bob's Place' sign at the entrance. Set up the water tank in the back for now... I have hose running from the west gutter to fill it. I am going to find some more small hollow logs and put in more aquaduct to the tank rather than the hose. Cleaned up some garbage and stacked the junk metal I have out of the way... raked the ground... it's going to look so nice. Trimmed some branches and tied some down for the living railing on the entrance way. Used one of my plant hangers I had from when I had Hantiques to hang the rake and shovel outside. Still lots to do... I will need to put a couple of the old cement footings I took out underneath again for support when I re-shim.

Monday, May 9

Over the last few years I have visited a lot of ski hills when I was looking for a place to go skiing... I taught professionally when I was younger... we have a skiers/boarders paradise in British Columbia. When I was living in Smithers... I couldn't help but see the potential for resorts in the surrounding mountains. I see the same thing at Purden and the mountains I see from the top. I thought of Skiing the 'B'... 'B' for BC... for Bees flying to a hive... to flowers... for honey. Ski the 'B'... I even did an image for it...'Skiing the B'. Since then I have come up with some ideas for products and services I can provide and in the process came up with some slogans that would be good for marketing our province around the world... our recreational paradise... C the B... Be the C... B the B... Ski the B... Board the B... Hike the B... Ride the B... Camp the B... Sail the B... C the B!

Beautiful British Columbia! If you think you can use then to market our province you have my permission. They are slogans we can all use...

Still cleaning up around the cabin and property... burning brush... rotten wood. Hooked up some hose the gutters to feed the tank I have put in the back yard temp... the snow is melting... three bean sprouts in the pots I have near the back window.

The trenches I dug last summer are working well... the footings are dryer. Will need to remove the front corner and re-block as soon as it is dry enough. I'll put in another footing near the back cribbing at that time. I am starting to rake the ground... picking up the branches and cutting them as the snow melts. The ground that is raked looks so nice... I'll be able to walk the grounds without bumping my head or scratching myself on branches. I plan on cutting up a lot of the dead fall for the firepit.

Wednesday, May 11

The water tank is about half full now. Put the batteries for the solar panel under the cabin... also raked some more ground. Cleaned up some branches.

Friday, May 13

Climbed the yellow and baker chairs... fun. Snow is soft... but melting fast. Took today off. It took 24 hours to fill up the water tank from the gutters... 1100 liters. Found a way to make a new gas tank for a briggs and stratton engine on a water pump I have... the old one was rusty... full of dirt. Clean the carburator... new oil... set the gap and it should work... I remember stripping a briggs and stratton in grade 8 mechanics at Lakewood... maybe it will come back. I'll be able to water the front terraces and fill the tank if necessary. Also if there is a fire I will be ok... the well holds a lot.

Sunday, May 15

Got some brush cleaned up around the creek. I was thinking the other last night or the night before that it would be nice to make a miracle. I lost one of the lenses in my sunglasses skiing one day... I found it today.

A needle in a haystack... a miracle.

Tuesday, May 17

Went to town yesterday.... got a haircut and some groceries. Also bought myself some new sandles... I like them... they fit like they were made for me... good arch, wide... soft sole. I was looking for a cashier at the grocery store when a girl opened a new one... I said, 'Perfect timing... she was very nice. She was able to know I needed an extra piece of scotch tape without me saying anything... cute. Worked on cleaning the kitchen counter and sink drainage... moved it... swept, cleaned and vacummed under the counter.

Thursday, May 19

Started working on the foundation again.

Tuesday, May 24

Yesterday I was thinking about the cashier last tuesday and the scotch tape... an example of how things can go smoothly. I wanted to do an image of it... while thinking about the image other thoughts and ideas came to me. I wanted to show two people meeting in quantum foam. I call it Scotchtape.

I thought of the milk image and thought of scotchtape in the midst of milk... then I thought music in the midst of milk... then I was wondering how I could show a particular concept to do with music within music... I happened to glance at my sculpture perceptions in my peripheral vision... and pow... it was instant... music on music. When the small seeds are standing on the top of Perceptions... it is music on music... music within music... I immediatly thought wow... I have a name for the sculpture... after 7 years... Music on Music... a while later I was sitting on the couch and happened to look at the 2nd sculpture I am working on... it looks like a hand over top of a quitar... music on music... it fits. I also thought about the image I call Milk does the body good. I have wanted to do a music video about it... that image with the milk series of images I have... the sculptures... music on music and one of my melodies would work very well. It would fit with the poem I am working on called 'In Gardens of Wonder' and the music videos I am doing... I could call it Mountains of Music.

Wednesday, May 25

I was clearing some 6' lengths of log in the backyard today... flipping to move them. While I was doing it I thought of the Highland games... where they have a contest to see who can flip a log the farthest... I was wondering if the root of that was logging. One would flip to another who would flip to another until it got to the guy stacking. Made sense... I thought of the moment when I was coming up with the poem... I was looking at the trees and thought of 'Trees of Knowledge'... like an ancestor was telling me... today it fit... I knew from the feeling I got that spirits were pleased with my epiphany. Another example of scotchtape.

I was also thinking about milk being like oil... we use oil in so many products... milk is also used in so many products... as is water... H2O. All so important... milk in the midst of music... music on music. I love milk... drinking from a jug. Now that it is warmer I can switch to water and milk rather than so much tea and coffee...

Monday, May 30

Made a water wheel for the wind turbine... cut all the pieces... will need to pick up screws in town. A story behind the design... when I get a pick.

Sore ribs the last few days... I aggravated the injury I got last week clearing branches and burning brush. I am taking it easy for a few days. The snow is gone and the ground is thawing... I can start the west wall as soon as the ribs feel better.

Fixed up a couple of old metal cots that were thrown away... painted them blue... they look good. I put them in the other small bedroom... I now have a spare bed in one room and two cots in the other. Bunks later.

Picked some fresh leaves and fiddle heads for lunch yesterday... oil and vinegar with garlic dressing... really good.

Tuesday, May 31

Picked some dandielions... I am going to try making some wine and mead. Cleared the trail from the parking lot to my cabin. It sort of reminds me of the serpentine path in Hyde Park looking from Kensington Palace.

I was just reading about how they are still fighting about the Northern Gateway Pipeline in northern British Columbia... I am an advocate for fusion... fusion in a grapefruit... free energy for everyone, but we are not there yet. The pipeline is a no brainer, we need it. Given the global situation we shouldn't be arguing about it anymore, we should be building it. This has been going on for 10 - 15 years, too long!

I just found a file in my old archive that was out of place. The original was missing. I have fixed it. This is the original, PM's Confederation Speech. Although it is 11 years later... not much has changed.

It is fitting for what I read about the pipeline.

Wednesday, June 1

The wind turbine didn't generate enough power so the challenge became how to change it into a water turbine for my creek. The 1st idea I had was a 4' dia circle with blades cut into it that I could fit over the turbine blades. I didn't find anything that would work. I tried some cups on the blades, they were too far apart.

So how do I fit something over the blades and fill the spaces, the solution was a triangle. Two triangles on top of one another formed a circle but the gaps were still quite wide. At this point I was still going to slide it over the blades, but looking at the shape I thought of a way to attach it directly to the hub of the turbine. The smaller diameter would increase the rotation speed.

The shape of the wheel looks like the Jewish Star of David. With the turbine and water flow I needed consistant rotation speed. I added another two more triangles to fill in the gaps. It looks cool.


I then added some paddels.

I looked up the Star of David on the internet, the meaning was 'Divine Mind'. What if David invented a water wheel? More efficient irrigation, flour production, water. Community, a central point. Feeding the people.

Divine mind meaning invention, creativity, innovation, independent thought. If so, he gave freedom to his people with science.

With 7 billion people on our home, we need to find a way to feed them. Genetics... Winston Churchill's idea to grow chicken in a petri dish is a good one... we need to do it... we need a fridge that will grow a rib eye steak. With genetics, fusion and free energy we will not only feed the people, but will keep them warm.

Friday, June 3

Painted the water wheel... going to put it in today.

Monday, June 13

I've been working on the foundation... the front garden terrace... burning brush. The water wheel looks good in the creek... I can see it turning from my cabin.

I have an image with a quote from myself... I added to the quote this week. 'When all seems lost... look at everything in wonder. You will see wonder on wonder.

Sunday, June 19, 2011 ( Day 170, Year 1 Cando Calendar)

I have been busy with the foundation... burning brush... the front terrace and the entrance... putting more rock steps in instead of wood... and vinyl tile. I am going to put a table on one of the front terraces. Rock sides... wood top.

Ran down to the creek to pick up the rocks for the steps... it was fun running on the moss... the logs... looking ahead... avoiding hazards... watching where my feet go... Like skiing.

I was thinking about Wonder on Wonder... Music on Music yesterday when I began carving a boat... kayak... I thought about 'World of Wood' while making my front deck... the stamp was 2 W's over one another. Yesterday I thought of 'The Wonder of Wood.' while carving. Today... the log got stolen... taken from me.

Saturday, July 2, 2011 ( 1184 Cando Calendar.. still working on my own calender)

Built a table for the front terrace... a log split in two sits on top of some balanced rocks. Looks good. Went to town a week and a half ago... bought a bike... rode it back with some groceries in my backpack. The pedal fell off half 15.5 kliks from Purden... I had to walk the rest of the way. I got back about one o'clock in the morning. I almost passed out a couple of times. Thoughts of sleeping in my own bed... not on the side of the road kept me going. Thoughts of a girl helped keep me going to. I checked the manual a couple of days later... it took me a while to recover. I was tired. It said if the pedal was stripped it was irrepairable... I fixed it with some epoxy and a file... if it loosens I will get some liquid steel. I tried riding it down to the lake to go fishing... I went past the public beach and found a rock point. Nice spot. Rode back... the pedal held.

When I was riding the bike back from Prince George I got tired so I stopped by a small side rode with a back entrance to some property. It was in the shade. I rested... had a bite to eat and looked at some clover. While I was looking at it I noticed a design on the leaf... with the three leaves it looked like a triangle. I picked one and looked at it... thought of my water wheel. I wondered as I was twirling it if that is how someone first came up with the idea for a water wheel. It sort of looked like mine with the leaves like paddles. I did an image... I call it clover

I took my bed apart a while ago to use a spring one I have... I thought of using the slats for ribs of a boat... I am building a small row boat. It was fun coming up with a design and than learning how to do it. I put the bottom on today... tomorrow I will glue the sides and the bow. It is 8 ft long and 3.5 feet wide. I am going to use it for fishing. I still have to come up with a name for it. I am thinking of 'Music'... What I am learning will help a lot when I finally build a small catamarran... like a hobi cat.

Monday, July 4, 2011 ( 1186 Cando Calendar.)

Just watched a hummingbird and a bumble bee eating nectar... so fasinating. Also thought of the nasca hummingbird.

Finished my boat... looks cool... even made some oars. I will post a pic when I have one. When I went fishing last week a small boat came by with 3 beautiful women in it. I looked... smiled... and mouthed 'cute' so they could read my lips. As they went by the two in front started nodding their heads and smiling. I began to sing... 3 little hummingbirds nodding approval. I thought of different lyrics... added... with knowing glances.

Then I thought of my point of view... one wildflower shopping 3 hummingbirds... or 3 wildflowers shopping a mountain lion... or one lone mountain lion spying 3 wildflowers nodding approval with knowing glances.... could some lyrics to a song be there.

I was thinking the other day about our planet... and thought why can't we all just wake up tomorrow and just say, boy... were we ever stupid... smile and stop fighting. It is so simple.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011 ( 1196 Cando Calendar.)

Finished my new music video... Trees of Knowledge... you can also see the table I built on the garden terrace. It balances on rocks... no nails.

Saturday, July 16, 2011 ( 1199 Cando Calendar)

I finished my boat... I named it Numers 1. I have always wanted to get a license plate with Numers on it. My high school nic name. I used to say num num when I ate jello in the cafeteria at PGSSS. I think if I ever get a Lear Jet it will by called Numers.

I shimmed and leveled the cabin this afternoon... I'll let it settle some more and then shim some more. I have begun stripping the bark off the logs for the back steps and railing... looks good. I am by the lodge... but the router isn't on so I won't be updating the site today.

If the weather is like this afternoon I am going to take my boat down tomorrow.

I have been picking wild flowers for the cabin... looks good inside. With all the rain and mud it has been difficult to keep it clean. I may mop this afternoon. It has also been difficult to get around with the rain... so with the good weather I am hoping to get some washing done and some more groceries.

With the wood stove and cooking on a budget I have come up with some recipies that work well... quick... easy... like 'decadent power bars' I have been thinking of doing a web cooking show with my camera... fits with the music videos. I plan on calling it... 'Ski Bum Grub Time.' I have tried testing my kitchen as a set... looks good. I plan on using it as the background in my next music video. It is a video about dancing... called 'Sole of Foot'... I will be dedicating it to my mother and father... whenever I play the song I think of them dancing the jive at a club we went to one night in North Vancouver when I was going to Simon Fraser University for my business degree. My parents loved to dance... so do I.

Saturday, July 23, 1206 Cando Calendar.

Updating my site from Staples in PG. Profile page update.

Tuesday, Aug. 9, 1222 Cando

I made a new music video... Sole of Foot. When ever I play it I think of my mother and father dancing the jive at a club one night... I smile... they loved to dance. I am a skier... I love to dance. I miss them.

Friday, Aug. 19, 1232 Cando

I saw an image in the moisture on my picture window... I thought of Silent Sunshine... fusion power... the grapefruit... I did an image... Silent Sunshine

Friday, Sept. 2, 1233 Cando

Finished the back steps... they look good... have down some images revolving around cold/warm fusion... a container for a fusion container and possible Anti Gravity.

I have decided to have a rememberance for 911 this year... like I did three years ago. I was at a cabin I rented for a couple of days. I am going to set up 'Perceptions' on the garden terrace if its sunny and play some music. 10 years since the Day the World Changed.

Friday, Sept. 21, 2011 (Still working on Cando Calendar)

Updated the site this morning in Prince George... I don't have the net at the hill or in the cabin. Working on the cabin... put in some putting holes on the terraces... started using rock for the back terrace.

Came up with a song to remember 911... also some ideas for new music videos.

I have come up with a song that is like 99 bottles of beer on the wall... I sing it when I see things that fit. Like "I have a hammock... on the gundeck... of the greatship... Cando." It's fun.

Saturday, Sept. 22

Got some gas for the generator... charging batteries for the drill, camera and giving the solar panel battery a full charge. Going flying on my flight simulator... stress relief. Trying to land an F-18 on the deck of a carrier off the coast of San Diego is a lot of fun. Wednesday, Oct. 5

Good Evening... did a new music video yesterday... I call it Milk... food for thought... still editing.

Friday, Oct. 14

Good Evening... had a quiet birthday on the 9th. Put a new top on the front garden terrace table... it looks good. The pipiing contractor for the dept of highways came out to fix the piping on the propane tank... but no propane. I feel cheated.

I am still fighting the government about the falsified statistics on my website. Someone is faking them. I have been cheated.

I wrote google a letter about the adsense statistics for advertising on my site... the stats don't match. I never got a reply. I have been cheated.

Thursday, Nov.3

Updating at a friends in Prince George... laundry... gas... still no internet at the mountain.

Friday, Nov.4

Still in PG... was looking at a map of where I had a campsite to look at the glacier and mountain I called 'Love at First Sight'... another example of serendipitious synchronicity... it is called 'Mount Sir Robert'... cool.

Sunday, Nov.13

Climbed up the yellow yesterday... stair climbed halfway... up to what I call Bobs tree... a goal, then skinned the rest of the way to a tree just behind the bull wheel... protected from the wind. It was knee deep... 140 cm at the top... unpacked. I was only able to make a few turns on some steep pitches otherwise I was bogging down. It was fun...

I thought of a way to make an adapter for my Atomics so they would float more in this type of snow... I am going to try it. I also thought this is the one type of snow condition where I would consider learning how to snow board.

Baker chair and the t-bar were open for cabin owners today... Kieth was up early packing... fixed my generator this morning... sure was nice to cruise this afternoon... Shogun had some nice powder on the top and bottom.

Wednesday, Nov.23

I wrote something a while ago .. "Field of light... Field of White... Pixel upon Pixel... Wonder upon Wonder..." to go with one of my digital paintings... in a coffee table book. I was watching the snow fall today and had a thought that led to me adding the following... "Every time it snows... Pixel upon Pixel... there is a new painting. When you see everything in wonder... there is no darkness." I came up with a new logo I am going to use for something... I took a picture of a few of the small seeds and hearts I cast... Logo.

I also needed a symbol for the drum set I made out of logs... I tried a few things but thought of my machete one day... the one that looks like a Roman short sword. I tried it... sounds good.

Monday, Dec.5

In Prince George doing laundry picking up mail.. a few things. The hill has been open the last couple of weekends... good snow... bought my seasons pass last weekend... with the early season I was just able to swing it... someone still owes me a lot of money. The skiing has been good... climbed last friday... snow snake bit me on the face above the cliff and I fell.

Still don't have a new laptop since my old one's monitor got moisture in it... still no internet at the cabin... problems with o-rings and the generator. No electricity except the solar panel for the keyboard.

Tuesday, Dec.6

Still in Prince... noticed Every time it snows... Pixel upon Pixel... there is a new painting. When you see everything in wonder... there is no darkness. died in Oct., he was a libra born in 1955 too. Smart guy... too bad. The apple vs ibm was like beta vs vhs. I am still an advocate for open source software and development which is the direction global computing will be going in... they are still fighting over operating systems... the natural progression will be towards one... the most efficient. Necessary for communication between data bases... was just reading about a new hard drive storage system... fast... cool. I was concerned about the materials used though... given the difficulties with rare earths.

Tuesday, Dec.19

Got some good runs in this morning... found some really nice powder given the wind and temp lately. Got the generator going... charging my battery for the keyboard... the alarm won't go off in the middle of a song... updating my site... not on the net though.

I think I am going to see if I can get a Coleman gas Lantern and some new goggles for christmas.

Friday, Jan.13

In PG shopping... paying some bills...

Came up with a version of Star Bright the other night while looking at the Space Station. I think I might send it to them by email... Star Light, Star Bright, Stepping stone to light so bright, I wish I may, I wish I might... Colonize that light tonight.

I have put my kudos page back on my seeds page... I took it down quite some time ago. I will be able to start doing it again. I have made some additions.

Monday, Feb.20

I noticed today that I have 'Love at First Sight', 'Connect the Dots', 'Clay Rabbits' and 'Perspectives' all set up on the same table... two rabbits... a man and a woman... a heart on a mountain... love... and a child on a volvanic rock... new life. Fits.

Tuesday, Feb.28

In Prince George... bought a new lap top... I am going to get a stick so I can get the net from the cabin.

I have had two cups of coffee in the last two days... I haven't had coffee or tea for about 3 weeks... I like the feeling... I haven't had a drink except for a liter of one week old fermented grapes in a thermos in two months... no puffs of hooch since I found some roaches under the chair lift last spring... I don't miss it... I like being clean. It feels good.

I know my neutral point... I like moderation... I like being healthy. I think I will buy both regular and de-caf buying groceries this time.

I was thinking the other night about the fusion container... quantum field... what I call the Qbit... what an acronym with those letters would stand for. 'Question... Believe in Truth!... Knowledge is a wonderful thing.'

I have added to my formula...

Genetics + Senses + Knowledge + Experience = Life = Creativity plus Health = Mind = Soul.

Kudo's to Taylor Wilson for a fusion reaction in his garage.

I was playing with shadows from the candle on the roof of my cabin when I saw two dinosaurs... A joke.

Do you think we'll ever evolve? Yup... I'm gonna to be a chicken. I'm gonna be a bird... it's safer!

When we learn from our parents, grand parents, ancestors and history, when we learn truth and apply it to ourselves and the future there will be no end to what we can do. With needs met!

Something I have learned about ghosts... they are souls that do not know the truth. They are trying to get into heaven. They don't realize it's not their Heaven on Earth.

Theirs would be different. Soul, mind and thought compatibility works... otherwise it is a battle for the living.

I have decided to call the 'seed' sculpture a Kudo

I have had two cups of coffee in the last two days... I haven't had coffee or tea for about 3 weeks... I like the feeling... I haven't had a drink except for a liter of one week old fermented grapes in a thermos in two months... no puffs of hooch since I found some roaches under the chair lift last spring... I don't miss it... I like being clean. It feels good.

I know my neutral point... I like moderation.

Wednesday, Feb.29

In Prince George... grocery shopping.

Thursday, Mar.8 Took down a painting... not ready yet. Working on a new music video, 'Mountains of Music.' My music videos can be viewed on My YouTube Channel

Friday, Mar.9

Deleted Milk from my youtube channel. I wasn't happy with it. I like to add lib not use cue cards and the opening digital painting was wrong.

Sunday, Mar.11

Finished a new music video yesterday... 'Mountains of Music'... about life.

I have added to my formula...

Genetics + Senses + Knowledge + Experience = Life = Mind = Soul that is created after the body dies..

Heaven on Earth means compatibility of the living mind and body for the souls (soulmates, spiritual children living with... walking with... the living... as one. My heaven on earth... me... my life... is not heaven for souls who are not compatible in mind with me or my souldmates... not heaven for those who impose their thought on me and my soulmates... who don't want to live the life I want to live... who don't love what I love. I have lived my life without hate... without violence.. without addictions... I love to learn... I love to teach... I have spent a lot of time cleaning up my body and mind... moderation works.

I figured out what I wanted to do when I grew up... I am a now Creative Artist... a good skier to. I did a new image... Creative Milk

Those souls who try to steal heaven... steal a life... I call pirates... they are not compatible.

Saturday, Mar.17

Spring break. Still need to go back and get the skings I used to climb up when I filmed Mountains of Music... maybe tomorrow. Have begun fleshing out 'Dance of the Dragon Fly'. Waiting until spring. Rigged up a new microphone for recording straight from the keyboard... hanging it from the ceiling. I want to try mixing for 'The Courting Trail', a song I wrote for the piano... a symphony. Also try my hand at mixing and editing music and narration into my videos. Its fun... when pirates aren't getting in the way.

Sunday, Mar.18

Picked up my skins today, I saw a bobcat... a lynx... crossing the road as I was climbing back up to the ski hill. A good sign... maybe there is a female urban house cat that needs to meet a a mountain bobcat.

Saturday, Mar.24

I love Purden Mtn. Ski Resort, it is a skiers mountain, I love my cabin and my property. After 3 seasons I have found that I do not like the ownership, the management and some of the staff. They treat it like a private club. Having a ski cabin on a mountain I love with surrounding lakes and mountains is a piece of my own Heaven on Earth.

My creative retreat where I am working on a screenplay right now about life. I also dream of a u- shaped med. style bungalow with a swimming pool by the ocean. Somewhere I can learn how to kite board, somewhere I can bodysurf, somewhere I can hear the waves on the beach, somewhere I can sail, somewhere I can walk in the sand with bare feet.

I was attacked a lot the last couple of weekends both verbally by people and by ghosts trying to steal my heaven, trying to steal my life.

It makes it difficult. On Wed. 21st I was able to help a mother with one of her young sons, 7 years old, up on the chairlift. It felt good to help a child, I felt like myself again. When I got down the lift attendent attacked me, ripped my seasons pass off my sweater, ripping it. He refused to let me on the lift. He threatened me, fingered me, gave me the gang sign, swore at me and called me a bitch. I like girls. Not good.

He called the manager on the walkie talkie, the manager did nothing. I told him to call Kieth more than three times. He did not. Kieth never showed. The attendent, David eventually let me back on the lift.

It's sad.

Tuesday, Apr. 3

I was thinking this morning if we did dna testing for every child born then we would know of any predispositions towards diseases and handicaps like Parkinsons, MS, Autism, etc. We would be able to identify and help these individuals prior to onset. Given the genome project and research, upon a cure we would be able to identify and treat those affected. As a bonus it would be easy to identify the guilty and save an enormous amount of money in court costs and time in addition to saving lives. We would also help to ease the suffering of both the victims and others affected by the crime. Also being able to identify those with a predisposition towards irrational thought that leads to violence, then we would have a better chance at preventing future violence with education and training. With the genome project and education perhaps we can reverse the predisposition. Friday, Apr. 6

I have uploaded 3 new digital paintings, Baby Dragonflies, Song of the Butterfly and Hummingbird

Tuesday, Apr. 10

Spent easter weekend working on my website.

I have removed a lot of photos, paintings and revamped the layout. I wanted to start ensuring it would work with ipads, thinkpads, hd tv's etc. I have fixed the Contact link. I have moved 2011 and 2010 thoughts to ponder to the archive. I was able to cut the size of the site in half. Some pages should load a lot faster. More disk space available. I have removed the video and xsport pages though I still consider them projects. I have changed the links on my music page so they lead directly to

I was taking a break in front of my cabin this afternoon eating some dates. I love dates. I noticed they are a product of Iran. It is a small world. I am on the side of the people in Iran, in Syria, the kids... they want the 'Freedom to Learn.' I was thinking about that just after I came into my cabin, then as I decided to write it in thoughts to ponder I felt someones tears in thanks, someone connected to me. When I feel that, I know I am doing the right thing.

Wednesday, Apr. 11

I haven't uploaded all the changes yet... I am working on a form mailer for the contact page. I will have to have a high speed connection to upload the new sculpture and photo pages. Hopefully I will have one in the cabin by the end of the month. I will upload next time I am in town.

Thursday, Apr. 12

Started working on my watertank yesterday. The first the summer I thought of putting it in the front for gravity feed. I came up with a couple of designs for a stand strong enough for 1000 liters. I used some old plastic racing poles as gutters on the roof and to the tank. Works well. It is raining today so hopefully it will fill enough to wash out the dirt inside. I was waiting for the snow to melt but I may dig down so I can build the stand now. Running water will be nice. I am going to build a wood frame around the tank so it looks like an old wooden water tank. It'll look cool.

I am going to hang the waterwheel on the side of the tank. I am also going to build an indoor 'Throne' for my 5 gal bucket. It was really nice not to have to run back and forth to the outhouse all winter.

Friday, Apr. 13

It is Friday the 13th today. I made an omellet this morning and flipped it without breaking it. Thats happened maybe twice in my life. Cool.

Sunday, Apr. 15

Last summer I needed a symbol for the drum set I made out of logs... I tried a few things but thought of my machete one day... the one that looks like a Roman short sword. I tried it... sounds good. I bought the machete in Jamaica, April 1986. 26 years ago. I brought it back to Canada as carry on luggage, the handle sticking out of the bag. No one was concerned with it. We were on our way to a world of no borders, no fences. After 911 that changed... the machete and the anecdote are a statement about the affect of 911 on our world.

I use the machete when I bushwhac, it helps with willows and devils heads, it helped me stay calm when I ran into the cougar last summer. I would not think of using it as a weapon. I think using it as a symbol for my drums... for music... music that sooths the soul... Waves of Warmth ... fits.

After I came up with the melody I noticed that the rythm I used on my organ was reggie... music from Jamaica. I like reggie, I used to have a bust of Bob Marley. It fits.

Monday, Apr. 16

I was playing 'Trees of Knowledge' this morning and thinking of some things. Our planet... Home. Communication, all the way from the cave wall to the internet. So amazing... our desire to teach, to share experiences. Access to truth is so important, the freedom to learn the truth about the present and the past. With knowledge comes understanding... cause and affect. The common root to all things. With understanding... communication with understanding... peace.

I prefer comedys, musicals and love stories. The history, science, knowledge, national geographic and movie channels. I don't need the horror, violence or drama.

Worked on my screen play this afternoon. Storyboard and some scene changes. Working on shots. It's fun. It's set in Prince George.

Tuesday, Apr. 17

I'm working on my screenplay this morning thinking about shots. How to do a moving pan close to the ground. How to describe it, I called it a "Magic Carpet". Sort of like how I take video while I am skiing.

With the Qbit, 'quantum field', anti-gravity flight suit... then the cinematographer would have a free camera. The real sense of a magic carpet would be experienced by the viewer. It would save a fortune. It would be cool.

One of the conjectures in 'What if...... Your Head is Empty? was about the possibility of technology doing away with real people. Computer generated actors. The programmers as stars. I have concluded it would take the fun out of movie making. We will always want to write, to act, to direct, to film. Its fun.

Wednesday, Apr. 18

Hump Day! I finished the stand for the water tank. Looks good. As soon as it rains I'll have running water for the next 8 months. I am going to cover the outside so it looks like an old wooden watertank. The waterwheel on the outside fits. Monday, Apr. 23

Raining today. I was watching it snow the other day when I noticed that it looked like down, goose feathers, I thought of 'Floating on Down'... powder sking. I might use it in a music video or in my documentary, 'Why I love it so!'. I also climbed up twice this weekend, the snow was nice, corn snow the 2nd day. I listened to music climbing the first day... when I got to the top I was standing on a rock I like listening to some music... air drumming and air guitar, it was fun. I thought it would make a good setting for a shot in a music video.

The McGregors in the backgound.

Also began working on my first animation, using gif. I am doing a zero gravity diving pool. Looks pretty good so far.

The water tank began collecting water this morning. I've got about 150 liters, 50 in the last half hour. I should have gravity feed into the kitchen when I have about 200 liters... gravity and pressure.

Wednesday, Apr. 25

I am trying to upload my updates today. I may not get all the pic updates uploaded, later this week if they don't make it.

Friday, Apr. 27

Finished my first animation. A zero gravity diving pool for the backyard. One I can dive into and roll out onto the grass.

Civilization!... running water! I hooked up the tap a little differently. Gravity and pressure feed. It's nice not to have to go out to the well. I will have it for about 8 mths.

I climbed up the yellow, I got some good turns in between tower 9 and the cliff. Found some reading glasses and also a gold ring and stone pendent last week. I

Monday, Apr. 30

The water tank settled, had to level it. Because of the slope the stand looks cock eyed like it might fall over... an optical illusion, it's ok. I had to modify the tap to get the water flowing so I will buy one in town that will fit against the wall, one I can screw a hose to.

I will need to keep my eyes open for a new sink.

I was able to putt some balls yesterday. Cleaned up some branches. Cut some firewood.

I am looking forward to getting the stick this week. I will be able to get the net from my cabin with the new microwave tower nearby. I will be able to update more often.

I saw cougar tracks when I climbed last week so 'Checker' is back. I call the cougar checker for a cat I used to share my trailer with. I miss him. He brought a dead bird back to the cabin one day and left it under the covers. He had his own entrance and a cupboard with blankets. I don't know if it is possible but maybe a spirit that was with him was with me when I got here and went to the cougar when I ran into it last year. Maybe checker has found his heaven on earth. Maybe the soul of his real life will go to the cougar when he dies. I'm hoping to see 'Checker' this year when I am bush whacking. He knows my smell now and that I am not a threat. He won't attack, we're both predators.

Tuesday, May. 1

Didn't go to town today. I think I am going to put a deck on the back garden terrace. I can use logs and planks like I did on the back steps. With the rudder I have it will look like the deck of a ship. It will also give me pratice for the deck of the extension. I am going to mix some of the black dirt with coals and dirt for the front garden terrace. I am planning on planting grass there for the putting green. Also the putting green in the back for the 1 hole par 2 golf course. Imagination... My creative retreat. I am going to put a wooden walkway from the back steps along the back of the cabin to the terrace. No walking through mud.

I may walk down to the summer resort today and try uploading some pics and updates. I hope to get to town in the next few days to get the stick for internet in the cabin.

I have been putting ski scenery pics in the photo section but I was just thinking that I could put bushwacking, summer and yard pics there until winter.

Wednesday, May. 2

I began working on the deck today, I want it to look like the top of the back steps, what I call the bridge of the great ship Cando.

Just saw two rabbits chasing each other out my window, maybe there'll be some baby rabbits this summer... cool.

Friday, May. 4

Going to town today. I'll have internet in my cabin when I get back. I'll also be doing a complete update of my website and the archive. The winter photos and the new sculpture display will be working. I divided it into 3 sections, Perceptions, Kudos and White Clay.

I am in PG, updated the site and got the stick. So I should be able to get the net from the cabin.

Saturday, May. 5

I have the internet in my cabin now. The Bell stick is working fine.

Sunday, May. 6

I was just playing my organ on the front terrace. I have noticed that my playing is affected by whether I am standing or sitting and the position of the keyboard. I play with my whole body, my feet to my head. If I am sitting my feet can move easier, I can move my body easier. I am still just a beginner.

Monday, May. 7 I opened a Twitter account today and wrote my first tweet. Worked on my walkway and planted some grass on the front garden terrace.

Tuesday, May. 8

Got the grass planted on the front terrace, trimmed the willows, planted the cucumbers, lettuce and carrots. Chives are already planted.

I just read that Salamworld will be launching soon, an alternative to Facebook. The internet is for communication, the idea is for open discussion not to put ourselves behind walls. I noticed that facebook has an Islamic section... it is odd the way some things are going. We should be opening up more to one another. If it was just about competition I wouldn't be so concerned about it.

Began cutting some rough hewn planking for the walkway and the back terrace deck. Got some footage for my documentary about saving my cabin. The clean logs and decking is going to look so cool. It's fun to do it this way, with the rudder it has the feel of a ship deck. Combined with the back steps which I also think of as a fly on the island of an aircraft carrier and the railing off the back of the captains cabin on a large man of war, there is a lot of food for creativity. I like to put a swivel captains chair on the fly on sunny days and put my feet up on the railing, like an Admiral. It's fun.

Wednesday, May. 9

Got about half of the planks for the deck done... looks good. The trimming is working well for the gangplank.

Dinner tonight: Cando Pizza.

1ea. 9 x 1.5 in. deep dish pan, oiled. 1.5 cups flr... add water and need until dough doesn't stick to fingers. Roll out to 2" over size of pan, place in pan and roll edges over. Spread thin coating of tomato sauce, add garlic, cayanne and italian seasoning, add layer of thin slices of chedder cheese. Add layer of sausage. Add layer of green, yellow or red pepper. Add layer of onion. Add thin coat of tomato sauce. Add layer of chedder cheese. Place pan on raised support to keep pan off of wood stove... air helps for consistant heat. Keep covered. Cook about 15 minutes, until crust is chewy but not too crusty and cheese is melted.

It's good. Decadent. Thursday, May. 10

Bucked up a hole bunch of firewood. Short so they will be easy to carry out of the bush. Added some pictures of small kudos (seeds and hearts) on the sculpture page... they are the ones I will be using for pendents. Saw my first hummingbird of spring today... it flew right at my t-shirt looking for nectar then stopped, hoovered and backed off... thought I was a wildflower. It circled then tried again... stopped, backed off and then perched on a branch before flying to the willow tree. Hummingbirds are so amazing, thats why there is one in Nazca.

Friday, May. 11

I turned off Microsoft Automatic Updates this morning to save bandwith. When I went back on the net my connection was not able to find my site. Hotmail, cnn others were working fine. Mine wasn't showing up... after a few tries it showed up... but was loading slowly. I know the image sizes are small... it loads quickly so something was wrong. I am still being cheated. All so unnecessary.

My cart fell apart today... rigged up another axle with the wheels to haul down a couple of hollowed out cedar to use as aquaduct in the front yard. Looks cool I'm going to finish it tomorrow. Began looking for some curved trees for railing along the back terrace... I thought willow might work but may be to soft... a lot of it has a natural curve in it. I'll keep my eyes open.

I have the standard I made at the top of the front steps... I am looking for a curled branch I can use to hang from it... like a cadacus. It's fun. The standard has a shape at the top that reminded me of an eagle when I kept seeing it in the firepit. When I hauled in out and cleaned it up it sort of fits given the pattern of three's in my work.

Saturday, May. 12

I worked on my aguaduct today and began laying rock for the trough. I can use black from the well to fill the cracks. It works.... I tried a few buckets, it flows around two corners to a small pit of rocks near the back steps. Also used a swivel from an old easy chair to build a stand for my solar panel. I can turn it with a handle.

Sunday, May. 13

Used black clay as mortor for the rocks today... worked well... looks cool. I am going to lay rock up to the 2nd terrace and maybe do a small pond above the garden terrace with a small dam for the water to flow over when it rains. The pond will also help to water the grass I planted. I've got lots of clay from the well. I need to dig it deeper... pretty soon. Hung a long hollowed log along the west wall for an eaves trough and used the 3 short ones to start skirting around the cabin. Looks good. Began raking up branches and sawdust today... the front is beginning to look really nice.

Monday, May. 14

Came up with a nice idea for a sitting area near the well. Also a barbacue by the well which will look like a pond. Began working on Perceptions 2 again... a lot more to do. More detail... grinding... sanding. I also noticed this summer the three finger similarity in a coastline off Macedonia near Thesselonica. It is probably what gave Alexander the Macedonean control over the Aegean sea and an early warning system for invasion.

By concentrating health expenditures on ensuring our senses are healthy plus education the world can save billions. I love looking out my kitchen window, not at the cabins across the road... but my front yard.

Tuesday, May. 15

I love standing on the bridge looking at my backyard... thinking about what I am going to do!... Today!

Cleaned up some brush this morning, cut off some stumps... worked on a spot for a large table near the sitting area... close to where I want to put the barbecue. Took a pic out the kitchen window and one of the standard with a kudo seed hanging from it. I put some curly branches around it sort of like the snake sticks I got from Sri Lanka and Tanzania.

Burned some brush... trimmed some trees. Updated my Profile page.

Wednesday, May. 16

Worked on the website for a while, going climbing today. Fresh air!

Climbed up the yellow chair... found a toonie, a quater and a whistle. Skied down the courting trail... no easter eggs. Got some good turns in.

Thought of Extreme Golf today... no rules... no holes.

Thursday, May. 17

Skiing and shorts yesterday, snowing today... supposed to be hot tomorrow. The plane of the ecliptic sucks.

I just read, "A man who beheaded and cannibalized a fellow passenger on a Greyhound bus in Canada won his bid to leave the grounds of the mental hospital where he is being kept." I don't know about you... but it concerns me. What happened to the country I so love? Are we in anarchy?

I have decided to remove Madonna from my kudos page, she no longer makes me want to dance or move my body. Her tone is wrong... it hurts me.

I was looking out my kitchen window this evening, watching the wet snow fall on the garden terrace. I noticed that wet rock is for the garden, as oil is for wood. The contrast with the wet ground, more depth... I am assuming right now that with flowers and plants the contrasting colors will be beautiful. The table on the garden terrace, with snow on the ground, was framed in rock.

Friday, May. 18

I love my pots and pans... I can drum on them. This morning I was drumming the lone ranger theme with my fingers when I picked up my drumsticks and tried it on the pots and pans... no problemo.

Kudo's to George Bush and Dana Carvy for 'Not gonna do it!'... I use it all the time.

Kudo's to Nickolaus Dent... for unconditional love. I think in the old three monkey "Speak no evil, See no evil, Hear no evil" we should have a forth one, "Do no evil"... with a monkey smiling.

Saturday, May. 19

I played the piano last night, it was so much fun... like a good ski run. After thinking I was tone deaf for the last 30 years the tones are so nice... I just love playing them and coming up with combinations that flow together as I am playing. I got up smiling feeling so good... like every cell had a smile on its face.

If enough snow is gone I am going to try extreme golf today... climbed Express Way (Baker Chair), topped a lot... hit four good ones. A couple of spots they roll back to you. Lost three balls... no different than ordinary golf. I'll find one or two after the snow is gone and the willows stand up. It's a good way to practise... different terrain... stance... hands. Also thought of extreme pollo this morning... I think they do that in Afghanistan. I was thinking of a crazy guys head with a dead beaver in a sack under his desk. That is how it became a sport amongst the British aristocracy.

For so many of us who have lived in an apartment... where do we spend the most of our time? The kitchen window = home = screen... we'll all be able to have a front and back yard... we'll all be able to have a picnic by the stream. Doing dishes in an apartment... will be a lot more fun.

Sunday, May. 20

I was just reading about Muhammad Yunus... he has given hope to so many.

Monday, May. 21

I was able to remove and use the 2x8's from one of the old beams to build the table near where I want to put the barbecue. It'll work well for a pot luck... or as a bar. Sure wish the chain I bought was the right size... I really need to get to town to exchange it so I can cut the planks for the deck and the walkway. No car though... my thumb works. Then the barbecue... and the new center pole for the indoor staircase. I am going to move some of the black dirt I spread near the well yesterday to the green for my par 2, 1 hole golf course. If the table is ever used as a bar. Someone could finish the course... walk over and have a beer... Just kidding.

Finished hauling the center pole for the indoor staircase up to the front... peeled it. Set it up against the tree to gauge hieght... etc. The visual helps.

Tuesday, May. 22

Bad spooks this morning. Why they want to steal my life... my heaven on earth when they don't like it and can find their own is a mystery... about 91 billion other souls are tired of it also.... maybe they think that stealing life will get them out of the hell they made for themselves. It doesn't matter how much money you have invested in something... if you think your in a living hell, then your doing the wrong thing. No drugs alchohol or esoteric spiritual thought or chemical romance is going to change it. Clean up your house... find your neutral point... kick the pirates out... reconnect with yourself.

Find your smile... don't try and steal mine, my soulmates or someone elses.

Overcast... firwood and maybe a bath today.

Wednesday, May. 23

I am looking forward to a world of no borders... I am getting tired of passwords... I am getting tired of different password requirements for different sites.

Kudos to Holiday Mathis for her uplifting and positive insight in her horoscopes.

Climbed the yellow this morning... took a pic with the laptop. Brought it to see if I can get the net in a remote location. I'll be able to take it bushwacking this summer.

Read the news... some decadent homemade brownies for dinner... tough day at the office.

Thursday, May. 24

I was attacked this morning... why do people who do something they don't like for 30 years continue to do so? Why do they impose their apathy on others? Why do they impose their hell on others?... What are we to do? I am tired of cave vs cave... but I am not going backwards, I am not going to live their hell. I don't need the drama... I am no long a caveman.

Bad spookes... they have been attacking me all day. Incompatible to my thought... so sour. It's awful the way they think. Waves of warmth is so simple... it is so easy not to live the drama. Why they do it is a mystery. They steal life.

When the lives they belong in don't deal with their own issues... their souls don't evolve... don't learn. We all need to cry and learn... plugging into anothers old soul... anothers smile and relaying to anothers life, forcing their sadness, their feelings on the old soul is not the right thing to do.

It is obvious some souls... some sour milk... some crab apples are upset about my photo yesterday. I didn't plan it... it just happened... the similarity with the image Man in Thought came to me as I was taking the picture. It fit... some souls that have been trying to destroy my life don't like it. They are still attacking me. Some people high on drugs are able to communicate with souls that have a connection to me... they get shits and giggles also by pretending to be souls of those passed. They are some of the worst pirates. These bad souls... fallen angels... pirates... love those on the 'high' way since they can take those people over so easily, love those guilty of something, they can control them easier.

They really hurt me today. All so unnecessary.

It concerns me.

Friday, May. 25

Things are not right in my little corner of the world at the moment. Just now as I was getting ready to upload, a spook thought 'You shouldn't have been sitting up there.' I know that isn't right... I was sitting there... I felt good sitting there... I felt good taking the picture... I feel good writing this... the spook is wrong. He is a stowaway... a pirate. I was just reading about Operation Eager Lion in Jordon... the spook thought, 'This isn't possible.' I said, 'yes it is.'

There are a lot of baby dragonflies in the well... I'll be able to get footage for 'Dance of the Dragonfly.' I am looking forward to them flying in the courtyard, when I was a young man I was driving to Vancouver in my 1976 Celica Liftback when I ran into a swarm of dragonflies... like a swarm of locusts... they covered the car... it took me a long time to clean it. A lot of dragonflies... it sort of feels good to have a lot born on my property. I will wait until the dragonflies are flying to dig in the well and get the footage.

Decided to go down and check on the skiff I made last year. It is along the shore down the lake from the summer resort. They asked me to move it... no car. Bush whacking down where I fell on some tree spikes. A lot of damage that day... it hurt. I also found three old growth cedars with a small one in the center. They show the importance of room to grow. It's cool. The cedar tree, for 1000's of years, was known as the 'Tree of Life'.

Spent about 4 hours bushwhacking today... about an hour with the machete cutting off Devils heads... got about 150 of em. They aren't nice.

Saturday, May. 26

I was reading on wiki that dragonfly babys are called nymphs and are aquatic... as a single guy it is kind of cool... I have a well full of nymphs.

I was just reading on How to Breed Dragonflies 'These insects have been around since long before humans and dinosaurs, and were soaring the skies over 300 million years ago

I was reading this morning about a women recommending a chip under the skin with a barcode for everyone. We don't need it... we already have one, it's called DNA. 8 years ago I got upset when someone I know was going to put a chip under the skin of their dog for when they went traveling. I didn't like it... acceptance would lead to someone saying we should have them. I don't want it. I have a piece of metal in my shoulder... I don't want anything else. With DNA and the direction technology is going in we will be able to uniquely identify everyone without putting a chip inside.

What happened with Operation Eager Lion shows that we are moving away from the need... just as their is no need for the ski hill manager to drive by my cabin at 6 in the morning.

Due to unique identification of every chip and the way every computer can be accessed by remote control with out the users knowledge... is why?

Once war is over... can you imagine the resources we will be able to redirect to battling organized crime.

Sunday, May. 27

I did a painting this afternoon of my Well of Nymphs, the dragonflies in the well. Didn't sleep well. Pirates... a spook this morning reacted differently than myself when I looked out my back window... I saw my property... the deck I am putting on the terrace, the 1 hole par 2 golf course... the table... a ski hill with terrain I love... it didn't.

It can leave.

The last couple of mornings I went out and found the branches I put on my standard... like my snake sticks. Taken off and thrown on the ground. Not nice. Why would someone destroy art? I put it back.

Monday, May. 28

There is nothing like a good fart or a good dump, it is one of the things on this planet we can all agree upon.

I like being a libra, it's the seventh house.

I have come to love the piano... I have wanted a violin for a long time and I need a guitar. I have made some drums... still need to cover them with leather and I want to try the picallo. Returning to skiing, my 1st love, has sparked my creativity. I love to ski... I love music... it's fun to learn.

I was just watching a squirrel resting on a log, its tail along its back. It was the first time I've ever seen a squirrel take a rest. I watched for a while.

I was just reading in scientific american about memory and the hippocampus, "The vast majority of these hippocampal neurons, called granule cells, develop when we are very young and remain in place throughout our lives." That is why it is so important for our minds to develop properly when we are young... senses plus knowledge, truth, health.

I think I am going to secure the branches to the standard. It works well for holding signs. I have one up that says, 'Used golf balls needed'.

I began working on the staircase yesterday... notches... its going to look so cool. Need a new chain though. I was thinking yesterday that once the dragonflies start flying I'll have my own shield agains mosquitoes... now that they are breeding in the well, they should continue to do so... My own personal bodyguard.

Tuesday, May. 29

I am going to try going with water for a couple of days, clean out my guts... get my heart pumping. It's raining... climbing in the rain can feel good if the temp is fairly warm.

Kudos to the Wikimedia Foundation for the library.

Got firewood instead of climbing... found a birds nest from a wood pecker in one of the logs... I put it near an old stump in the front yard. I can use it as a feeder.

Wednesday, May. 30

Hump day. When I was a suit it was half way throught the week... now when I think of hump day, I wish I had a compatible girl friend.

I am the resurrection of Bob... because... I am Bob. A return to skiing and a healthy lifestyle sparked my creativity.

Thursday, May. 31

Dreams as communication from soulmates, spiritual children... I call Rem-Coms. Rem sleep communication. Had one this morning about university... a couple of cute girls, too many guys.

Whoever stole my suit did me a favor.

Went to the well to get some water to clean the clay I'm putting in the gutter when I saw a lot of small nymphs rising to the top in the well... WOW!... the larger ones lower, they must have hatched during the last thaw. There's going to be a lot of dragonflies this summer. The mosquitoes are in trouble.

I have a flight suit from skydiving called a Dragon Master... purple (royal blue) with yellow grips. Fits.

Friday, June 1

Took a photo of the pendents I made of the seed, the 'kudo'. One is of the left over epoxy placed in a plastic teaspoon, It sort of looks like an ovum... fits. The one on the far left is the pendent I wear. It has a small heart I carved and a tooth I had to pull myself one day.

I saw a quote by Rumi, "Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise so I am changing myself." I think it should be, "Today I am wise so I am changing the world."

What if... we all understood the root of all of our beliefs? I don't like pirates.

Everyone of us is owed our free minds... our free wills.

Where's my aphrodite?

Began collecting rocks for the barbecue... found the perfect rock for one side in the creek... large and flat on the top. Hauling it up on a wooden sled with a come along and logs for rollers.

Saturday, June 2

It rained last night, 220 liters in the water tank.

Added some dialogue to one of the scenes in my screenplay, 'Scar Creek.'

Recorded Stepping Stone.

Wrote a new melodie. Saw some shapes in the clouds while playing a bluegrass melody and immediatly stopped and sketched it... a soother and a fetus. No bullshit.

Spagetti monsters are a pain in the butt when I'm doing a digital painting... working on 'wonders', a digital painting of the soother and fetus.

I was just playing Dance of the Dragonfly and looking out my picture window at the well... I noticed that once I put in the barbecue and remove the stumps, the well really will look like the digital painting, Well of Nymphs... the root on it was an affect, now it will have meaning.

Sunday, June 3

My fathers birthday today... he died of cancer. I miss him.

The hubble deep field photo was an epiphany photo for me... billions upon billions of galaxes in our universe. Given quantum foam, what if... there are billions upon billions of universes? We could be here awhile.

There was an aftergrad at Purden last night. The music coming from the lodge... the bowl... was nice. There was a full moon, almost. Listened for a while then went to bed. The amphitheatre shape of the bowl is like a megaphone. If the ISS turned on their outside microphone... maybe they could hear it!

It would be great for a concert.

Rob Whitwam, a friend from high school dropped off some golf clubs and some balls this morning. A putter, and a couple of wedges... cool. Thanks.

Just noticed my cart has moved. One of the kids must have pulled it... maybe gave their girlfriend a ride.

What to call a different fairway on an extreme golf course, when there aren't any holes? I can't wait until my whole wall is a hd screen... all four walls plus the kitchen window.

Played extreme golf today... climbed yellow with a seven iron. Going up to the cliff was fine. A couple of good shots. Didn't find any goggles.

Monday, June 4

Going to collect rocks for the barbecue today... not going to work to hard. One thing good about 2012 is we can blame a lot of the weather on it.

Updated my profile page with some photos from my music videos.

Tuesday, June 5

Snows almost gone on the hill. The property is starting to look the way I have imagined it... it feels good. I love it so much.

Pirates... bad spooks for a while today. Not good. Made it difficult lifting a rock up for the barbecue. Had to yell at a couple.

Wednesday, June 6

I read that George Soros was saying the european union had 3 months to fix the situation their in.

When I first saw it, the look on his face, his eyes, I thought of Blofeldt from the James Bond movies. He was making a threat. It concerns me that we are all in for some hard times ahead when they can be avoided.

Education comes from life, what our senses see and feel and what we accept.

I've been using twitter quite a bit lately... kind of fun.

Raining today, found out the chain I bought fit with some adjustment. I was going to cut some planks today... instead, the water tank is filling up.

Where are my angels when I need them... I have an easy chair and a saddle thats available.

How to make 1 ltr of wine. Buy some grapes, crush them with a grinder then put them in a 1 ltr thermous bottle... add 2 tablespoons brown sugar. Leave it for a week... smell... have a taste. Shake, leave for another week. Drink... with the grapes. It's good. I am trying this week to make the same thing with dandilion tops. See if it'll work.

Thursday, June 7

It's pouring out, rained all night. I've got 650 ltrs in the water tank. I'll have running water all summer.

I was just looking out the kitchen window... the aquaduct is working. A lot of water is flowing. It's so amazing... it's working just like I had planned. It's flowing better than I thought it would. It's so cool. I took a drink at the end of the aquaduct... fine, no problemo.

Friday, June 8

Overcast and raining, hopefully I can cut some planks for the deck and walkway today.

Got the planks for the garden terrace done. Still need to fit and trim. Any kids that show up can pretend it's a ship deck with a rudder and a gangplank. It's going to look cool.

Got some gas for the chain saw and generator. I was able to vacum the living room. I feel a lot better when the cabin is clean.

I ran across an article on cnn this morning about intervention in Syria, I wrote about this topic 10 years ago when I had I wrote it in regards to fighting terrorism... not much has changed. I wrote that 'we are damned if we do, and damned if we don't' in the eyes of others. A reader submitted his view, 'we are darned if we do, and darned if we don't', another reader submitted, ' “If we don't protect freedom worldwide, we might as well give it up here. If you think watching people get murdered and not even lifting a finger to stop it, you become a part of the problem.”

Connect the dots.

A bigger cranium does not necessarily mean a higher intellect... who's teaching the children.

Was reading an article in Scientific American about creativity. As a result I have improved on my formula: genetics + senses + knowledge + experience = creative life. Without creativity we would still be in caves.

Saturday, June 9

Who would have thought those professing love would hate me.

Worked on the deck this morning... looks good. Found a tree for a railing post, had clean clothes on so didn't go get the chain saw. I timmed the terrace deck ... it has curves.

Finished Wonders... the digital painting of the baby and the soother. It's quite simple.

Sunday, June 10

I was just thinking what we should call communication between two souls in spirit, two people in thought and those on drugs talking to themselves in their heads... soul net, thought net and drug net. Drug net is not a nice net to be forced to listen to.

What do we call those who voluntarily blow their brains out on drugs and then use drugs to intentionally communicate with a normal person... retarded lobotomies.

What do we call spirits who steal those people just to hurt another... pirates and murderers.

What do we call spirits who steal a living person and try to use their minds overtop of the living... a pirate.

What do we call spirits who walk with living... soulmates, spiritual children.

What do we call souls who reincarnate forward in mind with the living. The souls who reincarnated forward in mind with me... I'm Bob.

That's why I am who I am.

Worked on the rudder this morning. Found the railing and posts easily, skinned them and then bolted them in place. It looks really neat. The keyboard fits pretty good, I tried playing Dance of the Dragonfly for my Well of Nymphs. Took some home video of it. Also some pics with the organ and with the rudder. My creative retreat is coming together.

Monday, June 11

Had a rem-com this morning, I wonder if someone stole a courier package meant for me?

One of my pet peeves on the net are videos that load up first and start talking while I'm looking to read something to determine if I want to watch it. I stopped loading videos on my site last year because it was irritating.

Cleaned up some brush and worked on the staircase... trimmed the notches, took down the old one and placed the boards to see what it would look like.

Tuesday, June 12

It poured last night, the aquaduct was working. It's so cool to watch it.

I look at the small deer I won swimming under water in East Pakistan in 1964... I go 'wheeewwww...' I've sure come a long ways. I remember swimming underwater, stopping looking around, seeing no one and begin swimming again. I remember approaching the far wall... I wasn't going to give up. I have it sitting between two mugs I got for being a competitor in CSIA pro team races, I had three, I lost one from Kimberley. I never really took them too seriously... they were fun. On one of them I twisted out of both bindings and ended up running down the course and standing on the top of the first jump. It was hilarious. I didn't fall.

The first summer on my property, 2010 I found a bottle in the creek with a message in it. It read:

Go from bronze, silver and gold walk.

3 Steps to a chest and find ponoy mol.

That's where the reuters (treasure) is. I interpret this as going away from the competitive environment to doing it for fun. When I first went back skiing I went to Troll Resort... then to Smithers... then here to Purden. 3 steps to finding my mermaid... my dolphin... my girl... becoming aware of my soulmate with me. Also discovering the dolphin within me, how much I love to just... ski. My soulmate loves it. I landed a corsair on a WW2 aircraft carrier for the first time this morning, first try. YeeHaaw.

The two most important professions on the planet... being a mother and a father. It has been my observation that in their secret minds most women want to be a housewife. Compatibility is important.

I saw a movie on television a while back, there was a scene where a young woman was talking to a young man. She was telling him that her dream was to be a wife... but failing that a porn actress. I liked that scene. I kind of hoped the guy got the message as she walked away. It was a good scene. I like the way she dressed too... she'd be the perfect wife.

Wednesday, June 13

I was looking at a stuffed doll I talk to on my counter this morning. She is pink with a yellow bra and a yellow flower behind her ear. She has a big smile. I have her sitting on a jar with a strawberry picture on it. I call her Strawberry sometimes. Tom Hanks had a basketball in 'Castaway', I have willow. I have it sitting with some mugs of mine. One I picked up in Sri Lanka when I was about 27. It is of a peacock fighting a cobra, the other one I got here at Purden from a nieghbour. I think of a beautiful woman when I look at it. Milk. Yummmie... I love milk.

Got the staircase up... put some steps on to see what it will look like. Still need to bolt, nail and put in dowling for step supports.

Thursday, June 14

Life with the right attitude, is an adventure holiday... regardless.

I remember when we were flying to East Pakistan in 1963, I don't remember where, but my younger brother Geoff was sitting behind me. He was only 3 at the time. He asked, "Are we there yet?" No, not yet. He asked that all the way over. A long flight then, London, Frankfurt, Rome, Tehran, Karachi, Dacca then Kuhlna. I earned my BOAC wings on that trip.

Friday, June 15

Worked in the yard today filling holes on the par 2 1 hole golf course.

Saturday, June 16

It's pouring out. Had to unclog the pole to the watertank.

Sunday, June 17

I ran across a photo on the internet this morning that reminded me of someone... my soulmate felt so happy, she held my hand. It's a beautiful day in the nieghbourhood... would I, should I, could I. I liked Mr. Rogers.

Monday, June 18

In PG grocery shopping, need a new nut for the chainsaw, got a new rotary grinder so I can work on Perceptions 2 again and the staircase. Got a haircut, feels good. Bought a six pack... tastes good.

Tuesday, June 19

Stayed overnight in PG, incompatible sour ghosts, drugged and mentally ill attacked me during the night. I can feel them this morning. It is awful. They cannot stay inside... they cannot go forward in mind... it can be a real bummer. Some think they are escaping hell, some think their becoming me, some think they are me, some think their supposed to be me, some think their going to replace me... it's so bizzare... too stupid.

A photo on my desktop that looks like my soulmate helps... she loves me. She gives them hell.

The character Telly Savalas played in the dirty dozen and some psycho ghosts are too much alike.

Testing the connection on my ride back to Purden... no problemo.

Wednesday, June 20

Felt pretty good last night, lots of grub in the cabin now. Woke up this morning and then someone plugged in... someone from the Bahamas... he is not compatible. I don't like it... they steal life.

Working on the staircase today.

This spring I saw two rabbits chasing each other on my property. The female isn't afraid of me, she is comfortable hopping around me. I thought there might be baby rabbits this year. I checked the gestation period while I was in town... a month. I was just outside when I saw a baby rabbit. It's cool.

For The Want Of Common Sense. Robert W. Nelmes, Editor. 10/19/2001.

For the want of common sense, realism was lost.

For the want of realism, awareness was lost.

For the want of awareness, vigilance was lost.

For the want of vigilance, the law was lost.

For the want of a law, the judge was lost.

For the want of a judge, the mole was lost.

For the want of a mole, security was lost.

For the want of security, the perimeter was lost.

For the want of a perimeter, safety was lost.

For the want of safety, freedom was lost. For the want of freedom, truth was lost.

For the want of truth, the leader was lost.

For the want of a leader, government was lost.

For the want of a government, democracy was lost.

For the want of democracy, society was lost.

For the want of society, civilisation was lost.

And all for the want of common sense.

Thursday, June 21

Finished putting the steps on the staircase, just like the jetsons. Close to what I envisioned.

When we have the quantum field, the qbit... we will be able to put an invisible dome over the cave we found on the moon. We will be able to have a disco, a dance floor at ground level where we can dance and see the moon around us... without space suits on. It'll be cool!

Identity theft... stealing home... is Evil. I look forward to a day when people stop teaching hate around the hearth... stop being selfish. Evil people become evil spirits. Good people cannot accept evil. I cannot accept evil.

Drug addicted people become drug addicted spirits, normal people cannot accept drug addicted spirits. I cannot accept drug addicted.

Mentally ill (ie: schizophrenic) people become mentally ill spirits, normal people cannot accept schizophrenic spirits. I cannot accept schizophrenic or mentally ill.

Surrounding an illuminated person with evil spirits... with spirits that hate the person... is evil. It hurts the living illuminated person and all the likeminded soulmates and spiritual children walking with the illuminated person. It interfers with waves of warmth, the minds wavelength that is broadcasted outwards to others. It deceives.

Friday, June 22

Cut some planks for the walkway... still about 6 plus the gang plank to do. Might do it with long thick planks.

How the hell did I loose a golf ball on my golf course, it's only a par 2 10 yards long.

Stowaways this morning, spirits that are not compatible... trying to steal home and hide their true ugly thought. Relaying to and from other lives. I don't want to feel their criminal minds, I don't want to feel their drug addictions, I don't want to feel their broken backs, I don't want to feel their hate for me, I don't want to feel their anger, I don't want to feel their apathy for Purden or the wonders of life, I don't want to feel their tattoos, two have tattoos all over their lower arms. One has tried to remove some near the wrist. I don't want to feel their sickness, I don't want to feel their lack of conditioning, I don't want to feel their mental illnesses.

I have the right to me own free mind, my free will for myself and all of my soulmates, my spiritual children with me here and all over the planet.

Saturday, June 23

I'm sure glad Catch-22 day is over. The spookes take it too seriously... it can be a bummer.

Finished the walkway and the gangplank to the Great Ship Cando.

I'll be able to finish cutting planks today. I'll get a picture when I'm done.

Sunday, June 24

About 20 years ago I was looking into the native medicine wheel with a cousin of mine. I had a rem- com where I was standing by the side of a railroad track, a frieght train was going by. A black bear and a cougar, a mountain lion, a jaguar jumped off to be with me... I was wondering back then what my animal spirit guides would be. When I was a child we lived just south of Powell River, British Columbia at a place called Black Point. One morning I opened the kitchen door and saw a black bear right there. I think I screamed and the bear ran off... I remember seeing a bear skin on a rack in the backyard so my father must have gone out and shot it. Yesterday a young bear cub came on the property, it wasn't scared, didn't run. Although when I brought the video camera it reacted and moved away. When I put the camera away it calmed down. I'm hoping the bear will become comfortable with me as it grows older.

Last summer I ran into a cougar (mountain lion) while bushwhacking on the mountain. I was climbing up when I heard a noise. I thought it was a motor boat from the lake. I waited, then took another step... I heard the growl... loud and not far away. I stopped with my machette in my right hand. I didn't move. I didn't see the cougar but I knew it was close. After about a minute a turned to the side and walked away slowly. I knew the possibility existed that the cougar was following. I kept that in mind as a walked and listened. It was quite the experience.

In the 1920's my great grandfather, Thomas Weaver, was a pioneer in the Morris Valley area of British Columbia... near what is now called "Weaver Lake". One night there was a cougar near their house. He went out after the cougar and ended up being chased up a tree... now that I have been bushwhacking I understand the story of his climbing around the deadwood. How dangerous the situation would have been. He shot the cougar but ended up with some scars on his face. Some days I notice melanine build up that look like scratches on my face. Now, when I see the marks, I think of great grandpa.

When I was going to high school in Prince George we lived on the Blackwater road for a while. One day my brother, me and a cousin took 22's to the back of the property. We were just shooting at things. A sqirrel got shot and someone put it on a stump and everyone took shots at it. It still bothers me. I think of the squirrels on my property and smile, they are safe here.

When I was a young man I had a top of the line 76 Celica Liftback. I was driving to Vancouver one day when I ran into thousands of dragonflies, the car was covered. Hard to clean. I think of the dragonfly nymphs in my well and smile. I am able to allow them to grow and make them stars in a music video called 'Dance of the Dragonfly'.

When I think about the serendipitious synchronicity of the events since blackpoint, things fit together. Life.

Put a railing up on the walkway. Realized today, actually a while back. I am a right of centre artist who doesn't wear a beret, and I did it without a government grant!

***Earlier today I heard some one yell down the road, 'Get out' and then what I thought was a gunshot. Maybe a bear banger. I yelled out angry since the person may have been shooting at the small black bear. I heard another 2-3 shots and yelled out again for them to leave the bear alone. It wasn't hurting anyone. No one yelled back at me. Later I saw the bear on my property, not scared, walking slowly towards the same area. So I do not think he was shooting at the small bear. So what really was going on?

Monday, June 25

Worked on Perceptions 2 this morning... I have decided to call itMusic.

July 1st is a very special day for me, not only is it Canada Day... it is also the anniversary of Perceptions, I first had the dream that inspired the sculpture at 3:00 am on July 1st 2004 at Troll Resort. If I can get the firepit cleaned up in time I may have a fire, wiener and marshmallow roast for those who wish to stop by.

I ran across an article about twisted light on bbc... it wouldn't come up so I went looking for it. I found it on It is Good News! Internet cost should go down. No bandwidth issue. With the infrastructure in place, no transmission issues, the cost should fall to almost nothing for bandwidth, for communication, the first step to a Free internet, free communication. "The Freedom to Learn."

I was just playing 'Dance of the Dragonfly' when I saw a fly on my picture window right in front of me. Most people would just kill it... I played and watched it eating the scum on my window. Helping to clean the windows... with the scum gone it will be easier for me to clean.

Kudos to William Shatner a Canadian who's done good. Right on! You have helped to keep the dreams of Gene alive in so many. There are so many people in my age group that were influenced by Star Trek who are now in positions of scientific and political decision making. The holo deck is coming. Qbit... Question, Believe in Truth! Science works.

Tuesday, June 26

Had a real nice virtual cuddle (sexual fantasy) in the middle of the night... color works... I like being the easy chair. Real would be nice.

How do you loose a golf ball on a 10 yard par 2 golf course? I just caught the black bear eating one of my golf balls... two are missing!

Going to cut some more planks today for another walkway like I saw in National Geographic... didn't do it the way I saw in the photo. Safer as gangway over the mud. Will try the step version in another location.

Such a busy world... so much drama... so much loneliness... so unnecessary.

Had a power dive (cat nap) this afternoon... just like Albert used to do.

I'm a skier... I love going down.

Wednesday, June 27

I was just thinking, I wonder what day 999 of the Cando Era is? Sept.26 funny, just another day, 'What if...Your head isn't empty?' was about 999 different conjectures, what if scenerios... humour!

I have decided to name the blackbear Yoho... when I was a child we took a holiday and stayed at Yoho National Park, I chased a blackbear with a hatchet... I was about 6 or 7 yrs old just before we moved to East Pakistan. I quess I was still traumatized by the incident at blackpoint. I don't chase them anymore, I'm not afraid of bears anymore.

I was just reminded about Australia when I was boy... I miss Bonny Hills sometimes, cardboard down the grass hill, the rocks, the waves. I don't miss picking mushrooms... I got a tick one day. It was funny. I now have a small scar on the end of my dick. I am trying to work the scene into the screenplay I am writing called "Scar Creek".

Landed an F-14 on an aircraft carrier without a tailhook... what a plane. It was hard.

It is becoming evident through scientific discoveries that the human conciousness transmits outwards. Would not an extraterrestrial intelligent being also transmit. Should we not be looking in the ranges the mind transmits.

Thursday, June 28

Kudos to Sunlight, I love the 4.43 laundry detergent dispenser. Sunlight is great for laundry, dishes, shampoo, skin soap, ant repellant.

Homemade Cando pizza for dinner. Cooked stove top on a wood stove. It's really good!

M I C... K E Y... M O U S E... I like Disney... I was weaned on Disney... they are related by marrige through my Mothers, Mothers family. Disneys family also came from the same area of Upper Canada as my fathers.

Got the Sprucegoose off the water, it handled really well! Had to boost the thrust a bit.

Friday, June 29

I just saw two robins mating in the backyard... the male mounting the female from behind... the female would hop forward, raise her tail and bend over.. the male would chase and mount. It was cool. Not much different from us. Evolution, compatibility, biology.

Worked on music this morning, starting to look really good. I'm going to have fun oiling it! Took a picture of the menhir I carved in the front yard in 2010, Jan. 1 was the start of the Cando Era, it is the name I gave my property.

Worked on the railing... placed the small dolphin on the railing and made a small bongo out of wood plus two drum sticks. It's fun.

Saturday, June 30

Day 911 of the Cando era, I thought of the twin towers. I think of them everytime is see those numbers. I wrote an editorial that day, 'The Day the World Changed'.

Updated my profile pic.

My new reading glasses I made from an old pair of sunglasses. I had lost a lens in the sunglasses and broke the frames from my reading glasses. I had to cut the bottom of the black frames and then use wire to hold the glass in. They work pretty well... look cool too!

I shot the mast off a pirate ship today.

July 1st tomorrow, raining a lot. No wiener roast. Maybe a beautiful compatible girl will knock on my door... without a guy standing beside her.

Sunday, July 1

O Canada!

Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command.

With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free!

From far and wide, O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

God keep our land glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.


Are we strong and free?

Are we still glorious and free?

Who is standing on guard for thee? When I first started sculpting music I knew the small knot on the bulb was perfect... the guitar shape and the fingers like cords, music, the heart shape... love, with perspectives I see different things, a mermaid, a torso, when I look at it, the heart, the knot... I think of my girl. I haven't met her yet, though she is with me.

Monday, July 2

It's raining. Fill up the water tank please.

Once I kicked the stowaway pirate spooks out this morning (they think my life is a trojan horse or a donkey... I don't like it!) I was able to land the F14 on the carrier deck again without a tailhook. (MS flight sim) Some spirits helped me cut off the pirate connection when I yelled at them. My compatible soulmate, her girls and I don't like these doppelgangers, gollums and drugged spookes stealing my mind. They do not belong inside. They fake soul net and lie to people they know are connected to me. They screw up my skiing the same way trying to make me fall over the cliff or hurt myself at high speed. Some of them think my Level 3 pin was a medal... it isn't. I earned it... me, not a ghost doing it for me. It was stolen.

I had a real nice virtual communication (VC) last night before some spooks interfered with it the same way.

Hand sanding Music this afternoon. When you have done a sculpture yourself it's a really nice feeling to sand smooth, caressing the wood, tactile sensation, feeling the shape as you feel the smoothness. Very satisfying. Hard to describe unless one has experienced it. Given the sculpture my mind can wander, it can be erotic.

On drug net, thought net and soul net the affect of drugs like 'Bath Salts', Meth, Exstacy, Crack is horrifying. The thought process is bizzaire... no Concionse... no thought of consequence or thought of others. Their companion souls wander in a state of insanity... when they die their souls will also. It is a problem. Especially when their souls try to steal the living or are used by bad spookes for their own purposes.

A solution is a bonus from the qbit... quantum container, quantum field. A hospital for the spirit in a controlled environment. One where their souls can be treated, thereby allowing a safer world for us to build our heaven on earth. As their souls are evolved, repaired they can awake in heaven on earth. They will awake with a smile. A loving heart.

Tuesday, July 3

No remcoms last night, but a nice VC this morning before a bozo got in the way.

Higgs particle, the god particle, Higgins boat, landing craft. A new world!

Teachers ratified a contract in BC, but some still aren't happy. Why not? They have it better than 6.99 billion other people!

A voice ad poping up in a newspaper I am reading on the internet is irritating. I don't like it.

On drug net the doppers talk about roasting someone, as in frying their brain by remote control. They call it tasting. It doesn't really fry someone elses brain but it doesn't feel good. The dopers are frying theirs. They brag on drug net about roasting, nucing or cooking Canada or someone in particular.

They brag about putting words in someone elses mouth. Maybe we should put them in uniform and form a special unit in the so they can roast terrorists and organized crime. (Just Kidding about the uniforms) They are pirates! Not very smart ones at that. When they do it with people on the net, television, stage and movies it's a bummer... it's sick! Not good. They are spaghetti monsters.

My soulmate and I are going to feel like we are between 15 and 103 forever.

Posted the screenplay I am working on... Scar Creek.

Wednesday, July 4

My Bell stick is showing a connection but I can't get on the net. My bill is paid, so it is something else. It's not the microwave tower since I wouldn't be getting a connection. Maybe something wrong with the node? Maybe the array in Winnipeg is having a problem?

Maybe someone in the Canadian Communication Agency is standing by the coffer machine? Maybe the computer they have controlling the node is retarded?

I did some editing on the screenplay. The net is up again so I wonder if it was sabotage? Conspiracy theories are so funny sometimes.

Thursday, July 5

I saw a beautiful smile yesterday. I love our planet so much. A smile from so far, but so close.

All of those souls who reincarnated forward in mind with me think with me as one, walk with me as one... there is no competition. No one takes turns. I am Bob... I don't like pirates. My soulmate doesn't either, she likes me. Compatibility works.

Friday, July 6

The sun and the moon are both in the sky at the same time, it'll be a nice day.

My website is one of my hobbies.

Creativity in all things has a responsibility to, not only the present, but the future also.

Saturday, July 7

Climbed the yellow today, thought I would check out a way to the crater. Tried going around the hump but it was pretty dense. I saw signs of the cougar, so it may be on the other side of the mountain. I doubled back to climb all the way up and then checked out the back behind the yellow. Found a nice spot with a view of the far peak. I was able to get a good idea of how far and how difficult it will be to get to the crater. It will take a couple of days to get there and back again. I got back to my cabin and sat down near the front door, I immediatly felt my soulmates spirit. She was happy I got back and began to cry. She has a dream of how she would like to finish the garden terrace, she wants to lay more rock, weed, plant flowers. She doesn't see herself bushwhaking like I do, not all the way anyway. She'd work in the garden, the yard, the cabin, on her music, my screenplay... I like the thought. She looks at my Pocket Guide with love... I feel it. I thought I would be able to show her how to use the clay for the cracks and help her with it, could be fun. I am a living illuminated being so I wish I had a compatible girl friend for my soulmate and her illuminated being. She is so loving. She is an angel.

When I was young the public beaches had divingboards, I love to dive. Why don't we have them anymore?... Insurance companies, lawyers and irrational law suites. Who instilled, who taught, the litigious culture we live in? I think it's a symbiotic relationship between lawyers and insurance companies.

Pirates create frankensteins, they try to steal home, steal the living. They are criminals. They don't walk as one, they are not lineage.

They force thought on the living, they steal the livings heaven on earth, their 1 with their minds..

They steal heaven from souls that do walk as one, they steal heaven from all the souls that reincarnated forward in mind as one.

Pirates are murderers. There is a difference between pirates and angels, angel investors.

With compatibility there is no piracy. The living comes first.

A beautiful smile, soulmates, compatibility.

The eye at the top of a pyramid is not a pirate symbol, it is a vision, a dream. A mind. It is not an evil eye.

An article in National Geographic about a grave with bones made up of six different people sparked the above thoughts.

Sunday, July 8

Some humour... I was thinking yesterday about the accepted use of high potency ganga as a recreational activity, it isn't, but if some consider it that, then will it eventually be a demonstration sport at the Olympics?

I was reading a while back about some pushing for the acceptance of doping in sports, ie: Armstrong. I don't think it is a good idea at all. The Olympics should be 100% mind with your body.

Go from silver, gold and bronze walk, 3 steps to a chest and find ponoy mol, that's where the treasure is?

It looks so cool. The fluff rising in the hot air from the plants. Seeds reflecting in the sun. Wonders. I got video, I may use it for Dance of the Dragonfly When I first moved into my cabin there was a squirrel I called Rocky, he would come in through a secret entrance. I used to catch him taking homemade bread out of the cabin. One day it was a huge piece. The next summer there were baby squirrels, I called one of them Rocky Jr. then it was Scoobie Doo, there is a baby squirrel this summer too.

Scoobie Doo Jr., son of Rocky Jr.

3:45pm I just did 10 holes of golf, 10 balls, 10 holes. I even pared a couple.

As a result of my saying I am an illuminated being I feel I need to set the record straight on something, I am not Illuminati, there is no such thing. Illuminated beings are not a secret society. They do not come and go. They really are angel investors. It is a natural process. I have no choise in who I am... I am who I am because of the souls that reincarnated forward in mind with me. I am who I am because of my soulmates love and our love for each other. Not those who steal home. The souls with an illuminated being cannot be changed out like you change the oil in a car. It doesn't work. We walk as one. Total identification... You cannot change who I am. I have great difficulty feeling the minds of those with hate, with violence, with mental illness, with drug addiction, with criminal intent, it hurts me, it hurts my soulmate... it hurts us. You cannot just climb inside and take turns. You cannot just climb inside and relay our love to yourselves at our expense without a consequence.

Monday, July 9

At the beach today... spirits say someone stole 15 million dollars from me, I wonder what that's about? I only make $660 dollars a month on disability. Spirits have also mentioned something about a missing courier package, I wonder what that is about? I took a picture of the mountain, where my cabin is. A little hazy.

Some dopers spent the night stoned out of their minds literally, I'm not stoned, their minds are. I could feel them. They kept me awake. I don't like it.

This morning I had to yell at them, it's as if that's all they will listen to. One of them this morning was visualizing holding a joint up in his right hand, smiling and saying, 'Super Dope'. They are retarded lobotomies, members of the urinary club, morons, self made schizophrenics and psychopaths, dead people walking. It doesn't change who I am, but it is killing them and their souls. Pure stupidity. What is to become of these generations? I can't stand how they feel.

They steal life from me and my soulmate, they steal heaven on earth from me and heaven from so many souls that walk with me, reincarnated with me, that are compatible and wake up with me, they are not happy with these people and souls doing this to me. Smoking your djin, your companion soul into my life, my light does not mean you will wake up with me. You will not go forward in mind with me. You do not become me.

Cooking the books is what is called accounting fraud, the same goes for false thought in drug, thought, and soul net. Stowing away inside my life by intentionally placing incompatible people near me so your sour souls have a place to wake up and then walk in and steal is a crime. It is identity theft. It is wrong. Leave. They are the same people who do it from the chairlift just to see if they can make me fall. Some of the pirates have actually tried to kill me.

They are pirates. They do not live life with me. They are stealing from me and my soulmate right now. You all owe me and my soulmate our free minds, our free will. There is no other solution, no other option. Identity theft is a crime, by the living and the dead. Since they make it, they can go to hell! That is where their minds will be when I do die... or reboot! I won't be with them.

They have been doing this do me for three seasons at Purden, one year at Smithers, 8 years since I lived in Chilliwack. Since I got into shape and went back skiing some believe it is their right to plug in and think they are me when they go skiing or snow boarding, I don't want to feel like them. I don't like it. If I wasn't nice and didn't feel good... they wouldn't want to feel me... to steal my smile, my muscles, my energy. They are bad.

I am tired of drug net stealing bob net.

Talking face to face, with respect and understanding works so well.

Man created the idea of heaven, hell, limbo and purgatory. Drug net has created the 'Twilight Zone'. All we really have is 'Heaven on Earth', that is what I want, that is what we need.

It's not over yet... there is still a Universe to colonize. I still dream of having a wife and family.

Tuesday, July 10

I feel like I have had my heart ripped out. It's a good think the heart is a state of mind. A pirates state of mind will never replace mine. They steal life. They are heartless and cruel. Their 'blink of an eye' gave the flirting wink a bad name.

I think I will work on my screenplay today and maybe the sculpture. I think I'll play some golf too, maybe 18 holes.

I found a picture on the net of a girl that has an angel from my soulmate with her, I could tell. Since then I've been thinking of a young woman I saw one day when I was homeless.

I was sleeping on a bench in North Vancouver, I woke up and began walking towards 2nd ave. I ran across a young girl under the bridge. So young. I wonder if she's ok. That same day I hoped a frieght train to get out of town... to save my life. I knew if I stayed in Vancouver in that situation I would die.

Hells Angels are niether Angels nor Deamons, they are Gugalanas bulldjin from hell. (Twilight Zone)

Wednesday, July 11

Just having lunch. All that work and it sure looks nice.

A small golden fly landed on my keyboard while I was playing on the 'bridge', I looked it up on google, found a nice story. About soulmates.

As I was finishing it I saw my image in the monitor and I sensed my father speaking to me, 'That's why your mom and I are together!' It was nice.

I knew when I did 'Sole of Foot' they were soulmates. They are with me and my soulmate too... and I'm single. My soulmate just said, 'It's true.' and leaned towards the monitor.

Yesterday afternoon some spirits showed up at Purden that don't belong here, one is associated with a period when I was going to Simon Fraser University and had gone to Whistler for the weekend. Something had occurred and when I was driving back in the middle of the night I fell asleep and drove through a barrier almost driving off a washed out bridge into the river. I came close to dieing. The spirit who showed up knew it. He was there, he is incompatible, he was a spirit trying to kill me that weekend. I am assuming they believed they would control and move my illuminated being to Whistler. They failed. Yesterday he entered me again, also someone else. As if a group of incompatible spirits climbed inside en mass.

As the people left with their spirit counterparts inside, the woman was projecting an amish woman who I know is connected to me and is a spirit that loves me. I got angry, they were trying to steal an angel that reincarnated forward in mind with my soulmate.

I was mad... I know she is an ancestor of mine through my Great Grand Father Thomas Weaver of Morris Valley, Weaver lake. Thomas Weaver reincarnated forward in mind with me... he became me. My grandmothers soul is with me also, she thinks I act just like grandpa. He was a very loving and kind man. While I was angry the soul of my great grandfather, was able to communicate with me who the Amish woman was. He was furious, I was furious, that is why. His voice spoke through me, 'She was my mother!". My Great Great Grandmother.

These people, these sour pirate souls tried to steal the soul of my Great Great Grandmother in order to overlay trying to kill me and my soulmate. They think they can climb inside with the souls of their families and control my illuminated being... they cannot. They work in pairs climbing inside with one, staying then 'calling' their soul so they can relay the feeling, the state of mind, of someone with me or myself, or my soulmate, or someone with them... to them. They connect their feeling to me, I can tell what they are like. They are not nice, they are bad. They steal life, they steal Heaven on Earth.

They cannot stay.

They try to hide their angry, ugly, violent, guilty and criminal thought from others when around large numbers of souls, 'quantum foam'. There is no sanctuary in my illuminated being. Souls deceive in spirit projecting myself and my soulmate this way. They cause havoc the fakes in spirit. I am not 'outside', my soul has not been 'born' yet. I am alive.

I am not overwieght... stealing souls of spiritual children is not helping me to loose wieght, it is not 'unfair', my cup does not 'runneth over', I am who I am because of those who reincarnated forward in mind with me. My soulmate is who she is for the same reason... we are a pair. To attempt to separate, to destroy, to scatter, is attempted murder. We are meant to be together in life!

I am not what pirates say I am, I am not what pirate thought trys to project. I am not what pirate souls try to be. Pirates souls do not make the living. Dopers don't make the living either. It is impossible for me to be 'evil', bad, violent, ugly of thought. I still have a difficult time euthanizing an injured bumble bee on the side of the road. A hard time killing a fly or a spider in the house. Know yourself. I know who I am.

I really do!

On June 27, 2001 I wrote the following, '. the US does not have to worry about rouge states tossing missiles at them. They have to worry about some nut case, foreign or domestic getting off a fishing boat with a hydrogen bomb in a backpack, or another bomb arriving in a shipping container."

It has taken 2 1/2 years to get to the point where I can have bare feet outside, on the garden terrace and the back deck. It's nice.

Someone said thank you to me early this morning for something I wrote 10 years ago. I said thank you, it's cool. It helped them.

Thursday, July 12

As an example of how bizzaire things have been up here lately, there have been some strange people staying in one of the cabins. They arrived last week, changed vehicles and are still here. I haven't seen them, they don't leave their cabin except to get into their car and go get something. It's like an episode of the Twilight Zone, Outer Limits or a chapter from one of Steven Kings novels.

The spirits associated with them don't feel good at all.

Maybe the couple are spending all their time in bed trying to make a baby or watching television. I don't know. So odd. So much to do.

Maybe their terrorists? Kinda funny.

I was just looking at an article written in Pravda on the net and thought about a theory of mine. One I came up with about 10 years ago. The evolution of cave vs cave, villages, towns, city states, countries, continents, trading blocks, to a world of no borders. A natural process although some are forcing direction. Not good.

Friday, July 13

Friday the 13th, I'm not supersticious.

I noticed a purple flower today that I transplanted two summers ago. It finally blossomed. I noticed as a bumble bee was eating nectar... Pollinating. There will be more. I wish I'd been able to get a photo of the honey bee shopping a wildflower.

This morning I was watching two birds chasing one another, is was so beautiful. I could feel my true mind. I could also feel the presense of a pirate soul trying to impose their thought. They don't see it, don't feel it and don't care. They do not belong in my illuminated being. In that situation I am living and experiencing something, and pirate souls are communicating that feeling to someone else who is not living it. They should not be feeling it. I am by myself.

They steal life, they steal heaven from all the souls who reincarnated forward in mind with me. The souls who walk as one with me, who walk with me are good people and they don't like it. Saturday, July 14

I hadn't seen my nymphs in the well for a while, I thought I might loose the shot I am planning for Dance of the Dragonfly when they finish growing. I checked just now and they are fine... lots of them. There were so many mosquitoes in there that the nymphs were lower... maybe feeding. I have a good spot for the over the shoulder shot when they are all flying and feeding in the courtyard. I hope it's sunny. I'm going to have some happy dragonflys on my property.

I was just flying the f18 on my flight simulator when I remembered the first time I had ever seen a fighter jet. My older brother and I were flying to Sydney Australia to stay with relatives and go to school. We had been in East Pakistan for a year and a half. Our family was still there. After the plane landed in Darwin for fueling we were allowed to go up to the cockpit. It was cool, night, lights and there were some fighter jets in front of us. I really like flying the f18 on MS Flight Sim in realistic hard mode. It's fun. I also like flying the cobra helicopter, the huey, Hughs 500. Also the transload, black for covert ops. There is one called nightstalkers that flys so nice. It is used by special operations forces. You won't hear it coming.

Sunday, July 15

I was looking at CNN this morning and saw a picture of some football players, I saw the number 3 on one of the players shoulders, whenever I see a three I anticipate the number 33, my football number with the Lakewood Lakers in Prince George. During my last year we played against the Whally Bears for the BC Championships, I found out the player playing the same position as me on the the Whally Bears team was someone I met when I was 5 years old in Surrey. Just after we moved from Powell River and before we went to East Pakistan. It is the first memory I have of a friend, we were in grade one together. I don't remember his name.

In the movie Beetlejuice there is a scene of some dead high school football players in a waiting room after their bus crashed. It seems that some of the people I played football with are still so stoned they're still in the waiting room. It's funny. Just kidding.

Health care. The Senses, input to our brains. That's why they are fighting it! Senses should be covered. It's a given.

It is not just about greed and money. If they control your input, the media, they control perception. Truth is a must.

Senses plus truth equals understanding. There is only one reality.

Just before I started playing football I had urges to tap dance, maybe my parents thought something else. I liked girls even then. I've always loved dancing, music. My parents bought me a guitar but the classical lessons I was taking were boring. I want to get another one, a violin and a piccalo. I am still unsure about a trumpet, saxaphone, trombone. My parents bought an organ, I taught myself Auld Land Sang by numers. It was fun. I love playing the piano now.

I had a desire to go skiing even before we moved to Prince George. A nieghbour in Sunshine Hills after East Pakistan mentioned they skied one day, I thought it would be fun. I love it so much. I was thinking yesterday that I hadn't seen a hummingbird this year. I wondered if it had to do with the blossoming of some of the large flowers with a lot of nectar in them. Some are just starting to flower. I just saw a hummingbird on the front garden terrace.

Serendipity means a "happy accident" or "pleasant surprise"; specifically, the accident of finding something good or useful without looking for it.

Serendipitous, the faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident.

They are both slightly different, but together wonderful!

Did a roll and loop in a 737 tonight, I've never done it before. It was fun, kinda cool.

Monday, July 16

This morning I woke up and found there are a number of pirate soul couples trying to be me and my soulmate inside my own life. It's too stupid. They are drug addicts in their real life. They have real lives. They shouldn't be here.

Last night I was having a virutal communication with my soulmate when these pirate souls tried to take over and be us using their own minds. It was too bizzaire. It doesn't work. They are not compatible and cannot be inside my illuminated being, my light, my life. I stopped it, held my soulmates spirit and went back to sleep.

When are they going to understand they are stealing life from the living and heaven from those compatible souls that walk/live with the living as one. No spirit walks as one by forcing their thought on the living.

I noticed that the url input box is smaller in Explorer now. The cursor comes up in the search engine first. I prefer typing the url in the box, not the search engine. It seems they want everyone to go through their search engines so they can collect the data they need to predict everyones habits. Sort of like bank cards, air miles, bonus cards, etc.

I am looking forward to the net wars being over and someone not trying to predict where I am going to go or what I am going to do so they can direct me to a particular place.

If you don't like your job, your not doing what you should be doing!

Tuesday, July 17

There's a girl, readen my twitter!

I was sitting on the garden terrace relaxing. After working hard for the last 2 1/2 summers it's nice to finally be able to relax. I was looking at the tree in the front yard, it looks like a christmas tree. I saw all the light green needles on it, every needle new growth, like a new life, a new light.

I think we should have a movement to change the name of Earth, to Garden! It would be neat to rename it the Garden prior to going out and colonizing the galaxy.

Pirates this morning. Something happened at Purden 35 years ago. I was a ski instructor. I came skiing here on my days off, for fun. So I don't know what it is. But there are some very bad spirits here trying to hide something from everyone. I don't like them trying to force their thought on me when I am the one who loves it here, it is not my hell, it is theirs. It is where I discovered Heaven on Earth and what it means.

Wednesday, July 18

There's a girl, readen my twitter! With a VC, TLC... and a quiver. The 'quiver' part of the lyrics came via a virtual communication. It was cool. She liked it. She was singing it. A muse.

Working on my garden terrace today, putting in a pond on the gutter to the aquaduct. Not too bad! The water will flow over like a small waterfall into the gutter and then down to the aquaduct. I made sure the adze was in the photo, I made the handle from a cedar branch, the original one broke. One of the most useful tools mankind ever invented. The cedar used to be considered at the tree of life.

I was thinking about alien races and old souls the last few weeks. Some call them the ancients. The ancients are souls from some of the original races in our galaxy, even they have not left the Milky Way yet. We will! Given who the ancients are, when we do begin colonizing our galaxy anyone we meet will be a cousin. Sort of like my American cousins, Australian cousins, South African cousins, English cousins, Irish cousins. Given the ancients, Chinese cousins, Indian cousins, Aborigini cousins, Russian cousins.

I don't hate anyone. Knowledge brings understanding. That is why before we begin colonizing our galaxy we need to stop hating each other.

Thursday, July 19

Methuselahs Children are tired of pirates, it's a good think the pirates are only a small percentage of 91 billion souls.

Methuselah was an illuminated being, a lot of souls walked with him. He died in what our oral history calls the flood. He angel invested in a family, a group of people who survived, Noah. Reincarnating forward from that point.

I just saw a squirrel fall. I've never seen that before. It curled up and got up. Tuck and roll!

Thank you 'Readers Digest' for 'Laughter is the Best Medicine'. Was thinking about that while putting black clay in the cracks of the pond.

Finished the pond. Looks good.

I decided this afternoon while playing the keyboard on the bridge to begin writing a new song for the piano. I am going to call it 'Moments.' I have finished 'The Courting Trail and have it written.' I haven't recorded it yet.

I just saw a hummingbird in the backyard, I must be standing still to them. Sometimes when I see a hummingbird I think of the Nazca lines. Saw a tweet about the drought in the US, the breadbasket. Checked out Global Crop Yield Map. Rough weather ahead. Food and water!

A lot of different things happening all at the same time. A technological revolution, a communication revolution... in some place political revolution... like the industrial revolution but faster with more variables being affected. More severe domino affect. It is a global economy. Do we react as cave vs cave, or as friends.

Friday, July 20

Identity theft is a crime.

I saw a tweet this morning about Peru, I've always wanted to visit Machu Pichu and sit on a rock there. Methuselah's children would include those in North America since his illuminated being was prior to the flood, just as it would include those from Africa and Australia.

Back when I had I wrote an editorial called Canadian Schizophrenia... Not much has changed. I am Canadian... I am not schizophrenic!

It may be concluded that as a world we don’t know whether we are coming or going.

It was a time of drought, one cave had food and water, the other cave came and took it... they then stayed as cavemen for the next 50,000 years.

Cleaned the kitchen window. Got a pic of the garden terrace with the pond finished.

I saw a couple of the young rabbits the other day. Just now I was standing on a stump in the middle of the property, just looking at it. When a young rabbit hopped along the creek , hopped up to me, stopped, waited... not scared. Then hopped to the right. It's nice that the young ones aren't scared of me.

Mountain fresh wildflowers for the cabin. Perhaps... it is a sign! Maybe there are two young women coming to my cabin and my life with experience beyond their years. What can I say, I'm a single guy!

Already saved the world and its only noon. Hard day at the office.

Finished a digital painting I call 'Flight of the Pheonix.'. I saw the shape in a shadow on the ceiling of my cabin, like clouds... fits.

It's raining, fill up the water tank please.

Saturday, July 21

Once upon a time there were some neanderthals self medicating down the valley, they were sitting around a fire complaining about the cro-magnons up the valley. They were jealous, the cro-magnons had an animal trail nearby, nicer cave, a stream with a lot of plants. The cave had a garden and some wonders that moved. The neanderthals self medicated some more and began talking about what they could do. Planning. The souls walking with them were stoned too. The souls stood up and began walking towards the cro-magnons up the valley... angry. They got to the cro-magons cave and walked inside saw them and started yelling at them, pushing them. Telling them to leave. The cro-magons started yelling at the shadows on the wall to get out. Why did they feel so strange all of a sudden? The next day they saw the neanderthals nearby watching, the neanderthals souls saw and they went to their real lives. The cro-magnon suddenly felt better. Hmmmm... Perhaps pirates, djinn are souls and people that do it on purpose? Stealing lives. Forcing thought. Thinking their doing it.

I saw a photo on cnn this morning, You can see souls reincarnating, walking as one with two young boys and a young girl... body language.

The self medicated neanderthals and pirate cro-magnons shouldn't be pushing them out of the way.

We all deserve our free minds... our free will. For our soulmates and those walking with us as one.

What a beautiful photo... like a quantum field dome, a quantum container, a Qbit... a searchlight on the arrowhead highway to Silent Sunshine.

Do you remember when I said, "I will meet you on the field of light." Field of Light... Soul Compatibility.

With needs met... Time. With time... Creativity. With creativity... Recreation. With recreation... Health.

The Key.

Pixel upon Pixel. Field of White. Sol upon Sol. Field of Light. Sol.

I had a serendiptious epiphany while writing 'Moments' today. Using the same notes for the left and right hand so the tones fit together... it happened by accident. It was cool.

Sunday, July 22

Pirate souls again this morning. Incompatible to my mind, my body, illuminated being, my field of light. Incompatible to my soulmate, incompatible to my spiritual children and those walking as one with me. They are threatening me.

When are they going to learn? They cannot replace the souls walking with an illuminated being. They don't make the living.

The souls that wake up with me naturally are of likemind, they are spiritual children. They are with me in life until I cross paths with someone who is of compatible mind with them. It is a natural process. Those that walk as one with me are of likemind with me. They are not asleep. I am Bob, not them. It is like that with my soulmate also, though she is with me in spirit.

To try and stay inside my life and force thought is piracy. To try and force spiritual children to go to lives that are not compatible is wrong. To deceive and force the spiritual children to go with other souls is wrong. To place incompaible souls from living people inside my being that relay thought and feeling of my ancestors, spiritual children and soulmates love for me to others is wrong. To force the living to receive feelings from the incompatible minds of those you place the stolen childrens souls in is wrong. For the living and the dead to knowingly commmunicate with spiritual children they know are with me and stowaways they know are with me with intent to decieve and manipulate is wrong. The natural process of compatibility, likeminds works so well, to do what these souls do is insane.

When I die the incompatible souls will not be going with me or my soulmate or our spiritual children. It is not possible. To try and force it in life is wrong. It is highly probable that the stolen spiritual children will come home. Just as the incompatible will go home.

It would be much better for the incompatible to go now, not wait for my death or force it.

I can only be me, Bob. Genetics plus Senses plus knowledge plus life experience. I am not going to be the formula of a ghost who climbs inside or transmits their thought to me. It doesn't get hard coded.

PM: I am a very good analyst.

I invented the wheel today... I got the idea from a photo of a cart some people in Africa had made to haul logs. I thought I might try making one.

Picked some blueberries. I'm trying to make some blueberry wine. I tried dandilion, didn't work. I tried some high nectar flowers, didn't work. I know blueberries work. See if they will ferment in a week like grapes. Saving some for pancakes in the morning. It's still early so I may give it a few days or another week, or a bit each day. Who knows.

Monday, July 23

Had a nightmare last night. A volcano went off, I was at a high altitude seeing a swirling cloud formation over a volcano. The mountains looked like either the rockies or the coastal mountains of BC. I think it was possibly Garibaldi(Whistler). I don't think there is a volcano near Banff. The last time I had a nightmare like this was in Chilliwack 8 years ago. I experienced a nuclear blast... I was standing near an outhouse when the blast hit, I watched the plastic outhouse disintigrate in flames as I stood there.

There wasn't a nuclear explosion but one had been prevented.

Washed three shirts, pair of pants, fixed my drumsticks, charged my laptop and made some blueberry jam.

Tuesday, July 24 Blueberry pancakes for breakfast this morning. I cook the leftover for Scoobie Doo, Great Grandson of Rocky... Squirrels love pancakes.

Posted the readers digest version of my bio to 30 yrs old. I wrote it when I was about 40, an exercise in self examination. I may finish it. It is called, "The Adventures of Bob."

I saw pictures this morning of Madonna pulling a gun on stage, putting it against her head and I saw her pointing it towards the audience and camera. Not good. She has lost it.

How many connected to 'her' net are receiving thoughts of putting guns against their heads while she is practicing or thinking about it. It's not good, considering many are on drugs.

In the summer of 2004 or 5 I had a rem-com. I was sitting at a table, Madonna was sitting across the table talking to another lady with brown hair. I was crying, saying 'Don't do it!' Given what I know now the person crying was an angel within my illuminated being, my light that was connected to the person sitting across the table from Madonna. I think I said it twice.

It had to do with the Kabbala some people are using. No bullshit, I am not making it up!

Transportation... At play in the field of light in a place called Home.

Wednesday, July 25

My mermaid on the bow of the Great Ship Cando.

Worked on my scooter. I couldn't get it to roll on the ground, but when I put in on a long gangplank I have, it rolled just fine... I had to jump off at the end, got a video clip for a home movie. I set it near the gangplank so now I have my own ride on the property..

Thursday, July 26

There was a bird just standing in the front yard this morning, it wasn't moving, I thought it was a migratory bird...different. I watched for a few about a minute. After a while I noticed it was gone. A little later I saw it lying on the ground dead. It must have died of old age. Maybe it's spirit became a bluebird.

I was over by the lodge picking strawberries and doing parallel bars on the railing this evening when I noticed four dead birds on the deck, two like the one this morning and two swallows. Unusual... I haven't seen dead birds here since I bought the cabin and moved here on Jan.1 2010.

I've been feeding scoobie doo pancakes lately. Today he has been chasing others away from the garden terrace table and coming up to me to look right in my eyes, sort of like asking for it.

I said, "No more Mana from Heaven... Go forage. It's for your own good." I broke down later and put some popcorn out.

Tried my blueberry wine today... 1 week, same as grapes.

Compatibility of souls works... we're going to be around a long time, it might as well be unconditional love between two

As the souls who reincarnated forward in mind with me, my mind will go forward with my soulmate beside me. She is with me.

She is with me and I am single. An enigma wrapped in a riddle.

There's a boy buying groceries with a holy bag. There's a girl at a register with a helping hand. Scotch Tape.souls, a boy and a girl... SoulMates!

Friday, July 27

I was thinking the last few days about lyrics for a song I am writing called Moments.

I met my 1st love, Jane Carson at Purden Mtn., freckles... skiing. It took me so long to ask her out.

I used to come here on my days off from teaching skiing at 100 steps ski hill in Prince George. I loved coming here. I used to look forward to seeing the girls of Purden Mountain. Jane, Lana Ruddick, Sandy Whitwam, Cindy Decker, Ann Gairns, Melanie Falk, Deanna Wall, Hana Anderson, Lynn Porter, Delia Evanoff, Mary Carson. My cheerleading squad. Hello Ladies!

Moments (Draft)

There was a girl on the trail, there was a boy falling in love. There was a girl and a boy at the drive in, totally in love. There was a girl and a boy lying side by side, holy mackeral.

There was a girl and a boy on a lawn, she wishing 16. There was a girl and a boy on the couch with their clothes on.

There was a girl on the boys chair, with their clothes on.

There was a girl and a boy on a boat. Kissing by the railing.

There was a girl at the railing seeing her 1st love. There was a boy on the dock, wanting back on the boat.

There was a girl at a disco watching a boy ski. There was a boy at a disco, wanting her to dance.

There was a boy with a snorkel seeing a girls eyes. There was a girl in a canoe watching his eyes

There was a girl and her friend at the dropzone, watching a gods handstand. There was a boy on the radio, guiding a goddess down.

There was a girl on a bikepath, saying Hello! There was a boy on a bicycle, saying Hello!

There was a girl in the window, shopping the boy next door. There was a boy next door, wondering who was inside. There was a girl in a lesson, as a god skied by. There was a boy sitting at a table as a goddess walked by.

There's a boy buying groceries with a holy bag. There's a girl at a register with a helping hand.

There was a girl in the library like his 1st love. There was a boy falling in love.

There was a boy standing beside her, as she said, you put it in first.

Got a pic of my backyard, Cando. Even has a ride.

In my screenplay Scar Creek, the male lead is named 'Aden', I got the name from a wordplay from something in my cabin, I like it. I might name a son Aden, never know. I was looking on the net last night and found out there is a city named Aden in Yemen, it is in an old volcano and is associated with the old biblical cain and able. I wonder if it is one of the first settlements. Gatherer to Agrarian. I wonder if the founder was named 'Aden', is that where the biblical 'Adam' name came from? My cabin is located on an old volcano. Interesting.

I was just looking at the shadow on the ceiling that I got the idea of the painting

'Flight of the Pheonix'.

It is a shadow of the two seeds I have sitting on rabbit shapes.

Saturday, July 28

Tested the camera for shots of the back garden terrace. Different stumps for different angles. It'll work well. Got a shot of me golfing. Also tested the HD webcam for Ski Bum Grub Time. Lighting is good, angle is good, sound is good. I'll be able to shoot the 1st episode soon.

The solar panel is working fine when the sun is shining. Silent Sunshine... charging my battery Finished a new digital painting, Blueberry. They are good for pancakes, wine, jam.

Sunday, July 29

Was cleaning up around the firepit and the the well when I thought I would get a picture of my home. Whenever I am walking from the back of the property, from the creek... looking at it... I'm in love.

I love my organ, the piano... I'm just a beginner. I love skiing... I'm very good at it. I had to start by learning to snow plow! We're all equal in the beginning.

In other words, "In the beginning"... we're all equal!

I was just playing the keyboard on the bridge. Do you know what's a real bummer. When your doing something you really enjoy and a parrot lands on your left shoulder and won't shutup. I feel like grabbing it, throwing it on the ground and yelling, 'Get off!' Sometimes they have peglegs and patchs. Reminds me of an old Saturday Night Live skit.

Monday, July 30

Washed the walls, cleaned the glass in the picture frames. Cleaned the cedar paneling. Used bleach, smells good, looks clean. Paintings vibrant against the white background.

Tuesday, July 31

I kissed my soulmate in VC (virtual communiction) before I went to bed last night. It was nice. A kiss... she liked it.

I'm looking forward to seeing a world of no borders, understanding, lines on a map... but no people standing there asking for identification in my lifetime. It is possible.

My favorite chapter of Robert Hienlens book, 'Time Enough for love', is the one where he is homesteading a new planet with a young wife. I have no intention of ever supporting org crime by buying a prostitute, but I have no intention of being celibate, I am not a monk or hermit... I like girls. I have a brass knocker on my door... it is that easy.

This caveman has an aquaduct and a waterwheel and many other wonders. The neanderthals down in the valley are still amazed how the caveman does the impossible. A golf course, a putting green, a water tank, his own tablet, and running water on just 650 beads a month.

I have found that my small solar panel can keep my laptop charged no problem when there is a lot of sunlight. In areas of the world where sunlight is more consistant a small 30-100watt panel can keep a computer and battery charged easily.

Wednesday, Aug. 1

On the 27th I listed my cheerleaders and my 1st love from 35 and 40 years ago, I wonder who my secret cheerleaders are now. Which girls in their secret minds think of me as a mate. I was thinking about Kim and Tracy Wood and the P & O Cherry Blossom cruise in 1974. Kim standing by the railing with a ribbon, me on the other end.. her 1st love. I really did want to get back on the boat.

She is in 'Moments'. I forgot I kissed her sister Tracy to.. under the water in the pool.

I remember a sihk girl who came to the skydiving dropzone I lived and worked at, she didn't speak much english, she was from a house near the end of the runway. She brought some children with her to see the planes. Though we didn't understand each others language we were able to communicate. So cute... I think she liked me. I gave her and the kids some mints and showed them one of the airplanes, I think I let them go inside.

Recored 'Dance of the Dragonfly'. Checked on the nymphs today... still growing. There should be a lot for the shot of dragonflys flying in the backyard by late summer.

Thursday, Aug. 2

Planted a seed that might help to prevent a war yesterday morning. Feels good.

If the sun comes out I might hitchhike to Prince George today... if not maybe on the weekend or next week.

Worked on the south west corner of the foundation today, I was shimming the cribbing when I realized I had put in a retaining wall. The ground was compacted and solid by now so I thought I might be able to dig down and move the footing without it sliding. It looks good. The cribbing is now firewood though I damaged the blade on the chainsaw, too much dirt. Need to get a new one. Decided I will extend the retaining wall, put the dirt I dug out in and then do the same thing with the center footing.

Friday, Aug. 3

Hitchhiked into Prince George today, got some groceries, a new blade for the chainsaw, a white shirt for 'Ski Bum Grub Time' and some gas. Not a good day in Prince George, very difficult.

Saturday, Aug. 4

Had a steak last night, grilled on the wood stove. Boy was it good. Ate it outside on the bridge.

Finished taking out the cribbing and moving the footing. Attached the cable so I now have a floating staircase... a floating bridge. It's cool. From a distance it's standing up all by itself. Science as magic.

After what I experienced in Prince George on Friday, what occurred at Purden yesterday I have put together a draft copy of a Declaration of Independence I am now considering.

Sunday, Aug. 5

Finished the center footing... looks good. I'm going to landscape and clean up tomorrow morning, the old cribbing is now firewood although I am going to keep some for underneath the staircase. I'll get a pic then. After I finished it I sat down and admired it. Felt so good. I drank my blueberry wine, played some music, drank some more, admired the foundation, played some more music, adimired it. Feels so good.

Monday, Aug. 6

Landscaped and cleaned up underneath the cabin. Center footing, Foundation, Home, no cribbing!

With needs met... we can accomplish wonders!

I was just looking at the front and back pics of the cabin. When I stain and paint the cabin I think I will do the windows and trim chocolate and just leave the door yellow. I painted the windows frames yellow to protect from the weather since they were getting very dry and brittle.

I think I might do the first episode of 'Ski Bum Grub Time' this week... there's lots of stuff for a ski bum on a budget. I practised the opening... drums on the pots and pans and then, 'It's ski bum grub time!'

I was just reading one of the conjecturs in my book 'What if...... your head isn't empty? What if... all the worlds mutual funds suddenly collapsed.'

That is a concern for a lot of young people since they won't have the pensions their parents and grandparents have. How do they retire? With needs met... the qbit, fusion in a golf ball... free electricity equals free communication... a fridge that grows steak... a closet that makes skis. Simple... there is always hope!

Tuesday, Aug. 7

Went to the outhouse... boy it's nice to see the cribbing gone. I was just thinking on the toilet. looking at the foundation , bridge, walkway, terrace... that I can use one of the logs to make a table for the poop deck.

I haven't had a mouse problem since I moved in. This morning I was updating my website and surfing in candle light when I heard a sound like water dripping, or something drinking water. I couldn't figure it out... where was it coming from? I just started to wash my dishes when I noticed a mouse in a plastic decanter with leftover blueberries and wine in it. It couldn't get out... it was drunk... I let it ouside. I don't think I will have a mouse problem. Trauma.

Picked blueberries. Made 10 litres of wine, may turn into 20, I don't know.

Wednesday, Aug. 8

I am being attacked by incompatible spirits trying to force their thought on me. Pirates. Not good. I didn't get stoned, I didn't get drunk... I shouldn't be feeling that state of mind. I am clean. Things are wrong. A spirit wants to destroy my piano, spit at my whiteboard. It is wrong. Everyone must have their own free mind and free will. I have 'Ski Bum Grub Time' on my whiteboard and the spirit looks at it with hatred. It is not me.

My countries government knows what is happening to me and they don't care. They are stealing my life. Identity theft is wrong by the living and the dead.

I will always fight a pirate, I will always sink the pirate ship. The skull and bones do/does not care about the living.

They have stolen 57 years from me and two lives from my soulmate and tried to kill me for the last 8. They have kept me isolated and treated me like a ghost for 57 years stealing those around me so I couldn't interact with 'real' people. They have tried to destroy my and my soulmates souls by destroying our lives and our brains. As a result they would have destroyed the souls of all those who reincarnated forward with myself and my soulmate. They tried to commit the perfect murder... they failed. They must allow me and my soulmate our freeminds and freewill. Regardless as to when I die they will never again control where I go, who I will be. Never again will they seperate my soulmate and I. Never. She and I will be together forever. A couple... a boy and a girl.

Today did not go well... I built the table, but a lot of sour incompatible souls were trying to steal me and communicate in a way that hurts me. I'm not pleased with the result. I will try another way to attach the legs tomorrow.

Thursday, Aug. 9

1:15 am, it's not good. I am being attacked again. They don't want the truth known. They don't want the people to know the truth.

I was just reading about 'Western Ganga Dynasty', do they live in BC?

I haven't stayed up all night in a long time. After I woke up I could feel a girl somewhere who was drunk. I checked the net and I could feel someone who was watching Conan O'brian... it was odd.

I Shouldn't have felt that way. I could feel sour incompatible minds of people connecting as they woke up or attempted to connnect on drugs. Prior to that I was able to talk outloud as if I was talking to a girl with me... like talking to my stuffed doll on the counter at times about what was happening. How I like color on plates rather than brown ones... how there are incompatible minds connected to me in people all over the planet, how they did it.

Had some pancakes with corn syrup and blueberries. Coffee.

I got the table fixed, looks good even though some incompatible sour spirits showed up trying to tell me where to put the table for a party. I got mad at the ghosts... they are really sour and angry ghosts, it isn't their property, cabin or party, I'm not building it for them. I am not building it for alcoholics and drug addics to have a happy hour. It's my ski cabin... my creative retreat.

Not a pub for pirates. I was up since 1:00 am so I took a nap this afternoon, I woke and found out someone else was using my mind somewhere else for sex. Like waking last night and feeling a girl drunk. I don't have a problem sexually... I like girls. So when I have a hardon I know is mine and I get up to remove my pants to masturbate and some other guy and girl start screaming and my penis deflates I know some ghosts are trying to use my life. They aren't able to do it... so when they try to it deflates. I don't like it, they should not be stealing life. It doesn't work. They cannot force their thought on me. It doesn't work. Pirates steal life. I like my own penis, my own fantasies. My penis doesn't wilt in the middle of something.

I was going out to start the generator so I could vacuum and charge the batteries and the laptop. A pirate spirit tried to stop me, they were yelling. I normaly turn off the inverter before I start the generator, I check the cables etc. With the spookes trying to stop me I forgot. The inverter burned up. Another $100 bill thanks to pirates trying to conrol my life. Souls that don't belong. They are not part of my illuminated being, my light, my being. The drugged and doped minds of living people many of these spirits are from are not compatible. Their agenda is to hurt, stop or kill me so others don't find out the truth of what they have done in this life in addition to spirits trying to hide what they did to me over my lifetime so far. All happening at the same time. They are spirits protecting the guilty. It is wrong.

They all owe me, Bob, Numers, Bobby and my soulmate my free mind, her free mind, our free will.

They have to stop these incompatible spirits from trying to steal my life, from trying to control my body with their minds. They have to stop! There are more spirits than people realize walking as one with me in my life, not including those who reincarnated forward in mind with me. These spirits are having their heaven, their heaven on earth stolen. They are good people and they are getting angry with the pirates. They are not happy. Some are waiting for their soulmates. They want to smile too. They smile when I smile. They live with me.

Please understand. Stealing my soulmates love for me and my love for her and so many others is wrong.

We don't need the drama... life is too much fun without it.

Just sent a digital painting of Home to @curiosityrover on twitter. They have such a good sense of humor. Friday, Aug. 10

Had a real nice dream this morning. A beautiful young women was visiting me in my cabin. We were in my bedroom taking off our clothes. We didn't make it to the bed. She layed down on the carpet, 'I'm so wet for you.' I was looking at her body thinking about running my hands, velvet fingers as she watched me take off my pants. Her eyes smiled when she saw my penis, she fell in love. I woke up with a real nice hardon and thought, 'OK.' A virtual cuddle. A compatible mind was communicating and I began fantasizing and masturbating. After a while the spooks and drug net got in the way. I stopped. After thinking of the girl in the dream we connected again, my hardon returned and I began thinking of her in front of me on her back, she liked it.

Again after a bit some others on drug net began imposing their thought, interfering. I stopped again. Layed down and thought, 'shit'. We were still in contact but the others were still forcing their thought on me. I thought of velvet fingers, dreaming of the girl in the dream, holding a pillow when they attacked and forced their thought on me again. I stopped and got out of bed. They shouldn't be in contact with me. The girl is compatible, they are not. She is hardcoded... real nice... compatible food for thought. She likes me.

She was the one dreaming of being with me! It's cool, she liked me even before she saw the fringe benefit.

Fixed the aguaduct so a croquet ball will roll down it. I think I will put in a croquet course around the front and back garden terraces. I put in two more holes for the front garden terrace and a wood bridge across the gutter for the far terrace. Mini golf! If you miss the bridge... you go in the gutter.

Saturday, Aug. 11

Strange remcoms last night... table full of old men pretending to be ancestors, one pretending to be my great grandfather David Nelmes. I know it wasn't, I know what he looks like. I was talking about how they kept heads and would look at the skulls to identify who it was. The man pretending to be my great grandfather said, 'That was me.'

They got up to go to a different coffee shop. Too bizzaire. Another one before I woke up was in a hospital hallway and a patient said he needed about 8 tylenol. I woke up this morning with a migraine headache. It isn't mine. Either someone who is sick or hungover somewhere else.

After I woke up I could tell my soulmate and some of the girls walking with her wanted to virtual cuddle, also some girls elsewhere, I had a real nice hardon. But the minds of the guys trying to impose their thought was getting in the way. I stopped because they were imposing a fantasy about someone I don't think about.

Yesterday I was reading about the Syrian and Jornanian border clash near Tel Shihab-Turra. I decided to check location. Latitude. 32.6833333°, Longitude. 35.9666667°

I put the coordinates in Google and got a location near the yellow sea with a pop up called 'Saving the Bay' talking about mercury in the heads of salmon. About 15 years ago I ran across Nostrodamus's quatrains.

I read them, didn't take them too seriously. Later, about 8 years ago I found some that fit with things that were occurring. One of them to do with mercury in the heads of salmon.

Stumbled upon an article about implanting chips in Pravda. Chips have a trackable code on them... an excuse to implant. Not a good idea. The research is being done in Brazil... maybe Nazi's or descendents of? I don't like Nazi's... I have german ancestry in me, they disgrace my ancestors.

My soulmate and her girls want to be with me, so I need a compatible girlfriend for her, and for me. She is an angel. We are sweet... not sour.

There's a girl, she wants to meet me. There's a girl, she wants to be my friend. There's a girl, she wants to be my girlfriend. There's a girl, she wants to have my baby. There's a girl, she wants to be a mother. There's a girl, she wants to be with me. There's a girl, compatible with me. There's a girl, she is my soulmate.

What I have learned about my spiritual lineage: Why I am who I am... They are kind, loving, giving, compassionate, caring, professional, talented, knowledgable souls. My soulmate is compatible with my spiritual lineage as I am compatible with hers.

I have learned that one of my previous lives was Alexander the Great (the Macedonean).

I was attacked this afternoon, it feels like a lot of spirits climbed into my life at the same time. Dull... vacant... not compatible with me or my soulmate at all. It felt so awful... it still does. They cannot just climb inside and steal home. If they wake up with me after they die then it is natural, being delivered or climbing in and forcing thought is piracy. Like someone from the past brought their whole family to me when they shouldn't. They cannot reserve a place for themselves by stealing home. They are still making it difficult for me. They do not love me... they do not love what I love. It is wrong.

Another previous life of mine was Leonardo Da Vinci. Confirmed to myself by my soulmate everytime I acknowledge it... she smiles. and confirms it

It's interesting since they are both so applicable to my life and what is going on in the world today.

Monday, Aug. 13

I had a remcom last night. I was sitting in a pub and there was a table of Hells Angels, about 8 of them, maybe 10. They were looking at me and seeing someone with a yellow t-shirt and black reading glasses, they must have read my twitter. As they all got up to leave one of them was fantasizing of walking over pointing a pistol at my head and pulling the trigger. I didn't move... it was wishful thinking on his part. They probably went back to their club house, sat around getting drunk talking about how they were going to kill me and trying to figure out who they were going to sucker into doing it. They aren't very smart.

Some spirits tell me that one of the RCMP involved in what is happening to me is a Hells Angel soldier. It reminds of an incident at the dropzone 8 years ago. I had grown a couple of mariquana plants behind my trailer as an experiment. I'd never done it before. I was never going to sell anything. I gave almost all of it away. I learned how to make hash and oil on the internet so I tried it. The oil came out real well although I never tried it. It was stolen. I had about half a mason jar full. I had never intended to sell it since it was just an experiment. I rememnber going to Bernie Littles trailer one night and there was Fred, Bernie and another man they called John. This was after I went for a hike up Elk Mtn. It was cold, night my logic was telling me that if I climbed I would die, I came back down. I was sitting across from John, Bernie wouldn't look at me.

Fred was on the bed as he said, 'You have to pay your taxes.' I didn't owe any taxes so I didn't put it together with the Hells Angels until later. I guess Fred or someone else stole the oil... during my breakdown. I know they were involved in that. Fred probably had experience and training from his time as a Sargent-Major in the Canadian forces staring at goats.

This morning I felt a lot of incompatible spirits. I heard a car and then felt someone with a headache in the background. A bit later I felt someone trying to cut my wrists... trying to commit suicide. It wasn't me, I'm not suicidal. Around the same time I heard the helicopter turbines and obviously Kieth taking off. Just a bit later I felt the same spirit that showed up last night... it is still here. It is still trying to scream xxxxsucker at me. It is trying to hold itself back right now... like silent running. It's bad news. Like bulldjinn... the bull from the land of the dead in the Tale of Gilgamesh.

On the flip side... a girl on bob net said she wants to talk to me in the flesh about what I wrote. It's OK.


Are the spirits attacking me today ever violent and cruel. Their thought is almost the complete opposite of mine. Impossible for them to walk with me or my soulmate. She's breathing a sigh of relief as I think and type this.

My spiritual children and those walking with me tell me that someone has stolen 200+ million dollars that was supposed to me mine. I will find out the truth.

Working on the barbecue, I got the rocks on one side balanced so I am going to place a couple of bars/supports across and hang an old propane barbecue on it until I get the rest finished. I'll still be able to use coals from the firepit.

Felt my soulmates tears of happiness while I was doing the barbecue... I confirmed her, her freckles, her smile, her love for me.

She's crying for me right now. The're hurting me... stealing my mind, connecting their own drugged minds and thought so they don't feel their own pain, their own depression, their own sadness, their own ugly thought. When they connect I feel their state of mind, many are doing it for shits and giggles. They get enjoyment out of hurting me. These are real people on drug net with pirates connected to me. What does it say about morals and ethics? What does it say about compassion? What does it say about friendship? What does it say about family?

Went blueberry picking... ran into YoHo. He was about 15-20 ft away eating berries huffing to let me know he was there... no problemo. He just went on eating. I said hi. Asked him how he was. It was nice to see he's still alive.

Boiling water to have a bath tonight. Boy did it feel good.

I was looking at some things on my other computer when I saw a picture and my soulmate began to cry... I cried. I let her know there is no doubt I know she is with me. I won't let anything happen to her. I was relaxing when I thought I heard a helicopter fly by... something climbed inside. Extremely incompatible. Very violent in mind, hatred for me. It began demanding something to do with my soulmate and souls with me. Demanding they give her up. He can go to hell, there's no such thing really but she and I are both saying, get out and stay out!

I love my keyboard! I need to get a new inverter soon. Withdrawal... I played for a while after I cried without power... it felt good.

Played 5 holes on my par 2 1 hole 10yd golf course. Got 4 on the green, pared 2. Still need grass on the green. Need to pull a few stumps on the fairway.

Sunday, Aug. 12

Woke up around 1:30am feeling drug net and some souls that shouldn't be here. Like some other guy is trying to live inside me as me but has never lived a moment of my life. Not right. I kept telling them to get out. I eventually jumped out of bed. Felt pretty good. Like myself but then the incompatible souls and drugnet began focusing and forcing their thought on me. Not right. I had a remcom about skydiving that wasn't right at all. There is no way in any universe I would have had a dream about skydiving with the person that was the jumpmaster when I have my c ticket and I don't live in a trailer. I own a ski cabin. It could be a while until I think of going skydiving again. Not until these souls who are trying to kill are removed. I don't want to forget to check my altimeter, turn on my aad, or pull the pud. That's how I almost got scalped getting air skiing in Smithers. Somebody plugged in with incompatible thought in the middle of the jump. Still got a scene for my screenplay, Scar Creek, though. I've concluded they did the same thing at Tabor Mtn. 40 years ago about the time I met my 1st love.

I am not 2nd in my own life... my own light. I can feel someone having a joint right now... I'm not. I'm having a cup of coffee. Soul net and drug net (they tap in like hackers) are saying the guy is enjoying it and laughing about it.

There are some real bad spirits on the mountain today. I can feel someone with a migraine headache... I know don't have one. I'm trying to take a nap but one of the retarded lobotomy spirits said, 'I don't need to sleep, I'm just going to keep you awake.' What a moron.

I was also checking the internet for an old high school friend, someone I thought was a friend anyway. I haven't seen him in a long time. I found him on facebook but he already had me blocked. He knows I have a cabin at Purden Mtn... his name is Derek Lunden. He lives in N. Vancouver. He is no longer a friend. He will not be going forward in mind. He is not a nice man.

I took a nap this afternoon, felt better when I woke up then the incompatible spirits started imposing thought about things I'm not thinking about.

Some are about four people who play no role in my life anymore at all. They haven't since I left the Fraser Valley Skydive Centre. I don't think about them. David and Danny Luvgren, Mark Habril and Fred Ruckhiem. Two drug addicts, a paramedic and a Hell's Angel facilitator who caused a lot of harm in my life. They are pirates. There are spirits from their lives here that shouldn't be here.

Not nice spirits at all. They have participated in trying to kill me. Their spirits and all the incompatible spirits to myself and my soulmate must leave my body, my life and my light. They don't belong.

It's my pizza... my pixel... my life. They are denying me a piece of my own pizza.

Some retarded lobotomy just said 'I can't wait to get into my own head.'... they then plugged in, connected themselves. I'm not their head. They really are too stoned to know they are in the twilight zone, it's like they have no brain cells left. They are too moronic. They don't belong, they will not go forward.


Someone just said on thought net, bob net, soul net... 'How do I kill you?' Your aren't supposed to. You owe me my life, my free mind, my free will.

Someone, a spirit just attacked me. A car drove down from another cabin, went by mine, I felt something enter and attack and start screaming at me, very violent, screaming xxxxsucker. It must have turned around and a silver truck drove by and went back to it's cabin. Not good. Pirates... It's still here... it doesn't belong. I can't remember the exact words bit it said something like 'Bob.. I can climb it whenever I want.' Moronic. Compatibility is truth, piracy is wrong. Stealing my life comes with a heavy price. Some spirits and real people on thought and soul net say he is a police officer... I don't know. Every org has a few bad apples.

I am a fan of the RCMP, on the whole they are doing an impossible job with their hands tied behind their backs due to the charter. Even though I have a beef with the ITCU unit.

Monday, Aug. 13

I had a remcom last night. I was sitting in a pub and there was a table of Hells Angels, about 8 of them, maybe 10. They were looking at me and seeing someone with a yellow t-shirt and black reading glasses, they must have read my twitter. As they all got up to leave one of them was fantasizing of walking over pointing a pistol at my head and pulling the trigger. I didn't move... it was wishful thinking on his part. They probably went back to their club house, sat around getting drunk talking about how they were going to kill me and trying to figure out who they were going to sucker into doing it. They aren't very smart.

Some spirits tell me that one of the RCMP involved in what is happening to me is a Hells Angel soldier. It reminds of an incident at the dropzone 8 years ago. I had grown a couple of mariquana plants behind my trailer as an experiment. I'd never done it before. I was never going to sell anything. I gave almost all of it away. I learned how to make hash and oil on the internet so I tried it. The oil came out real well although I never tried it. It was stolen. I had about half a mason jar full. I had never intended to sell it since it was just an experiment. I rememnber going to Bernie Littles trailer one night and there was Fred, Bernie and another man they called John. This was after I went for a hike up Elk Mtn. It was cold, night my logic was telling me that if I climbed I would die, I came back down. I was sitting across from John, Bernie wouldn't look at me. Fred was on the bed as he said, 'You have to pay your taxes.' I didn't owe any taxes so I didn't put it together with the Hells Angels until later. I guess Fred or someone else stole the oil... during my breakdown. I know they were involved in that. Fred probably had experience and training from his time as a Sargent-Major in the Canadian forces staring at goats.

This morning I felt a lot of incompatible spirits. I heard a car and then felt someone with a headache in the background. A bit later I felt someone trying to cut my wrists... trying to commit suicide. It wasn't me, I'm not suicidal. Around the same time I heard the helicopter turbines and obviously Kieth taking off. Just a bit later I felt the same spirit that showed up last night... it is still here. It is still trying to scream xxxxsucker at me. It is trying to hold itself back right now... like silent running. It's bad news. Like bulldjinn... the bull from the land of the dead in the Tale of Gilgamesh.

On the flip side... a girl on bob net said she wants to talk to me in the flesh about what I wrote. It's OK.


Are the spirits attacking me today ever violent and cruel. Their thought is almost the complete opposite of mine. Impossible for them to walk with me or my soulmate. She's breathing a sigh of relief as I think and type this.

My spiritual children and those walking with me tell me that someone has stolen 200+ million dollars that was supposed to me mine. I will find out the truth.

Working on the barbecue, I got the rocks on one side balanced so I am going to place a couple of bars/supports across and hang an old propane barbecue on it until I get the rest finished. I'll still be able to use coals from the firepit.

Felt my soulmates tears of happiness while I was doing the barbecue... I confirmed her, her freckles, her smile, her love for me.

She's crying for me right now. The're hurting me... stealing my mind, connecting their own drugged minds and thought so they don't feel their own pain, their own depression, their own sadness, their own ugly thought. When they connect I feel their state of mind, many are doing it for shits and giggles. They get enjoyment out of hurting me. These are real people on drug net with pirates connected to me. What does it say about morals and ethics? What does it say about compassion? What does it say about friendship? What does it say about family?

Went blueberry picking... ran into YoHo. He was about 15-20 ft away eating berries huffing to let me know he was there... no problemo. He just went on eating. I said hi. Asked him how he was. It was nice to see he's still alive.

Boiling water to have a bath tonight. Boy did it feel good.

I was looking at some things on my other computer when I saw a picture and my soulmate began to cry... I cried. I let her know there is no doubt I know she is with me. I won't let anything happen to her. I was relaxing when I thought I heard a helicopter fly by... something climbed inside. Extremely incompatible. Very violent in mind, hatred for me. It began demanding something to do with my soulmate and souls with me. Demanding they give her up. He can go to hell, there's no such thing really but she and I are both saying, get out and stay out! I love my keyboard! I need to get a new inverter soon. Withdrawal... I played for a while after I cried without power... it felt good.

Played 5 holes on my par 2 1 hole 10yd golf course. Got 4 on the green, pared 2. Still need grass on the green. Need to pull a few stumps on the fairway.

Tuesday, Aug. 14

I caught a couple of people I know and some others intruding in my and my soulmates minds this morning. The same ones that have been doing it for 40 years. They have to leave.

My soulmate is feeling better knowing I know... I am feeling better knowing who she is with no doubt.

It's raining, about 20 liters in the watertank. The rock on the garden terrace looks so good wet. Even the poop deck and walk way look like they have a finish on them. Looks good. I still need to do that when I can afford it. I'm glad I brought the wood I split in yesterday.

Contrary to popular belief I wasn't a doper in high school and I'm not now. I was always to busy skiing, teaching skiing and working at a ski hill. Some of the people I went to high school with and skied with are still dopers. The're in denial.

I just sent the RCMP an email. After I sent it I heard someone say, 'This is the guy who won't accept his new soul.' I said I don't have to, you don't change someones soul.

I'ts a pirate soul. I heard someone say, 'This is Canada, you have to.' Bullshit. I am the senior illuminated being, an angel, an ancient mind, and ancient soul going forward in mind. I am Bob. I have countless walking with me. I can only be myself. I cannot accept a soul from someone who is not compatible with myself. I don't have to accept a different soul to who I am. Those who do so, who espouse are pirates. They steal life. The living come first. I cannot ever accept evil, hate, violent thought in my light.

Because of what I heard we have a problem in Canada. There are some spirits who steal life who believe they own Canada now. They do not. It is a threat to Free Will. I think everyone should go to battle stations.

There are some real bad spookes who just showed up attacking me again... screaming in their minds... xxxxsucker. They hate me. They do not believe in free will. They do not believe the living come first. They do not walk as one with the living. They steal with no thought to the living. Compatibility works. Piracy doesn't. It is my life! My spiritual children, my soulmate and those who walk with me, those who reincarnated forward in mind with me count on it. My smile is their smile.

If these spookes had a life in the same room with me right now compatible with their minds they would kill me. They cannot impose their will on me to do the same to another.

This is the only life I have ever known... it is my life. When I die my soul will be born from my brain... my formula. I will not destroy it or let a strange ghost, a pirate or their cave of darkness control it or tell me what to do or what I accept as truth. They do not belong. It is a good thing I am a nice guy.

I could still feel the bad spooks, I am telling them to get out of my house... which is my life, my light. I just checked to see who else was on the mountain... no one. They drove here and climbed in... the same spookes are here that I identify with bulldjinn... they are bad news. Get out, you belong in a different light... one compatible with your sour thought until such time as your souls have evolved to be compatible with the majority... those compatible with myself and my soulmate.

My soulmate and I and our lights, our spiritual children, our soulmates will be investor angels unlike anything this planet has ever seen. The living come first, everlasting life comes with walking as one with the living.

Pirates don't do that.

They are still attacking. They don't belong. They hate me... they hate my soulmate... they hate Purden... they hate skiing... they hate my art... they hate my cabin... they hate my camera... they hate my keyboard...they hate my music... they hate my videos... they hate my chainsaw... they hate my joystick... they hate my laptop... they hate my website... they hate my creative retreat... they hate my easy chair... they hate my property... they hate that I don't hate. They have no place in my lighthouse.

Some pirate souls... stowaways, forcing their thought on me felt my soulmate happy and agreeing with what I just typed and then attacked her and I.

It is 5:00 on Aug. 14, 2012. I just got a hole in one on my par 2 1 hole golf course. A real one. So cool! YeeeeeHaaaaaa! 100% me.

I just went to play some more and someone just connected themselves, climbed inside that isn't compatible... it feels awful. They steal life... they steal my smile... my happinesss. Seriously... it's retarded. They can't just climb in and force thought... they can't do it!

After just experiencing that, having the feeling of probably the best shot of my life stolen... I feel pretty lonely right now.

I might go bushwacking tomorrow, check out the otherside of the mountain. Wednesday, Aug. 15

There's a pirate in my life this morning... I woke up with a nice hardon. It isn't like me not to want to masturbate... or think of a girl when I am rock hard. The pirate didn't even want to get out of bed let alone thing of a girl. It isn't me. They have to leave . I don't like them. I could hear someone in the background saying, 'He's not doing it.' Which means the one who doesn't feel anything was expecting me to do it for him.

They can take a flying xxxx at a rolling doughnut. Pirates stealing life. I finally got fed up and got out of bed anyway since I want to go bushwacking today. Even though the pirate souls don't want to do anything. They can leave. They are on the wrong boat.

Homosexuals cannot walk as one with heterosexuals... I like girls!

Someone just said they were a deadhead... I just said, 'Yea David, you still are.' Last night before I went to sleep I had a real nice virtual touch with a beautiful women, compatible with me and my soulmate. I could tell she liked it. When she responded in kind and I had a nice hardon and was masturbating, some guy I associate with someone I went to high school with began forcing their mind on me... I stopped. I got out of bed, changed my fantasy a bit and things were fine. Oil works, kaboooooom. I like her.

I'm single... but my soulmate and I are going bushwacking. Exercise. She also likes the parallel bars like I do. I use the kitchen counters. I loved gymnastics when I was in elementary and jr. high school.

One thing I have learned teaching skiing, teaching skydiving, radio control of 1st jumpers, special olympics coach... is how I feel when I see a smile on the students face. It feels so good to see their smile. I love teaching, I love helping people. I don't teach formally anymore, they didn't want my services here... but I still love to help and give tips on a ski hill just as a skier.

Went for a bushwack. Climbed Baker than down to the cut around to a high point, real nice spot. Rock, beautiful view, lots of blueberries. Stayed there for a while. Had a yell at the world. In the bush no one can here you... felt good. Played some music... my song Senses and Piece of Me by Britney Spears. I danced and sang backup out load. It was fun. The back bowl is a better amphitheatre than this side. It echos really loud... my backup singing at one point was load and the echo caught me unawares... it was cool.

I could here my voice from the echo. While I was there I found and old Atmospheric Environment Service Radiosonde... no ballon though. At first I thought it was an airspeed indicator off a small plane. I looked it up on wiki The cut is real dense but the old skidder trail is fine. The animals use it. Checked out where the crater is, how to get there. I thought I might try climbing up to the top of the yellow. I tried, I made it up to a rock outcropping that I thought was right behind the yellow... it looked so familiar. I was really pleased, then I checked and saw it wasn't. I made it up to the picnic site on the courting trail and then climbed down Stowell. I'm going try for the yellow next time. I will just have to climb up a gulley a bit further.

Thursday, Aug. 16 2012 (Day 957 Cando Era,), Home.Good Morning...

Cleaned up the cabin, vacuumed upstairs and downstairs, dusted. Bull djinn and his light of sour copies of themselves is still causing trouble. I'm glad my soulmate is female... my light is about soulmates, male and female.

Going to try my hand at making a deck chair today out of a log, a pair with 3 long cuts. I learned I won't be able to cut two with 3 cuts with a chainsaw... curves. Still need work on the one I cut today... A deck chair... I wish I had a girlfriend or wife to sit on my easy chair.

So there is no misunderstanding. The digital painting ' The Resurrection of Bob' is not a 1/4 moon and a star. It is a larva in cocoon with the sun shining. Green and blue representing our home, the earth. I got the idea finding a larva on the seat of my car coming back from bushwacking trying to get to the glacier on Mt. Sir Robert during the summer time. I had skis on my back. It was quite a workout trying to get there through British Columbian jumgle.

Just tried this batch of blueberry wine... it is pretty good. I made about 10 ltrs.

Friday, Aug. 17

I woke feeling pretty good this morning but I could still feel souls that don't belong. Like they were trying to impose thought but stay silent. My soulmate knew there was something wrong, she was getting angry with them. The mind of the incompatible soul trying to impose their thought put the name of the woman that he knows in his life to the woice. He thought of Jamie and got angry at her. Not right. I knew a Brent Robinson in high school, he married a girl named Jamie. I would do something and then he would end up doing it. I had good thoughts of Brent my most of my life. I didn't know he didn't like me until the 15 year reunion. After I got out of bed it was still trying to impose thought but not possible, different people. He shouldn't be here. I can feel his mind angry that I am saying no. He and those compatible to himself cannot go forward in mind with me. They don't like me.

Someone just drove by and said, 'Now your going to feel like me.' Incompatible. They don't even type. A spook went from them to me. Not supposed to. They are staying connected with spirits from their real life. It is piracy. From my perspective it is the same as a physical assault, a rape, identity theft. They are forcing thought and stealing life.

It is so wroing what these spirits, these djinn, these souls, these deamons do. I have already told them that their roadshow is over. Their devils club, their bulldjinn club is over. They don't like it.

They use a form of communication to steal life and hide their crimes.

Someone on the ski hill with a pirate soul inside my life just woke up. I can feel their sore throut, their scratchy throut. I don't have a cold. They have a stoned mind. The're in the twilight zone. Get out!

I sent Putin a tweet this morning, wondering what planet he was on! So many resources spent on prosecuting 'Pussy Riot' for non-violent protest. I know he knows who I am... so maybe he'll see the tweet.

I was thinking about something else and how some people with a lot of money are doing nothing and thought of some others. At least the pay pal guys Elon and Peter are investing in the future! That is more than the banks, and investment houses are doing. Exploration and the 'Fridge', growing meat! Contrary to popular belief... I am quite competent.

I am rich in how I see life... forever young.

My soulmate held my hand with her mind, her spirit a while ago... it felt so nice.

I use a dictiphone as a clock on my kitchen counter. I have it sitting inside a moose vertebra. There is a hollow that I put a golf ball in. I drew a happy face on it yesterday. It helps me think about the qbit, a quantum field container for a fusion reaction. Imagine if you will, free electricity in every home. The dictiphone is like a quantum computer for every home with the power of all the computers in north America... the future.

I was just watching a video clip on the news. Britney had an exchange with curiosity rover. It was cool, though I heard some thoughts from the newscasters on soul net that, 'This proves it isn't Bob's show.' What the heck is that all about? Life isn't a show... I'm not a director. I haven't finished my screenplay yet. I'm not chasing anyone. It hurts.

Saturday, Aug. 18

It's 4:30 in the morning, I am being attacked by incompatible pirates souls. They are violent, stoned, drugged. They feel psychotic. It's awful. One of them is the guy who yells xxxxsucker and one who is psychotic. They cannot be here. Bull djinn and his sour souls and others are compatible to them. They are crazy.

They don't wake up with me... I wake me up when they climb inside and connect.

They steal life from me and my soulmate, they steal a smile from me and all those that walk with me as one. They steal life from all those who reincarnated forward in mind with me and my soulmate. They must leave. They have no other option.

One of them is trying to use his mind and his eyes won't focus. It is to bizziare. Mine are fine but they can't see. One of them feels like the one that thought a girls voice was Jamie. Not compatible. Dum ghosts.

The sour cannot climb inside me like crab apples screaming. They must stay inside compatible lives for themselves. People with compatible brains.

I am fighting Armageddon with spirits.

If you want to believe in good and evil then I am the good guy. They cannot walk as one with me. Fighting Armageddon while dealing with the drama of daily life of those around me can be difficult. My free mind... my brain... my formula... my free will.

It is a requirement. We all must have free will to have Heaven on Earth. There is no heaven with pearly gates, there is no hell with fire and brimstone. All we have is Earth for the living and those in spirit.

Heaven on Earth is the only direction we can go in. After everything I have been through, that is my conclusion. I am a very good analyst.

The inverter is busted and going without my organ is a real bummer man. (Little bit of my youth coming out there)

The question becomes what do all these people with incompatible minds and souls do? Where do they go? How do they go forward? How do we help all those who didn't know the truth?

How do we help them?

Compatibility of mind is truth. When we die we go to a light, we are not taken or picked up, it is a natural process.

The light is like a galaxy, countless souls of likemind, compatible. A field of light. The light began with an ancient mind, an ancient soul.

It is not always just in spirit, most of the time the ancient soul is alive, a living person.

Not a seperate being, but total identification with the living person, it is not seperate.

When someone dies they go to a light of compatible minds. If you are normal, the majority. If you were alcoholic you may go to an alcoholic.

It you are a drug addict you will go to a drug addict. If you are schizophrenic you will go to a schizophrenic. If you are mentally ill you will go to a compabitible mentally ill person. If you are criminally insane you will go to a criminally insane person.

Then cannot just leave or go from person to person and try to walk with them. It doesn't work. The minds do not work the same way. It disrupts communication amongst compatible souls. Amongst soul net as a whole.

When everyone alive and in spirit knows the truth then everyone will be walking with likeminds. As we find cures both genetically and find answers scientifically then the particular lights with compatible souls can be cured all at the same time. For example, when we have a genetic cure for MS then the living light for those souls can be cured and all of those souls walking with the person will live and experience it also, their minds in spirit cured.

The same method can be used for those without the knowledge to understand. Their lights starting again and going through life learning the truth from people who care, from souls who care.

One day when we are all compatible in mind, no life will be lost, every life will go forward. We will all be angel investors.

With understanding, there will be no hate, no evil. Thoughts of violence, crime, greed, selfishness won't exist.

Bulldjinn is attacking me for doing a new digital painting. He climbed inside and said he already put me in hell. Bullshit. He's just a pirate. He hates my guts.

He has to leave. He cannot be inside my field of light. He has to start again... in the crib.

The painting is a Dolphin.

Some people just left the ski hill, two girls and a guy. I don't feel bulldjinn. They went with them. The pirate souls with them are stealing from me and my soulmate and those who walk with us.

In the last few minutes bulldjinn reconnected. It feels awful, my life is still being stolen. 57 years. They are forcing someone else on me that is incompatible.

A woman and 3 children, two boys and a girl drove up to the ski hill. I don't know them. The woman pointed at me and said, 'That's the sick one that won't take his life.' It was out load. The pirates are stealing people and telling the children lies about me again. Excuse me, I have my own life. I don't take someone elses. I'm not the one that is sick. The pirates are sick.

Some people stolen and driven up here so could climb back in. They don't belong.

I may take the video camera up and see if I can get some footage of YoHo today. Took the keyboard out to the deck and played some music keeping an eye open for Yoho. I like the sound in the bowl. Felt good to play.

The other day I was sitting on the garden terrace when I saw a plant moving in the breeze. The top three leaves looked like a drawing of a flying machine I saw once that Leornard da Vinci had made. It was moving like it was flying.

Someone just tried to steal my life again. They failed. Armageddon is still being fought. They are sort of like terrorists, they don't know or won't accept that I have already won. I can only be me, and I like being a nice guy.

I found happiness for myself, I rediscovered what I love, I discovered new loves... I wasn't content with the way things were. I found it even though I have lived a life alone. I found it even when no one else believed I would. It hurts that others didn't like that I was smiling. It hurts that they wouldn't let a girl smile with me. I love my home.

It hurts when they say they are killing all of my unborn children by driving compatible women away. It hurts me and feeling how it hurts my soulmates who love me so much I wonder how what they have done can be justified.

Sunday, Aug. 19

You have succeeded in breaking my heart.

Went to see if I could get some footage of YoHo... couldn't find him. I tried to get a shot of some wildflowers I saw a couple of weeks ago... the yellow ones are gone and the blue are too tall. I missed the shot by two weeks.

Tried out Google voice, it worked fine. Nice to have a phone at the cabin. Between an accident I had on the pulp road with a celica liftback and a fall jumping at Tabor Mtn... I have a hubcap dynastar halo. From a song... Bang a Gong.

Monday, Aug. 20

Going to play with Google+ and voice a bit today. Still haven't got the first episode of 'Ski Bum Grub Time.' done yet... but still 70 days unitl

Updated my home page. Will update the rest when I get them done. Finished updating, added a skiing pedegogy page. Also moved the ski photos to the skiing page.

There is a female spirit with me, I know her as my soulmate. She was in a window watching me one day in a cabin next door... I didn't know it. I knew there was a girl staying there. It is only in the last few weeks that she has communicated to me that she was there. Not much was done in the yard yet... I wonder sometimes if she checks the site t see what it looks like. The spirit says she does, but I don't really know. I do know that her angel is with me... just as the angel from my 1st love is with me. They are so compatible. They love me so much... I have included some photos of the garden terrace on the cabin page.

Tuesday, Aug. 21

Editing the updates. Ongoing process. I'm going to incorporate more functionality for touch. I was also thinking yesterday about the direction we are moving with thought. The vibrant colours will help the computer recieve more precise information from our thought wave... you wouldn't even need to visualize pushing the button.

Checked resolution, works on 800 x 600 and 1366 x 768... so it will work on a smart phone and a HD television.

I signed up for Google analytics. It is supposed to be synchronized with Adsense. I have hits on adsense but analytics only show 1. I don't go from showing hundreds on adsense one day and then virtually nothing the next and analytics showing 1. Hello......

Yesterday or the day before someone in thought.soul net called me 'Thaddeus', when they did I felt fine, like myself. I didn't know why, maybe because someone let go. I looked it up today. It is an ancient name, Aramaic meaning friend, a heart, or courageous heart. I felt a little better when I read that.

I think about some of the people who are walking with me, the pilot who was an MIA in Vietnam, the American Special Forces soldier who died in Afghanistan... the Canadian RCMP officer, I can tell they like putting and golfing with me, bushwacking, my simulator... their personalities are very similar. They'll get along with my soulmates girls.

They get along with a guy with a musket, a guy with a saber, a guy who ran barefoot on moss, a guy who cut down trees with an axe, a guy who was a ships captain, a guy who was a creative artist, a guy who flew a biplane.

Take care of your brain, your soul is born, is created, from your brain, your mind, your memories, your knowledge, your awareness. Know yourself. You cannot change my or my soulmates brain by remote control. You cannot destroy soul, my brain by destroying yours.

My new profile pic on the home page is one taken on the plain above Hudsons Bay Mountain in Smithers. It was when I was teaching myself wing skiing. The goal that day was to try and ski uphill with the canopy. Once the wind got strong enough I was cooking along the plain quite fast and then turned the canopy uphill, I got quite aways towards the ridge before I stopped. It was a lot of fun going up hill. The speed along the flat was like driving a chariot... the wind, the canopy, the toggles, like reining in horses... I loved it. It is one of my favourite photos for my character... my personality. What I am really like.

I was just looking at the number of tweets on my home page. It showed 5, I refreshed in a new tab, then it showed 0. I went back to the old tab and it showed 4. I refreshed it showed 4. The twilight zone some times.

8 years ago I kept hearing someone talk about a Windsor knot. When I tie a tie I use a single windsor. I was just looking up the gordian knot on wiki. They refer to it in regards to 'cheating' or 'thinking outside of the box'. It is definitely not about cheating... it definitely wasn't actually about a knot. In 333 BC they say Alexander the Great used a sword... that is more about tactics.

There is no doubt in my mind it is about lateral thinking, thinking outside the box... there is always a solution.

There is no doubt in my mind that I was Alexander the Great.

Wednesday, Aug. 22

I was looking at my sandblast photo this morning taken in 1972. I have it framed with the same photo the PGCitizen published in 2008, 35 years.

"History throught the Lens" I like it. It is 2012, 40 years. I placed the one I took out of my 'Mountains of Music' video beside it. I am sending it to the PG Citizen. Bob Nelmes The sandblast that day is a scene in my screenplay, 'Scar Creek'... it is set in Prince George, my home town.

FYI... the patch on my yellow ski pants is not a 'zen' patch... it is an 8-way skydiving patch.

I checked my stats again this morning. Adsense page views don't match Analytics. Analytics show 9 visits by two people. Only about half page views. 37 vs 71. No visits since early this morning according to analytics. When I checked the locations on analytics it showed one in Vancouver, one in Prince George and one in Brentwood Bay. How does that happen? Bullshit.

I was reading wiki just a while ago and I noticed something about the catholic church... someone plugged into my mind as I was thinking about something and their mind was saying that Jesus was a bastard. I got angry... I do not follow any religion, but I know I would never call Jesus a bastard. He was crucified so others could hide their crimes, what they did. To prevent him from having a child. From going forward with his spiritual lineage and genetically with the life of his soulmate. They did not want him to marry or have a child. They did not want him to angel invest directly forward in his family as other royal families have done. He was, I believe, in the direct line of David. I know another previous life of mine was Marcus Aurelius.

Someone just said on soul net that 'the're really going to kill this guy.' I don't think so... to risky.

I just read that tomorrow is the day 717 years ago that William Wallace was drawn and quarterd. 8 years ago in Chilliwack I helped a girl off the street confused, she was walking down the middle of the road with a garbage bag. I went and got her off the street before she got hit. I offered her a ride home. I stopped to pick up some new glasses on the way. I was talking to the optomitrist about something and he said to me, 'I was Robert the Bruce.' It was odd, so I didn't say anything at the time.

Thursday, Aug. 23

I was attacked again this morning by an ugly violent soul from a living person. That means their living mind is violent and irrational. They cannot be in my light or connected to it. It means their light attracts that type of mind, that type of soul. They are not compatible with me. I had to yell to get them to let go of my mind.

Someone is connecting to me right now, 9:00am that has different hearing and thought process than myself. It is incompatible to me and my soulmate. They are the ones that are guilty. They ae connected to the ones that attacked me this morning. He is calling me a xxxxsucker right now.

Boy I sure wish I had a new inverter... I miss the keyboard, the piano. I did something with my soulmates spirit this morning to do with photographs. I felt so much better and so did she. Our ancestors approve.

The police showed up at my door... the girl was really cute. Somebody complained about my yelling the spooks out. They gave me two options, arrest or voluntarilly go see a doctor. I went voluntarilly. I am not happy about it.

No problem. I'm ok. Staying in town for the night at Grandma's Inn... nice motel. Reasonably priced. Updated pics for the cabin page slideshows. Here's a pic of the set for 'Ski Bum Grub Time.'

Picked up some sausage, cheese, wieners, dry mustard, listerine, some oven cleaner for the top of the stove and some Brasso so I can polish the brass table I have from Kashmir. The one I inherited from my parents. It can be seen in the background of a couple of my music videos.

I was just reading that Harold Warpole came up with the word serendiptiy in reference to serendip an old name for Sri Lanka. The original Persian word for Sri Lanka was Sarandib, sanskrit for where the Lions dwell, the golden island. I like Sri Lanka. I visited there for a month when my Father and mother were living and working there. It is a beautiful country. I like the people, they were so friendly. I remember picking up some hitchhikers one day, they were teacher. I gave them I ride home. I liked them, we talked a lot. When I got back to Canada I sent them a magazine with pictures of BC. When the tidal wave hit Sri Lanka I thought about them a lot. They lived near the location and the school they taught at was a short distance from the beach. It bothered me. We all have a life.

Hey Guys... it's not the end of the world. Your souls have a long way to go. You'd better straighten out.

Checked out Rainbow park again. The flowers look so nice. The benches, the Gazebo, the trees, locations for Aden and Lana, shots. It's so beautiful. It's going to work so well for the opening and the bench crying scene. It's Aug. so the time line could work well for the ski season and the closing at the ski hill. Given the school year and the ski season.

There were a couple of young women at the park, they were cute. I heard them talking about me... I think they have read my screenplay, so they have visited my website. There was a real cute girl at the dollar store, she saw me jump to the upper shelf to get some chips, she said 'Nice jump' and smiled. I liked her leotards and her smile. One at Save-On to. Food for thought.

I just listened to 'Dance of the Dragonfly' from the net. I don't do that with my own music very much. I noticed it was too loud and tinny. I think it had to do with how I recorded it... It sounds real nice live. I will need to record again for dubbing in the video, though I will have live on video also. The tinny sound.

I think is the plastic on the glass, since I lost a few screws in the bottom when I took it apart to clean the keys. I will need to tighten it again so it doesn't shake and reverberate from the glass.

Friday, Aug. 24

Had a nice virtual cuddle last night with one of the girls I saw, even though there was interference in the middle of it, we were able to continue and both smile.

Someone interfered this morning also, so I stopped. A girl was laughing and telling people that 'Bob's penis is up'... then some guy plugged into my mind. So two pirate souls in a couple were stealing the love between my soulmate and I.

Going to pick up a few things this morning and then hitchhike back out to the hill.

Life as school is a state of mind, it is not run by anyone. There is no principal.

Back home. Got a ride easily. Polished the brass table and cleaning the stove with oven cleaner. It's starting to look white again. It looks so good clean. Didn't get an inverter, they didn't have one in stock. He ordered one, it should arrive next week... I really miss the music. I love playing even if I'm only a beginner.

Saturday, Aug. 25

Cleaning the kitchen, dusted. I need fresh flowers... picked some.

Cribbed the floor joists to support the staircase. The bits just now for the thoughts file was 155,000. A sign maybe?

I've had my new website for almost 4 years now. I love having my own website, a way to show what I love to do, what I have done. Though in all that time I have not had 1 query or question about my art, my writing, my sculpture or my music videos. I haven't tried selling since I haven't had one query about buying.

Considering that when I go somewhere everyone seems to know me and know about some of my music, sculpture and writing... it's kind of odd.

No one has contacted me outside of a couple of people at Purden a couple of times.

I do it because I love doing it... it's just odd that no one contacts me or asks me a question.

Sunday, Aug. 26

I might go bushwhacking today. Exercise... climbed the yellow this morning. Sat on the rock I like. It's such a beautiuful view. I saw the bowl over by Torpy... still haven't got there yet.

Half way up I noticed a couple of people begin climbing up Baker... maybe berry picking. On the way back I noticed a red truck there, not cabin owners, probably from the lake. Skiers/snowboarders getting ready maybe.

I filled a 500g peanut butter jar and had powdered creme and berries for lunch.

I was sitting in a chair relaxing in my cabin when I saw a shadow on the wall that made me think of a space yacht, like the one called Minerva in 'Time Enough for Love' by Hienlen. I also saw a picture of a cool interior of an ocean yacht that would fit well in the digital painting I did of 'My space yacht'.

There is nothing funnier than a millionaire socialist. Innovation, invention and creativity comes from poor capitalists. Capitalisim leads to no financial system.

I love having an opinion.

Monday, Aug. 27

I'm still here.

Correct the day in the Cando Era. I was a couple of days off. 365+365+240 = 970.

Updated the park bench scene in Scar Creek. At the end of the walk Aden asks Lana, 'Which way are we going?'

Restoration of the balance has to do with having our own free minds and free will. Having my own free mind and free will for myself and my soulmates, compatibility... then balance will be restored. Pirate souls interfer with balance.

After I got back from PG the other day (I was not arrested when the police came) I began up the mountain after passing the road crew. A pirate soul, violent got in my way by climbing inside. Someone in thought said, 'You are not going up there.' I walked forward telling it to get out. After a while a truck came down the mountian and passed, obviously the pirate soul went to the man driving the truck. I felt better. After a while another truck came down... I felt even better. I was feeling better for the rest of the day. When the truck that came down first came back I felt the pirate soul again. Like he has driven to town to pick up the souls that had gone to compatible likeminds when I stayed over night in PG. The next couple of days every time someone from town showed up I felt more incompatible souls showing up. Like they went to their lights in town and since they do not wake up with me drive out and climb inside. Even some who have not been out all summer came out stayed one night and left. I could feel more incompaible souls. They do not wake up with me. It's like they walk over and climb inside.

This afternoon I woke up from a nap feeling like a million bucks, myself, clear, clean not tired. After a bit I could feel some people with drugged minds trying to connect with the pirates souls they climbed inside with. They are not compatible with me. One was trying to get me to sit down and go back to sleep though I am not tired.

I know what is going on. I wish they would realize the truth and stop. They are stealing free will.

I also noticed the other day that Pittman paving was doing the work. I taught skiing with Gary Pittman as a young man. He worked for me when I was Asst. Dir. Of Sno Pro Ski School and 100 steps. Even though before that I worked for him on the ski hill. He fired me then had to hire me back. When I got back form Australia at 18 I asked him for a job paving. He said, 'Get a hair cut.' He was not a friend.

I was just reading what I wrote on my site and I could 'know' the thought of the pirate soul think, 'He caught me.' They cheat people minds that way.

I could 'know' the thought of someone reading my thoughts to ponder a few minutes ago, I heard someone think, 'He's an ancient.' Kinda cool.

There's a girl, she wants to kiss me.

There's a girl, she wants to make love with me.

Tuesday, Aug. 28

Why do I have the Canadian and American flags flying on my website?

Because it is my heritage, my ancestors built these countries, this continent. It is my home, my spiritual lineages's home. The spirits/souls that walk as one with me built it, they were pioneers, they were natives, they are my ancestors... they have fought and died for free will.

Will I ever take them down?

I don't know, everytime I think I would like to I take them off, I try it, take a look and don't like it. I like having then on my site.

When we have a world without borders, a world where we can be proud of our heritage, they will still be able to fly.

My sister Carrie who lives in Salmon Valley was out today with my younger Brother Geoff and his wife Donna who live in Kamloops, they had two of their children with them, Aaron and Shannon. It was so nice to see them. With our parents gone and our older brother gone, we are three. I don't see them very much. I was able to give them some pendents and let the girls pick out a painting... I signed them. The other niece will have to pick her own when she comes to see Uncle Bob... though I was reminded today of the one she would probably like.

I felt good for a while after they left. Then some people showed up and I felt some sour souls, drugged minds plugging into my mind. Awful. They steal free will.

Wednesday, Aug. 29

I found my heaven on earth... it is not just my ski cabin, or a ski hill, or a lake or mountains or my new love for music. It is discovering myself... knowing who I am, what I love. Knowing I miss the ocean... knowing I love to swim, knowing I love to see the wonder of needle a on a tree or a squirrel eating popcorn on my garden table... knowing I love life.

I know the missing piece in my life is the love of a girl... The love I can give a girl.

I am no different than you.

I thought by now I would just have a picture of myself and a girl on my profile page...

I updated my digital painting page to a slideshow.

Thursday, Aug. 30

Two very beautiful young women walked by my cabin yesterday while I was putting... Hey Ladies! I was thinking of them when I woke up.

Updated thumbnails, put in a slide show for 'My girls Music' on the sculpture page. And used a slideshow to display the abstract art.

Removed the Google advertising... pointless.

Updated the pedegogy page.

Did a trailer for Ski Bum Grub Time today...

Did trailers for 'Why I love it so!' and 'Saving my Cabin' today... documentaries

Friday, Aug. 31

Had a problem with my Bell stick... the software wasn't working. Downloaded newest version, installing. Hopefully the tower they put in on the other side of the lake isn't screwed up.

It's working in the cabin again. I can update again.

Why a girl dreams of a different life, why a boy dreams of true love... we don't like to fight!

Saturday, Sept. 1

Still having a problem with the signal this morning, had to go outside and stand on the road to get one. I've been having the problem since I updated my site, since I started using google voice. 10 feet in alt shouldn't make a differnece. Changing my site doesn't make a diff. My upstairs window is lower than where I am now, I was having a problem there to. Finished skirting the west wall. Found an old cypress log I cut in half that may have been good for a fake log covering a crossbeam at the back, tried it. Not good enough. I think I'll use rough hewn planking. Cut my middle finger today, my hand slipped on the working machete not my good one. Bled a lot, took a little bit to bandage it with one hand. No problem. I can use the split logs as skirting at the back.

I went back upstairs and checked, no signal. I realized the water trailer is in the way. Paul Veeken, a nieghbour who lives on the mountain uses it to haul water. He parked it there about the same time I updated my website. It could be blocking the signal, like a tin foil hat on my computer. He has never parked it there before. I'll ask him to move it. Just got another signal in front of the trailer.

Sunday, Sept. 2

I have a signal but I am not getting on from the cabin. I am getting an message than flashes to quick to read... something to do with PPP. Went outside again, uploaded.

I was just thinking that if someone approached me to manage my creativity, I wouldn't need them. I don't need a manager, I already have the business and marketing skills necessary.

I really don't need someone else without the same dream trying to tell me what is right for me.

I was also thinking that in a world of no more cave vs cave, no more competitive motivation, there will be no need for personal managers, entertainment managers. I know there is no way I would give someone else 15-35% of my income for telling me to do something their way.

I was thinking about the 'X Factor' show.

Since it is about genetics and senses, I wonder sometimes if someone got the idea from my digital painting Senses. I did that painting when I was still living in Smithers in 2009 and then the music video Senses in the spring of 2010 at Purden.

Updating from cabin.

I was just looking at the small deer I won in East Pakistan. Kudos to Walt Disney... what can I say... I grew up with your vision... you have brought so many smiles to so many people.

Thank you for Steamboat Willie and Bambi. Without Bambi, I wouldn't have the small deer. To me... it means never give up! Without steam boat Willie I wouldn't have broken my arm and got a scar pretending to be a steamboat captain, had the idea for my screenplay 'Scar Creek' or maybe used the drumsticks on pots and pans in my kitchen... I may have done that anyway. Thank You.

Monday, Sept. 3

Added some footage to the trailer of 'Why I Love it So!' with some kids skiing.

Tried paying a bill online this morning. The bank kicked me out. I was logging in with my password and they did a random question. I had put in my first job which was as a lift attendent at 100 steps ski hill. I entered it twice, once with a capital letter at the beginning and once with all lower case. It kicked me out twice. Now I have to phone to reset my password. It's dumb. I don't have a phone!

I have a lot of good memories from 100 steps ski hill in Prince George, BC. It used to be where the road to the university is. I learned a lot there, how to screw on new edges, fix broken skis, change t's, ski on ice, teach skiing, fix broken legs, sell tickets, paint signs. I learned I love to ski, I learned I love to teach. I teach in different ways now. I love my movie camera, I feel at home on skis with a camera. It's fun. When I was adding the clip with the kids, the Nancy Greeners, I didn't realize that one of the kids in the video was trying to turn like I was when I first started. We're all equal in the beginning... I think she is going to be a good skier.

I still haven't learned how to water ski very well and I still want to learn kite boarding in the surf. That would be fun. It is one of the motivating factors for getting my upper body and arms in shape so I can handle the forces with the kite and board. Firewood and an axe work well.

No wonder everyone thinks I'm crazy... I'm sane! I've got an ark!

Tuesday, Sept. 4

Things are not going well today. The cord on the generator broke. No rope.

I still think my stats are faked, though I can't prove it. Things aren't right.

Wednesday, Sept. 5

Problems getting on the net again. Must be the tower or something interfering with my software, my ram. Still PPP, shouldn't happen. Program freezing too. Could be too many programs on my laptop trying to communicate with the internet at the same time. Too many programs running in the background that don't need to. A lot of that will be corrected with cloud computing, twisted light, now open freqencies for transmission that used to be used for tv, they go through trees and quantum storage and computing... but I still need my laptop for my website, editing, painting and simulator. We're not there yet.

There's a girl, readen my screenplay. There's a girl, seeing me in the kitchen. There's a boy, playing the pots and pans.

Adding some childrens books I wrote in 1997 to my writing page. The generator isn't working so I can't get the original files off my desktop so I am typing them in.

I have to do it in html anyway so not a big deal. I won't be able to add 'DD Guardian of Mothers' until I find the original layouts and art. It is a modified version of Goodlight but with the character wearing an RCMP and US marine uniform. I don't have a hardcover.

Finished typeing and photo shoping the images. Uploaded.

Saw some shapes forming in the clouds this afternoon, after a moment they looked like an angel with her hand out to a rabbit, surrounded by a heart. I did a painting... Angels.

Just read there was a massive solar flare the last few days. That could have been why I was having a problem.

Something happened tonight that broke the heart of an angel with me, my soulmates angel. She feels like she has been kicked in the head. She was lied to. She is hurting. Another of my soulmates angels has had her heart broken to, she helped me to find my way back home. They both were led to believe that they would be with me while I am alive. They are crying a lot. I try to comfort them as best I can. They are in spirit though and I am not.

Thursday, Sept. 6

I was looking at my new painting 'Angels' and noticed that it also looked like an angel holding her hand out to a rabbit with a dolphin behind her. Kinda cool... Serendipitious Synchronicity since dolphins and rabbits figure so closely in my work.

I was just noticing that the slideshow I am using for my art doesn't allow the user the ability to download a 1792x768 or 1368x769 pixel copy of a painting. I am going to fix that today.

The digital painting page is fixed, I also rounded the corners on the thumbnails. Looks a lot better. If you download something and you like it please let me know. No one has ever said thank you, it would be nice to know if someone liked something I have done.

Added a Breakfast views to the video page and to youtube, it is called 'Love at First Sight' Breakfast Views is in development... kinda like the christmas log. So you can sit at a table by a huge screen and be there eating breakfast, lunch or dinner.

A little bit of humour, Dan Brown had the Da Vinci code, Leonardo had the 'Last Supper' and the 'Mona Lisa', both with hidden meaning. I have the Bob code...

In the last supper there is a v for a split. The desciples around her are spreading discent, rumour, the desciples around him are praising, fiegning attentiveness. They were seperated, their lights, their angels were seperated. They were soulmates.

In the Mona Lisa, he loved her, she loved him. She was married. She is still his soulmate. There is a bridge across the river in the painting, you can walk across with compatibility, with your soulmate. You don't need a ferry!

Friday, Sept. 7

Just noticed... only 19 days until day 999 of the Cando Era.

Hitchiked into PG to pick up a new inverter, forgot my wallet. Got dropped off just before PG getting a ride back... try again on the weekend or Monday. I'm getting withdrawel from the organ. I miss my music. Made it back, it's a sunny day. I was feeling fine, like myself again when I put some pics away. Now there are some minds trying to connect to me... to spirits in my light. One of them has a headache, I don't like it. I know I don't have one.

I think I'll relax today and then go bushwacking tomorrow. I'm going to take the canon with me and see if I can get a view shot on the rock I found on the other side of the mountain.

Rerecording Dance of the Dragonfly out by the lodge. It sure is nice to play music. The sound is less tinny and I was able to make a few recordings at different sound levels, different reverberation off the building. Some people that are drugged and with migraines were trying to connect to spirits they placed inside my light while I was playing. It didn't feel good. One was trying to take over my finger movements to screw my recording on the last one. Why they do it is a mystery to the whole universe. Their minds, their brain damage is awful. I know I don't have any. I know I'm clean. I know I love music. I guess the people who put incompatible spirits in my light to steal, don't like to hear my music in their heads.

Recorded a Tribute to Saturday Night Live today... Thank you for 40 years. I love to laugh. I still remember a skit when I was in grade 12, 72-73. I would go to school and when people were around I would grab my left shoulder as if something was there, and throw it on the ground saying, 'Get Off!!!' It was so funny. Fit for today.

Re-recorded 'Dance of the Dragonfly'... not as tinny.

Updating from the Garden Terrace.

Saturday, Sept. 8

I am deaf in my left ear. I wasn't born that way. I had yellow fever (jaundice) when we lived in East Pakistan. I thought it might have been from that but I also didn't speak until I was about 4 years old. I'm not retarded. My father had to take me to the hospital when I was a baby, my mother wasn't home. I got sick from some milk. My father always felt guilty about it. It wasn't his fault. I believe I got some nerve damage then, maybe from fever. I don't hear the same as everyone else in my left ear. Some words reach my brain different than what is said to me. I always thought I was tone deaf, so when I discovered I wasn't it was wonderful.

When I was growing up and in a group setting at a party, a dance, a night club or even school I always had difficulty hearing conversations around me. I could hear them but I couldn't make them out. They would all blend together. Like I was in a room with a lot of different radio stations on, just noice. I always felt alone in a crowd. I guess that is why I can seem very shy at times, both an extrovert when I am doing something I love and an introvert in situations I feel alone in.

A lot of times I would get to a meeting early just so I could make sure I had a seat at the far left of the table so I would be able to hear conversations. As a result of my deafness I had a speech impediment for much of my life, I still have one. I trained myself when I was a suit to pronounce my r's properly. I would pause before I spoke, to think about what I would say before I said it. I would be able to control my tongue and the form of my mouth then. I sound better to myself know than when I was a young man. I didn't like my voice much then, I was always very self concious of it. I like it now. I even sing out load and to myself now. I remember going to my 15 year reunion in PG. When Rick Wall, (student president in 73) was giving a speech he mentioned that he talked to me the night before and he made fun of my speech, 'Who framed Roger rabbit.' A lot of r's in that. I got hurt and fingered him. He deserved it. I have found that many of the people I went to high school with or knew in that period haven't changed. They still do the same things.

The pirate spirits that steal home use my pregnant pause against me to try and insert their minds, their words, their thoughts. They don't walk as one. I can tell a lot when they do it. It's awful. It is a good think I know who I am, I know my true mind. I know myself.

I am going to go to the rock I found on the other side and get some view footage. Took a different route to the rock. Found a real nice spot where I should be able to get some good turns in... I'll need my skins. Got a couple of view shots in addition to the one on the rock. I even talked about the back bowl, the volcano, the craters of Purden and the terrain for skiing on that side. Black diamond, intermediate and beginner. I even talked about how beautiful my home, British Columbia is. I'm going to put it on youtube when I can get it off the camera. I don't have a cable to the new laptop so I need to use the desktop and I'm out of gas.

I climbed up a very steep pitch and came out on December Sun. The pitch I climbed would be a lot of fun without trees. We need a laser beam to cut them down and then either chop chem up with the beam or use nano bots to mulch them. Triple black diamond in there.

I am bagged. I'm glad I don't do drugs of any kind except for the odd roach I find under the lift in the spring time. I like being clean. It's more fun. I noticed this year that the number of buts and roaches is down and gum is high again. That is a good thing. The fewer drugs on the mountain the better. I don't like to ski with drugs or alchohol in my system at all and I don't like to see people skiing or working on a ski hill stoned out of their minds. One of my pet peeves are cabin owners who come out to blow their brains out every weekend. I wonder sometimes if they even like to ski.

In my life I've only had about 5 periods when I smoked ganga, I experimented in high school, not much though. A few people had dope on the Cherry Blossom cruise in 74.

Two weeks in Jamaica on holiday. About a year when I was skydiving in Calgary... and another year when I was skydiving in Chilliwack. I don't like it much anymore. Compared to some I'm an angel.

If you smell smoke on my clothing it is the wood stove.

Sunday, Sept. 9

One thing about being deaf in my left ear, I have super hearing in my right ear.

I was cleaning my camera last night when I noticed the playback buttons don't work. Something is wrong. The menu button isn't working either, thought the record button is working. What a bummer. No moisture yesterday, I was careful, it's all solid state. Strange. Maybe to do with the casette, maybe a switch. maybe a switch on the cover for the buttons.

While I was bushwacking yesterday, a few times someone would try to communicate with me right at a dangerous point. One time a female said, 'Don't fall.' just before I set my foot on a slippery log. A couple of times I would have a quick thought to be careful in a dangerous situation and then someone would communicate with an incompatible mind. I was on a very steep section at one point when he did it with spiked logs beneath me. They cannot walk as one with me, they don't live life with me, they are blind. They react to my thought. My senses keep me safe, so they try to interfer with my senses.

That is why our senses should be the most important thing covered in our medical system. Isn't it strange that glasses, hearing aids, dental aren't covered like a hangnail? Why is it private insurance?

PM: The 'Blink of an Eye' are finished.

You know, it's kind of odd. The Hells Angels think they own Canada, the Russian Mafia think they own Canada, the Saudi's and the Emirs think they own Canada, The Indian's think they own Canada, the Chinese think they own Canada, different religions think they own Canada, organized white collar criminals think they own Canada, the cocaine cartels think they own Canada. Our banks are used to launder. Our laws to hide. I am at war with them though I don't like to fight. I don't like violence. I fight the only way I can. With my website. Truth.

I am just one man.

A lot of people out doing firewood.

Monday, Sept. 10

Identity theft is a crime... for the living and the dead. Pirate souls pirating thought, Pirating life are criminals. Destroyers of worlds. You cannot steal home.

Compatibility works. Likeminds works. It is a universal law, a natural law. Interference affects development of our souls. Know yourself. I love people, I love life. I cannot hate.

I like wearing t-shirts, colourful ones. I have found that souls that walk as one with me that are awake find the t-shirt a familiar feeling, a familiar article of clothing. In particular when I am doing something and I notice my arm and the short sleeve in my periferal vision I know there are others with me experiencing the same feeling... they are famaliar with it to... when I experience it, at times I feel Alexander. There is no difference from myself... it is so amazing. Sometimes when I am playing the organ on the backporch and notice the sleeve, my muscles, the movement. My body moving, the music... I know I was Alexander.

It has to do with a feeling, the feeling of being one with your body and mind. Like when I am skiing and at times it can feel effortless, my knowledge, my body and my experience working as one. My body doing what my mind is thinking, how my mind is interpreting what my senses are imputing for what I am doing and for what I want to do. Which way am I going to go? What am I going to do? Can I get air from the bump 200 yards away. Can I carve to miss the clump of ice 2 turns ahead. Can I turn sharp enough to get a few turns of powder in by the trees when I see some snow in my periferal vision.

Someone else is not doing my thinking for me.

If you want to see Alexander the Great skiing... you can see it in my music videos, In particular: Senses, Waves of Warmth and Mountains of Music. I'm Bob.

When we die our soul is created from our brain, our formula, genetics plus senses plus knowledge plus life experience. The soul is in a quantum state, like a small light. Our souls are attracted to likeminds, like souls, compatibile.

Got the camera working, the menu select button was stuck. Simple!

Tuesday, Sept. 11

I was thinking about it a couple of days ago... 11 years since 911, the day I wrote 'The Day the World Changed.'

I want a world with no borders. No passports, No fear. We need it.

People have this idea that Alexander was a Conqueror, an Imperialist. That wasn't the case. Their civilization was tired of being attacked.

Finished the skirting today, now branches, kindling under the cabin and some firewood for a few months. The floor should be a lot warmer this winter.

Wednesday, Sept. 12

I was just reading on wiki that "A rendering of a Lyapunov fractal, a type of bifurcational fractal named after Russian mathematician Aleksandr Lyapunov. A Lyapunov fractal is constructed by mapping the regions of stability and chaotic behaviour between two values A and B. In the image, yellow corresponds to stability, and blue represents chaos."

It is interesting that my favourite background for my art is yellow and blue, balanced as in my Space Yacht.

Pirate souls are trying to stay inside my life, my light... that don't belong here. They have climbed inside where they do not belong. They did not come here naturally.

I know my great grandfather Thomas Weaver reincarnated forward with me. I know my grandmother, his daughter Adel Weaver is with me. I know his mother is with me. I know my mother and father are with me, I know David Nelmes my Great grandfather is with me to. My grandmother says I'm just like her father, Thomas. He was a nice guy. I have angels with me that walk with my soulmate, they are compatible with me and my soulmate.

The pirates souls are not compatible with me so they are not compatible with any of us. We cannot accept the pirates climbing inside with a group of incompatible souls believing they take over a life. They cannot go forward in mind, life or spirit with me. They are not likeminds.

My ancestors, both genetic and spiritual are not happy with what the pirate souls are doing. Stealing life is identity theft... it is wrong.

I know because of who I am that I have countless souls with me. They are not happy with what is happening. I am owed me free mind, my free will, my life. It is my life!

My smile is their smile.

The pirates have attacked us again. They are attacking us at home in spirit.

They have already lost.

Steven Hawking once talked about accumulated knowledge, ie. written, oral. Accumulated experience goes a lot towards development of the soul. Our personalities, how we see the world, how we see life. I don't know details about my previous lives, but I know the lessons of their life experiences have helped me. They are why I am who I am.

I think that is why I never really felt comfortable in pursuing other paths, why I always felt something was missing, not just a girl. Why... when I went back skiing, getting healthy it sparked my creativity further. The books I wrote when I was lost, trying to find a direction were the spark. After the books I continued to pursue my creativity... even when I was struggling, living in my car, or sleeping on a bench I knew things weren't right, I wasn't on drugs or sick, there were other factors involved. I knew I still wanted to pursue things I love to do.

Things my spiritual lineage love to do. It saved my life. I have a home in a location that allows me to pursue the things I love, which allows me to pursue things I am learning to love. Allowing me to learn new things and apply what I have learned in my life experience to what I love. I cannot afford gyprock yet or afford to hook up to electricity, or put in plumbing. But I have a bed to sleep in. Having a bed to sleep in was the motivation to walk 20 miles home one day when a peddle broke off. Not sleeping on leaves on the side of the road like I have had to do was the motivation to get home.

This is my home.

I have a spirit with me, she loves me so much. I have a painting beside my front door, I see it everytime I go outside. It is a saying I have, 'When all seems lost, look at everything in wonder...'. I know from her thought and feelings that it saved her life. There are times when she wants to touch it to let me know, the feeling is so nice.

I have a sign in my window that says, 'Home.' I know sometimes when I am looking at it, I can feel her love for it too. It's her home to. she feels as I do.

We don't disagree very much at all.

One day I was climbing up the yellow to go bushwhacking and she was wondering if it would be okay if she was here in life, if she could go back and work in the garden while I kept climbing. I thought, no problem. She felt better. When I got back I sat down on the bench and I could feel her waiting for me. It was so nice.

I have a wishbone in the window, sometimes when I look at it I pick it up. Sometimes I know she is doing it with me. Sometimes I sing, 'I've got a wishbone in the window, of the Great Ship Cando.' We both feel better then. I like it. When the pirates attack me, they are attacking her and my soulmates, my girls. They cry for me and for themselves because of what the pirates are doing and trying to do. It is so wrong.

I've come to love them so much, even though I have never met some of them.

I wonder sometimes, given that I have found how much I love creativity, love life, what it would be like to be with a girl who loved it too. What could we do together? What would our Waves of Warmth, our 'WoW' be like?

Thursday, Sept. 13

Not a good morning. Pirate souls are trying to stay inside my life and use their incompatible minds. It is awful. They relay from incompatible living people. They don't like me or my home.

Oh yes... I'm still here. My body, my eyes, my ears, my hands, my nose, my brain, my knowledge, my experience, my soulmates, my spiritual lineage. I'm still here.

I'm Bob, Numers. Bobby. RWN. I can't be anyone else.

I had a real nice virtual cuddle last night. She likes me.

I've been thinking of one line of lyrics to a song I've been singing for a long time... as lone as I can remember. "I wonder, wonder, wonder who, who wrote the book of love." I finally looked it up on wiki, The Monotones. Charles Patrick came up with it after seeing a toothpaste commercial with, 'I wonder where the yellow went.' Kinda cool.

A nieghhour broke up some cement, I got it and layed around the firepit... looks good.

Editorial Interlude:

Internet Trolls with too much money.

When I first started to build in 2009, I wanted to use my old domain name, It was an editorial site similar to my archive on The same running moose and flags and content. It had elapsed since I could not afford it. The last time I had checked it was still available, but when I checked again, it wasn't available, someone had bought it. So I used my name, R. W. Nelmes, my signature. After was up a while I found someone had parked a single page on with a picture of a moose with his tounge hanging out... a mad moose... a crazy moose... a direct shot at me. Not nice.

It was a direct psychological attack against me.

Why would someone do this? Why would would they attack me? Why would they spread lies about my mental health and then post a picture under my old domain name with a picture of a crazy moose? Who is trying to drive me crazy? Why do they think it is a Christmas present to others? Who would consider it to be a christmas present? Who would think something like this was funny? It is so cruel.

There is no doubt the people who did it meant to hurt me. I would like to know who they are. When I tried to find out I could not. When I finally decided to consider trying to sue, someone took it down. I saved the picture. The records of who bought it will still be out there. Someone out there knows who did it.

If you know who Holly, Jim and Manoo are, if you know who did it. Please tell me.

I would appreciate it.

Friday, Sept. 14

Firewood today.

My soulmate and I are helping one another a lot right now. There are a lot of incompatible souls trying to impose thought. It has to do with what is going on in the world today. She is reasured when she feels my reaction to pictures of her, to pictures of other angels with me and also when I feel her reaction, her feelings when she is thinking of pictures she knows are the real me. It helps both of us.

When I feel her emotion seeing and hearing the real me I am amazed and comforted at the same time.

There is a war going on everyone. The war we see on television, on the internet is going on in spirit also. Spirits within different spheres of understanding, be they religious, political or criminal, are fighting one another, trying to takeover each other. They are spirits within spheres of likeminds. The different spheres of understanding as a whole are trying to take over one another. Whole groups of spirits are climbing or leaping directly into my light trying to take me over.

There are whole groups of spirits from what we would call enemy combatants in our countries trying to steal living people and control them.

Because my light, my life, is an ancient light, I have countless souls connected to me, many of theses spheres of understanding originated from my light, they are trying to takeover my life, force me to accept thought from their light, their minds. Many think they are the '1st'. It doesn't really work that way.

It is ridiculous, so unnecessary. It is why we have war on our planet.

It is cave vs cave in spirit. We need truth in life, so spirits know truth. So war will end.

Gathering logs for firewood. Might take the keyboard out to the lodge deck and play some music this afternoon. Play the Bowl.

I think about my situation sometimes. If I didn't have the cabin, wasn't skiing or pursuing my art, my website. I would be dead or in town trying to live on $650/mth disability. It would be a living death. I know... I have had to do it. One day I was standing in the door of a back suite in a trailer in a rough part of town knowing I shouldn't be there. I had my two snake sticks in my hands like ski poles. It didn't take me long to run. I went skiing. That was the summer of 2008.

I know now what was happening is connected to what is happening today, with what happened in the winter of 2003-04, with what happenened on the Cherry Blossom Cruise in 74 when my soulmate and I were seperated, what happened in Cooma with what is happening with spirits trying to steal my life here. Steal my Heaven on Earth, when their's is somewhere else. I know we are together again. I know crossing paths has contributed to it, I know the pain she went through in her life caused what I call a reboot, she is with me.

Played some music on the deck of the lodge. While I was looking at the yellow chair I began thinking about skiing, my camera, while playing music, I was feeling good, I smiled. It was going well for a while, then it felt like someone kicked me in the head. It felt awful.

Just as I was typing this I knew the thought of a shadow stowing away, a pirate thinking something like, 'I was tired of it.' as he was thinking of my skiing and music.

It wasn't me, I was smiling while I was thinking of skiing and playing. I love it. It isn't their life, their business. It is mine.

They have no right to interfer in my free will.

Saturday, Sept. 15

I am going to borrow something from 'Get Smart', one of my favourite movies recently. It's funny and Ann Hathaway turns me on. I love that line, 'Are you looking at my bum.' Yup!

Contrary to all the chatter on thought, soul and drug net the world is 'not' coming to an end.

Some spirits hurt me all night long. I woke up this morning with a nice erection, I was fantazing of a girl, others tried to force thoughts of different girls, I didn't like it, after a while someone pushed their way into my life, it felt like they were coming in my left ear canal. It was awful. He said, 'Your supposed to think about Britney.' I thought, 'Why, she's married! I stopped completely, spirits were trying to use my life for themselves and relay my emotion and feelings to someone else.

Pirates. I have no defense against these pirate souls. I am not feeling very happy today. It is so wrong. I woke up this morning and found that the cabin owners who are here this morning are the ones that don't like it here except for the ones from Edson, they like it, they are a nice family. Why are the others here? Why aren't they doing what they love to do? Where are the people I know like it here?

8:50am I walked over to the lodge and a group of sour souls climbed into my life. It is awful. They are so incompatible. They are medicated and drugged. Awful thoughts. One wanted to throw my laptop when I got back to my cabin. They are pirates of the worst kind. They are poison. They fly the skull and bones. It's a good thing they cannot stay inside.

Good thing I'm a nice guy.

Got the cart fixed, made some fat washers to slide over the axle out of plastic, works well. Hauled some logs. Chores done for the day. Music!

Played on the deck of the lodge for a while, really got into one of my songs playing in bluegrass... it was fun. Curried noodles and chipaties for lunch. I've been attacked off and on all day today. I was attacked while playing music more than once. I was relaxing on the poop deck in the back and noticed when I got up that my ankle felt sore, I didn't sprain it. It isn't sore now... so there is a soul from someone else inside my life that has hurt their ankle. It shouldn't be here. Whoever it is it is still throbbing.

Having a fire tonight. I was looking at the yard and what I have done the last 3 summers. Terra forming... From jungle to civilization with just two hands, two feet and a brain. The skills will come in handy when I am out colonizing our galaxy. Some day, in the future my soulmate and I will colonize a planet and homestead on it. We will start a family and live life. It'll be fun.

Just updated from the backyard. Cool.

Sunday, Sept. 16

Climbed Baker chair, no blueberries so the last are the 1st week of Sept. The wild rasberries or moose berries, I am not sure, are just ripening. The black currents are ripe and juicy. I got a bunch. Had a bowl with milk when I got back. It is 1:00pm.

As I was looking at the time I could feel the response of some people in a different time zone thinking, 'What the xxxx.' They must have heard something.

I have felt the presense of other souls with me, compatible with my own personality, nice people, good people, one a pilot that was mia in vietnam, never came home. Another a navy seal that died in Afghanistan. In the last few days I have felt the presense of another navy seal. He is compatible in mind, and personality, he likes curry too. He's a nice guy, laughs at the same things. Their not bad guys. At all.

Relaxed this afternoon, and then when everyone left I was having a bath, I boil water and then use a big plastic tub. It was feeling reel nice... I was relishing the feeling of the hot water. After a while something, I am reluctant to call it someone anymore, entered my body, my mind, angry, violent, wanting to hurt me. It was thinking, saying it didn't want me to enjoy the bath. So awful. I finished and then I could feel it's hatred for my deer, it wants to call it Bambi, I don't call it that. It hates my sandblast photo, so it must be something from that period. Connected to someone who hated me for that race. It was the 2nd annual Sandblast that I won. Someone stole my nordica ski boots at Purden that winter. I wonder who hated me for winning that race? The pirate souls who have been stealing, relaying my emotions, my feelings to others during my life are associated with those people.

The other night I was checking out something someone posted on Twitter in Capitals, PHILIDELPHIA. I associate that with the philidelphia experiment and the city of course. I checked it on wiki. I knew it also had a reference to something in the past. I found it was a city in Turkey inland from an a coastal area that I have a natural interest in. I don't know why. I found that it represented the seven churches of the Apocolypse. The seven churches in revelations. The bible. The churches are actually seven different souls that are like lights that attract likeminds. Like a planet in a galaxy, given the galaxy is the senior light. They try to steal other lights, other angels, they like people to listen to their spirits they send out, they pretend to be gods or messengers, they just work for their light, their light is not the soul of Jesus of Nazarath. It is a fake. After I checked it out and I could tell they knew I know what it means shit hit the fan. They are the ones trying to takeover the galaxy, the universe, the whole pizza when they are just a grain of flour in the crust of one slice of the pizza. Since they are so sour, a lot feel it. I don't like them. They are pirates. The three wise men who came to Jesus as a baby were souls with other souls with them. Three lights. Not real people unless they used three people to deliver, since Jesus would already have had his illuminated being, his light with him, they would not have been really compatible, They were placing themselves inside. They knew who he was, his lineage in life and in spirit. They would have been stowaways, moles. Going in and out for their own purposes throughout his life. Treating him like a trojan horse to get into the city, into positions they could control, then they murdered him. They tried to destroy his soul, his illuminated being, all the souls who reincarnated forward in mind with him to that point. They failed. They didn't really steal his soul, his light then. They thought they had. They never will.

They have done and tried to do the same thing with me in my life. They failed. I am alive. It is a good thing I am a nice guy.

Otherwise, not a bad day.

Monday, Sept. 17

I woke up at 2:00am this morning. There are pirate souls stowing away inside my life, my light. They are so ugly in thought it is unbelievable. One of them was thinking, 'He won't share his life.' Another was trying to call me a 'cockxxxxxx', I went out for a walk and another was thnking, 'Die you motherxxxxxx'. True.

They do not belong inside my life, inside my light. They are stowaways. They are pirate souls trying to take turns inside my life. They must leave. They are pissed off as I am typing. One is trying to scream, 'You xxxxing cockxxxxxx'. True. My life is not a shared life for incompatible pirates. My illuminated being my light are compatible souls with myself, my soulmate, they do not hate me. They have to 'Get Out.'

When I was walking back to my cabin a few minutes ago one of them, possibly female was thinking they want me to go postal. Not possible. They are evil.

One of the spirits was just thinking, 'He really won't marry this soul.' It isn't possible, my soulmate is female and compatible with me, I am heterosexual, I'm a nice guy. It is impossible for a soul that is otherwise the opposite of myself to stay inside my light, my life. Compatiblility, likeminds really is truth. They cannot go forward in mind, in life. They steal people around me and cause havoc.

They cannot stay inside. The souls that walk as one with me, live with me, don't take turns. They do not force their thought on me. It is my life.

I can hear souls in the background, on soul net, in my light on bob net, my spiritual children defending me, communicating to other souls what these pirates are doing. The pirates are connected to the seven souls with souls with them, (lights,fallen angels,illuminati) of the apocolypse. They are not walking with jesus. They are souls, people that still have not been punished for murdering jesus.

Qbit... Question, believe in truth.

I just uploaded and could tell some real people were reading it, someone said in thought something like, 'he won't take our seven.' The're right. My spiritual children are communicating that they are swearing, they are. They aren't happy that I will not take their seven plus seven, actually 14, seven in me and seven in other real people. Pirates. One inside me, is saying, 'Fuxx.' They are bad.

Someone just thought, 'They made Teddy, (my older brother) believe in what the seven do. Decieving someone I love is not a good thing! They stole my brothers soul. Stealing my family is not a good idea.

I woke up this morning and still feel the pirates souls, bulldjinn and others. They should not be here, they are drugged, angry. They hate me. They hate my digital paintings, in particular ones representing my soulmate. Moments we have had together. They are trying to surround me with sour souls so my spiritual children don't know I and my soulmate are still here. They try to tell my spiritual children and others that they have moved my soul, my light, my christmas tree somethere else. They have not. My christmas tree, my light cannot really be removed or replaced with someone elses. My spiritual lineage cannot leave, it is total identification. The souls of the lives of those that reincarnated forward in mind, what would be called my previous lives are with me, Bob Nelmes.

They can climb in with their little bushes, like the three dum guys and decieve spirits to go to lives they shouldn't be in, but it isn't permenant. They don't stay there. They come home to their light themselves. Compatibility. Charon is one of those who decieve, the ferryman is like an illegal smuggler, taking souls and putting them in people they shouldn't be in.

Eight maybe nine years ago, the pirates left saying they were my spiritual family and they had given up on me, they told others that they could just use me, they put totally incompatible souls inside. It was a difficult period. They had hoped I would get into a situation where my brain would be destroyed thereby destroying my ancient light. My accumulated experience. My compassion. My love. They failed.

They think the souls they put inside become my family, they do not. My soulmates are compatible to my mind, to the minds of all the souls that reincarnated forward with myself and my soulmate. We are not sour.

They think they will control my light, my christmas tree forever. They do not.

The equivalent of what is called the rapture will occur upon my death. All the incompatible souls will go to their lives, or a compatible life. If they have destroyed their brains, or are violent or are mentall ill, or are criminals that is where they will end up. Many of those stealing life, stealing thought to hide their own crimes, to hide their guilt, to hide... will think they are in a living hell. All it is, is their own brain, their own christmas tree.

For our souls to develop, (as I began to type 'for' I was feeling good, then something plugged in their mind, it isn't mine, it doesn't have my knowledge, it doesn't really know what I am talking about, but it is trying to force their words on me) everyone must go to a likemind, a compatible light. The living must have free will, so all the souls develop together. It is a natural process. Just like the souls waking up with me that died in Libya.

Souls that walk with me in life go to compatible lives during my life. Pursuing my dreams, pursuing that which I love brings me into contact with others that would be compatible with my spiritual children. Spiritual children would go to those lives naturally. They would walk as one.

The souls that entered my life as a child did so to control and manipulate where my spiritual children would go, where new souls go. They prevented me from having a normal life. They prevented me from having a life compatible to all of my spiritual children, prevented me from living in a way that allowed the natural process of soulmates to occur. It is wrong. Charon is someone like that, Gugalana, Bulldninn. They think my cup runneth over and they can just take from my light. Decieve souls and take them elsewhere. It doesn't work that way. They are destroyers of worlds.

Last night after I posted what was going on I felt someone sitting in a leather chair somewhere else, drinking. He was trying to say to me in thought, 'Get it', his mind was angry. I got mad at him, not yelling, but letting him know I know. He shut up. I told him to go home, say hello to his children. His family. He might have been in a club somewhere.

A little while later, someone was either imagining or was actually in a bedroom with a large crucifix with jesus crucified on the wall. He grabbed something and threw it at the crucifix, swearing.

There are real people on our planet and around me in my life now that should not be recieving a thought wave from my mind. They are stealing. They are identity theives.

Some of these pirate souls stay inside people who are incompatible, drugged, sick on purpose, just to make life difficult for me. I don't like to feel their thought waves.

A while ago I was listening to CBC radio. They were interviewing a new cardinal in Toronto. After he stopped speaking I head his mind, it thought 'Bob is making this world impossible.' No I am not... you are.

They are not destroying my soul or erasing me forever. They are stealing the only life I have ever known, the only life I will ever have. It is wrong.

I just heard one of my angels think, 'He's just Bob, not someone else.' Thank you.

They steal my happy face forcing me to recieve their unhappiness.

It's a good thing I know myself, know I love it here, love skiing, love my art, love my music, love people.

I finally went back to bed. There are souls out there still trying to kill Alexander the Great, souls who believe they destroyed King David's light by killing Jesus. Souls still trying to kill Gilgamesh. Alexander, King David, Jesus and Gilgamesh are the good guys.

In March of 2004 I was staying at the Rainbow Motel in Chilliwack, a helicopter kept flying by the motel and then flying sideways pointing at me. It did it about three times. I was curious, so I drove to the airport, there was a Canadian Forces Buffalo there and maybe a Comorant, though that may have been a later air show.

I watched the helicopter, I like them. I went into the cafe to have some pie and a coffee. There were people on the balacony and a man sitting to my right. He was looking at me, I heard someone say, 'Your not a member of the club.' It was during the same period when a man walked by me at a McDonalds in Chilliwack saying, 'Perception is Everything', he was not smiling and looked at me angrly. I have learned that a persons formula, their id is based on perception, but perception isn't everything... Truth is.

It is their private club, the one that has been stealing my life, that I am going to shut down forever.

I want a world of no borders, no fear.

The one thing I wanted more than anything else in the last 40 years was a wife and family. These pirate souls got in the way. A pirate couple in spirit stealing from me and my soulmate, stealing our emotions our love, everwhere I have gone. They even tried to kill me in Nelson, BC and then steal my and my soulmates lights without our knowledge.

I will never allow them to do this again. My soulmate is still with me.

Everyone has a right to their own belief, but there isn't a single religion on this planet that I would join. Not a single religion that I would follow.

Spirits are still saying someone alive today gave someone else money meant for me, had multiple people using my identity , to cover up their crimes. I wonder if the spirit who says someone has a false passport with my identity is true?

I was just thinking about two girls I did a handstand for when I was the dropzone coordinator at the Fraser Valley Skydive Ctr., they were from california, they are connected to my girls somehow.

Everytime I think of them and someone else I smile and feel them, it is good feeling, the're pleased. They must be with me too, like the other girls. We are compatible.

Tuesday, Sept. 18

I was thinking about two girls I did a handstand for when I was the dropzone coordinator at the Fraser Valley Skydive Ctr. about 10 years ago, they were from california, they are connected to my girls somehow. Everytime I think of them and someone else I smile and feel them, it is a good feeling, the're pleased. I think I showed them practise pulls and talked them down on their 1st jump on the radio. They must be with me too, like the other girls. We are compatible.

Thoughts to Ponder will be changing. It is just about winter so I will be concentrating on tips for getting into shape, tips for skiing/boarding (even though I don't snowboard) A lot of things to do with the senses, balance, carving, terrain and safety still apply.

I had a nice dream this morning. I was waiting for something with some kids, children. They were going to a ski hill, they were happy. They had little books with them with their names on them. I am assuming they are books with progress reports for the kids. (Also for the instructors.) I was telling them they might see me on the mountain with a big white camera. I liked it.

I've started climbing again to get the legs in shape for winter. It is a really good method for skiers and boarders. Climbing uphill. Stair climbing. When I was young we used to sit against the wall for as long as we could. Climbing is more fun. More practicle. The muscles are trained while in natural movement, not a static postition.

Tip #1: Keep your head up, don't chase a puck. Tip #2: No alchohol or drugs, they impair senses.

Wednesday, Sept. 19

Still haven't got to town to get my inverter for the organ, I sure miss it. I'll get it next week when I go in to pay for the tenure for my property, kind of like taxes.

The nymphs still haven't grown to flying stage, so I didn't get the shot I wanted. 'Dance of the Dragonfly' might be a little different. I need to empty the well soon so it can fill up with fresh water before freeze up.

Tip: When you are walking around pretend you are skiing or boarding, if you see a corner ahead of you ski or board to and around it. I look point and then ski around a corner, the body follows. I even use sound affects sometimes.

The leaves are changing color, it is so beautiful. A small aminal has come in the cabin, I don't know what kind it is. Smaller than a squirrel but with a black tip on its tail. Kind of cute. I've seen it around the entrance since the first summer. It is about 3 times the size now. Friendlier. It doesn't like chipaties. Went outside. Another resident of Cando.

7:30pm My cabin has burned down, it took about 2 hours. My boots and skies went up with it. No 'Ski Bum Grub Time' this year. I think all my footage went up with it to. I got most of my sculptures out, my organ, my camera, my brass table, paper work, clothing. My skis, boots and parachute were upstairs in the room on fire.

9:30pm I'm in PG, family came and got me. Staying at a motel for a couple of days, need to look for a place to live.

I'll need a new location for the ending of my screenplay. No problemo.

I'll need new skis and boots... needed new ones anyway, so no big deal. I won't forget how to ski.

Thursday, Sept. 20

Didn't get much sleep. Tired. Doing laundry, get the firewood smell out. Trying to relax today, calm down.

Walking back from the laundry I thought I would check out where 100 steps ski hill used to be. It was a way to take my mind off of what has happened.

I took my Canon XL2 movie camera and climbed to the to where the bull wheel on the t-bar used to be. I took shots of scenes in my screenplay 'Scar Creek' along the way. When I was up there I was thinking that if I had skis this winter I would be able to climb up and get a few good turns in on snow days. I took shots of where Lana would be riding the bike, where the hearse would be driving by. Took shots in Rainbow park for both the first sight scene of Lana and Aden and the park scene. It helped me. Friday, Sept. 21

A bit more sleep. Need to start looking for a place to live today. An apartment or basement suite.

4:10 Out looking at a suite.

5:30 I have a place to live.

Played 'Dance of the DragonFly' for the chambermaid. I could tell she liked it, she was humming it as she worked. Her body was in rythm with it... she was making the bed to the beat.

I asked her if she liked it. She said she did. It was cool. I've never played it for anyone before. Very few people have heard my music in person. I've never really had feedback on it. It felt good seeing her enjoy it.

Saturday, Sept. 22

A bit more sleep, not much. Relaxing today.

Staying at the motel is difficult. After what I have gone through in the past, staying in environments where there are people on drugs, or mentally ill around me hurts my mind. Some people openly and verbally shot me whenever I went out today. It hurts. I am well known, by face, though my stats say no one looks at my site. It is one of the reasons why I am so against MDMA. I have never taken it knowingly, I may have been slipped some 8 years ago. Crack, cocaine, 33% ganga, herion, MDMA, exstacy and grass laced with all of it destroys minds. I would never voluntarily destroy my mind. That is what my soul is made from. I can feel my spiritual lineage, my soulmate smiling knowing I know.

Sunday, Sept. 23

It was difficult getting to sleep.

I might try entering Ski Magazines gear give away. Maybe I can get something. I'll have to get some new ski's and boots somehow, skins to. Just saw their giving away some trapper hats. I lost my frap hat, my soft helmet. I miss it already. Knowing I won't be able to ski much this winter hurts. I love it so much.

I lost my Stilletto canopy, I don't miss my parachute. Interesting. I was able to save my blue and yellow flight suit, it was with my clothing. It has 'Bobby' embroidered on one of the shoulder grips. Maybe I'll be able to use it when they invent anti-gravity.

Loosing my cabin means I lost a piece of my Heaven on Earth. Purden, even though I love the terrain isn't Heaven on Earth without my cabin.

Since my cabin burned down the film, 'Why I love it so.' is on hold.

The documentary, 'Saving my Cabin' is on hold. I got some footage of the fire. I don't know what I am going to do with it yet. Maybe there's a different story to be told about it.

The Webtv show 'Ski Bum Grub Time' is on hold. I lost the set when I lost the cabin and my heaven on earth.

Moved into the suite today. Relaxing. Got some groceries, can't get the tv to work. Have to look the model up on the net. Sometimes when I think of the cabin, when I say 'My cabin burnt down' I have to hold back the tears. It is so hard after all the work.

Just checked, almost all the footage I have taken in the last 4 years went up with the fire.

Monday, Sept. 24

Had a good 8 hours sleep. Strange waking up this morning, I miss my cabin, my home. It will take a while to get used to it.

Haircut, buns, bell, and check out the rec centre today.

I've been using images to keep my thoughts up... 'Milk does the body good' and 'Flight of the Pheonix' help. I am using them as wall paper on my laptop. Most of my digital paintings can be used that way. I planned their size that way. When all seems lost... look at everything in wonder! Something I have learned in the last eight years.

I have lost all my prints but there is a way to display electronically on a HD screen, so with my sculptures maybe I can have a show. Maybe I can sell some of my digital paintings. I could sell on order or provide the tiff for printing. I know that if I can get the small sculptures scanned digitally I'll be able to use something like the 3d printer to reproduce with different materials.

Maybe someone will stumble upon my screenplay and want to produce it. Though, I am scouting locations and using the camera to plan shots right now. Still writing... maybe I can meet a girl to help me with dialogue. Maybe I can do it independently. I'm not on a schedule.

Got a haircut today, feels good. Found a griddle at Value Village. $9.99 good deal. Made a bacon and egger when I got back to the suite.

I need a new battery charger and plug in for my Canon XL2 and I need to find a solution for a cable from the camera's small firewire to the new connection on my laptop.

The Rec Centre is closed until the 30th for maint. I'm looking forward to going diving and swimming.

I'm sure glad I saved my organ. I bought some headphones so I can play without disturbing anyone. I love the piano and also the santur, I think it may be the precursor to the piano, I don't know for sure. I'll have to look it up. It originated in Asia... India, Persia. I like the sound.

I lost the movements I wrote down for 'Moments'... I'll have to rewrite.

Tuesday, Sept. 25

Good 7 hours sleep. Feels good having a haircut. Bought some real milk, now I can drink out of the jug again like in my painting, 'Milk does the body good'. I updated my digital painting 'Kids on Bikes'.

Checked my bank account this morning... I have $333.19 in the bank. Need to pay a damage deposit, but I'll be fine this week. I found out my new landlord lost his job at Lakelands sawmills, it burned down this summer. I'm not the only one having a hard time right now.

When I was in high school at PGSSS I used to say 'I'm going to live until I'm 333 years old', I don't know why. Maybe because CNC has 333 in its address. If I do live until I'm 333, then I'm still a teenager.

I was just visiting Troll Resorts website, I taught there as a young man. They have a new site up, a slideshow on the homepage with a photo of me when I taught there. Pinegrove Ski School with our baby blue uniforms. I'm on the far left. I was 23 yrs old, it's the year I got my Level 3. It's cool! Then Chris Dittman, John Marion and Linda Moon.

When I compare it with the photo of me with my yellow pants and blue jacket last year, I still stand the same way. It's cool.

I bet Alexander the Great stood the same way too! I know I was Alexander in a previous life. There are spirits that walked with Alexander who let me know in thought that I am right. It's really cool knowing. I know others too, besides Marcus, Leonardo and great grampa Thomas Weaver, that's just scratching the surface, but I don't know if people would accept it.

Wednesday, Sept. 26

I was just thinking, I lost my original copies of 'What if... Your Head Isn't Empty?' and 'The Pocket Guide to Universal Understanding.' in the fire. I can always print some more, whether I do it by hand or have them printed. I was just thinking that I should make a downloadable e-book version.

Even with new skis and bindings I'll still be able to do my 'Signature Exit'. Stumbled upon an interesting site today, Emergency and Disaster Information Services.

Thursday, Sept. 27, 2012, Day 999 Cando Era

Day 999. I used that in one of my books, there are actually a thousand conjectures including the title. How each person percieves each conjecture is a reflection of themselves, not of me.

Some may see 999 as ominious... not! It is interesting that I began counting the day I bought my property at Purden, Jan. 1, 2010, and then day 999 turns out to be the 27th day of the 9th month, 3 times 7 = 27. Interesting.

I have to apply for a crown lease extension on the property this week as I had to use the tenure money I saved to get into a suite in PG. I didn't have insurance, but then they wouldn't have covered it anyway given the foundation and other factors. I got the foundation fixed a month before it burned down. I was actually thinking about changing the stove pipe during that month. I had some in the shed.

I know I'll be able to build a log one when I need to, when I can. All the work I did on the property is still there, the garden terrace, the staircase, the par two one hole golf course. The well... the property.

I found out today they will only give me until Oct. 30 for a lease extension. As it stands today I will not be able to come up with the money, I may loose the property. We do not live in a nice country any more. There is no compassion for another. I am worried.

Things didn't go well today, they should have. I don't know what I am going to do.

Friday, Sept. 28

My soulmates spirit and those walking as one with myself and her are holding on to me real tight right now... I'm holding on to them too.

What is happening with pirate souls entering my light and those doing drugs to 'talk' to soul net affects all of us.

I am heartbroken how cold people are to me after my fire.

I lost my Bell stick in the fire... they wouldn't even consider it a mitigating factor, they were so cold to me. It isn't good corporate practise treating a customer who has suffered such a loss in that way. They said I couldn't do anything since I was only 4 months in on a 24 month contract. Changes to the contract can be made after 6 months. They should have allowed me to change it given circumstances. Policy are just guidelines. I would have to buy out the stick or buy a new phone. Why can I not just change it to a phone?

I will be contacting Bell regarding this matter.

When I was in the corporate world I worked for a major oil company. I was an analyst. We had what was called the GO, we called it 'God's Orders'. It had step by step process on how to do everything. It was not set in stone. They are guidelines. Stumbled upon kiteboarding on the net this morning, kite boarding in the surf really appeals to me. It is something I haven't done yet. I know I would love it. It is one of the motivating factors for my staying in shape, strengthening my upper body, my arms. I love to ski, I love to fly a parachute, I love Wing Skiing, I know I would love kite boarding.

A lot of people should have chosen 'stupid' as the answer to the editorial I wrote in 2002 instead of taking drugs/alchohol and calling it medicine. Supidity can be fixed with the truth.

Do I think there is a connection between an editorial I wrote in 2002 called Integrity, Character, Honor and a disinformation campaign about me. Yes!

Something happened at 10 to 12am this morning. Something climbed into my light, my life and thought, 'I am taking over.' I said, `No your not.` I did an image with gimp to illustrate. I hope it is simple enough for everyone to understand. What they do, is wrong.

It's a good thing I'm a nice guy. It's a good thing I really cannot hate anyone. They cannot change who I am.

Saturday, Sept. 29

Stumbled upon a site last night that reminded me of a joke I came up with 8 years ago.

How did woman get her name?

Once upon a time there was a caveman standing in front of his cave. Coming from the right along the path was a family of cave men from up the valley. One of the females looked up at him and smiled. Just as his animal skin began to rise just below his waist, he said, ''.

The site I ran into is called WoWOWoW, I guess the o in the middle stands for her reaction... the wow factor.

I was just reading the news when I saw a picture that reminded me of a beer in Vietnam. 333, ba-ba-ba beer. I liked it, though some was made with glycol. Have to be careful. I was just reading about vietnamese beer, Bia hoi is a unique type of very light draft lager, ~3% alchohol. One day I was walking to town from the compound my parents lived at (I was visiting, 1993 I think). Walking by a building, a restaurant, a man waved at me to come over, to come inside, he was smiling. So were the people with him.

I thought, why not? It was a large room, obviously a restaurant. A man brought out a large plastic container, about 10 gal. It was about half full of liquid, golden color.

No one spoke english, I didn't speak Vietnamese. No problem. We communicated. It was beer, they filled up a glass and gave it to me. It tasted like week Canadian Club whiskey, but it was beer. They brought a lot of food, a plate of barbecued meat. It was good. They told me chow... pointing at a dog. It was good. Didn't bother me. They liked that. We got drunk that afternoon, I didn't make it to town. It didn't cost me a dime. It was fun. We are all alike really, we laugh at the same things, we cry at the same things. We like meeting new people, learning new things. I think it is natural for all of us to want to be friends first. The last couple of days I have stumbled upon some sites that are a montage of images from different ages of a persons life. So I did it with the one I found that John Marion took when I worked at Pinegrove Ski School and one I took last year at Purden. I still stand the same way, squint the same way, smile the save way. I still love to ski. I like my hair shorter though, but still like a clean shaven face. I still like girls. I still feel young, healthy, in better shape than I was then.

When you look in the mirror, look at yourself. How do you see yourself? When I look in the mirror I see me I feel me, in a blue sweater with red stripes, a batik shirt... regardless of age I always see and feel young.

Like the Novartis Reflections Campaign

I went out to buy a screwdriver to fix my bike this afternoon and was attacked just for being friendly to people and telling the truth. I am terribly broken hearted. It really hurt.

Sunday, Sept. 30

I'm really hurt today.

I played the piano for a while. It felt so good. I could feel my soulmate, my girls happiness feeling my music, knowing it's me. The movements were coming so easily. I just played.

I saw a small figurine across the road, a male and female cherube. It made us feel real good. When all seems lost... look at everything in wonder!

If you built a tunnel through the centre of the earth, from side to side and jumped in. How far would you fall? Would you bounce back? Would you turn into a ping pong ball?

Boy, am I ever puppy humping today. I haven't done that in a loooooong time.

Monday, Oct. 1

I was just thinking about my disability, it isn't visible. I associate it with my hearing problem, the nerve damage I have from a sickness as a baby. I had it tested in Calgary, at the University Hospital if I remember correctly, by one Alberta's preeminent specialists.

I remember coming out of the test smiling because I was able to hear something in my left ear. The nurse said I didn't get a single one right. My brain recieves what my left ear hears differently. I am not able to use a hearing aid as a result. It can be difficult sometimes not knowing what people around me are really saying. I count on my right a lot... I have super hearing in it. It compensates for my deafness.

Some people who don't like me and know I am deaf intentionally lie to me about what they say. Someone will say something, I will ask if that is what they said, and then they deny it, with a hidden smile. Facial muscles give it away.

I lived in apartments most of my life after I left home until I bought the ski cabin that burned down. I always kept the television low, walked on top toes,tried to anyway... I'm a quiet guy. Over time I was able to sort of read lips, body language, facial language that helped me. Sometimes now people near by will be talking and I can understand what they are saying without hearing it. It is hard sometimes.

It is a real disability.

A spirit connected to someone who speaks and thinks in another language was just asking in thought, 'Why does he hear us in English?'

Good question. I don't really hear it with my ears, it is my brain knowing what the thought is. I have come to the conclusion that though the language my be different, the thought is the same... understanding.

I'm a nice guy... I don't like incompatible thought.

Sometimes when I am listening to my own music I can feel, know, how a girl whos angel is with me really feels when she listens to it. How she really feels about me, about themselves... secret minds. It's kind of cool. It is very compatible thought... I'm a guy.

I went swimming today and was attacked by incompatible souls... sour like bulldjinn. It was so awfull. Please note: I do not follow and am not affiliated with any religion, political party, criminal organization or secret society. I believe in truth. I want a world with no hate, no fear... compatible soulmates... male and female...

I will never 'buy' the so called up and down... good/evil sandwich... soulmates, spirit guides are not positive/ doesn't work! Likeminds, compatibility, natural and universal law... works! I cannot hate... I cannot accept incompatible thought.

Please stop it.

Tuesday, Oct. 2

I am looking forward to the day when we won't have a financial system on our planet anymore, then we won't have intrusive advertising on the internet!

Capitalism leads to no financial system. It really will. I'd like to have it sooner, rather than later. It fits with needs met, with free electricity, free communication, free food, free toys, free home... creativity in all things. No stress! Compatibility... happy couples! Soulmates.

Does anyone remember that scene in Apocolypto when the priest had that sardonic smile after feeding all that crap to the masses? We still have that problem on our planet.

I believe in truth!

I was just thinking of a pinky ring, one that a man wears on his little finger. I had one that was made for me in East Pakistan out of 24kt gold when I was 8 years old. It had my initials on it, RWN. When I was going to University I was making good money paving. I went to Sri Lanka to visit my parents one year, they were working there. They gave me a small star saffire. I had it inlaid in my ring in N. Vancouver. It was stolen from me when I was living in my car.

When I had no home. A lot of other hierlooms were stolen from me at the same time, a 1962 silver dollar from my grandmother, a tie clip from my Grampa Bob, my pocket watch, the Sieko watch I bought my father in Hong Kong after he died, some gemstones and other heirlooms.

I miss my ring like I miss my Level 3 pin which was stolen at Purden Mtn in 2010.

If you do not like music, do not like to sing, do not like to laugh, do not like to dance, then you are not alive, you are not living life. It is like crying... we need it! Tones are connected to our light, our beings, they sooth the souls. Compatibility works. I like my music, it fits my personality, how I see life, the tones, the beat, the rythm compliment my abilites in other things, like skiing. There is music I don't listen to... head banger, high bass, heavy metal, sad songs, rave music, some country music It irrites me and those souls walking as one with me and my soulmate, my girls. Just as my music might irritate someone who has listened to head banger music for 30 years. Different tones... the brain has been conditioned by life experience.

Wednesday, Oct. 3

Why do women dye their hair? Natural colors are so beautiful!

Today we not only have to worry about the air quality, but we have to worry about thought pollution in quantum foam.

The concentrations of souls that looks like milk in which we all live allows 'sick' souls and polluted thought, from 'drug net', 'criminal net' or 'paranoid schizo net' to interfer with normal minds. Likeminds attract... using drugs to confuse a soul to enter a light or life, to deliver a soul as charon does, to deceive souls around the person, to walk inside to steal from a persons mind and spiritual heritage, or to climb inside anothers light for shits and giggles is not natural, it doesn't work. It hurts the living. I call them Pirates.

It doesn't change who a person really is. It does though, anger all the spirits that walk as one with their light, their home, the light they are with until a natural process of likemind or reincarnation occurs. There can be serious consequences for those stealing home, interfering in a life, or the natural process, upon the death of the living person and the birth of their soul.

I have lost souls kicked out of compatible lives walking with me, male and female, they are compatible with me, with my soulmate. They are protected with me. They cannot be erased simply because some pirate soul is inside the life they were in since birth. Some of the lost souls are children, some are teenages, some are young people, some are adults. They had their lives stolen! Their 'id' their personality cannot be erased. That is why I call the people and spirits responsible, Mass Murderers!

You know when you leave the search blank and hit news, I like the way google has it's news layed out. Simple! Just news, easier to scan.

Thursday, Oct. 4

Took some photos with my laptop at Rainbow park today, where Lana first sees Aden, where Aden sees Lana crying on a park bench, the trestle bridge. I wish I had a better camera.

Good news today. I'll be able to pay the tenure for my property by the end of the month. I can start rebuilding my ski cabin, next spring!

I can finish my documentary 'Saving My Cabin', put footage of the fire in the middle and footage of building the new cabin. Hopefully I can have a HD POV for that.

I was able to save 'The Courting Trail' from the fire, a song I wrote for the piano, because I taught myself to write it down. I am writing a new song for the piano, called 'Moments', about girls I have dated, met, crossed paths with and my soulmate. A drive in, a lawn, a ski pole, dance, ribbon, underwear, holding hands, a golf tournament, a dinner, handstand, bikepath, a table, a cashier, more than one.

Came up with some more movements on the keyboard lastnight. I have come to love music so much. I am trying to apply my lifes experience to my new love for music like I do to skiing.

The awareness of my senses, my body and my brain. The difference being, I was already a Level 3 CSIA, a very good skier, even though I was away from skiing for 25 years. I'll never forget how, it is hard coded.

Even my soul, after I die, will know how! (One of the things the pirate souls who are attacking me are afraid of.) Applying this knowledge while learning the piano and playing music is a wonderful process. I know what I feel like when I am 'One with my machine' skiing, so I know what it feels like when things are going well on the piano, the organ or anything else I set my mind to.

Like a good ski run... I know who I am.

Still working on my pedegogy page.


Keep your head up, don't chase a puck, no checking! No alchohol or drugs, they impair senses. When you are walking around pretend you are skiing or boarding, if you see a corner ahead of you ski or board around it. I look point and then ski around a corner, the body follows. I even use sound affects sometimes.

I am going to stay in shape! I didn't give up cigars and get into shape over the last 4 years for nothing. I gave up cigarettes 8 years ago, I hardly smoked then, went up in the ashtray, cigars in Nov. 2008, I don't do drugs... I won't be finding roaches under the yellow chair in spring time., I hardly drink, a 6 pack once in a while. Maybe I'll get one today, I just Q'd myself.(Did I just coin that?) I like being clean! I didn't destroy my brain on drugs and alchohol over the last 40 years.

Even though my skis went up in the fire, I am scouting where I can ski in PG if I can afford new equipment. A couple of spots where I can get some good turns in on Cranbrook hill if I climb up on snow days, one is blackdiamond terrain.

I have begun swimming again, not laps, but full movement of all my muscles in place in the deep end, it keeps the legs, arm and stomach muscles in a more natural movement.

I am walking everywhere, my bike is broken.

I will be spending a lot of time working on my music and my screenplay, writing, scouting locations, it is set in PG.

A movie about life, love, reincarnation, based on my life experience and scars on my body.

I might even take some courses at UNBC.

Still looking for a cheap quitar, there must be a million out there sitting in peoples garages!

Renewed my library card. Need to get some paper work done for my disability. I am a little miffed with something the government did to me eight years ago and the ramifications for myself. I wish they would tell the truth.

Got the paperwork done. Stopped by the liquor store, bought two beer. One from China called Yanjing, it's pretty good. An inexpensive way to have a mini holiday. Also bought an Alexander Keiths India Pale Ale, I was thinking about Alexander the Great and a friend of my fathers I liked who's name was Kieth. He was a good friend of my fathers.

I'm so clean I'm getting drunk on one beer. Boy... two beer and I'm flying. I might have to take a nap. I can't handle it. Friday, Oct. 5

Thought about the cabin a lot, how I'm going to build it, the design. A simple one, one story, it'll look more like a chalet, small though. I might be able to make it completely out of deadfall. It will have a deck built in. Timber frame, there are options for the walls. Large windows.

I saw this design right away and said, 'Bingo'. Cando!

A girlfriend, a wife, a muse must be compatible with my dreams, my light, my soulmates light, the lost angels compatible with her, it is imperative in order for spirits to walk as one as angel investors. No one forcing thought on another.

There's a girl, she wants to have an adventure. There's a girl, she wants to have some fun.

There's a girl, in love with an older man.

There might be a song in 'There's a girl' musings.

She'll be coming around the mountain, when she comes, She'll be coming around the mountain, when she comes, She'll be coming around the mountain She'll be coming around the mountain She'll be coming around the mountain, when she comes!


I might try garage sales this weekend. You never know, I might find a guitar.

It is 8:30am and I was just attacked by sour incompatible souls who hate me. It is awful. The same ones who want to scream 'xxxxsucker', and one who has damage to his spine. They try to stay inside. Some actually think they kick me out of my body, or take me somewhere else... they do not! They are pirates.

Not very smart. They tried in the shower too... they cannot change who I am. I know the girls I am attracted to!

Right now there is someone else in real life receiving, via sour pirate soul relays, a smile, a happy feeling from me when they shouldn't have it. It is my smile, my hope, my dream, not theirs! I am the one who's cabin burned down, I am the one who has hope for the future, I am the one rebuilding, not them. They don't get the property. It is not their dream.

Maybe, someone thinks they stole the ark, the cup, the bowl, the light.

Someone on thought/soul net was just thinking that there is someone else in PG walking around with my 'real' passport. That is not correct, my passport has expired, I have not renewed it, so if someone is walking around today, in PG, holding a passport with my identity... it is a forgery.

A pirate soul was also thinking that someone in a ski shop in town also accepted someone else as me, when they weren't. I know I haven't been to that particular ski shop.

Is there an identity thief walking around Prince George?

Spent some time thinking about the cabin design. It will work for 24 x 24 and 16 x 16, I am leaning towards 16 x 16. I am not sure on the slope for the roof. Options. I am thinking of a raised bed with a desk underneath. Options.

Saturday, Oct. 6

See if I can find a garage sale today. Maybe I'll find a guitar, or a violin, or a piccallo, or a printer, or a phone, you never know. The Prince George Citizen has a map so I can plan a walk. I watched a couple of old comedys last night, one with Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis, the other with Douglas Fairbanks... so funny. Fairbanks stranded himself on an island for fun, I thought of myself on my property coming up with ideas the way he was having fun on the island coming up with ideas for making thinks out of bamboo and palm fronds. I even got an idea for getting water from the well to the cabin. A girl showed up running from an unhappy situation... maybe a sign! There are lots in the Internet Archive.

When I was living on Union St. in grade 7 and 8 I would stand in front of the bathroom mirror and sing,

"Everybody, loves somebody, sometime...

Everybody falls in love somehow." Dean Martin sang it all the time.

I still do it, though not in front of a mirror.

Checked out some garage sales, didn't find anything. Stopped at Rainbow park, ralaxed in the sunshine. Came up with a really good idea.

Got a call on skype from my cousin Peter in Bonny Hills, NSW, Australia today, video is so cool... it was so good to hear from them. Saw a view towards the beach from my cousins Kaths balcony window. It is a beautiful spot. Haven't been there since the mid 90s.

Between Bonny Hills and Coffs Harbour is so beautiful... such a nice climate. I know why my Uncle and Aunt settled there.

I'm sure glad I saved my wallet in the fire. It would have been hard getting new identification. I even have my original birth certificate, the one my mom and dad got, also a new one. My sin card is also a little worn out.

Sunday, Oct. 7

You know what one of my pet peeves is... when the screen on my laptop, or the curser scrolls or moves and I'm not touching anything. Or it does it while my finger isn't quite on the mousepad. For real! There have been times when a whole line or paragraph has been highlighted and deleted without me doing anything, just typing. It's a good thing the software has an undo function.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Science, truth and common sense... a world with no borders, no hate, no fear... Inevitable... sooner rather than later please. Fighting over who's truth is not the answer!

I strongly advise stock brokers and investment bankers acquire some usefull skills. Compatibility... I love humor.

I was thinking the other day that since the dragonfly nymphs didn't fly this summer and I didn't empty the well, then there is a good chance they will fly next spring or summer. I didn't get the shot I wanted for the music video 'Dance of the Dragonfly', maybe I will next year. I am going to tell a true story. Eight years ago I had a nightmare. I was sitting at a table with Madonna, (the singer) sitting across from me talking to a lady with brown hair. They were talking about the Kabbalah. I was crying telling them not to do it. I have never met Madonna. I don't think I was the one sitting across from her. I know it was someone who's angel is with me. I don't know who. Someone who is compatible with me and my soulmate. Since I was having the nightmare It more than likely had something to do with me.

Monday, Oct. 8 ahhhhhhhhh. Had a dream about looking for some new skis and boots last night. New boots will be nice, warmer probably, new liners. High tech. Skis... I'll be lookng for something similar to my Atomics. Also dreamed about one of my other 'best kept secrets'. I was talking to Bill in the dream, he had an army of people helping him do maintenance on the lifts there, they were even marching in formation. It was funny. Maybe I'll go for a visit, take a few runs, this winter, ski happy.

Was reading an article about the defacement of some paintings this morning, one of them being 'Night Watch' by Rembrandt. I downloaded a high res copy to take a look at it. So if I could fiqure out why someone is defacing it. I immediatley say what didn't fit, the figure to the right of 'Frans Banning Cocq' had no color, old style clothing, Frans is holding a finger from a hand with no body. It is a ghost walking into Franz or maybe 'Willem van Ruytenburch', since they are looking at one another. The girl to the right may be connected to 'Willem van Ruytenburch'. Frans touching the finger is another perspective of Michelangelo's Creación de Adán (Miguel Ángel)

In my screenplay 'Scar Creek', I called the male lead 'Aden', a play on a word I saw in my cabin. I really like it. If I ever have a son I will name him 'Aden'.

Did a new painting today, I call it 'The Bob Code.' Tuesday, Oct. 9

I was reading this morning about a child shot in Afghanistan for going to school, for speaking out on her online diary. It is wrong, it has to stop. There are people who bought my old domain name, parked a page defaming me for about two years. I wonder, if they could have got away with it, would they have shot me?

I care about what is going on in Afghanistan, they have not had peace for thousands of years. I didn't think much about it until the Taliban destroyed the Buddhas.

They deserve a normal life, the freedom to learn. The trade routes of old no longer apply, the protection of Kashmir no longer applies.

Borders exist not only on a map, but also in what we think, our minds. We need a world with no borders.... no fear... no hate. We need truth.

I am being attacked all day today by incompatible spirits... stoned, drugged, mentally ill, violent in thought. It is awful. I tried to relax for a while in Rainbow park, but they attacked me there to. I live my life with out hating anyone, to feel the thought of those who do is so awful. Some hate just because I won't accept their answer, I will only accept the truth.

FYI: Contray to popular belief and what many historians and writers have portrayed, Alexander the Macdonian was heterosexual, Leonardo Da Vince was heterosexual.

I know, my soulmate knows... those who walked as one with them know, they are two of the souls that reincarnated forward in mind with me. I am not them, they are me.

The souls that have come forward in mind with me do not leave me, they do not leave and take people over to try and make them do things as the pirates do, the destroyers of worlds, the stowaways who pretend to be spiritual children or family.

My soulmate is a very warm and living soul, she doesn't leave either, she has souls that came forward with her too. Because of who I am and what has occurred over time, I have more than one female soulmate with souls that walk with them. They are all compatible with one another. So amazing. They cry when I am attacked like today. It hurts them so much.

They know what I'm really like.

6:45 pm Some real sour psychotic souls just climbed into my life saying, 'They were taking me out until tomorrow morning.' They aren't taking me out, they are climbing inside with mentally ill and sick souls connected to themselves relaying to the life they are stealing. They hide their true ugly minds from others in quantum foam this way, they hide their violent thought from others. In spirit they try to pretend they are me and my soulmate. Bulldjinn does it... he is like a rabid wolf in true feeling. They cannot hide in my light, they will never go forward in mind. They are the same souls that are responsible for the death of Steve Irwin.

Someone tried to project him at Shane lake yesterday, it wasn't him. They also tried Steve Podborski, it wasn't him. Pirates. He was murdered because they knew where his soul would go. It gave them a back door into my light that I didn't know about. It was murder. If not for a photograph in 2004 I may never have made the conneciton. They will not get away with it.

They are the same souls that murdered Jesus.

They went quiet, what I call silent running after typing this. They are trying to hide.

Wednesday, Oct. 10

Please Note: In all photos, videos I am the Chief Cook and Bottle Washer: the skier, the artist, the camerman, the editor, the composer, the musician. No stunt doubles, no spookes doing it for me.

Updated my profile page, explained the photos.

It's interesting how the Canadian Security Intelligence Service can be aware of major crimes commited against a citizen but do nothing to help for what they call reasons of 'National Security.' It is so wrong. Truth would work better.

Didn't go swimming today. Found a spot on Cranbrook hill where I can stair climb and bushwhack. A good circuit. A nice small clearing at the top in the bush where it's nice and quiet, very little sound from town. Tranquility. The trees are so beautiful in the fall. Found a lot of deer and moose tracks... fresh.

I find bushwhacking and stair climbing, more fun than a trail, natural movement connected to the senses... eyes, ears, touch. Sight, thought, planning, steps, movements, safety... better exercise for the muscles. Better muscle memory and conditioning.

There was even a point at which I heard a sound like the cougar I ran into at Purden 2 summers ago. Not as loud, just a car or motorbike on foothills, but close enough in sound for me to stop and think about it. The sound of the cougar growling when I ran into it is something I will never forget.

After I went back skiing I began exploring places on my flight simulator that interested me. One of them is Thessaloniki. I went and checked it out on MS flight sim, went to a couple of parks, old amphitheaters. I took a jet and flew it across towards Alexandria and went inland. A particular area. I checked the area again today on Google Earth and was attracted to a central area. I zoomed in and found a photo that said '2300 years straight in the sky', it is Pella. I checked it out on wiki, the old Macedonian Capital. Makes sense. It was the capital for Phillip and his son Alexander. Knowing now that I was Alexander, that his soul has come forward in mind as me is kind of cool. For some reason his life is one of the most applicable to my life. It is the one I am identifying with more than any other.

I have always been attracted to particular ruins... wanting to go and just sit or walk around them.

I can rebuild... on the pillars... of the ruins... of the great ship, Cando! Lyrics... Just thinking about my property and the fire. How stumbling upon a photo of ruins can give me hope.

Loosing your home to fire can be devastating. Its hard.

Thursday, Oct. 11

I was just checking out @curiosityrover on twitter. Can you imagine a live pov webcast of settlers homesteading another planet... colonization. It would he cool... I think I am going to plan on doing it as an angel investor. I might practise rebuilding the cabin on my property. I was thinking about it a lot while I was doing the foundation, the garden terrace and clearing the property before the cabin burned down.

I read an article this morning about a neurosurgeons near death experience. How he is now aware that his conciousness lives on after death. His coma was what I call a reboot, the brain shutting down.

What he was experiencing was similar to the birth of his soul. All of the souls walking as one with him in life are with him. All of the souls that came forward in mind with him in life are with him. He did not die, his conciousness, his soul, stayed in his life.

He was given the 'rem-com' because of his accumulated experience. His life experience allows him to explain it and research it scientifically.

The void he was experiencing is not a void, he was simply outside of his light, what some would call a family of souls. When he finally dies his soul, his family of souls will go to their light, their compatible conciousness.

The bright light is what I am. It is a natural process. Compatibility really does work.

I know that feeling he's talking about, when he looked at the girl... that is how my soulmate and I feel with one another.

Pirates cannot encircle lights, angels... they interfer in the thought process. They go in and out and cause mayhem for all the souls with the light.

The light is normally a living person.

I have one of my paintings as wallpaper on my laptop right now, 'Kids on Bikes'. I like it... it is one of my favourites. I smiled seeing it this morning.

I modified it recently, I widened it for HD screens and also re-did the father so he looks happier too. I was walking along the sidewalk in Smithers during the summer of 2009, when I saw a father coming towards me with two small children on bikes. They were happy, smiling. A dream of mine... I went home and did the painting. In many of my paintings the bright light is a smile.

Being single I alternate my wallpaper between my paintings and pictures of naked girls.

I remember going to visit a family I knew in Chilliwack when they were living in West Vancouver in the summer of 2005. He had a violin open in his rec room. I looked at it and remembered I'd always wanted to try playing the violin. I still do... I think it would be fun to try and teach myself the way I learned the piano. No external influences. That's how they had to do it in the beginning anyhow.

Friday, Oct. 12

You know... when we have walls that are screens everyones livingroom is going to be like... wooooow! Imagine this in a living room.

8:33pm I played some music for a while then thought about some footage I have. I made a little music video with some footage of my art and me doing some 360's... dancing on snow. It is a prelude to 'Dance of the Dragonfly'... I call it 'Well of Nymphs'. I like the painting and it points towards me dancing. Like a peacock for some nymphs. The male peacock is the one that spreads it's feathers... showing off it's colors.

4:56pm Saw a cute blond in a blue suv.

What can I say? I'm a guy. Eye candy = Food for thought. I feel a bit better.

Went out to look for a new power adapter for my organ. The old one is finally dead. I've been fixing it the last couple of years but I didn't want to risk over heating it in the suite. I couldn't find one.

I was taking a power dive and saw the power adapter for the massager I have for kicking incompatible ghosts out. Frequency, vibration helps in certain instances.

My eyes, in my head... senses... my brain... experience. Epiphany ! Will it work? It did. Perfecto mondo.

I will be playing music tonight!

AM: I was attacked by pirates souls, pirate lights entering my life all night last night forcing their thought on me. They cannot become my family of souls, I do not become them. They cannot change who I am. They steal life, they do no love what I love. If they do not love my soulmates, skiing, sculpture, digital painting, bushwhacking, music, science, water, snow, wonder... curiostiy then they are on the wrong boat, in the wrong life. You cannot just get your soul stoned and climb into anothers light, you cannot just walk a different family inside. You cannot just put an incompatible soul inside. It is a form of murder. Souls appearing with a light is a natural process, appearing with a compatible likemind is a natural process. That is why my soulmate(s) and her spiritual lineage, her family of souls are with me. They are from me. They are not pirates. Some pirates pretend to me members of my and my soulmates spiritual family.

It is wrong to climb inside another and decieve that way. I was just going to write about something and she hugged me with her thought... so I don't have to write about it.

I cannot walk through life with souls from a different living life all trying to force and use their minds on my living brain. It doesn't work. It is war. This is my life, I have myself to think about and all the souls that walk as one with me. I do not walk as one with pirates souls. The living come first.

For those of you who have been told a story about the three wise men who came to the baby Jesus. What actually happened was three pirate lights, groups of souls, incompatible to Jesus, they did not come to his light naturally they climbed inside. They would come and go during his life, using it for their own purposes and then they tried to destroy his light by crucifying him. Throwing him into the ditch.

The pirate souls, lights from 'the three intruders' left Jesus completely once they framed him. They had stolen the 'bosses' the people around him to do it. I know he was a loving soul, a loving light. They put pirate souls, lights inside so others would hurt him. They did it on purpose. They tried to steal his illuminated being. They did not. They tried to steal his ancient mind, his heaven, they used relays to other living lives during his life. It was wrong.

His soul, his light moved forward after the soldier showed some mercy and ended his suffering. His light went to a compatible life.

During his life they had pirates souls pretending to be him in spirit and pretending to be him and his disciples after death. They deceived many souls because souls can only know what their living life knew. They didn't know the truth.

Angel Investors love what the living love. They do not steal home, they are happy to be home.

When I began writing about finding a piece of my own Heaven on Earth, finding Happiness not contentment, the cabin, skiing, camera, art, website... the pirate lights began attacking me, trying to steal my heaven. The funny part is... in their true minds, their real lives, they think my heaven is hell.

Some believe they are making hell for souls by putting them inside a different light. In their hell, no one gets punished except the innocent. The incompatible souls will wake up in a compatible life after the person dies. They will wake up in their own living hell which is just a compatible life. They should clean up their house, their life, their thought while alive in a compatible life.

For those souls that know the truth and wake up in a compatible life, be it a drug addict, an alchoholic, a criminal perhaps they should stay home and use their compatible thought to help the person clean up. It would help themselves, their soul, since it would learn along with the living.

My life cannot be a hospital since I am already clean.

Don't steal home.

8:15am A transit bus just drove by the house and then back on Hunter Pl., I just felt a soul, a light, one of the group I call Bull-djinn climb inside and begin screaming obsenities... he is so incompatible it is unbelievable. They are connected to other souls and people that are not compatibale. Very sick minds. Like rabid dogs. There is no transit route on my street. They have to stay home. His, their light cannot be inside mine. They do not make me sick that way, they do not change who I am, they do not make me violent, they do not change my brain. They do not wake up with me. Chasing me is not the right answer.

Another vehicle showed up, everytime it does I feel the same incompatible pirates souls climbing inside. The do not belong in my life. More than one pirate light has tried again this morning. They think I become them... I do not.

When they do this they steal my smile my life while inside. It is a crime, it is attempted murder. I can tell by what just occurred that a group of pirate souls showed up.

They really know how to ruin a day.

Saw a cute blond in a blue suv.

What can I say? I'm a guy. Eye candy = Food for thought. I feel a bit better.

Went out look for a new power adapter for my organ. The old one is finally dead. I've been fixing it the last couple of years but I didn't want to risk over heating it in the suite. I couldn't find one.

I was taking a power dive and saw the power adapter for the massager I have for kicking incompatible ghosts out. Frequency, vibration helps in certian instances. My eyes, in my head... senses... my brain... experience. Epiphany! Will it work? It did. Perfecto mondo.

I will be playing music tonight!

Saturday, Oct. 13

5:38 There's a girl, wants to have an adventure.

12:37 pm Went for a bushwhack up Cranbrook hill. Felt good. Got some laces for my boots, felt better. Safer with ankle support. I found a nice spot last time to relax. I was able to mark out the size of the cabin I want to build on the property. It helped me to visualize it. I've decided the cabin will by 16' x 16' with posts 6'... 8'... 10' for a sloped roof.

Hobbit size. I may include a deck, though I am thinking of enclosing the whole thing. I am going to build with the same design I taught myself with the practice cabin west of smithers.

It became my campsite, where I could practice with the chainsaw and dream about climbing and skiing 'Love at first sight'... a Mtn I found later was called Mt. Sir Robert. Kinda cool.

I'll be able to finish a small 8 x 8 section to cover and sleep in while I build it.

7:30am Played some music when I got up. Felt good. The summer before last I would play it in my cabin pretending I was playing music like an alarm clock. Pretending I had kids visiting. Time to get up! It was fun. In my book 'What if...... Your Head Isn't Empty?' one of the conjectures is 'What if Alexander the Great had died in old age?'. There would be no borders today, no fear, no locks, no passwords, no guards, no crime.

Another one is 'What if the title of this book is 666 inverted?' It is, but 999 came first. 666 is humor!

Way back in the last century, during the 90's when I was writing 'What if...' I was an extra on an X files episode in Vancouver. It was about vietnam vets. I was sitting with some guys waiting working on my book. One of them was flashing his teeth all the time. The man I was sitting with was really friendly, about the age I am now. He was looking at my paste-up reading. He had said to me that he was a retired CSIS officer. When he read the conjecture 'What if the CIA are watching you right now.' he looked at me and said, 'They are!' I didn't say anything. I know now he was telling the truth. I wasn't guilty of anything so I wasn't worried. This was before ''. They have known who I am for a long time.

Another one is 'What if you could kill simply by visualizing thought?', a form of 'Staring at goats'. Today we have a lot of stoned and drugged people taught by stoned and drugged people taught to 'Stare at goats' trying to kill real people with thought. It is sad. We even have spirits stealing drug addicts and getting them, teaching them to do it. When they get them to do it they go to another person and try to 'train' them to do it. So they are doing it of their own free will. It is awful. There are people who have tried to commit suicide because someones else is forcing thought on them.

A bit of humor for the day, 'What if slaves had dressed alike in the Roman Empire?' They would have found out they outnumbered the free!

Sunday, Oct. 14

Sometimes when I'm thinking of my nieces and nephews, I sing to myself. 'I love you to, I always will, I'm your Uncle Bob.' I saw a bunch of hits from Kamloops so I guess some girls are looking at it.

9:00pm I was just watching an old science fiction movie. I'm glad I don't have special effects in my screenplay, just some stunts I can do myself, ie. falling on a log. Though, the last time I did some special effects was when I was a stage manager for a small theatre company in Drayton Valley, Alberta. We did 'The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe'... I had to make someone vanish on stage. I got some flash powder they had, rigged up a firing button, set it behind a rock. Then when the flash went off and smoke went up the actor just walked off behind the curtain. It worked really well. Audience couldn't tell. It was fun.

4:52pm Finished a digital painting, I call itThe Wave. I was trying to do it the other day, but it started to look like something else so I went with it. Still working on that one. Started again this afternoon... didn't take long. I call it the wave since our minds broadcast in a wave, 360 degress in 3 dimensions, maybe four. Yea, definately. Sort of looks like the line in the symbol for ying and yang, male and female. I have a music video about warm thought waves, Waves of Warmth...

7:40am The "Everything can change in the blink of an eye" crowd... Pirates... have no idea how much creativity and inovation they stifle. How much they interfer with soul net, how much they interfer with how smooth things can actually go.

7:15am I was just watching my new music video on youtube. It's fun. The ad in the upper right corner changed when I watched it a 2nd time. I wasn't looking at it. I saw it at the end of the video in my peripheral vision. As I saw it, someone else was reading it out loud with a different mind, it wasn't me. The ad said, 'The church saved my life.' As if someone was trying to use my mind to transmit to others something that wasn't true. I don't go to church, I'm not going to start now. I don't follow any religion so it wasn't my mind saying it. Pirates, I wasn't reading out loud in my mind.

Someone just honked a car horn and attacked me in thought. They are the pirates. They hate me like you wouldn't believe, that is why they are so trapped in their belief.

I am not Don Cherry, I am not doing a play by play for pirates shits and giggles. I do not watch hockey. I don't like the violence on ice and in the stands.

6:55am Just went silent. I guess it woke up somewhere else, it should stay there instead of chasing me and trying to climb inside. It's possible his soul went back when he used his real mind to go silent. Incompatiblity to the nth.

There are groups of incompatible souls climbing inside having conversations with each other and their real lives, they shouldn't be here.

6:50am I was just attacked by an incompatible soul that climbed inside my life, it is so awful, drugged, trying to scream, brain damage, violent in thought, hates me.

5:30am I was attacked all evening last night, and all night in bed. Incompatible pirate souls, pirate lights, incompatible to my life, my mind, my personality are trying to force their minds on me. It is more than one. I don't like it. I am healthy. I don't have a migraine, I don't have a bad back, I don't have brain damage, I am not on drugs of any kind. Coffee is the extent of my stimulants, moderation works. I don't like pirate souls relaying their feelings, their emotions to me, whether from a living person that is their light or from their quantum soul.

Last night it felt like someone had climbed inside with a soul or group of souls that were quitting drugs cold turkey. Climbing inide me doesn't help their living brain go through withdrawal. They have to experience it.

Suggestion: What I did to relax while 'you' used my brains broadcast, wavelength like a magic pill. I don't want to feel your broadcast. Dark room, white walls, sit up, calm mind. Thinking about my new cabin. I just had a nice feeling of love from a soul. He agrees with what I was thinking. I was thinking about people like John McCain who went through so many years of solitary confinement. Just a passing thought. They must have done the same sort of thing. The soul that just radiated love in my being was an MIA in vietnam, he was a pilot. He never made it home. He died in Vietnam around 1978. He walks as one with me, it is so amazing sometimes. We like the same things. He's me. One of my spiritual children who came home. I'm me, but I know he is with me.

A villager gave my father some dogtags, told him they were from a pilot. They let him know they were taking care of his bones. They wanted my father to let his family know somehow. I don't know if his soul was already with me or if he came to me naturally as soon as he came into contact with my light. He may have been with my father and then came to me because of compatibility of minds, of personality. One aspect is flying, even as a kid I would draw biplanes all the time.

One of the things that always impressed me about the people I met in North Vietnam is they didn't really hate Americans. They didn't wish anything bad on the pilot... they respected his soul.

One thing I have difficulty with is the groups climbing and putting incompatible souls into my life, my being, on purpose, to force incompatible thought, trying to control my being, my light, my heaven on earth. It makes no sense whatsoever, I am not their light, their heaven on earth. They steal life from me, my soulmate, my girl, and all the souls that walk as one with us... souls like the pilot.

Monday, Oct. 15

7:30 I was just reading about Kepler 22, the earth like planet they found in Dec. 2011. They found it in the area of the 'Swan'. I was building my campsite west of Smithers, BC when I saw fog rolling down the valley above the river. It sort of looked like a Swan... I was thinking about Drew Barrymore when I was seeing it. She played a little girl in it, ET - The Extraterrestrial.

One of the souls that has come to me naturally is the soul of an alien being, a girl. She died on our planet. She is so loving and warm. She feels comfortable in my light, with me, safe, she is a spiritual child of mine now, compatible with me, compatible with my soulmate. She's a long way from home, though she is home now.

She has a very hard time with sour minds, drugged minds, as I do.

I came to the conclusion a while ago, given that our sentient conciousness lives on after death, then other sentient beings would also live on. In spirit there are no races, species or aliens.

6:50pm Way back in the last century when I was a young man I had a car accident on the pulp mill road. I worked in the Steam Plant at Intercon, a pulp mill in Prince George. I remember getting into my 1976 Toyota Celica Liftback and forgetting my seat belt. I stopped and made sure I put it on. I always did, I always do. It was a beautiful day. I was behind a car with two women in it. No signals, going slow. I pulled out to pass and just as I got by, they must have clipped my right rear fender, the car flipped 3 times in the air, boucing, landing 268 feet pointing the other way.

I remember my arm flapping, stunned when it stopped, sitting on the side of the road in shock. The policeman drove me to the hospital, I wasn't hurt, but I had a scratch on my ear. My mother was working at reception when they broght me came in, she came and sat with me. I was crying... my car was totalled. The woman had told the policman that they were looking for wildflowers and they had just turned and then 'bang'. Anyway... I went to ICBC, the insurance company on Monday morning with my father, the adjuster said it had been reported as a 'Fatality'.

Sorry to dissappoint everyone... but I am still alive. I did not die on the pulp mill road, Tabor Mtn., the Sea to Sky Highway or in a cabin fire.

3:45 The speakers on the organ don't work very well with the transformer from the massager, not enough power. Headphones are fine. I thought I might be able to record direct from the organ to the computer if I frabricated some connections. Went out to Value Village today to find some cheap ones. I spliced the connections on but it didn't work. I'll have to wait until I get a new transformer. Meant to go to B&B Music today, that's where I bought the organ. Forgot... something got in the way.

I wanted to record a melody I came up with in the summer 2010 or winter of 2011. I call it 'Song of the Butterfly'... it is in memory of 911. I named it one day when I was playing it and looking at my sculpture, Perceptions... I was thinking of butterflys rising from the ruins. A lot of innocent people died that day for no reason.

I'll record it later.

When I was filming 'Mountains of Music' I knew there was a spirit inside that shouldn't be there. It was trying to sabotage the skiing in the film, trying to stop me. Couldn't do it... they cannot be me. They sure can't ski. When I was hiking back to the ski hill the spirit began yelling at me. What it said was 'I thought I killed you in 911.' They were spirits and spirits from the people who planned and executed it. They were trying to kill the life of the 'senior'... the 'ancient'. They didn't succeed. They will not. The person they killed was not the 'senior', he was actually a spiritual child of the senior. The senior is an ancient. An ancient is a person whos light consists of countless likeminded souls that went forward in mind together over a long period of time... reincarnation. The lives the ancient has lived. They are not seperate souls, they become one.

I am an ancient.

Today I was experiencing something that had me think about an incident at Purden one day that was a good example of what happens with spiritual children that walk with an ancient, an angel, (I like that word, all cultures know that angels are nice). An example of what happens when someone dies goes 'home', appearing in their compatible light, mind and walk with them until a compatible life is encountered. I knew there was a spirit originally from another woman with me, the spirit was a lesbian but her personality was very much like my own. I liked her. I was going up the yellow chair one day and just above the cliff I saw a young blond women smile and say, 'Wow'. She was so happy. I knew instantly it was her. She wasn't with me any longer Her soul went from my light to the girl instantly... her soul had found her 'heaven on earth', compatibility, likemind. Her soul had found herself.

I'm looking forward to a world with fusion power and silent cars, needs met and no crime so we won't need car alarms. I can't stand the horn.

One of my pet peeves is when people lock their car by remote control and hearing it at moments that interfer with my train of thought. It is so irritating.

No one is going to steal their car from the driveway anyway.

You know, the world has only been noicy for a couple hundred years. Now that I have experienced my own backyard, I'd like to hear it quiet again.

Tuesday, Oct. 16

2:30pm Checked out some trails today, went for a walk and stumbled upon them. Found Ginters old place, I saw the rock work and walked towards it, what a beautiful spot. Ran into a friend from high school there, we hugged each other. I haven't seen her since the first winter I moved to Purden in 2010. It was nice.

I just put a picture of the garden terrace in the front yard of my property up as wallpaper on my laptop. Like looking out the old kitchen window... I miss it. I am going to put the kitchen window in about the spot when I rebuild. I might have to cut the tree down that was in front, but I am going to leave a stump high enough for a small table, carve a nice curved leg and then put up an umbrella like they have in the tropics.

Boy I sure like women walking around in long underwear. It must be nice to walk around feeling naked. Food for thought.

I was attacked again all night by incompatible sour, drugged, evil spirits, I am being attacked right now. I can't stand their thought process, the state of their minds. It feels so awful. I'm clean. Piracy, stealing home is a crime, will always be a crime. Compatibility... likeminds... reality... the natural process works.

They steal life, they steal free will... the living brain, the person comes first. Not spirits forcing themselves on the living.

I have given the pirates a deadline to do the right thing. Their real lives know the deadline, they put their incompatible souls into my life, my light on purpose. Not to help, but to control, to steal. The deadline is a decision point for themselves. My experiences are hard coded in my mind. What they do, their actions will dictate how the memory is stored in my mind. Do they continue to hurt me or do they do the right thing?

I gave them until Oct. 19, they have 3 days.

The incompatible sour souls, lights must leave my life, my light and stay in a compatible life, light. They have stolen 57 years of my life, they have tried to destroy my soul for at least 9 years. They have stolen two of my soulmates lives from birth. They have stolen so many compatible lives ffrom her, so many chances for us to be with one another. They hurt us and they hurt all the angels they kicked out of her compatible lives.

They have 3 days.

There would be no deadline if they would do the right thing.

For the pirate who just broadcast that I'm not Bob, Oh yes I am... this is me Bob... Numers... Bobby. The spookes don't really control. My soul is not running around somewhere else, is not inside someone else.

For those spirits and people who like to refer to me as 'Barney', as a derogatory reference to the nice dino in the childrens show, those spirits and people who refer to me as 'Num Nuts', 'Faggot', 'xxxxsucker', 'motherxxxxxx', the ones who say 'Get it.' Get out. You are the bad guys.

I don't like feeling your broadcast, it's like bad rave music, loud head banger music, bad radio stations in places where their shouldn't be a radio station. Shut it off then everything will be fine. Get out.

Wednesday, Oct. 17

5:00pm Kudos to Carl Sagan. I just watched his documntary 'The Great Library at Alexandria'. I wish more had understood.

7:51am Everything happens for a reason. It didn't bother me 15 years ago finding out the CIA were watching me, I wasn't guilty of anything, I'm still not. 8 years ago in the winter of 2004, I stumbled onto some things on the internet that brought me to the attention of some people. A chain of events began that made no sense to me at the time. It was a confusing period. One night I was on the computer at the dropzone I lived and worked at when I 'heard', 'felt', someone say 'Go to your fathers house'. I did. I was scared. I asked him if I could stay the night, I didn't really tell him much. He knew I was looking at a message board that I believed had terrorists communicating on it.

That night I used my fathers computer to write about the chain of events, my conclusions on some things I was experienceing. One of which was going to the Tempo station in Chilliwack around 1:00 am in the morning and seeing (if I remember correctly) five men behind the counter, 4 arabic one of Baltic, ie Chechyn background all speaking arabic. It didn't fit. Something was wrong. I wrote about it and a number of other incidents that had occurred. I knew someone was watching me, so I knew they would see what I wrote. I didn't expect what happened.

I woke up the next morning and when I looked at what I had wrote, there was only one line on it, the last one. It talked about a police office in Vancouver that may be related through my mothers family line. I was scared. I went to the RCMP station to report it. I had some documents of some things I had found on the internet in my back pocket. The RCMP officer at the front desk brought my file up on the computer. I told him what had happened, he said, 'Yes, they can do that.' I told him about some of what I wrote and he asked, 'Do you have a crystal ball.' I said, 'No... Logic'. He said, 'You have to stop what you are doing.' I had no idea what he was talking about. He kept looking at his screen, I asked him about it, 'He said there was nothing on it.'

They weren't letting me talk to them or explain anything, they werent' helping me. I left the police station scared believing someone was going to try and kill me.

That night at the dropzone is was cold, the wind was blowing. I kept all the lights on, the fire going. I wanted to be able to see anyone approaching the dropzone.

I thought that if I was killed, then at least they would find the documents in my back pocket.

What I believed I stumbled upon was a plan by some people to set off a nuclear explosion in the Strait of Juan de Fuca. The explosion would have taken out Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle... Microsoft.

A few weeks later I was taking a shower when the phone rang. I answered it, and I heard my voice. A conversation being played that was in my fathers living room. Not on a phone. I was explaining something, the words were something like, 'This is my country.'... 'It's my country' I am a Canadian, I care. It is a little disconcerting to hear your own voice from a private conversation over the telephone. I hung up. Went back into the shower. The phone rang again. The same thing. I hung up. Went back into the shower. I had just finished when the phone rang again. The same thing. I said, 'I'm in the a shower, give me 10 minutes.' then hung up. They didn't call back.

It was the dropzone phone, I answered the phone as part of my job booking jumpers. I checked the phone bill and found the number and where it came from. Winnipeg. I eventually called it. Manitoba Chiefs. I thought it had something to do with the native tribes in that area. Turned out being a hockey team. Whoever was making the calls was routing it through that number. The Canadian Communications Agency Array is located in Winnipeg.

I wasn't really scared after the calls, or concerned about being monitored, I wasn't guilty of anything. But it was definitely done to intimidate me, to frighten me.

Psychological operations. I guess I didn't react the way the expected.

Around the same time, it was a very foggy morning, the ceiling was about 1-200 hundred feet. An helicopter went flying by the dropzone underneath the fog and landed at the next farm. If there were any markings on it, I don't remember them. If it had landed just for weather, it wouldn't have taken off again and went back the way it came.

After that I was walking to my trailer one night and to the right in the field I saw movement, south to north, what looked like a man in white, I could make out the contrast of his face and the top of the suit wasn't done up. It was just something quick out of my peripheral vision. I tried to go on as if nothing was happening.

I knew I was being watched. I didn't know why.

One morning I went out to get the mail for the dropzone and there was a man sitting in a car watching me. I wasn't scared, his face was calm. For some reason I thought about Blackwater at the time. I didn't know what it meant.


Thursday, Oct. 18

6:30am After I left Chilliwack and the dropzone in the spring of 2004 I went to Quesnel to go skiing again. I was happy. It was like going home again. I would check out the site that caused the confusion in the winter of 2004 occasionally. There was one avatar/user on the site who had a signature that I felt was directed at me.

Many of the things he would talk about were in relation to things I was thinking about. Things that had occurred, things that were happening. His signature eventually had a small gif video clip on it. The girl in it looked familiar to me. I played it. It looked like a girl I dated. I saved the clip to my computer and blew up an image from it.

It was her... there was no doubt.

Her name is Natalie Kunow. She was my girlfriend for a while in my last year of University. I remember one night we were making love, I didn't go down after my orgasm, she didn't get off the easy chair after hers. It wasn't long until she was riding again. She said, 'How did you do that?'. We liked each other.

There is no way that clip would have been in his signature unless they knew who was reading the site. Unless they knew who I was. Unless they knew my past. Unelss they had the authority to make her do it. They would have to have known how she felt about me and why. I have uploaded the clip to YouTube . It is obvious that the man who made this clip is standing to her left telling her what to do. They photoshopped, 'Short Circut Fan Club' onto her t-shirt. I knew how she really felt about me, her secret mind. Short Circut was in reference to me and the confusion of 2004 and what was happening. There is no question that she was pointing at me... Bob. I didn't really know why she was covering one eye. The people who had her do this clip, must be connected to the Canadian Government. The people responsible for what occurred at the dropzone in the winter of 2004, the people who edited my letter, who recorded the conversation, who made the three phone calls, can be traced back from this clip, from the man responsible. The man responsible for this clip is involved in monitoring my internet and communications. He is responsible for conducting psychological operations against me. I put the clip on my YouTube Channel.

Who tasked this man to do this? Why? Who is he?

I believe the decisions can be traced back to my writing editorials such as the following: Here we have a man and Political Arrogance

I believe the decisions can be traced directly back to the Canadian Prime Minister's Office at the time. The Prime Minister was Jean Chretien. He tried to have me killed.

I am defending myself.

Senses... The Brain... take care of it. "The amygdala sends impulses to the hypothalamus for activation of the sympathetic nervous system, to the thalamic reticular nucleus for increased reflexes, to the nuclei of the trigeminal nerve and the facial nerve, and to the ventral tegmental area, locus coeruleus, and laterodorsal tegmental nucleus for activation of dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine."

The Amygdala, senses... is how we feel the wonder. How my eyes give me the ability to ski the way I do, how I learn the way I do, who I am attracted to. How attraction works... likeminds, compatibility in life and in thought.

Friday, Oct. 19

11:32am I have an ebony statue of 'Shou Xin Gong' ~ Chinese God of Longevity for sale, Ebony, 26" tall, purchased in Vietnam, in/near Bai Bang or Hanoi.

8:05am I just opened the curtains, it's raining. I sang:

"I'm singen in the rain, I'm dancing in the rain,

I'm singing... and dancing... in the rain... again."

I converted two of my books from html to pdf files last tonight. I submitted them to Project Gutenburg. When they have been approved I will be able to provide links so others can download them. I have provided links on my writing page where someone can right click and save as.

It's kind of cool. Around 1995 I was riding a bus from Vancouver to Calgary. I was reading a book and thinking that it would be easy to make an electronic book so the overhead lights wouldn't bother anyone. I drew a picture and described it when I got home and mailed it to myself. I talked about it to a friend of mine who was a programmer, in the industry,David Boles. He didn't think it was a good idea. He wanted to sell used computers to the third world. I felt a little down about it since it was such a good idea. Survival was the highest priority at the time. I put it on the shelf. I lost the envelope in the last 16 years, it's too bad.

So to see that idea happening today and to have two e-books of my own that people can read on an electronic book is cool.

One of my conjectures is What if... Advanced computers are capable of projecting the future; by correlating the data on the populations mass psychological profile collected from bank cards.?

What if... the program is retarded?

What if... the people using the data aren't nice or don't think? We end up with intrusive pop-ups and advertising that say 'Hate this guy' or ones from lawyers asking 'Are you disabled?'

7:21am My thoughts to ponder page showed 15 tweets last night at midnight, it resets to 0 sometimes Analytics showed 22 hits yesterday and 1 this morning, mine. Google is on 24 hours a day.

This morning the tweets read 20, Analytics showed 1, me. Someone was tweeting it between midnight and 6:20 this morning. Google is on 24 hours a day. Where are my stats?

To me that raised a red flag in my mind. There is something wrong!

Is it connected to an editorial of mine on called 'It's Not Just Afghanistan.'?..... Where I wrote, "But here is the catch-22... if the civilised world acts unilaterally to eliminate these groups in countries not directly linked to Sept. 11, but known to support terrorist groups, then hatred for the West will increase and ‘Jihad’ furthered. This is the fear that may sway liberal moderates to pressure for appeasement. If that occurs, then the tentacles of terrorism will remain intact and the civilised world will live in fear for decades and our grand-children will be living in fear and still dealing with the problem while allowing extremism to cement itself further throughout the world."

Saturday, Oct. 20

1:52pm Walked down town. B & B Music has been bought by someone else, but the store is still there and it's still music. Got a new transformer. Saw a new keyboard I would like to have. I could connect it to my computer. Saw some guitars and violins. Not too expensive.

Recorded Song of the Butterfly. It is in memory of 911. One day I was playing it and looking at my sculpture Perceptions, I was thinking of souls, angels... butterflies, rising from the ruins, the ashes of the twin towers.

Stopped at a flea market on the way downtown. I overheard one of the women talk about my screenplay, they really want me to do it here. So do I. People know who I am.

B & B Music... I still need a new transformer. Maybe I'll see a garage sale on the way, maybe I'll find one. 120 v in 12 v out. Simple. Can't find one. Technological transitions can be a bummer sometimes. I'm looking forward to when I can afford a new Yamaha organ and be able to download chords from the net.

We'll be able to 3d print in other materials using nano tech and then we could just make our instruments. Program the closet before we go to bed and it will be there in the morning.

It's where we are going... what the future will be like. When I first got back I ran into someone I have known since grade 5 at Purden, Bill Newman. We made a few runs together. It was good to see him again. He and I had a fight in grade 7, he won. We had another one either in grade 12 or just after, I won. I ran into him again at a strip club in Vancouver. He walked up behind me and said, 'Wanna fight.' I saw him, laughed. We had a beer. He apologised for what he was like. For what happened. It was good for him, good for me.

He was telling me that his son was an engineering student... into nano technology. I was thinking about the 'closet' then... I made sure I wouldn't forget that bit of information. If I ever came into some money and his son was developing nano tech, he would have an investor. I think I mentioned the closet to Bill, maybe he mentioned it to his son. Maybe someone on soul net will spark something in his mind.

I like the chairlift that way.

Sunday, Oct. 21

I'm going to record 'Song of the Butterfly' again today, see if I can get the missing piece to sound right. There are a few notes I didn't include since I couldn't get them to sound right. I'm still working on it. Tone.

I finally got the binder I wrote my music down in. One look at it then I remembered, I played it... no doubt. I'm sure glad I went into the burning building to get them. They would have been lost forever.

Just uploaded the new one. Put it to some digital art and made a new Music Video 'Song of the Butterfly'.

I found a nice spot to stair climb up Cranbrook hill. I went to check out another gulley I saw on google. Found an old tree fort some mountain bikers or kids must have built a long time ago. Found a trail down the gulley from there, a good one. I began running down, it felt good. Looking ahead, watching where my fight have to go.

It's a nice climb up, run and walk down.

Monday, Oct. 22

Hey Ladies... Jambo. Morning beautiful. How's my girl this morning? I was thinking of you.

I am working on my website today, modifying my digital paintings to HD and working on a new music video...

I was looking at my painting of two people holding hands and decided to make another music video with my art.

When your alone, a long distance thought... a virtual cuddle.

Tuesday, Oct. 23

Another day and I'll be able to pay the annual tenure for my property. It's still my home, regardless. It wasn't just a ski cabin... It's really hard loosing your home. I've got a lot of tears in my eyes today. It can be difficult after everything I have gone through the last eight years.

Loosing my home in Chilliwack, even though it was just a 10 x 12 trailer at a skydive dropzone, ending up living in my car, then wandering around on buses, walking, hitching trains, sleeping on benches, leaves. Taking myself to the hospital because I didn't want to kill myself. Having mis-diagnoses about what was going on, experiencing medicaition I didn't need. I wasn't sick... I needed a hug, I needed understanding.

To get back skiing again, feel healthy and fit feels so good, to do that along with discovering my love for music and art, discovering a piece of my own heaven on earth.

For myself, my life experience, my love of people, my love of skiing, my new love for music, photography, my new love for my backyard, the outdoors it was perfect. A cabin, property, a ski hill, a lake, the McGregors... a perfect spot to start again.

Not lifting t's, but living life.

To loose it, even temporarily, is hard. Having to rebuild again, rebuild with no money doesn't bother me so much. A challenge. I have a plan.

Keeping myself busy over the winter will be a challenge.

I read yesterday that a friend from elementry and high school died this year. He was 56 years old. I have fond memories of Jamie. We didn't hang around together, but I always liked him. His name was Jamie Wickstrom. We were both libras.

I remember one weekend. There was a dance at Lakewood. I was walking between classes with Bonnie Erickson, I wanted to ask her to the dance. Before I had a chance she said she was going to a bush party behind Lakewood. I didn't go to those very much, twice I think. I was always skiing or working. I went that friday and ending up sitting in a group in the middle of the football field. Me, Jamie and a couple of other people. We were getting stoned, passing the joint around as Mr. Kuehn, the gym teacher was standing up by the school watching us.

On Monday either he or the principal made an announcment and let us know not to do that. It was funny.

I really wasn't a stoner in high school, though some may have got that impression. Quite the opposite.

I still feel the same way, moderation works. In 40 years I never kept hard alchohol in my home, didn't do drugs except grass during a few short periods and a couple of holidays. I didn't really drink very much except on holidays, I would go overboard sometimes.

I didn't destroy my brain or cause myself brain damage. I know myself.

Believe it or not... my university degree is still valid!

Working on my website. I've been thinking for a long time about a new banner. I thought about it yesterday since it takes up too much space on the screen... so I did it this morning and spending the day updating the different pages. I took the flags down but they are still in the archive.

While doing it I came up with an idea for a new music video... 'Stepping Stones'. I might work on that today to.

I just read what some would call a Private Message on the internet, it read 'Lights illuminate the path to Adams Peak in Sri Lanka'. I wanted to visit there when I was in Sri Lanka. But light does not point to Adams peak in Sri Lanka... incompatible. I believe in truth.

I'm working on the new music video, I've decided to call it 'Silent Sunshine' instead. They fit together. Just saw something while editing, maybe I will call it 'Stepping Stones'. Nope... Silent Sunshine.

It came out really well, just perfect. Even the length. It was 1:09 (My birthday is 10/9), just happened. When that happens I just go with it. I really like the song and the video came out so well.

It is so much fun making music videos.

Wednesday, Oct. 24

Read the Comics this morning... haven't read them in a long time. Funny. Updated my 'Thoughts to Ponder' to separate my Journal and Thoughts to Ponder.

FYI... Uploaded a new music video... Silent Sunshine.

Doing something I love sparked a creative thought that led to ideas about fusion, quantum fields, free electricity, stepping stones to colonization of our galaxy, where meetings with other sentient beings will be warm, soft... Friendly

I submitted Silent Sunshine to the Quantum Shorts Competition for 2012.

I think I will work on my Coffee Table Book today... finished the first 'paste-up' of Home.

Just checked. I can pay my annual rent for my crown land, my property. I won't loose Cando... I can rebuild. I tried to pay it online like property taxes but I can't find the instructions, the account. I'll check tomorrow before I go to the bank.

Thursday, Oct. 25

I was just thinking... How many Bob's on earth? I know I'm the only one born with my DNA, Time and Spatial coordinates, the only one with my spiritual lineage. I like Bob...

My nick name in high school in PG was Num-num numers. I used to say it a lot eating jello in the cafeteria. I always liked numers.

I was thinking of my Aunt and Uncle this morning. They live in Australia and are both in extended care now. They took care of myself and my older brother, Ted for six months when we were children. Our parents sent us there to go to school after we were in East Pakistan for a year and a half. Something to do with the school.

I decided to make them a music video that my cousin can play for them, I call it 'Always'.

A little TLC for my Aunt and Uncle...Thank you for Bonny Hills..

Payed my annual rental on my property this morning... $1,011.00... feels good. November will be tight but I'll make it.

I'm going to take a break today... busy week.

2:03 It's snowing.

Friday, Oct. 26

Snow on the ground... looks nice. Amost Halloween. Growing up in PG the first snow was usually on Halloween. True.

Need to get out to the property and clean up some of the metal from the fire, cover up some dangerous sharp pieces.

With snow on the ground people will start to think about skiing, snowboarding, skidooing...

Was just looking at a photo of the Canadian Consulate in Washington... has collonades, Why? Trying to fit in... peer pressure?

The upper floor sort of looks like SFU. I liked Simon Fraser University, the quadrangle. It was a good place to go to school.

I'm still here.

Saturday, Oct. 27

The three spheres in some of my art... in my old logo... on the front cover of the 'Pocket Guide to Universal Understanding.', do not represent the 'Trinity'... I do not believe in the trinity. I believe in truth.

For those who believe that 'God' raised 'Jesus' from the dead... he walks as one with a living person, in the light, the soul... he is that person. Just as Alexander the Great is that person, just as Marcus Aurelius is that person, just as Leonardo da Vinci is that person, just as Thomas Weaver is that person, just as Terry Fox is that person, just as Micheal P. Murphy is that person, just as Audie Murphy is that person, just as Patrick Swayze is that person, just as Gene Kelly is that person, just as the 'Aga Khan' light is that person, just as Gilgamesh is that person. The're in a good light.

Methusalah's light is that person.

Just discovered a cool website.... Art of Manliness. I am Man!

Food for thought.

The three spheres in my art and writing have to do with spheres of understanding, knowledge.

I just checked and the books I submitted to Project Gutenberg have been approved. I checked by searching my name, Robert W. Nelmes, they both showed up. It's cool... they will be saved for others to read as e-books.

It is the the way the future will be... now!

Kudos to all of the unsung heros... all of their work helps to make our world a safer place... not a more dangerous one.

Was playing a melody of mine I like and decided to do a video. I spent the afternoon modifying some of my paintings for HD and added the music... I call it 'Velvet Fingers.'

Sunday, Oct. 28

I was thinking last night of a new video. When I'm skiing by some cute girls or when some cute girls walk by I sometimes say, 'Hey Ladies...' or 'Hello Ladies'. I do it with all age groups. Just part of my personality. So I'm going to do one called, 'Hey... Ladies'.

I've got enough paintings that I can mix and match based on different meanings... different perspectives. Small little stories with art and music.

I should do one called 'The Bob Code' too!

I was working on the new video and thought of one I want to do called, 'School Song'. I don't have the ability to do the special effects I want to use showing a future class room and the walls as high def screens. Students and teachers interacting from different cultures... students sharing projects in real time... a high school in Canada interacting in real time with a one room school on a boat in Bangladesh. But I decided to the video anyway with my art. I can always do another version later.

School Song.

Just saw an article in National Geographic called 'Lucy's Baby, a born climber?' We all are! Genetics.

Monday, Oct. 29

Finished another music video. I began working on one I thought of calling 'When all seems lost'... it became 'Water Ice' when I noticed all the paintings were connected to water, H2O... life. I chose 'Water Ice' from some lyrics by 'Cat Stevens', I used to play his music a lot in my homemade walkman skiing in the 70's. Serendipitious Synchronicity.

I took a dictaphone down to an electronics store and had them hardwire some headphones into it, I saw someone at Sunshine with one. I made a leather harness and case. The straps went around my shoulders and the case sat on my stomach so if I fell I it would be protected. I took it with me when I went helicopter skiing in Blue river once. I asked the guide if I could use it on the last run. He said sure. I got into it and lost everyone else... I doubled back and found their tracks. I'm careful now when I use music skiing. Senses.

Added a couple of paintings to the gallery. As ENIAC is to the Jaguar, the Jaguar and Titan will be to the Qbit... the golf ball sized quantum computer we will all have.

Just saw a video of someone kite boarding in Hurricane Sandy... that appeals to me. Looks like fun. Reminds me of when I was using my Stiletto canopy to wing ski along the plain at the top of Mtn in Smithers on windy days... it was fun. Holding an edge at high speed was something, I even got it to go uphill.

Tuesday, Oct. 30

I am going to talk about something this morning because yesterday when I was trying to record some music, some incompatible souls were trying to stop me from playing the piano. That is wrong! They cannot seem to understand that it really is my ability, not theirs.

I really don't like pirates... living and dead. Stoned and mentally ill at the same time are some of the worst. Others are the souls of violent murderers and the criminally insane. There is no such think as 'hell' where they are contained, they just go to compatible lives, likeminds and do it again or try to. Some leave their lives and try to 'steal' a living person, a nice person, a loving person and stay inside when they are not compatible in thought.

Criminal or irrational thought has no place in a loving person, it won't work. The person, their forumula, their brain, their life experience, their accumulated experience, their spiritual lineage won't accept it.

Just as... a spirit cannot force a cougar to attack a man.

Please don't give me your headaches.

One of the bonuses to the quantum field will be a container that a quantum soul cannot get out of. We will finally be able to stop them from stealing life, we will finally be able to 'suck' them up. We will finally be able to track them, their wavelength, their frequency, their space time co-ordinates, their guantum signature.

With them contained we will be able to use technology in the quantum state to have them go through a process that will teach their conciousness common sense, so when they are 'cured'/'fixed' their souls will emerge smiling saying, 'Boy, was I ever stupid.' or 'Boy, was I ever sick.'

They would see the wonder of life again.

For most of us, our spiritual lineage, reincarnation and angel investors ensure the wonder of life. Compatibility works.

Wednesday, Oct. 31

Went to the bank this morning to get rent money, cheques burned in the fire. Stopped at Save-On and a stranger talking to others referring to me said, 'He's the one with the tear." Why would that occurr? Did he see my video 'Water Ice'? If so, then others have also. If so, then why does youtube show only 1 view? I had a remcom and a few vircoms last night.

Remcom ~ Rem sleep communication, different from a dream or nightmare, meant as communication.

Vircom ~ Virtual communicatons, a communication in thought with your soulmate, your spiritual children.

The vercoms were with my soulmate and her girls, the spirits with me, my girls. She was being a milkmaid... it was so nice. Each vercom felt so loving until some pirate would insert their thought that wasn't compatible with me or the girls. The girls get so mad at the spooks, the pirates who get in the way, they try to be me or my girl, not possible.

Having a vercom with 4 to 5 female spirits who love me is so comforting, so loving. It is like you can feel their presence in spirit, in bed with you. I can also in thought hold them, it comforts tnem so much... I can feel it.

That's why compatibility in mind and spirit works so well.

The remcom had to do with suitcase nukes. I found some photographs on the internet 8 years ago that in thought had to do with a plot to use a suitcase nuke to blow up the Canadian Parliament buildings. The photograph was of a crystal ball with the parliament buildings, a transit bus, and an aluminum suitcase. Briefcases are not generaly aluminum. Another photograph had to do with a torpedo with a timer on it in a sunken ship which led to the HCMS McKenzie. Another photograph had to do with a guy in combat pants drawing a picture in the sand of a small parachute with something attached being dropped into a buildings piping. Air conditioning.

The photographs were connected in thought. Not just mine.

Combining what I had found with experiences I had with who I know was a terroist named EOM on a message board, them knowing me, the missing files, the phone calls, the tempo station, the police station, the helicopter, the black tougues(way too many)... I came to the conclusion that something was really happening.

I was really worried about Vancouver... the sulphur pile... the Strait of Juan de Fuca... atomic blast... a tidal wave.

I had a nightmare 8 years ago when I was living in my trailer at the dropzone in Chiliwack. I was standing about 20ft away from one of those portable outhouses, there was a nuclear blast, I saw the outhouse go up in flames as the blast hit it. I didn't feel anything. I woke up. No... I didn't die.

The remcon last night had one suitcase nuke that didn't go off around the period when I was living in Quesnel. Later in the remcom there was another one, plastic, orange with an antenna on it. There are some people, some spirits who keep wanting to blow something up.

I don't worry about it to much anymore... Not much scares me anymore.

I talked about my nuclear nightmare last night and this evening, wikipedia's featured picture is of a nuclear explosion. Plus I stumbled upon a site with questions about a possible nuclear explosion thousands of years ago. Evidence of radioactive ash and other questions. True? I don't know. Possible... maybe.

Thursday, Nov. 1, 2012 ~ 2306 Cando Era

Was just thinking about the Cando date I use. Starting from Jan. 1 2010 for the Cando Era. I have just been using a sequential number system but I think it is necessary to include the year. So I am just going to count the days of the year and tack the number of years in front. So today would actually be, 2306 of the Cando Era. Simpler.

Layed in bed this morning thinking it would be real nice if my girl was in bed with me. My girl liked it, we could feel one another. We could lay there talking and dreaming about what we want to do, the cabin, where we want to go, what we want to see. We would come up with something together to do today with our art, music and video. Our age difference was other peoples problem, not ours. Something they have to accept, not us.

It was real nice... until some pirate tried to be me and some pirate tried to be her, inside my light. Doesn't work. Some pirates tried to stop us on purpose. Irrational.

Knowing how she really feels and how I really react and feel is nice. Compatibility to the nth.

I've talked earlier about a female soul with me that is compatible with myself and my soulmate. Last winter I was talking to a man at the lodge at Purden, he was talking about Roswell. An alien spacecraft crashed at that location. I told him that one of the aliens who died was a female. He didn't bat an eyelash. Her soul is with me, though she is from another planet she is compatible in thought with me. The first time I became aware of her was in the lodge at Smithers. She was with a young child, they are innocent, natural loving thought. She was eating the small sour candies that come in a roll. She looked at me and in a moment I knew she was communicating at the same time. She was saying, 'They taste sour.', but referring to the people around us, around me, what they feel like for her. I understood.

She is compatible with me... I cannot handle sour either. My soulmate and I have adopted her in my light. First Contact has already occurred for me.

Knowing myself, I can't even fathom ever hurting anyone. I was hitchhiking back to Purden one day, there was a bumble bee on it's back on the side of the road.

It was still alive, but suffering. I had great difficulty just leaving it there to die slowly, I looked at it... I couldn't do it. I also had great difficulty giving it a quick death. Putting my foot on it was hard... I did it though.

That is what I am like.

I sent an email to the RCMP with a query on their website. I still do not have a reply. In this day of high technology, communications, many sites have at least an automatic acknowledgment of receipt. I should have received a reply by now. I have not. I think it is indicitive of the smoke and mirrors that exist in what we see and hear in media about our country, our society and reality.

Whenever I see a winter scene with a cabin, I think of mine. I sure miss it. Friday, Nov. 2, 2012 ~ 2307 Cando Era

I think I'll check out the library today and maybe do some laundry.

I wish I could find an adpater for my camera to charge the barrery, then I could take some video, check out shots for my screenplay, 'Scar Creek'. I wonder if I could make one? Should check on the net and the library.

Was looking at the net and looking at the adapter plugged in the wall for my massager, it will work! All I need to do is find a way to attach the wire to the posts on the battery.

Need to find an adapter to transfer from the camera to my laptop, firewire to mini-firewire isn't going to work. I need to go from mini-firewire to mdmi or usb.

Otherwise there is no point to the battery charger. Checking on the net they aren't that available. There is a place in town that may have one, or be able to fabricate one. I can check that out on the way to the library today.

I typed something into the wrong spot on my computer, came up with a google search for my website. I stumbled upon an editiorial my father wrote and submitted to my old website It still applies today, he even got the part about communication from my views on the internet. We didn't always butt heads. What he was saying still applies today. It is serendipitious that I stumbled on to it after reading about the billion dollars being spent on the Parliament buildings.

He was a very smart man.

He was an international paper making consultant for much of his career. He was liked by the locals everywhere he worked, everywhere he went. I used to love to go visit them. I would learn so much. I remember thinking in Chilliwack that I should recommend my father for the Order of Canada since he did so much for our image everywhere he was. Life got in the way. He wasn't a mercenery, he really cared, he tried to teach. I miss him.

Sometimes when I was working on the property, the cabin I could feel him with me. There were a few times when he would think about how he rolled his cig in his t-shirt sleeve as a young man. I would know he was walking with me then. His spirit was learning.

I received this video through my channel on youtube... she has a real nice voice and presence, a natural. Miss Joelle

Saturday, Nov. 3, 2012 ~ 2308 Cando Era

Exercise today.

Didn't get to the library yesterday, no real need. I was going to walk down and take out some movies. Don't need to... the internet. Was going to check out notches for my cabin... don't need to... the internet.

I may go down when I need to print something out or just relax in a comfortable environment with other people... I was reading yesterday that the USS Enterprise is being decommissioned. They are going to bury the reactors in Washington state. The reactors have operated safely for 50 years. Why are we not considering this technology for cities, towns? The spent fuel can now be sent to the sun. We have the technology.

It could be a good interim solution until such time as we have fusion in a basketball... grapefruit... and then... golf ball.

Present energy structure... infrastructure... basis of whole economy... the transition to the new source reguires a smooth transition due to global economic impact... it will take time... planning... it will alter the very definition and structure of the world economy.

Focus less on methanol, gas and other temporary fuels that would alter infrastructure unnecessarily while developing the revolutionary energy source.

The new source will mean much of the worlds energy infrastructure will become obsolete. It will need to be dismantled, re-cycled. Hydro, dams, poles, gas stations.

It cannot happen over night without needs met... we all need to live... ie. jobs affected.

It will be easier in a peaceful world with needs met.

Imagine such a world.

There would be no fear, no locks, no borders, no want, no need, no crime, no war.

Sorry John Lennon, but there will still be possesions. Because people like me will still need ski boots to fit their unique feet. Genetics.

Yes, there will still be a need for ski boots in the future, probably forever.... because it is fun to ski down a mountain, jump in the air.

Our nature is not going to change. Our true nature is one of love.

Climbed up cranbrook hill this afternoon. It was fine in the snow. When it is deeper I will be able to make steps in the steep section. Stair climbing. Coming down was more fun on the steep section since I wasn't afraid to fall with snow on the ground. I was able to slide, it was fun.

Sunday, Nov. 4, 2309 Cando Era

There is no such thing as evil, but we have evil. Why?

Just checked, missed the Ski Club's ski and board swap. Can't afford it right now anyway.

I was looking through my art for a new video and found one I like but isn't in my gallery. It shows my girl, my soulmate in spirit riding a horse. It is a reflection of my personality, my sense of humor... of my soulmates.

Food for thought. Though my website serves as a studio, I still need a workshop for my wood sculptures. I love working with wood.

Found another painting that I did a while ago that I have put on my gallery page. It reflects how I'm feeling right now. I call it Broken Heart.

Found another painting that I did of the sign for 'Libra'. I re-did it for HD and while doing so saw that the arms looked like feet. So I put a high arch in the feet. I have a wide foot with a high arch, they help with balance. I call the painting 'Sole of Foot.'

Our feet, our hands, our eyes, our ears, our minds = The ultimate all terrain vehicle.

I recorded a new song today. I have dedicated it to my Spiritual Lineage. I call it Kudos. Still need to do the video.

Spiritual Lineage are all the souls that reincarnate/go forward in mind/in spirit with/as a living person. Their soul is one.

That is why I am who I am.

When I pulled my own tooth two summers ago it came out with the roots. I did a painting of it without a background and then forgot about it. I put the tooth on my pendent and wear it around my neck. It's a prop in my screenplay, 'Scar Creek'. I found the tooth today looking at paintings for the video. I put a backgound on it and thought of pearly whites, but I also thought of roots.

It fits the video.

Just finished the video... Kudos.

I'm watching a movie called Airborne, one of the characters jumped from the tower scared as hell, when he got to the bottom he said, 'Hey, this ain't to bad'.

It reminded me of my first jump. I was scared, I'm afraid of heights. I had to yell 'Geronimo' to get out the door. I climbed out onto the strut and hung there. When I let my feet off the wheel and floated in the air, I felt weightless. I loved it. I didn't have a problem letting go at all.

Monday, Nov. 5, 2310 Cando Era

Remember the movie Beetlejuice. I think some members of the Lakewood Lakers are still in the waiting room.

Just finished a video displaying my kudos, sculptures of musical notes and seeds. The music contains movements from a song I am working on.

Planting seeds. They are teaching aids. I call it 'A Chord'.

Walked down to see if a computer store had a solution for my xl2 and laptop. No go. Not a big deal, I really don't need right now.

While I was out I noticed a women glance at my crotch, a lot do, from 16 to 60. I don't mind, it means they are interested. I like how many young women look. It's kinda cool.

It's naturally normal to do it. She shook her head. Something was stopping her own mind. It's not wrong for her to look at my crotch. I think she has learned something else or a spirit with her is trying to make her believe something else.

Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2311 Cando Era

Tolerating is just intolerance at arms length, it is not understanding.

This morning some spooke got in the way of me and my girl while I was masturbating, I don't like it. Please understand that.

The mind of the person getting in the way was of the state that thought it was just another day. Doesn't belong in my life, my light.

If you wake up in the morning and go, "Oh shit, another day." There's something wrong. Please understand that.

You must heal yourself to heal your soul. Stealing from another doesn't help.

Digitally remastered 'Waves of Warmth' this morning. I notice the lense is dirtier than I wanted and it is out of focus. I was still learning when I made it.

If you look closely you can see blood on the right leg of my ski pants. I skier high on drugs hit me when I asked him to clean up. I cared. I didn't back down. I didn't hit back. He walked away.

I really like white, I have liked wearing a white turtleneck since I was a kid. I used to wear it under my pads in peewee football and skiing all the time. It took me a while to find one. I like that one I have on.

11:55 am I just re-recorded Waves of Warmth for mp3, I didn't have one, just had it on video. While recording, near the end a spirit tried to be me inside my own life. It didn't affect the music, but made it more difficult, tried to take over my arms while I drum between movements. After recording I spoke to it and got a recording of it. For real!

Went out to pic some cherries today, I noticed some walking up 15th yesterday and picked some. I made some rollups and some tea and they tasted good so I went and picked a whole bunch today. They are just starting to soften so I am going to make some jam, try to make a litre of wine and save some for tea.

I really got into doing it with blackberries in Chilliwack, blueberries living at my cabin. Have to start planning for spring soon. Everything I will need to rebuild. It will be fun to build by hand, from scratch using mostly deadfall.

I was walking home and it began to snow. Looking at all the snowflakes I thought about how each is unique, each one is beautiful. I thought about pixel upon pixel, all in an instant. Every snowflake, a life.

Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2312 Cando Era

In 1968, this was my favourite toy.

Updated the sculpture page, included a large photo of Perceptions.

Comics were funny this morning, we need a Peanut Butter street.

Thursday, Nov. 8, 2313 Cando Era

I'm not a weekend warrior. Though I am not a soldier, though I do not get paid to ski, though I no longer get paid to wear a suit, though I do not get paid for my art or website... I am a professional.

In grade 12 English, at PGSSS, I wrote a story where I was on the moon in a small control room. My job was to push a button if all was lost on earth. The character woke up as if it was a nightmare, just as in 'The Wizard of Oz'. The teacher would not mark it. He stood in front of the class and told everyone he wouldn't do it, it wasn't professional. It devestated me, I cried at home most of the night. It was just an anti war story, I was a student.

What did the teacher teach?

The story inspired my digital painting of the view from Moon Base Alpha. I call it Home, because you can see earth in the painting. The button can be seen on the control panel. A small golf ball sized quantum computer and source of power. It fits in the indentation to activate the panel.

Recorded a song today for the Disco at Moon Base Alpha.

Friday, Nov. 9, 2314 Cando Era

Climbed up Cranbrook hill this morning. Found a couple of gullies cross country I can use for stair climbing. Another trail leading to the terraced cliffs.

There was an old rope tied to a branch on a steep pitch. It was under the mud and not visable so I lifted it up and tied it to a tree to use later. I will need to trim some more branches but I have found a really good route to stay in shape, one that exercises my whole body and cardio.

I was thinking while sitting on a rock on the top terrace of the shale pit that it would make a really good park, a different kind of one. One designed for exercise, not just walking.

Without a vehicle or spare change I have to walk around Prince George to get anywhere. While walking around I come across a lot of stoned people, young, adult, old. I see it everywhere. Drugs aren't a recreational sport. I see it in children, in professionals, in the indigent, in the school, in recreation, in the office, in the sick.

I'm glad I didn't do a lot of drugs as a teenager, young man or as an adult. They change the chemical structure of the brain. Experimentation when young, and extremely sporadic use as an adult ensured I didn't destroy my bain. Wanting the facts in information I received ensured I interpreted the world around me based on truth.

Natural chemicals play a large role in the development and structure of the brain, it's neural net, it's connections.

They change how and what is hardcoded in the brain. Abuse will destroy the structure of the brain.

They change how you see and interpret things around you. How you interact with others. They change how souls interact and communicate with one another. It affects soul net.

They change your reality.

Even pharmaceuticals will change the structure, so if there is misdiagnosis or abuse and taken when not needed, they are unnecessarily changing the living brain of a normal person, their reality. Short term damage can be reversed by stopping and being treated correctly. Long term acceptance changes the persons reality.

Young people need to ensure their living brain develops normally so their core mind is healthy, so they can make rational decisions in life based on reality.

Our medical system has to ensure it is not prescribing the wrong chemicals to a person, just writing a prescription isn't the answer.

We need a normal healthy brain, healthy senses, and factual information as input in order to see and understand the world around us. To see Reality.

When we all see reality we will understand.

Take care of your own brains. It is imperative for you and your spiritual lineage. It will help all of us.

Saturday, Nov. 10, 2315 Cando Era

I've talked a little about my spiritual lineage. A few of the people who have come forward in mind as me. I'm thinking about about some others I have come to know about and whether I should talk about it. Though I know some of my previous lives, this is the only life I have ever known.

While thinking this, I just felt one of my girls, the angels with me, who will be with me after I die or with me in life if I meet a compatible girl, one they can walk with, can live with, a likemind. They do not go forward as me, they are girls, they go with me. They will be my girlfriend, my wife.

I have a plaque I got when I was 18, teaching skiing at 100 steps in PG. When I look at it. I think of a girl. I know her angel is thinking about me. She loves me so much. There are times when she has the feelings she had in the moments we were together in life just before she was kicked out of her life, the one she was walking with, the one she was going forward with. It was the only life to that moment that she knew.

Another angel with me for similar reasons, has the same feelings when I look at the digital painting of two rabbits kissing. The moments span about 10 years, moments of crossing paths in life and in spirit with her angel. Also, it was the only life she knew

They are both with me. I love them both so much.

My girls and I will be colonizing the galaxy together as a couple.

When I began making up lyrics for my work song 'The great ship Cando'. Lyrics like: I've got a hammock, on the gun deck, of the great ship Cando.

The great ship thought came from my thinking of the interior of my cabin being like the great cabin on a man of war sailing ship, which come from my thoughts of HMS Victory, a ship I have always been attracted to, one I wanted to visit but couldn't afford to in my budget at the time.

The backporch was like the balconey off the back of the great cabin and also the fly off the island on an aircraft carrier.

I miss singing it. I would just make it up as I was looking at things or experiancing things around my cabin and property.

To force thought on someone when you are not of likemind to themselves or their spiritual lineage is to steal free will.

For a spirit or group of spirits not of likemind to force their thought on the living is to steal free will, is to steal life, is identity theft. It is a crime.

I believe in free will. Compatibility of minds and spirit works. Piracy doesn't, stealing home doesn't.

Saturday, Nov. 11, 2316 Cando Era

I was watching 'Knowing' last night, there is a scene where a plane crashes with the left wing touching. I immediatly thought of a nightmare I had a long time ago, where I was in an airplane as it was landing, sitting in an aisle seat on the left side, I was looking out the left window seeing the left wing touching, the plane bursting into flame, breaking up. I remember walking away forwars from the aircraft, flames all around. I don't die in my nightmares.

Sunday, Nov. 11, 2317 Cando Era

I had a dream last night where I woke from a nap and my girl was cuddling up to me on me right side, I liked it.

Remembrance day today. I marched in the parade in Prince George once when I was an Air Cadet. Wasn't to cold that day. I still think about my dad's adopted brother Uncle John on Remembrance Day, he had to bail out of a Lancaster, I also think about his Uncle, I still have some statuettes he brought back from WW1, my Grandfather, mom's dad, he was wounded at Flanders Fields, machine gunned in the legs. My grandmother said she loved to dance, his wounds got in the way. I also think of others I crossed paths with, like Archie Campbell, he was a medic a Canadain in the British commandos who went in on the left flank in the Dieppe raid, he ended up being a prisoner of war for 7 years. I think about Audie Murphy too. For quite a while now I have spent Sept. 11 the same way. Honoring those who died so senselessly. I wrote a song for them, that can apply for today as well. Song of the Butterfly

I just watched a couple of young women, I think they go to UNBC outside across the street smoking, maybe cigs, maybe marijuana. It still surprises me now that I have quit smoking how many educated young people are smoking both cigarettes and marijuana. It is like so many have accepted it as a recreational sport and are on a marijuana marathon 24/7. Not good. It's not a marathon of hope. I'm a believer in moderation.

There are still times when I wish I had seeds so I could grow my own plant. I know I can moderate myself. The prevelent acceptance of abusing it bothers me. Growing it myself I would know it is not laced with crack, meth, cocaine, opium, horse dewormer or anything else, plus the Hells Angels and others wouldn't profit from it.

The only time I grew my own I gave most of it away. The thought of seeling it never even occurred to me. I wouldn't have anyway. The Hells Angels found out and told me to 'pay my taxes', I said no, I wasn't going to, they told me to start running. I didn't. I won't. They really don't like the idea of people growing their own and keeping their money.

I'm trying to make some wine from the cherry's I picked, the juice is good but they aren't fermenting very well.

Allowing people to grown their own and eliminating the distributors would go a long way to defeating organized crime.

For those who believe life has no purpose... you give yourself purpose.

Is your purpose to cause chaos or help build a world of no borders, no locks, no fear?

Do you derail a train of thought and destroy the world or allow free will and have heaven on earth?

Climbed Cranbrook hill this afternoon. Took the machete and trimmed some spikes off a log. I'll be able to cross it now and not worry about falling.

Monday, Nov. 12, 2318 Cando Era

Things are not right in my little corner of the world this morning.

I stumbled upon a neat site this morning... Free Cabin Porn. It has a lot of pictures of cabins people have built. I sure miss mine. If it hadn't burned down I would still be home. The suite I am in is just temp, it isn't home. I miss my freedom, I miss the outdoors, I miss my yard, I miss my terrace, I miss my creek, I miss climbing, I miss playing my organ without headphones on. I miss being able to just go out, climb and go skiing, or pick berries, or find a cool piece of wood. I miss feeling alive.

The light after you die, is the light of a compatible likeminded life. I have discovered from the events in Libya that a persons soul, their light, will go 'home' to it's compatible likeminded life, spiritual home instantly. It doesn't get delivered, it doesn't get picked up and then brought there by any spirit. It will arrive naturally. We do not all go to the same light. Lights are lives. My true soul contains all the souls, 'lights' of the lives that came forward in life as me, they do not leave, they cannot be removed. They feel what I feel. As souls arrive they will either stay and walk with me as me, or they will go instantly to a likemind as I crosspaths with them. It is the natural process. To remove them prematurely is wrong, it is stealing from them. To climb into my life with a group of souls and believe that you can push me out of the way, or make me be someone else is missinformed, it is not possible. To believe that you become my family and you can take turns inside my life is misinformed. It is what I call piracy. You deny the living their life and those compatible souls their heaven. You deny all of us our heaven on earth.

My soulmate and her lineage are with me along with the souls of girls compatible with my soulmate that were either kicked out of their lives by pirate souls, or came to her naturally as I crossed paths with them. I call the souls that had their lives stolen lost angels, my girls.

If a soul is removed from my life by some pirate soul and placed with another life, another light, it would not really be compatible. They come home all the time. If I cross paths with a lost soul it will come home instantly.

Sometimes the pirates will place an incompatible soul inside my light to make it appear as if sour are attracted to me, they are not. That is what Charon of mythology does, what the guy in the boat swinging an oar in 'Michelangelo's The Last Judgment.' inside the Sistine chapel is doing. Making hell for Jesus and his soulmate by putting incompatible spirits inside their lights, their lives, inside an ancient souls life. The incompatible souls don't like being there, they are confused, they have been deceived.

They should be in compatible lives.

They framed and murdered Jesus to do it, they are trying to do the same thing with me, since the soul of Jesus came forward in life as me, just as Alexander did, just as Marcus Arileus did, just as Leonardo Da Vinci did, just as my great grandfather Thomas Weaver did. Awareness is a wonderful thing. They cannot succeed.

In the natual world, the painting would have Jesus and his soulmate smiling, happy and all those walking with them, around them smiling and happy.

I love my soulmate so much... her love is unconditional.

Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2319 Cando Era

Created my own channel on Vimeo, rwnelmes.

Boy, am I ever being attacked today. Not good.

FYI... Judgement day hasn't happened yet! Charon and Peter are in deep shit.

Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2320 Cando Era

Woke up early this morning, someone who is stoned connected to my mind, it is awful, not natural. I'm clean, I haven't even had a cup of coffee in two weeks. I don't have a stoned mind, stoned cell memory, brain damage. Whoever it is has a cloudy, slow mind. Different thought process. Things are very wrong. Good thing their soul, their light will go to a compatible life when I cross paths with one.

When a person dies, if there are incompatible spirits inside their life, the spirits will automatically go to their compatible lives. There will no longer be a body for them to attach themselves to, climb inside and stowaway. The soul created will be one with their spiritual lineage. Incompatible souls, incompatible thought cannot go forward with that light, that soul, they will be left behind. They cannot turn right, when their soul, their mind is going left.

That is how I know my soulmate and I will be together, we will be walking side by side. Always.

Recorded 'Tree of Knowledge' this morning, I remembered that I didn't have it recorded except in my 'Trees of Knowledge' video.

So I made another video with my art representing one tree.

Working on a film short about the cabin that burned down. I am still going to call it 'Saving my Cabin'. I lost all my video footage but I have stills so I can use those and narrate.

Thursday, Nov. 15, 2321 Cando Era

I stumbled on a picture of Britney Spears holding a snake onstage last night. I liked her hair, the wind blown look. I am petrified of snakes.

When I was a child in East Pakistan we were warned about crates, they were in the grass, if you got bit you would last about 15 secounds. There was a small family of them living under the steps. We ran around in bare feet anyway. When I was in Sri Lanka I ran into a huge snake on a tea plantation, I ran like hell.

My dad put a dead snake, I think a cobra on the the hood of the care one day just to scare me. He's afraid of snakes too, he laughed. I was a gardener for a week in Brisbane, Australia once. Dead snake skins all over the place, in the flower bed, under the house. Scared the hell out of me.

After not having television or consistant electricity for the last 3 years, I am O.D. ing on movies and the internet right now. Srarting to wear off.

Going to go out and make some drum sticks and a batton today. Get some exercise. Whenever I've had a long stick in my hand, even as a little kid, I would always slap it against my calf or twirl it in my fingers. I found working on my property, I still do it.

I don't understand the desire for tattoos. I cannot imagine having a drawing permanently put on my skin, my body. Small ones don't bother me, but large ones, or numeous ones on arms, faces, chests, bother me. I don't understand the rational for doing it. I don't like looking at them very long. It is a turn off. I'm just being honest.

I have enough scars for conversation, each one a memory, each one a lesson. Scar Creek.

I just had an experience I didn't like going to Save-on. I got ambushed as I left my suite and at the cashier, attacked by pirate souls, the cashier was nice, they weren't. They were causing me discomfort while I was interacting with a girl, it is awful when it happens. I have to hold back from getting mad at the pirate souls interfering in my life. It is all so unnecessary. Incompatible to myself and my soulmate, souls trying to steal life because they wake up in compatible lives. They leave and try to steal someone elses.

The group that does this all the time, the 'blink of the eye crowd' they climb inside me and project their sour minds hiding my true mind from others. They force a reaction, they make war.

They do it to hide how many pirates are stealing life from people with decision making positions and hiding their minds from the majority of souls in compatible lives.

They force an innocent to feel their sour minds, so they go unnoticed, so they can relay a calm mind to their chaotic one, so they can hide.

Up and down is fake, we do not have good and evil souls in all of us. Good and 'evil', personality types, go to different lights, compatible lives. The group that puts 'evil' souls, with opposite personalities in good people to create 'down' steal and destroy an innocent life, commit murder to cover up their own minds.

When I die, your souls go back to your lives or compatible lives, lights. If your life was hell, you will wake up in your own living hell, you will wake up with your own sickness, your own mental illness, your own schizophrenia, your own nastyness, your own ciminal mind. If you were like that, that is where you will go. Rather than leaving the life, I suggest you walk as one, silently help that person forward, away from their sour mind thereby helping them and your soul since it will learn by staying with a compatible life and walking as one. Use your knowledge of the truth to help them. Then you will both or all go forward, inproving on yourselves. Compatible with a greater number of people.

When I know there are compatible souls walking with me, souls that love the way I ski or how I play the piano, or how I love being creative, how I love helping people, it is wonderful. I'm playing, I'm skiing, but they are too. They are feeling my love for what I love, and feel their love, their passion again, like they are doing it, when I am.

My life, my true mind, the one that creates my soul, is not hell for me. I won't wake up in hell! I know myself, that is why I get mad at the pirate souls, reflecting their personalities back at them. Like holding the mirror in front of Medusa and the hissing snakes. The souls putting incompatible souls in my life so it feels like hell for those souls and make it difficult for me are doing the wrong thing. They do not go forward, they will end up, for the first time in human history, in compatible likeminds. Their 'club' will be closed! ie: Charon, Gugalana, Bulldjinn, Meglomaniac, Peter will wake up in likeminds and have to walk with them, go to sleep. I will not carry them! Bulldjinn and the rabid wolves with their sour milk are not going forward in my light. It is not scientifically possible. Just reality, likeminds attract.

When they are not plugged in unnatually I really am a nice quiet guy. I am one with my lineage!

Do you understand what I am saying?

If you read 'What if... Your Head Isn't Empty?' your reactions to the conjectures will be a reflection of yourself. Not of me. Likewise your reaction to 'The Pocket Guide to Universal Understanding.' Like the mirror in the allegory about Medusa. When girls grow up to have bodies of women, it is food for thought. It is natural. What can I say, I am a guy, I'm single, high libido, I like girls, I look! I watched two movies with Hillary Duff in them. The first one she is a grown women, mid twenties. Looked pretty good. The second one she was just a teenager, a child, maybe 14 or 15. I didn't see her sexually at all. If you stumble upon this Hillary, the red and blue checker dress in the movie 'Beauty and a briefcase'... they are your colors... hot! I like that dress on a girl. That dress and the wind blown hair look. wow. If a future girl friend is reading this, please take note.

I see them as kids, learning. Fun to watch some times. With that knowledge it is much easier to be a mentor, or role model and stay at arms length. When I was teaching skiing in the 70's, even in 2010 the teenage girls were always practising being women, laying on the ground saying 'Pick me up' coats open, sunglasses and a models stance, jumping in the backyard with a t-shirt and then taking it off to wear a bra. Will he look? They try, they are practising. It is natural... to know this, to accept this, to protect them, to guide them... is to be an adult.

I am a pretty good skier, when I began wearing bright colors, yellow, red, blue in Smithers and Purden I started to see young people wearing the same colors, bright colors. It felt good. One day a young man stood in front of me in the lodge at Purden in a red jacket and yellow pants, I didn't mind. He held his hands out, I said, 'Nice colors'. He felt better. One day a young women showed up with yellow pants and a beautiful purple jacket. I liked it, I let her know nice colors. Another day I say a young man wearing the same colors saying, 'You caught me.' It was funny. It is a big responsibility when children and young people emulate you. One day I was visiting my sister when my niece was down with her children. Her daughter was wearing yellow pants and a sweatshirt with peace signs on it. I knew she was looking at my website. I was so flattered. I have loved her and her brothers since she was a child at her aunts wedding, she was only 6 then I think. We danced. I don't know the kids very well. I've only seen them 3 or 4 times, but my love is unconditional. When I think about what the singer is wearing in a video I would like to make about a modern classroom for my song 'School Song', I have her dressed in the bright colorful outfit my great niece was wearing.

The more color on a ski hill and in everyday life, the better.

I just recorded 'Yellow Chair' and near the end a pirate soul climbed inside my life and started screaming 'xxxxsucker' at me. Different than the last time. I got a recording again as I stopped playing. You can hear me say 'Bastards' and then it saying 'xxxxsucker' about three times. That soul is so awful. Doesn't belong, doesn't like music, doesn't like me. Tries to stop me.

Now to go get some wood for drumsticks and a baton. Found another path straight up right at the end of 5th. Good for exercise.

The pirate who climbed inside with their sour milk fought me all the way up. They lost... if they do not stop, their real living lives will have a heart attack while they are sitting on the couch. Their bodies will rebel to the signal my senses are sending from my body to my brain, thought they are stealing from me.

Their hearts will not be able to stand my signal, my heart is healthy, theirs isn't. It will explode. I'm not trying to hurt anyone, biology, science! Truth. Stop it! I am not going to stop being myself. Found some wood.

FYI: Speaking French should not be a requirement for a government job or a political position in Canada. The proportion of the population of Canada and the world that speak French is too small. Greater numbers speak other languages such as english, chinese, spanish, hindi, urdu and arabic. We need to wake up!

Some very qualified people cannot go forward in their careers in Canada, they get passed over, plateaued because they do not speak French, it is ridiculous!


The little keyboard on the lower right of my laptop with choices, one being Canadian Multilingual ie. french, Q'ud me stating my opinion on unnecessary enforced bilingualism.

Friday, Nov. 16, 2322 Cando Era

Began editing my journal for publishing as an ebook. It starts on May 7, 2009 in Smithers after I went back skiing, while I was building I may include photos and my paintings as I did them. 267 pages unedited. I am going to put the entries in chronological order. It starts the day I got my photogaph taken. I am going to use it for the book.

I watched a movie from Iran last night, The Kingdom of Solomon. I put aside any preconceived thoughts about politics, religion and enjoyed the movie. It is well done. It rings true in a lot of areas, authentic for the period. They may not have had all the technolgy we have, it may not be in HD, but it is very well done.

Kudos to the director and writer, Shahriar Bahrani and the actor who played Solomon, Amin Zendegani. He gave a believable portrayal of Solomon.

The small lights are a good representation of our souls in a quantum state. The shadows were a good way to visualize pirate souls stealing life. The only scene I had a problem with were the boats flying through the air at the end.

The comics on this morning are funny. A lot of statements, messages. Good ones.

Just checked the weather report. If my cabin had not burned down I would probably be skiing by now.

I was just looking at the Panama Canal on google earth. Reminded me of a thought I had around 1997, how big would ships be today if the Panama canal was a 100' wider?

Editing my journal I came across an entry for June 29, 2009 that applies for today. "To all those in uniform cleaning up the house... special forces... our pearly whites... conducting the operations to cut out the cancers... kudos."

Earth is our house and the majority of us want to clean it up. We want to live without fear.

Just watched the opening to Augustus. His saying 'Applause please' on his death bed. Reminds me of a cartoon when I was growing up. A rooster named, Foghorn yelling,

'I'm here, I'm here... Let the bells ring and the banners fly... just throw money.' So funny.

Watching the movie Augustus with him walking among the people with the Preatorian Guard, his body guards. I wondered why the Vatican doesn't honor its history, its culture by using traditional Preatorian costumes, rather than the Swiss Guard costumes.

I also saw the statue shown at the beginning and thought, 'Boy... that guy looks familiar.' just as I reacted to Amin playing Solomon yesterday looked familiar

I was an Emperor of Rome once, maybe more than once. The soul of Marcus Aurelius came forward in life and spirit as me. I remember the moment two summers ago when he became aware that reincarnation works, that he lived again as me, as with Alexander one day when I was holding my machete and talking about it representing a world of no fear. We walk as one. I brought it back from Jamaica as carry on luggage no problem. Now, after 911 it wouldn't be possible. We were already on our way to a world with no borders.

When my father was dying of cancer, shadows had control of him and those around him. I didn't understand why my father was talking about Solomon and Alexander a lot when talking to me and implying a connection to me. I do now.

Just began watching the movie 'Abraham', it is 3hrs and 33 min long.

Saturday, Nov. 17, 2323 Cando Era

Occasionally in the last few years shadows/pirates souls in people around me have called me, 'One eye'. Eye referring to a soul.

That means the souls who came forward as me are one, they are me. They are not seperate. No one takes turns. It is why I am who I am.

I light who climbs inside with souls that take turns, who try and force their incompatible thought, their will, who come and go as eyes for someone else inside and outside my life, my light, who relay incompatibile thought from others, who steal others while pretending to be my spiritual children or my soulmate, is never going to be compatible with me or with her. They are pirates, shadows.

No one is supposed to trade places or transfers souls.

I have souls of young women and some men with me that were tricked to leave their life, their light or were moved without their knowledge. Their life was stolen. They are with me because for lack of better words I am their spiritual home. Compatibility. They are safe. They will live again.

The souls and living people who know they are with me connect to them on purpose, a door into my light, my mind. It steals from them. It steals from me. It is wrong.

I believe in reality, truth, natural law.

It is my life. It is kinda cool knowing I am an 'Ancient'. It is a big responsibility.

Catch 22. Why don't we change how we see that number. 22 on my organ is for styles, Pop music, I like that better.

Humor works.

Same with 666. I like a representation of the genetic code.

I am partial to nordic and persian women, what can I say... heritage. Though nordic/asian mix are beautiful, or nordic/vietnam/china, cute as a button. Look at the states nordic/negroid, wow.

Recorded a song to honor my Neanderthal Ancestors, I call it 'Freckles'.

If it wasn't for our creative minds, we would be in caves today!

I wasn't going to work today, but I'm on a roll. Just finished a new video called Freckles.

Sunday, Nov. 18, 2324 Cando Era

I think I'll work on the drumsticks and baton today, wash the kitchen floor and clean the fridge and bathroom.

Laughter is the best medicine so here's something I wrote in 2001.

Headlines 100 years from today.

Repairs and Restoration of Lions Gate Bridge delayed yet again. Illicit caffiene bars raided in West Vancouver. Vancouver celebrating 90th anniversary of independence for Pacifica. Sky Train reaches Interplanetary Space Port and UBC. Radical environmentalists demand harvesting of Stanley Park to protect the Pussy Willow. Marijuana Party declares 60th straight surplus, credits international product sales and increases individual income credits to $100,000 per Pacifica citizen. Pacifica Ship Barkerville sinks Greenpeace Battlecruiser off coast of Vancouver Island. TRAP, (Tourist Rights Around Parks) delighted with special constitutional protection for the endangered Stanley Park tourist. Emperor Jean Chretien III declares Elliott Trudeau III heir to Le Kanada throne. Vancouver Parks Board bans walking on grass. Two lane bike tunnel to northshore planned, North & West Van vow veto. Triumphant return! PNE returns to it's ancestoral home in the downtown. Kamloops votes 'NO' to joining GVRD. Emperor Jean Chretien III of Le Kanada to visit original home of Ballard Fusion. Washington and Alaska vote to join Pacifica. 3rd organ transplant and statute of limitations allows Glen Clark to run for leadership of 'Old Socialist Party'. Rafe Mair retires from CKNW to start talkshow on Mars. Plans talkshow on advantages of cybernetic bodies and brain replacement. Bomb destroys hover bus in Nazareth, killing 5 Israelis and 4 Palestinians, radical Jewish and Palestinian groups claim responsiblity. President G. W. Bush Jr. III, of the Confederate States of America returns from Middle East summit declaring peace in our time.

FYI: The pussy willow is protected in Cando. It forms an arch over my steps. My girl likes willow as a pet name.

I am going to re-record Tribute to Saturday Night Live today, too much background static. I wonder if there's a video in it... hmmmm. I've got some funny art. Yup, did it this morning. I call it Perfecto Mondo.

Found a painting I did in 2010, forgot about it totally. The Courting Trail. It could be called Stairway to Heaven too.

I was watching a clip on youtube with bagpipes, I've always loved the bagpipes. Listening to it I was reminded of an incident 8 years ago. It was related to William Wallace. I had just helped to get a stoned girl off the street before she got hit by a car, I was giving her a ride home. I stopped at the optometrist on the way to get some new glasses when the optometrist said to me, 'I was Robert the Bruce'. I didn't know why he said it at the time, though it may have been connected to something I said when I was alone at the dropzone one night. I didn't say anything. He didn't either.

Some things happened to me today that make no sense whatsoever, why people do what they do to each other. I thought of something I wrote 10 years ago that still applies.

Monday, Nov. 19, 2325 Cando Era

A thought came across my mind about a friend of mine I used to teach skiing with, Chris Dittman. He lost his eyesite from diabetes. He loved to ski too.

I thought I might begin recording my 'Thoughts to Ponder' for the visually impaired since the software they might use doesn't have my voice.

I've been watching the news a lot the last little while, gov reacting to media witch hunts, waste of time. Witch hunts like the one with Petraeus and Broadwell. Pointless investigations Destroying lives for no reason. The consequences, the affects on other lives are like dominoes. Paths changed, lives changed. Not good. Unnecessary.

Media cannot be making news, it is like the mainstream has become the National Enquirer, The World Daily News. It doesn't help.

I was reading about Broadwell this morning and I thought about the salem witch hunts. Not much difference. One of the souls who went forward in mind in spirit as my soulmate, who is her, was burned at the stake. For no reason. Pirates.

I blame the paparazzi for Princess Diana's death. Irresponsible.

With knowledge, with truth, the public wouldn't be accepting gossip and hearsay as truth. Just made the perfect onion omelette for breakfast, doesn't happen very often.

One thing I've discovered, onions are really good for you.

Should the old saying actually be, 'An onion a day, keeps the doctor away.'

Compatibility, a girlfriend would need to like onions.

While looking at something I decided to make a video dedicated to the Canadian Ski Instructors Alliance. I call it, 'Forever Young'.

I'm at home on a ski hill, on a mountain with a camera. I miss it already. I'm going to have to find a solution for my camera, get a POV. Focusing was a problem in poor light and when it was snowing. I lost all the footage I took of other people when my cabin burned down, which is the footage I wanted to use in my video, 'Why I love it so!' I have to do it all again though this time I know how to focus the camera. Hopefully it won't take four years to get the footage.

Today I awarded myself a Doctorate in Skiing from the University of Bob. I earned it. Dr. Bob!

Hmmmm... made a pudding with some of the cherries I picked on 15th ave. Ground them up, added sugar, milk, some water, a little flower and cooked until thickened, chilled. It's good.

I just realized I haven't made a music video for my ski poem yet.

Tuesday, Nov. 20, 2326 Cando Era

I had a real nice virtual cuddle last night until some pirate plugged in. It was so nice. My girl and I were in synch, as one in our fantasy. For her.

One thing I know, when I do die there will be no christmas party, no birthday party.

I am one of the few Canadians, who doesn't watch hockey, I don't like it. I don't watch sports on tv at all. I'd rather be outside doing something.

Please Understand! The digital painting 'The Ressurection of Bob' in not about Islam. It is a painting I did of a real event, one that means something to me, no one else. It represents my returning to things I love to do... like skiing. I was away from it for 30 years. As a result I was able to apply all that I have learned to what I love to do and what I have to say in my creativity.

I love skiing so much. It is impossible for me to describe what it feels like when I am having a good run. It is effortless. I miss it. Not being able to afford new skis and boots. Being on disability away from something I love and am capable of doing is difficult.

Contrary to what some may believe, spirits aren't doing it for me!

Hey... a good solution for the Hells Angels and others like them. We could show them what the Roman Coliseum was for. They could fill the stands at BC place staduim, we could tie the head of the Hells Angels to a chair in the middle of the field, place a stick of dynamite in his muffler with a long fuse in front of him, and light it. One by one.

I wonder if they might think twice about being bad.

You know... my grandma's spirit lets me know I am just like her dad, Thomas Weaver. He came forward as me. He was a nice guy. But it's so cool knowing I was Alexander the Great!

After I die, tomorrow or 40 years from now, my soulmate and I will be compatible with virtually the whole planet. We will go unnoticed.

We will be able to be true Angel Investors.

I think I will go on a working holiday after I die.

Just read something on CBC about a leaked Canadian gov document. I thought about something I posted on my old website back in 2003.

Is it coming true?

Too many different groups think they own Canada, that is why it is a battleground.

Cave vs cave... even in spirit.

Have A Chuckle From Expat Canuks! Ross R. Moore, Jr., California, USA. Jan.30,2003

I thought that you all might get a chuckle from an "SCTV-style" skit that I recently saw a couple of ex- pat Canadian comedians give recently at a friend's dinner party in L.A. (They requested that their names not be used so as not to subject them to the tender mercies of the CSIS and Revenue Canada.....LOL!)

The premise is that Red China invades Canada in a sort of "Anshluss" (Sp?) to regain control over the large Chinese immigrant populations throughout Canada, crushing Canada's token defense of 800 soldiers within about a minute and a half.

At the post-invasion treaty-signing that afternoon, the Chinese envoy is asked by the Canadian envoy, "So then, can we still play hockey?"

The Chinese responded, "Yes, but now you will all play for the PRC (People's Republic of China)."

The Canadian said, "'kay. Can we still drink beer?"

The Chinese replied, "Yes, but no imports."

The Canadian asks, "'kay, but what about taxes?"

The Chinese stiffly says, "This is now a Communist state.....Everything is owned by the state!"

The Canadian cheers, "Hey Guys, Let's go to the bar and celebrate! We're getting a cut in taxes outta the deal, eh! Vive les Chinois!"

I hope that this parody brought you folks a smile, even if it is a little too close to the truth! Please feel free to share this little story with your friends.

Best Wishes from a neighbor to the South, Ross R. Moore, Jr.

Please Note: I am assuming that some of those 'ex-pat Canadian comedians' are familiar with my book 'What if.. Your Head Isn't Empty?' since I sent a copy to Ross. They know who I am.

Hmmm... I wonder who they are?

Found a photo of what soul net looks like, spheres of understanding, quantum foam. It is a good representation of what the logo I use on my pocket guide means.

I decided to redo 'Mountain Range Lion' using my art. I made some changes to it and did a voice over.

Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2326 Cando Era

Took a new picture for skype... made it public, check it out, my number is bob.nelmes

Found a picture of what my soul looks like, apparently.. Each star a soul that came forward as me. It doesn't include the souls walking as one, or may soulmate. Perspective. Pirates are sort of like one small group of stars who show up, climb inside, pretend they belong and then go in and out interfering in life.

If I spread my arms I wonder if they look like wings?

There's a girl, she really likes my digital painting, 'Two Rabbits Kissing'. It can also look like two people talking nose to nose, eye to eye, face to face. Senses, you can see the eyes, the ears, the mouth, the nose.

When you shine a light on them, you can see a girl and a boy kissing. You can also see a glass, a goblet, a cup, a chalise upside down.

If you flip it vertically so the glass is upright, it looks like a man sitting on pillows having an idea. It also looks like an angel sitting cross legged, all the souls who came forward as him, with him, its light shining. Hands holding a sphere. A crystal ball.

It can also look like a glass of icecream with a strawberry on top. Yummy. Those are my taste buds influencing what I see this morning. I can go grocery shopping today.

Some of the sour pirates, the stowaways treating my light like a trojan horse, a donkey think they are going to pick up my soul after I die and I'll be them, or go with them... not gonna happen!

I just realized, ice cream... water ice, serendiptious synchronicity. Water ice is this mornings song.

Found a list of Canadians that did good... it's our sense of humor. Maybe from having to live in igloos. Thursday, Nov. 22, 2327 Cando Era

The music this morning is 'Kudos'. I noticed it is 1:33 long. I thought of my father. He was born in 1933. Thanks Dad. I thought of my father because the song reminds me of some music by Cat Stevens (Yusof Islam, Steven Demetre Georgiou) that I skied to when I was a young man. One of the songs was about father and son.

I liked it.

Stevens heritage would be from Georgia, beside the Black sea. Heritage, genetically and spiritualy influenced by Alexander and Persia. Legends of the flood in that area had a lot to do with the flooding of the black sea when the isthmus between Greece and Turkey opened. The med flowed into the Black sea. The same thing happened at Gibraltar, the pillars of Hercules. The flooding of the Black sea was just a side affect of the event.

I like: Moonshadow... Father and Son... Peace Train... Morning has broken... Cats in the Cradle

Watching Air Force One while making a bacon and egger this morning.

In my life, my light... I'm the President!

Friday, Nov. 23, 2328 Cando Era

I stumbled upon a clip of seal training this morning. I watched a documentary about the US Navy Seals training a long time ago. In one scene they had to carry a log. That scene helped me working on the property. Not pretending to be a special forces soldier, but the idea to just stick a 6ft log on my shoulder to carry it instead of finding ways to haul it. Most of the time it was easier just to pick it up and balance on my shoulder.

In 2008 when I went back skiing specific things helped to motivate me to get into shape, to climb. I would remember thoughts I had in the past to get into shape and what I was doing or seeing when I had them.

One had to do with stair climbing when I left Amoco, another was a Skydive film maker who stayed at my place in Calgary. He would do situps by the bed in the morning. He was about 10 years older than me. Turns out he is x us special forces. Another one was the scene in The Bourne identity where the main character was running down the beach in bare feet to get into shape. Another is seeing Gwen Stephanis six pack, Mariah Careys leg muscle definition and Britneys muscle definition in an oil scene. The definition at the top of the thigh. Necessary for skiing. They helped while I was climbing.

How old was I when I wrote 'What if...... Your Head Isn't Empty'? The answer is 42.

I thought of that this morning when looking at the length to the morning song. 43 is a number that has me think about 'The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy'. The computer 'deep thought' gave 42 as the answer to what was the 'Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything', but no one knew the question.

Maybe 43 is the answer to 'How old was I when he wrote 'The Pocket Guide to Universal Understanding.'

I remember seeing a picture of a young woman reading the 'The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy' in the Quesnel newpaper one day. She wrote an article about her holiday in India. I worked with her for a little while in Barkerville. I remember telling her she should go to India for a holiday. One day she and her sister said something to me, I replied that it was just two guys talking out on the porch, and swore in hindi under my breath. She cried later, I quit. Dumb.

I never meant to hurt her. I liked her. I am sorry Miss Kilsby. I left a copy of 'What if' in the change room one day', she thought it was over her head. She showed up in a dress made of ties one day, so cool If I had been younger I would have gone after her like a dirty shirt. One of the women in the shop said that she told her that if I showed up in a cardigan singing 'It's a beautiful day in the nieghbour hood...', something I do, she was outa there. aka: Mr. Rogers. I'm a nice guy.

I think she was attracted to an older man... me. I didn't consider it possible. I wasn't very smart in that situation.

Remember that song, "What if god was one of us, on the bus, making his way home.' by Alanis Morrisette. It's true, but he's a not a slob.

I also like her song, 'Everything'. She really impressed me when she did the video walking down the highway naked. Before that I didn't know who she was.

I really liked her music. I can't find it on the net otherwise I would have links like I had yesterday.

Just like before I saw the video of Britney walking down the aisle as a stewardess I didn't know who she was. Spirits say she met me when I was skydiving, but I didn't know it. I don't know if it is true.

When I tried to upload this last entry the file tranfer program wouldn't let me. It kept saying the transfer failed giving me an error saying no disk space. I am not over my 1gig, not even half a gig, there was no problem with uploading todays journal entry until I got to the one about Britney Spears. Why? There is nothing wrong with the entry, just a comment about soul net.

Saturday, Nov. 24, 2329 Cando Era

4:53pm I just went down to get a six pack of Kokanee Gold, I was attacked. The biggest clusterxxxx in human history occurred today in Prince George, British Columbia. Canada.

I am devastated.

Damn... it feels good to have a beer! I believe in moderation, I wouldn't even mind a toke, I just don't want to do it every day.

I'm getting drunk, I haven't been drunk in a looooooong time. I don't do it very often. Not gonna be a habit. 6 beer and I am just absolutley wrecked.

OD'd on a bucket of choc ice cream last night. I haven't bought ice cream except for a few cones for a couple of years. I bought a gallon and ate it in 3 days. It was so good. I'll be ok for another couple of years I might buy a six pack of beer today. Kokanee gold. Or maybe a big mac... flavour.

If you quit smoking and then not have anything for a while, boy it tastes so good.

I did a painting a few years ago that was inspired by Michelangelo's Pieta. The man laying on the girls legs is how I feel now, how I felt then. In my painting I am the heart, the angel is comforting me, I am not inside the angel. The women holding Jesus is not his mother, it is his soulmate, it is an angel. He is not inside her light, she, her light is with him in life,his light. Crying a lot. I found a painting last week that affected me the same way. It is more accurate.

My soul will be created when my brain dies and I am one with my soul, the souls that came forward as me.

Please understand... I will not risk my brain, my eternal soul. It is my heaven.

Just after I wrote the above yesterday, some pirate climbed inside me and tried to say, 'I created you.' I said, 'No you didn't, get out.' It was so sour, so mentally ill, so stoned. I'm not. I'm alive, it isn't. It isn't possible for it to create me. It isn't one with me. It is not the 'original' soul. My light is with me, is me. It doesn't leave. It doesn't go around outside being me. Those are identity thieves. My spiritual children aren't me, they are likeminds. It is different.

Saw a question on youtube, 'Will we ever run out of new music?" No!

Just saw a small ant on the screen of my monitor. Just watched it...

I have my painting The Wave on my wallpaper at the moment and was looking at it thinking, hmmmm... it looked like the deck chair I made last summer so I imagined a women laying down on it. The easy chair.

I just ran across something that had me thinking about an actor for the tv series MASH, Larry Linville. I was sitting at a hotel bar in Regina one night, he was there with his manager getting drunk. He was so much like the character in the series that night. I don't blame him for being drunk and unhappy, he was playing on a small stage in Regina while the series was still earning money on TV.

I just remembered being on a plane that had to turn around when we took off from Saskatoon. One of the engines died. While we were waiting on the ground I was sitting beside an older man with gray hair. He was pissed off, he was going to miss his t-off time in Florida. It was funny. We were talking. After a while the pilot and stewardesses came over and asked him for his autograph. It was Gordi Howe. It's cool.

I remember being at an EDI conference in Anahiem, California around 1990. I was sitting in the bar having a drink and showed the bartender my disappearing thumb trick. I showed him how to do it. The next week I saw someone on a talk show show it to the host. It was funny. I wonder if there is a connection? Just after I tweeted an article @rwnelmes about a wounded british soldier I was attacked by the most violent 'blink of the eye crowd' spooks you can imagine. So awful it is unbelievable. It is still here, it doesn't belong, it cannot stay. It tried to force a smile it had at enjoying my predicament onto my own face. It did not succeed, it got violently angry in its mind. It cannot succeed with myself. I know myself. It is a good thing I am a nice guy.

I don't like feeling someone elses headache, brain damage or hatred for me.

I have shipwrecks turned on Google Earth and I noticed that The Queen of North isn't on there. I wonder why? Is it because it's a BC Ferry? HMCS McKenzie isn't there either. In wonder why? I quess we don't have accidents in Canada.

4:53pm I just went down to get a six pack of Kokanee Gold, I was attacked. The biggest clusterxxxx in human history occurred today in Prince George, British Columbia. Canada.

I am devastated.

Sunday, Nov. 25, 2330 Cando Era

Can you imagine a world without Priests or Lawyers? It is going to be wonderful!

Professions that won't exist in the future:

Policeman - with needs met, no greed, no crime. Personal Managers - Users and Abusers, like pimps, whos interests do they have at heart. Communication Monitor Psychologists Social Workers Demographic marketer Statistician Petroleum geologist Auctioner Advertising - all Copy right director Shop Stewards Ghostwriter Psychiatry Certified Sex Therapist Licensed behavior analyst Licensed professional counselor Mental health professional School counselor Nurse - Very low demand Doctor - Very low demand Clerk of the Chapel Pope Cardinal Deacon Imam Dali Lama Banker Insurance Salesman Investment Advisor Gas station attendent Diesel Mechanic Car Mechanic Plant Operator Power Boiler Fireman Locomotive engineer Airline Pilot Railroad engineer Boilerman Chief fireman Conductor (transportation) Secondman Brakeman Guard Truck driver Taxi driver Station agent Station master Porter Lift attendent Packer Operator Ticket seller Train dispatcher Dispatcher Freight Conductor Signalman Inspectors Pimp Mob Boss Pusher Hells Angel Terrorist Prison Guard Customs Officer Spy Diplomat MP MLA Senator Congressman Prime Minister President Queen King Dictator Mason Televangilist Executioner Prostitute Assasins Real Estate salesman Salesman Telemarketers Judge

All governments and corporations will be downsizing.

Capitalism, Entrepreneurship leads to no finincial system.

Something is wrong. I noticed this morning that the logo used by Wiki has more than one piece missing. The logo hardcoded in my mind only had one piece missing. Why? I checked wiki and they made changes. Why? It was perfect with only one piece missing!

Monday, Nov. 26, 2331 Cando Era

In the future I am going to be an explorer of the unknown, a colonist, a homesteader.

I am going to colonize NGC 5581.

I am going to dance in a disco on the moon.

I am going to sand ski on the dunes of mars.

I am going to command a ship of exploration.

It will be co-ed.

I will make love in a zero gravity swimming pool.

It's an attitude.

There are a lot of people today who cannot even imagine the future that is going to exist.

Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2332 Cando Era

My wavelength painting, 'The Wave', it really does feel good just looking at it. Simple.

When I updated my website this morning my tweets showed 7, then after I changed the images on the banner, it showed 1. Then after some bozo plugged in it showed 0. Why? I don't like feeling the mind of the bozo.

Who has the capability of doing that?

When I look at other sites it shows accumulated tweets over time. Why is someone changing mine?

For real.

Is Nasa selling those pants they wear on the space station? I wouldn't mind a pair.

Diamagnetism Cool. Maybe it'll be useful for the ship Cando, my ship of exploration.

Just after I wrote the above entry an incompatible male soul that climbed in this morning (they don't go unnoticed) said, 'How do we build it?' A dumb question. They don't build it, the living do. Soul net with free will works really well.

The mind that I felt asking the question, felt retarded.

My spiritual children wouldn't hate me!

They are getting pissed off with the pirates climbing inside. They, like me, want them to leave. Especially the pirates pretending to be spiritual children and soulmates. They have stolen to many lives, hurt to many souls, kicked out to many of my spiritual children from their compatible lives.

My soulmate is female, I do not have a male spirit guide, no one takes turns up and down. I have both male and female souls walking with me. With compatibility... souls walk as one with the living. The living come first!

Yesterday I wrote about a co-ed ship of exploration, today wiki's featured article was about a co-ed fraternity and music. A very good example of how soul net works.

Serendiptious Synchronicity. A seed yesterday, planted another seed today that will plant a seed for someone else.

I was having a bath this morning and then remembered a movie about 'Band Camp', co-ed parties. I smiled.

The Fraternity is Kappa Kappa Psi... the sign of Psi is the trident. Psi also has a generally accepted meaning of psychic powers, ie. telephathy, communication with spirits, para normal.

Music soothes the soul.

Wednesday, Nov. 28, 3333 Cando Era

Day 333 of year 3 of the Cando Era. I might change how I do the date. We are in the the 3rd year. I use the year as the past year as in our birthdays. I think I will change it to the current year. Today is 3333.

For those of you who are into numerology... 3 x 333 = 999. Another idea.

If you subtract 2012 from 333 you get 1679, if you look it up on wiki you get. Which leads to a papyrus.

It's so incredible.

It reminds me of a song I like. Bob Marley's 'Exodus'.

I played it a lot eight years ago.

Something happened today that had me thinking about couch potatoes. I once wrote about couch potatoes weaned on Disney, I was weaned on Disney and I am not a couch potato so I am allowed to say that. I love Disney, M I C... K E Y... M O U S E!

Given what I have learned in the last 10 years, I am going to change what I wrote, to 'Couch Lobotomies weaned on Beavis and Butthead or Trailer Park Boys'. Marks 420 crowd, their religion sucks.

Stumbled upon a cartoon on the net from 2000 called 'God the Devil and Bob'. It's funny.

At the end of Episode 1 part 1, 'God' says Bob is on his own after Bob asked him to write it on a napkin. The truth is 'God' had no idea how to do it.

They were playing good and evil on each side of Bob, man made invention continued in spirit. Not reality. Not the way it really works.

The 'God' and 'Devil' in reality are simply spirits on the same side manipulating things for their benefit, their gang of spirits. They do not really believe in compatibility, they force themselves. They are sort of like vice presidents who kept the president and ceo in the dark.

I just realized watching the show that I started skiing in grade 6, when I was 11. I started school when I was 5.

I had been skiing for 7 years when I got my Level 2 CSIA, I was 18 years old, 12 years when I got my Level 3 CSIA, I was 23 years old. You don't forget how. I discovered that when I came back to skiing full time 4 years ago. I'll never forget how, even when I am in spirit.

Thursday, Nov. 29, 3334 Cando Era

Getting some exercise today.

I am not big on the competitive environment. It affects performance.

Feels good. The route I have is a good one, down the foothills divider, up the creek on Cranbrook hill, across to the fort, down the hill.

Through the snow I used my work boots, Stompers Steel Toed with a vibram sole. I bought them in Smithers for working with the chainsaw. I love them for climbing, hiking, bushwhacking. Really good ankle support. Found them good for running through the snow. I began with jogging for a bit, then walking, then jogging. I like doing it in the bush so I can jump over logs, duck under trees, avoid branches. When things are going good it's a lot of fun and good exercise for the body, senses and mind.

Peripheral vision is extremely important for how our minds process information.

I've been noticing the new canned site formats leave a lot of space on the side. They are being designed for telephones, not hd screens. Not the right direction.

They are filling the space with advertising. It interferes with the mind focusing on the facts. I noticed the other day that the National Post was doing it but the Globe and Mail wasn't. Today they are. It is irritating trying to read the news.

I am finding the painting 'The wave' on my desktop is very calming. The color is soothing and the wave design is relaxing for my eyes, the left and right are different so the wave is comfortable. The combination with the color feels good. I think it gives my peripheral vision a rest while looking at the wave.

Very calming for me.

I use the color as background on my twitter @rwnelmes.

For those of you I went to high school with... yes... it really is me. Num Num Numers.

I have been putting my website and copyright date on my art. I am going to change that to just my initials RWN in the far lower right of the painting. Small.

That way it won't interfer with someone looking at it. I tried it with 'The wave' and I like it. I just remembered a singer I really like, Nelly Furtado. I checked youtube and watched, I'm Like A Bird. I love that song. Such a beautiful voice. Beautiful eyes.

I was looking for another video by her with some animation of two flying with their foreheads touching, circling, with a girl going north with a suitcase, the northern lights. Around the same time I went north with a suitcase and saw the northern lights and experience the feeling of foreheads touching. It was beautiful.

Looking I found another one I like Powerless(Say what you want)

I just watched another one I liked. It was filmed in Vancouver, Kitsilano. Cool. Spirit Indestructible

The scene of Nelly with other costumes on had me thinking of something that occurred while I was exercising this morning. I had climbed Cranbrook hill and was standing by an old fort some kids had built a long time ago. I was looking at a large birch tree, it was beautiful. While I was standing there I could feel my complete spiritual lineage standing with me as one. I was Alexander, I was myself... I was feeling Alexander knowing he was seeing the tree, knowing he was me.

It was wonderful. We are the same guy.

Great grampa too... it's amazing.

Friday, Nov. 30, 3335 Cando Era

I changed the name of my painting 'The Wave' to 'Waves of Warmth'.

Remastered Waves of Warmth to show less of me playing, more of my art and the source of the feeling. Why I am who I am. Why I love what I love.

Just saw a picture of a squirrel. I miss the squirrels on the property. Rocky Jr. was just getting used to coming into the cabin before it burned down.

Saw Sacramento on the flight sim, remembered great grandpa David Nelmes older brother John settled in Sutters Fort, Sacramento. Decided to check Nelmes on the net for Sacramento. Found he married Mary Baldwin in 1879. There are Nelmes coming out the ying yang down there. Cousins. Good stock... runs in the family.

Nasa is working on a faster than light warp engine, riding the Alcubierre wave... cool!

The picture of the wave on wiki looks like the wave in my painting and video.

I think we will be ready for when I want to explore the galaxy... an engine for the Exploration ship Cando!

Saturday, Dec. 1, 3336 Cando Era

I found a bottle with a message in it on my property in the summer of 2010. It was made to look like a treasure map. It read: Go from silver, bronze and gold walk.

Three steps to a chest and find ponoy moll.

Thats were the reuters is.

The word treasure was written underneath reuters.

I think a group of young ski racers, who didn't really to race but loved to ski wrote it. It has meaning for me that revolves around the competitive environment, ski hills I've skied at, mermaids, the internet, spiritual children, soul net and my soulmate.

It reminds me of when I began skiing. I was working at 100 steps ski hill learning how to teach. Bill Wonnacott came out to 100 steps one night when I was working there and asked me if I wanted to join the racing team. I said no, I wanted to teach. I'm glad I didn't. I love to ski.

I asked him about the Ski School at Purden a few years later when they were looking for someone. I had a lot of experience. He wouldn't talk to me.

Today's song is 'Tree of Knowledge'.

I noticed the advertising on the edge of the National Post is gone this morning... goooood.

Now this is a beautiful sculpture... I see myself. My girls spirit cuddles like that all the time.

Shenandoah Aughinbaugh took the photo of a George Lundeen sculpture called 'Departure'. Waiting in the departure lounge. Amazing.

You know, there will come a day when we won't even consider making a map of racial and ethnic groups.

Wow... We're there.

A lot of good stuff on this page today.

If you like my website and your partner doesn't, whether male or female, then you are in an incompatible relationship.

If you both don't like my website, then your in a compatible relationship.

Ergo, if you both like it, your in a compatible relationship.

Just read an article about Ecstasy, some are using it for Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome.

I think it causes early onset dementia. I am glad I never touched it, I never will. My conclusion comes from my experience with spirits connected to minds of real people who have taken it over a long period of time. It's not good.

Hugs, love, tlc I think work much better. Understanding. I'm watching 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail'... it has Swedish subtitles at the beginning... priceless.

After putting up this link, I heard on thought net, "my sister is going to watch it with Bob's head on". I could hear her. I know who it was. It is cruel, their stoned and drugged out of their minds it's awful.

I think I will watch it later.

I didn't realize until just now that my remastered Waves of Warmth' is 1:09 long. I was born on Oct. 9.

Bob 10955.

Sunday, Dec. 2, 3337 Cando Era

Today's song is 'Water Ice'.

Good Morning to my girls. I was thinking of you last night. The couch has a velvet touch.

The girls names start with B J M, they like me.

We're all curious, we're all explorers.

Returning to skiing I not only rediscovered my love for music, but I also fell in love with the camera.

I like this photo, it's for every guy.

These are really good photos. I can identify with the period in some of the photos for the kids and family, it's how I grew up. The beginning of the series is funny, parody of the mess kids can make. The one with the pillows is priceless.

Here's a photo... they can both kill you.

Just as I was typing the above line someone said, 'You can't be doing this when you are on the lift.' I'm not on the lift. I'm in town.

Before that, some spook was saying, 'He won't let me share his mind.' Of course not! They are pirates stealing life.

Identity theft is a crime, by the living and the dead.

There is a huge difference between piracy and angel investing.

I am trying to play the piano and some spirits, some minds are interfering. I got upset. I didn't yell.

I just said outloud, 'Chretien, I am going to find out who put that document on your desk.' Someone said, 'That was me.' For real!

Whoever said, 'That was me.' is a living person and he is interfering in my life. He is hurting me. Monday, Dec. 3, 3338 Cando Era

When good people do nothing. For the want of common sense.

Mr. Clean, is not clean.

I saw a news article about Malala this morning. Look at her eyes, she has gone from the wonder of learning to sadness. So unnecessary.

Seven years ago I read an article about a man in Afghanistan who wanted to have a ski team ready for the 2010 Olympics. I thought about all the ski equipment we have in peoples garages. I thought it might be a good idea to fill a container with skis, boots, poles and then go over there, give it away, show them how, help them rebuild a ski hill.

So many need to feel alive again. A ski hill is a family environment, a safe environment, an environment where a family, a mother, a father, don't have to worry about their kids all day. Kids can ski on their own. Everyone can have fun.

I don't know of any other environment today that is like that.

I think it would go a long way to helping the people of Afghanistan. They have suffered for so many thousands of years just because of where they live.

A Crossroads.

I was looking at something this morning to do with Pahana.

Just now at around 4:44 in the morning some one leaped into my mind and said, 'It's really not the Hopi prophecy.' I said out load to whoever it was, 'You don't know what the hell you are talking about'. I sensed a priest. For real! No bullshit!

Who is climbing into my life, my light and trying to tell me what is right or not?

Who is tapping into my computer, my thought and then trying to force me to think something else?

Get out of my mind!

Pahana is the same sort of situation as Methuselah.

What a beautiful voice... Izabeka

You know that scene in Monty Python and the holy grail where the girls have the grail beacon up and Galahad shows up, I'm Galahad. I like that scene, we are at the point where he finally decides to stay. You other guys... go search for the grail and get outa here!

I just looked out the window, is it ever beautiful out. Snow on the ground, on the roofs, on the cars. A dusting.

Somebody just plugged into my mind, the're stoned. I heard someone say, 'I can feel it'. Why don't they go look out a window? It feels awful.

Why do they think it is ok?

I found out today on thought and soul net that it is possible that someone has stolen 200+ million dollars from me without me knowing. I ran across something on the internet and I felt the response, I heard a response from some pirate souls. Confirmed the possibility.

Hmm hmm hmmmmmm Pizza for dinnner tonniiiiigggghttttt. (Remembered I have the fixings in the fridge and found a way to make to crust in the microwave.)

Pizza was good, couldn't eat it all. Breakfast.

It is so cool... just so cool, just knowing I was Alexander the Great.

I don't think about another one much probably because there was so much pain involved. I think about the nightmare I had when I was about 16 years old living on Beach Cres in Prince George. Waking up in the middle of the night screaming, my arms spread. My family standing by my bed... I was having a nightmare.

I was being crucified and they were putting a spike on the left. I woke asking my family why they didn't wake me up.

I have come to know that Jesus soul is in my light, in my soul walking as one, as me, with me, he came forward as me also. I know when others have 'called' him in my light I have felt myself, just as I feel myself when they call Alexander, Great Grandpa, Marcus... it is so amazing. I wish they would stop calling... it affects me.

When people call they may feel my ancient mind, my love of live, my quiet mind, my feelings at that time... I don't necessarily want to feel theirs, which is what occurrs due to the nature of communication between souls and the structure of our brains.

Tuesday, Dec. 4, 3339 Cando Era

Todays song is Yellow Chair.

I am 5' 7" tall. For a long time I always thought of myself as short. Standing in the kitchen trying to reach the top shelf was a bummer. The only time really, unless I met a beautiuful tall girl.

I have since found out that 5'7" is at the top of the bell curve, which means average for a human being. Average meaning the optimal hieght for genetics, and the environment on our planet. It's kind of cool. I'm no longer short in my mind.

Having optimal proportions probably plays a role in my centre of gravity skiing, how at times I can just pick up my legs and move them when I need to without interfering with rythm. When it happens it's really cool. Especially on a steep bumpy run. It saved my butt more than once.

A few years ago I ran across Leonardo Da Vinci's Virtruvian Man. At the time I was thinking about proportions. My body type and similarities with the body in his drawing. I know now it has has to do with my having his soul in my light, my soul. He has come forward as me.

They did with Jesus what they are trying to do with me now.

They did with Leonardo what they are trying to do with me now.

Leonardo's soulmate is with me, she is also my soulmate, she is also one of my girls, girls. When I typed the line above she held my hand. Leonardo did a painting of her.

Much of my lineage is awake with me now, they are aware of their living again as me. Alexander is aware, Marcus is aware, others are aware... they are not happy about what has been going on regarding my soul and that of my soulmate.

They do not like someone else stealing their Heaven on Earth. My life. My soulmates life.

I don't like it.

It is sort of like I am a hybrid of Great Grampa Weaver, Alexander, Leonardo and Jesus. Each one had a soulmate. Sort of why I can have more than one female soulmate in my life, though they can all walk as one together.

She holds my pendent. I let her. It comforts her. She is supposed to be in life with me, not in spirit inside. They keep stealing her life.

They place sour milk, incompatible souls inside our light thereby portraying something other that the truth in life.

7:40 am An incompatible soul, an angry violent mind just plugged in and communicated something that isn't true, they were communicating that I let someone else take control, not true. I don't let someones else take control. It is my life. The pirate is getting angry. Get Out!

Please understand, I am speaking to you... the soul that just plugged in... you are not compatible... get out. Stay in your light, get out of mine.

The pirate is saying, 'Xuck, he xucked me.' Not true. They do it to themselves.

These souls have never walked as one with anyone, they are like a flock of geese taking turns and none are compatible.

Alexanders solution... 4" of steel at the base of the sternum. I moderate that.

Just took a drink of milk from the jug. I love milk so much. Milk does the body good.

Ran, walked, climbed up Cranbrook hill, went for a walk throught the bush. Found a spot to sit down in the sun. Was walking along and realized that if my cabin hadn't burned down I would be climbing in the sunshine today. I felt my girl, she was so happy I felt that way. Relaxed for a while and saw a fox, if I hadn't of said something out loud about seeing it, it would have walked by. Instead it looked and then went the other way. Beautiful fox. As I was running down I felt fantastic, and then some pirates focused on my mind, they didn't like it. One likes to call me grampa because I used it in my screenplay and they know they can connect using it. Derailing my thought. I fell. They stowaway and fight everything I am doing. They would do it at Purden and try to make me fall on the cliff or in the bumps. It's retarded.

While I was running I felt myself 100%, I was talking out load about someone while running, feeling so good. Someone I know, but haven't met would love it in his real life, he would be in heaven on earth bushwacking, climbing, skiing blackdiamond runs, powder and flying a helicopter. He could very well meet his girl with that lifestyle.

I was just relaxing after playing some video games, Call of Duty 2 and 4. Difficult not to get killed.

Looking at the Waves of Warmth painting on my wallpaper and thought of the song by Donovan They call me Mellow Yellow I was singing it a lot in 2009, 2010, 2011. Once in a while I would scrape some banana leaves and dry them out. They contain the active ingredient for laxatives.

It also gives a nice mellow feeling. Never did very much, I would usually throw it away when I was done.

I remember thinking that it would put a big dent in the Hells Angels if people knew they could smoke it instead of grass or smoke it instead of chemicals and feel mellow. I also thought since so many heavy drug users who were plugging into me and letting go and feeling relaxed when I did it that it may be effective as a means for them to detox since when the other drug was out of their system, banana would be easy to give up. It's a pretty benign substance.

Stumbled upon a video by Wierd Al Yankovic called Bob... it's really good.

Wednesday, Dec. 5, 3340 Cando Era

Sentient beings do not destroy their own brains. Candoism. Hahaha, We really don't need another ism. Common sense.

I was attacked last night before I went to bed by one of the ugliest souls on our planet, violent, cruel, sadistic. It climbed inside and began yelling, it tried to say 'I am god' or 'I am your god'. Bullshit. I stopped him in mid sentence. Again twice while I was asleep both he and others attacked me, waking me up. I could hear their companion souls laughing in other people. It was awful.

They did this at the ski hill all the time. A few times it almost got me killed.

It is a good thing I am a nice guy. It is a good think I know myself. It is a good thing I know who I am.

They cannot erase me for not accepting them.

If I died right now it's souls and others like it would go one way, I would go another, they would be left behind and I would walk away. A quantum leap and they cannot follow. It is not up and down, it is compatibility. There would be no body, no skull for them to attach to, to climb inside of, like a trojan horse. No brain to try and over talk, overlay.

They are not coming. My soulmate and our compatible spiritual children, soulsmates, spiritual siblings are!

Smoking your way in to reserve a place does not mean you come along.

It is what they did to Jesus. They put souls from 'Barabas' inside the life, the light of Jesus. It doesn't erase a soul, it overlays, trys to use it's mind at the same time and causes problems. It cannot stay either. It will go to a compatible mind. There are lots around.

That is why when Jesus died, he went to a compatible light, and the uglyness of the others didn't. They had already left. They thought they were destroying his soul. Using and abusing his spiritual children even at that time. The resurrection at that time were just the fakes, the pirate souls in other living people projecting Jesus, stealing Mary. They don't really succeed at that either. My girl just held my hand smiling. The fakes know they finally got caught. They can no longer steal her and her girls to hide. The seven churches, seven lights, seven fallen angels are the seven ugly souls of the apocolypse created by the 3 bad guys. Spiritual bullies.

No one goes to bed healthy and wakes up with a bad back, heart disease, brain damage, addiction, criminal mind, hate.

Scientologists do it too, though they call them engrams. Others do it too.

They are all pirates.

Please understand. I cannot be erased. They cannot erase me with their seven layers of debt.

Awareness is a wonderful thing. This won't be happening forever. Doesn't make it ok though.

Awareness, truth is what the living need so all the spirits, all the souls understand. With everyone walking as one with a compatible life, compatible light, living and learning concurrently as one, then we will all have understanding. We will be on our way to Heaven on Earth.

Incompatible souls inside a light, a life do not walk as one, do not walk with. They do not live life. They do not learn. Those walking with do.

The pirates are in deep dooddoo going in circles living in the dark ages.

The living come first.

The advertising is gone from the Globe and Mail today... good.

Stumbled on to a picture ofEarnest Hemingway that led me to something that brought back a memory of a song I like, Kilimanjaro by Jaluka.

I think of my cousin Janet when I listen to it, she introduced me to their music.

A treat for lunch, cold beans and toast. I think the beans taste better cold. Thursday, Dec. 6, 3341 Cando Era

Not a good day.

Todays song is 'Song of the Butterfly', for all my spiritual children, lost angels who are having their heaven, heaven on earth stolen by incompatible sour milk trying to stay inside and stowaway in my life. They are pirates. They steal life, they steal heaven.

I do not like to feel someone elses broken back, someone elses hatred for me, someone else cell memory. It cannot go forward in spirit with me, I will not carry it or its family of souls.

You all owe me my free life, my free mind, my free will.

There is a spirit with me who is one of my spiritual children. He admitted they had been doing something with my life. He leads a religious life. He knows he was used as a pawn by the 3, by the seven. He knows it now. He told me something yesterday that confirmed things for me. That I am right about what has been going on.

They have been trying to kill me, destroy my soul and the soul of my soulmate in order to steal the light. They believe reality is created from the mind of a being of light and if they control the light, they control reality. It isn't all just a dream. Different spheres of understanding are trying to control the light rather than letting us live a normal happy life together which would be transmitted in feeling to all of our spiritual children.

That they stole everyone around me during my life, that they got in the way whenever I met a compatible girl, a girl who loved me, a girl compatible with my girl, they would force something else to get in the way.

That they got in the way after the courting trail, after the drive in, after the party, after the lawn, after the dropzone, at the round table, after the round table.

Then I wouldn't be talking to the real person. They did it on purpose not caring about compatibility. It is wrong. They prevented me from having a wife, a family. They would not let my soulmate live with a compatible life. They stole my and my soulmates lives, our life together. They steal the compatible lives of my soulmate.

In the last eight years they have stolen my friends and family. I have only sensed my free sister once in a while, by the steps of an RV, sewing my patch on my pants, crying when she saw me with news of her cancer. I am upset with the pirates since they stole her right away and prevented her from recieving a loving hug from her brother.

Never again!

I cannot accept their up and down. It is false.

I cannot accept their false spirits impersonating me and my soulmate. It is false.

I cannot accept their incompatible family of souls stealing my friends and family, It is wrong. I can only be me.

8:25am I was working on my site, thinking about some things. I thought about an idea I've had to do with a container of ski equipment and also another idea I had in passing thought about my website, I kept it in the back of my mind while I began making a page for the container. Just as I did that someone connected themselves to my mind and derailed the train of thought.

Maybe they thought they were going to control what I wanted to do regarding a container of skis for Afghanistan. They are in the way.

The thought I had in the back of my mind was not hardcoded yet. It was the result of my thought process, what I was thinking about. I have spent the last 45 minutes trying to get back on track. An hour lost. Whoever did it changed the space time continuum.

Something isn't getting done that would normally get done now.

I was looking at a picture of some children in Afghansiatan standing on a hill. There were two wires going over their heads that looked like cables for a chairlift. They were smiling. I thought of Skis for Afghanistan.

As I was thinking of it I felt thankfulness from a lot of souls, people. A warm loving feeling. The thought was of 'he's really coming'. Like soul net, some of my spiritual children want me to come, they are expecting me to do it.

I will need to renew my passport!

11:20am Just looked out the window, it's snowing... Ahhhhhh. It's so beautiful.

I just got attacked by sour souls. A truck drove by and some incompatible souls got delivered here, a gang, climbed inside, they don't belong. It feels awful, they really know how to ruin a day.

Seriously. The day was getting better too!

They don't see or feel the wonder of a snowflake falling.

The blink of the eye crowd, most are just ordinary, normal people but some are real nasty. Not nice at all. They like stealing the bosses.

Friday, Dec. 7, 3342 Cando Era

Todays song is Perfecto Mondo. It is a tribue to Saturday Night Live. I love humour. It works.

Have you ever met a living definition of a Retarded Lobotomy? I have. They would make good mine detectors.

Found some quotes I used on my old website back between 2000 and 2003. I had lost them but found some again on the archive. You can see the old one by going to I took it down in Nov. 2003., couldn't afford it anymore. I wonder if there is a connection between the Madmoose Marathon, my old website and a poem I wrote once called the 'Marathon of Hope'.

Ran across an article about a protien linked to exercise. Right on!

It leads to regeneration, it's one of the things that will help with regeneration of limbs. For example when we discover a cure for MS, the protien will help those whose muscles have degenerated.

Souls that have had MS have difficulty walking as one with someone. When we have a cure, those souls living with a compatible life, a life with MS, a life that experiences the cure, regenerates the limbs, rebuilds the muscle memory in the mind, feels a smile again, the souls will too. Everyone cured at the same time.

You do not turn a normal person into a drug addict so they will be compatible with a drug addicted soul, the drug addicted soul has to stay in a compatible life and clean up! All the drug addicted souls cleaned up at the same time. Someone please volunteer! I am not a drug addict, I do not like drug addicts climbing inside my life to feel normal.

Don't 'smoke' it... stay home!

Compatibility, it is a solution for everyone.

If I had not known someone with MS, I would not have discovered this. Given genetics and the speed at which cures are being discovered, he may walk again in his lifetime.

Please note:

I am not a drug addict, I am not an alcoholic, I am not mentally ill, I am not mentally handicapped, I am not schizophrenic, I am not autistic, I am not homosexual.

The same applies to compatibility of thought.

I am not violent, I am not a criminal, I am not irrational, I am not religious, I cannot hate.

I like me, I love what I love. I love people, I love skiing, I love to fly, I love the camera, I love the outdoors, I love music, I love laughter, I love dancing, I love life.

Waves of Warmth

It is not just a song, but the feeling I have when I do what I love, when I feel what I am doing. I love life, I love people. ~

You know... my biggest dream was to meet a girl, settle down and be a father. Thoughts to Ponder

Everything is up to you.


We have been everything. We have done everything. We have had everthing done to us. We are here to realize it is us doing it.

Why I am who I am. The knowledge and experience I gain through each successive life becomes part of and influences the person I have become, I will become.

Tree of Knowledge, my spiritual lineage.

I know, so my soul will know, what I love.

Question, Believe in Truth!... Knowledge is a wonderful thing.

Understanding brings one emmense control over ones fate... but one must resist the urge to use this knowledge to conrol or manipulate anothers fate for their own benefit.

To use the knowledge to control others removes their free will... that is wrong.

To use this knowledge to attempt to 'make' your world at the expense of another or everyone around you is wrong.

It is best to try and find a way to use the knowledge to benefit others... to benefit the 'whole'... the 'one'... and still remain balanced with yourself, with those around you and those who guide us.

It is best that 'worlds'... 'spheres'... merge softly... with tender loving care... not collide with friction.

Loving one another with understanding of our inherent differences is much easier than pretending to love without understanding.

Why can't we all just wake up tomorrow and just say, boy... were we ever stupid... smile and stop fighting. It is so easy.

When we have Heaven on Earth everyone will be an angel investor, both in life and in spirit. Everyone an Angel.

When all seems lost... A smile... A warm heart... A nice thought... A hug... can heal all.

The sun is always shining... when the sun stops shining... that is when we have a problem.

Every time it snows... Pixel upon Pixel... there is a new painting. When you see everything in wonder... there is no darkness. Sentient beings do not destroy their own brains.

By concentrating health expenditures on ensuring our senses are healthy plus freedom to learn truth the world can save billions.

We all want our children to live.

We all want our children to be safe.

We all want our children to be happy.

We're all curious, we're all explorers.

Solar power is nuclear, now we need to harness it in something the size of a golfball.

Death isn't home for our spirits, life is!

If it wasn't for our creative minds, we would be in caves today!

When all seems lost, look at everything in wonder... wonder upon wonder.

When we all see reality we will understand.

How do you build the future? You plant seeds.

Pixel upon pixel, every snowflake, a life.

You must heal yourself to heal your soul.

There is no such thing as evil, but we have evil. Why?

There is more to 'Alum' than meets the eye, it helps with shaving cuts. Stops bleeding.

We are all equal in the beginning... we all start as beginners.

Rather than choosing sides... help the otherside understand... Paradigm shift.

Boy I sure like women walking around in leotards and long underwear. It must be nice to walk around feeling naked. Food for thought.

You know, the world has only been noicy for a couple hundred years. Now that I have experienced my own backyard, I'd like to hear it quiet again... Silent Sunshine.

There's a girl, she wants to have an adventure.

There's a girl, she wants to have some fun.

There's a girl, in love with an older man. There might be a song in 'There's a girl' musings.

She'll be coming around the mountain, when she comes, She'll be coming around the mountain, when she comes, She'll be coming around the mountain She'll be coming around the mountain She'll be coming around the mountain, when she comes!

I need a girl to come around my mountain.


Who is teaching the children? What are the children being taught?

Tips for skiing?

Keep your head up, don't chase a puck, no checking! No alchohol or drugs, they impair senses. When you are walking around pretend you are skiing or boarding, if you see a corner ahead of you ski or board around it. I look point and then ski around a corner, the body follows. I even use sound affects sometimes. Why do women dye their hair? Natural colors are so beautiful!

Today we not only have to worry about the air quality, but we have to worry about thought pollution in quantum foam.

You know when you leave the search blank and hit news, I like the way google has it's news layed out. Simple! Just news, easier to scan.

I am looking forward to the day when we won't have a financial system on our planet anymore, then we won't have intrusive advertising on the internet!

Capitalism leads to no financial system. It really will. I'd like to have it sooner, rather than later. It fits with needs met, with free electricity, free communication, free food, free toys, free home... creativity in all things. No stress! Compatibility... happy couples! Soulmates.

Does anyone remember that scene in Apocolypto when the priest had that sardonic smile after feeding all that crap to the masses? We still have that problem on our planet.

I believe in truth!

If you built a tunnel through the centre of the earth, from side to side and jumped in. How far would you fall? Would you bounce back? Would you turn into a ping pong ball?

Boy, am I ever puppy humping today. I haven't done that in a loooooong time.

How did woman get her name? Once upon a time there was a caveman standing in front of his cave. Coming from the right along the path was a family of cave men from up the valley. One of the females looked up at him and smiled. Just as his animal skin began to rise just below his waist, he said, ''.

Tip: When you are walking around pretend you are skiing or boarding, if you see a corner ahead of you ski or board to and around it. I look point and then ski around a corner, the body follows. I even use sound affects sometimes.

Every time it snows... Pixel upon Pixel... there is a new painting

Climbing uphill is a really good method for skiers and boarders. Stair climbing. When I was young we used to sit against the wall for as long as we could. Climbing is more fun. More practicle. The muscles are trained while in natural movement, not a static postition.

Tip #1: Keep your head up, don't chase a puck. Tip #2: No alchohol or drugs, they impair senses.

Moderations works.

When we have Heaven on Earth everyone will be an angel investor, both in life and in spirit. Everyone an Angel.

After I die I can Angel Invest, I can live as another, but this is the only life I will ever have.

When all seems lost, look at everything in wonder, wonder upon wonder... it works.