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Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases 11 (2020) 101501 Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases 11 (2020) 101501 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/ttbdis Original article Isolation and partial characterisation of a novel Trypanosoma from the tick Ixodes ricinus T Lisa Luua, Kevin J. Bownb, Ana M. Palomarc, Mária Kazimírovád, Lesley Bell-Sakyia,e,* a Institute of Infection, Veterinary and Ecological Sciences, University of Liverpool, 146 Brownlow Hill, Liverpool L3 5RF, UK b School of Science, Engineering and Environment, G32 Peel Building, University of Salford, Salford M5 4WT, UK c Centre of Rickettsiosis and Arthropod-borne Diseases, CIBIR, C/ Piqueras, 98, Logroño 26006, La Rioja, Spain d Institute of Zoology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dubravska cesta 9, SK-84506 Bratislava, Slovakia e The Pirbright Institute, Ash Road, Pirbright, Woking, Surrey GU24 0NF, UK ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Keywords: Trypanosomes have long been recognised as being amongst the most important protozoan parasites of verte- Ixodes ricinus brates, from both medical and veterinary perspectives. Whilst numerous insect species have been identified as Tick cell line vectors, the role of ticks is less well understood. Here we report the isolation and partial molecular character- Trypanosome isation of a novel trypanosome from questing Ixodes ricinus ticks collected in Slovakia. The trypanosome was Slovakia isolated in tick cell culture and then partially characterised by microscopy and amplification of fragments of the 18S rRNA and 24Sα rDNA genes. Analysis of the resultant sequences suggests that the trypanosome designated as Trypanosoma sp. Bratislava1 may be a new species closely related to several species or strains of trypanosomes isolated from, or detected in, ticks in South America and Asia, and to Trypanosoma caninum isolated from dogs in Brazil. This study highlights the potential involvement of ixodid ticks in the epidemiology of trypanosomes, as well as the use of tick cell lines for isolation of such tick-borne protozoa. Further studies are required to in- vestigate the epidemiology, transmission and life cycle of this putative novel species. 1. Introduction many parts of the world (Jongejan and Uilenberg, 2004; Sonenshine, 2005). As well as historic studies reporting the detection or isolation of Trypanosomes are protozoan parasites recognised as the causative trypanosomes from Ixodes spp. ticks (Cunningham, 1974; Rehacek agents of numerous important human and livestock diseases, such as et al., 1974; Aeschlimann et al., 1979; Mungomba et al., 1987), a more Chagas' disease caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, African sleeping sickness recent study suggested the possibility of transmission of trypanosomes caused by Trypanosoma brucei and surra caused by Trypanosoma evansi harboured by the Australian species Ixodes australiensis via tick faeces (Haag et al., 1998). Trypanosomes have been associated with infection (Austen et al., 2011). in all vertebrate groups, including amphibians and fish (Grybchuk- Here we report the short-term cultivation in a tick cell line, and Ieremenko et al., 2014; Ferreira et al., 2015; Spodareva et al., 2018), partial morphological and molecular characterisation, of a novel try- and typically demonstrate a degree of specificity with regards to host panosome isolated from questing Ixodes ricinus ticks collected in and vector (Hamilton et al., 2007; Cooper et al., 2017). Whilst trans- Slovakia. mission is frequently via insect vectors, other blood-feeding organisms have also been shown to be vectors, including leeches (Haag et al., 2. Materials and methods 1998). Ticks transmit a wider range of infectious agents than any other 2.1. Ticks and inoculation of tick cell cultures arthropod vector (Jongejan and Uilenberg, 2004) but their role as vectors of trypanosomes is less well-documented. Ticks of the genus Host-seeking adult male and female I. ricinus ticks were collected Ixodes are notorious as vectors of a broad range of viral, bacterial and from the vegetation in the campus of the Slovak Academy of Sciences protozoan pathogens to livestock, companion animals and humans in (SAS), Bratislava, Slovakia (48.17 °N, 17.07 °E; altitude circa 190 m ⁎ Corresponding author at: Institute of Infection, Veterinary and Ecological Sciences, University of Liverpool, 146 Brownlow Hill, Liverpool L3 5RF, UK. E-mail addresses: lisaluu@liverpool.ac.uk (L. Luu), K.Bown@salford.ac.uk (K.J. Bown), ampalomar@riojasalud.es (A.M. Palomar), maria.kazimirova@savba.sk (M. Kazimírová), L.Bell-Sakyi@liverpool.ac.uk (L. Bell-Sakyi). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ttbdis.2020.101501 Received 24 May 2020; Received in revised form 14 June 2020; Accepted 21 June 2020 Available online 27 June 2020 1877-959X/ © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier GmbH. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/BY/4.0/). L. Luu, et al. Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases 11 (2020) 101501 above sea level). The SAS campus is a fenced area of 32 ha located on following published protocols (Barnabe et al., 2003; Hamilton et al., the south-western foothills of the Small Carpathian Mountains. Patches 2004). The PCR products were purified using a Monarch® PCR Clean Up of the original oak-hornbeam forest with admixture of beech, ash, black kit (New England Biolabs, USA). Sequencing was performed in both locust, maple, lime, elm, alder, common hazel and elder are fragmented directions by a commercial sequencing service (Source Bioscience, by roads, pavements and built-up areas (Kazimírová et al., 2016). Nottingham, UK). The resultant sequences were edited using Bioedit Nineteen male and 26 female ticks were collected in June 2013. v.2.7.6 software (Hall, 1999) and consensus sequences produced. Initial Their species identity was confirmed by microscopic examination and characterisation of both sequences was done via Nucleotide BLAST the ticks were transferred to The Pirbright Institute where they were (GenBank, USA). The resultant sequences were submitted to GenBank incubated at 15 °C, 100 % relative humidity and processed as described through BankIt (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/WebSub/). Phyloge- previously (Bell-Sakyi et al., 2015) within 5 days of collection. Briefly, netic analyses were conducted with MEGA version X using the max- the ticks were surface-sterilised in 0.1 % benzalkonium chloride for imum likelihood, based on the general time-reversible + G+I model, 5 min and 70 % ethanol for 1 min, then rinsed in sterile deionised and maximum parsimony methods and including all sites (Tavaré, water. The ticks were allowed to dry on sterile filter paper and then 1986; Hall, 2013; Kumar et al., 2018). The nucleotide substitution three pools of 6–7 male ticks and six pools of 4–5 female ticks were model was selected according to the Akaike information criterion macerated in 1 mL Hanks' balanced salt solution. The tissue suspension (Akaike, 1974) implemented in Mega X. Confidence values for in- was collected by pipetting and 0.2–0.3 mL aliquots were inoculated into dividual branches of the resulting trees were determined by bootstrap cultures of the tick cell lines IRE/CTVM19, IRE/CTVM20 (Bell-Sakyi analysis with 500 replicates. Two phylogenetic trees were generated, et al., 2007), IRE11 (Simser et al., 2002) and/or ISE6 (Kurtti et al., one from all the available Trypanosoma spp. sequences with length 1996) grown in medium with antibiotics at 28–32 °C as described covering almost all of the 18S rRNA fragment obtained in the present previously (Bell-Sakyi et al., 2015). Cultures were monitored every few study, and one from the 18S rRNA sequences of Trypanosoma spp. days by inverted microscope for presence of contamination, and at day closely related to the Trypanosoma sp. isolated in the present study, 7 post inoculation (p.i.) by preparation of Giemsa-stained cytocen- regardless of their length. Some of the latter sequences were too short trifuge smears, examined using a Zeiss AxioSkop 2 Plus microscope at (between 332 and 658 bp) to be included in the first analysis. The se- ×1000 oil immersion. When tick-borne microorganisms were detected quences used for the analyses were obtained from GenBank and aligned by microscopy, supernatant medium was passaged onto fresh cultures using the MUSCLE algorithm. of the same cell line and monitoring continued as above. 3. Results 2.2. Morphometric analysis 3.1. Trypanosome cultivation Morphometric analysis was performed by light microscopy on try- panosomes in a Giemsa-stained cytocentrifuge smear using a Zeiss Extracts of pooled male or female ticks were inoculated into a total Imager.M2 AX10 microscope and Zen Blue acquisition software. Using of 24 cultures from 2-4 different tick cell lines. In one of these extracts, ImageJ (v. 1.48) (NIH, USA), the following measurements were re- derived from a pool of six male ticks, live trypanosomes were seen in corded; total length (TL), posterior end to kinetoplast (PK), kinetoplast the inoculum added to four different cell lines; three of the cultures to middle of nucleus (KN), middle of nucleus to anterior end (NA), free became grossly contaminated with bacteria and/or fungi within the flagellum (FF), posterior end to middle of nucleus (PN), nucleus dia- first few days. In the fourth, an ISE6 culture incubated at 32 °C, many meter (NL) and kinetoplast length (K). The mean and standard devia- trypanosomes were visible on day 7 p.i. when supernate was sub- tion of each measured parameter were calculated. cultured onto a fresh ISE6 culture. Both ISE6 cultures became
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    RESEARCH REPOSITORY This is the author’s final version of the work, as accepted for publication following peer review but without the publisher’s layout or pagination. The definitive version is available at: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0031182020001845 Austen, J.M., Van Kampen, E., Egan, S.L., O'Dea, M.A., Jackson, B., Ryan, U.M., Irwin, P.J. and Prada, D. (2020) First report of Trypanosoma dionisii (Trypanosomatidae) identified in Australia. Parasitology https://researchrepository.murdoch.edu.au/id/eprint/58241 Copyright: © 2020 The Authors It is posted here for your personal use. No further distribution is permitted. First report of Trypanosoma dionisii (Trypanosomatidae) identified in Australia Jill M. Austen1, Esther Van Kampen2, Siobhon L. Egan1, Mark A. O‟Dea2, Bethany Jackson2, Una M. Ryan1, Peter J. Irwin1, Diana Prada2 Author affiliations 1Vector and Waterborne Pathogens Research Group, College of Science, Health, Engineering and Education, Murdoch University, Perth 6150, Australia 2School of Veterinary Medicine, Murdoch University, Perth, WA 6150, Australia Correspondence: Dr. Jill M. Austen; ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1826-1634 Vector and Waterborne Pathogens Research Group, College of Science, Health, Education and Engineering, Murdoch University, Perth, WA, 6150, Australia Email: J.Austen@murdoch.edu.au Tel: +61 8 9360 6314. Fax: +61 8 9310 4144. Running title: Trypanosoma dionisii identified and characterised in native Australian bats This is an Accepted Manuscript for Parasitology. This version may be subject to change during the production process. DOI: 10.1017/S0031182020001845 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. Murdoch University, on 19 Oct 2020 at 05:31:09, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms.
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    This may be the author’s version of a work that was submitted/accepted for publication in the following source: Botero, Adriana, Kapeller, Irit, Cooper, Crystal, Clode, Peta L., Shlomai, Joseph, & Thompson, R.C. Andrew (2018) The kinetoplast DNA of the Australian trypanosome, Trypanosoma cope- mani, shares features with Trypanosoma cruzi and Trypanosoma lewisi. International Journal for Parasitology, 48(9-10), pp. 691-700. This file was downloaded from: https://eprints.qut.edu.au/204624/ c 2018 The Authors. This work is covered by copyright. Unless the document is being made available under a Creative Commons Licence, you must assume that re-use is limited to personal use and that permission from the copyright owner must be obtained for all other uses. If the docu- ment is available under a Creative Commons License (or other specified license) then refer to the Licence for details of permitted re-use. It is a condition of access that users recog- nise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. If you believe that this work infringes copyright please provide details by email to qut.copyright@qut.edu.au License: Creative Commons: Attribution 2.5 Notice: Please note that this document may not be the Version of Record (i.e. published version) of the work. Author manuscript versions (as Sub- mitted for peer review or as Accepted for publication after peer review) can be identified by an absence of publisher branding and/or typeset appear- ance. If there is any doubt, please refer to the published source. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpara.2018.02.006 International Journal for Parasitology 48 (2018) 691–700 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect International Journal for Parasitology journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/ijpara The kinetoplast DNA of the Australian trypanosome, Trypanosoma copemani, shares features with Trypanosoma cruzi and Trypanosoma lewisi q ⇑ Adriana Botero a, , Irit Kapeller b, Crystal Cooper c, Peta L.
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