Bass Braddon Franklin Lyons

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Bass Braddon Franklin Lyons KING FLINDERS ISLAND ISLAND KING TASMANIAN HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY DIVISIONS ISLAND Boundaries set out in the Constitution Amendment (House of Assembly Electoral boundaries) Act 2018 BASS Currie and effective 28 September 2018. FLINDERS BRADDON Whitemark Grassy Lady Barron truwanna / CAPE BARREN ISLAND 0 50km Cape Grim Circular Head Cape Portland Stanley Port Latta SMITHTON Marrawah Boat Harbour West Point Gladstone WYNYARD Eddystone Point Somerset Bellingham Bridport BURNIE DEVONPORT DORSET Heybridge Greens Beach Penguin GEORGE TOWN GEORGE CIRCULAR HEAD Ridgley DEVONPORT Derby Port Scottsdale ULVERSTONE TOWN Sorell Nabowla BURNIE Riana Beaconsfield Lebrina WEST Ringarooma LATROBE TAMAR Lilydale Sprent LATROBE Exeter BASS CENTRAL Railton Dilston ST HELENS WARATAH/ Frankford LAUNCESTON COAST Sheffield Legana WYNYARD Nunamara Sandy Cape Waratah KENTISH LAUNCESTON BREAK O’DAY Scamander Hadspen Savage River DELORAINE Westbury Perth Blessington Mole Creek Evandale Cradle St Marys Valley MEANDER VALLEY Longford Bracknell Fingal Corinna Cressy BRADDON Breona Poatina Avoca Rosebery NORTHERN MIDLANDS Bicheno ZEEHAN Campbell Town WEST COAST LYONS Miena Ross QUEENSTOWN Derwent CENTRAL HIGHLANDS Swansea Coles Bay Strahan Bridge Interlaken Cape Sorell Tarraleah Oatlands Bothwell SOUTHERN MIDLANDS GLAMORGAN- SPRING BAY Melton Mowbray Tunnack Ouse Triabunna Kempton Colebrook Orford Hamilton Buckland Fentonbury Broadmarsh Campania Westerway Bushy Park MARIA Nugent ISLAND Maydena BRIDGEWATER Richmond Strathgordon SORELL DERWENT VALLEY NEW NORFOLK SORELL GLENORCHY FRANKLIN Dodges Ferry CLARENCE CLARK Dunalley HOBART Lauderdale Low Rocky Pt Margate HUONVILLE TASMAN Kettering Nubeena Cygnet Geeveston Port Arthur FRANKLIN Cape Raoul BRUNY Dover KINGBOROUGH Alonnah HUON VALLEY ISLAND BRIGHTON Bridgewater Southport Granton LYONS Old Beach Austins Ferry South West Cape Claremont CLARENCE DERWENT VALLEY Otago South East Cape Chigwell RIVER Risdon Risdon Glenlusk Vale Rosetta LYONS Montrose FRANKLIN Geilston Glenorchy Lutana Bay Moonah Collinsvale West Lindisfarne New GLENORCHY Moonah Town Lenah North Valley Hobart CLARK West HOBART Hobart HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Battery HOBART South Hobart Point DERWENT map numbers Dynnyrne FRANKLIN House of Assembly Tolmans Sandy Hill 1 Bass Mount Bay MACQUARIE ISLAND Ridgeway Nelson 2 Braddon Fern Tree Mountain River Neika Taroona 3 Clark 4 Franklin KINGBOROUGH Local Government Area HUON Leslie FRANKLIN Longley Vale Bonnet VALLEY Hill 5 Lyons Lower Kingston HUON Longley Kingston Sandfly VALLEY FRANKLIN KINGBOROUGH Beach 4556/18.
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