Internationally Coordinated Flood Risk Management Plan for the International River Basin District of the Rhine, Part A December 2015 Imprint Joint report of The Republic of Italy, The Principality of Liechtenstein, The Federal Republic of Austria, The Federal Republic of Germany, The Republic of France, The Grand Duchy of Luxemburg, The Kingdom of Belgium, The Kingdom of the Netherlands With the cooperation of the Swiss Confederation Data sources Competent Authorities in the Rhine river basin district Coordination Rhine Coordination Committee in cooperation with the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine (ICPR) Drafting of maps Federal Institute of Hydrology, Koblenz, Germany Publisher International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine (ICPR) Kaiserin-Augusta-Anlagen 15, D 56068 Koblenz P.O. box 20 02 53, D 56002 Koblenz Telephone +49-(0)261-94252-0, Fax +49-(0)261-94252-52 Email:
[email protected] ISBN 978-3941994-70-6 © IKSR-CIPR-ICBR 2015 Flood Risk Management Plan 2015 Contents December 2015 3 Introduction 3 1. Basis 5 1.1 Implementation of the Floods Directive in the IRBD Rhine (part A) 5 1.2 Catchment area and discharge 6 1.3 Aspects of climate change 8 2. Flood risk in the Rhine catchment 10 2.1 Preliminary assessment of flood risk and determination of flood risk areas (part A) 10 2.2 Description of flood hazard and flood risk (part A) 11 3. Principles and targets of the overriding Flood Risk Management Plan (part A) 12 3.1 Principles 12 3.2 Targets of the overriding plan: From the Action Plan on Floods towards the Flood Risk Management Plan 13 4.