Kupec, Kerri (CPA) From: Kupec, Kerri (OPA) Sent: Monday, January 7, 2019 9:19 AM To:
[email protected] Subject: Can we move meeting to tomorrow? I (b)(6) Sent from my iPhone Document ID: 0.7.910.41593 20200323-0000162 Hornbuckle, Wyn (OPA) From: Hornbuckle, Wyn (OPA) Sent: Thursday, January 3, 2019 6:29 PM To: Kupec, Kerri (OPA); Gibson, Jake Subject: RE: Hi Jake, question Hi Jake - I'll look into it but doubt I will be able to update these figures to meet deadline tonight. Here's some recent important cases, unlikely there have been that many since July: Thursday, December 20, 2018: https:l/www.iustice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-seeks-denaturalize illinois-man-who-allegedly-concealed-service-military TheJustice Department filed a denaturalization lawsuit against Necljo :Milosevic, a native oftheformer Yugoslavia, who, according to theDepartment's complaint, was a member ofone ofthe military units responsible for theSrebrenicamassacre-thelargest mass atrocity in Europe since theHolocaust. The complaint alleges that1'.filosevic concealed his military senriceinorderto enter theUnited States as a refugee, and continued to conceal itthroughouthis naturalization proceedings. The civil complaint was filed in federal court in the NorthernDistrictofIllinois. Removal of}akiw Pa/ii Nazi Labor Camp Guard {EONY): On August 20, the long-soughtremoval offormer Nazi labor camp guard Jakiw Palij was carried outwhen he was transported by ICE t o Germany. One ofHRSP's two predecessor units, the Office of Special Investigations (OSI), won a court order of denatural1zat1on against the longtime New York City resident in 003 and secured an immigration court order of removal in 2004, with both decisions based on Palij's participation in WWII Nazi-sponsored acts of persecution.