Pollination Ecology of an Alpine Fell-Field Community in the North
Oavid C.,Shaw d,o Ronald J. Taylor D.o".tr.a'l,o, Boroq, Wo F W.' r'o .t,.o, L 86 g.d !4o11lo 98ll5 Polljnation Ecologyof an Alpine Fell-FieldCommunity in the North Cascades Abstract 'ruh-!f '{ rlr loliiirlion.''1!1og\of an alpir tul]ficld lo.areit ir LheNIounr Ilater areaoJ washingtonStar. ras ronducred iru.nsth' Lumtrrr''ol l93l llllhation svndrocsGtraregie!)ofth.dorrinanrptantswerearemophrrv.g,ine.arjze.t.nlomoph ilr' and sl"ializ'd ent'nophilv lrs.cr 'Ihe !isitationsro ptantspecies werc q"-tir;,"t "".l i"""",g prenorog! nut $as denrin,n"u. inldtant pollinrrorsrere t,unblcl,rs, srrplid nr"., -a ,,-*"ri iii"., "i'];,". ,",0",,,,,"" $ere hurrerliesand p'imitivf llic' Plantserhitririne specializ*1 entornophily appearcdro oinin;e comperi,i"' l, .""p"-,r"" of ltowerjng NIanyot rheplants lrhiliring rinrcs. gL:neralizedenrooopt,ili norercrt s1mhron",.r,, p".r,.,p.f* ' "r" .,\ ,,",a*,arion to alra.t h.ge nunbcrs 1. 1, ,..r.,i,.. 1 , r-t'^\ .,.,4Lhi F tt,{pr: Introduction rcducrng competition for pollinators. Foraging behavior of flies and butterflies is variable Pollin.rriuner-ul'rgr i. a rapidh gror.ing -uh- anJ "olJ-fa.lrr,,rrnJ' lesslell known (Proctor and yco l9?3, Faegri dr- inline.l bi,,log\.rccen \ e,ndVand"r Pijl l,r7q,.In gnrreral.ili,.. proier erpanJirrglrnrrr .r nrinrarilrdc", riprir, to an .i- llo\1crj sith n,rn-con.erl,d rerarrl., Jo not perimenlal science.Howerer, although therc are .peeializ".und appcarirr rlpirr,.r"ommunitie. a, number of excellent tcxts, c.g., Faegri and earll in the season.Buttcrflies preler tubular Vander Pijl (1979),Jones and LitJe (1983),proc- llorcrs with toncealed rcwards, have a higher tor and Yeo (1973), and Richards (1978), ancl level of floral constancythan flies, and app"ar nunrerou:arlr"ter , "nc, rningpollination biolugr.
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