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38 at 5 E. > As USOO65874O3B1 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,587,403 B1 Keller et al. (45) Date of Patent: *Jul. 1, 2003 (54) MUSICJUKEBOX 5,587,978 A 12/1996 Endo et al. 5,608,707 A 3/1997 Ogawa et al. (75) Inventors: Peter J. Keller, Lake Forest, IL (US); 5,610,893 A 3/1997 Soga et al. Michael J. Kelley, Arlington Heights, 5,633,839 A 5/1997 Alexander et al. IL (US) 5,732,059 A 3/1998 Katsuyama et al. 5,740,134 A 4/1998 Peterson (73) Assignee: Advanced Audio Devices, LLC, Lake 576.2 -- Y-2 A SEEeong Forest, IL (US) 5,792.971. A * 8/1998 Timis et al. .................. 369/83 - 5,892,738 A * 4/1999 Hirao et al. .................. 369/30 (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 5,959,944 A 9/1999 Dockes et al. patent is extended or adjusted under 35 5,963,530 A 10/1999 Ward U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. 6,086,380 A 7/2000 Chu et al. 6,147,940 A 11/2000 Yankowski This patent is Subject tO a terminal dis- 6,147,950 A * 11/2000 Sakamoto et al. - - - - - - - - - - - - 369/84 claimer. 6,163,508 A 12/2000 Kim et al. 6,201,771 B1 3/2001. Otsuka et al. ................ 369/30 (21) Appl. No.: 09/641,069 OTHER PUBLICATIONS (22) Filed: Aug. 17, 2000 The text of a website which was available at least as early as June of 1998 and which describes a device called “The Related U.S. Application Data Little Black Rack'. (63) Continuation of application No. 09/111,989, filed on Jul. 8, sk cited- by examiner 1998. Primary Examiner Tan Dinh (60) pyisional application No. 60/051999, filed on Jul. 9, (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Trexler, Bushnell, 7 Giangiorgi, BlackStone & Marr, Ltd. (51) Int. Cl." ................................................ G11B 21/08 (52) U.S. Cl. .................................. 369/30.06; 369/30.05 (57) ABSTRACT (58) Field of Search ................................ 369/30.06, 33, Disclosed is a music jukebox which is configured for Storing 369/34, 36, 37, 178, 30.05, 30.27, 30.28, a music library therein. The music jukebox includes a 33.01, 34.01, 178.01 housing, audio input Structure on the housing for receiving audio Signals, audio output Structure on the housing for (56) References Cited outputting audio signals, and a data Storage Structure in the U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS housing for Storing audio signals. The music jukebox is configured Such that a music library of Sound tracks is 4,375,083 A 2/1983 Maxemchuk Storable in the data Storage Structure. The music jukebox 4,823,333 A 4f1989 Satoh et al. includes means for Selecting a Sound track from the music 5,253,234. A * 10/1993 Ogawa et al. ................ 369/30 library Stored in the data Storage Structure to play through the 5,325,352 A 6/1994 Matsumoto audio output Structure, and the housing includes a display 5,414,688 A 5/1995 Inokuchi thereon which identifies Sound tracks in the music library. 5,473,5955,418,762 A * 12/19955/1995 HayashiKitayama et ...................al. 369/13 Preferablv,relerably, thune musicic Jukeboxiukebox isi connguredf d suchh thatunal ineth 5,481,509 A 1/1996 Knowles Sound tracks Stored in the data Storage Structure are editable 5,490,125 A 2/1996 Takada et al. before being played through the audio output Structure. 5,493.548 A 2/1996 Kamioka 5,586,093 A 12/1996 Honda et al. 48 Claims, 14 Drawing Sheets 30 58 32 40 N 54 56 44 z 34 y 79 " W E. FACBLACK 76 O ( 5 38 J. 74 62 64 72 53 --- 52 38 at 5 E.I > as 7 ||57. 5961 A - 77 41 55, 45 47 49 63 50 --- 75 42 U.S. Patent Jul. 1, 2003 Sheet 1 of 14 US 6,587,403 B1 O - U.S. Patent Jul. 1, 2003 Sheet 2 of 14 US 6,587,403 B1 9/ U.S. Patent Jul. 1, 2003 Sheet 3 of 14 US 6,587,403 B1 U.S. Patent Jul. 1, 2003 Sheet 4 of 14 US 6,587,403 B1 OSIGBAIXÃO,ET8W/GRAJOOE}}LINT) H a to c U.S. Patent Jul. 1, 2003 Sheet S of 14 US 6,587,403 B1 FIG.PART 5A 1) EXTERNAL OPTICAL SCSI STORAGE T INTERFACE UNIT EISEAL BOO AUDIO OUT INTERFACE BLOCK CTRLK- Eli SCSI OV EERAM al P ADEER O-3 MEMORY APPED BUFFER f ES5B. CTRL DATA ADDR INPUT RAM X A SEES5SiB MERYDATAk-E- A CTRL ADDR . TRL PCS SW 2 Dkl -- e. PC COMPATIBLE 0 3.HEBOARDCTRLKC B sw D DE CTRL DATA ADDR HD E MEMORY MAPPED BUFFER2 HARD it is 5 2 DISK is a SYSTEM MAN BUS D TO FIG.5A (PART2) TO FIG.5A (PART2) U.S. Patent Jul. 1, 2003 Sheet 6 of 14 US 6,587,403 B1 FISPART 5A 2 TO FIG. 5A (PART 1) TO FIG, 5A (PART 1) MAIN BUS DSP BUS HOSTINTER- : DSP EdF (TYPCALLY TO PORT ADSP2171) SP s ADDR CTRL 5. REAL TIME DATA EDATA : DATA O CLOCK & CTRLK ADDRo CONFIGURATION KEAESSion WCROPHONE COMPARATOR F. 5B D CTRL3 ANALOG MIC IN CTRL BOARD WPS LATCH CIRCUIT VOICE PROCESS- GROUND ING & STORAGE ADDR 5E ADDR DATA CTRL LCD KEYS CTR2 CHASSIS GROUND LCD DISPLAY KEYPAD -V EJECTERRORINFRARED L R RECORDLEVELS AC MANS N PS MAIN ENERGY SBS EXDC OUT STORAGE U.S. Patent Jul. 1, 2003 Sheet 7 of 14 US 6,587,403 B1 FIG. 5B SHIELD CONNECTED TO ANALOG GROUND ANALOG INPUTS & SOLATED FROM CHASSIS GROUND LNP R-INPUT FROM ANALOG OPTO 7 N F.G. 5A COUPLER UNIT DIFFERENTIAL (PART 1) OUT R INPUT AMP ANALOG In SQLATOR DCGU DCGU 2 DRIVER DIGITALLY CONT. DIGITALLY CONT ROLLED GAN UNIT ROLLED GAN UNIT CTRL SP LO LOUTR TO FIG 5A ADDRESS(PART 1) TE DECODER INPUT R CODEC (TYPICALLY CS4222) DIGITALOPTO TO FIG. 5A COUPLER GROUP L OUT R (PART2) DSP BUS SP LOWPASS FILTER ANALOG & BUFFER UNIT to as | BOARD L OUT R (PART 2) MAN AOCD2 ESS ANALOG OPTO- C COMMON : COM +V COUPLER DRIVER COMPA- is a m a us a m a as a s is is tims an wu RATOR as annuwin 155AED TO HEADPHONE L-OUTal R-OUT To FIG. 5A POWERSUPPLY." LINE OUT (PART2) MAN POWER SUPPLY OUTPUT, DC OUT U.S. Patent Jul. 1, 2003 Sheet 8 of 14 US 6,587,403 B1 O .. I HH is s S 35. 3 || 3 || 6 I T Cfd HTTI This s - OO - --- ris rst thrillfelt "LL" H U.S. Patent Jul. 1, 2003 Sheet 9 of 14 US 6,587,403 B1 44 FIG. 7 1. FASOBACK 70298 9:SPM 00:06:56 2 KNG NOTHING TO298 921M 00:05:28 3. SAD but RUE 70298 9:45PM 00:05:22. 226 4. FUE O298 9:37FM 00:04:28 VIEW: SONGS-1 HD FREE: 02:07:36 SESS FREE: OO:02:48 NAME DAE TIME Sa MGN SE BREAOFAN 298 9:27FM 05:43 FADETO BLACK 70298 9:18PM 00:08:58 -45 X FE 226 298 9:37M 00:04:28 45 HARVESTER 7,298 9:03PM. O05:43 236 52 U.S. Patent Jul. 1, 2003 Sheet 10 of 14 US 6,587,403 B1 F.G. 10 242 52 44 FIG. 11 VIEW: DRIVES HD FREE: 02:07:36 SESS FREE: OO:02:48 VIEw UP DowN SELECT EXIT 248 52 44 FIG. 12 204 TOTAL TRACK 216 06:56. 250 52 U.S. Patent Jul. 1, 2003 Sheet 11 of 14 US 6,587,403 B1 44 F.G. 13 U.S. Patent Jul. 1, 2003 Sheet 12 of 14 US 6,587,403 B1 44 FG 16 VIEW: SONGS-1 HD FREE: 02:07:36 SESS FREE: 00:02:48 BREADFAN 70298 927M 00:05:43 -45 X FADE TO BLACK 226 70298 9:16PM 00:08:56 -45 X FUE 70298 9:37M 00:04:28 -45 X HARVESTER 70298 9:03PM 00:05:43 -45 X FADETO BLACK FUE HARVESTER VIEW: SONGS-1 HD FREE: 02:07:36 SESS FREE: 00:02:48 DATE BREAOFAN O298 9:27pM 00:05:43 -45 FADE TO BLACK 226 70298 9:16PM 00:06:58 45 FUE 7,298 937PM 00:04:28 45 HARMESER 70298 9:03PM 00:05:43 -45 BACK coPY MOVE 59 61 63 264 52 U.S. Patent Jul. 1, 2003 Sheet 13 of 14 US 6,587,403 B1 44 FIG. 19 VIEW METALLCA HD FREE: 02:07:36 SESS FREE: 00:02:48 S DRW 1 FADE TO BLACK 70298 9:16PM 00:06:56 3 SAD BUTRUE 7/298 9:45PM 00:05:22 1 4. FUE 226 7,0298 9:37PM 00:04:28 1 BACK Mv UP MV DowNDELETE VIEW: SESSIONS HD FREE: 02:07:36 NAM E TRACKS S ZE 01:11:11 U.S. Patent Jul. 1, 2003 Sheet 14 of 14 US 6,587,403 B1 FIG. 23 US 6,587,403 B1 1 2 MUSICJUKEBOX provides that the track reverse and track forward functions of a compact disc player are more useful than the respective RELATED APPLICATION rewind and fast forward functions of an audio tape recorder/ player. Specifically, holding the track reverse or track for This application is a continuation of U.S. patent applica ward push-button down provides that the compact disc tion Ser. No. 09/111,989, filed Jul.
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