
(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8.598,022 B2 Kaim et al. (45) Date of Patent: Dec. 3, 2013

(54) ISOTOPICALLY-ENRICHED (52) U.S. Cl. -CONTAINING COMPOUNDS, AND USPC ...... 438/515; 257/E21.334; 257/E21.473; METHODS OF MAKING AND USING SAME 427/523 (58) Field of Classification Search (75) Inventors: Robert Kaim, Brookline, MA (US); USPC ...... 438/515; 257/E21.334, E21,473; Joseph D. Sweeney, Winsted, CT (US); 427/523 Oleg Byl, Southbury, CT (US); Sharad See application file for complete search history. N. Yedave, Danbury, CT (US); Edward E. Jones, Woodbury, CT (US); Peng (56) References Cited Zou, Ridgefield, CT (US); Ying Tang, Brookfield, CT (US); Barry Lewis U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS Chambers, Midlothian, VA (US); 4.331,647 A 5/1982 Goldenberg Richard S. Ray, New Milford, CT (US) 4,348,376 A 9/1982 Goldenberg (73) Assignee: Advanced Technology Materials, Inc., (Continued) Danbury, CT (US) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this EP OOT9705 A1 5, 1983 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 EP O656668 B1 3, 1999 U.S.C. 154(b) by 107 days. (Continued) (21) Appl. No.: 13/300,575 OTHER PUBLICATIONS Byl, O., et al., “Properties of Diboron Tetrafluoride (B2F4), A New (22) Filed: Nov. 19, 2011 Gas for Boron Ion Implantation”, “AIP Conference Proceedings', Jan. 1, 2011, pp. 408-410, vol. 1321. (65) Prior Publication Data d Continue US 2012/0108044 A1 May 3, 2012 ( ) Related U.S. Application Data Primary Examiner — Michelle Mandala (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Hultquist, PLLC; Steven J. (63) Eary apply 6.25s Hultquist; Rosa Yaghmour ed on IVlar. 1), , now Pat. No. 8,062, , Wn1c is a continuation-in-part of application No. (57) ABSTRACT 12/913,721, filed on Oct. 27, 2010, now Pat. No. An isotopically-enriched, boron-containing compound com 8,138,071. prising two or more boron atoms and at least one fluorine (60) Provisional application No. 61/378,353, filed on Aug. atom, wherein at least one of the boron atoms contains a 30, 2010, provisional application No. 61/375,031, thandesired a natural isotope abundance of boron concentrationin a concentration or ratio or ratiothereof. greater The fig. i f 2010, Proving pist G compound may have a of B.F. Synthesis 98.14, Illed on Jun, 4. proV1S1ona methods for Such compounds, and ion implantation methods application No. 61/349.202, filed on May 27, 2010, using Such compounds, are described, as well as storage and provisional application No. 61/255,097, filed on Oct. dispensing vessels in which the isotopically-enriched, boron 27, 2009. containing compound is advantageously contained for Sub (51) Int.nt. ClC. sequent dispensing use. HOIL 2L/2425 (2006.01) 31 Claims, 1 Drawing Sheet

US 8.598,022 B2 Page 2

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US 8.598,022 B2 1. 2 ISOTOPICALLY ENRICHED atoms and molecules in the gas results in the creation of an BORON-CONTAINING COMPOUNDS, AND ionized plasma consisting of positive and negative dopant METHODS OF MAKING AND USING SAME ions. The resulting ions are extracted from the source in the form CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED of an ion beam of desired energy. Extraction is achieved by APPLICATIONS applying a high Voltage across Suitably shaped extraction electrodes, which incorporate apertures for passage of the This is a continuation in part under 35 USC 120 of U.S. extracted beam. The extracted beam passes through the aper patent application Ser. No. 13/048,367 filed Mar. 15, 2011 in ture and out of the ion Source as a collimated ion beam, which the names of Robert Kaim, et al. for “ISOTOPICALLY-EN 10 is accelerated towards the substrate. RICHED BORON-CONTAINING COMPOUNDS, AND The ion beam is impinged on the Surface of the Substrate, METHODS OF MAKING ANDUSING SAME, and issued Such as a semiconductor wafer, in order to implant the Sub Nov. 22, 2011 as U.S. Pat. No. 8,062,965, which is a continu strate with the dopant element. The ions of the beam penetrate ation in part under 35 USC 120 of U.S. patent application Ser. 15 the surface of the substrate to form a region of desired con No. 12/913,721 filed Oct. 27, 2010 in the names of Robert ductivity. Implanted ion species variously include B. P. As, Kaim, et al. for “ISOTOPICALLY-ENRICHED BORON Se.. N, Ar, Ge. Si, O, and H, with boron being a particularly CONTAINING COMPOUNDS, AND METHODS OF widely used implant species. MAKING ANDUSING SAME, and issued Mar. 20, 2012 as One of the main steps in manufacturing of integrated cir U.S. Pat. No. 8,138,071, which in turn claims the benefit of cuits is implantation of boron into silicon wafers. Since priority under 35 USC 119(e) of the following U.S. Provi elemental boron exhibits very low vapor pressure even at high sional Patent Applications: U.S. Provisional Patent Applica temperatures, utilization of Volatile boron-containing com tion No. 61/378,353 filed Aug. 30, 2010 in the names of Oleg pounds is necessary. Currently, (BF) is Byl, et al. for “ISOTOPICALLY-ENRICHED BORON widely used as a feed gas for boron implantation (for CONTAINING COMPOUNDS, AND METHODS OF 25 example, it is estimated that the 2007 annual worldwide con MAKING AND USING SAME: U.S. Provisional Patent sumption of BF, for ion implantation was ~3000 kg). Application No. 61/375,031 filed Aug. 18, 2010 in the names Despite its widespread use, BF does have disadvantages. of Oleg Byl, et al. for “ISOTOPICALLY-ENRICHED The BF molecule is very difficult to ionize and only about BORON-CONTAINING COMPOUNDS, AND METHODS 15% of all BF flowed into the ion source can be fragmented. OF MAKING ANDUSING SAME: U.S. Provisional Patent 30 The rest is discarded. Further, only about 30% of the ionized Application No. 61/358,514 filed Jun. 25, 2010 in the names BF is converted into B" ions that can be used for implanta of Edward Jones, et al. for “ACTIVE COOLING FOR ION tion. This results in low B" beam current that severely limits IMPLANT GAS DELIVERY SYSTEM: U.S. Provisional implantation process throughput. Patent Application No. 61/349.202 filed May 27, 2010 in the Some increase of B' beam current can be achieved by names of Edward Jones, et al. for “ACTIVE COOLING FOR 35 varying the process parameters, such as by raising the extrac ION IMPLANT GAS DELIVERY SYSTEM and U.S. Pro tion current, and by increasing the BF flow rate. These mea visional Patent Application No. 61/255,097 filed Oct. 27, Sures result in reduced lifetime of the ion source, high Voltage 2009 in the names of Robert Kaim, et al. for “BORON ION arcing leading to tool instability, and poor vacuum causing IMPLANTATION APPARATUS AND METHOD. The dis beam energy contamination. Even without drastic adjustment closures of all of said U.S. patent application Ser. Nos. 40 of the implantation process parameters, it is well established 13/048,367 and 12/913,721 and U.S. Provisional Patent that implantation of boron requires more frequent preventive Application Nos. 61/378,353: 61/375,031: 61/358,514; maintenance interruptions that present other problems for 61/349.202; and 61/255,097 are hereby incorporated herein integrated circuit manufacturers. by reference, in their respective entireties, for all purposes. The problem of throughput limitation because of low B 45 beam current has become more important in recent years due FIELD to the semiconductor industry’s general trend toward utiliza tion of lower implantation energies. At lower implantation The present disclosure relates to isotopically-enriched energies, the B' beam experiences a greater blow-out effect boron-containing compounds, compositions, and methods of due to space charge and the low atomic weight of boron. making and using same. 50 In addition to the foregoing problems, it has been men tioned that elemental boron has a very low vapor pressure. DESCRIPTION OF THE RELATED ART Accordingly, if a boron-containing precursor is susceptible to excessive decomposition resulting in deposition of boron Ion implantation is used in integrated circuit fabrication to residue, then it may be unsuitable for ion implantation, from accurately introduce controlled amounts of dopant impurities 55 an ion implanter tool operation perspective. into semiconductor wafers and is a crucial process in micro In consequence of the foregoing, the art continues to seek electronic/semiconductor manufacturing. improved boron precursors. In Such implantation systems, an ion Source ionizes a desired dopant element of a dopant source gas. The ion Source SUMMARY generates ions by introducing electrons into a vacuum cham 60 ber filled with the dopant source gas (also commonly referred The present disclosure relates to isotopically-enriched to as the “feedstock gas'). Feedstock gases used to generate boron-containing compounds, and methods of making and implant species include, but are not limited to, BF, B.H. using same. BH, PHASH., PFs, ASFs, HSe, N., Ar, GeF, SiFO, In one aspect, the disclosure relates to an isotopically H, and GeH. The compositions containing the dopant ele 65 enriched, boron-containing compound comprising two or ment to be implanted are typically referred to as dopant more boronatoms and at least one fluorine atom, wherein at Sources or precursors. Collisions of the electrons with dopant least one of the boron atoms contains a desired isotope of US 8.598,022 B2 3 4 boron in a concentration or ratio greater than a natural abun scribed type, wherein the vessel contains a restricted flow dance concentration or ratio thereof. orifice located either within the vessel or within an output port A further aspect of the disclosure relates to a method of of the vessel. implanting boron into a Substrate, comprising ionizing the A further aspect the disclosure relates to a storage and compound of an above-describe type, to generate boron ions; dispensing vessel containing a compound of an above-de and implanting the boron ions into a substrate. scribed type, wherein the vessel is pressure-regulated for Yet another aspect of the disclosure relates to a beam-line dispensing of the compound at Subatmospheric pressure. ion implantation, plasma immersion ion implantation or The disclosure relates in another aspect to an ionized com plasma doping system, comprising a source of the compound position useful for AMU separation to generate ionic species described above. 10 Another aspect of the disclosure relates to a gas storage and for ion implantation, said composition deriving from a boron dispensing vessel comprising a compound of a above-de precursor compound other than BF, wherein said boron pre scribed type. cursor compound is isotopically enriched beyond natural The disclosure in another aspect relates to a method of abundance in one of "Band ''B, and wherein said compo improving beam current for an ion implantation process, 15 sition comprises one or more species from among B.F.". comprising: flowing the compound of a type as described B.F., B.F., BF,", BF,", BF, B", F, B.F.", B.F.", above; and generating an ion beam from the compound. B.F.", BF", BF", BF", B", F++, B.F.", B.F.", A further aspect of the disclosure relates to a method of B.F.", BF,", BF", BF“, B", and F“, the boron synthesizing the compound of a type as described above, containing ones of which are isotopically enriched beyond comprising contacting a boron-containing gas with a boron natural abundance in one of "B and 'B. metal. A further aspect of the disclosure relates to a boron ionic The disclosure relates another aspect to a method of pre species selected from among BF, B2F, B2F, BF', paring a source of the compound of an above described type, BF", BF, B", B.F.", B.F.", B.F.", BF,", BF", BF", comprising filling a storage and dispensing vessel with the B", B.F.", B.F.", B.F.", BF,", BF.", BF and compound. 25 B", and isotopically enriched beyond natural abundance in Another aspect of the disclosure relates to an ion implan one of B and B. tation method, comprising flowing a compound of the type The disclosure in another aspect relates to a method of described above to an ion implantation tool with at least one improving beam current for an ion implantation process, co-flowed species selected from the group consisting of inert comprising use of an isotopically-enriched, boron-containing gas, argon, nitrogen, helium, hydrogen, ammonia, Xenon, 30 compound that is effective to form isotopically enriched ionic Xenon difluoride, isotopically enriched diborane, and natural abundance diborane. species producing such improved beam current, in relation to A further aspect of the disclosure relates to an ion implan a corresponding non-isotopically-enriched, boron-contain tation method, comprising flowing an isotopically-enriched ing compound. atomic mass 11 boron BF compound to anion implantation 35 A further aspect the disclosure relates to a process system, tool with an isotopically-enriched atomic mass 11 boron BF comprising: compound. a process tool; Yet another aspect of the disclosure relates to an ion a first boron precursor Source configured to Supply a first implantation method comprising use of a compound of an boron precursor to the process tool; and above-described type in an ion implantation tool, and peri 40 a second boron precursor Source configured to Supply a odically cleaning said tool or a component thereof by flow second boron precursor to the process tool concurrently therethrough of a cleaning agent that is effective to at least with the first boron precursor, partially remove deposits formed in said tool or a component wherein the first boron precursor source comprises BF thereof by ion implantation operation. and the second boron precursor Source comprises dibo A further aspect of the disclosure relates to a method of 45 aC. carrying out ion implantation, comprising using a compound A still further aspect the disclosure relates to anion implan of a type as described above in an ion implantation tool as the tation process, comprising: only dopant source compound used in operation of said ion co-flowing BF and diborane to an ionizing Zone; implantation tool. ionizing the co-flowed BF and diborane in the ionizing Another aspect of the disclosure relates to a method of 50 Zone to form boron dopant species; and carrying out ion implantation, comprising conducting said ion implanting the boron dopant species. ion implantation in an ion implantation tool processing only Other aspects, features and embodiments of the invention isotopically enriched atomic mass 11 boron BF as a dopant will be more fully apparent from the ensuing disclosure and compound therein. appended claims. In another aspect, the disclosure relates to a method of 55 carrying out ion implantation, comprising conducting said BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS ion implantation in anion implantation tool using isotopically enriched atomic mass 11 boron BF as a dopant compound FIG. 1 is a schematic illustration of a semiconductor manu therein, wherein the ion implantation tool also processes at facturing facility including an ion implantation system least one of arsine, phosphine, carbon dioxide, carbon mon 60 arranged to receive an isotopically-enriched boron-contain oxide, silicon tetrafluoride and borontrifluoride. ing precursor from a precursor Supply vessel, according to A further aspect of the disclosure relates to a storage and one embodiment of the present disclosure. dispensing vessel containing a compound of an above-de FIG. 2 is a schematic representation of a manufacturing scribed type in a storage medium selected from the group process system including a manufacturing facility containing consisting of physical adsorbents and ionic liquids. 65 a process tool (PROCESS TOOL) arranged to be supplied Yet another aspect of the disclosure relates to a storage and with boron precursor through a boron precursor co-flow feed dispensing vessel containing a compound of an above-de line. US 8.598,022 B2 5 6 DETAILED DESCRIPTION tains two boronatoms and at least one fluorine atom, and in other compounds, the ratio of 'B to 'B is in a range of from The present disclosure relates to isotopically-enriched 4.1 to 10,000. boron-containing compounds, compositions, and to methods In various embodiments of the isotopically-enriched of making and using same. boron-containing compounds as described above, the boron In one aspect, the disclosure relates to an isotopically containing compound has a chemical formula of B.F. In enriched, boron-containing compound comprising two or various other embodiments of the isotopically-enriched more boronatoms and at least one fluorine atom, wherein at boron-containing compounds as described above, the boron least one of the boron atoms contains a desired isotope of containing compound has a chemical formula of B.F. boron in a concentration or ratio that is greater than a natural 10 More generally, in isotopically-enriched, boron-contain abundance concentration or ratio thereof (of the desired iso ing compounds of the present disclosure, the concentration of tope). desired isotopes in the two or more boron atoms can be the same as, or different from, one another. In various embodi The boron-containing compound can be of any Suitable ments of the isotopically-enriched boron-containing com type, and can include any number of boron atoms. In one 15 pounds of the present disclosure, the boron-containing com embodiment, the boron-containing compound contains at pound contains 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, or 11 boron atoms. least two boron atoms and at least one fluorine atom. In The present disclosure, in one aspect, relates to a method of another embodiment, the boron-containing compound con implanting boron into a Substrate, comprising ionizing an tains from 2 to 80 boronatoms, including diboron compounds isotopically-enriched, boron-containing compound as vari Such as B.F. B.H., HBF, HBFOs. HBFO, and ously described herein, to generate boron ions, and implant HBFO, triboron compounds such as B.F. tetraboron ing the boron ions into a Substrate. In Such method, the iso compounds such as HBF, B(BF)CO, and (FB).BCO, topically-enriched, boron-containing compound may be of pentaboron compounds, hexaboron compounds, septaboron any suitable type described hereinabove. In one embodiment, compounds, octaboron compounds such as BF, nonabo the compound has a chemical formula of B.F. In various rane compounds, decaboron compounds such as BoF 25 other embodiments of such method, the isotopically-en undecaboron compounds, dodecaboron compounds, etc., up riched, boron-containing compound has a chemical formula to Bso compounds such as Bso analogs of fullerenes. In other of B.F. embodiments, the boron-containing compound can contain2, The disclosure in another aspect relates to a beam-line ion 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, or 11 boronatoms. Additional embodi implantation, plasma immersion ion implantation or plasma ments may comprise cluster boron compounds. In still other 30 doping system, comprising a source of the isotopically-en embodiments, the boron-containing compound can be a dibo riched, boron-containing compound, wherein the compound ron compound. In other embodiments, the boron-containing may be of any type as variously described hereinabove. In one compound can comprise diboron compounds other than par embodiment, the compound has a chemical formula of B.F. ticular boron-containing compound species, e.g., diboron In various other embodiments of such method, the isotopi compounds other than diborane. It will therefore be appreci 35 cally-enriched, boron-containing compound has a chemical ated that the disclosure contemplates a wide variety of classes formula of B.F. In another embodiment, the disclosure of boron-containing compounds, within the broad scope relates to ion implantation, in which boron ions are generated thereof. and accelerated by an electric field for impingement on a In one embodiment of the isotopically-enriched, boron Substrate, such as a microelectronic device Substrate. Such containing compound, the desired isotope is atomic mass 10 40 method of implanting boron-containing ions in one imple boron and the natural abundance concentration is about mentation includes ionizing a boron-containing dopant spe 19.9%. In such boron compound, the concentration of atomic cies at a high ionization efficiency of at least 15% using an arc mass 10boron isotope can for example be greater than 19.9%, voltage less than 100 volts, preferably less than 90 volts, more 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 45%, 50%, 55%, 60%, 65%, preferably less than 80 volts, and most preferably less than 70 70%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 96%,97%.98%, 99%, 99.9%, or 45 Volts, using a conventional hot cathode ion source or compa 99.99%, in specific compositional variants. For example, the rable Voltages using another ion Source. In other embodi concentration of atomic mass 10 boron isotope can be ments, the ion implantation specifically excludes plasma 20-25%, 25-30%, 30-35%, 35-40%, 40-45%, 45-50%, immersion processes. 50-55%, 55-60%, 60-65%, 65-70%, 70-75%, 75-80%, The above-described beam-line ion implantation, plasma 80-85%, 85-90%, 90-95%, 95-99% or 95-99.9%. In other 50 immersion ion implantation or plasma doping system, in embodiments, the concentration of atomic mass 10 boron specific implementations thereof, comprise a conduit adapted isotope can be 20-30%, 30-40%, 40-50%, 50-60%. 60-70%, for delivery of the isotopically-enriched boron-containing 70-80%, 80-90%, or 90-99%. In various ones of these various compound to an ionization chamber, wherein the conduit is embodiments, the boron-containing compound contains two maintained at a temperature effective to minimize or other boron atoms. 55 wise Suppress clogging of the conduit and/or decomposition In another embodiment of the isotopically-enriched, of the compound in the conduit. For Such purpose, the ion boron-containing compound, the desired isotope is atomic ization chamber and/or the precursor feed conduit can be mass 11 boron and the natural abundance concentration is equipped with active cooling capability, Such as by provision about 80.1%. In such boron compound, the concentration of of heat exchange flow circuitry serving to reduce the tempera atomic mass 11 boron isotope can for example be greater than 60 ture of the influent dopant gas entering the ionization cham 80.1%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 96%, 97%, 98%, 99%, 99.9% or ber. 99.99%, in specific compositional variants. For example, the In the delivery of the isotopically-enriched, boron-contain concentration of atomic mass 11 boron isotope can be ing compound to the ion implanter tool, the isotopically 81-85%, 85-90%, 90-95%. 95-99%. 95-99.9%. In a specific enriched, boron-containing compound may be delivered, e.g., embodiment, the concentration of atomic mass 11 boron iso 65 co-flowed to the ion implanter tool, with other component(s), tope can be 81-90% or 90-99%. In various ones of these Such as inert gas species, e.g., argon, Xenon, nitrogen, helium various embodiments, the boron-containing compound con or the like, hydrogen, ammonia, other boron precursors such US 8.598,022 B2 7 8 as natural abundance boron precursors, other isotopically illustrative embodiment, the disclosure contemplates combi enriched boron-containing precursors, other dopant precur nation of natural abundance boron metal and isotopically sors (i.e., non-boron dopant precursors), or one or more of the enriched borontrifluoride as being the contacted species, and foregoing components. in yet another illustrative embodiment, the disclosure con In one embodiment, the isotopically-enriched, boron-con templates contacting of isotopically enriched boron metaland taining compound, e.g., enriched atomic mass 11 boron iso isotopically enriched borontrifluoride. tope-containing BF, is co-flowed to the ion implanter tool As a specific example of the synthesis method described with an enriched atomic mass 11 boron isotope-containing above, the isotopically-enriched, boron-containing com BF, whereby the dilution of the isotopically-enriched B.F. pound that is synthesized in the contacting may be BF and with the isotopically-enriched BF serves to enhance the 10 the boron-containing gas may be boron trifluoride. resistance of the precursor stream to clogging offeed lines to The foregoing synthesis method may be carried out using the tool. In such case, the beam current can be maintained at atomic mass 10 boron isotope in the boron metal at any levels that provide a significant benefit operationally, while Suitable concentration. In specific embodiments, the concen concurrently maximizing the service life of the ion source. tration of atomic mass 10boronisotope in the boron metal can In various other implementations of the use of isotopically 15 be greater than 19.9%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 45%, enriched, boron-containing precursors, operation of the ion 50%, 55%, 60%, 65%, 70%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 99%, implantation system may be carried out with in-situ cleaning 99.9%, or 99.99%. of components of the system, such as by flow of a cleaning In other embodiments, the synthesis method may be car agent into the system or specific components thereof to be ried out using atomic mass 11 boron isotope in the boron cleaned, at periodic intervals. The cleaning agent utilized in metal, and in specific embodiments of Such type, the concen Such operation can be of any Suitable type. Such as for tration of atomic mass 11 boronisotope in the boron metal can example Xenon difluoride, fluorine, nitrogen trifluoride, or be greater than 80.1%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 99%, 99.9% or other agent that is effective in contact with deposits formed in 99.99%. the ion implantation system or specific components thereof to In still other embodiments of the synthesis method, in be cleaned, to at least partially remove Such deposits. The 25 which boron trifluoride is employed, isotopically enriched location to be cleaned in the ion implantation system by Such boron trifluoride species can be employed, such as boron periodic introduction of cleaning agent can be the gas tube, trifluoride in which the concentration of atomic mass 10 the arc chamber, forelines, or any other locations or regions in boron isotope is greater than 19.9%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, the tool or ancillary equipment in which deposits can be 40%, 45%, 50%, 55%, 60%, 65%, 70%, 80%, 85%, 90%, formed by chemical species utilized in the ion implantation 30 95%, 99%, 99.9%, or 99.99%. operation. In other embodiments, the synthesis method using boron In another implementation of the use of isotopically-en trifluoride in isotopically enriched form can be carried out, in riched, boron-containing compounds as precursors, an ion which the boron trifluoride is enriched in atomic mass 11 implantation tool is operated with isotopically-enriched boron isotope, wherein the concentration of atomic mass 11 atomic mass 11 boron BF as the only dopant precursor. In 35 boron isotope in the boron trifluoride is greater than 80.1%, yet another implementation, ion implantation is carried out 85%, 90%, 95%, 99%, 99.9% or 99.99%. with isotopically-enriched atomic mass 11 boron BF as the The disclosure in a further aspect relates to a method of dopant species on anion implantation tool that also is used to improving beam current for an ion implantation process, carry out doping operation involving a dopant precursor comprising use of an isotopically-enriched, boron-containing selected from the group consisting of arsine, phosphine, car 40 compound that is effective to produce Such improved beam bon dioxide, carbon monoxide, silicon tetrafluoride, and current, in relation to a corresponding non-isotopically-en borontrifluoride. riched, boron-containing compound. In a specific embodi A further aspect of the disclosure relates to a gas storage ment, the isotopically-enriched, boron-containing compound and dispensing vessel comprising an isotopically-enriched, comprises isotopically-enriched B.F. boron-containing compound of any type as variously 45 A further aspect of the disclosure relates to a method of described herein. Such gas storage and dispensing vessel may improving beam current in anion implantation process, com for example contain an isotopically-enriched, boron-contain prising flowing an isotopically-enriched, boron-containing ing compound having the chemical formula of B.F. The gas compound of any suitable type as described hereinabove, and storage and dispensing vessel in specific embodiments may generating an ion beam from the compound. In such method, comprise one or more of a regulator, check valve, adsorbent, 50 the isotopically-rich, boron-containing compound can com filter, and capillary flow restriction device disposed in an prise a compound having a chemical formula of B.F. Such interior volume of the vessel. The vessel in other embodi boron-containing compound upon ionization may form vari ments may contain a storage medium for the boron-contain ous ionic species and fragments, including one or more spe ing compound. Such as a solid-phase physical adsorbent, or cies from among B.F., B.F.". B.F., BF", BF, BF, B", alternatively an ionic liquid storage medium. In still other 55 F“, B.F.", B.F.", B.F.", BF", BF", BF", B", F++, embodiments, the vessel can include a restrictive flow orifice B.F.", B.F.", B.F.", BF,", BF.", BF+++, B+++, located either within an interior Volume of the vessel or within and F. a connection port, e.g., outlet port, of the vessel. Significant improvement can be achieved in beam current Another aspect of the invention relates to a method of as a result of the use of isotopically-enriched boron-contain synthesizing an isotopically-enriched, boron-containing 60 ing compounds, and their correspondingly enriched boron compound of any Suitable type as described herein above, containing ionic species and fragments, as selected for comprising contacting a boron-containing gas with a boron implantation, by a selector comprising an AMU magnet or metal. In Such method, one or both of the boron-containing other selector. In Such various embodiments, the concentra gas and boron metal can be isotopically enriched. Thus, for tion of atomic mass 11 boron isotope in the boron-containing example, the disclosure contemplates a combination of iso 65 compound, and in ionic species and fragments therefrom, can topically enriched boron metal and natural abundance boron be greater than 80.1%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 99%, 99.9% or trifluoride as being contacted, in one embodiment. In another 99.99%. Alternatively, boron-containing compounds US 8.598,022 B2 10 enriched in atomic mass 10 boron isotope can be utilized, i.e., atomic mass 11 boron isotope in the ionic species greater than boron-containing compounds, and corresponding ionic spe 80.1%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 99%, 99.9% or 99.99%, or an iso cies and fragments therefrom, in which the concentration of topically-enriched boron containing species in which the con atomic mass 10 boron isotope is greater than 19.9%, 20%, centration of mass 10 boron isotope is greater than 19.9%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 45%, 50%, 55%, 60%, 65%, 70%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 45%, 50%, 55%, 60%, 65%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 99%, 99.9% or 99.99%. 70%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 99%, 99.9% or 99.99%. In addition to utilizing isotopically-enriched compounds Another aspect of the present disclosure relates to a method as feed gas sources for ion implantation, the disclosure con of reducing thermal decomposition and deposition of mate templates arrangements in which combinations of boron rial on Surfaces of the ion implantation tool as a result of using containing source compounds are utilized, to achieve various 10 improvements, e.g., improvement in beam current and/or isotopically-enriched boron-containing Source compounds. other operating parameters of the ion implant operation, Thermal decomposition of boron-containing source com reduction in levels of decomposition and deposits therefrom, pounds used in ion implantation can result in deposition of enhancement of resistance to clogging of flow passages in the elemental boron with production of borontrifluoride or other ion implantation system, etc. 15 byproduct gas species. Even if the gas feed line is Sufficiently The disclosure further contemplates use of compounds that cooled, some thermal deposition inevitably occurs on the arc are homogenous in boron isotope as precursors for boronion chamber walls. The deposit formed as a result of such decom implantation, i.e., boron-containing compounds, and ionic position and associated deposition can be a mixture of boron species and fragments therefrom, wherein all atomic boron is metal deriving from the source gas, and tungsten or molyb "Bor'B, to achieve improvements in beam current or other denum from the arc chamber walls. Deposits can form in the operational parameters of the ion implantation operation and gas feed lines near the ion source, as well as inside and on system. Surfaces of nozzles, arc chamber base plates, and below base Use of isotopically-enriched boron-containing compounds plate liners of the ionizer. Such deposits require periodic has been demonstrated to afford significant improvement in maintenance removal. Such as by abrasive cleaning and beam current for selected ionic species, e.g., beam current 25 chemical methods, e.g., flow through the tool containing improvement levels of from 5 to 30% or more, depending on deposits of a suitable cleaning gas, to Volatilize the deposits so the particular ionic species being selected for ion implanta that they can be removed. The resulting effluent can be pro tion. The ionic species, isotopically enriched in boron con cessed for remediation or recovery of specific materials from tent, can be of any suitable type, and can for example include the effluent stream. one or more of B.F., B.F., B.F., BF", BF, BF, B, F, 30 If the ion implanter is not dedicated to operation with only B.F.", BF", B.F.", BF,", BF", BF", B", F++, boron dopants, various types of solid materials orions may be B.F.", B.F.", B.F.", BF,", BF.", BF“, B+++, formed by interaction between the ions derived from the and F". Thus, isotopic enrichment can be utilized to boron Source compound and materials otherwise present in improve AMU magnet selection of ions of a desired type, the vacuum chamber, depending on its materials of construc such as for example BF", BF" or F". By increasing the beam 35 tion, Such as the tungsten and molybdenum materials previ current in the ion implant tool with such isotopically enriched ously described. In a tungsten arc chamber with aluminum species, it is possible to avoid the need for increasing the insulators, ions may be formed of widely varying type, Source gas flow and the source arc power, Such as may oth including WF," wherein x=0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 and AIF," erwise be required to achieve higher beam current levels, but wherein y=0, 1, 2, or 3. Such ions can react with the isotopi which are less efficient and result in low utilization of the 40 cally-enriched boron-containing source compounds to form Source gas for ion implantation. corresponding isotopically-enriched deposits. The isotopic The use of isotopically-enriched BF is particularly pre character of Such deposits may afford opportunity to utilize ferred, since such boron source compound even at natural cleaning agents that are selective for same as a result of their abundance isotopic composition affords significant improve isotopic composition. ment in beam current as compared to beam currents obtained 45 A further aspect of the disclosure relates to a method of using boron trifluoride under the same conditions and in the preparing a source of the isotopically enriched, boron-con same ion implant tool, e.g., for species such as BF and B". taining compound of any Suitable type as described herein Isotopic enrichment can further increase the magnitude of above, in which the method comprises filling a storage and Such improvements. dispensing vessel with the compound. In Such method, the The disclosure in another aspect relates to generation of ion 50 isotopically enriched, boron-containing compound in one species in ionization of an isotopically-enriched boron-con embodiment has the chemical formula B.F. taining compound, as useful for ion implantation, in which The isotopically-enriched, boron-containing compound of the isotopically-enriched boron-containing ion species is the present disclosure includes a wide variety of compounds, selected from among B.F., B.F., B.F.". BF", BF", BF", specific ones of which are in gas, Solid or liquid forms at B", F“, B.F.", BF", B.F.", BF", BF", BF", B", 55 standard conditions (1 atm pressure, 25°C.). F++, B.F.", B.F.", B.F.", BF,", BF.", BF+++, Thus, the disclosure contemplates an ionized composition B", and F". The disclosure further contemplates AMU useful for AMU separation to generate ionic species for ion magnet selection of one or more of such ion species generated implantation, said composition deriving from a boronprecur from ionization of an isotopically-enriched boron-containing Sor compound other than BF, wherein said boron precursor compound, and implantation of Such isotopically-enriched 60 compound is isotopically enriched beyond natural abundance boron-containing ion species in a Substrate, such as a micro in one of 'B and ''B, and wherein said composition com electronic device substrate. prises one or more species from among BF, B2F, B2F". The isotopically-enriched boron-containing species may BF", BF", BF, B, F, B.F.", B.F.", B.F.", BF", be isotopically enriched to provide a concentration of atomic BF", BF", B", F++, B.F.", B.F.", B.F.", BF,", mass 11 boron isotope, or a concentration of atomic mass 10 65 BF", BF", B", and F", the boron-containing ones of boron isotope varied from natural abundance levels, at any of which are isotopically enriched beyond natural abundance in the concentrations previously described, i.e., concentration of one of 'B and ''B. US 8.598,022 B2 11 12 In Such composition, the boron precursor compound can cally-enriched boron-containing precursor from a precursor have the chemical formula of B.F. or any other suitable Supply vessel, according to one embodiment of the present formula. The composition may be constituted so that concen disclosure. tration of atomic mass 10 boron isotope in the boron-contain As shown in FIG. 1, the semiconductor manufacturing ing ionic species is greater than 19.9%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 5 facility 180 includes a dopant precursor supply vessel 182, 40%, 45%, 50%, 55%, 60%, 65%, 70%, 80%, 85%, 90%, arranged to dispense dopant precursor to the ion source cham 95%, 99%, 99.9%, or 99.99%. Alternatively, the composition ber of the ion implantation system. The dopant precursor may be constituted so that concentration of atomic mass 11 supply vessel 182 may be of any suitable type, and may for boron isotope in said boron-containing ionic species is example be constituted by an adsorbent-based fluid storage greater than 80.1%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 99%, 99.9% or 99.99%. 10 and dispensing apparatus of the type commercially available A further aspect of the disclosure relates to a boron ionic species selected from among BF, B2F, B.F.". BF", from ATMI, Inc. (Danbury, Conn., USA) under the trademark BF", BF, B", B.F.", B.F.", B.F.", BF,", BF", BF", “SDS', arranged for Supplying dopant precursor gas at Sub B", B.F.", B.F.", B.F.", BF,", BF.", BF and atmospheric pressure, e.g., a pressure below 600 torr, Such as B", and isotopically enriched beyond natural abundance in 15 a pressure in a range of from about 10 to about 500 torr, when one of 'B and ''B. In the boron ionic species, the concen the dopant precursor is of gaseous form and physically tration of atomic mass 10 boron isotope in said boron ionic adsorbable on the sorbent medium contained in the vessel. species is greater than 19.9%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, Alternatively, the dopant precursor may be of liquid form 45%, 50%, 55%, 60%, 65%, 70%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 95%, when stored in a pressurized State, e.g., in a pressure-regu 99%, 99.9%, or 99.99%, or alternatively, the concentration of lated vessel of a type commercially available from ATMI, Inc. atomic mass 11 boron isotope in said boron ionic species is (Danbury, Conn., USA) under the trademark “VAC, greater than 80.1%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 99%, 99.9% or 99.99%. arranged to dispense gas at lower pressure from the liquid A still further aspect of the disclosure relates to a method of containing vessel. As a still further alternative, the dopant improving beam current for an ion implantation process, precursor may be of a solid form and may be provided in a comprising use of an isotopically-enriched, boron-containing 25 vaporizer vessel of a type commercially available from compound that is effective to form isotopically enriched ionic ATMI, Inc. (Danbury, Conn., USA) under the trademark species producing Such improved beam current, in relation to ProE-Vap, in which the dopant precursor solid is heated to a corresponding non-isotopically-enriched, boron-contain generate precursor vapor for the ion implantation operation. ing compound. The dopant precursor in the illustrative FIG. 1 system can The isotopically-enriched, boron-containing compound 30 for example comprise isotopically-enriched diboron tet may have the chemical formula of B.F. or comprise any rafluoride (BF), or any other isotopically enriched boron other suitable isotopically-enriched, boron-containing com containing precursor. pound. In one embodiment, the concentration of atomic mass The dopant gas is flowed in feed line 184 to gas delivery 10 boron isotope in the isotopically enriched ionic species is unit 186, which is constructed and arranged to Suppress ion greater than 19.9%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 45%, 50%, 35 ization of the dopant gas upstream of the high-voltage inlet 55%, 60%, 65%, 70%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 99%, 99.9%, or 188 of ion source 190, in which the dopant gas is subjected to 99.99%. In another embodiment, the concentration of atomic ionization to form dopant ions of the desired character. mass 11 boron isotope in said isotopically enriched ionic The resulting dopant ions are transmitted in passage 192 species is greater than 80.1%, 85%, 90%. 95%, 99%, 99.9% from the ion source 190 to the implant chamber 194, in which or 99.99%. 40 a wafer (not shown) is disposed in ion impingement position A further aspect of the disclosure relates to use of diborane in relation to the ion stream of the dopant species. (BH) in combination with B.F., as a dopant precursor The byproduct effluent from the implant chamber is flowed composition. The BF in Such dopant precursor composition in effluent treatment line 196 to effluent treatment unit 198, in may be isotopically-enriched as variously described herein, which the effluent may be subjected to treatment and/or rec or alternatively in a non-isotopically-enriched form. The 45 lamation processing, to produce a final effluent that is dis diborane in Such dopant precursor composition likewise may charged from the effluent treatment unit 198. be isotopically enriched in boron isotopic species, or alterna Boron precursors and precursor mixtures may be utilized tively in a non-isotopically-enriched form. In the use of Such in the broad practice of the present disclosure to manufacture dopant precursor composition of B.F. and diborane, the BF a variety of product articles, assemblies, and Subassemblies. and diborane compounds can be premixed with one another 50 For example, Such products may include, without limitation: and delivered from a same source package, or alternatively, semiconductor product articles, assemblies, and Subassem each of such B.F. and diborane compounds can be supplied blies; flat panel display articles, assemblies, and Subassem from separate source packages, and flowed to the process tool blies; and Solar product articles, assemblies, and Subassem from Such separate source packages, in any suitable manner. blies. These products may include boron-doped materials For example, the respective BF and diborane compounds 55 and/or other boron-containing materials, compositions, com can be co-flowed to the process tool from the separate Source ponents and structural elements. The flat panel display packages, or alternatively, such compounds may be delivered articles, assemblies, and Subassemblies may include products to the process tool in a sequential or alternating manner. Such as displays including field emission arrays comprising In another aspect of the disclosure, boron compounds and patterned boron nanocones, boron-doped polycrystalline sili compositions of the present disclosure can be utilized for 60 con germanium films for thin film transistor elements of plasma doping of Substrates for production of Solar cells, active matrix flat panel displays, nanotube using boron ions derived from enriched, or non-enriched, structures for flat panel display applications, etc. the Solar BF and BF-containing compositions variously described product articles, assemblies, and Subassemblies may include herein. Solar photovoltaic panels, Solar thermal apparatus, boron Referring now to the drawing, FIG. 1 is a schematic illus 65 implanted N-ype solar cells, multi-crystalline silicon Solar tration of a semiconductor manufacturing facility including cells including screenprinted boron back surface field (BSF) an ion implantation system arranged to receive an isotopi construction, etc. US 8.598,022 B2 13 14 The disclosure in a further aspect relates to a process sys tively, the product article, assembly, or Subassembly can com tem, comprising prise a solar energy product article, assembly, or a process tool; subassembly. As a still further alternative, the product article, a first boron precursor Source configured to Supply a first assembly, or Subassembly can comprise a flat panel display boron precursor to the process tool; and product article, assembly, or Subassembly. a second boron precursor Source configured to Supply a FIG. 2 is a schematic representation of a manufacturing second boron precursor to the process tool concurrently process system 220 including a manufacturing facility 222 with the first boron precursor, containing a process tool (PROCESS TOOL) arranged to be wherein the first boron precursor source comprises BF Supplied with boron precursor through a boron precursor and the second boron precursor source comprises dibo 10 co-flow feed line 242. aC. Firstboron precursor Source comprises vessel 224 contain The process tool in the foregoing process system can be of ing BF and equipped with a valve head assembly 228 any suitable type, and for example can comprise an ion coupled with a BF Supply line 234 containing flow control implantation apparatus, a vapor deposition apparatus, a reac ler 236 therein. The valve head assembly may be constructed tion chamber, or other process tool. In one embodiment, the 15 with a manual handwheel as illustrated or the valve head process tool can comprise a boron doping ion implantation assembly may be coupled with an automatic valve actuator apparatus disposed in a manufacturing facility configured to couple operatively with a central processor unit (CPU) for produce product articles, assemblies, or Subassemblies, com automatic operation of the valve in the valve head assembly. prising boron doped material. Such manufacturing facility The flow controller 236 can be of any suitable type, including can be configured for specific production, e.g., configured to for example mass flow controllers, regulators, restricted flow produce semiconductor product articles, assemblies, or Sub orifice (RFO) devices, flow control valves, or any other com assemblies, comprising doped boron material. Alternatively, ponents that are effective to modulate the flow of the precur the manufacturing facility can be configured to produce Solar sor from the vessel 224. The BF supply line 234 is arranged energy product articles, assemblies, or Subassemblies, com to flow BF to the boron precursor co-flow feed line 242. prisingboron doped material. As a still further alternative, the 25 The vessel itself may be of any suitable type, and can for manufacturing facility can be configured to produce flat panel example comprise a vessel containing a storage medium, display product articles, assemblies, or Subassemblies, com Such as a physical adsorbent or ionic liquid storage medium, prising boron doped material. on and/or in which the boron precursor is stored. Sorbent The process system can be configured in various embodi based vessels useful for Such purpose are commercially avail ments so that the first boron precursor and second boron 30 able from ATMI, Inc. (Danbury, Conn., USA) under the trade precursor are co-flowed to the process tool. mark SDS. Alternatively, the vessel may be of an internally In one implementation of the foregoing process system, the pressure-regulated type, including a pressure regulator process system comprises a co-flow feed line for introducing arrangement disposed in the interior Volume of the vessel; co-flowed first and second boron precursors to the process vessels of such type are commercially available from ATMI, tool, where each of the first boron precursor source and sec 35 Inc. (Danbury, Conn., USA) under the trademark VAC. ond boron precursor source comprises a precursor Supply Second boron precursor source comprises vessel 226 con vessel coupled in flow communication to the co-flow feed taining diborane and equipped with a valve head assembly line. 230 coupled with a diborane supply line 238 containing flow The foregoing process system can be constituted, wherein controller 240 therein. The valve head assembly may be con at least one of the BF and diborane boron precursor sources 40 structed with a manual handwheel as illustrated or the valve is isotopically enriched. Thus, process system implementa head assembly may be coupled with an automatic valve tions are contemplated in which only BF is enriched, or in actuator couple operatively with a central processor unit which only diborane is isotopically enriched, or in which both (CPU) for automatic operation of the valve in the valve head BF and diborane are isotopically enriched. assembly. The flow controller 240, in like manner to flow A further aspect of the disclosure relates to an ion implan 45 controller 236 associated with vessel 224, can be of any tation process, comprising: Suitable type, including for example mass flow controllers, co-flowing BF and diborane to an ionizing Zone: regulators, restricted flow orifice (RFO) devices, flow control ionizing the co-flowed BF and diborane in the ionizing valves, or any other components that are effective to modulate Zone to form boron dopant species; and the flow of the precursor from the vessel 226. The diborane ion implanting the boron dopant species. 50 supply line 238 is arranged to flow diborane to the boron Such process may be conducted in various modes of opera precursor co-flow feed line 242. tion, wherein at least one of the BF and diborane boron The process tool in Such system can comprise an ion precursor Sources is isotopically enriched. The process may implantation process tool, in which the co-flowed boron pre be conducted with only BF being enriched, or with only cursor mixture comprising BF and diborane is flowed to an diborane being isotopically enriched, or with both B.F. and 55 ion source chamber for ionization to form boron ions for diborane being isotopically enriched. implantation, e.g., in a semiconductor Substrate. The foregoing process can be conducted, with the ionizing In the above-described process system and process imple being carried out so as to generate an ion beam of the boron mentations wherein BF and diborane are co-flowed to the dopant species, and the ion beam of the boron dopant species process tool, e.g., an ionization chamber or other tool or being accelerated by electric field to implant boron-contain 60 process Zone, the relative proportions of the respective BF ing ions in a Substrate. and diborane components in the co-flowed mixture can be As discussed herein above, the ion implantation processes varied, as necessary or desirable in a given application. For of the present disclosure can be carried out in a method of example, the amount of B.F. in the BF and diborane co manufacturing a product article, assembly, or Subassembly, flow mixture can range from 1% to 99% by volume, based on comprising boron-doped material. For example, the product 65 total volume of B.F. and diborane co-flow mixture, with article, assembly, or Subassembly can comprise a semicon diborane in the BF and diborane co-flow mixture corre ductor product article, assembly, or Subassembly. Alterna spondingly ranging from 99% to 1% by Volume, on the same US 8.598,022 B2 15 16 total Volume basis. In specific embodiments, the amount of 7. The process of claim 1, as carried out in a method of B.F. in the BF and diborane co-flow mixture can be 1%, manufacturing a product article, assembly or Subassembly, 2%,3%, 4%, 5%, 7%, 9%, 10%, 12%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, comprising boron-doped material. 35%, 40%, 45%, 50%, 55%, 60%, 65%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 8. The process of claim 7, wherein the product article, 85%, 90%. 95%, 97%, 98%, or 99%, by volume, based on assembly or Subassembly comprises a semiconductor prod total volume of the BF and diborane co-flow mixture, with uct article, assembly or Subassembly. the corresponding amount of diborane being 99%, 98%.97%, 9. The process of claim 7, wherein the product article, 96%, 95%, 93%, 91%, 90%, 88%, 85%, 80%, 75%, 70%, assembly or Subassembly comprises a solar energy product 65%, 60%, if 5%, 50%, 45%, 40%, 35%, 30%, 25%, 20%, article, assembly or Subassembly. 10 10. The process of claim 7, wherein the product article, 50%, 10%, 5%, 3%, 2%, or 1%, respectively. assembly or Subassembly comprises a flat panel display prod Boron precursor mixtures comprising BF and diborane uct article, assembly or Subassembly. can be utilized in accordance with the present disclosure in 11. The process system of claim 1, wherein the first boron ion implantation applications to generate ionic species and precursor and second boron precursor are co-flowed to the fragments for boron ion implantation. In Such applications, 15 process tool. the bicomponent precursor mixtures can be utilized with Sig 12. A process of implanting boron into a substrate, com nificant benefits over single boron precursor operation, prising ionizing a boron precursor composition comprising including enhanced beam currents, increased ion source life, isotopically enriched BF, at ionization conditions that are and lowered cost of ownership for the ion implantation appa effective to ionize at least 15% of the isotopically enriched ratuS. BF and produce boronions, and implantingboronions from The invention, as variously described herein in respect of said ionizing into the Substrate, wherein said ionization con features, aspects and embodiments thereof, may in particular ditions comprise ionizing Voltage of less than 100 volts. implementations be constituted as comprising, consisting, or 13. The process of claim 12, wherein said boron precursor consisting essentially of Some or all of such features, aspects composition comprises at least one boron precursor other and embodiments, as well as elements and components 25 than said isotopically enriched B.F. thereof being aggregated to constitute various further imple 14. The process of claim 13, wherein the at least one other mentations of the invention. The invention is described herein boron precursor is isotopically enriched. in various embodiments, and with reference to various fea 15. The process of claim 13, wherein the at least one other tures and aspects of the invention. The invention contem boron precursor comprises one or more of BF, B.H. and plates such features, aspects and embodiments in various 30 B.F. permutations and combinations, as being within the scope of 16. The process of claim 15, wherein the at least one other the invention. The invention may therefore be specified as boron precursor comprises BF. comprising, consisting or consisting essentially of any of 17. The process of claim 16, wherein said BF is isotopi Such combinations and permutations of these specific fea cally enriched. tures, aspects and embodiments, or a selected one or ones 35 18. The process of claim 15, wherein the at least one other thereof. boron precursor comprises B.H. While the invention has been has been described herein in 19. The process of claim 18, wherein said BH is isotopi reference to specific aspects, features and illustrative embodi cally enriched. ments of the invention, it will be appreciated that the utility of 20. The process of claim 15, wherein the at least one other the invention is not thus limited, but rather extends to and 40 boron precursor comprises B.F. encompasses numerous other variations, modifications and 21. The process of claim 20, wherein said BF is isotopi alternative embodiments, as will Suggest themselves to those cally enriched. of ordinary skill in the field of the present invention, based on 22. The process of claim 12, wherein said ionization con the disclosure herein. Correspondingly, the invention as here ditions comprise ionization voltage of less than 90 volts. inafter claimed is intended to be broadly construed and inter 45 23. The process of claim 12, wherein said ionization con preted, as including all Such variations, modifications and ditions comprise ionization voltage of less than 80 volts. alternative embodiments, within its spirit and scope. 24. The process of claim 12, wherein said ionization con ditions comprise ionization voltage of less than 70 volts. What is claimed is: 25. The process of claim 12, further comprising generating 1. An ion implantation process, comprising: 50 an ion beam of said boron ions from said ionizing, and co-flowing BF and diborane to an ionizing Zone; impinging the ion beam on the Substrate for said implanting of ionizing the co-flowed BF and diborane in the ionizing boron ions therein. Zone to form boron dopant species; and 26. The process of claim 12, wherein said ionizing is ion implanting the boron dopant species. effected using a hot cathode ion source. 2. The process of claim 1, wherein at least one of said BF 55 27. The process of claim 12, wherein said implanting com and diborane is isotopically enriched. prises beam-line ion implantation, plasma immersion ion 3. The process of claim 2, wherein said BF is isotopically implantation, or plasma doping. enriched. 28. The process of claim 12, wherein said ionizing is 4. The process of claim 2, wherein said diborane is isoto effected in an ionization chamber, and the boron precursor pically enriched. 60 composition is delivered to said ionization chamberina deliv 5. The process of claim 2, wherein both of said B.F. and ery conduit, further comprising actively cooling at least one said diborane are isotopically enriched. of said ionization chamber and delivery conduit. 6. The process of claim 1, wherein said ionizing is carried 29. The process of claim 28, wherein said actively cooling out so as to generate anion beam of saidboron dopant species, comprises reducing temperature of the boron precursor com and said ion beam of said boron dopant species is accelerated 65 position entering the ionization chamber. by electric field to implant boron-containing ions in a Sub 30. The process of claim 12, wherein said ionizing is Strate. effected in an ionization chamber of an ion implantation US 8.598,022 B2 17 18 system, and said implanting is effected in an implant chamber of the ion implantation system, said process further compris ing cleaning the ion implantation system or components thereof, to remove deposits deriving from the boronprecursor composition. 31. The process of claim 12, wherein said cleaning is conducted with a cleaning agent selected from the group consisting of Xenon difluoride, fluorine, and nitrogen trifluo ride. 10