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A Culture of the Book “Mashdots’ real achievement was to create a culture that became a repository for both Eastern and Western traditions, that was cosmopolitan, but had a strong anchor of its own. He made Armenia a culture of the book, a ‘bibliocracy’, and that has been their (Armenians’) key to survival, because you can carry a book into exile, but you can’t carry mountains and trees.” James Robert Russell: Professor of Armenian Studies at Harvard University VOL. 1 NO. 8 | OCT. 2007 SOURP HAGOP ARMENIAN CHURCH’S MONTHLY NEWSLETTER lantern Interested in a free subscription? > [email protected] For info or comments > [email protected] Holy Translators: 13th october Editorial The Armenian n the month of October group of holy men are: In the past few weeks, the the Armenian Church • St. Mesrob Mashdots, who created Bible international media’s attention I commemorates the feast of the the alphabet and contributed to the was caught by a recently Holy Translators. translation of the Bible • The Bible is called These are the fathers of the • Yeghishe Badmich, who wrote a published book entitled Armenian Church, who, immediately history of the battle of Vartanants “Asdvadzashounch” in after the creation and biblical commentaries “Mother Teresa: Come Be My Armenian, which literally of the Armenian • MovsesM of Khoren, the father of Light”. This is a collection of alphabet, started ArmenianAr histoiography means “Breath of God”. letters in which Mother Teresa the translation • TavitT the Invincible, who of the Bible, translatedtra works of Greek philosophy • The Armenian translation of expresses her doubts and religious and • StS Gregory of Narek, who has the Bible in the 5th century has struggles in her life of faith to other texts writtenwr a religious jewel: the her colleagues and superiors. from Greek prayerbookpra been known as the “Queen of and Assyrian “Madian“M Voghperkoutyan”, Yet her lifelong devotion to the Translations”, because of its into Armenian, knownkn today also as “Nareg” poor, the sick and the dying, in and/or have • St.S Nerses Shnorali, who has accuracy and perfect style. produced their writtenwr prayers, hymns and the name of Christ, was a sure own writings. theologicalthe encyclicals. sign that her life of faith was The most TheT last two have lived practically rooted in Christ. important consecutivelyco in the 10th and 12th fi gures of this century.ce The fi rst verse of the Bible As the fi rst Christian nation, translated into Armenian is and as 20th century’s solidl foundation to Armenian religious fi rst Genocide survivors and national identity. It eventually from the book of Proverbs 1:2: Bible and Identity gave the Armenians cultural/religious For learning about wisdom who lived through doubt, independence and shelter from the abandonment and questioning n 301, when Armenia became invasion of megacultures. and instruction, Christian, it was only natural James R. Russel writes: “Within a in face of suff ering, we I that Armenians wanted to pray century, Armenians had a library of or understanding understand her dilemma. in Armenian. After about a century, classical and Christian learning and words of insight... Mesrob Mashdots and Sahag Bartev were able to build their own literary Questioning is a healthy had the wisdom to see the urgency tradition. As a result, they became (Janachel zimasdutyun yev of creating the Armenian alphabet: independent and almost self-suffi cient, part of Christian life. It the Bible had to be accessible to their and they became impervious to uzkhrad, imanal uzpans engages our intellect into people in Armenian, God had to talk to attempts by Rome to Hellenize them their people in Armenian. or attempts by the Sassanian empire to hanjaro...) real spiritual issues. Its role is The crucial step of creating the re-impose Persian culture on them.” to balance our life of faith. Armenian alphabet in 404/5 provided a Did you know that? TowardsTow the 50th Anniversary of • Although Armenians, who converted to Christianity in 301, had their ththee Sourp Hagop Community own spoken language, they relied on Greek and Assyrian languages for writing until the creation of their own alphabet. InIn theth periodical of the S. Hagop Church • As a result of the major translations and interpretations following ““Lrakagh”Lra (fi rst year 1960, 2nd issue Nov.), the the creation of the alphabet, Armenia witnessed a Golden Age in the ededitorit writes: “It is impossible to measure the 5th century. ppricelessric legacy that started with the creation • The old literary Armenian language is called “crapar”, and the of thet alphabet. present Armenian language is called “ashkharapar”, which means … WWe owe the unique survival of our nation language of the people. fforor thousands of yearsyears ttoo our alphabet, to our language and to our • In the 1960s, Anthropologist Margaret Mead suggested that the cultureculture”.” Armenian language be used as «international language». Get in touch with your pastor > [email protected] 3401 OLIVAR ASSELIN, MONTRÉAL (QUÉBEC) H4J 1L5 CANADA | 514-331-5445 HYMNE DES SAINTS HYMN OF THE HOLY <ARAGAN SOVRP TRADUCTEURS TRANSLATORS :ARCMANI{NYROV Admirablement et avec une grâce With heavenly graces and beautifully, Anonk j,mardov;ivnnyru merveilleuse, they translated the truths of yrgnadovr ,norhow cy.yxg0ren Ils ont traduit les vérités du Non-créé, the Uncreated, ;arcmanyxin` Fondant sur Terre la Parole Vivante, by founding on Earth the Living Word, Yrgri wra3 Gyntani Ciru` la Bible, the Bible, Asdova/a,ovn[u hasdadylow5 Pour faire paître l’ouaille to pastor the fl ock of New Israel: Orbeszi Nor Isra3eli h0du du nouvel Israël : Let us praise God with harmonious howovyn7 L’impression de ce numéro a été rendu possible grâce à un don anonyme. | The printing of this issue of Gantegh was made possibl Louons Dieu par nos chants singing. Ka.xrahovn[ yrcyxo.ov;yamp harmonieux. zAsdova/ cowynk1 Ils ont appelé la gloire de la grandeur The glory of the earthly greatness terrestre obscurité, they called darkness, Anonk yrgravor my/ov;yan et parce qu’ils ont fait confi ance à leurs and because they trusted their hopes ‘a-ku qavar go[yxin5 espoirs dans le Marié Immortel, on the Immortal Groom, Yv orowhydyv Anmah “ysa3in Ils sont devenus dignes They became worthy of abavinylow 3ovsaxin` de la sagesse inexprimable : the Ineff able wisdom: Anja- imasdov;yan ar=ani Louons Dieu par nos chants Let us praise God with harmonious y.an7 harmonieux. singing. Ka.xrahovn[ yrcyxo.ov;yamp zAsdova/ cowynk1 Avec la sagesse du Père, le pouvoir de With the wisdom of the Father, l’Être Non-Créé, the might of the Uncreated Being, Anonk H0r Imasdov;yan` Any. Ils ont fortifi é le trône de St. Gregoire They fortifi ed the throne of St. Gregory Ein z0rov;yamp avec la traduction écrite de la Bible: Louons Dieu par nos chants with written translation of the Bible: S7 Cricori A;o-u cravor harmonieux. Let us praise God with harmonious ;arcmanov;yamp amraxovxin7 singing. Ka.xrahovn[ yrcyxo.ov;yamp zAsdova/ cowynk1 ANTRATAR@ Bolsaha3 =amanagagix panasdy./nyren Zahradi crov;ivnnyru sgizpen zarmaxovxa/ yn zis irynx imasdavor mangovnagov;yamp yv qorahas e by an anonymous donation. barzov;yamp1 A3nka~n anbajo3j5 pa3x cy.yxig ov n,anagalix panasdy./ov;ivn mun e ir 8Mysrobapo3r9u1 Ha3 ciryrovn asdova/apanov;ivnn e aniga5 a3lyv cy.acidov;ivnu5 anonx hocyvor yv imaxagan ja-aca3;ovmin qosdowanov;ivnu5 anonx wga3apanov;ivnu5 anonx eco3apanov;ivnu (écologie)5 anonx gynsasdy./ yv lo3s ov azadov;ivn araro. z0rov;yan karozov;ivnn e aniga1 Yv a3s amenu 63 pa-yrow7771 Kyzi cor/7 cdi4r za3n yv garta41 CK Please note that this is a simplifi ed explanation of the events in the Armenian church for the month of October. Veuillez noter que ces explications représentent une version simplifi ée des cérémonies de l’église arménienne pour le mois de octobre ..