Index of Organisms

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Index of Organisms Index of organisms Nomenclators are listed where supplied by the authors. Abies lasiocarpa 367 A. tetramerus 613 Ablabesmyia sp. 590 Aeschynomene spp. 325 Abramites solarii 612 A. elaphyroxylon (Guill. & Perr.) Taub. Acacia sp. 235, 369, 63~0 205 A. albida 18, 235 A. montevidensis 560 A. caven 603, 605, 608 A. sensitiva 324 A. greggi 368 Aetonylaeus nichofi 740 A. karroo Hayne 104, 110 Afrobaetodes sp. Demoulin 1970, 130 A. nilotica 18 Afrochiltonia sp. 650 A. raddiana 18 Afrocyclops curticornis (Kiefer 1932) 53 A. stenophylla 646' A. gibsoni (Brady 1904) 53, 75 Acanthocyclops michaelseni 592 Afromastacembelus spp. (see also Mastacem- A. robustus 550 belus) 274, 276 Acanthopsis choirorhynchos 738 Afronurus sp. Lestage 1924, 130-131 Acer negundo 367 Afroplocia sp. Lestage 1918, 130 Acestorhamphus sp. 577, 580 Afrosimulium gariepense 128-129 A. altus 612 Ageneiosus brevifillis 580, 614 A. jenynsi 612 A. valenciennesi 579, 614 Acestorhynchus sp. 577 Agosia chrysogaster Girard 387, 390, 393 A. falcatus 580, 612 Agrostis lachnantha Nees 103 Achirus jenynsi 614 A. subilifolia Stapf I 03 A. lineatus 614 Akysis spp. 738 Acroperus harpae (Baird 1836) 51, 77 Albizia hassleri 604 Acrorbis odhneri 590 Alathyria jacksoni Iredale 649-650 A. petricola 590 Alectis ciliaris 741 Acrossocheilus deauratus 739 Alepes kalla 741 Adansonia digitata 233-235 A/estes Miiller & Troschel spp. 32, 34, Adenophlebia sp. Eaton 1881, 130-131 36-37, 169, 193 Adenophleboides sp. Ulmer 1924, 130 A. baremose (Joannis 1835) 34, 36, 45, Adianthopsis chlorophylla 558 176-177 Aedomyia africana Neveu-Lemaire 195-196 A. dentex (Linne 1757) 30, 34, 176-177 Aegla sp. 590 A. imberi Peters 1852, 31 Aelosoma sp. 591, 593 A. macrolepidotus Cuvier & Valenciennes Aequidens portalegrensis 613 1869, 176-177 743 Alhagi sp. 369 Amphipsyche sp. MacLachlan 187, 194 Alluadomyia sp. 590 A. scottae Kimmins 136, 139-140 Alma spp. 68 Amphora sp. 547 A. emini 68 Anabaena Bory sp. 66, 174, 379, 480, 645, A. nilotica 68 669 Alnus sp. llO A. jlos-aquae (Lyngb.) Bn\b. 239 A. crispa 535 A. spiroides 66, 548 A. tenuifolia 366 Anabaenopsis sp. 66 Alona spp. 52, 75, 77, 250, 550 A. cunningtoni 66, 80 A. a./finis (Leydig 1860) 51, 75-77 A. jlos-aquae 66 A. alonopsiformis Brehm 1933, 52 A. tanganyicae 66, 80 A. bukobensis (Weltner 1896) 75-76 Anabas sp. 725, 730 A. cf. cambouei De Guerne & Richard A. testudineus 724, 727, 738 1853, 52 Anacytis sp. 379, 645 A. diaphana King 1853, 52, 76 Anadenanthera macrocarpa 604 A. elegans Kunz 1874, 50, 52, 75, 77 Analetris sp. 414 A. eximia Kiser 1948, 52, 77 A. eximia 478-479 A. guttata Sars 1862, 52, 664 Anas australis 652 A. holdeni Green 1962, 50, 52 A. flavirostris 617 A. karua King 1853, 52, 76 A. georgica 617 A. monacantha Sars 1901, 52, 77 A. gibberifrons Muller 652 A. pulchella King 1853, 52, 76 A. platyrhynchos 651 A. rectangula Sars 1862, 52, 76, 663--664 A. rhynchotis 652 A. simonei Dumont 1981, 52 A. superciliosa 652 A. cf. verrucosa Sars 1901, 7 6 A. versicolor 617 Alonella spp. 77 Ancistrus cirrhosus 614 A. excisa (Fischer 1854) 52 A. hoplogenys 614 A. cf. hamata (Birge 1879) 52 Andropogon sp. 235 A. nana (Baird 1850) 76--77 A. latera/is 558, 561, 604--605, 608 Alosa sp. 732 Anepeorus sp. 414 Alternanihera spp. 323 Anguilla australis Richardson 1841, 681, 685, A. hassleriana 322 732 A. micrantha 324 A. bicolor McClelland 1844, 280 A. phylloxeroides 559 A. mossambica Peters 1852, 144 A. sessilis (L.) DC 175 A. nebulosa labiata Peters 1852, 280 Alutera monoceros 741 Anisops spp. 124, 129 Amarinus lacustris 650 Anisus natalensis (Krauss) 125 Ambassis castelnaui (Macleay 1881) 681 Anodontites sp. 626 Amblyceps mangois 723 A. crispatus tenebricosus (Lea) 590-591, Ambrosia artemisiifolia 324 625--626 Ambrysus mormon 406, 414, 418 A. ensiformis 590, 594 Ametropus sp. 414 A. felix Pilsbry 625 A. albrighti 414 A. obtusus lucidus (Orbigny) 590, 625--626 A. neavei 478-479 A. patagonicus patagonicus (Lamarck) 590, Amphichaeta sp. 591, 594 625--626 Amphilius Gunther 1864 sp. 25 A. trapesialis susannae (Gray) 590, A. grammatophorus Pellegrin 1913, 28, 30 625--626 A. grandis Boulenger 1905, 217 A. trapezius spixii (Orbigny) 590, 592, A. uranoscopus 273 625--626 Amphinemura banksi 413 Anopheles funestus Giles 195-196 A. linda 482 Antillorbis sp. 627 Amphipleura sp. 1 609 A. nordestensis (Lucena) 624 744 Anuraeopsis Lauterborn sp. 174 Asterionella sp. 669 Aonyx capensis (Schinz 1821) 106 A. formosa 379, 485 Apareiodon sp. 577, 615 Asthenatherum g/aucum (Nees) Nevski 104 A. affinis 613 Astrebla spp. 639 Aphanizomenon sp. 480 Astronotus ocel/atus 582 Aphelocheirus schoutedeni 128 Astyanax sp. 580 Aphylocharax anisitsi 612 A. abramis 612 A. rubropinnis 612 A. bimaculatus 612 Aphyosemion spp. 31, 37 A.fasciatus 612 Aplastodiscus perviridis 616 Athrixia fontana MacOwen 103 Aplocheilichthys Bleeker 1863 spp. 31, 37, Atrip/ex sp. 640 221, 274 A. nutallii 367 Apogon carinatus 741 Atropus atropus 740 Aponogeton junceus Lehm. 103 Atule mate 740 Aprionyx sp. Barnard 1932, 130 Auchenipterus nucha/is 614 Apteronotus brasiliensis 613 A. paysanduanus 614 Apulia /eiocarpa 603 Auchenoglanis Gunther 1865, 169 Arapaima sp. 341 Aulodrilous sp. 591, 594 A. gigas 342 A. pigueti 592-593 Araucaria angustifo/ia 603 Au/onogyrus spp. 128, 139 Arcella spp. 594, 662 Australocyclops sp. 663, 665 A. discoides 592 Austrelaps superbus 651 A. nordestina 592 Austrocaenis sp. Barnard 1932, 130 A. rota 592 Austrochiltonia sp. 650 Arctodiaptomus spp. 70 Austrog/anis barnardi (Skelton 1981) !50 Arctopsyche sp. 413 A. gil/i (Barnard 1943) !50 Ardea cocoi 616 A. sclateri (Boulenger 1901) 144-145, 147, Argemone subfusiformis G. B. Ownb. 104 150, 152-154, 158 Argyrostomus miiuy 740 Avicennia sp. 713 Aristichthys nobilis 730 Axonopus affinis 558, 564 Aristida curvata (Nees) Trin. & Rupr. 103 Ay/acostoma chlorotica 590 A. junciformis Trin. & Rupr. 104 A. guarantica 590 A. variabilis 18 Azalia spp. 109, 329 Arius cae/atus 732, 740 A. caroliniana 552, 558, 562, 569, 605 A. melanochir 740 A. filiculoides Lamarck 102, 109-110, 243, A. truncatus 739 322, 335, 569, 646 A. stormi 740 A. nilotica Decne ex Mett. 109, 238 Arothron stellatus 741 Artemisia afra Jacg. 104 Baccharis spp. 368-369 A. tridentata 366 B. salicifolia 560 Asiphonichthys stenopterus 612 Bacillus thuringiensis serotype H -14 190 Asolana p/atae 595 Baetis (Acentrel/a) Leach 1815 sp. 131, 187 Asolene americanista 590, 592 Baetis sp. 130, 405, 417-418, 477, 482-483, A. elongata (Da11) 624 518 A. netritiniformis (Da11) 624, 627 B. bel/us Barnard 1932, 129-131, 249-250 A. pulchella (Anton) 624 B. bicaudatus 404 A. spixi (Orbigny) 624 B. g/aucus Agnew 1961, 131, 139 Asplanchna sp. 550 B. harrisoni Barnard 1932, 131 A. brightwelli 663--664, 672 B. latus Agnew 1961, 129, 131 A. priodonta 486, 663-664, 671 B. quintus Agnew 1961, 128, 131 A. sieboldi 663-664 B. tricaudatus 413 Astatotilapia calliptera (Gunther 1893) 275 Bagarius bagarius 738 745 Bagrus spp. 36--37, 220 B. tenuis Barnard 1938, 151 B. docmac Forsk3J 1775, 30 B. treve/yani Gunther 1877, 150 Balanites aegyptica 18 B. trimaculatus Peters 1852, 144-145, Balfourodendron riedelianum 603 148-149, 154, 158, 221, 274 Barbus Cuvier & Cloquet 1816 spp. 31, 37, Barilius spp. 31, 34, 37 69, 106, 143, 147, 149, 217, 221, 274, B. guttatus 738 276, 279 B. niloticus (Joanis 1835) 32-33 B. aeneus (Burchell 1822) (syn. B. ho/ubi B. senega/ens is (=B. foal!) 69 Steindachner) 106, 116, 144-146, Basilichthys argentinensis bonariensis 613, 616 148-150, 152-158 B. bonariensis 577, 581 B. afrovernayi Nichols & Boulton 1927, B. guazu 613 221 B. perugiai 581 B. anema 69 Batrachops sp. 611 B. anop/us Weber 1897, 106, 144-146, B. SCOtti 613 148-150, 152, 154, 156--158 B. semifasciatus 613 B. asper Boulenger 1911, 151 Begonia cucul/ata 560 B. barnardi Jubb 1965, 274 Bellamya sp. 249 B. batesi 69 Betula occidentalis 366 B. be/1-crossi Jubb 1964, 273 Biapertura rigicaudis 663-664 B. callidus Barnard 1938, 150 Bidens bipinnata L. 103 B. capensis A. Smith 1840, 150 B. /aevis 560 B. erubescens Skelton 1974, 150 Bidessus fictor 250 B. eutaenia Boulenger 1904, 221, 223, 273 Bidyanus bidyanus (Mitche111838) 679, 681, B. gurneyi Gunther 1868, 150 689 B. haasianus David 1936, 221, 274 Biompha/aria sp. 112, 249, 595, 627 B. holotaenia Boulenger 1904, 223 B. peregrina (Orbigny) 624 B. holubi Steindachner 1894 (see Barbus B. pfeifferi (Krauss) 1848) aeneus) B. tenagophi/a (Orbigny) 624 B. hospes Barnard 1938, 144-147, 150 Biziura /obata 652 B. intermedius 69 Boecke/la delicata 665, 667 B. janssensi Poll 1976, 219 B. fluvialis 663, 665, 667, 672 B. johnstonii Boulenger 1907, 280 B. major 665 B. kamolondoensis Poll 1938, 219 B. minuta 663, 665, 672 B. kerstenii Peters 1868, 280 B. pseudochaele 665 B. kimber/eyensis Gilchrist & Thompson B. symmetrica Sars 665 1913, 144-146, 150, 152-155, 158 B. triarticulata (Thomson) 663, 665, B. lukusiensis David & Poll 1937, 219 666--667, 670-674 B. marequensis Smith 1841, 280 Boleophthalmus taylori 740 B. motebensis Steindachner 1894, 148-149 Bosmina Baird 1845 spp. 56-57, 174 B. multilineatus Worthington 1933, 221, B. longirostris (0. F. Muller 1785) 51, 57, 274 78, 84-85, 250, 256, 610 B. natalensis Castelnau 1861, 150 B. meridiana/is 663, 665, 667, 669-675 B. neefi Greenwood 1962, 273 Bosminopsis deitersi Richard 1895, 51, 76, B. occidenta/is Boulenger 1911, 33, 38 550 B. pallidus A. Smith 1841, 144, 149-150, Bostrichthys sinensis 740 !52 Bothrops a/ternatus 616 B. pa/udinosus Peters 1852, 144-146, B. atrox 616 148-149, 154, 158, 221 B. cotiara 616 B. ph/egethon Barnard 1938, 151 B.
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