AN INTRODUCTION TO THE ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE of COUNTY WATERFORD AN INTRODUCTION TO THE ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE of COUNTY WATERFORD Waterford boasts a rich architectural her - Special areas of interest, some unique to the Foreword itage spanning many centuries. This heritage is county, were also identified as part of the NIAH the most tangible physical reminder of the cul - survey. Portlaw, established in the early nine - ture, ideals, and history of a people now gone. teenth century by the Malcomson family as a Its appreciation and survival is a reflection of ‘Model’ village, features a range of structures the values of the current generation into whose that might be expected in more middle-size care this important historical evidence has urban areas. The arrangement of civic, indus - been entrusted. trial, and private buildings in a carefully When posed with the question of what con - planned system distinguishes Portlaw in a stitutes the architectural heritage, the most national context. common response ranges from country houses Smaller scale items of importance include to public buildings such as churches, court - Waterford’s stock of vernacular heritage, most houses, and town halls. While such buildings commonly identified by the thatched cottage, should be mentioned and appreciated for their but also including structures such as farm out - inherent architectural and historical value, buildings. Once innumerable throughout the more modest artefacts are often overlooked and country, the last hundred years have witnessed are therefore, arguably, at greater risk of being a dramatic depletion in the numbers of irredeemably lost. thatched cottages surviving. Very few, depicted In the course of the National Inventory of in archival sources, survive in the urban areas Architectural Heritage (NIAH) survey of the of the county.
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