/ IIARDCOPY UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Beforethe RECEIVED SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION FEB 12 2018 ADMINISTRATIVEPROCEEDING File No. 3-18127 OFFICE OF THE secRETARY In the Matter of DIVISION OF ENFORCEMENT'S MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION OF MARTIN SHKRELI, DECISION ON MOTION FOR SUMMARY DISPOSITION AGAINST Respondent. RESPONDENT MARTIN SHKRELI The Division of Enforcementrespectfully requests that the Courtreconsider its decision, entered on November 17, 2017, to the extent it denied in partthe Division's motion for summary disposition pursuant to Rule 250 of the Securities and Exchange Commission's Rules of Practice [ 17 C.F.R. § 201.250]. In support of this Motion, the Division relies upon the accompanying memorandum of law and the Declaration of Eric M. Schmidt. The Division respectfully requeststhat the Court grant this motion. Dated: New York, New York February 9, 2018 Respectfully submitted, Isl Paul G. Gizzi Isl Eric M Schmidt Paul G. Gizzi (
[email protected]) Eric M. Schmidt (
[email protected]) Counsel for the Division of Enforcement 200 Vesey Street, Suite 400 New York, NY 10281 (212) 336-1100 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certifythat on February 9, 2018, I caused the original and three copies of the foregoing motion forsummary disposition and accompanying papers to be filed: Brent J. Fields Secretary Securities and Exchange Commission I 00 F Street NE, Mail Stop I 090 Washington, DC 20549 I furthercertify that I caused to be served a copy of the foregoing via email upon: MartinShkreli c/o Andrea Zellan, Esq. Brafinan& Associates, P.C. 767 Third A venue, 26th Floor New York, NY 10017 I furthercertify that I caused a courtesy copy of the foregoingto be provided by email to: The Honorable James Grimes Administrative Law Judge Securities and Exchange Commission I 00 F Street NE, Mail Stop 2582 Washington, DC 20549 Isl Eric M Schmidt Eric M.