tripleC 1(1): 71-94, 2003 ISSN 1726-670X The Cybersemiotic Model of Communication: An Evolutionary View on the Threshold between Semiosis and Informational Exchange1 Søren Brier Department of Economics and Natural Resources, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Rolighedsvej 23, 1958 Frederiksberg C, Denmark; Phone +45 3528 2689, Fax +45 3528 3709,
[email protected] Abstract: This paper discusses various suggestions for a The new concept of intrasemiotics designates the semiosis of philosophical framework for a trans-disciplinary information the interpenetration between biological and psychological au- science or a semiotic doctrine. These are: the mechanical topoietic systems as Luhmann defines them in his theory. materialistic, the pan-informational, the Luhmanian second or- One could therefore view intrasemiotics as the interplay be- der cybernetic approach, Peircian biosemiotics and finally the tween Lorenz' biological defined motivations and Freud's Id, pan-semiotic approach. The limitations of each are analysed. understood as the psychological aspect of many of the natural The conclusion is that we will not have to choose between ei- drives. In the last years of the development of his theory, ther a cybernetic-informational or a semiotic approach. A Lorenz worked with the idea of how emotional feedback intro- combination of a Peircian-based biosemiotics with autopoiesis duced just a little learning through pleasurable feelings into in- theory, second order cybernetics and information science is stinctive systems because, as he reasoned, there must be suggested in a five-levelled cybersemiotic framework. The five some kind of reward of going through instinctive movements, levels are 1) a level of Firstness, 2) a level of mechanical mat- thus making possible the appetitive searching behaviour for ter, energy and force as Secondness, 3) a cybernetic and sign stimuli.