HAGP News Promoting Principals and Ideals of Humanism based on Ethics, Rationalism and Human concerns. Volume 4 Number 1 Jan/Feb 2009 Humanist Association of Greater Philadelphia P.O. Box 161, Willow Grove PA 19090-0161 215-475-2573 http://www.hagp.org Philly Celebrates Darwin’s 200th Birthday! Director Martha Knox Nine scientific, cultural, and educational institutions around Philadelphia have been celebrating a Year of Evolution (April ’08-May’09) in honor of Honorary President Charles Darwin’s 200th birthday. This February will mark not only Darwin’s Gabrial Elias th birthday, but the 150 anniversary of the publication of The Origin of President Species. HAGP would like to highlight some of the upcoming events and the Joe Fox institutions hosting these events.
[email protected] Vice President U Penn Museum: In years past, HAGP has organized Eileen Childress a group of people to attend the both fun and
[email protected] educational Darwin Day and Evolution Teach In at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Treasurer Warren Goss Archaeology and Anthrology. This year is no
[email protected] exception! This is a family friendly event which includes talks, films, gallery tours, a birthday cake, and Secretary “Darwin” himself! The event begins Sunday, February Jim Childress
[email protected] 15 at 1pm and is FREE and open to the public. Continued on page 2. Board Members Joe Fox Eileen Childress HumanLight/Winter Solstice Party 2008 Warren Goss Shirley Goss HAGP’s 2008 Deena Stryker HumanLight and Winter Elaine Oxman Ric Hopkins Solstice party was Rosemary Horstman featured on on NPR’s Peter Gagliardi Morning Edition! The segment can still be Humanist Celebrant heard on the website: Martha Knox
[email protected] www.npr.org/templates/s tory/story.php?storyId=9 Book Club Moderator 8627236.