College of Arts and Sciences Florida Gulf Coast University Fort Myers, Florida 33965-6565 Office Telephone: (239) 590-7166 Office Facsimile: (239) 590-7200 Electronic Mail: [email protected]

Academic Experience

Academic Field: Science and Environmental Education

Academic Programs: Ed.D., University of Maine, 1985, Orono, Maine M.Ed., University of Maine, 1981, Orono, Maine A.B., Antioch College, 1972, Yellow Springs, Ohio

Academic Honors: Phi Kappa Phi

Professional Experience

University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya 2013-2014 Fulbright Grantee. I was awarded a Fulbright Fellowship for the 2013-2014 academic year at University of Nairobi in Nairobi, Kenya. Starting in September 2013, I will assist the Wangari Maathai Institute for and Environmental Studies (WMI) in realizing its mission and in achieving its strategic intent. This work will entail researching and writing an educational program for their consideration. The project will also include developing models of both academic programs and community environmental education programs and disseminating information about them. Specifically, the Institute has asked me to provide research assistance in advancing a draft for its recently approved Ph.D. program in Environmental Management and Governance, and in developing a master’s degree. I will also work to advance an international, intergenerational, informal network of centers of which FGCU is the secretariat. This work will be done in coordination with the Environment Programme headquartered in Nairobi.

Florida Gulf Coast University, Fort Myers, Florida 1997-Present Professor of Environmental Studies and Environmental Education, College of Arts and Sciences, and Director of the Center for Environmental and Sustainability Education. I developed and coordinated the University Colloquium: A Sustainable Future, a course in ecological literacy required of all students. I teach a range of courses across the College in environmental studies, and work across all colleges toward the goal of keeping environmental education at the center of the academic program of one of America’s newest universities. I have engaged in a full range of University service including the Peer Review Committee, the President’s Environmental Stewardship Advisory Council,

1 and the Quality Enhancement Program for University re-accreditation. I currently serve on the Environmental Sustainability Subcommittee of the Planning and Budget Council. In 2003-2004, I developed an educational research and action center. The Center opened in 2004, and has now established itself in several signature areas, including the Rachel Carson Distinguished Lecture Series and a range of scholarly activities related to sustainability and to the .

Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia 2010-Present Visiting Professor, Centre for Global Sustainability Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). Globally renowned as a university committed to environmental sustainability and poverty alleviation, USM employs a multi-disciplinary approach to research problems in Malaysian society and in the world community. In 2010, I was appointed as a Visiting Professor attached to the Centre for Global Sustainability Studies (CGSS). I advise the new Centre on its development in scholarship. This work includes the development of publications in a “Policy Discussion Series on Sustainability and Development.” My first scholarly initiative, undertaken with the Center’s editorial team, is an extended policy brief, “The Ethical Dimension of Sustainability in Higher Education: Applying the Principles of the Earth Charter in Malaysia and Beyond,” published in 2012.

The University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji 2007-Present In 2010, I received an honorary appointment from the Vice Chancellor as an Adjunct Professor at The University of the South Pacific. I am attached to the School of Islands and Oceans and to the Pacific Centre for Environment and . While on sabbatical in 2007, I engaged in collaborative research with members of the Faculty of Science, Technology and Environment, including developing a formal partnership with Florida Gulf Coast University. Specific projects included research in education for sustainable development, work as a researcher and participant observer in the United Nations University Partnership with The University of the South Pacific (USP) on a Regional Centre of Expertise, and work as a critical friend with the Asia- Pacific Cultural Center of UNESCO Partnership on a Regional Centre of Excellence. I have modest ongoing collaborative work with members of the Faculty of Education, including research in indigenous knowledge and in translation of the Earth Charter into the five major languages of the South Pacific island nations. I assisted in the preparation and presentation of a plan for education for sustainable development for the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, which was presented to the Pacific Ministers of Education in Auckland, New Zealand.

Earth Charter Initiative, San Jose, Costa Rica 2002-Present Senior Advisor to the Earth Charter Initiative. I worked with the Steering Committee of the Earth Charter Commission and with the professional staff on a range of strategic, financial, and programmatic issues. I served as an active member of the Earth Charter Education Advisory Committee and work worldwide with educators using the Charter. I organized participation by governmental and non-governmental organizations in the United Nations World Summit on Sustainable Development Type II Partnership, “Living Sustainably with the Earth Charter.” Recently, I have edited two books on the Earth Charter and helped plan an international meeting in Amsterdam in 2005 to recognize five

2 years of Earth Charter activity. In 2006, I was invited to serve on a new Earth Charter Council of Advisors. Florida Gulf Coast University is now officially recognized as an Affiliate of the Earth Charter Initiative as a center for Earth Charter Education. In 2010, I am engaged in many Earth Charter +10 activities, including speeches on five continents.

University Leaders for a Sustainable Future, Washington, D.C. 2000-2009 Senior Fellow in Education for Sustainability. I have consulted with a wide variety of organizations on the assessment of sustainability in higher education, including the Associated Colleges of the South and the South Carolina Sustainable Universities Initiative. I helped to organize international consultations on assessment in Washington and in Lüneburg, Germany. I helped found the Global Higher Education for Sustainability Partnership (GHESP), consisting of three consortia of universities, including the International Association of Universities, and UNESCO. I served as task master for eighteen months in 2001-2002. I have organized consultations on a GHESP Project, “Envisioning Sustainability in Higher Education.” In 2004, these were held in the Czech Republic, Sweden, Japan, Mexico, and the United States. In 2005, these were held in Canada, South Africa, and India. I worked with the Ubuntu Alliance of the United Nations University. More recently, I have focused on African Higher Education through a program of UNEP in Nairobi, Kenya, Mainstreaming Higher Education and Sustainability in African Universities. Currently, I am working to revitalize University Leaders for a Sustainable Future (ULSF) and to establish a home for it at Universiti Sains Malaysia in Penang, Malaysia.

Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands 2001-2002 Visiting Professor in the Communication and Innovation Studies Group of the Department of Social Sciences. I engaged in research on sustainability in higher education – editing a book and writing. I taught occasional classes and seminars. I am still actively involved in Dutch and European networks in higher education and environmental education. In 2007, I began a new editing project with Dutch colleagues which is leading to a book series to mark the UNESCO Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005-2014. Four volumes have been published by the Wageningen Academic Press as of 2012.

Bates College, Lewiston, Maine 1992-1997 Chair of Education Department and Associate Professor of Education. I taught a range of philosophical, pedagogical, and methodological courses. I was responsible for the management of a small academic department and coordinated its work with the rest of the College, the Maine Department of Education, and the public schools. I was responsible for the academic program and its curricular revision, and Maine State Board of Education approval. Extensive college committee service, including the Committee on Environmental Studies, which established the academic major.

Griffith University, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia 1995 Visiting Academic, Faculty of Environmental Sciences. I consulted with faculty and graduate students and participated in several writing projects and classes. My projects included work on UNESCO’S Learning for a Sustainable Environment Project, as well as

3 work with the UNESCO Principal Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific Region in Bangkok. I was invited to serve as an external examiner for masters and doctoral theses.

Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania 1989-1992 Assistant Professor of Education. I taught courses in the foundations of education, senior seminars in pedagogy, and supervised student teachers in schools throughout the Philadelphia area. I instituted Swarthmore’s first academic offerings in environmental education, and assisted in organizing an on-going faculty seminar in environmental studies which led to the establishment of the academic concentration. Additional responsibilities included advising, supervising theses and directed readings, and faculty committee service, including the Black and Minority Concerns Committee and the Teacher Education Committee.

Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia 1992 Visiting Professor of Environmental Education. I taught in a variety of courses and workshops for undergraduate students, masters, and doctoral candidates. I consulted with faculty on research and writing, initiated several research projects in geographic and environmental education, and gave faculty seminars. I was invited to serve as an external examiner for University of Queensland, Faculty of Education and for Griffin University, Faculty of Environmental Sciences and still review graduate theses. As of 2008, these include Maquaire University in Sydney and Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology.

College of the Atlantic, Bar Harbor, Maine 1981-1989 Education Coordinator and Faculty Member in Human Studies. I was responsible for the design and administration of the Teacher Education Program and served as liaison to other educational institutions, including the University of Maine System and the public schools. As a member of the faculty, I had teaching responsibility in a liberal arts program that offered the Bachelor’s degree in Human Ecology. I also advised students, supervised their teaching experiences, independent studies, and senior projects. I chaired several committees including the Review and Appeals Board, Teacher Education Committee, and the Internship Committee.

Maine Studies Curriculum Project, Gardiner, Maine 1981-1982 Curriculum Specialist and Reviewer/Evaluator. I developed curriculum for this Title IV- C program and served as the project’s reviewer and evaluator. We published a four- volume Science and Natural History: A Maine Studies Sourcebook, designed for K-12 teachers of science, of which I am the co-author with Dean Bennett.

University of Maine at Orono, College of Education, Orono, Maine 1979-1981 Assistant Director of the Northern New England Marine Education Project. While pursuing doctoral studies, I worked as a researcher and curriculum specialist. I wrote and edited many curriculum units. My primary research was on Marine Native Americans, seashore ecology, wetland studies, maritime heritage, and aquaculture. George C. Soule School, Freeport, Maine 1974-1979 Teaching Principal. In June 1979, I completed five years of teaching in Freeport’s alternative, open-concept elementary school, serving for three years as a teaching principal with full responsibility for the academic program, health and safety of the


children, and evaluation of teachers, in addition to a full teaching load with grades one through six. I was actively involved in professional and community affairs related to public education.

Mast Landing Nature Day Camp, Freeport, Maine 1974-1976 Director. For three summers, I served as naturalist and director of the Maine Audubon Society’s Camp with responsibility for the content and philosophy of the program, as well as its operation. I was also a member of the Society’s Mast Landing Sanctuary Committee and Education Committee. I later served for many years on the Board of Trustees of Maine Audubon Society.

Editorial Boards

International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. Hamburg, Germany. Editorial Board Member.

Journal of Education for Sustainable Development. Ahmedabad, India. Editorial Board Member.

Southern African Journal of Environmental Education, Ethics and Action, Journal of the Southern African Environmental Education Association. Grahamstown, South Africa. Editorial Board Member.

Thesis Examining

Dissertation and thesis reader, on occasion, to Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa; Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia; Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia; and Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, and the University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji.


Hollingshead, Brandon P., Peter Blaze Corcoran, Adnan A. Hezri, Kanayathu Chacko Koshy, Joseph P. Weakland, and Zakri Abdul Hamid. “The Ethical Dimension of Sustainability in Higher Education: Applying the Principles of the Earth Charter in Malaysia and Beyond.” In Sustainable Development in Universities: New Horizons, Ed. Walter Leal Filho. Frankfurt, Germany: Peter Lang Scientific Publishers, 2012. 529-540. Print.

Wals, Arjen and Peter Blaze Corcoran. Eds. Learning for Sustainability in Times of Accelerating Change. Wageningen, The Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2012. Print.


Roorda. Niko, with Peter Blaze Corcoran and Joseph P. Weakland. Fundamentals of Sustainable Development. London: Earthscan Ltd., 2012. Print.

Corcoran, Peter Blaze, Andan Hezri, Brandon P. Hollingshead, Kanayathu C. Koshy, Joseph P. Weakland, and Zakri Abdul Hamid. “The Ethical Dimension of Sustainability in Higher Education: Applying the Principles of the Earth Charter in Malaysia and Beyond.” Global Centre for Sustainability Studies (GCSS) at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). 2012. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. Foreword. Sustainability Education in Higher Education: Perspectives and Practices across the Curriculum. Eds. Paula Jones, David Selby, and Stephen Sterling. London: Earthscan, 2010. Print. Ryan, Alexandra, Daniella Tilbury, Osamu Abe, Peter Blaze Corcoran, and Ko Nomura, eds. “Sustainability in Higher Education in the Asia-Pacific: Developments, Challenges, and Prospects.” International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. 11.2 (2010): 106-119. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze and Kanayathu C. Koshy. “The Pacific Way: Sustainability in Higher Education in the South Pacific Island Nations.” International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. 11.2 (2010): 130-140. Print. Wohlpart, A. James, Joseph Shepard, and Peter Blaze Corcoran. Eds. “Born in Hope and Controversy: The Challenges of Infusing Sustainability in the Campus Operations and Curriculum at Florida Gulf Coast University.” Journal of Education for Sustainable Development 3.2 (2009): 213-215. Print. Weakland, Joseph Paul and Peter Blaze Corcoran. “The Earth Charter in Higher Education for Sustainability.” Journal of Education for Sustainable Development 3.2 (2009): 151-158. Print. Osano, Philip M. and Peter Blaze Corcoran, eds. Young People, Education, and Sustainable Development: Exploring Principles, Perspectives, and Praxis. Wageningen, The Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2009. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze and A. James Wohlpart, eds. A Voice for Earth: American Writers Respond to the Earth Charter. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 2008. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze and Gerd Michelsen. Epilogue. Crossing Boundaries: Innovative Learning for Sustainable Development in Higher Education. Eds. Joop de Kraker, Angelique Lansu, and Rietje van Dam-Mieras. Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Verlag fur Akademische Schriften, 2007. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze and A. James Wohlpart. “Infusing the Earth Charter into Research and Curriculum: One American University’s Example.” Good Practices in Education for Sustainable Development Using the Earth Charter. Eds. Mirian Vilela and Kimberly Corrigan. UNESCO and the Earth Charter Initiative, 2007. Print.


Corcoran, Peter Blaze and Philip Molo Osano. “Learning for a World Changed by Intergenerational Equity.” Southern African Journal of Environmental Education 24 (2007): 119-125. Print. Michael C. Slaby, Brandon P. Hollingshead, and Peter Blaze Corcoran. “Learning and Living with the Earth Charter.” Social Learning Towards A More Sustainable World: Principles, Perspectives, and Praxis. Ed. Arjen E.J. Wals. Wageningen, The Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2006. 483-495. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze, and Arjen E.J. Wals. “Sustainability as an Outcome of Transformative Learning.” Drivers and Barriers for Implementing Sustainable Development in Higher Education. Eds. J. Holmberg and B. E. Samuelsson. Paris: UNESCO, 2006. 103-108. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze, ed. The Earth Charter in Action: Toward A Sustainable World. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) Publishers, 2005. Published in Dutch, Spanish, and English. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “How the Earth Charter Can Give Meaning to Education for Sustainable Development.” Earth Ethics 13.1 (Spring 2005): 33-35. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze, and Arjen E.J. Wals. “Sustainability as Emergence: A Plea for Transformative Learning in Higher Education.” Earth Ethics 13.1 (Spring 2005): 16-18. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze and Margaret Pennock. “Democratic Education for Environmental Stewardship.” Teaching Green - The Elementary Years: Hands-on Learning in Grades K-5. Eds. Tim Grant and Gail Littlejohn. Toronto: Green Teacher, 2005. 20-25. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze and Arjen E.J. Wals, eds. Higher Education and the Challenge of Sustainability: Problematics, Promise and Practice. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “The Earth Charter as an Integrative Force for Peace Education and Environmental Education.” Educating Toward a Culture of Social and Ecological Peace. Ed. Anita Wenden. New York: SUNY Press, 2004. 183-202. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “What If ...? Educational Possibilities of the Earth Charter.” Educational Studies 36.1 (2004): 108-117. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze, Kim E. Walker, and Arjen E.J. Wals. “Case Studies, Make-Your- Case Studies, and Case Stories: A Critique of Case Study Methodology in Sustainability in Higher Education.” Environmental Education Research 10.1 (February 2004): 7-21. Print.


Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “The Earth Charter: Possibilities for Ethical Policy in Practice.” Environmental Education, Ethics, and Action in Southern Africa 20 (2003): 9-21. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “The Values of the Earth Charter in Education for Sustainable Development.” Australian Journal of Environmental Education 18 (2002). Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze, Wynn Calder, and Rick Clugston, eds. “Sustainability and Higher Education: Initiatives and Agendae.” Article appeared in a special joint issue of Higher Education Policy and International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education June 2002. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze, Wynn Calder, and Rick Clugston. “Teaching Sustainability with the Earth Charter.” Teaching Sustainability at Universities: Toward Curriculum Greening. Ed. Walter Leal Filho. Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Peter Lang Scientific Publishers, 2002. 547-564. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “On the Meaning of Institutional Assessment and Institutional Commitment.” COPERNICUS in Lüneberg: Higher Education in the Context of Sustainable Development and . Eds. R. van Dam-Mieras, G. Michelsen & H.P. Winkelmann. Frankfort am Main: Verlag für Akademische Schriften, 2002. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “The Earth Charter: An Ethical Framework for ‘Good’ Globalization.” COPERNICUS in Lüneberg: Higher Education in the Context of Sustainable Development and Globalization. Eds. R. van Dam-Mieras, G. Michelsen & H.P. Winkelmann. Frankfort am Main: Verlag für Akademische Schriften, 2002. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze and Joy A. Palmer, eds. Fifty Key Environmental Thinkers. London: Routledge, 2001. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “Florida Gulf Coast University Colloquium: A Graduation Requirement in Sustainability.” Communicating Sustainability. Ed. Walter Leal Filho. Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Peter Lang Science Publishers, 2000. 87-94. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. Acting Locally: Concepts and Models For Service-Learning in Environmental Studies. Monograph. Washington, D.C.: American Association for Higher Education, 2000. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “Formative Influences in the Lives of Environmental Educators in the United States.” Environmental Education Research 5.2 (1999): 207-220. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “Democratic Education for Environmental Stewardship.” Green Teacher’s Greatest Hits. 1999. Web.


Corcoran, Peter Blaze, James L. Elder, and Richard Tchen, eds. Academic Planning in College and University Environmental Programs: Proceedings of the Sanibel Symposium. Washington, D.C.: North American Association for Environmental Education and The Nathan Cummings Foundation, 1998. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “Environmental Autobiography in Undergraduate Educational Studies.” Ecological Education in Action: On Weaving Education, Culture, and the Environment. Eds. Gregory A. Smith and Dilafruz R. Williams. New York: SUNY Press, 1998. 179-188. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “Sacred Places: Teaching and Learning to Nurture and to Be Nurtured.” Proceedings of the American Education Research Association. San Diego, California. April, 1998. Web. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “Wonderment and Wisdom: The Influence of Rachel Carson on Environmental Education.” Environmental Issues for the 21st Century: International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Ed. Patricia J. Thompson. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 1997. 226-235. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze and Edward J. Kormondy. Environmental Education: Academia’s Response. Monograph on college and university programs in environmental sciences, environmental studies, and environmental education. Washington, D.C.: North American Association for Environmental Education, 1997. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze and John Fien. “Learning for a Sustainable Environment: Professional Development and Teacher Education in Environmental Education in the Asia-Pacific Region.” Environmental Education Research 2.2 (1996). Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze, ed. “Geographic and Environmental Education for Environmentally Literate Citizenship: Case Studies from North America.” Forum section of International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education 5.2 (September 1996). Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze, Joy A. Palmer, and Jennifer Suggate. “Formative Experiences of Environmental Educators: Overview and Comparison of Empirical Research in Two Nations.” Environmental Education, Journal of the National Association of Environmental Education (United Kingdom) 52 (Summer 1996): 5-8. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “Where Does the Light Come From? Sources of Hope in Environmental Education.” Holistic Education Review 8.1 (Winter 1996): 16-19. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze and Madhu Prakash, eds. “Care of the Soul.” Special section in Holistic Education Review. Summer 1996. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze and Eric Horne. “The Soul in Soule School.” Holistic Education Review. Summer 1996. Print.


Corcoran, Peter Blaze and Maxine Greene. “Community and Ecology: The Weaving of Relationships.” Proceedings of the American Educational Research Association. New York. April 1996. Web. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “Care of the Soul in Education: Daily Practices that Cultivate Depth and Sacredness.” Proceedings of the American Educational Research Association. New York. April 1996. Web. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “Environmental Hope: A Study of Professional Environmental Educators.” Proceedings of the American Educational Research Association. New York. April 1996. Web. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “Reflections on Commitment to Community Education.” New Schools, New Communities 12.1 (Fall 1995). Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “Building Community in the College Classroom.” Cooperative Learning Magazine 15.2 (August 1995). Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “Finding Common Ground for Teaching.” Journal of Maine Education 11.1 (Winter 1995). Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze and Margaret Pennock. “Democratic Education for Environmental Stewardship.” Green Teacher 44 (October-November 1995): 6-10. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze and Margaret Pennock. “Democratic Education for Environmental Stewardship.” Green Teacher (Wales) 33 (July, 1995). Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “Teacher Education in Environmental Education in the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Region.” Proceedings of the American Educational Research Association. San Francisco, April, 1995. Web. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “Care of the Soul: Educational Practices That Cultivate Depth and Sacredness.” Proceedings of the American Educational Research Association. San Francisco, April, 1995. Web. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “Walking with Giants: An Interpretive Hike in Muir Woods.” Proceedings of the American Educational Research Association. San Francisco, April, 1995. Web. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “The Influence of Rachel Carson’s Writing on Environmental Education.” Proceedings of Environmental Issues for the 21st Century: An International Interdisciplinary Conference. Lehman College, City University of New York. April 1995. Web. Corcoran, Peter Blaze, Anne Dodd, and Stanton Wortham. Reflection and Engagement: Teacher Education at Bates, A Handbook for Students. Lewiston, Maine: Bates College, 1994. Print.


Corcoran, Peter Blaze. Bates College Teacher Education Program: A Self-Study Submitted to the Maine State Board of Education. Lewiston, Maine: Bates College, 1994. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze and Eric Sievers. “Reconceptualizing Environmental Education: Five Possibilities.” The Journal of Environmental Education 25.4 (1994): 4-8. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze and Eric Sievers. “Reconceptualizing Environmental Education: Five Possibilities.” Published in Russian language in the anthology “Environmentalization of Consciousness.” Green Salvation Bulletin 2, (1995). Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze and Eric Sievers. Swarthmore College Environmental Education. Monograph on environmental problem-solving. Washington, D.C.: North American Association for Environmental Education, 1994. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze, ed. “Environmental Education in the Former Soviet Union: Problems, Practice, Collaboration.” Forum Section in International Research in Geographic and Environmental Education Journal. 3.2 (August 1994). Print Corcoran, Peter Blaze and Mary Shea. “Collaboration and Faculty Exchange.” written with, Volume 3, Number 2, August, 1994. International Research in Geographic and Environmental Education Journal. 3.2 (August 1994): 56-88. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “Australian Teacher Education in Environmental Education.” Pathways to Partnerships: Coalitions for Environmental Education, Conference Proceedings of North American Association for Environmental Education. 1993, Big Sky, Montana. Ed. R. Mrazek. Washington, D.C.: North American Association for Environmental Education, 1994. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “Private/Public Collaboration in Environmental Education: A Case Study in the State of Maine, USA.” Proceedings of the International Geographical Union Regional Conference Environment and Quality of Life in Central Europe: Problems of Transition.” Prague, Czech Republic. August 1994. CD-ROM. Corcoran, Peter Blaze and Margaret Tatnall Pennock, eds. Living Voices: Proceedings of Common Ground, A Conference on Progressive Education. 1992, Moylan, Pennsylvania. Rose Valley, Pennsylvania: School in Rose Valley, 1993. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “Perceptions on Research Imperatives for Geographical and Environmental Education for the Remainder of the 90’s.” International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education Journal 1.1 (August 1992. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “Teaching Tips.” Greenhouse Top 20: A Greenhouse Resources Guide for Teachers and Students. Nathan, Queensland: Division of Environmental Science, Griffith University, 1991. Print.


Corcoran, Peter Blaze. Environmental Scientist, A Guide in the Bushnell Science Series. Rochester, NY: Bausch & Lomb, 1989. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. College of the Atlantic Teacher Education Program: A Self-Study Submitted to the State Board of Education. Bar Harbor, Maine: College of the Atlantic, 1986. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze and Dean Bennett. Science and Natural History: A Marine Studies Sourcebook. Volume I: Physical Science Topics. Downeast Books for the Maine Studies Curriculum Project, 1982. Corcoran, Peter Blaze and Dean Bennett. Science and Natural History: A Marine Studies Sourcebook. Volume II: Earth Science Topics. Downeast Books for the Maine Studies Curriculum Project, 1983. Corcoran, Peter Blaze and Dean Bennett. Science and Natural History: A Marine Studies Sourcebook. Volume III: Life Science Topics. Downeast Books for the Maine Studies Curriculum Project, 1984. Corcoran, Peter Blaze and Dean Bennett. Science and Natural History: A Marine Studies Sourcebook. Volume IV: Ecological Science Topics. Downeast Books for the Maine Studies Curriculum Project, 1986. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “A Rationale for Environmental Education.” Connections: Newsletter of the Maine Environmental Education Association (Winter 1982. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. What Adventures Can You Have in Wetlands, Lakes, Ponds. A Marine Education Infusion Unit on Wet Environments. Orono, Maine: College of Education, University of Maine at Orono, 1981. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. Have You Been to the Shore Before? A Marine Education Infusion Unit on Seashore and Aquarium Life. Orono, Maine: College of Education, University of Maine at Orono, 1981. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze and Gail Shelton. The ABC’s of Celebrating Year of the Coast in Your School. Orono, Maine: College of Education, University of Maine at Orono, 1980. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. Coastal Indians of Northern New England. Teaching unit. Northern New England Marine Education Project, 1978. Print. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. Bicentennial Beautification. Keep Marine Scenic Committee, Editor and Chairman of the Bicentennial Subcommittee, 1976. Print.


Book Reviews:

Review in 2004 in Interdisciplinary Studies For Literature and the Environment.

Reviews in 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002 in Encounter: Education for Meaning and Social Justice.

Other Editing:

Co-editor, “This Sense of Awe and Wonder: Rachel Carson Distinguished Lectures, 2004-2010.” 2011.

Co-editor, “Works Toward Realizing the Dream: Five Years of Scholarship, Education, and Action at the Center for Environmental and Sustainability Education.” 2009.

Editorial advisor, thematic issue of Earth Ethics on “Education for Sustainable Development,” Spring, 2005.

Co-editor, thematic issue of Earth Ethics on “Teaching for the Environment in Higher Education: The Promise of the Earth Charter,” Fall, 2003.

Editorial Advisor, thematic issue of Earth Ethics on “The Earth Charter,” Winter, 2002.

Work in Progress

Current Book Series in Progress:

Education and Sustainable Development book series, co-edited with Arjen E.J. Wals, to celebrate the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005- 2014, with Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. Three books have been published thus far, in addition to a prototype:

Learning for Sustainability in Times of Accelerating Change. Book co-edited with Arjen Wals. Wageningen, The Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2012.

Young People, Education, and Sustainable Development: Principles, Perspectives, and Praxis. Book co-edited with Philip Molo Osano. Wageningen, The Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2009.

Social Learning Towards A More Sustainable World: Principles, Perspectives, and Praxis. Ed. Arjen E.J. Wals. Wageningen, The Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2006.


Higher Education and the Challenge of Sustainability: Problematics, Promise and Practice. Book co-edited with Arjen Wals. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2004.

Current Books in Progress:

Several book possibilities are nascent. These include a co-authored book with David Orr on millennial hope and a volume for the Education and Sustainable Development series with Heila Lotz-Sisitka on the next generation of environmental leadership.

A new scholarly volume on sustainability and intergenerational leadership This book would advance the informal, intergenerational, international network (IIIN) of university centers in environmental and sustainability education. The project would continue to develop the informal network at the same time that it would represent the latest entry into the book series for the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (UN-DESD). The concept for the book is still in development, but is currently focused on intergenerational and/or youth leadership for sustainability. This would be the fourth volume in a series of works published by Wageningen Academic Publishers that mark the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. The book would be ready in time for the upcoming UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development in November 2014 in Nagoya, Japan.

Educational Challenges in a Warming World

This collaboration with David Orr will focus on three sets of questions. First, how will teachers and students maintain their morale and spirit under conditions of climate stresses? There has been little research on the emotional and psychological effects of long-term , but the bond between humans and nature will be severely stressed for centuries ahead. Second, what will students need to know under the changes driven by climate destabilization? What are the curricular changes in schooling and pedagogy appropriate to the post-fossil fuel world? Does education for the industrial and technological world work in the Anthropocene? If not, what analytical and practical skills are appropriate? Third, if genuine hope is, indeed, on a farther horizon, what is the essence of the vision for that distant, and happier, future? What is the core vision for an end to the war humans have waged on natural systems for thousands of years? How is that vision embodied in curriculum and educational methods? How might it be maintained over centuries ahead?

Past Major Research Projects:

Active leadership of an international needs assessment research project on education for sustainable development in higher education. Originally sponsored by the Global Higher Education for Sustainability Partnership, the research included consultations of experts in regions of the world. I organized them for the Caribbean (Miami, Florida), the Asia- Pacific (Tokyo, Japan), Latin America, (Monterrey, Mexico), and Southern Africa


(Grahamstown, South Africa), as well as others with invited global participation in Washington, D.C.; Prague, Czech Republic; and Goteborg, Sweden. The most recent meeting was in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada in October, 2005 in which I was a participant and facilitator. As of 2010, this work is continuing through a new program of the United Nations Environment Programme called the Global University Partnership on Environment and Sustainability (GUPES). I am one of the two North American representatives on the twelve-member steering committee.

Professional needs of stakeholders in college and university environmental programs. Project began with organization of the Sanibel Symposium on Academic Planning in College and University Environmental Programs in 1997 and editing of the proceedings. Survey of Symposium participants. Foundation-sponsored follow up study. Membership of the founding steering committee of the organization, Higher Education Network for Sustainability and the Environment, planned major meeting in Atlanta, January 2000. Organized an academic symposium for the Chewonki Foundation on the implications of the Earth Charter for higher education, held in May 2002. Also organized a workshop for academic leaders in Australia held in association with the Asia-Pacific Conference on the Earth Charter, December, 2001. Active involvement with formation of a network for sustainability for higher education in the South Pacific, entitled, “Network of Island Universities” (NIU). Active leadership of the Global Higher Education for Sustainability Partnership Resource Project in 2003-2006. This work is now continuing with an informal international intergenerational network of centers in environmental and sustainability education; FGCU has acted as the secretariat for this network in 2010- 2012.

On-Going Research Projects:

Environmental education and education for sustainable development in the South Pacific, emphasis on Fiji. Formal affiliation with The University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji, where I serve as an Adjunct Professor.

Earth Charter Scholarship, including the educational research agenda. Earth Charter Scholars Consultation hosted by the Center for Environmental and Sustainability Education on Sanibel Island, February 2009, including ten leading Earth Charter Scholars to develop the agenda for Earth Charter Scholarship. Part of the Earth Charter Scholarship Project housed at Florida Gulf Coast University. Work includes many international speeches, scholarly articles, a policy brief, and two books.

Earth Charter in higher education in Africa. This includes work with Rhodes University in South Africa, the Wangari Maathai Institute for Peace and Environmental Studies at Nairobi University in Kenya, and UNEP’s Mainstreaming Environment and Sustainability in African Universities project (MESA), from 2002 to present. This also includes work as a member of the steering committee of the Global Universities Partnership for Environment and Sustainability of UNEP.


Recent Honors

Corcoran, Peter Blaze. Presentation for United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development Reference Group. Paris, France. 10 April 2013.

Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “Education for Sustainability: Fundamentals in a Time of Accelerating Change.” Captiva Memorial Library. Captiva Island, Florida. 27 February 2013.

Corcoran, Peter Blaze. Keynote remarks. Earth Ethics Institute Seminar. Miami-Dade College. Miami, Florida. 23 February 2013.

Keynote address. Presentation on the Center’s volume Learning for Sustainability in Times of Accelerating Change. International Conference on Innovation, Technology and Internationalization for Sustainability (ICITIS). Curitiba, Brazil. 15-17 November 2012.

Invited talk. “Role of Higher Education in Sustainable Development: Ethics and Values for a Sustainable Future.” National University of Mongolia. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. 4-5 October 2012.

Invited consultant. Review of draft Curriculum Guides on Greening Universities, Advanced Degree Development in Wetlands Management, Advanced Degree Development in a Green Economy, and Environmental Education and Training Unit. United Nations Environment Programme. Nairobi, Kenya. 20-22 September 2012.

Expert group. United Nations Tbilisi+35 Conference. Participant in writing the Tbilisi Communique. Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia. 4-8 September 2012.

Keynote address. “Lost Horizon and Expanding Horizons: Finding our Way in Times of Accelerating Change.” Shangri-La College. Diquin, China. 8 June 2012.

Invited talk. “Environment and Sustainability at Florida Gulf Coast University.” The Global Universities Partnership on Environment and Sustainability official launch. Tongji University. Shanghai, China. 6 June 2012.

Invited talk. “Earth Day, Earth Charter: Higher Education’s Responsibility for Earth.” University of Florida. Gainesville, Florida. 5 April 2012.

Presentation to the Board of Trustees. “Analysis of the Educational Dimensions of Planning for the Wangari Maathai Centre for Peace and Environmental Studies.” Nairobi, Kenya. October 10 and 13, 2011.


Speech. “Exploring the Role of Universities and Their Potential Contribution to the Rio +20 Process.” High Level Advisory Meeting, Global University Partnership for Environment and Sustainability. Santiago, Chile. 5 September 2011.

Presentation to staff. “Functional Briefs for the Wangari Maathai Centre for Peace and Environmental Studies.” Nairobi, Kenya. 21 June 2011.

Presentation to UNEP Staff of the Environmental Education and Training Unit. “Environmental Sustainability at Florida Gulf Coast University.” Nairobi, Kenya. June 14, 2011.

Keynote address. Global Education Seminar. “The Earth Charter at Miami Dade College.” Key Largo, Florida. 5 May 2011.

University lecture. “Policy Paper: The Earth Charter in Higher Education.” University Lecture Series. Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia. 10 March 2011.

Keynote address. “Faith and the Earth Charter.” Islamic Information Centre. Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. 7 March 2011.

Seminar talk. “A Critical Analysis of Malaysia’s New Economic Model.” Malaysian Industry-Government High Technology Group, Cyberjaya, Malaysia. 4 March 2011.

Seminar. “Sustainability, Community Building, and Social Justice.” University Lecture. Center for Teaching Learning & Technology. Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois. 25 February 2011.

Department lecture. “Global Environmental Education.” University Lecture. Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois. 24 February 2011.

University lecture. “The Urgency of Mainstreaming Sustainability in Higher Education: The Earth Charter and Ethics.” Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois. 24 February 2011.

Seminar on Environmental and Sustainability Education. Global University Partnership on Environment and Sustainability. Elected North American Representative. United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi, Kenya. 18 November 2010.

Seminar talk. “Sustainability in Malaysia 2040: A Forecast.” Malaysian Industry- Government High Technology Group (MIGHT). Cyberjaya, Malaysia. 1 September 2010.

University talk. “Education for Sustainable Development: The Value of the Earth Charter.” University of Gloucestershire, Cheltenham, United Kingdom. 23 June 2010.


Invited talk introducing the play, “Our Blue Planet: Will it Survive till Tomorrow?” 5 November 2009. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Keynote address. “The Urgency of Mainstreaming Sustainability into Higher Education: Local and Global Examples.” Georgia Southern University. Statesborough, Georgia. 29 October 2009. Invited speech with Wangari Maathai. Symposium on Climate Change Education and Sustainable Cities. United Nations Environment Programme. Nairobi, Kenya. 31 August 2009. Invited Socio-Scientific Committee Member. Environmental Education Congress V. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 10-14 May 2009. Keynote address. “The Urgency of Mainstreaming Sustainability into Higher Education: Local and Global Examples.” Manatee Community College. Sarasota, Florida. 13 February 2009. Invited participant to high level meeting of Earth Charter International. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 1-8 December 2008. Invited book talk. “A Voice for Earth: American Writers Respond to the Earth Charter.” Miami Book Fair International. Miami, Florida. 16 November 2008. Invited keynote address. “Kin, Kind, Kindle: Relationship, Care, and Igniting Action with the Earth Charter.” Northern New England Bioneers Conference. University of Southern Maine, Portland, Maine. 18 October 2008. International Advisory Committee. 4th International Conference on Environmental Education. Ahmedabad, India. 24-28 November 2007.

Plenary address. “Humane Sustainable Food Systems and Education for Sustainable Development.” 4th International Conference on Environmental Education. Ahmedabad, India. 26-28 November 2007.

Invited keynote speaker. Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment Tertiary Roundtable. Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. 21-23 November 2007.

Remarks. “The Theology of the Earth Charter.” Conservation & Theology Consultation. Pacific Theological College. Suva, Fiji. 19 October 2007.

Keynote address. “Honor and Support the Young People of Our Communities, Enabling Them to Fulfill Their Essential Role in Creating Sustainable Societies” (Principle 12.c, Earth Charter). Zurich International School. Zurich, Switzerland. 24 September 2007.

Invited Scientific Committee member and Co-chair of Programme Strand on Applied Ethics and Environmental Education. World Environmental Education Congress IV. Durban, South Africa. 2-6 July 2007. 18

Keynote address. “The Earth Charter in Environmental Education.” National University of Lesotho. Roma, Lesotho. 29 June 2007.

Invited to the ratification of the Earth Charter by Presidente Calderon of the United Mexican States, Earth Day. Mexico City, Mexico. 22 April 2007.

Invited participant. Wege Foundation Conference on Economocology. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 26-27 March 2007. Invited keynote address. “An Enduring Earth: The Role of the Earth Charter in Higher Education for Sustainable Development.” International Conference on Education for Sustainable Development. Yonsei University. Seoul, South Korea. 31 January 2007. Invited participant. Wege Foundation Conference on Economocology. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 10-12 April 2006. Keynote speaker and workshop organizer. “La Educación Superior y la Carta de la Tierra.” Earth Charter Adoption. The University of Guanajuato. Guanajuato, Mexico. 8-9 March 2006. Invited participant and chapter author. Drivers and Barriers for Learning for Sustainable Development in Higher Education. Goteborg, Sweden. 7-9 December 2005. Presented edited volume, The Earth Charter in Action: Toward a Sustainable World, to Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands; member of organizing group. Earth Charter+5 conference. Amsterdam. 9 November 2005. Invited presenter and member of facilitation team. “Sustainability in Higher Education: Developing a Comprehensive Research Plan and Strategies.” Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Halifax, Nova Scotia. 27-29 October 2005. Invited speaker. “Mainstreaming Environment and Sustainability in African Universities.” United Nations Environmental Programme. Nairobi, Kenya. 10-14 October 2005. Invited Scientific Committee Member, invited rapporteur and chair. World Environmental Education Congress III. Torino, Italy. 2-6 October 2005. Invited participant. Wege Foundation Conference on Economocology. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 27-29 April 2005. Invited university lecturer. “What’s Love Got to Do With It?: The Earth Charter in the University.” University Lecture Series on the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. Michigan State University. East Lansing, Michigan. 14 February 2005.


Invited keynote address. International Conference on Education for a Sustainable Future. Ahmedabad, India. 18 January 2005. Key informant to the Australian Research Institute in Education for Sustainability. Department of Environment and Heritage, Government of Australia. 2005.

Invited participant and rapporteur. Swedish Prime Minister’s Conference on Education for Sustainable Development. Goteborg, Sweden. 4-7 May 2004.

Invited keynote address. Japanese National Conference of Decade of Education for Sustainable Development – Japan. Tokyo, Japan. 6 March 2004.

Invited address. First National Gathering of Ethics for Sustainability. Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico. 14 November 2003.

Invited advisor and attendee. Global Environmental Action Conference. Tokyo, Japan. 24-26 October 2003.

Invited rapporteur. Education for a Sustainable Future: Shaping the Practical Role of Higher Education for Sustainable Development. International Association of Universities. Prague, Czech Republic. 10-11 September 2003.

Invited keynote address. “A Vision of the Earth Charter in Environmental Education in Southern Africa.” 21st Annual Conference of The Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa. Windhoek, Namibia. 23 June 2003. University address. “The Earth Charter: History, Rationale, and Uses in Education.” Rhodes University. Grahamstown, South Africa. 18 June 2003. Invited talk. “A Hopeful Vision of Living the Ethics of Sustainability.” World Education Forum. Porto Allegre, Brazil. 24 January 2003. Invited talk. “The Earth Charter: A Framework for Ethical Globalization.” World Education Forum. Porto Allegre, Brazil. 24 January 2003. Invited talk. Seoul National University. Seoul, South Korea. 6 January 2003. Invited seminar. “Sustainability is a Catalyst for Institutional Change in Higher Education.” Mansholt Graduate School of Social Sciences. Wageningen, The Netherlands. 7 November 2002. Invited talk. “Educating for Sustainable Living with the Earth Charter.” World Summit on Sustainable Development. Johannesburg, South Africa. 26 August 2002. Invited talk. “IUCN Seminar on Education for Sustainable Development.” World Summit on Sustainable Development. Johannesburg, South Africa. 29 August 2002. Invited participant. Expert Meeting on Biodiversity, Education, and Public Awareness: Towards Global Communities of Practice. Dutch Ministry for Agriculture and


Fisheries and IUCN (World Conservation Union). Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands. 2002. Invited guest of Parliament. Endorsing of the Earth Charter. Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Tatarstan, Commonwealth of Independent States. 27 April 2001. Invited talk. Earth Ethics Seminar. Pocantico Conference Center of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. Pocantico Hills, New York. 6 April 2002. Convener and rapporteur. “Roundtable of Religious and Spiritual Leaders.” Earth Dialogues. Lyon, France. 22 February 2002. Invited speech on curriculum integration. Sustainability and Higher Education: A Symposium for Australian University Vice-Chancellors. Griffith University. Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. 3 December 2001. Building Capacity for a Sustainable Future: Meeting the Needs of Industry through Environmental Education. Maquarie University. Sydney, Australia. 27 November 2001. Invited speech on university response to industry needs. Invited to serve on the Earth Charter Education Advisory Committee for the Earth Charter Initiative. San Jose, Costa Rica from 2001 to present. Invited to participate in a symposium on ethics and climate change. American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Cambridge, Massachusetts, September 24, 2001. Invited to participate in the official launch of the Earth Charter. The Peace Palace, The Hague, The Netherlands. June 29, 2000. Invited to meet with the Earth Charter Commission and UNESCO Office of Education and Information for Development. Paris, France. March 2000 and June 2000. Invited talks. Hawai'i Environmental Education Association. Honolulu, Hawai’i. May 1999. Invited by Norwegian Ministry of Church Affairs and Education, to attend an international symposium on environmental education, Gran, Norway. December, 1999. Recipient of the XX Award, Florida Gulf Coast University's Annual Recognition of Excellence for Leadership and Service to the University and the Community, 1999. Keynote address. “To Serve, Preserve, and Love: The Sanibel Story of Stewardship and Environmental Education.” Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation Life Members' Luncheon. Sanibel Island, Florida. 22 March 1999. Keynote talk. International Osprey Foundation Annual Meeting. 21 March 1999.


Plenary lecture. Environmental Education on the Way to a Sustainable Future. OECD Centre for Educational Research and Innovation and Environmental and School Initiatives (ENSI) Network. Linz, Austria. 7 October 1998. Plenary address. International Conference on Environmental Education and Training. South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP). Suva, Fiji. 3 July 1998. Invited keynote address. Common Agenda of Environmental Education in the Global Age. Tokyo, Japan. 21 February 1998. President, North American Association for Environmental Education, 1997. Invited address. Environment and Society: Education and Public Awareness on Sustainability. UNESCO. Thessaloniki, Greece. 9 December 1997. Invited talks. Hawai’i Environmental Education Association. Honolulu, Hawai’i. December 1997. Invited keynote papers for special interest groups in Holistic Education and Ecological and Environmental Education. Chicago, Illinois. March 1997. Teacher of the Year, Maine Audubon Society, 1996. Invited keynote address. ASEKO, Russian Association for Environmental Education. Saint Petersburg, Russia. 17 November 1996. Keynote talk with Maxine Greene, “Special Interest Group in Ecological and Environmental Education.” American Educational Research Association. New York, April 1996. Scholar-in-Residence. Sol Y Sombra Foundation. Santa Fe, New Mexico. January-June 1995. Keynote talk. Special Interest Group in Ecological and Environmental Education, American Education Research Association, San Francisco, California, 1995. Keynote address. Aquatic Habitat Institute and California Aquatic Science Education Consortium. California Academy of Sciences. San Francisco, California. 1994. Invited talk at National Institute of Education, Maharagama, Sri Lanka, 1993. Selected as a member of a delegation of faculty from Intercollegiate Sri Lanka Education Institutions to study in Sri Lanka, sponsored by Fulbright-Hayes, 1993. Opening paper at UNESCO Asia-Pacific Region International Experts Meeting, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 1993. Keynote speech. “Environmental Education in Preservice Teacher Education.” Australian Association for Environmental Education. Brisbane, Australia. 1992.


“Innovations in Environmental Education Worldwide.” Royal Geographical Society of Queensland. Brisbane, Australia. 1992. Selected as a member of an academic exchange delegation of North American environmental educators to D. I. Mendeleev Institute of Chemical Studies, Moscow, sponsored by the Citizen Exchange Council, 1992. Invited to talk at Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, 1992. Invitation to participate in Friends Council Seminars on Teaching. Regional award of the New England Environmental Education Alliance, 1989.

Presentations at Professional Conferences

Hollingshead, Brandon, and Peter Blaze Corcoran. “Engaged Ethics and Earth Charter Curriculum in Higher Education: Implementing Shared Values for Sustainability.” World Environmental Education Congress VII. Marrakech, Morocco. 12 June 2013.

Corcoran, Peter Blaze, and David Orr. “Educational Challenges in a Warming World.” Keynote Address. World Environmental Education Congress VII. Marrakech, Morocco. 11 June 2013.

Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “Higher Education for Sustainability: An International, Intergenerational, Informal Research Network.” World Environmental Education Congress VII. Marrakech, Morocco. 11 June 2013.

Corcoran, Peter Blaze. Plenary presentation of new books, Fundamentals of Sustainable Development and Learning for Sustainability in Times of Accelerating Change. Southern African Association of Environmental Education. Grahamstown, South Africa. 10-14 September 2012.

Corcoran, Peter Blaze. Panel presentation on higher education in Africa. Southern African Association of Environmental Education. Grahamstown, South Africa. 10-14 September 2012.

Corcoran, Peter Blaze. Panel presentation on United Nations University’s Regional Centres of Expertise. Southern African Association of Environmental Education. Grahamstown, South Africa. 10-14 September 2012.

Corcoran, Peter Blaze and Wohlpart, A. James. “Re-imagining the American Dream with the Earth Charter.” 2011 National Humanities Conference. St. Petersburg, Florida. 4 November 2011.

Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “Positioning Universities in the Rio+20 Summit and Exploring the Role of Universities and Potential Contribution to the Rio+20 Process.”


Presentation to University Leaders at UNEP-Sponsored Meeting. Santiago, Chile. 5-6 September 2011.

Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “Embracing the Future: Intergenerational Collaboration and Intergenerational Equity.” Keynote Address. Earth Charter+10 Meeting for North Africa and the Middle East. The Dead Sea, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. 23 November 2010.

Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “STEM Education and Coastal Environments: Both Damaged by Oil and Dispersants.” Keynote Address. School Sciences and Mathematics Association National Conference. 5 November 2010.

Weakland, Joseph, Peter Blaze Corcoran, & Brandon Hollingshead. “Defining Sustainability with the Earth Charter.” Second International Humanities and Sustainability Conference. Florida Gulf Coast University. Fort Myers, Florida. 9 October 2010. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “Sustainability in Malaysia 2040: A Forecast.” Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT). Cyberjaya, Malaysia. 1 September 2010.

Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “The Earth Charter in Southern Africa.” Southern African Development Corporation, Regional Centres of Excellence Conference. Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa. 15 May 2010.

Corcoran, Peter Blaze. Session chair, “Alternative University Ranking Systems.” Third International Conference on Higher Education for Sustainable Development. Universiti Sains Malaysia. Penang, Malaysia. 22 November 2009. Corcoran, Peter Blaze, Jessica Mendes, and Donna Roberts. “The Role of Academic Centers in University Transformation: Florida Gulf Coast University's Example.” World Environmental Education Congress 5. Montreal, Canada. 13 May 2009. Osano, Philip M., Peter Blaze Corcoran, and Joseph Weakland. “Young People and Earth Charter Ethics: A Generational Conversation.” World Environmental Education Congress 5. Montreal, Canada. 12 May 2009. Wohlpart, A. James and Peter Blaze Corcoran. “A Voice for Earth: American Writers Respond to the Earth Charter—Readings and Reflections.” Humanities and Sustainability Conference. Fort Myers, Florida. 8-9 May 2009. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. Invited keynote address. “Ethics and University Education: The Promise of the Earth Charter.” African Association of Universities Twelfth General Conference. Abuja, Nigeria. 5 May 2009. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “Integrating the values and principles of sustainability into education; the promise of the Earth Charter.” World Conference on Education and Sustainable Development. Bonn, Germany. 2 April 2009. Invited talk.


Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “Sustainability in Higher Education: Developments, Constraints, and Prospects.” Academic Consortium at Rikkyo University. Tokyo, Japan. 14 December 2008. Keynote address. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. Invited address. First international conference. Mainstreaming Environment and Sustainability into African Universities. Nairobi, Kenya. 26 November 2008. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “The Urgency of Mainstreaming Environmental Sustainability in Higher Education.” Symposium for Environmental Sustainability in Higher Education: Taking Action at Miami Dade College. Miami Dade College. Miami, Florida. 3 October 2008. Keynote address. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. Economicology 2008. Wege Foundation. Aquinas College. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 24 April 2008. Invited panelist. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “Sharing Experiences in Bringing Sustainability Values into Education.” 4th International Conference on Environmental Education. Ahmedabad, India. 26-28 November 2007. Keynote address.

Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “The Earth Charter and Humane Sustainable Living.” 4th International Conference on Environmental Education. Ahmedabad, India. 26-28 November 2007. Keynote address.

Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “Reflections on Urgency: Mainstreaming Higher Education for Sustainability.” Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment Tertiary Roundtable. Melbourne, Australia. 20-22 November 2007. Keynote address.

Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “The Earth Charter: Possibilities and Problematics in Higher Education for Sustainability.” Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment Tertiary Roundtable. Melbourne, Australia. 20-22 November 2007. Keynote address.

Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “Young People, Intergenerational Equity, and the Earth Charter.” World Environmental Education Congress IV. Durban, South Africa. 4 July 2007.

Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “Environmental Education, Ethics, and Action.” World Environmental Education Congress IV. Durban, South Africa. 5 July 2007.

Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “Global Higher Education and the Earth Charter.” Mainstreaming Environment and Sustainability in African Universities Conference. United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi, Kenya. 12 October 2005. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “The Earth Charter in Practice: Ethics for Environmental Education.” World Environmental Education Conference III. Torino, Italy. 5 October 2005. Invited keynote address.


Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “The Earth Charter in Education for Sustainable Development.” Southern African Development Corporation Regional Environmental Education Programme. Howick, South Africa. 14 March 2005. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “The Indian Supreme Court Decision on Mandatory Environmental Education.” International Conference on Education for a Sustainable Future. Ahmedabad, India. 19-20 January, 2005. Workshop facilitator. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “The Challenges of Infusing Sustainability Across the Campus” and “State of the US Campus Environment.” Talks given at Environmental Management for Sustainable Universities conference, Monterrey Technical Institute, Monterrey, Mexico, June 9-11, 2004. Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “The Earth Charter: An Ethical Framework for ‘Good’ Globalization.” Environmental Management for Sustainable Universities Conference. Rhodes University. Grahamstown, South Africa. 11 September 2002. Invited talk. American Educational Research Association: Atlanta, Georgia; San Francisco, California; New Orleans, Louisiana; San Francisco, California; New York, New York; Chicago, Illinois; San Diego, California; Montreal, Quebec, Canada; New Orleans, Louisiana; Seattle, Washington, New Orleans; Louisiana; Chicago, Illinois. North American Association for Environmental Education: Albuquerque, New Mexico; Gilbertsville, Kentucky; Silver Bay, New York; Washington, D.C.; Quebec City, Quebec, Canada; Orlando, Florida; San Antonio, Texas; St. Paul, Minnesota; Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Big Sky, Montana; Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico; Portland, Maine; Burlingame, California; Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; Atlanta, Georgia; South Padre Island, Texas; Boston, Massachusetts; Anchorage, Alaska. Ecological and Environmental Education Special Interest Group, American Educational Research Association, elected Program Chair for 2000; Elected Chair for 2001. COPERNICUS-Campus of the European Association of Universities, Lüneburg, Germany, October 2001. Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment, Flagstaff, Arizona, June 2001. UNESCO ACEID Fifth Annual International Conference on Education, Bangkok, Thailand, December 1999. Also attended the seventh annual conference in December 2001. Australian Association for Research in Education and New Zealand Association for Research in Education, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, December, 1999; Freemantle, Western Australia, December, 2001.


Ukraine Environmental Education Conference, Keynote Address, Kiev, Ukraine, 1997. International Geographic Union Regional Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 1995. UNESCO Asia-Pacific Region International Experts Meeting, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 1994. New Zealand’s First International Conference on Environmental Education, Palmerston North, Aotearoa/New Zealand, 1991. First International Seminar on the Ecological Aspects of Chemical Education, Putshino- Na-Oke, Russia, 1992. American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, Washington, D.C. National Rural Education Symposium, Washington, D.C. U. S. Department of Education, Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education, Washington, D.C. Conservation Education Association: Swannanoa, North Carolina; Oakland, California; Eagle River, Wisconsin; Guthrie Center, Iowa; Murray, Kentucky; Estes Park, Colorado. New England Environmental Conference, Medford, Massachusetts. National Association for Biology Teachers, Boston, Massachusetts. Progressive Education Association, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania. National Marine Education Association: Salem, Massachusetts; Galveston, Texas; San Diego, California; South Portland, Maine. Environmental Education Workshop, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 1997. National Science Teachers Association: National Conventions in Boston, Massachusetts; Washington, D.C.; Atlanta, Georgia. Regional Conventions in Nashville, Tennessee; Hartford, Connecticut; Portland, Maine. Association for Experiential Education: Santa Fe, New Mexico; Port Townsend, Washington. New England Environmental Education Alliance: Holyoke, Massachusetts; Warwick, Rhode Island; Southwest Harbor, Maine; Plainfield, Vermont; West Greenwich, Rhode Island; Holderness, New Hampshire; Litchfield, Connecticut; Breadloaf, Vermont; Sandwich, Massachusetts; West Greenwich, Rhode Island. Pennsylvania Alliance for Environmental Education: Millersville, Pennsylvania; Titusville, Pennsylvania.

Maine Teachers Environmental Studies Exchange, Damariscotta and Falmouth, Maine.


Maine Educational Conferences, Castine, Maine.

Maine Environmental Education Association, Unity, Maine, Keynote Address.

Current Board Responsibilities and Committee Memberships

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Global University Partnership for Environment and Sustainability, Nairobi, Kenya, North American Representative.

United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, Paris, France. Reference Group Member.

President's Council, National Wildlife Federation, Reston, Virginia, Member. Earth Ethics Institute, Miami-Dade College, Miami, Florida, National Advisory Board Member. International Network for Educational Exchange, Vienna, Austria, Advisory Board Member. Earth Charter Education Advisory Committee, San José, Costa Rica, Member. Commission on Education and Communication, IUCN (World Conservation Union), Gland, Switzerland, Member. Forum on Religion and Ecology, Yale University, Dialogue Partner in Education. Advisory Committee Member. Education for Sustainable Development in Junior Secondary Education Project, Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. North American Commission on Environmental Education Research of the North American Association for Environmental Education, Member. ECOSanibel (Earth Charter of Sanibel) Sanibel Island, Florida, Advisory Board Member.

Current and former consulting

Shangri-la Institute for Sustainable Communities, Diqing, Yunnan Province, China.

Universiti Sains Malaysia (Science University of Malaysia), Penang, Malaysia. Environmental Education and Training Unit, United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi, Kenya. Wangari Maathai Institute for Peace and Environmental Studies, University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya.


Ministry of Nature, Agriculture, and Food Quality, Den Haag, The Netherlands. IUCN (World Conservation Union), Oceania Office, Suva, Fiji. The University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji. EDULINK, European Union Cooperation Programme in Higher Education. United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Paris, France. New Jersey Higher Education Commission. Trenton, New Jersey. Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington D.C. Ministry of Environment and Heritage, Government of Australia, Canberra, Australia. Ministry of Education, Government of South Africa, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa. Humane Society of the United States, Washington, D.C. National Committee on International Cooperation and Sustainable Development (NCDO), Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Earth Charter Initiative, San Jose, Costa Rica. University Leaders for a Sustainable Future, Washington, D.C. Center for the Respect of Life and Environment, Washington, D.C. National Wildlife Federation, Washington, D.C. Ausaid, the Australian overseas development agency, Fiji. School for Field Studies, Beverly, Massachusetts. Delegation a L'Environment, Ministere de L'Environment Polynesie Française, Papeete, Tahiti. The GLOBE Program (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment), Washington. D.C. Tridhos School Village, Chiang Mai, Thailand. The Merck Company Foundation, Rahway, New Jersey. Peace Corps of the United States of America, Washington, D.C.; Fiji; Tuvalu. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Environmental Education, Washington, D.C.


Board of Teacher Registration, State of Queensland, Australia. Frank Daniel Butt Memorial Foundation, Brisbane, Australia. Fiji College of Advanced Education, Nasinu, Fiji. Consortium for the Advancement of Private Higher Education, Washington, D.C. Technical Education Research Centers, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Windstar Foundation, Snowmass, Colorado. National Geographic Society, Kids Network, Washington, D.C. Maine Humanities Council, Portland, Maine. The Maine Collaborative for Education in the Arts and Humanities, Portland, Maine. Maine State Board of Education and Maine Department of Educational and Cultural Services, Augusta, Maine. Maine Audubon Society, School Science and Natural History Enrichment Project. The Human Habitat Project, Conservation Education Association, Green Bay, Wisconsin University of Maine at Machias, Academic Program. Many public school districts in Maine.

Critical Areas Program, Maine State Planning Office. Cooperative Extension Service, University of Maine.

Grant Writing

Successful grant requests in collaboration with others, to:

Germeshausen Foundation, New York. Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management, and Food Quality. The Hague, The Netherlands. Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) Publishers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. National Committee for International Cooperation and Sustainable Development (NCDO), Amsterdam, The Netherlands Center for Respect of Life and Environment, Washington, D.C. University Leaders for a Sustainable Future, Washington, D.C.


Florida Humanities Council, Tampa, Florida Humane Society of the United States, Washington, D.C. V. Kann Rasmussen Foundation, Copenhagen, Denmark The Nathan Cummings Foundation, New York The National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. The Pew Charitable Trusts, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania The Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education, Department of Education, Washington, D.C. IBM Program for Teacher Preparation and Enhancement in the Use of Available Technology, Rochester, New York Dwight D. Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Act, Maine Postsecondary Education Institutions Funding Maine State Board of Education, Outcome-Based Teacher Education


Professional organizations in education, science education, nature study, conservation education, and environmental education; state and national environmental groups; marine education associations; historical societies and libraries, and art institutions. Professional associations have included:

School Science and Mathematics Association American Educational Research Association National Science Teachers Association North American Association for Environmental Education (Life Membership) National Association for Environmental Education (United Kingdom) Australian Association for Environmental Education Fiji Institute for Educational Research Association Maine Environmental Education Association American Nature Study Society International Geographical Union League of Environmental Educators of Florida


Asia-Pacific Center of Educational Innovation for Development Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association

Former Board Responsibilities and Committee Memberships

Chewonki Foundation, Wiscasset, Maine, former elected Director and current Member of the Board of Advisors. Yat Kitischee Native Center, Naples, Florida, Advisory Board Member. Law and Environment Eurasia Partnership, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Board Member. Ecological and Environmental Education Special Interest Group, American Educational Research Association, elected Program Chair for 2000; Elected Chair for 2001. North American Association for Environmental Education. Elected At-Large Board Member for two three-year terms, President 1977, and Past President 1998, Assistant to the Chair of the 1995 Conference. National Environmental Education Advisory Council, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Appointed member: resigned January 1997 to avoid appearance of conflict of interest with the Presidency of North American Association for Environmental Education. UNESCO’s Asia-Pacific Centre of Educational Innovation for Development (ACEID), Bangkok, Thailand, Critical Friend and Member.

International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, Melbourne, Australia, sponsored by the International Geographical Union Commission on Geographical Education, Referee Panel Member. Wild Gulf Journal. Published by The Chewonki Foundation, Wiscaset, Maine, Advisory Board Member. American Nature Study Society, nationally-elected member of Board of Directors. Conservation Education Association, First Vice-President and nationally-elected Board Member for three terms. Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation, Sanibel Island, Florida, Board Member, Life Member, and Chair of Environmental Education Committee. Peer Review Committee, Florida Gulf Coast University, Member elected by colleagues. President's Environmental Task Force, Florida Gulf Coast University, Member. E2 (Environment and Education) Project, Boulder, Colorado, National Advisory Board Member.


Santa Fe Council for Environmental Excellence, Santa Fe, New Mexico, National Advisory Board Member. Eva L. Gordon Children's Science Author Award of the American Nature Study Society. Selection Committee Member. New England Board of Higher Education, Member of Advisory Council on Environmental Education. Sharing Success in Environmental Education Awards Program, Tallahassee, Florida, Review Team Member. National Environmental Education and Training Foundation, Achievement Awards Selection Panel. Whitaker Center for Science, Math, and Technology, Florida Gulf Coast University, Building Committee Member. Inter-organizational Relations Committee, North American Association for Environmental Education, member. National Wildlife Federation, Search Committee for Vice-President for Education. Consortium for Excellence in Teacher Education, representing Swarthmore College. Portland Performing Arts Center, Portland, Maine, Board Member. Excellence in Environmental Education, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Advisory Board Member. Chewonki Waste Management Curriculum Project, Advisory Board Member. Planning Committee for Common Ground, a national conference on progressive education, Co-chair. Swarthmore College Black and Minority Concerns Committee, Teacher Education Committee, Faculty Seminar on Central America, Faculty Seminar on Environmental Studies. New England Environmental Education Alliance, Vice-President and Member of the Board of Trustees, three terms. Center for Creative , West Boothbay, Maine, Board Member. Maine League of Conservation Voters, Board Member. Mainewatch Institute, Advisory Board Member. Meristem School, Rose Valley, Pennsylvania, Board of Trustees Member. Bates College Campus-wide Committee: Environmental Issues.


Bates College Faculty Committees: Evaluation of Teaching, Environmental Studies. University of New Hampshire/University of Maine Sea Grant Policy Advisory Committee, Secretary and Member. Maine Arts Commission, Gubernatorially-appointed member of full Commission, member of Executive committee, Advocacy Committee, Liaison to Literature Panel, Liaison to Folk Arts Panel. The Nature Conservancy, Maine Chapter, Vice Chairperson and member of Board of Trustees, member of Executive Committee, Stewardship Committee, Development Committee, Nominating Committee, Finance Committee. Bistate Marine Education Advisory Committee, member representing New Hampshire. Horizons, (a coalition of Maine environmental organizations), Secretary. Natural History Museum, College of the Atlantic, Member of the Advisory Board. Certification Review Board, Maine Department of Educational and Cultural Services, member. Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program Cooperators' Network, member representing College of the Atlantic. Artist-in-Residence Panel, Maine State Commission on the Arts and Humanities, member. Energy Education Advisory Committee, Maine Department of Educational and Cultural Services, member. Gubernatorially-appointed as a member of Keep Maine Scenic Committee, three terms. Maine Audubon Society, Board of Trustees, Member of Executive Committee, Finance Committee, Education Committee, Nominating Committee. Presidential Search Committee, University of Maine at Orono. Science Advisory Committee, Maine Assessment and Planning for Schools Program, Member. Maine Coast Alliance for the Year of the Coast, Steering Committee, Chairperson, and Events/Education Task Force. Maine Outdoor Residential Education Fund, Board of Directors, Member. Maine’s Conservation School Review Committee, Chairperson.

Media Institute, Board of Trustees, Vice President. Project Learning Tree, Member of Steering Committee.


Opera New England of Maine, Member of the Board.

Business Experience

Ronald Hayes Pearson, Inc., Deer Isle, Maine 1973 Business Manager. Served as bookkeeper for craft production shop which sold original silver and gold jewelry and sculpture to a national market.

Cargoes Under Sail, Little Deer Isle, Maine 1973-1974 Investor and planner. Shared effort to re-establish a coastal cargo carrying line to southern New England markets for Maine offshore products.

Blue Hill Inn, Blue Hill, Maine 1972-1973 Innkeeper. Housekeeping, bookkeeping, cooking, serving, supervising employees, fellowship with guests and general responsibilities for upkeep of a small country inn.

Professional Experience

All pre-1972 employment was part of Antioch College's program of cooperative education, alternating work and study required for degree completion.

Trailside Museum, Yellow Springs, Ohio 1972 Museum Manager

Maine's Conservation School, Bryant Pond, Maine 1971 Education Director and Teacher-Naturalist.

Model Cities Program, Portland, Maine 1970 Information and Evaluation Specialist.

National Audubon Society, Aullwood Audubon Center, Dayton, Ohio 1970 Naturalist Trainee.

Junior Naturalist Program, Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio 1968-1972 Coordinator and helper.

Parochial School System, Portland, Maine 1968 Substitute Teacher

Project Programs to Excite Potential, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, 1968, 1969 New York Teaching Assistant and Counselor

Economic Development Administration, Washington, D. C. 1968 Student Economist, and Researcher.

McCall's Magazine, New York City 1967 Editorial Assistant, Non-Fiction Department.


Other Interests

Philosophical perspectives on nature, ecological theory, environmental politics, Native American philosophy and spiritual ecology, local community problems, history of nature study, study of Maine literature, childhood experience in nature, reform in education, Quaker education, public support of the arts, peace studies, Pacific Island culture, human ecology in South Asia, Singhalese folk drama, travel, hiking, scuba diving, swimming, running, meditation, Irish literature, comparative international environmental education, ethics of sustainability, African youth environmental activism, animal protection, intergenerational equity.

Professional Qualifications

State of Maine Professional Certification in K-8 General Elementary Teaching, 1972- 2001.


Citizen of the United States of America and Erie (Ireland). Chief’s Environmental Council. Tagaqe Village, Viti Levu, Fiji Islands, Advisor.

Notary Public, State of Maine, commission expired July 16, 2010. Deacon, South Freeport (Maine) Church, 1994-1997. Accredited non-governmental organization representative to the United Nations Economic and Social Council in New York, Geneva, and Vienna, 2002-present. Member of the Economicology Group of Wege Foundation, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Updated on May 30, 2013.