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Vol. 56, No. 9.Indd The student newspaper at Covenant College since 1955 Arts Colin Stayton scores interview with Bowerbirds Outlook Greg Pittman no ordinary freshman the Sports Montreat snaps volleyball’s 7-game winning streak Thursday, Vol. 56, November 12, 2009 No. 9 bagpipeonline.com BagpipeVoyles Promoted to Vice President Promotion marks an end to administrative musical chairs by Kate Harrison As of November 5, Brad Voyles is now Vice President for Student Development/Dean of Students. As a VP, Voyles will maintain his responsibilities as Dean, along with the added obligations required by his new position. “It just makes sense for him to be a senior ments he oversaw were split up under the part of the administration,” said President remaining administration. At this time Niel Nielson, who cited the increasing Student Development essentially became its amount of responsibilities Voyles has taken own area, with Voyles at the helm, described on since coming to Covenant as Dean of Nielson. Students in 2005. “All these things were gradually put under Since that time, Voyles has not only Voyles’ responsibility as it made sense. And overseen areas traditionally associated with now it is a big enough area to elevate that student development—residence life, student position from Dean of Students to Vice life, leadership, orientation, and academic President,” Nielson said. As VP, Voyles support—but also health and counseling will also be overseeing the entire Athletics services and, most recently, college safety department—intercollegiate, intramural, and security. and club sports. After former Vice President of Admis- sions Wallace Anderson left, the depart- see VOYLES, page 2 Glascock Elected Mayor of Lookout Mountain by Zach McElrath interview with the Chattanoogan. After losing to current mayor Tommy Three city council spots were also up for Gifford by only 4 votes in 2005, Bill election. Incumbent council members Da- Glascock handily unseated the incumbent vid Bennett and Sandy Gothard received in last Tuesday's Lookout Mountain may- 566 and 518 votes, respectively, to easily oral election. retain their seats. Blair Ramey's 360 votes Mr. Glascock, a former city councilman, were enough to dislodge current vice-mayor received 361 votes (57.5 percent) to Mr. Gif- Dennis Eischeid, who has served a total of ford's 267 (42.5 percent). three terms, by 51 votes. Ramey will join "I congratulate Bill on his victory and I Bennett, Gothard, and continuing council Senior Derek Wieldraayer (pictured) wore Covenant colors on home turf for GARRETT REID will do what I can to help in the transition," members Catherine Kelley and David Fus- the last time on Saturday afternoon. Fans also celebrated seniors Ben Wagner, Scott said Mr. Gifford following the electon in an sell when sworn in next January. Schindler, William Wolfe, Ryan Yackel, David Nielson, Brent Ripple, and Ford Quarterman. Ironclad Berry goalkeeping thwarts Scots in battle of defenses by Mitch Prentis the goalpost. Berry countered with 13 shots of their Last Saturday, the men’s soccer team own, finding a chink in the Covenant faced Berry College in the last game defense only after Covenant goalie, John of regular season competition. Despite Eger, had saved six goals. The Berry staunch defense, the Scots were unable to Vikings scored their only goal in the 71st score, losing 1-0 in a heartbreaking close minute of regulation play. With Satur- to the regular season. day’s loss, the Scots’ record stands at In this fierce battle of defenses, neither 9-5-2. team was able to make much progress The Scots will take to the field again against the other’s ironclad goalkeeping. after a short respite, while they gear up The Scots fired 17 shots at the Berry goal for the NCCAA Regional Tournament. throughout the game, but were unable to The first game of the tournament will find any holes in the Berry defense. The take place on Saturday, November 20th, Scots nearly scored on a long distance time and location TBA. Be sure to wish shot in the 60th minute that bounced off your Scots luck! 2 Thursday, November 12, 2009 NEWS The Bagpipe away. Leaders for the club lost motivation for philosophy to relate to people on a basic Philosophers get busy without the benefit of payment, and the club level. Revived club becoming an active presence on campus eventually lost its momentum. Club member Grace Mullaney agreed. Davis and Granholm worked out a deal “From the very beginning, he led everything by Adrienne Belz to fix that problem. They worked out a new with a humble spirit. He was open to sugges- A group of dedicated philosophy majors is breathing new life into payment system for the club’s president: Gra- tions and open to not doing it his way.” Covenant’s Philosophy Club. nholm satisfies his Practical Service require- Granholm considers philosophy majors ment by leading the Philosophy Club. Mullaney, Matthew Baddorf, Jordan Har- From a joint viewing of Fight Club with one of the most passionately active clubs on The Practical Service deal is merely icing wood, and Anna Philips to have played key the Film Club and a Settlers of Catan tour- campus,” said Granholm. on the cake for Granholm, though. roles in making the club what it is now. nament to a forum on cremation and a Phi- Professor Bill Davis, the advisor for the Davis thinks Granholm would do it for Granholm also tactfully uses other clubs’ losopher’s Pub, junior philosophy major and club, said that Granholm is largely respon- nothing if he needed to—Granholm person- and members’ resources to make up for the club leader Luke Granholm has woken up sible for the club’s rebound. ally chose to take on the responsibility and is money the club doesn’t have yet. the sleepy club in the course of one semester. According to Davis, in past years the happy with what he’s doing. For example, he got the Film Club and Granholm hopes that the variety of club’s plans for three to five club events per “I want the philosophy club to help stu- the Philosophy Club to view Fight Club events will help students see philosophy as year would quickly deteriorate into one or dents to be aware and think critically about together, escaping the extra cost of buying lively and relevant. two, as initiative and leadership dwindled. the views that change them both on the snacks. The “Settlers of Catan” tournament “The biggest changes that go on in For a while back in the 90’s, the Phi- mountain and in the world,” said Granholm. used game admission money and members’ students’ lives, especially in regard to their losophy Club’s president was paid from the Davis is happy to have found not only a donations to award the winner. As the club hearts and minds, happen at college. For stipend the club received. When the club good philosopher to be president, but also grows, though, it is more likely to be allotted this reason, the Philosophy Club should be ended up doing little, the stipend was taken someone who takes initiative and finds ways more funds. New title, responsibilities for Voyles from VOYLES, page 1 oversight while a search for a new CFO began. Though Anderson’s recent departure “I’m very thankful for the opportunity left another large gap to fill, the remaining to continue serving students in this role and administration split his duties in order to for the tremendous colleagues I have the fill it. Athletics reported to Nielson, records privilege of serving with both within Student and financial aid reported to Vice President Development and inter-departmentally,” said of Academics Jeff Hall, and admissions and Voyles. “I count it a real blessing to serve facilities report to Vice President of Advance- Christ and the Kingdom in this sphere of ment Troy Duble. influence.” This allocation of responsibilities, deemed Although reconfigured, the VP of Student temporary at the time, ended up working Development position is not new at Covenant. well, Nielson said. The college has had one in the past and the “It was interim, but we’ve gotten to the Athletic Director has reported to him. point where we believe it has become a solid Overseeing athletics will be the biggest structure for the foreseeable future.” transition, said Voyles, because of Covenant’s This means that for now, Covenant will transition from NAIA to NCAA Division III. no longer be looking for new a VP or CFO. Voyles is working closely with Athletic Direc- Covenant called off its search for a CFO after tor Tami Smialek, and said they are current- realizing the system working under Hall was ly working to hire a compliance coordinator running successfully. GARRETT REID for the department. Putting responsibilities into the hands of There is also a benefit to the institutional The final ratification of Voyles’ promo- The promotion marks not only the expan- existing officers also saves the college a large coherence developed by officials wearing tion to vice president depends on approval by sion of Voyles’ position, but also a solidifica- amount of money annually. different hats. Covenant’s Board of Trustees. He must also tion of the college’s senior administration, What is unusual about Covenant’s situa- “The way that Jeff and Troy and Brad pass a theological examination administered whose titles and responsibilities have been in tion, Nielson said, is that the school has found work together gives me a great deal of confi- by the Theological Examining Committee of flux over the past several years. the pool of necessary skills within its existing dence that we’re not going to have a bunch of the Presbyterian Church in America.

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