-- THETu DAILYVolume XXXVI, Number 6 [Where You Read It First Tuesday, Januarys 27,1998 Men’s group Se to explain Link’s new set to tackle rates in response to students by ANDREW FREEDMAN Schnirman summarizedthe feelings of non-violence Daily Editorial Board many senators when he said, “I don’t GyDAMDPUJVIOSE After voting 26- 1 last week to ap- know; I am just confused.” Daily Editorial Board prove the new CampusLink rate Freshman senator Neil Farbman, Asthe YearofNon-Violence commences, onegroup changes, at this Sunday’s meeting the who was the only senator to vote of TuAs students is working together to increase the Tufts Community Union Senate heard against the new rate structure, echoed peace. complaints about the changes from Schnirman’ssentiments. “Everyone is The recently-formedTufb Men Against Violence students and vowed to take action to basically confused about this.” held a general interest meeting yesterday to recruit clear up students’ confusion about “If you did not completely under- members and promote their cause, the issue. stand it, how could you possibly have Accordmg to groupmember Hal Ersner-Hershfield, The senate passed a motion to con- voted on it?” Harris asked. Tufts Men Against Violence desires to tell the commu- struct a detailed CampusLink certified “I understood it last week when I nity that there are many men outside their group who chart explaining the new rates. The had the task force report right in front actively advocate non-vioIence. senate also will hold information ses- of me. I will admit it is a complicated Tufts Men Against Violence was founded by sions both uphill and downhill in the policy,” Senator David Rosenberg Armand Mickune-Santos, the Director ofAlcohol and near future to clear up any questions said. Health Education. that people may have about the new One student addressing the senate In May of last year, Mikune-Santos attended a developments. during open forum said she needs A group of students brought up more information before signing the conference hosted by the American College Health Senator Brooke JamisonDaily file photo Association. He said he developed the idea to create the CampusLink issue during open form that was mailed to students last the organization at Tufts after seeing a presentation by forum. Larry Harris, asophomore RA, week. “Before I sign something I need representatives of Louisiana State Universiy (LSU), spoke harshly ofthe new rates. “Why clarity. Ifyou do not understand it, you one working from the same figures,” and he wanted to model Tufts Men Against Violence didn’t the task force take into concern do not sign,” she said. Jamison said. after LSU’s group. the possibility that people may not Senate President Omar Mattox Senator Brett Kitt said he needs Santos said he leads workshops that relate to vio- have the money to pay? The majority added, “There needs to be some kind more information before he can give lence prevention during orientationfor incoming fjresh- shouldnever be able to impose its will ofawareness around campus. There is the rates his full endorsement. “I don’t men. Also, he facilitates other workshops to train RAs. upon theminority. This isdisgusting... a lot ofconfusion. We need to come up feel comfortable going through with Santos added, however, that these workshops were not it is insensitive and bad business,” with some ways to make people under- the endorsement unless I understand enough. Due to the rash of violent incidents at the Harris said. stand what they are getting into. This it,” he said. University over the last few semesters, something had Responding to Harris’ comment, needs to happen quickly.” Freshman Senator Brian Cathcart to be done to increase the peace, Santos said. Senate Treasurer and task force mem- Speaking about the motion to cre- inquired about the possibility of de- Although elections have not yet been held for ber Josh Goldenberg said, “I don’t ate a chart and hold information ses- laying the rate changes or even alter- officers of Tufts Men Against Violence, a number of remember talking about people who sions about the new rates, Senate His- ing them, a process that would possi- students have stepped into leadership roles. The may not be able to pay.” torian Brooke Jamison said, “The com- bly involve a student vote. group co-coordinators are Ersner-Hershfield and Goldenberg complained that the munity needs to understand that we “Students are not making adminis- Cedric Dhue. Zev Schwnan is currently acting as the customer service of CampusLink has are still working on this.” trative decisions. We are giving in- group’s programming coordinator. been lacking. “Theservicepeopledon’t Senator Stacey Bran supported the put,” Goldenberg said. A group whirh promotes non-violence has been necessarily know what is going on,” infomation sessions.“I defiritelythink “A lot of the decisions of the Uni- overdue at the University, Santos said. Getting male he said. Goldenberg phis to speak to that we need to address this issue. A versity are determined to be decisions students to sit and address issues of violence is a step CampusLink CEOJoe Golden andoth- lot of this is coming down on the of the senate. There has been a lot of in the right direction, he added. ers to improve the service quickly. senators. The decision was kind of doubletalk. We need to do some num- “We want to make a name for ourselves before we Students and senators alike ex- hasty. An information session is defi- bercrunchingthis week,”Mattox said. hold elections... we don’thaveenoughpeopleyet.We pressed their confusion about the new nitely something we need to pursue,” Other issues were discussed at the are committed to meet every week,” Schuman said. rate structure. she said. meeting as well. According to Ersner, yesterday’smeeting was very “I would like to know what we have “I voted last week on numbers that Schnirman spoke about develop- productive. He added that one of the reasons that he to pay and why the rates are higher,” seemed extremely solid. A lot of the ments with the Fraternal Insurance and some of the other students we in the group is the Harris said. problems are coming up from people Providers Group (FIPG), which recom- The senate discussion got bogged who are confused. This may be mis- mended last semester that fraternities down as many figures were thrown communication andnothingmore. The about. Senate Vice President Jack first order ofbusiness is to have every- see SENATE, page 2 r vati ta by LXSACtESUELE general reading section. This read- that “lake up iess space, but hold Senior Staff Writer ing area will inciude chairs and mors books. in response ICcomplairis tables tc enable students and fac- Ti?:: improvements will not be about the difficulty of locating 2nd ulty to use the bookstore for plea- limited t:: the bookstore, however. purchasing books each semester, sure reading. jumbo Zcoops and Jumbo Ex- the Tufrs University 3ookstore Lee regards the creation of press, both located in the same will undergo a major renovaiion this reading area as one of the building as the bookstore, are also this spring, its first since construc- project’s main goals. “Another scheduled to be remodeled. tion 11 years ago. main objective of this aspect of The two stores will be com- “The objective is to make the the renovations is to get the fac- bined, -;;:miding more room for bookstore amore enjoyable shop- ulty toutilize the bookstore more both to opcrate. While the book- ping experience and more efficient often and for longer periods of store will remain open during its too,” said Director of Dining Ser- time,” she said. renovations, both of these stores vices Patti Lee. While the clothing area will w i 1I be closed for an undetermined “The remodeling should be- generally remain the same, number ofweeks. Daily file photo gin in the middle of February and bookracks, carpets, and lighting Barnes and Noble Booksellers The TuftsUniversity bookstore (picture above), and Jumbo Ex- end around the time of spring fixtures are all scheduled to be are assuming full financial respon- press (pictured below) will both undergo renovations during break, for we didn’t want to have replacedand modernized with the sibility fcr the remodeling of all the Spring semester. negative impact on the buying primary goal of creating a more three estabiishments, in accor- Dailv file ohoto and returning of books at the aesthetically pleasing atmo- dance with their contract with the beginning and end of the semes- sphere. University. Lee hopes that the ter,” she said. The plans for lower-level re- chain’s influence and support will To reach this goal, the first of modeling, where course books “give a real bookstore quaIity” the renovations will involve the are shelved, involve eliminating that is currently lacking in the store, first floor ofthe store. The check- one of the two storerooms cur- and that it will “give a more pleas- out areas will be consolidated and rently in use to make room for ing appearance to both students moved closer to the front of the more shelf space. and faculty.” store. “The one storage room will Bookstore employee John In an effort to shorten the long have to be reorganized,” Lee said, MacKenzie, the Assistant Text lines that usuaZly accompany the “but it will mean more books Manzger at the bookstore, voiced fall and spring msh for books, readily available to the students his full supportforthe remodeling. more checkout stations will be cre- on the shelves instead of in an “We haveaioecftroublefittingall !ed. In addition, the snack area inaccessible storeroom.” The the booksandmakingroom. More will be moved towards the front of lower-level shelves are also set to shelf space is exactly what we the store to make room fora larger be replaced by more modem sets need,” he said. ’agetwo THETUFTS DAILY Tuesday, January 27,1998 THE TUFTSDAILY Letters to the Editor P.O. Box 18, Medford, MA. 02153 Phone home: I think can be changed under the contract.” (617) 627-3090; Fax: (617) 627-3910, [email protected] Excuse me, but since when do you ever sign a Online: http://www.tufts.edu/as/stu-org/tuftdaily not contract that says you will pay X amount of dollars To the Editor: forayear ofservice Y, during which thecompany can Pete Sanborn I can’t take this. I just can’t bear to live anymore. decide at any time that they will charge you more Editor-in-Chief The all-powerful Senate has gone completely ba- money? Managing Editor: Marshall Einhorn nanas. In another of their brilliant decisions, they Would not a more logical solution be to allow Editor Emerita: Karen Epstein agreed to allow students’ current contract with those who want to keep all their servicesto do so with CampusLink to be null and void. When I voted for no extracharge, and to allow those who want to dump - NEWSEditors: Lauren Heist, Leah Massar these bozos, I always knew they would come through their cable to use their $225 for credit or to get a Assistant Editors: Andrew Freedman, Dan Barbarisi, David Pluviose and screw me over. Maybe they should try and live reimbursement? VIEWPOINTS Editor: Brad Snyder on campus for once. I would like to take this oppor- Oren Friedman LA ’99 FEATURESEditor: Tony Kahn tunity to thank them (HERE LIES THE SARCASM BOYS AND GIRLS) for costing my roommate and I ARTS Editors: Micol Ostow, Alexis Rivera, Dam Resnik More Tufts Connect Assistant Editor: Nancy Hunter more money than we had budgeted for the year. Of course, I guess I should only be upset if Tufts were anger WEEKENDER Editor: Rob McKeown overpriced... SPORTS Editors: Sam Erdheim, Vivek Ramgopal, Jordan Brenner, To the Editor: In all seriousness, I agree that students should be I am writing to express my anger at Tufts Connect Jeff Margolies given the option whether or not to pay for cable. Assistant Editor: Kelly Desmarais both as a student and a consumer. The new billing However, make this the policy next year - not in the PHOTOGRAPHY Editors: Rony Sham, Kate Cohen policy not only breached the contract set in Septem- middle oftheyear. ber, but is a poor attempt to take advantage of what Assistant Editor: Eric Anderson Don Schechter LA ’01 ONLINEEditors: Jeff Borland, Jeff Carlon, Benny Meshoulam may seem like asmall numberofTub students. The new policy may seem like a good one to multiple Pamela Abrams occupancy rooms, but for those 750 of us living in Production Director CampusLink breaches singles, it is an utter crime! I, like other students, was led to believe by Tufts roduction Managers: Amy Rutenberg, Karen Thompson, Amy Zimmet, Judith Dickman contract Connect, that all my phone, cable, and data services To the Editor: was settled for the entire academic year. Now I have LAYOUT Editors: Cindy Marks, David Ball, Mike Dupuy After reading Thursday’s article (“Senate passes kindly been informed that I must choke up $1 12 GRAPHICSEditor: Josh Goldblum change in CampusLink billing plan,” 1/22) on the MORE if I want to keep my cable services.

COR Editors: Sandra Fried, Cambra Stem , Senate’s decision to adopt the changes in This new policy is not only unfair, but is a sad CampusLink’s billing plan, it occurred to me that attempt to keep a failed company afloat at the expense John E. Gendron residents have now been exposed to aserious breach of the students. The $1 12 may not seem like a lot of Executive Business Director of contract. Although I agree with the changes and money when compared to the $30,000 we students Business Manager: Stephanie Wagner feel that students should have been able to choose pay to attend this school, but it is a sneaky attempt Office Manager: Sanitha Narayan from the beginning of the year what services they to take advantage of students that are forced to Advertising Managers: Neil Feldman, Grace Lee, Sara Kugler want, changingourcontract in themiddleoftheyear subscribe to exorbitant “communication” fees. Receivables Manager: Freya Wolke is not only absurd but is illegal. I understand and praise Tufts Connect and the .. . ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ... -. . ~ .. - . .. .-. .. . ._...... ~~.~.. ~~ Students have already agreed to pay a set rate of Task Force for so quickly trying to right its’ wrongs, \ The Tufts Daily is a non-profit, independent newspaper, published $225 for telephone, cable, andethernet service forthe but as the old saying goes -“haste makes waste.” londay through Friday during the academic year, and distributed entire year. Now the contract has been changed on Perhaps with more time someone would have consid- ‘eetotheTuftscommunity.Businesshoursare9a.m. -6 p.m.,Monday us, and supposedly if we want to keep cable we will ered giving students who did not want cable services irough Friday, 1 - 6 p.m. on Sunday. The Daily is printed at Charles have to pay more money! their money back, rather than charging students who iver Publishing, Charlestown, MA. Editorials appear on this page, unsigned. Individual editors are no1 I really could not believe my eyes when I read do such an enormous amount extra. ecessarily responsible for, or in agreement with, the policies and David Mcdonald’s comment that “Fees and Rates Emily HorowitzLA ’98 ditorials of The Tufts Daily. The content of Letters, advertisements, pedcolumns, cartoons, and graphics does not necessarilyreflect the pinion of The Tufts Daily editorial board. LETTERSTO THE EDITOR TCU Ipositions available next semester c Letters must be submitted by 4 p.m. and should be handed into the SENATE look into a council to refer ques- This is a very good overview,” laily office or sent to [email protected]. All Letters musl continued from page 1 tions to on apro-bono basis. So we Jamison said. dude the writer’s name and phone number, and must be verified by limittheirpartiestotwoguests per [the senate] &e not relying on the Jamison added that there will le Daily. There is a 350-word limit.Theeditors reserve the right to edil brother. Schnirman read and ex- people we are negotiating with to not be a resolution on the Career etters for clarity, space, and length. For the full policy on Letters to ie Editor, contact The Tufts Daily. plained a letter sent to the senate answer questions with us,” he said. Planning Center before the trustee from Dean of Students Bruce Senator Rhonda Fuller an- banquet on Feb. 7. Reitman. Schnirmansaidthe FIPG nounced that the Black History According to Mattox, elections “avoided voting” on the new fra- Month calendar is almost finished. for the senate will be held on Feb. ternity policy. She saidtheevents will kickoffon 4, with election packets due this “The University recognizes that Feb. 6 with performances in Cohen Friday. A debate is scheduled for this policy may not be meant for AuditoriumandHotungCafe.“We Feb. 2. There are two junior seats small New England schools. Ei- have a very full month ahead of available, as well as one freshman Rethinking abroad ther each house will or won’t fol- us,” Fuller said. seat and one spot on the Tufts low the recommendation. Each Senate Education Committee Community Union Judiciary. policy house must get a letter from their chairman David Rosenberg said Sophomore Senator Meena 4 respective national chapter to say that the course evaluation guide Thever outlined plans for a College Press Exchange despite our liability insurance pro- ifthey are exempt [from the FIPG will be left as it stands, without “women’s leadershipconference” When gunmen raped and tection,” said Rose Hayden, a guidelines].The University isopen student comments, “because of which will be held in April. The robbed 16 college students and board member of American Uni- and willing to have some houses all sorts of logistical problems.” event will be sponsored primarily school officials from St. Mary’s versity in Rome, accordingtonews be under different policies,” Senior Senator Jeff Steiner an- by the Tufts Feminist Leadership , College in Maryland who were on reports. “It sends a cold shiver Schnirman said. nounced that room checks for Alliance, but Thever is seeking an anthropological tour of Guate- down the backbones of anyone “We (fraternities) are waiting halogen lamp retrofit kits will be co-sponsorship from many other mala, some educators back in the sending Americans anywhere.” to hear from the nationals to see conducted. “After this spring there organizations including the sen- states promptly canceled their Such uncertainty comes at a what they want us to do. Then the will be no more halogen lamps on ate. “I want it to be diverse and plans to backsimilarstudy trips to time when more American stu- University willdecidewhattodo,” campus,” Steiner added. TCU sponsored,” Thever said. the Central American country. dents are studying abroad than said Senator Jeff Steiner. The Career Planning Center The conference will include a Spring ArborCollege in Michi- ever - and venturing into more Partly in response to the survey has been completed, ac- panel discussion with “women gan ordered 18 of its students and diverse territories. The number of CampusLink debate, Schnirman cording to Senator Brooke who have broken the glass ceil- faculty members, also in Guate- students in Latin America in I996 suggested that the “senate should Jamison. “It brushes the surface. ing,” Thever said. mala at the time of the attack, to jumped 18 percent to 13,726 over return home immediately, cutting the previous year; in Africa by ten short their trip by two days. percent to 2,027; and in Asia by Members welcome in anti-violence group Administrators at Michigan five percent to 5,699. The uncer- MEN an action oriented group.” Although Tufts Men Against State University, which sent 22 tainty also comes at a time when continued from page 1 One member of the group ex- Violence is a new organization, it students to the area last month, the State Department is advising opportunity to form friendships plained that there are many differ- was one ofthe groups responsible weren’t planningto send another Americansworldwide“to exercise with other “good guys.” enttypes ofviolence: man toman, for bringing Gloria Feldt, the na- group until this December. greater than usual caution” when “When someguys witness acts man to woman, and others. . tional president of Planned Par- They’ve already nixed those traveling. . of violence, they remain silent “We are here to make a stand enthood, to Tufts. In addition, plans. Experts suggest tips ranging about it. We’re trying to bring it saying there are men out there members of the group say they The attack of Jan. 16 raises from avoiding loud talk to staying out into the open,” Erser said. who actively oppose violence,” have many other projects sched- questions of liability. Courts al- out of dark areas at night. They Schuman added that “We are Ersner said. uled for the rest of the year. ready have ruled that colleges and also say travelers should follow universities are legally responsible current events and leave clothing Lots of stuff to on campus this week for some injuries happening on with coveted labels -Nikes and do a Eaton 201, 8 p.m. Neal Shapiro, Executive Producer of campus, but whether the same is Levis, for example - at home. AROUND Dateline, NBC. true for studies abroad isn’t clear. More travel safety tips and a list of continued from page 15 Programs Abroad Queen’s Head & Artichoke Tufts-in-Tubingen Kaffeestunde. Pearson 106,2:30-4 p.m. “We’realways scared that ifthere destinations where the State De- I Organizational Meeting. wereoneterrorist incident in Rome, partment discourages travel can German House, 4 p.m. Shir Appeal-Tufts Jewish A what could happen, to us there, be foundatwww.state.gov. Braker 02,9 p.m. Capella Group Communications & Media PALS Studies Program Auditions for Men. PALS Informational Meeting. “TV Newsmagazines”-A talk by Call Jessica 393-4947 Tuesday, January 27,1998 THE TUFTS DAILY page three Viewpoints CampusLink “deal” a sham by Larry Harris CampusLink. Thistask forcecame Did no one realize that students even if it were mandatory? Where but bad experiences with these up with the new billing plan that had not budgeted to pay is the money going to come from? people; from their collection agent Once again, our Better Busi- we all received in themail Wednes- CampusLinkany more money this As you have all read in your who has called my room at all hours ness Bureau nominee of the se- day. year? After paying the $225, most letters from Tufts Connect, they of the day with all sorts of unethi- mester is the oh so efficient The new billing program is of us had not planned on any re- support the new program “be- cal threats concerning a bill I re- CampusLink, whose motto “Ser- somewhat of an unknown. The neging of the contract we signed cause it was developed by the ceived during Christmas vacation vice is our Business” is evident in flyers that CampusLinkcirculated and now do not have any “extra” students forthe benefit oftheentire last year. all of itsdealings with the students with all ofthe prices is fairly incom- money togiveCampusLink.There Tufts community.” I would like to They explained the bill then by of Tufts University. For those of prehensible. I’ve heard at least was a quote in the Daily from task disagree. Upon talking to a few saying that if you lived in a house you whoaren’t aware oftheblock- five different interpretationsofthe forcememberJoshGoldenbergwho senators, I found that this new and went on vacation, you would buster“dea1”that has been worked billing plan so far. As far as I can stated that, “if the students want deal supposedly satisfies 90 per- still get a bill. That’s great and all, out between Tufts and tell, being a person that paid the the service, they will pay for it.” cent ofthe campus. The remaining but I’ve never been locked out of CampusLink for phone and cable $225 up front, I get a $93 credit. Well, Josh,someofusare lucky ten percent being those in single my house like we are locked out of enough to simply pay more on rooms. our dorms. But that’s not the issue “...CarnpusLink is guiltv of a breach of contract.” demand,butothersmay actu- However, during a trip to the now. II - ally have to work for that Office of Residential Life, I found By breaking the full-year con- rates, let me try to shed some light Since I live in a single I then owe money. Many students here are that 810 rooms on campus are tract in which manyofusagreedto on the subject. $205 to pay for the remainder of the not luckyenough to have the abil- singles which is actually 25 per- pay the entire $225 up front, Last semesterwe all returned to semester. Minus the credit, 1 owe ity to simply call home for money cent of the campus. So in reality, CampusLink is guilty of a breech campus to find that our beloved $1 12. However, I’ve heard from forthenew bill. Maybe ifwewere because the new deal covers rooms of contract. The most consistent CampusLink had decided to put a some student senators that I only all notified before the break that and not students, then the per- thing that I’ve ever heard about bundled rate plan intoeffectwhere owe$35. there would be changes then we centage of rooms that will benefit CampusLink is that they have a students could eitherpay $225 for What’s the deal? If the sena- could have worked to get the is actually 75 percent. But this five year contract with the school an entire year’s worth ofservice or tors don’t even understand the money, but now many of us are point is moot. The real issue here -one that they seem pretty intent $125 per semester. The problem plan, then do we really even have stuck.Especially ifyou are like me is that we have a clear case of the on upholding. Then, why is it that with this plan was that they an agreement with CampusLink? and are lucky enough to be a Resi- majority crushing the minority. my year-long contract with them charged these rates per student Until this bill is explained tome in dent Assistant, to whom a phone Even worse than the way num- has been directly breached? I paid instead of per room which made plain English, I’m not paying it. is a necessity. bers were played with is the con- them $225 with the beliefthat I was the price for phone and cable in The largest issue by far is how I wouldliketoaskthetask force sistent bad, business practices of done with service bills forthe en- multiple occupancy rooms far insensitive it was for the task force if they ever considered that some CampusLink. Since I arrived at higher than they should have and CampusLink to reveal this of us can’t afford to pay anymore Tufts last year, I have had nothing see CAMPUSLINK, page 11 been. completely different “deal.” If the After several complaints, a task deal had been slated to start next force was put together consisting year insteadofthissemester,things Former White House Intern of a few TCU Senate members, could have worked out. However, Associate Dean of Students Bruce by not only asking for the “deal” Reitman, various faculty members, to start immediately but also wait- questions Clinton’s integrity and Joseph Golden, the CEO of ing until after the break to let the students know what the increase by Rebecca Moll her sexual relations with President Clinton. Suppos- Larry Harris is a sophomore ma- would be in rates, the task force edly, when asked by Lewinsky how she should joring in political science. completely dropped the ball. I was a White House Intern in the spring of 1997. handle the situation, both President Clinton and his No, I was not sexually propositioned bypresident close friend and aide, Vernon Jordan, instructed Clinton. Truth be told, the only opportunity I had to Lewinsky to deny the sexual nature oftheir relation- More honest come face-to-face with the President was during the ship. traditional group intern photograph. After the pic- While the alleged affair itselfhas becomean issue ture wasbaken, I did not have the chance to shake the of public concern, it seems as though Clinton’s discourse on President’s hand since he was on crutches. alleged obstruction of justice is of most concern to Even though I was inches away from President Congress. Rep. Dan Burton (R-lnd), states, “We’re Clinton, I could not even manageto mutter asimple, not interested in the President’ssexualproclivitiesor abortion needed “Hello, Mr. President. It’sapleasuretomeetyou.”At alleged infidelities, but if there is evidence of ob- by Molly Blank by Justice Harry Blackmun in 1973, that moment, I wasawestruck in manysenses-I was struction of justice we might look into that.” and Naomi Sever states that, “For the stage prior to paralyzed by the idea that I was on the South Lawn While an extra-marital affair is not grounds for approximately the end of the first of the White House and the President of the United impeachment, I do not believe it should be over- Last Thursday, January 22, trimester, the abortion decision and States was that close to me. looked. We, the American people, need to look into marked the25th anniversaryofthe its effectuation must be left to the My experiencesasa White House Intern were not the President’s alleged infidelities, particularly one landmark Supreme Court decision medical judgement of the preg- uncommon. Although most White House Interns with a White House Intern. Even if Lewinsky was Roe vs. Wade.Our school newspa- nant woman’s attending physi- begin underthe grandiose illusion obsessed and infatuated with Presi- per, The Tujis Daily, failed to rec- cian.” While the Court legalizes that they will be in close contact “We need to decide... dent Clinton, he, as an adult and as ognize this event. It was only abortions in this statement, it does with the President, making key the President of the thanks to the efforts of the Tufts not give a woman complete con- decisions, seeing him is a rarity. I, how it ref’ects On Our of America, should have more re- Feminist Majority Leadership Al- trol over her body. Rather, it man- like many interns, worked in the country when our spect for his position, his responsi- liance that this monumental deci- dates the inclusion of her physi- OldExecutiveOfice Buildinghan- head Of State Cannot bilities, and hisemployees. Weneed sion was honored and that the cian in the decision to terminate dlingPresidentClinton’smai1. The keep his pants on.’’ to decide what President Clinton’s discussion of abortion was her pregnancy. Old Executive Office Building is sexual misconduct says about his brought to campus. The Roe decision can be inter- next door to the White House and houses most moral character and how it reflects on our country While weapplaud theeffortsof preted in several ways, but it has White House offices and employees. when our head of state cannot keep his pants on. the Feminist Alliance, we would come to symbolizeawoman’s right During my four months as a White House Intern, I voted for Bill Clinton in 1996-1 workedon his like to clarify and address some of to choose. Pro-choice activists I was at the actual White House four times. I went to campaign, and I interned in the White House. I feel the facts and issues that were who seek to expand a woman’s a press conference, on a West Wing tour, to a state that PresidentClinton hasdonealot forthe American mentioned in Alliance member right to choose must acknowledge arrival ceremony, and to the group picture with the people. At one point, I was willing to overlook Alison Trachtman’sviewpoint on the confines of the 1973 decision President. Therefore, when the story broke this past President Clinton’s scandals, including his alleged January20(“The ‘choice’ is ours”) in order to further their cause. Wednesday, accusing President Clinton of having sexual misconduct. In fact, I was not even sure if I Trachtman explains that Roe vs. Trachtman assertsthatawoman an affair with former White House Intern Monica believed many of the scandals to be true. Wade,“...mandated safe abortions who wants an abortion faces sev- Lewinsky, I wasshocked. Although Lewinsky worked However, recent charges of infidelity and ob- forall women whodesiredtotermi- eral obstacles. Included are 21 in , I did not understand how she could struction of justice seem to have more merit than nate unintended pregnancies ...” states that enforce a mandatory have ever gotten that close to President Clinton. previous accusations. As President, Bill Clinton Although Trachtman is correct waiting period or counseling. Once the story broke, word spread quickly that should represent justice and be a proponent of our in writing that Roe provided Trachtman poses the question, Lewinsky was a flirtatious girl who was obsessed legal system. Therefore, the MonicaLewinsky story women with access to abortions, “Does this reflect the true mean- with the President. Reports indicate that top White has forced me to take a second look at our President the decision is not as unqualified ing of the ‘right to choose?”’ In House aides were concerned for President Clinton’s and his actions. I have difficulty respecting and as she implies. The Court decision fact, these restrictions are integral apparent interest in the young intern. Therefore, they depending on a man who cannot exercise self-re- allows abortions in thefirsttrimes- to the Roe decision and subse- had her reassigned to a Pentagon public relations straint and would encourage someone to lie under ter. At the beginning ofthe second quent Supreme Court rulings. post. I believe the transfer was a desperate attempt oath. trimester, the state has a vested In 1992, in the case of Planned to get Lewinsky out of the White House and away I believe that Monica Lewinsky and President interest in the woman and the fe- Parenthood of Southeastern from the President. Clinton did have an affair. It is beyond me how the tus at which point it can regulate Pennsylvania vs. Casey, Justice In addition, there have been reports that Lewinsky President could have actually believed that having the procedure. Sandra Day O’Connor writes in returned to the White House on several occasions an affair with a White House Intern and encouraging The majority opinion, written the majorityopinion that, “Topro- late at night and early in the morning to rendezvous herto liewhile in officewasokay. Did hereally think mote the state’s profound interest with President Clinton. Apparently, ononeoccasion, that nobody would find out? This behavior is par- Molly Blank is a senior majoring in potential life, throughout preg- Lewinsky was concerned because she had been ticularly astounding because he is the most closely in history. NaomiSever isasenior subpoenaed to testify in the Paula Jones case about watched man in the US and he was already under majoring in biology. see ABORTION, page 11 Rebecca Moll is a senior majoring in English. see SCANDAL, page 11 page four THETUFTS DAILY Tuesday, January 27,1998


WGBH 0 Newshour With Jim Lehrer BE Boston Being Served Nova “Supersonic Spies” El Irish in America: Long Journey Home (In Stereo) (Pari 2 of 3) Q Being Served News Antiques Roadshow Q WE2 0 News ICES News Extra F2 Ent. Tonight JAG “The King of the Fleas” Q State of the Union Address (Lie) El News Late Show (In Stereo) F2 ILate Late

/wcVR 0 INews Q IABC Wld News (InsideEqhronideR Improve. (Soul Man I@ \State of the Union Address (Lie) (Politically Inc. (News (Nightline[K1 (Poliically Inc. ( Am.Journal WLVl @ Q Full House IB BoyWorld Fresh Prince Fresh Prince Buffy the Vampire Slayer IE Dawson’s Creek “Dirty Dancing“ News The Next Generation Star Trek Deep Space Nine Q

WHDH 0 News NBC News Wheel-Fortune Jeopardy! Q Mad Abo. You Just Shoot Me State of the Union Address I@ Dateline (In Stereo) IE News Tonight Show (In Stereo) El Late Night EO

WENH (D Newshour With Jim Lehrer [91 Business Rpt. World of National Geographic Keeping Up Fawlty Towers ’Allo, ’Allo! Dwarf Being Served Red Green Red Green Instructional Programming

WGBX @ (D Arthur (R) [91 IBusiness Rpt. Newshour With Jim Lehrer lBallykissangel State of the Union Address IB Mystery! “Cadfael” ‘The Raven in the Foregate” Charlie Rose (In Stereo) Business Rpt

CNN a Worldview@ Moneyline IB Crossfire [K1 World Today State of Union State of the Union Address (Live) Sports Illus. Moneyline Q NewsNight Showbiz COM Lounge Liz. IMakelaugh Daily Show (R) Stein’s Money Paula Poundstone Dana Carvey: Critic’s Choice Viva Variety Make-Laugh Daily Show Stein’s Money Saturday Night Live Q

CSPAN @ House of Representatives (Live) [91 Prime Time Public Affairs Prime Time Public Affairs (R) DISC a Wings “Strange Planes“ (R) IGimrne Shelter Wild Discovery New Detectives: Case Studies Shipwreck! “Deep Sea Rescue” Justice Files “Con Jobs” (R) Wild Discovery (R) E! @ ModelTV(R) Gossip News Daily 3rd Rock-Behind the Scenes Party of Five: Behind-Scenes Talk Soup Night Stand Howard Stern Howard Stern Melrose Place (In Slereo) ESPN a UpClose Sportscenter ICollege Basketball Wisconsin at Minnesota. (Live) College Basketball Kentucky at Vanderbilt. (Live) Sportscenter Q Snowboardin! I ESPN2 {$& @ 1Sportsman’s (Bobsledding (Strongest Man (College Basketball Connecticut at Providence. (Live) (College Basketball La Salle at Virginia Tech. (Live) (NHL 2Night (NBA 2Night (Tennis

MTV MN Live (In Stereo) My So-called Life “Betrayal” Music Videos Beavis-Butt. Virtual Bill (In Stereo) Beavis-Butt. Beavis-Butt. Loveline (In Stereo) Singled Out Viewers

NECN {5$ @ NE Tonight NewsNight New England Tonight Newscenter 5 Tues. Football PrimeTime-New England PrimeTime-New England Sportsworld PrimeTime-New England (R) NICK Figure It Out Tiny Toon Adv. Doug F2 IRugrats EO Nick News Happy Days Wonder Years Wonder Years I Love Lucy BE 1M.T. Moore Taxi Q Newhart Q Dick Van Dyke Bewitched SClR (54, a Quantum Leap (In Stereo) (Iii Seaquest DSV (In Stereo) Q Sightings: In Depth and Beyond UF0s“The 100 Year Cover-Up” Tekwar “Deep Cover” (In Stereo) Seaquest DSV (In Stereo) El Sightings-Beyond UFOs TNT Lois & Clark-Superman Babylon 5 “Legacies” (In Stereo) NBA Basketball Detroit Pistons at Milwaukee Bucks (In Stereo Live) El llnside the NBA .irir Double Impact (1991, Adventure) Jean-Claude Van Damme.

TOON @; Super Friends Addams Scooby Doo 2 Stupid Dogs Chicken Flintstones Q Jetsons Bugs & Daffy Scooby Doo Speed Racer Chicken Flintstones E USA Baywatch “Race Against Time” Highlander: The Series Walker, Texas Ranger E Baby Monitor: Sound of Fear (1598, Suspense) Josie Bissett IID Silk Stalkings (R) (In Stereo) !E Highlander: The Series 130 WTBS @ Family Matters Family Matters Andy Griffith Andy Griffith kk* Jeremiah Johnson (1972, Adventure) Robert Redford, Will Geer. WZThe Computer Wore Tennls Shoes (1969) Kud Russell. Mr. Majestyk I ***LE VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES ***

Hey you! You know you want to get involved... Come find out more information about these fabulous, exciting programs.

Tuesday, January 27,1998 Wednesday, January 28,1998 Thursday. January 29.1998

7:00-7:30 PM 7:00-7:30 PM 7:00-7:30 PM Food Rescue Eaton 134 Kids’ Day Eaton 201 Animal Aid Eaton 134 Volunteer Construction Corps Eaton 207 Eyes for Others Eaton 207 ESL (until B:OO PM) Eaton 333 Lorax Tisch 304 7:30-8:00 PM . . 7:30-8:00 PM Volunteer Vacations Eaton 134 Elderly Outreach Eaton 207 CHILD Eaton 207 Hunger Project Eaton 333 Peace Games (until 8:30) Eaton 333 8:00-8:30 PM 8:00-8:30 PM Junior Achievement Eaton 134 Special Olympics Eaton 134 PALS Eaton 201 Tutoring Eaton 201 Sex Talk Eaton 207 AIDS Outreach Eaton 333 9:00-9:30 PM Hospitals Eaton 201 8~30-9:00 PM **Ifyou cannot attend any of these Special Friends Eaton 201 program meetings, you can call the 9:30-10:00 PM Adult Literacy Eaton 207 LCS Office at x3643 or stop by the UNICEF Eaton 333 office (13 Sawyer Ave., behind the 9:00-9:30 PM Davies International House) for more Habitat for Humanity Eaton 201 information.** Tuesday. February 3.1998 Shelters Eaton 207 Big Brothers **TEA** Cancer Outreach Eaton 333

9:30-1000 PM Leukem ia Swim-a-thon Eaton 207 Battered Women’s Advocacy Eaton 333 You hke the good, you take the bad, I you take them both and there you have the Facts of the DaiZ.. Tuesday, January 27,1998 THETUFTS DAILY page five

Lockgroove CD release party Super Bowl entertainment Best part is often what fills the space between plays byDARARESNLK This year was no different. hold a candle to “Just do it,” the Daily Editorial Board Budweiser had a strong showing Nike commercial’s angle was in- Some people watch the withtheirtalkinglguanaads.I was spiring, and “I can” looks like it switched to blue a wave of sound washed o and Superbowl for heart-stopping ac- particularly fond of their (ahem!) could be around for years to come. entranced. tion, bone-crushing tackles, and New York accents and attitudes. Great on the defensive was NBC’s death-defyingfeats ofathleticism. Paying attention to who ap- ad for Working.“I can. . . photo- 1watch the Superbowl forthe com- pears in Superbowl commercials is copy.. .my face,”one part ofthe ad mercials, and, well, the halftime a good way of seeing who’s hot at expresses. Very funny. This is alsc entertainment. With the average ad costing $1.3 million for 30 sec- onds, the most monstrous corpo- rations, the biggest brand names, scramble to the best ad agencies ___ .... around to come up with the next cess inSDin Citv. The L----- big thing in commercial entertain- commercial features Fox in an immediatevalidation forNike. One ment. amusing conversation with a traf- of the signs of a successful cam- These companies are going to fic cop. He bribes the traffic cop paign is how quickly it gets paro- get the most out of their millions. with Lays to find out how he died. Go figure. Many companies release their ad catches people in the act of speed- The award for Dumbest Idea campaignsforthe new year during ing. Tee-hee. Unfortunately, goes to Intel, whose interactive the Superbowl. In fact, the com- though, this year’s Lays commer- commercial for their Pentium Pro- mercialsareoften more memorable cial doesn’t hold a candle to Miss cessors was anti-climactic. The than the game itself. Remember Piggy in last year’s Baked Lays commercial was so boring and Bud Bowl? 1 bet you do, but I bet ads. unfunny, nobody bothered to get you can’t tell me who won the Nikewentall the wayforasuc- up and vote at www.intel.com for event Superbowl the year that ad came cessful launch into its “I can” cam- the suspect that they thought out. paign. Though the slogan doesn’t stole themissing Pentium Proces- sor. Pepsi, in an attempt to adver- Questioning ’s racial attitudes tise the look of its new blue can went for computer graphics in a Times-Washington Post star Samuel L. Jackson opened reflecting truth. There are neigh- in all those areas. few commercials. One, featuringa News Service his mouth, every other word borhoods where that’s how people “And I think both those gentle- sky diver and a computerized One of the most remarkable seemed to be a racial epithet that talk. They use it in several differ- men did that.” Image Awards pro- Canadagoose was fairly amusing, things about 1997 was that two is heard just as often between ent ways. Hip-hop has turned it ducer Hamilton Cloud sees but far more successful was the ad prominent white filmmakers - friends on the street as it is from intosomething positiveand mean- Tarantino as an example of “the featuring a crushed bug on the both directors who can call their white racists. ingless. It’s taken all the fire and younger generation who are to- bottom ofthe Pepsican. Commer- own shots -made films featur- Immediately, Spike Lee was hurt out of it and turned it around tally comfortable with rap music cials are becoming more and more ing blacks in prominent roles. on national television excoriating and defused it. and black athletes, who have been like movies - some are just an And, because those filmmakers Tarantino for misappropriating “Granted, they won’t say the on their walls since they were eight excuse to exhibit the newest tech- were and black culture. Most recently, words of Compton (Calif.) in the years old. That’s what makes us nology to no particular end. Quentin Tarantino, both ap- Mary C. Curtis, features editor of Hamptons (of New York) or optimistic, because their percep- Fed-Ex’s no-frills, test pattern proached their subjects in totally the Charlotte Observer, wrote of Beverly Hills,” Grier continues, tion of black people is totally dif- ad was quite clever. The message different ways. Tarantino’s obscenity-laced “but it’s a white artist writing for a ferent from their parents’ genera- that rolls across the screen ex- Spielberg, who directed script, “Mr. Tarantino may think black man speaking to another tion.” “How cool that he had this plains that Earthcom’s ad would Amistad after producer Debbie it’s ‘real’; 1 found it foul and black man. Where’s the issue here? thing for Pam all these years and have been in this spot, but their ad Allen spent more than a dozen clunky. Ang Lee won’t change the words then pulled it off!” Cloud contin- agency didn’t send the tape Fed- years shopping the project to “I’m not saying whites can’t in Sense and Sensibility or Ice ues. “That’s radical!” Perhaps the eral Express. “If they had sent it Hollywood studios, filmed the write black characters or vice Storm. Nor would Spike Lee if he best thing about Jackie Brown is Federal Express,” the commercial African characters of the film at a versa,” Curtis continued. “But Mr. were doing a Japanese film.” Jeff that there is something there to says with a smirk, “They would reverent, painterly distance, his Tarantino seems to take great plea- Lee, president of BET Networks, debate: The key to making sure still be our ad agency.” deep respect often approaching sure in promoting himself as a said that rather than the language 1997 isn’t an anomaly is for images Perhaps the most underrated worship. ‘black’ expert. ... Andhealsoseems in Jackie Brown, “The thing we of blacks to proliferate even more ad of the night, though, goes to Tarantino, on the other hand, to have a special fascination with judge Quentin Tarantino and in the years ahead. the Tabasco Sauce company. A went in a slightly more irreverent the N-word.” There’s no doubt Steven Spielbergon are how many Says Charles Richardson of man eating a sandwich with direction. He made Jackie Brown, that Jackson’s repeated use of rac- blacks were in craft positions on TriadCommunications,afilm mar- Tabasco sauce gets bitten by a anadaptation ofElmore Leonard’s ist and sexist insults was, at the those films? Debbie Allen worked keting company: “From Soul Food mosquito, which consequently novel Rum Punch, expressly in very least, discomfiting. But was with Spielberg, anda lot ofpeople and Eve’s Bayou to Amistad and and much to his delight, explodes order to work with the Tarantino himself racist? Or sim- of color worked on that film. If Jackie Brown, they all present in a ball of fire in front of his face. “blaxploitation” actressPam Grier, ply reflecting black culture? we’re looking at the overall busi- some aspect of who we are that Great stuff. even changingthe main character’s “Peopledon’t know where Quentin ness, that’s where the positives can be appreciated by our own Motown’s Halftime show was race to do so. ended and Sam began,” Grier ex- come. Let’s not only put them on audience and, more important, the prettytame,and, wel1,cheesy. Who So far so good. But when co- plains. “Quentin’san artist who’s the screen but behind the screen audience at large.” were those little kids anyway? For much better, non-commercial half- time entertainment, MTV’s celeb- rity Deathmatch rocked the house. Join The Tufts Daily! Watching Marilyn Manson com- mit murder and demolish both Hanson and The Spice Girls was both hilarious and exhilarating. More violent than the Superbowl, The Daily will hold recruitment and more entertaining. meetings on Monday, February 2 and Tuesday, February 3.

Also Photo, Graphics, Online, and Production

Call x3090 or write to tdaily@emerald for more info. page six THETUFTS DAILY Tuesday, January 27,1998


In response to concerns voiced by students and parents about the new rate structure put in place for the Tufts Connect Program, Campuslink and Tufts University formed a task force of students, faculty, and staff to address . compiehensively the issues involved in providing communications services to student residences. The task force recommendations were submitted to the university on December 15, 1997 and upon review have been approved. The new rate structure will be implemented beginning in February 199E. The full report of the task force and information on the new program is available for review on the Tufts web site at www.tufts.edu/tccs/services/tc/

The task force was chaired by David McDonald, Dean of IT and Libraries, A6S and included the following members:

Students: Joshua Goldenberg, TCU Senate Treasurer; Michael Khambatta, Fletcher student; Vivek Ramgopal, TCU Senate member; and Mike Weissman, A6S student Faculty and staff: Maria Judge, Associate Dean, Fletcher; Gilbert Metcalf, Associate Professor of Economics; Bruce Reitman, Associate Dean of Students, A6S; Lesley Nelson Tolman, Associate Director Telecommunications, TCCS Campuslink': Joseph Golden, CEO

During the fall semester the task force met multiple times to address the concerns arising from the current Tufts Connect fee plan. The task force evaluated pricing and service options and investigated the approaches taken by similar schools to provide and charge for services. The members of the task force listened to the issues presented by students and parents and concluded that the new program is the fairest approach for all students, after considering many factors including the following:

The importance of technology, especially data communications, to the mission of Tufts University The needs and desires of Tufts students and parents Providing students choice in buying voice and cable TV services . Competitive market rates for similar services The actual costs of the Tufts Connect program The fairness of distributing costs amongst single and multiple occupant residence hall rooms The position of Tufts total tuition, room and board fees relative to peer institution.? Regulatory issues ,< The transition from the current rate plan to the new plan in mid-year The process of making changes to the Tufts Connect Program in the future

The members of the task force concluded that the interests of the entire Tufts community are best served by allowing students to make their own choices regarding the purchase of voice and cable TV services.

To address future changes in the Tufts Connect program, an "operations group" has been assembled. The opera- tions group will have representation from the student body, the school of Arts and Sciences, the Fletcher School, the Tufts administration and Campuslink.

Beginning in February 1998, the changes recommended by the Task Force will be implemented and will affect all students. While the task force considered implementing the new rates retroactively to the Fall Semester, the practical considerations of implementing such a change led the members of the task force to recommend not to make the changes retroactive. However the new program provides for a credit of $93 for February through May for those students who paid the Tufts Connect Fee for the full year.

Information on the new program and rates are included below and students will receive flyers in their mail- boxes. The flyers will have sign up forma that students must fill out and return to the Tufts Connect Program office in Carmichael Hall by January 30, 1998 in order to receive services. On these forms students must identify a service owner who will be responsible for payment of the Tufts Connect fees, include roommate infor- mation, and make an election of services desired. If students do not return these forms with all required information by January 30, 1998 to the Tufts Connect Office, voice and cable TV services in the room will be deactivated until the forms are returned. Data services will be available for all students regardless of elections for voice and cable TV service. The service owner is responsible for notifying the Tufts Connect program if he or she moves to a different room or desires to have services deactivated.

The task force reviewed the issue of unpaid balances owed by students for the Tufts Connect Program and recom- mended that all students be trqated equally and required.to pay for services'received under the,Tufts Convect Program. Outstanding balances owed that are over 90 days old will be sent to the Tufts Bursar for collection. If a student desires to dispute an amount that has been billed by the Tufts Connect Program, the student must contact the Tufts Connect Office at 627-7627 or the Campuslink toll free number at 1-800-962-4772 to resolve the issue.

The new Tufts Connect program allows all students to realize the benefits of voice, data and video technologies at a fair and competitive cost while continuing to support the mission of Tufts University. Thank you for your patience and cooperation during the Fall while the task force performed its review. - In rcsponsc to your rcqucsts for unbundlcd communica- How it works . Important Dates to Remember tions scrvicu. thc Tufts Conncct Task Forcc has dcvcl- opcd a new communications packagc &signed bv thc Instead of omfcc for bundlcd scrviccs. students now have students - for thcrtudcnts. Effcctivc February 1998. Each room tnust idcntify thc Lillc Owncr. and complctc thc option to chwsc which mmniunications scrviccs they ihc ncw fcc structiirc allows you to choosc thc scrvices alld rctllrt1 tl~cattachcd form to thc Tufts Connect oficc dcsirc for thc rcmaindcr of thc school ycnr. Stiidcnts will yoit want! Tufts Conncct olTcrs cach room thc option of by January 30. 1998. Ncw rata go into cffecr Fcbruvy also liavc thc option of nionth9 billing for thcsc scrviccs paying tlic Tufts Conncct fcc monthly or by scmcstcr. 1, 1998, and will be rcflectcd in your Fcbruvy 19. 1998 or prcpaying for thc rcmaindcr of thc 2nd SctIicstCr (Rb- bill. If your room neglects to submit thc attachcd form ruary to May) and rccciving a 5% discount. by thc dcadlinc listed above. 1 service in rhc room will bc dcactivatcd. IEWHOIIESEMIICL TUFTS TALK includcs campus, local arca (617. 508. 978, & 781). long distancc scrvicc, call waiting and voiccinail. Each studcnt in tlic room will kccp thcir Per- sonal Authorization Codc (PAC) for long distancc calls that was prcvioiisly assigncd at thc beginning of the fall What is a Service Owner3 1997 scnicstcr. Studcnts will also continue to rcccivc long distancc tclcphonc bills scparatc from roommatcs. Monthly Ratcs: 531.50 pcr room with a $6 sarclnrgc The occiipants in cach room must dcsigiiatc a "Scrvicc for raclt additional stodcnt in rlic room Owncr." A Scrvicc Owncr is rlic pcrson dcsignarcd by all billcd to thc Scrvice Owncr. occtipaiits in cnch room who will bc billcd for thc coni- (Long distancc billcd separately.) mimications scrvicc fccs. It is the rcsponsibility of tlic "What ifI've already paid the entire E225 L.inc Owncr to pay "in full" for the room's 'liifts Talk and 7uPs Conrectfeefor theyear?" Tiifis Box Oficc prcfcrrcd scrviccs.

CBlEItLEYISIOY SERVICE Tiifis Conncct asks that cach rooin dcsignatc a Scrvicc TUF'IS BOX OFFICE CablcTclcvision providcs a pack- Owncr and complctc the application providcd on thc agco(63 cablcTV channcls. iitcltiding rwocan~puschart- rcvcrsc sidc of this form. This form also providcs stu- tirlr. Studcntr also rcccivc a custoinizcd Canipus Movic dents thc option of choosing tclcphonc. cablc tclcvision Clianncl, broadcasting first run movics cvcn bcforc thy scrviccs or scrvicc deactivation. Long distancc chargcs get to IIRO or Showtimc. will be billcd to cach individual roomtnatc Monthly Ratcs: $30.00 per room with a $6 surchargc for cach additional studcnt in tlic room It is thc rcsponsibility of the Scrvicc Owncr to cadscr- Each studcnr who paid tlic cntirc $225 Tufts Conncct fce billcd to the Scrvicc Owncr. vice with Campuslink if liclshc niovcs out or cliangcs for tltc scltool ycar will rcccivc a $93 crcdit on your Fcb- rooms . Thc roommatcs must thcn submit a ncw form ruary 19. 1998 bill. Effcctivc Fcbruary 1. 1998 dcsignating a ncw Scrvicc Owncr. If yoo paid thc Tufts Conncct fcc of $125 for the 1st scincstcr oiily, you will rcccivc a $29.41 chargc for scr- viccs rciidcrcd in January which will bc rcflcctcd on your January 19tli bill. Cahlc 'Ibral I'cr Questions9 IYsz!mKl Collcction policics remain in cffcct for tbc Tufts If you liavc any qiicstions about ~licncw 'Iiiftr Conncct ConnectProgram. Please contact rhc Tufts Connect of- Singlc $105 SI00 $205 fcr. plcasc call tlic Tufts Canncct Ollicc ai 627-7627 or ficc to make arrangcmenu to rcsolve past due balances. Doul,lc $125 $120 $245 CAMPUSLINK toll-frcc at I-800-962-4772. Triple 5145 $140 $285 Quad $165 $160 5325

Check your mallbox for s1gn-w /oms mese form rv///alsobe amllable at the mtYs Connect oMce 8t CamICha8lHall /anuary3llth Is #e deadllne fo determlne the SeMce mertor Your room and slgn UlJiorSeMm Rflservlcar Mffbedeacl&%tedon January3lsf andmmafn deacflHtedunfff me form 1s mebed Tuesday, January 27,1998 THETUFTS DAILY page seven

IC en gain momentum Super John Two-game win streak put to test tonight at Bentley by DOUGLAS BURNS the Jumbos was sophomore goal- Stonehillgot a breakaway, hoping When I was six, my Washington Redskins won the first oftheir three‘ Senior Staff Writer keeper Eric Schneider who had to prevent Tufts’ first good chance Super Bowls in a span of the next ten years. The Miami Dolphins Upsets feel incredible. To be missed the last three games due to at a shutout victory. couldn’t contain the running of one John “Riggo” Riggins behind the the best, however, there is always illness. Chieftain senior forward Steve original hogs, as the Skins went on to win Super Bowl XVII 27-17. a start at the bottom. Coming into The Jumbosjumpedouttoa I-. Troup fired a shot, but Jumbo As ifwinning the Super Bowl that year wasn’t enough, Washington 0 lead when Carleton received a keeper Schneider deflected it off came back the next year and went 14-2, losing those two games by a Feeley pass, slapping it past his body to the left. However, combined three points. Back in the Super Bowl for a second straight Chieftain goalkeeper Jared Dwyer Stonehilljunior Mike Fell was the year, the Redskins were favored against the Los Angeles Raiders. But on a wrist shot six minutes into first to the loose puck, sending it the bookies aren’t always right, as a veteran quarter- the game. past the prone Schneider. back by the name of Jim Plunkett and ayoung running this week’s games against Suffolk Theremaininn 14minutesstale- Visibly agitated by losing their back from USC led the Raiders to the shocking 38-9 and Stonehill, that was exactly blowout in Super Bowl XVIII. That running back’s where the Jumbos found them- name was Marcus Allen, and that was the last time an selves in the ECAC Central Con- AFC player had won the Super Bowl MVP award. ference. Funny, that was also the last time an AFC team had won Luckily forthe Jumbos, Suffolk itall. and the Stonehill Chieftains also 2 Until now. No longer is Joe held zero wins in conference play. 11 Aroundthe 11 Theismann the 1astNFCiuaterback Suffolkjumpedouttoa2-0 lead -- to lose a Super Bowl, as that distinc- Tuesday, putting the Jumbos and Horn tion now belongs to Brett Favre of senior goalkeeper Shawn Lothrop - ._____ - the Green Bay Packemon Sunday, in a hole early. Finally, 14 minutes in oneofthemostexcitingSuperBowls inrecentmemory, letaloneever, into the game,juniorforward Owen Favre’s Packers got beat by another veteran quarterback and another Milbury got the Jumbos back young running back, who just happened to have gone to the same high within one when he found the back school as Allen. of the net. So, lightning actually does strike twice. It just takes a while, and if Suffolk regained a two-goal you’re an AFC fan, it takes 14 years. lead, however, just four minutes NOW,let it be known, I’m no AFC fan. I’ll take the grind-it-out style after the zamboni left the ice at of the NFC over the air-it-out AFC any day of the week. intermission. Once again, it was Junior forward Owen Milbury netted a hat-trick in an 8-3 win That being said: isn’t it great when the sentimental underdog, e.g. up to Milbury to rescue the team, over Suffolk. John Elway, actually wins? I mean, it seems to happen so irregularly in when he netted his second tally sports these days. And all you Florida Marlins fans don’t even $art on the young night. Twenty-three mated, as Stonehill failed to capi- shutout, the Jumbos did not pout pretending that your team was actually either a sentimental favorite or seconds later, sophomore forward talizeon four power-play opportu- for very long. Fifteen seconds later, an underdog this past year? Any team with that much money couldn’t Drew Carleton followed with one nities. The Chieftains would pay. sophomore defender Pete touch those categories with a ten-foot pole. That’s typically the story: of his own, tying the game at Within the first five minutes of Schieffelin scored after receiving the rich get richer while everyone else gets passed by. Or, in the NFL, three. the second period, Jumbo shots a Carelton pass. The game ended the NFC keeps winning, while the rest ofthe world laughs at the AFC. Tufts would never look back. were deflecting off goalkeeper two minutes later, 5-1 Tufts. But all that changed on Sunday night, as the wild card Broncos ended Five minutes later, junior for- Dwyer’s body continuously; one Schneider finished the game their run of four straight playoff wins, including two tough ones on the ward Jeff Kaye gave the Jumbos off of his mask, another off the with 25 saves on 26 shots. The road and the final against a team they were supposed to lose to by at their first lead, and in another five right pole and back overhis shoul- most impressive performance was least 12 points. minutes, sophomoreforward Tom der. Finally, eight minutes in, turned in by Feeley. His two goals Good for John Elway. Feeley cushioned it to two. Three sophomore Scott Schneider and assist topped a spectacular Sure, he may not have had the best game numbers wise of his four more third period goals gave the flipped adiving backhand past the week fortheemerging sophomore. SuperBowl appearances, butclearlyhe was his team’semotional leader. Jumbos an 8-3 victory. stubborn Dwyer. Carleton I i kewise extended his team And he turned in what was to me the defining play of the game. Milbury became the second Less than two minutes later, high point total to 21 with a goal In the third quarter, it was third and six from the Green Bay 12, with Tufts player to net a hat trick on Feeley added a goal of his own on and two assists. the game knotted at 17. Elway was flushed out ofthe pocket and forced the night, and in the process, gave a wrap-around from the left of the ‘‘It was gratifying to finally to scramble for the all-importantfirst down, as he slyly glanced up-field the Jumbostheir first victory since crease. Suddenly, the lead looked collate atwo game streak with the at the sideline for the marker. Instead of sliding, as most quarterbacks Dec. 5. insurmountable. word ‘win,”’joEed Schneiderafier tend to do these days, which would have undoubtedly landed him short The momentum continued on A second Feeley goal extended the game. “Hopefully it’ll be ofthe first down, forcingthe Broncostosettle forafieldgoal, Elway sped Saturdaywhen the Brown and Blue the lead to four in the second half, three.” up. As he lept in the air over three Broncos, Elway looked more like a hostedthe0-5(0-10overall)Chief- but with amere two minutes and 17 Tonight, the Jumbos visit 17-year old than a 37-year old. His twisted body crashed to the ground tins of Stonehill. Back in net for seconds remaining in the game, Bentley at 7. at the four-yard line. First down Broncos. Terrell Davis would score seconds later, and it was clear who wanted this one morethan anyone: John Elway. Jumbos battle youth, injuries But let’s face it, the Super Bowl has become much more than just a - football game. It’s about pomp and circumstance and commercials. by DAVE BERMAN back losses, the Jumbos responded by winning two As usual, Pepsi did a good job, with my personal favorites being the Senior Staff Writer of their next three over Connecticut College and skydiving goose and the Rolling Stones-wannabe mosquito. With a lackofexperienceandvarious injuries, the Army, before losing the next five to schools which Kudos to Budweiser as well, as their lizards and frogs had everyone Tufts men’s squash team has posted a 2-8 record so included Bates, Colby, Amherst, and Comell. in the hotel bar I was watching the game at screaming and yelling for far this season. As a young team, two Jumbos have This team knows that it will have to keep things froggie blood. Cold-blood, that is. Apparently, a lot ofpeople other than played more than 20 career matches, and only two simple in order to turn its season around. Louie the Lizard wanted those dam frogs dead. Stupid ferret. others have played more than ten. “We’re not going to win with a Other winners include the acrobatic Doritogirl doing her laundry and “We lost a lot of players,” said tricky game plan,” Schuster said. the blown up Tabasco mosquito. captain Faroog Abassi. “The re- “We’re going to have to stay to the As far as the pre-game and half-time entertainment goes, it was turners have stepped up, and the basicsand knowthat heartwillmake surprisingly entertaining for different reasons. It was rather laughable newcomers are showing a lot of the difference. We can’t give up. ’ how clearly the Beach Boys were lip-synching. The funny thing was heart.” We’ll have to dive for every ball.” they really didn’t seem to care all that much. On the same note, it would Abassi, who has played number one through a As for the women’s team, they have posted a have been nice for someone to tell Jewel that she should start pretending knee injurythis winter, holdsaregularseason career combined 3-7 record in match play that began in to sing the Star Spangled Banner. The two second delay between the record of 15-46. Teammates describe him as a brave November with a loss at Trinity. music and her lips moving was a bit humorous. My question is when leader, as he continues to stay in the lineup to The season is highlighted with 9-0 shutout wins is someone going to actually sing the National Anthem? I mean, I’ve compensate for a short roster while absorbing a over WellesleyandHamiIton,andan 8-1 victoryover seen better fake jobs on the Tommy and Pamela Lee video. tough 0-9 record so far this year. Williams last Saturday. Christina Kim plays in the And as hard as it is to believe, I actually liked this year’s half-time Six players in the starting rotation had never number one position and has amassed a 5-10 record show for the first time in a long time(no, I didn’t watch MTV’s Celebriw played a match prior to this season, including this season. Death March). I embarassingly enough found myself singing along to Dyian McPhetres(5-5), Omar Malik (4-3, James the various Motown songs in the middle of the aforementioned hotel Shatz (4-6), Bennett Kolasinski (3-7), and Farhan bar. It sure beat the heck out of last year’s Blues Brothers flop. Ayubi (2-5). So, another Super Bowl has come and gone. Denver did what New “What we lack in match experience,” Abassi said, Tuesdav. January 27 England couldn’t last year, so 1 do feel somewhat bad for all you “we make up for through hard work and persever- Men’s vs- 7:30 Prn. IceHockey: @ Bentley* 7:00p.rn. championship-starved Boston fans out there. ance. This year the team’s showing-~ a special bond Butthe real sympathy goes outto twoother organizationseven more and is woriing as one unit.” so. NBC aired it’s last NFL game for a long time. And while I’ve never The Jumbos are training for Nationals, hoping to Wednesdav. Jaunary 28 been a big fan of that annoying music, Jim Gray, or Randy Cross, the be in prime condition when the competition beginsat No Games Scheduled network did do a bang-up job in their finale yesterday. the end of February. But youreally haveto feelsorry fortheBuffaloBills.Afteral1,Elway’s Saidjunior Mike Schuster,“Our ultimate goal is to win firmly cements them atop the list of all-timeNFL-losers.And with reach our peak for Nationals. We’re working very Doug Flutie arriving in Buffalo as the supposed savior, that title hard and concentrating on the fundamentals.” shouldn’t change for a long, long time. After having started the season with back-to- GO JUMBOS Tuesday, January 27,1998 THETUFTS DAILY



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Sponsored by the Sophomore and Freshman Class Councils Tuesday, January 27,1998 THETUFTS DAILY page nine I

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r page ten THE TUFTS DAILY Tuesday, January 27,1998 3 -. r- FOREIGN TAXATION

The International Center will soon be providing foreign taxation filing forms, and informational material and seminars. Please watch your mail for details. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A SOCIAL, SECURITY NUMBER, YOU WILL NEED TO Macarena With Al!. APPLY FOR AN INDIVIDUAL TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (ITIN). Everyone filing a tax return will need to have either a Social Security number or an ITIN number. It takes approximately 5 weeks to receive an ITIN number. The deadline for filing your tax return is April 15, so please plan accordingly. Please call the Internal Revenue Service at 1-800-829-3676 to order application forms for the Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (Form W-7 Application for IRS Individual Taxpayer Identification Number). The International Center also has application forms available.

Do this and more at the Tufts Democrats meeting January 27th at 7:30pm in the Large Conference of the Campus Center. KOSHER DELI PROGRAM Elections will be held. NOWSERVEDAT LUNCHIN POUNDDINKG HALL Free Food! Call ext 3778 wth any questions *-AI IS not necessanly AI Gore

Que to popular aernznd. Dining Services hzs I -. Kosher Deli items -io tne lunch menu in four,^. I here

is a nominzl cost assocktd with the FfXi2mb zbov~?k

cost of 2 r;nezI to cover the zdded cost oi?-,s -=--I I SbCLS. - I he offerings and their costs zrz 2s follows: 1998 Tufts

Corned Beef Tasiram i 0 curie serving ... $ 2 6 CY?.C5 ss-V+.a: - ...$2

Roast Turkey Salami 4 ounce serving ...$ I 6 C'LfiCf ss?;ir,,c ...$ I

0.. Play COLLEGE Instant Cup ofSoup Kosher qprcved br&s BOWL Chicken Style ...$ I 27,e cond i7, e nts Paper plates ond servicewcjre ~~~ii~-bie. h Campus t To urnam ent Tuesday February 3rd 6pm to 18pm Hotung Cafe To participate in the progiam, tickets must be purchased zt the Dining Administration building z;t 89 Cui-tis Street. Payment by cash, check or bursar chat-g? will be accepted. c Tickets valued at $ I .OO each will be sold in groups of ten i. for $IO. Cash will not be accepted in Pound for participa- tion in the program. Please contact Julie Lampie, extension SIGN UP TODAY! 2833, with any questions YOU may have. Team Captains! Sign up your team -? of four (41 players at the Office of Student Actiuities no later than Thursday January 29th. Y Tuesday, January 27,1998 page eleven THETUFTS DAILY ,. Pro-choice advocates must be eld accountable, engage in dialogue ABORTION woman to choose childbirth over hourwaiting period, spousal notifi- does not always confront the abor- ready to say no more. continued from page 3 abortion." cation, and parental consent. tion procedure. We must hold ourselves ac- nancy the state may take mea- The Court goes on to say that an While we do not agree with the We challenge the misconcep- countable for our opinions and be sures to ensure that the woman's abortion is a medical procedure Court's decision, as pro-choice tion that pro-choice individuals prepared to engage ourselves in choice is informed, and measures which the statecan regulate to guar- women we feel it is necessary to encourage or promote abortion. dialogue with those who challenge designated to advance this inter- antee the safety of a woman. This recognize the facts ofthe abortion However, we acknowledgethat we, us. It was not without consider- est will not be invalidated as long a allowsthestatestodevelopinformed issue. Empoweredwith this infor- as pro-choice women, do accept able lobbying that the Supreme as their purpose is to persuade the consent laws which require a 24- mation, we can expand what the abortion. Trachtman, "refuse[s] to Court made their decision in Roe Supreme Courtneverpromised- make a generalization about vs. Wade. Ten years before the Clinton's alleged behavior a woman's right to choose. whether or not it is an acceptable actual decision was written, - In our effort to maintain honest procedure." We find this explana- women began to place abortion SCANDAL lie." I think that it is a very sad discourse about the abortion is- tion inadequate. rights bills in front of state law- continued from page 3 commentary on our President and sue, we would like to address one Perhaps Trachtman should makers. These were all too fre- scrutiny for sexual misconduct. our country when many Ameri- last point WhichTrachtmanmakes. think about the deepermeaning of quently rejected. The question remains whether cans believe that Clinton is ca- Throughout her viewpoint, the stance she is taking in order to In our continuing battle to en- Clinton had an affair with pable of the alleged behavior. Trachtman tells the readerthat she ready herself for sincere debate. sure a woman's right to an abor- Lewinsky, whether he encouraged Even if the whole incident is is pro-choice. She writes, "... I be- Abortion is not something to be tion, we need to remember the ef- her to lie, and whether he is going brushed under the carpet and if lieve in the woman's right to make taken lightly. Many women who forts of those who came before us to be brought up on impeachment Clinton somehow manages to di- her own decision about her body undergo abortions suffer from and continue them. We challenge charges. Although it comes down vert our attention to the State of and her future, and that is what depression and emotional stress, the individuals on this campus to to Monica Lewinsky's word the Union Address, the Balanced pro-choice really means." While as well as physical pain. For those fight for what they believe in and against President Clinton's, I be- Budget Amendment, and matters the pro-choice contingency fre- individuals who take a stand, it is to encourage others to do so. Edu- lieve Lewinsky, as do many Ameri- of international concern, I will no quently mentions that the opinion frequently difficult todo soon this cate yourself and be ready to de- cans. longer be able to hold President of pro-choice gives a woman the issue. But too many people state fend your ideals. Only in this way During the past few days, I Clinton in high esteem. It is very right to govern her own body, it that they are pro-choice, and are can we secure the right to choose. have heard many people say things difficult to trust and respect the to the effect of, "I would not be man who is supposed to represent surprised if Clinton had an affair democracy, morality, and truth with the intern and I would not be when he is plagued by an alleged surprised if he encouraged her to scandal of such magnitude. GOLDEN KEY REGIONAL SEMIFORMAL CampusLink guilty of bad business practices at Tufts TNTERCOLLEGTATE SEMIFORMAL CAMPUSLINK phone and cable cut off. But wait, continued from page 3 doesn't that go against the deal AT THE tire year, only to find out that at between the and any time they could have arbi- CampusLink which says that ev- TREMONT HOUSE HOTEL trarily decided to ask for more ery student will have the ability to FEBRUARY 7,1998 money. That is ridiculous. callthe police fromanyphonejack Finally, I would like to point in the school (another breech!)? 9PM-1AM out that CampusLink's scare tac- Ah, but I'm not surprised. tics are merely the culmination of CamPusLink likes Playing $10 NOW-$15 AT THE their bad business practices. "Let's Make a Deal," don't they? DOOR From what I understand, the Sen- ***GUEST WELCOME*** C&"N ' BhHm5 ate was given an "all or nothing" L1 0 ultimatum where if they did not 7, 24 HOURS OF agree to the "deal" on Monday 9l FREE DR,NHs! night then there would be no deal T4 7 niehts from $299! - Includes RT air hotel 24 hours or free at all. dnnkr and upekly wny schedule [email protected] Now, to top it off, the students Swng break erents, ovganlZe 15 (reindl and FAUN A FREE TUIP! OR CALL have been given aweek to sign off ~1 on a "deal" that no one under- FA 617.627.8393 stands or they risk having their =-4 slca I8 lllmdl mo amvll 00 00 00 ';1 'Ja@~~a~~~a~~jj ---II YuYwrmnl m.

.-c---.- -.I .,.a,, I ...... @...... -.UI Y .4n


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I I1 Prolessor's Row 9X I'rolcssor's Kow XO I'iolcssor's Row I or) P;ick;ird AW.


I I4 Prolcssoi 's Row 100 I';ickard A\c. 92 Professor's Row YX Profcssor's Row

I I4 Ciirtis SI Holriiig Cafe page twelve THETUFTS DAILY Tuesday, January27,1998 -7



Deadline reminder!!

If you are a Tufts Junior, interested in spending six weeks as an Intern in Hong Kong this summer -

Apply NOW!

Applications are due at the CPC by 5 pm 2-2-98

Late applications will not be accepted. Join the TCIJ Senate! More information and applications are available at the CPC & IR Dept.

Are you interested in improving policies All majors are welcome to apply! and life at Tufts? ,Would you like to have a say in what May 1998 Graduates goes on around here? Want to help allocate the $750,000 You’ve Got ONE LAST CHANCE.. . student activities budget?

Due to the Overwhelming Response to the Final Senior Portrait Session in December, DaVor Photography will be returning to campus, just one more time. ELECTIONS for Spring ’98 SENIOR PORTRAITS for the Senate and TCUJ will be held 1998 Tufts Jumbo Yearbook will be taken WEDNESDAY, February 4 beginning JANUARY 27th All interested candidates must:

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to schedule your appointment. 1 CALL NOW. . . CALL TODAY!

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Failure to be photographed will mean failure * to appear in the section of the yearbook that formally presents the Class of 7998 General Interest Meeting Tuesday 27th@ 9:OOpm in the Campus Center - Zamparelli Room There is no charge for your portrait appointmen Any questions call Megan 666-5844 or Leah 629-7322 YEARBOOKS will be available for purchase Tuesday, January 27,1998 THETUFTS DAILY page thirteen

IC ontinues This Week 273 Newbury Street vt Boston (617) 266-1926: ! MIT Student Center W20-024 84 Massachusetts Ave. Cam bridge (617) 225-2555 1 : 12 Eliot Street, 2nd floor Cambridge (617) -497-1497


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1111111111111111111111 BUY ANY SIZE PIZZA AND RECEIVE AN IDENTICAL OR LESSER VALUE Presented By The Office of Student Activities PIZZA FOR I c% c% p2. lj 0 99 I I COUPON CANNOT BE USED ON SPECIAL3,EXPlRES yuv)8 111111111111111111 mrrl r Note: This is the last day of the two day Organization Fair! Make a friend smile. Send a personal. page fourteen THETUFTS DAILY Tuesday, January 27,1998 CL

Interested in Italian Cinema? Personals Take a course about one of the most Seeking Roommate for Love Kids? Need a Job? Clean New and Fun Pizza influentialdirectorsofthecentury! Sign Spring Semester: Just off mendowehave ajobforyou! Parents Nomen's Studies is looking for an and Sub Restaurant up for EXP 57s Federico Felini (Mon. Campus n a Pinch has flecible childcare jobs administrative assistant to organize ieeds drivers and kitchen help to 4-7Tisch310)AttheEx College Office. 5 students (2M11F) looking for fourth n the child's home. Earn $8+/hr! If naterials,..ding. . copying, update postingbulletin boards, flyers, ervice local community. Located at Miner Hall. oommate-preferablyfemale-toshare Iou have at least 2 full davs or B8 Broadway. Stop by or five us a Industrial Radio Nordperfed and htem preferred. oomytwc-f~or4bdrmapton Hillsdale iflemoons starting by 1 pm.. cill Joy :all. Part time help needed WMFO's GoDaM Governed by ;ontact Peggy Barrett at x3184 or Women's Studies ?oad. Hardwood florrs. porch, yard. at 617-739-KIDS nmediately. Electronics proudly presents local Internships luiet neighborhood. $350/month + ~2955. musicatit Battery CageLivetonight. diliities. Call Christopher, Alyson. or Tune into 91.5 FM 10 p.m.-midnight. Interestedin working with a women's lave at (781) 396-2854. "'Spring Break '98 Get Summer Camp Counselor Cool music and giveaways. organization? Take advantage of an internship! Variable credit. For initial Goinglll Free T-shirt and $1000 Jobs information, contact Peggy barren. 2 bdrm apts :ancun. Jamaica, Bahamas, 8 3redtCard fundraisersforfratemities. or the 1998 season at a unique, Women's Center, 55 Talbot Ave., icross from campus in house, porch, rlorida. Group discounts &free drink sororities. and groups. Any campus )restigious coed childrens camp. x3184. nodem baths. + ktchen. hdwd floors, )arties! Sell5andgofree!Booknw!!l xganization can raise up to $1000 by Spectacular. pristine coastal Maine piet. $&50-880/mo. Owner547-9515. JiaslMCIDisdAmex 1-800-234-7007 sarning a whopping $5/Visa ocation, on both fresh water lake and Birthdays Work About Women idp:/lwww.endlesssummertours.com application. Call 1-800-932-0528ext. heocean. Specialistes neededfor30 Deadilne: Jan 30,1998forsubmitting 3 bdrm apts 55. Qualified callers receice FREE T- activities: Trip Leaders, Equestrians, work about women for the student n 3 family house, 2 min to campus, 5hirt. Jhdographers. WSI Swim Instructors. Tia Kaul- forum, analMayconferenceon March arge, sunny, hardwood florrs, W+D. **'Resumes*** 3aseball. Basketball, RffleandSailing Happy Birthdayfrom Capen. We love 27. Call Peggy Barren at x3184 for lorches, parking avail., mod kitchen. Laser Typeset Instructors. Archers, Fencers, you and hope you had fun Sunday more information. and bath, exc cond, $1 125 ($370 per $28.00 - 396-1 I24 Earn $$While Helping Fishermen, Kayakers. Canoeists, light! wson) Owner, no fee 491-7717. rnpressive laser typeset resumes Others Naturalists, Marine Biologists. Rock Sorority Rush 'eaturing computer storage for future REwarding experience helping Climbers, Roller Hockey, Visula, Registered Rushees. Rush begins 3/10 mile from'Carmichael Jpdating. Your choice of typestyles, children or adults with Speical Needs Musical, Dramatic, and MartialArtists Wed, 1/28. Meet inthe Campus Center Hall ncluding bold, italics, bullets, etc. on who live with their families. Flexible Waterskiers, and WindsurfersAc at 7 p.m. Thursday, 1/29 6:30 p.m. in Strathmore paper. Have your cover schedules including days, evenings, mention a few. Interview in Medford , Events .arge 3 bdrm apt, June 1 to May 31, may bearranded. Inquireearly.Salaq the Campus Center GET PSYCHED! nin one year lease. Features natural eners done by us to match your weekends. Work from 2-10 hours per Can't wail to meet you! .esume! One-day service available. 5 week. Salary $&$9 per hour. Call structure commensurate with age woodwork, hardwood floors, tile bath, activity expertise, and experience xbinet kitchen. pantry, and stove, nin. from Tufts (Member of PARW: Kevin at Riverside community Care Ca11978-276-5600. Work in Europe: Juniors! Deadlines1 efrigerator.porch. New furnace, WID Professional Assoc. of Resume (781) 2462003 ext 222. Seniors and graduate students Want to do an internship in Hong n basement, and storage. Non- Miters. Callfor FREE'ResumelCover seeking full-time employment in Knog this summer? Apply for the ,esident on street parking. $950 Letter Guidelines') Also word Wanna made some quick, Europe attend should the MIT Institute for International Leadership Jtiliities not included. 484-1312. processingortyping ofstudent papers, easy money? Office Assistant-Work Study European Club Fair, Wednesday, +Perspective! Deadline 2-2-98. More grad school applications, theses, Be a poll worker for TCU senate Only January28,19989am3pm, Rockwell info + applications available at the Elegantly furnished new 1 multiple letters, tapes transcribed, eledins on We, Feb 4th. Campus Extremely bust academic ofiice or Cage (Building W33). More than 30 CPC + IR department. All majors are bdrm apt laser printing, fax service, etc. Call Center, Carmichael. and DEwichshifts campus is seeking student to provide mmpanies participating. Bring several welcome to apply! Frances at 396-1124. AAA Resume available! Interested? Call Leah 629- general office assistance inchdins copies of your resume. For more n house, full size kitchen with amenities, large backyard with patio, Service. 7322 or Megan 666-5844. phones, mailings, managing traffic detailed information see httD:l/ TCU Senate Elections )ff street parking, easy access to and other responsibilitiesas needed euroclub.mit.edu/career/, or stop by Wantto makesomeextracash?Work aublic transportation. scenic location, Summer Child Care Needed Positionrequiresfamiliaritywith Win95 the Career Planning Center. for the polls Feb 4th. Interested? Call :loseto routes 16860, acrosssstreet "'Typing And Word for one or two schooCage girls 24 environment and Microsoft Office Leah 629-7322 or Megan 666-5844 'rom tennis & volleyball courts. Processing"' dayslwk. full day. End of June or products/ 6 to 10 hours per week for more information. bailable Feb 1st. $750. beginning of July. Swim, go places. $6.80 perhour.Applicantsmustsubmi Meditations 396-1124 resume and schedule to Anne Sauer Student papers, theses, grad school fun. Some schedule flexibility. car Wed, 1-28-98, 12 noon-1 p.m., Hillel Freshman Retreat IODearborn Rd preferable. Reliable, creative ideas InternationalRelations, Cabot 605. Goddard Chapel. The speaker is Joe applications, personal statements, Join us January24-25. Get awayfrom 3 room. 5or6bdrm apt. Near Anderson tape transcription, resumes, graduate/ for activities, references. 391-4913. Fiore. LA'98. The title of his talk is campus and meet more Jewish iall, recently renovated, larde wall to 'Immeresed in Catholicism.' faculty projects, multiple letters, freshmen1 Lots of. food, fun, and Mall carpeted rooms, living room with AMCAS forms. Thorough knowledge Child care needed Database Programmer/ exciting activities. Bring $15 to Tufls much and loveseat. eat in ktchen. of APA, MLA. and Chicago Manuals for 1 112 year old girl. One or two Desktop Publisher-Work Do you love kids? Hille today! Questions? Call x3242. Nilh table and charis. dishwasher and of Style. All documents are laser aflemoonslweek (Wed preferable). Study Only Volunteer your time to work with -efrigerator, 2 full tile baths, partially printed and spell-checked using Pick up at school. Home is near Tufls. Large undergraduate academic homeless childrenor children living in Peace Games is looking for furnished. 617-776-4086. Wordperfect. Reasonable rates. References and car needed. 391- program is seeking student to provide foster homes. PALS nformational Volunteers Quick turnaround. Serving Tufts 4913. support nd ongoing maintenance t( meethg on Weds, Jan 28. 8 p.m. in Volunteers work with students in Spacious Apt students and faculty over 10 yrs. 5 Microsofl Access database as well a: Eaton, Rm 201. grades K-8 around issues of safety, Seeking a male or female roommate min. from Tufls. CALL FRAN at 396- some desktop publishing peace, and conflict. Call us at 628- lo cmplete 3 bdrm apt, starting 611. 1124. (Member of NASS: National Love Children? Responsibilities will includc Do you want to volunteer 5555 or email at living room, dining room, kitchen-ALL Assoc. of Secretarial Services) MA Great part-time job available taking developinglmodifying queries ani over your spring break? [email protected] for an HUGE! fully furnished. W/D. parking, Word Processing. care of our two lively 8 loving boys reports and managingin data, as we1 Come to the mandatory Volunteer application or for more info. off Boston Ave. Call anytime 396- ages 4 and 1 112. Must have as design and development of prin: Vacations meeting. Eaton 134. 6806. experience& references.Flexible part- products in Adobe Pagemaker Tuesday Jan 27.9 p.m. $you can't go, LCS Winter Blood Drive Grad School Applications time hours 10-15 per week. Pay Photoshopllllustrator. Successfu call Stacey623-3730orJen623-6135. Sign up this week to donate blood. 3+5 bdrm Expertly Typed negotiable. Call Barbara 625-5904. applicant shoudl demonstratc Trips are to W. CT. ME. Look for sign-ups in the Campus NearTufls.well kept +newly updated, knowledge in either one (preferabl! (Law, Business, Medical, both) oftheseareas.and considerablc Center, Dewick. and Carmichael. or wld. off street parking, storage and etc.) call LCS office at x3643. Blood drive mroe. Subletting OK, available June Tufts family seeks knowlegeofPCsandWin95.Averagc LCS Winter Blood Drive dates are 2/2.2/3. and Z4. 1. Call Tom 781-721-9814. '"396-1 124"' of 5 hrslwk; schedule very flexible Are yourgrad school applications piled experience sitter $10/hr. Applicants must submi Make an appointment to donate blood for occasional child care for our 7- today in the Campus Center, Careers W/ A Focus On Furnished Apts high on yourdesk? Are youwondering resume to Anne Sauer. lntemationa how you're going to ft year-old-boy.860-0915. Car needed. Call 781- Carmichael. and Dewick. Blood drive Available June 1, bdrms. near all your info in Relations, Cabot 605. Children -Career Panel 3 those tiny little spaces? Are you dates are Z2. 2/3,and 214. February 2. 1998 @ 6:OO pm in the campus, furnished, porches, washer/ dryer. quietneghborhood.$1200/mo. concerned where you'll find the time ArlingtonlMedfordline Large Conference Room in the to do it all before the deadlines? Is Easy $100 Interested in the Middle Please cal Ed at (781) 395-3204. Housemate Campus Center. Sponsored by the your PersonalStatement and Resume Do you live in a four person apt close East? Career Planning Center. to campus that will be available next Large bdrm. dishwasher, washin! professionally typeset and laser machine, dryer, off street parking, Cat Apply theories of conflict and conflict Juniors looking for houseing printed on high-quality paper in a yeaf? If so, call Swn x1340 or email resolution to the relationship in the (5-6 people) sroehm~emerald.tufts.edu.lfwe sign live here. $600. Couple $801 typestyle that's attractive? No need to (617)483-8702. Middle East! Sign up for EXP 62s for summer '98 through Spring '991 Is fret - CALL FRAN at 396-1124. a the lease we'll give you $100 cash Conflict and Conflict Resolution your house available? do you know that day. For Sale specialist in making yourapplications. Give the Gift of Life to Between Israel and the Arab World one that is? Call Anjalixl139or Reem personal statement, and resume as (Mon. 530-8:30 Bromfield-Pearson xl146 appealing as possible. Fun Instructors Infertile Woman 03) At the Ex College Office, Miner needed to present science activities Donate your eggs and receivc Hall. Printer for sale Condo for Sale 'Special' Broadway for kids at schools 8 parties. Need car generous compensations.The Fertilit Canon bubble jet 240. Colodblack Center of N.E. in Reading, MA i North End, sunny, modem top 4th Drycleaning and experience with kids. Training Poli Sci? I.R.? Interested in andwhiteprinting360dpi. barelyused. floor, 650 sq feet. One bdrm + guest provided. Part time pay $20-$2511 seekingeggsfrom women 21 -29year: all software and cables still there. $80 736 Broadway,Somerville. wash-dry- old. Please contact Kerri at (781)942 Africa? room. Low utility and condo fees. fold $.50/pound. Let us do your hour program. Call Mad Science: 617- Take a course examining the or best offer. Dave x1974 or 1-888- Exceptional unit in quiet biolding. 484-6006. 7000 ext. 649 reference M21. 975-9822 (pager). laundry! Callanylime625-7530. Open representation of Africa and African Loads of new features! $169K! owner six days a week. culture by the West! Sign up for EXP 367-6091. Tutors Wanted Summer Counselors 64s Africa, Popular Culture and K2 Fattys Truck Skates. The BELL Foundation is recruiting Outstanding 8 week girls' camp i. International Relations (Wed, 6:30- Built in grind pane and two sets of outstanding college and graduate Maine needs female and mall 9:30 East 016) At the Ex College wheels. Used lessthan 5x.Onlyasking MEDFORD BED AND students to work as paid tutors in our instructorsintennis.swim, land sports Office. Miner Hall $250. Call Brian@ 628-7366. BREAKFAST Wanted afler-school program. If you want to all arts. gymnastics, water sports -Elegant warm and homey help Black children excel, contact us office. groupleaders. and more. Trip1 Melting Pot or Salad Bowl? Hewlett Packard Mod -About a mile from rampus at 868-1000 ext. 220. Lake Camp. Poland Me. Call 800 Explore the implications of culture on 870CSE color printer -Close to #94 bus route JCC Jacob and Rose 997-4347 or 888-617-747' family relationships!Sign up for EXP Used only three weeks and in perfect -Private full bath & breakfast. Grossman Day Camp Work at Tufts This Summer www.tripplakecamp.com 33s FamiliesinCultural Context(Tues cond. Works with Mac and IBM. Paid $85/night ($10 SJrCharge for 1 night Of the Jewish Community Centers of Gain valuable career experience at 8 Thurs. 4-5:30 Aidekman 9) At the $449, selling for $300. only.) $395-$425/wk. Call Bill or Linda Greater Boston, Westwood. MA. the Conference Bureau and work in a Actors Needed for Film Ex College Office. Miner Hall. at 396-0983. Summer positions available: professional environment with your Lookingforactors+actressesfora31 1989 Ford Tempo II I K Miles Administrative staff, special needs peers! Information sessions Monday minute student film. Experienci prefeerred, but not mandatory.Castin! Interested in Public Policy Gray, great in the snow (front wheel counselors, senior counselors, Feb 2nd at 11:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. in and Disability? drive), AC. stereo, asking $2,200or waterfront staff. Specialists in the Barnum 104. starts 1130. Film will be shown oi . Take a course with a lawyer who best offer. Call (617) 666-2752. Services following areas: Campcrafl. dance, TUTV! If interestedcall Dave Perry a representsindividualswith disabilities! drama, fishing, gymnastics, jewelry Childcare Helper Wanted 628-0037. Sign up for EXP 385 Disability and Single Bed making, nature, photography, sports. $lO/hr. 5-10 hrs per week, as your Public Policy (Wed, 6-9 Olin 113) At Brand new frame 8 new mattress, wrestling. Please call: Stu Silverman scheduleallows. ACambridgecouple Attention Juniors! the Ex College Office. Miner Hall. asking $150. Call 625-5839. Best Hotels, Lowest Prices. or Leslie Zide, 617-244-5124. is looking for help with their two year Senior Week Coordinates wanted All Spring Break Locations. Florida, old son. Weekdays only, no Earn $1,000 to help run Senior Week Can't Think Straight? Cancun. etc. from $89. register you housework included, no car 5 hours a week organizing events fo Trouble with Decisions? group or be our Campus Rep. Inter- necessary. References required. For Seniorweek. Stay during Seniorweel campus programs 800-327-6013. Please Help Us! and coordinate volunteers Take a murse guaranteed to make We've been trying for many years lo more information, please contact youthinkstraight. orat least showyou www.icpt.com Lewis and Anne Kean. 146 Lexington Applications available in the Office o Rides have a baby. We are in search of a Student Activities. how. Sign up for EXP 22s How to woman between the ages of 21-33 Ave (between Brattle St abd huron Think Straight (Tues 8 Thurs, 4-530 Earn $750-$1500Mleek years of age to donate her eggs Ave) Cambridge, 617-492-0094. Aidekman 13) At the Ex CollegeOffice. Raise all the money yourstudent group (oocytes) to help make our dream Miner Hall. Need a Ride to lthaca New needs by sponsoring a VISA come true.Generous financial Webmasters needed $15/hr Sat Tutors needed in York. Fundraiser on your campus. No compensation is offered for your time necessarilyMust have ansome expert. experience. CGI scripting not a all parts of MA Remember When ... Will pay toll. gas, meal, etc. Call investment 8 very little time needed. and effort. If you can help, please call Flexible hours, need car. Sat Scorc Fascinated by Memory? Reiko @ x1936. There's no obligation, so why not call Lisa at 617-942-7000. EXT 649, Ref# plus. For local on-line magazine-type 1300+. Min availthroughMay.Collegt for information today. call 1-800-323- Take a course investigating the BPR. web site about Somerville. Also need student or graduate or others. Call 11 8454 x 95. creation and expression of memory. writerslreviewers. Call 629-9322. a.m.-noon M-F, 781-239-1337orappb Sign up for EXP 23s Memory: Fact or Fun Instructors at www.mytutor.com/jobs Fiction(Wed, 4-7 Braker 20) At the Ex Housing Need A Haircut? Needed to present activities for kids Babysitter Needed for Infant College Office, Miner Hall. This is your last semester to at schools and parties. Need car and Girl experience Tufts best and only experience with kids. Training Near Davis Sq. 6-8 hoursheek, or Belmont-responsibleperson iairdresser. Fora professionalcut,at provided. PIT. Pay:$20-25/1 hr. occasional eveningslafternoons. Environmental Studies? Pre- 12A Ware Street, Available need for after school law? Poli Sci? 3 college price. call Jesine ~8564. program. Call Mad Science: 617-484- Experience with babies required. $81 supervision of two children Take a course exploring the current June I 6006. hr 629-2549 email 3 and 12 TWTh. p.m.. $lO/hr. 1950, 5-6 bdrms. totally modem with 3-6 issues of environmental laws and Spring Break [email protected]. )rivets license required. Call 617- completely remodeled attic! Large regulations. Sign up for EXP 155 Cancun and Nassau from $399. Air, Infertile Couple Seeks Egg 189-2652 evenings or email dining room, dishwasher and disposal, Environmental Law (Tues 8 Thurs. 4- iotel. transfers, parties. and more! We Want You! Now! [email protected] washerldryer basement.Huge bdrms, 3rganizesmallgroupearn FREE trips Donor 530 Olin 002) Atthe Ex College Office. Please help make our dreams for a Are you a work-study student looking awesome place. great location, won't plus commissions! Call 1-800- Miner Hall. family come true. $3,000 for a part time Office Positition? We last! Call Millennium Properties Inc. SPRINGBREAK. 1-800-777-4642. WANT you to call Beverly x3563 or 617-527-5989. compensation for yourtime. lfyou are Love the "Funnies" Comics, a woman 21 to 34 educated, healthy come by our office Comparative & or Cartoons? and caring, please call Kerri @ (781) Religion, Miner Hall. Room 14. Lost 50 Winthrop St, Available '"Act Now! Last Chance to 942-7000 ext. 649 ref # 8449 Discover the origin of the comic strip June I and the power of pictoral narratives! reserve your spot for Spring Sign up for EXP 27s Comics, $1275, 3 bdrms. steps from campus. Break Egg Donor Needed Office Assistant Needed Found Cchmunications 8 Collaboration brand new, ultra modern and yes. Group discounts for 6 or more. Call Help an infertilecouple'sdreamcome to work Tuesdays 1230-5 and (Mon.4-7Braker20)AttheExColleqe wisked pissa! All new kitchen and Leisure Tours fro South Padre. true! If you're 21-30 years and willing Thursdays 9-1. Suggested hourly Office, Miner Hall. bathroom. beautiful shiny hardweed Canwn. Hamaica.andFlorida. 1-800- lo help, please call OPTIONS at 1- rated? $6. Please contact Laurence I lost a Jacket floors, one ofthefinest aptsavailable. B38-8203/ www.leisuretours.com 80&88€-9373. Compensation $3.000. at the ARC at x3724. at the last DTD Semi-Formal. if you Call todav. Millenium ProDerties Inc. 'ound it PLEASE call Marc at ~1134. 617-527-5989. All TuRs students must submit classifieds in person, prepaid with cash or check. P assifieds must be submined by 3 p.in the day before publication. Classifieds may also be bought at the Information Booth at the Campus Center. All classifieds submined by mail i must be accomoanied bv a check. Classifieds mav not be submined over the uhone. h :s and Lost & Founds are free and wn on Tuesdays and Thursdays only. Notices are limited io two per week per organization and run space permitting Notices must be wrinen I on Daily formsand submined in person. Notices ¬ be used to sell merchadise or a tise major events. The Tufts Daily is notliablefor any damages due to typographical errors or misprintings except the cost of the insertion, which is fully refundable. We reserve I the right to refuse to print any ilassifieds which contain obscenity, are of an overtly sexual nature, or are used expressly to denigrate a person or group. Psst. Down here. Make your friends and loved ones happy by sending them a personal. Because nothing says you care like a few bucks t Tuesday, January 27,1998 THETUFTS DAILY page fifteen 7 Doonesbury by Garry Trudeai Around Campus Today

Tufts Council on International LCS Affairs (TCIA) LCS Hospital's Program Meeting. HNMUN Prep Meeting. Eaton 201,9 p.m. Eaton 202,6-8 p.m. LCS Tutoring Spirit of Color Performing Arts Tutoring Information Meeting. Troupe Eaton 20 1, 8 p.m. General Interest Meeting (all FoxTrot by Bill Amenc welcome). Programs Abroad Barnum 104,9:30 p.m. Biology Tufts-in-London Meeting. Barnum 114,4 p.m. Hillel General Interest Meeting. Hillel, 7:30 p.m. Tomorrow

Tufts Friends of Israel Hispanic American Society Meeting. First General Meeting. Hillel Center, 9:30 pm. Eaton 202

Tufts Democrats Vision of Tibet General Meeting. General Meeting. Large Conference Room, Campus Eaton 7:30 p.m. Center, 7:30 p.m. University Chaplaincy lilbert by Scott Ad lams Hillel MEDITATIONS: A TIME FOR - THE SPIRIT "Immersed OEPUM OF COMMON SENSE Interfaith Dating Discussion Group. in 1 I YOU SCHEDULE0 A NO, LOOK AT THE. Hillel Center, 9 p.m. Catholicism" SPEAKER: Joe Fiore, AGENDA! THE FOURTH LA'98. TO FIND OUT OHY Japanese Culture Club Goddard Chapel, 12 noon-I p.m. ABOUT WHY MORALE New Year's Celebration on 1/29. SCHEDULE ! Eaton 208,9:30 p.m. Cancer Outreach Info Session. Zamboni Eaton 333,9-9:30 p.m. General Meeting. Eaton 133,9 p.m. Programs Abroad I Engineering Tufts-in-London Filipino Cultural Society Meeting. Meeting on Spring Semester Events. Burden Lounge, Anderson, 4 p.m. don Sequitur by Wiley Eaton 208,9:30 p.m. Habitat for Humanity tB 4sian Christian Fellowship General Interest Meeting. Seneral Meeting-All Are Welcome. Eaton 20 1, 9 p.m. Barnum 1 14,7:30 p.m. Start House, Chinese Culture UNICEF-a LCS program Club, & Asian American Center 3eneral Interest Meeting. Chinese New Year Celebration. Eaton 333,9:30 pm. Start House, 4:30-6 p.m. see AROUND, page 2 Weather ReDort vlother Goose & Grimm by Mike Peters TODAY TOMORROW Q*** Partly cloudy Snow showers High: 37; Low: 30 High: 38; Low: 29 The Daily Commuter Crossword ncnoss 1 Garlic sliiinip 7 Want 10 Earnest rrqurst Dinner Menus I4 I.llICllalld swerve F THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME 15 liy to wiii over 11DrnU@by Had Amold and Mike *r(llrlor DEWICK- IF Pip-squeak nscraiblethese four Jumbles, CARMICHAEL 17 Positiori ie letter lo each square, lo form MACPHIE prol'elly ur ordinew words. 10 Aussie bird 19 llinretoie Cream of tomato Beefbarley soup 20 Vuliierabililies 22 Werlye for soup Mexican lasagna slopping 23 Aclor Wallach Summer squash * Meatballs in 21 c;o "I1 26 Be~ped Oriental Vegetables sauce 30 railway moislure 33 Assi+lants Chicken rosarita wl Szechuan stir fry 34 Actor 0alrlwiri 35 City in SW AN UNEXPECTED fettucini veggies Spairi PIT STOP CAN 37 Verne's captain BECOME THIS. I Thai style chicken Roast turkey with 38 "C0111111011 Sense" writer I 39 Now Jersey Now arrange the circled letters lo legs gravy train 4 Easily imposed form the surprise answer, as sug 43 .lab Iry 1111011 Mexican bean stew * gested by the above cartoon. Philly steak siiiliiisp 5 Wiiitr t'entiuiii Print answer hem : 45 Is Illlilblc 6 AmmKashi pilaf sandwich 46 nrcolor iiiariufacturers (Answers tomorrow) 19 W.C.'s partner 7 DulrlbfourldS * * 50 -1iivial 8 Stadium root sterday2s Jumbles: FLAME WHEEL ENSIGN MEASLY Sweet and sour Whipped pota- I Ilp 9 "Semper Answer: What he made when he assumed an alias - 51 Gets Fidrilis" A NAME FOR HIMSELF lentil pasta toes wl gravy 53 Caspian 55 Uiiruly clrild cnniposer 56 Game iierrlirig 10 Foresight Vegetable pasta - Nonfat orange oiily stiiiiy it Moved fiirlivcly 63 Suninioiied. 12 Locomotive - Mixed berry crisp cake old-style 13 111 a dispute 64 Exist 21 tiarid gun 65 Pop iii filrn 25 Aclor Mirieo Quote of the Day 66 News piece 26 Scatliitig review 67 Guys 27 Beer choice 68 Annulled 28 Jewel CII ,#.IIIF *"."w.i .. 69 t luff and Jaffe 29 tlabilats "No great advance has ever been made in science, politics, or religion 70 Dads 31 Madonna role 44 Goll course 52 Rascal 71 Pollen-tx?aririg 32 Waiting for a In~lulld 54 Beige shades without controversy.'' nrgati first victoiy 46 Jrwisli 57 Vicinity 35 tinaltll resort scholars 50 Sawbucks DOWN 36 Actor Majors 47 Listed mistakes 59 "M'A'S'H" star -Lyman Beecher t Flal hntloinrd 40 lkvorir 40 nopi GO lragic fale Iioat 41 I: lulllcr llea!lt>and B I Bowling alley 2 Mind statiori 50 Allowance 62 GenesisGarden in Late Night at the Daily 3 Opera sony 42 Pigpen providet Tuesday, January 27,1998 page sixteen THETUFTS DAILY


it I U Thursday Friday Saturday/ Sunday 2PIIC and Film Series proudly present Friday night films are one show only in Every Saturday and Sunday (anc he Movement and Motion Picture Film Barnum 008 at 9:30 pm. Monday when we have holidays) show: ;cries. Five films this semester in Barnum ue at 7:OO and 9:30 pm in Barnum 008 108 at 8:OO pm. EPIIC films are free. lanuary 29th January 30th lanuary Slst, February 1st Ulysees’ Gaze Kiss the Girls Bean 3ean is a caretaker at Britain’s Royal Nation; iGreek filmmaker, returning to his home after 35 years Washington DC detective Dr. Alex Cross (Morgar 4 self-imposed exile in the United States, begins a Freeman) travels to North Carolina to investigate thf 3allery. His bosses want to fire him because hi uest for historic footage in the shifting borders of the apparent kidnapping of his niece (Gina Ravera). Aidec sleeps at work, but they can’t because the chairmai lalkans. by escaped kidnapee Kate McTiernan (Ashley Judd) ifthe gallery’s board defends him. They send hir Cross hunts down the kidnapper, who operates unde :o a small Los Angeles art gallery instead, wherl the pseudonym “Cassanova”. ie’ll have to officiate at the opening of the greate: JS painting ever (called “Whistler’s Mother”). ’ebruary 5th February 6th February 7th, 8th Lone Star The Day of the Jackal Jackal :ultures collide in the American Southwest as Latinos It is the early 60s in France. The remaining survivors o Bruce Willis stars as “The Jackal” - an internationz truggle to change the school curriculum to reflect their the aborted French Foreign Legion have made repeata hitman, hired by the Russian mob to assassinatc ulture and history as well. At the same time, the attempts to kill DeGaulle, the most closely guardec the First Lady. FBI Special Agent Carter Presto1 won sheriff uncovers a 30-year old murder. man in the world. They hire The Jackal, who agrees tc (Sidney Poitier) and Russian cop Valentina KOSlOVi

‘ebruary 25th Tebruary 27th ?ebruary 28th, March 1st Psycho GATTACA I Know What You Did Last Sum- hoenix office worker Marion Crane has to meet her 3attaca Corp. is an aerospace firm in the future. Durinc mer ver Sam in lunch breaks and they cannot get married his time society analyzes your DNA and determines jdaptation of Lois Duncan’s thriller about fou ?cause Sam has to give most of his money away in vhere you belong in life. Ethan Hawke’s character was eenagers trying to cover up a hit-and-run. Low imony. Marion is trusted to bank $40,000 by her )ornwith a congenital heart condition which would casi iewitt plays Julie, a high school senior who goe! nployer. She leaves town and heads towards Sam’s tim out of getting a chance to travel in space. So ir rip with her friends and accidently hits a fisherman alifornia store. Caught in a storm, she gets off the urn he assumes the identity of an athlete who has rhey think he is dead and dump him into the waters lain highway and pulls into The Bates Motel, managed lenes that would allow him to achieve his dream oi 3ut later they get a strange letter that says “I knov a quiet young man called Norman who seems to be ;pace travel. vhat you did last summer.” iminated by his mother. Iarch 4th vlarch 6th March 7th, 8th Born on the Fourth of July Natural Born Killers U-Turn lebiography of Ron Kovic. Paralyzed in the Vietnam -he misadventures of Mickey and Mallory: outcasts, Nhen Bobby’s car breaks down in the desertwhile ar, he becomes an anti-war and pro-human rights ivers, and serial killers. They travel across Route 666 In the run from bookies who have already taker ilitical activist after feeling betrayed by the country ionducting psychedelic mass-slaughters not for money, woof his fingers, he becomes trapped in the nearb) ?fought for. lot for revenge, just for kicks. Glorified by the media, ;mall town where the people are stranger thar ne pair become legendary folk heroes; their story tolc’ anyone he’s encountered. After becoming involve( iy the single person they leave alive at the scene o Nith a (unbeknownstto him) young married woman ?achof their slaughters. her husband hires Bobby to kill her. Later, she hire! Bobby to kill the husband.