-- THETu DAILYVolume XXXVI, Number 6 [Where You Read It First Tuesday, Januarys 27,1998 Men’s group Se to explain Link’s new set to tackle rates in response to students by ANDREW FREEDMAN Schnirman summarizedthe feelings of non-violence Daily Editorial Board many senators when he said, “I don’t GyDAMDPUJVIOSE After voting 26- 1 last week to ap- know; I am just confused.” Daily Editorial Board prove the new CampusLink rate Freshman senator Neil Farbman, Asthe YearofNon-Violence commences, onegroup changes, at this Sunday’s meeting the who was the only senator to vote of TuAs students is working together to increase the Tufts Community Union Senate heard against the new rate structure, echoed peace. complaints about the changes from Schnirman’ssentiments. “Everyone is The recently-formedTufb Men Against Violence students and vowed to take action to basically confused about this.” held a general interest meeting yesterday to recruit clear up students’ confusion about “If you did not completely under- members and promote their cause, the issue. stand it, how could you possibly have Accordmg to groupmember Hal Ersner-Hershfield, The senate passed a motion to con- voted on it?” Harris asked. Tufts Men Against Violence desires to tell the commu- struct a detailed CampusLink certified “I understood it last week when I nity that there are many men outside their group who chart explaining the new rates. The had the task force report right in front actively advocate non-vioIence. senate also will hold information ses- of me. I will admit it is a complicated Tufts Men Against Violence was founded by sions both uphill and downhill in the policy,” Senator David Rosenberg Armand Mickune-Santos, the Director ofAlcohol and near future to clear up any questions said. Health Education. that people may have about the new One student addressing the senate In May of last year, Mikune-Santos attended a developments. during open forum said she needs A group of students brought up more information before signing the conference hosted by the American College Health Senator Brooke JamisonDaily file photo Association. He said he developed the idea to create the CampusLink issue during open form that was mailed to students last the organization at Tufts after seeing a presentation by forum. Larry Harris, asophomore RA, week. “Before I sign something I need representatives of Louisiana State Universiy (LSU), spoke harshly ofthe new rates. “Why clarity. Ifyou do not understand it, you one working from the same figures,” and he wanted to model Tufts Men Against Violence didn’t the task force take into concern do not sign,” she said. Jamison said. after LSU’s group. the possibility that people may not Senate President Omar Mattox Senator Brett Kitt said he needs Santos said he leads workshops that relate to vio- have the money to pay? The majority added, “There needs to be some kind more information before he can give lence prevention during orientationfor incoming fjresh- shouldnever be able to impose its will ofawareness around campus. There is the rates his full endorsement.“I don’t men. Also, he facilitates other workshops to train RAs. upon theminority. This isdisgusting... a lot ofconfusion. We need to come up feel comfortable going through with Santos added, however, that these workshops were not it is insensitive and bad business,” with some ways to make people under- the endorsement unless I understand enough. Due to the rash of violent incidents at the Harris said. stand what they are getting into. This it,” he said. University over the last few semesters, something had Responding to Harris’ comment, needs to happen quickly.” Freshman Senator Brian Cathcart to be done to increase the peace, Santos said. Senate Treasurer and task force mem- Speaking about the motion to cre- inquired about the possibility of de- Although elections have not yet been held for ber Josh Goldenberg said, “I don’t ate a chart and hold information ses- laying the rate changes or even alter- officers of Tufts Men Against Violence, a number of remember talking about people who sions about the new rates, Senate His- ing them, a process that would possi- students have stepped into leadership roles. The may not be able to pay.” torian Brooke Jamison said, “The com- bly involve a student vote. group co-coordinators are Ersner-Hershfield and Goldenberg complained that the munity needs to understand that we “Students are not making adminis- Cedric Dhue. Zev Schwnan is currently acting as the customer service of CampusLink has are still working on this.” trative decisions. We are giving in- group’s programming coordinator. been lacking. “Theservicepeopledon’t Senator Stacey Bran supported the put,” Goldenberg said. A group whirh promotes non-violence has been necessarily know what is going on,” infomation sessions.“I defiritelythink “A lot of the decisions of the Uni- overdue at the University, Santos said. Getting male he said. Goldenberg phis to speak to that we need to address this issue. A versity are determined to be decisions students to sit and address issues of violence is a step CampusLink CEOJoe Golden andoth- lot of this is coming down on the of the senate. There has been a lot of in the right direction, he added. ers to improve the service quickly. senators. The decision was kind of doubletalk. We need to do some num- “We want to make a name for ourselves before we Students and senators alike ex- hasty. An information session is defi- bercrunchingthis week,”Mattox said. hold elections... we don’thaveenoughpeopleyet.We pressed their confusion about the new nitely something we need to pursue,” Other issues were discussed at the are committed to meet every week,” Schuman said. rate structure. she said. meeting as well. According to Ersner, yesterday’smeeting was very “I would like to know what we have “I voted last week on numbers that Schnirman spoke about develop- productive. He added that one of the reasons that he to pay and why the rates are higher,” seemed extremely solid. A lot of the ments with the Fraternal Insurance and some of the other students we in the group is the Harris said. problems are coming up from people Providers Group (FIPG), which recom- The senate discussion got bogged who are confused. This may be mis- mended last semester that fraternities down as many figures were thrown communication andnothingmore. The about. Senate Vice President Jack first order ofbusiness is to have every- see SENATE, page 2 r vati ta by LXSACtESUELE general reading section. This read- that “lake up iess space, but hold Senior Staff Writer ing area will inciude chairs and mors books. in response ICcomplairis tables tc enable students and fac- Ti?:: improvements will not be about the difficulty of locating 2nd ulty to use the bookstore for plea- limited t:: the bookstore, however. purchasing books each semester, sure reading. jumbo Zcoops and Jumbo Ex- the Tufrs University 3ookstore Lee regards the creation of press, both located in the same will undergo a major renovaiion this reading area as one of the building as the bookstore, are also this spring, its first since construc- project’s main goals. “Another scheduled to be remodeled. tion 11 years ago. main objective of this aspect of The two stores will be com- “The objective is to make the the renovations is to get the fac- bined, -;;:miding more room for bookstore amore enjoyable shop- ulty toutilize the bookstore more both to opcrate. While the book- ping experience and more efficient often and for longer periods of store will remain open during its too,” said Director of Dining Ser- time,” she said. renovations, both of these stores vices Patti Lee. While the clothing area will w i 1I be closed for an undetermined “The remodeling should be- generally remain the same, number ofweeks. Daily file photo gin in the middle of February and bookracks, carpets, and lighting Barnes and Noble Booksellers The TuftsUniversity bookstore (picture above), and Jumbo Ex- end around the time of spring fixtures are all scheduled to be are assuming full financial respon- press (pictured below) will both undergo renovations during break, for we didn’t want to have replacedand modernized with the sibility fcr the remodeling of all the Spring semester. negative impact on the buying primary goal of creating a more three estabiishments, in accor- Dailv file ohoto and returning of books at the aesthetically pleasing atmo- dance with their contract with the beginning and end of the semes- sphere. University. Lee hopes that the ter,” she said. The plans for lower-level re- chain’s influence and support will To reach this goal, the first of modeling, where course books “give a real bookstore quaIity” the renovations will involve the are shelved, involve eliminating that is currently lacking in the store, first floor ofthe store. The check- one of the two storerooms cur- and that it will “give a more pleas- out areas will be consolidated and rently in use to make room for ing appearance to both students moved closer to the front of the more shelf space. and faculty.” store. “The one storage room will Bookstore employee John In an effort to shorten the long have to be reorganized,” Lee said, MacKenzie, the Assistant Text lines that usuaZly accompany the “but it will mean more books Manzger at the bookstore, voiced fall and spring msh for books, readily available to the students his full supportforthe remodeling. more checkout stations will be cre- on the shelves instead of in an “We haveaioecftroublefittingall !ed. In addition, the snack area inaccessible storeroom.” The the booksandmakingroom. More will be moved towards the front of lower-level shelves are also set to shelf space is exactly what we the store to make room fora larger be replaced by more modem sets need,” he said.
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