WA/DM/85/14 Geological Notes And
Geological notes and local detailsfor Sheet NZ 27 Cramlington, Killingworth and Wide Open (SI3 Northunberland) NaturalEnvironment Research Council BRITISH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Geological notes and local details for Sheet NZ 27 Cramlington, Killingworth and Wide Open (SE Northunberland) Part of 1:50,000Sheets 14 (Plorpeth)and 15 (Tynenouth) I. Jackson, D.J.D. Lawrenceand D.V. Frost Bibliographicreference: JACKSON, I., UMRENCE, D.J.D. and FROST, D.V. 1985. Geologicalnotes and local details for Sheet NZ 27 (Cramlington,Killingworth and Wide Open) (Ne-Jcastle uponTyne: BritishGeological Survey) Authors: I. Jackson, BSc, D.J.D. Lawrence, BSc, and D.V. Frost, BSc, PhD BritishGeological Survey, Windsor Court, Windsor Terrace, Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 4HE \ Productionof this report was supported by theDepartment of theEnvironment, butthe views expressed in it arenot necessarily those of the Departnent. Crown copyright1985 BRITISH GEOLOGICALSURVEY, NEYCASTLE 1985 2 The geology, mineral resources and geotechnical problems of the Cramlington - Killingworth - Wide Open area (SheetNZ 27) are described. Lower and Middle .. - .- . .- - Coal Heasures (Westphalian A, B and .C), -of 'fluvial and deltaicfacies, are 650m thick, with 14 workable coals. Devensian glacial sediments up to 5Om thick conceal the Coal Measures which are well known through numerous shafts, bores and mines. Coal has been mined extensively, but resources remain which could be worked opencast. Geotechnical problems result from subsidenceover shallow coal workings and shafts, many of which are inadequately documented. Weak clays and silts in the glacialsequence may also cause foundation problems . 3 PREFACE Thisaccount describes the geology of 1:25,000 sheet NZ 27 which lies within 1:50,000 geologicalsheets 14 (Xorpeth) and 15 (Tynemouth).
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