PDF of February 1977 Issue
""'~~.~:~->"';:~,.~~:;"'~~'-..!<:;,~<':~:;~,:.;~J: v:::~\1;'~';;~.:.;".,-=:, :;~";;:, ""',;:."" "~',' i"~";'-':~''''':'''~~--~'~''''' "',~,~,~.~_',?/-,.~~~,':;;~\~~'~-:~':"'" .~i~>· "!io•••••• ~:.-. :...<~ .;."- ~ ,'~"',,--.''','''''• .~~; .....: '.' .', .<"'i:;; . .,.··.~~.o,.-:._ ·'1~""""'; .":"_" .•. ". '" '. "";./~',":Twer'lty=threerC:rA woinenJlave been perform-lng ashiqh-stvle fashion ,"ie'cently .. and doing a very .professional job of it. ,,'" ~ " ~s..\, ,~hx reason? To ~d~.scenic effect, <?harn:',·and C:TA; iden~ific~tion.t~ an. rial feature on the new Wolf Point Apparel Center which wllJ"appeaT In the' ~~~~;;'"ifj~~ 1977. issue of the CTA'Quil,rter,ly. ' ,', ' " . ' -e. ,:' :"",:,~,~":,.,,,:.,The" new Apparel Cet'!tl'lr addition to the lIIIerc;hilndise:lViar~-cornplex rl),akes" • , "," this 'CTA destination .even .busier and create~" increased ridership bY,;both local: ," ,'. .peopleand thousandsof eut-of-tolivn,v,isitg.rs, ' " , " :. _', ': <~~~~io;Qi~~;i;;;'~c"~ GTA provides excellent service to tJie;lIJIart ,Cen,ter withthe.recent No, 1 ' W'l\ter, Jowe'r Express ~topp.ing'at Jhe,Ai:lp,arel Ce",y:ir itself "im't(c,onnecting , 'the'fasnionable retail shops and .hotels :6n North ,Michi\iiih'py~n,ue and (, ;. railroad-stations =- and with the Na:,ll!19 Stateliner coonectlng' ~Ile Mart .with the Loopand 'southwa~d loca't~o:,iJs:,:" " .,;;':,'~,;':/::;: ' ',;,' -/' The Apparel,CeritElt;"Wi,th 1,000 rooms on 13 floors, ,15.thus a Iqgical"'s).i for <I du-~teriy article:' ,,.' ;. ,', ,,' ", ';~' " ,,""'-.., :'~,; For women-readers' especially, the display of' fash ions from the, A ~";'-_i,first' market heigh-tened 'Interest -- and the "neiqhbor girls" from: " :~:',;iphotogr~phed wearing' ~,he':clothing in fashi~n maqazine ,technique' and ",.,'-. , DORIS WINFREY _!31.:purch~Sin9 clerk; did, a high ju'mp"at :the nhn+''''';'''"I,. ,<;,;,~,_""",__ "",,,;:'O'I er's suggestion to show 'off, 'an emerald green' French luxury suede, The pants are accented with' side slit pockets and a zippered rtv-tront.
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